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8538673 No.8538673 [Reply] [Original]

>the controls are fluid, your main attack has more utility, and there are less cheap deaths, so it's mediocre
I never understood the autism against this game by some hardcore Castlevania fans, and I say this as someone that's completed most Castlevania games released prior to 1999. Sure it's easier than the other games, but the whip and new jumping controls feel awesome. The level design stays inventive and fresh even with the previous games in mind, and the graphics and sound are among the best in the entire series. Super Castlevania IV kicks ass.

>> No.8538679

Do you live in some twilight dimension? I've never heard anyone shit on this game. I like it. It's fun. I think it's better than the mega drive one, but they're both great. I dunno if I could even pick a favorite CV.

>> No.8538693 [DELETED] 

>it's good because... you can kill shit effortlessly and you don't have to commit to your jumps
Super Castlevania Sisters never fail to amuse me.

>> No.8538696

It could have been a little shorter, a little faster, a little more challenging.

>> No.8538707

It’s got atmosphere, but it’s slow and kinda dull

>> No.8538708

Castlevania fans having such divisiveness over the 16-bit era will never fail to confuse. IMO Castlevania was at its very best from 1991-1995.

>> No.8538710
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>It's better than Bloodlines

>> No.8538716

FM synthesis is fucking gay.

>> No.8538717

Bloodlines doesn't even feel like a Castlevania game most of the time.

>> No.8538720

honestly castlevania was always pretty fucking shit so that's a good thing in my book

>> No.8538745
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>FM synthesis is fucking gay.
You can not be on this board and say such things.

>> No.8538750

Sample-based synthesis or bust, ho

>> No.8538759

I agree the controls are awesome and feel great, but the level design feels like a huge step down from the NES games in my opinion. Enemies didn’t really seem like they were placed with much thought as to how they work with each other and the level around them, and it felt like they didn’t really take advantage of the directional whip very well outside of swinging on it or whacking a few candles above you. My entire play through I just felt like I was going through the motions and not really having to think at all.
Still a good game, but to me it’s massive wasted potential.

>> No.8538760

Give it that tin-can reverb so it doesn’t sound as muffled. Except it still does.

>> No.8538807

It’s fine. Great even. It’s just a little bland and bleak for my tastes. Everything is just murky brown and grey, the soundtrack isn’t the best with the SNES sound chip and Simon’s sprite is ridiculously big. It’s still a very very good game but I just don’t really like replaying it most of the time unless I’m really really itching for some castlevania. I’d pick Bloodlines and Rondo over it anyday (not Dracula X though)

>> No.8538819

It was alright, difficulty was a bit soft and the visuals were somewhat subpar by konami's 16 bit standards, I wouldn't have too much problem with it fucking with the series control scheme if it had been able to make up the difficulty elsewhere.

>> No.8538834 [DELETED] 

>another Shitvania thread
Fuck off you are not special or hardcore for playing this series.

>> No.8538839

Because the Castlevania fandom is made up almost entirely of shitters who insist on propping up their game while shitting on yours, that's why. They could have literally nothing to work with and they'll still do it.
You'd probably be in for a rude awakening if serious, IV is probably the whipping boy of the older 16-bit games. Except for >>8538759, those are actually decent points, especially the part about the enemies. A pity, the game actually does do a lot of putting enemies in the way that you would need to whip upwards to get through without being hit, but since they're programmed like it's still the NES days, it's rather bleh, you know?

>Everything is just murky brown and grey
Now this I just don't get at all. IV is hardly all brown and grey, it tries to be realistic, sure, but it's actually really diverse in it's color palette. Shit's got purple spikes and green platforms, even.

>> No.8538842

>game fundamentally changes traditional gameplay of the series
>woh what the heck why is it divisive
I don't hate IV but cmon.

>> No.8538856 [DELETED] 

You’re not special or hardcore for hating it.

>> No.8538883
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>traditional gameplay
Stuff like upward whipping had apparently been planned since the first game, the one Gameboy game didn't even have subs and used hearts for healing among other things, and the other two NES games had things like timed invincibility on demand and an all-over ice shit that let you jump off enemies and kill red skeletons. Belmont's Revenge came out afterwards and let you pick what order to do levels in, even. It wouldn't be until X68000 and Rondo of Blood that anything like a set of rules for gameplay would kick in, and even then, games like Bloodlines, SoTN, and the N64vanias would subvert it.

Not that you can't give IV flak for how it did things, but the idea of the franchise having traditional gameplay, especially by that point, is bull.

>> No.8538930 [DELETED] 

>Power gap
>Dracula X
>Double power gap
It's really that simple

>> No.8538996

op means people on this board. personally, it just seems like contrarianism to me.

>> No.8539016
File: 839 KB, 1246x936, FM_synths_are_for_intellectuals_and_artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROMpler faggots are looked down upon by artist and creators you know, with FM you can create your own sounds and it's only farty and metallic in the hands of hacks.

Personally I'm more of a PSG chip faggot, they're more like subtractive analog synthesizers, and I'm hardly alone in that.

>> No.8539025

>I've never heard anyone shit on this game.
go back
no really, escape this autism hole

>> No.8539080

And YouTube essay faggots

>> No.8539575

It’s fun, but the sound design is anything but top notch for a Castlevania game. It sounds like a muffled fart 90% of the time, and lacks the energy in the original compositions that Castlevania is known for. Also the falling staircase section in the final stage before the gauntlet is pure jank. It’s fun, but it’s no masterpiece, not even close.

>> No.8539583

It's just really weird in retrospect because when it was new it felt like the series made a huge leap into the 16 bit generation but the franchise immediately returned to something more NES-like mechanically, so now it stands out as something very different. And it just so happens a lot of people didn't play it when it was new.

>> No.8539610

IV is a great game, people just shit on it because is not a ballbusting game like III or Rondo. By far the best controls of any 2D castlevania game.
You could easily make a Castlevania game with whiping in 8 directions, just add more flying/droping enemies and nerf the side weapons.

>> No.8539696

I wish there was something with X's visuals, music, and style, but with Super's movement controls

>> No.8539709

Romplers are back in vogue now with the kids. I think vaporwave and dungeon synth had some role in that.

>> No.8539860 [DELETED] 

muh "the control is bad on purpose" nes humpers

>> No.8540008

do you think 'mediocre' means boring as well? it doesn't.

>> No.8540202

>I've never heard anyone shit on this game
You must be new here.

>> No.8540583
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Actual question should be why did they do pic related instead.

>> No.8540624

It was casualized version of Castlevania for Znezzz players filled with gimmicks and dumbed down difficulty. Not much else to it.

>> No.8540656
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It was okay, the difficulty was very weirdly paced where it's piss-easy most of the game thanks to the gameplay changes but that it literally suddenly spikes in like within the last quarter of the game. I wasn't really a fan of than, the challenge scale/ceiling is usually much better. If it's really supposes to be a reimagining of the original game, I'd say the X68000 version did a much better job of striking the right balance

>> No.8540669

I'm not particularly a fan of this game (still like it though), that being said, it's a shame that they never expanded on this type of gameplay, it had potential, it's an early SNES game and it shows, would have been cool to see a direct sequel to this with a better understanding of the flaws the original had and the hardware, could have been its own spin-off series to not mess with the classic Castlevania

>> No.8540694

which takes us to >>8540583

>> No.8540704

What about the werid thing you can do with your whip. Where you move it around like a wet noodle. It seems like something that was unintentionally put in the game.
I agree. It is like the most fun and best looking castlevania game.
Best music too. And cool enemies and bosses. Good artwork.

>> No.8540716

Not even a spin off, it's IV ffs, it spawned mostly on Nintendo back then, i just don't get it, how did they ditched it like that.

>> No.8541170

Hardcore cv fans love it and has always been a fan favorite.
Don't be fooled by samefagging console warriors. They are not cv fans.