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8538607 No.8538607 [Reply] [Original]

Remakes that are worse than the originals

>> No.8538610

Carpeting is way more soulful than hardwood

>> No.8538620

I loved the crimson head improvement. Of course, it can be mostly avoided on subsequent play through but, it’s a nice surprise the first time you run into one.

>> No.8538689


>> No.8538706

The weird thing is that the Remake was way brighter and more colorful in early screenshots and teaser videos. There was a beautiful video of the big 2F hallway opposite the dining room where it was all lit up by little lamps on tables. I don't know why they changed it.

>> No.8538714

because muh dark/shadows is creepier and spooky
>eat shit devs

>> No.8538726

>Can't drag shoes on the carpet and zap zombies to death with your finger
Shit REmake

>> No.8538731

Why are there always so many RE threads?

>> No.8538738
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RE1 = haunted fun house
REmake = haunted house
You faggot retards can argue about which is better until you die, but I like them both

>> No.8538743

How about literally every remake ever?
The more interesting thread would be remakes that are better than the original

>> No.8538756

>The more interesting thread would be remakes that are better than the original
RE1 remake

>> No.8538864

there's one: RE1 Remake

>> No.8538873

I honestly wish we could have a thread for /vr/ to review non-/vr/ things this way. I'd love everything to be evaluated like that. Carpet soul, hardwood soulless. Stovetop soul, microwave soulless. I wonder what the most soulful house and lifestyle would look like according to /vr/.

>> No.8538890

Dangerously soulful post

>> No.8538921
File: 2.80 MB, 320x240, remake teaser.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I saved this somewhere. The overall layout is the same but most of the rooms it shows have more vibrant colors and much brighter lighting.

>> No.8538950

Just looks like more bloom to me, which isn't really a good thing.

>> No.8538954


>> No.8539142
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>> No.8539143

It's a horror game. Go play Gone Home if you want lit up hallways.

>> No.8539180

Or the original RE1, RE2, and RE3

>> No.8539196
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>> No.8539236
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A downgrade in every way including in looks.

>> No.8539279

shill status: eviscerated

>> No.8539328

This goes without saying but War3:Reforged. A war3 level designer who worked on the project early on as a consultant said that the team was actually planning to overdeliver on expectations, but the higher ups shut them down. slashed the budget, timeline, and (by extension) the scope of the project. Fuck them forever, only case where the remaster actually fucked up the original version of the game lmao

Speaking of Resident evil… I never played RE2 as a kid so I tried running it on an emulator a few days ago. I found it unplayably bad in terms of controls and camera angle. Is there something I’m missing?

>> No.8539334

Not to mention much easier on the feet. In the end I think hardwood wins out because it’s so much easier to clean

>> No.8539342

Easiest franchise to bait. RE1 purists always make RE2/3 chumps seethe and shit their pants

>> No.8539683

Most remakes are.

>> No.8539686
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>I wonder what the most soulful house and lifestyle would look like according to /vr/.

>> No.8539691

>Carpeting is way more soulful than hardwood

That hardwood floor has a pretty spectacular stain job though.

>> No.8539712


>> No.8539730

completely out of my depth but I thought re1 had the vibe of sort of a modern, 'perverse' manse instead of a generic gothic haunted house from the early 1800s.

>> No.8539731

I'm not shoveling snow you PRICK.

>> No.8539747

This. I'm tired of new/remodeled houses completely doing away with carpet.

>> No.8539771

easier to buy your own loose and have it rooted under furniture than deal with the nightmare of permanently installed carpet.

>> No.8539789
File: 214 KB, 1000x1000, sovless floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a listing for an apartment that looked straight out of the early 80s with the wood paneling on the walls, brass door knobs on brown wooden doors, even the kitchen appliances like the stove and fridge were still from the 80s and it looked comfy as fuck. But they replaced the flooring in every room with that gray wooden flooring that's in every modern home now like pic related. And I mean EVERY room, the kitchen, living room, bathrooms, and bedrooms all had the same shit. If it had that signature shag carpet it would've been perfect.

>> No.8539830

REmake in my opinion just makes the experience too stressful. There's a lot of little design decisions that piss me off, the deliberately sluggish turn rate being the most egregious. RE1 is much smoother despite being the older game (granted, only by 6 years, which is pretty short by remake standards nowadays). At best they are two different experiences with different design philosophies, REmake does not "replace" RE1.

>> No.8539839

Yes. Playing it on original hardware for the first time has a sense of intrigue due to the setting that kept people interested. I'm not saying the remake doesn't, but playing the old one knowing how it plays out loses that. Also, as someone who loved RE2 on Playstation, the remake was better in every conceivable way.

>> No.8539846

>I don't know why they changed it.
they probably wanted to show off the lightning effect tbqh

>> No.8539901

all of them

>> No.8539931

Man fuck you guys heated hardwood floors are the shit and you can't change my mind.

>> No.8539951

>Is there something I’m missing?
tank controls are not perfect, there were a lot of bad 5th gen action games they weren't suited for, the way RE uses them is reasonable. It's all about choosing where to plant and shoot and juking zombies to get there, once you get used to them they work for the way re2 is designed as a slower horror game.

>> No.8539967


>> No.8539971

>the remake was better in every conceivable way.
the core of the game is very good, but outside of that I felt like it kind of lacked charm, a lot of the story material and aesthetics felt either hacky or barebones.

>> No.8539973

I have no clue what that name is but is that the unabomber?

>> No.8539978

Pic unrelated.

>> No.8539990

What the fuck do you honestly expect from an RE game, retard? No one should be seriously suprised that the story is shit.

>> No.8539998

Disregard that first reply. I do completely agree with everything you said. The story does feel hacked together and not in a shitty retarded Jap writer way. The atmosphere is also lacking. It is truly far from being one of the best RE games.

>> No.8540014

I don't mean to imply 2 wasn't trash but it felt like a better package in that area.

>> No.8540036

Because it's a successful game that spawned at least eight sequels and several remakes so lots of people have played it which generates lots of discussion. Compare to some FM Towns visual novel that was released only in Japan and will never be ported, remade, or have a sequel.

>> No.8540058

It may be worse but I still really like REmake

>> No.8540086

the brightness and lack of fixed cameras make this look gay as fuck

>> No.8540092

nah that's uncle ted, famous environmentalist

>> No.8540112

All of them, that's the idea, they're not meant to "improve" the games they're meant to put them into the market again I can't believe i have to keep explaining this

>> No.8540208

remake 2 was great and i cant believe how they massacred 3

>> No.8540294 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 696x602, 1550666349283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really? Carpets are disgusting, they stink and are a breeding ground for germs. You wear shoes inside FFS. You must be huffing some pretty serious carpet stink to think it's more soulful than based hardwood.

>> No.8540320
File: 26 KB, 250x312, lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love both original re2 and the remake. New RPD is a huge improvement, but the lab has lost its abandoned industrial nightmare soul and became generic sci fi location.

>> No.8540328

The super high tech Ada gadgetry and the future lab in RE2 and RE3 fucking suck donkey dick.

>> No.8540340

Yep. But still, RPD in remake is soul. RE2 was my favorite and I replayed it yearly. The most recent replay, I found og RPD very stale, except for underground parts. Of the ps1 trilogy, I prefer RE1 now.

>> No.8540413 [DELETED] 

>they stink

>> No.8540460

all final fantasy are really gay, is not a big surprise that the remake was full of trans garbage.

>> No.8540464

you are just too young for enjoy that generation of games, I bet the most retro game you play for fun was RE4, which it's ok, don't force yourself to get into games only cause a bunch of people are yelling out that is the ultimate game.

maybe you don't like the style, the camera settings and the tank controls, I think is too static and it lacks of the action movement that you need to enjoy it, try Metal Gear Solid, that would be the best option for ya.

>> No.8540965

I’m nearly 30 m8, I grew up on games from that era. I just can’t get past the camera & controls, but it could also be a function of the fact I’m playing on a handheld emulator with shite resolution.

>> No.8541006

Do yourself a favor and play the game on a TV with a good controller cause those tank controls are going to take some getting used to. The camera makes so much sense when you have a good screen in front of you

>> No.8541821

Honestly I think the Sewers was the only location that was worse in the second remake. I agree that the Labs lost some of its personality but I liked the layout way more

>> No.8542241

Hardwood is soooo much easier to clean though.

Besides, carpet is better for individual rooms. Why does a hallway need carpet?

>> No.8542250

That's immediately what I thought when I first read that, imagine having a carpet in a hallway with a lot of foot traffic, no fucking thanks.

>> No.8542436

grand theft auto trilogy definitive edition xDD

>> No.8542941

I like you Anon. Come and help me figure out the best options to deal with industrial society and its future. Also beer, I guess?

>> No.8542951

super mario 64 ds is an easy example