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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8529626 No.8529626 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>8478714

>> No.8529812

is 8 being worth playing? I finished 6 several times and 7 once, enjoyed both. I heard conflicting things about 8.

>> No.8530124

It is good.
Has better atmosphere and character than MM7. Some people just like to praise MM7 as "the best" and shitpost about MM6 and MM8 being bad.

>> No.8530221

In MM8, you can only make 1 characters, then you can hire up to 4 hirelings so you have a 5 guys party.
There are new races available for your characters and hirelings like Trolls, Minotaurs, Vampires, Dragons (hirelings only, not available for created characters).

>> No.8530262

>Has better atmosphere and character than MM7.
I agree, and it's overwhelmingly a fine game if you don't rush the level 50s/dragons to make it trivial. It's also the only one to not load you up on blasters at the end. Some of the early dungeons are a little boring, the hive is obnoxious but good for early xp/money, it's a shame the game didn't get the development attention it deserved

>> No.8530323

7 is the weakest of the "new" trilogy imo.

>> No.8530886

It blew my mind when I was 12 and it came out THE GUARDS ARE FIGHTING THE GOBLINS but it's short and despite the dual path, the most generic of them.

>> No.8530943

I rate 8 as obviously inferior to 6 and 7 but still a very good game if you like this style of gameplay. I would certainly not recommend that anyone play 8 first, but if you've already played (and liked) 6 and 7 there's no reason not to play 8.

8's biggest shortcoming is that you don't generate your own party, which really limits how you can play the game. I'd say the world also feels quite a bit smaller than that of 6 and 7, and as a result the game feels more linear than 7 (and certainly more linear than 6). The inclusion of playable dragons is about as broken as you'd expect it to be, but thankfully you can avoid this if you want to just by not including them in your party.

The core gameplay is there, though.

I think if you polled the community the most common answer for best game would be 6, not 7.

>> No.8531084

Most of this is correct. When the community has been polled in the past it's 6>7>WoX>8>3 in terms of favorites, and WoX would probably move up if it were played by everyone that played 6 and 7.

MM8 is a step down from the other two, but has some solid gameplay. Just remove the 4 overpowered hirelings and the game plays mostly fine, with the biggest complaint being the dungeons late game being pretty bland. The elemental planes and prisons are uninspired, though Escaton's Palace is well done. The best made dungeon in the whole game is the very first one.

>> No.8531224

7's endearing to many by how closely it' connectd to the I-V saga.

>> No.8531250

I'd go as far as to say that the first dungeon in 8 is a contender for the best in the whole trilogy.

I don't know if WoX would be more popular if it were played by more people - it's an interesting question. I could see 3 moving ahead of 8, though.

>> No.8532231

The abandoned temple loses some for putting a jumping puzzle inside, though the rest are fine. I really liked the one with an unavoidable death trap if your timer runs out. There are several dungeons in MM6 alone that feel like small games just by themselves, but they have a lot less puzzle solving and focus more on pure exploration.

The worst dungeon in the series is without question the Dungeon of Secrets in MM9. Set off a single trap and you fail, but there isn't always an indication that you set one off in the first place until you "clear" it and the quest giver says no you failed. Sometimes an axe or fireball will hit you, but sometimes you genuinely have no idea. A voice yelling out that you failed would at least let you quickload and retry, but sometimes the traps themselves go off and don't hit you so you think you cleared the place and then turn it in and get told to start over.

>> No.8532615

>best game would be 6, not 7
Do not underestimate those who like "choices" and play as skeletons (which are overrated, vampires and werewolves were always cooler).

>> No.8532739

World of Xeen is dogshit. They just slapped two games together and put zero effort into rebalancing them so that they work well together. Darkside of Xeen was meant to be started with a level 5 party, so if you go before then it's brutally difficult, but if you go too much later then it's a cakewalk. Either way, you spend some time in Darkside, and whatever little sense of challenge there is in Clouds has evaporated. Both games have plenty of content on their own and you can always play them back to back, so there's no reason to play World unless you absolutely must see the true ending.

As it stands
>Darkside of Xeen > Isles of Terra > Gates to Another World > Clouds of Xeen > World of Xeen

>> No.8532748

Is starting with MM6 a bad idea lads?

>> No.8532752

No, that's perfectly fine. 3 and 6 are the entry points.

>> No.8532757

finish cloud first (not including wox dungeons), it's meant to be played at low level (level cap by training is 20, i think) then move to darkside.

>> No.8532770

Darkside is too easy then.
It doesn't matter which order you do content in World, as you will end up breezing through most of it anyhow.
It's best to just play Clouds and Darkside seperately, as was originally intended.

>> No.8532775

at least darkside has dungeons for high level party.
>originally intended
doubt it, because there're dungeons in cloud not accessible unless you have darkside.

>> No.8532781

There's still a lot of content regardless

>> No.8532803

The hardest thing for me when starting Xeen after MM3 was a revamped inventory system. Like, you still have limit but all items are categorized now, which makes inventory management a slog.
In MM3 it was much easier when it was in one window and you can easily see which items were broken/equipped/loot for sale.

>> No.8532804
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> Might and Magic threads have life again on /vr/
just like the old days boyos

>> No.8532809
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yep, pretty happy with last thread because it had almost 200 posts before it's purged.

>> No.8532814

The Xeen equipment system is a huge improvement because the quest items don't take spots. Your armor sets will fill up, but you actually have space to put all the junk you pick up because you don't have to drag around keys, power orbs, artifacts of good/netural/evil or sequencing cards eating your inventory space. Ideally the armor slots should be bigger than the others but it's pretty minor.

>> No.8533080

I spend more time than I like to admit looking for the hottest hirelings. You guys prefer the VI or VII style portraits?

>> No.8533095

MM6 portraits were adorkable. MM7/8 were just average.

>> No.8533483
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this - MM6 was so successful that 7&8 got rushed out the door way too quickly.
8 is "worth playing" only if you're hardcore into 6&7 - it's the "perfectly mediocre" issue. There's nothing wrong with it, but there's nothing particularly great about it either. Most of the dungeons are just "here's 4 square rooms". The novelty of the "new" classes wears off when you realize they are just the old classes with different names.
I'm happy to see Lord Obryn IX is enjoying some Chan fame for killing peasants. Let me know if you want to see them kill anything else. I still have this save file. That playthrough is like 7 yrs old lol

>> No.8534805

I’m the shitter from the last thread
Fuck elementals
Fuck liches
Fuck master monks
Fuck the green archers
Fuck anything I can’t take out in a few hits that showers me in projectiles

>> No.8534985
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>not trying to become one of the portraits

Why not?

>> No.8535095
File: 494 KB, 685x825, crystal dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crystal dragon says
>git gud

>> No.8535620

>Fuck elementals
Not easy but you really don't need to be fighting them except maybe in the druid cave.
>Fuck liches
Yes, the dispel is horrible. Liches suck.
>Fuck master monks
Walk up and use sparks/poison spray.
>Fuck the green archers
Same, walk up and kill them.

Things with big ranged damage are meant to be burst down before they unload on you. If there is a big group of high level enemies consider if fighting them is even worth it, the fire archers in White Cap can mostly be ignored. If something is immune to poison you can usually ice bolt for filler.

>> No.8536837

I more hate vampires and devils for the instant mana drain. Also necromancers for pain reflection,

>> No.8537912

The "of Protection" enchantment is your friend and it stacks. Buy it and wear as much of it as you can. +Resistance is OP mid/late game.

Don't feel bad about being a shitter. 300 playthroughs from now, you will be nostalgiac for your shitter days in M&M.

>> No.8538073

I always love reading "WTF DO I DO ABOUT ALL THE SKELETONS?" in MM6

>> No.8538165
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let's be honest - we're all traumautized by the first time we picked up the macguffin from the altar.

If the question is:
>What do we do about all the skeletons?
The correct answer is:
>Join them!

>> No.8538373

Should a person play Might and Magic Book One: The Secret Of The Inner Sanctum?

>> No.8538406

It's my favorite game in the series.

>> No.8538429

is the manual correct when it says you can complete the game with the premade party or should I roll up my own? I'm dying quite a bit on this first area and I'm not sure if it's just my lack of skills or if this party stinks.

>> No.8538447

That's normal for M&M1 and M&M2. The first two games have a stronger D&D1.0 influence than the rest, and no matter how strong you get, you will always find some group of enemies somewhere that can wipe you. The start is the hardest due to this setup, you'll die less frequently as you get more powerful.

>> No.8538449

The first steps are pretty hard. You have very little money and need to take on a lot of enemies before being able to level up.
I normally roll up my own parties to have more endurance/vitality etc.
Stay close to the inn so you can save after each battle and don't forget to loot.

>> No.8538489

alright, so the game is fairly hard then. Looks like I'll be making my own party and camping near the inn until at least a couple of level ups. .

>> No.8538498

Difficulty in M&M2 is fucked up. Sooner or later you have your party equipped with +63 items ramping all stats up to 255 but you still have enemies that are impossible to beat and it's simpler to just run away and roll a new encounter.
In M&M1 it feels more like you can eventually triumph by increasing your stats, reworking your tactics or quipping some level potions.

>> No.8538505

It's rather bland in my opinion. If you want a hardcore blobber, I would recommend Wizardry 7.

>> No.8538531

Wizardry 7 is a terrible game. They tried to impelement the non-linearity of M&M in Wizardry completely fucked it up.
You have fixed encounters every two steps outdoors and the puzzles are completely arbitrary in what items you need from where.
The difficulty also suffers since you quickly level faster than the monsters in accessible areas so nothing really provides a challenge.
Ultimately the game is pointlessly huge and you spend days slogging through hordes of wimps.
Mechanisms like wandering NPCs are also horribly implemented and you do good killing them at the first opportunity so they don't bother you again.

>> No.8538538

Don't care. I like it.

>> No.8538541

When was the last time you actually played it?
It feels like it's one of those games people praise because it kept them occupied for months in the 90s when they had no other games.

>> No.8538609

Me again
My armor keeps breaking, sometimes like right after I get it repaired. Is there some hidden stat that requires me to get new armor or something?
Also, I just noticed my age stat. What’s that one for?

>> No.8538631

Two years ago

>> No.8539908

Going unconscious at -10 or below breaks your armor. Lots of enemies also have special break armor abilities, you have an extra sound effect when this procs which means either they crit with daggers (like rogues) or they had a break item effect.

Aging doesn't matter unless you manage to hit 40 at which point you lose some might and endurance and gain some int and personality. If you keep getting older your stats will eventually get crippled, but it's minor until like 70.

>> No.8540234

It's good and it has some very unique setting, but content-wise it feels a bit like a large expansion pack to 7 - for a good reason. And the story is a bit more dull and straightforward this time around.

>> No.8541748

You are expected to grind fairly hard in both games, both early and as you get into the main quest lines. You will die, a lot. It's expected but the games are balanced around only being able to save at an inn. It gets a lot better once you learn Fly (it allows you to select any outdoor zone to portal to).

>> No.8541794

What makes Fly so useful is that it transports you directly to the entry of the town in the zones with towns, effectively working like town portal.
It only works outdoors but there's another spell that allows you to teleport out of a dungeon.

>> No.8541830
File: 390 KB, 2454x1333, mm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my whole party up to level 3 now. Decided to stay with the premade party to see if the manual is correct. Found some chain mail too which is nice, that saves 200 gold. Having some trouble with money, it seems only humanoid type enemies drop loot and I'm fighting mostly creatures that don't carry anything for the most part which isn't helping the money situation. I'll just keep grinding. I haven't even left the first floor of Sorpigal yet lol.

Getting better, hate sprites.

>> No.8543142

I love how the liches are so happy in all these pics.
>Lord Obryn IX
Is it one of the liches' name?
Which one is he?

>> No.8543394

wizardry 7 is a mess, no doubt about it, and there a million frustrating things about it. but there really is no game like it, and i cant think of another single player rpg that demands as much attention from the player as wiz7 for better or worse. it becomes so involved, you have to take notes on anything snd everything, even where you drop shit. put it down for a week and you will forget everything. but when you get deep into it, it really is fantastic.
i gave the game no less than 10 tries over the years until i got the grid cartgrapher mod which made the game 100x more manageable.
i also love the sort of dream-like tileset it has, i dont know how to describe it. the lost guardia setting and the various factions were really great.
if there was ever a game that could use some QoL improvements, that would be it.
shame that dw bradley is not making games anymore, between wiz6-7 and W&W i though he was a really talented ideas guy

>> No.8543405 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 1034x804, v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there really is no game like it
There is Grimoire

>> No.8543413
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>but there really is no game like it
There is Grimoire

>> No.8545221

Nah, graphic looks ugly.
Not retro too.

>> No.8545268

>between wiz6-7 and W&W i though he was a really talented ideas guy
I preferred Wizardry 5. It improved the Wizardry formula without throwing everything overboard.

>> No.8545979
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>I think if you polled the community the most common answer for best game would be 6, not 7.

In terms of comfy, soul, and general exploration, yes. But if you're an autistic nerd who must replay MM games 50 times, MM7 is the best. MM6 gets kind of grindy, the world starts to feel like a lot of empty space, and functionally speaking there's not much difference in party selection.

But boy, does MM6 have soul.

>> No.8546040
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I know it's hard to tell, but the Lich on the right is a girl.

>no, not really I'm not going to bore the shit out of (You)
>However I will bore you with a different anecdote:
>Don't complain, you have a scroll button so if you don't give a shit feel free to use it
When I was a kid all I had was a Sega Genesis and games for it were insanely expensive so my parents decided to buy MM2 bcuz the ad said "over 500 hours of play time!" As ancientfags will recall, the lack of graphics and animations meant I had to make up my own stories, and the game was grindy as fuck so every single battle I would imagine a fantasy-action movie in my head based on what happened. You get really attached to shit like that as a kid. So, I named my sorcerer Obryn bcuz I was in my 6th grade play of Midsummer Night's Dream as Oberon, and one game everyone but Obryn died in a fight and Obryn was out of MP. Walking back to town I ran into 255 skeletons. Since skeletons were too low level they couldn't hurt my sorcerer, so Obryn literally beat the shit out of all 255 of them with a club.

Thus, in my head canon, the Legend of Obryn, Lord of all Skeletons, was born.

Pic-rel is some eye candy for anyone bored enough to read all this shit.

>> No.8547147

>255 skeletons
In a single battle?

>> No.8547339

The way MM1 and MM2 do monsters is there is an initial pack of up 10 opponents and then 0-255 extras of one type. Don't worry it gets worse. Some monsters summon extras of themselves to the big pack behind, so you went through the first 25 and then all of a sudden the pack behind went from +40 to +80. The first two games in the series can be savage and M&M went a lot more casual in Isles of Terra. MM3 still has a lot of places where you will just die, but less of the step on the wrong square or accidentally hit yes when you should say no and it's a wipe back to the inn. The ability to save anywhere really changed how the games worked, but just as important was making it so only 3 things could attack you unless you charge face first into a room.

>> No.8547379

M&M1 only has 20 monsters per encounter. 2 is the one that went full retard. The 250 also only happen in fixed locations, never as wandering encounters.
One big issue is the lack of efficient spells. Spells like Star Burst or Meteor Shower that hit everything cost 1 SP per monster, making them too expensive for regular use.
The biggest problem are golems since they are immune to physical attacks and resist magic. One of them already is a huge nuisance, more of them and fleeing is the only option.

>> No.8548707

How long do you battle those 255 enemies?
And I thought fighting hordes of Rapax in Rapax Castle was very tedious because they keep calling nearby allies to join the battle.

>> No.8548837

AoE spells?

>> No.8548941

With quick fight you can burn through most very quickly.
In some of the tougher ones you have to pause occasionally to cast divine intervention.

>> No.8550395


>> No.8551576

>sexy woman with jiggly tits
Why didn't they make more like this?
Instead we get that fat Scorpia >>8532809 in MM3.
John really hated Scorpia, huh?

>> No.8551690

>Why didn't they make more like this?
They did though

>> No.8551740

You mean the genies in 3D MM?
Not sexy enough, look at the gesture of the witch >>8546040

>> No.8552225
File: 32 KB, 300x300, Barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find a good .gif of it, but the Genesis version is even sexier.

>> No.8552321

Which MM is this?
I only play PC version.

>> No.8552785

>You mean the genies in 3D MM?
No, I mean stuff like socreresses or bat queens in Xeen.

>> No.8553552

That's MM2, PC version.

The Genesis version has better graphics and some QoL changes to the interface (spell casting is easier, for instance). Emulate if u want to play 2.

>> No.8554537

>MM2, PC
MM 1 & 2 are the only MM games I haven't played (not counting X).
Both are games from the 80s (including older Ultima, Wizardry, Bard's Tale, etc) and I started playing CRPG in 91 so those CGA and EGA graphics looked ugly compared to the VGA.
It seems the MM ports have better graphics compared to PC because they are much newer (early or mid 90s).
Maybe I'll try the console ports someday.

>> No.8554542

Is this for Heroes of Might and Magic also? Whatever happened to those threads? I thought maybe they moved to /vst/ but no. Back in the heyday of /vr/, there used to be non stop Heroes of Might and Magic threads.

Anyhow, just wanted to ask - how the fuck do I unlock new campaigns in HoMaM3?
>finish all Shadow of Death campaigns available initially
>the ones that are supposed to unlock are still greyed out
Excusez moi?

>> No.8554552

Old MM/HoMM threads died because of lack of posters.
I think they moved to HoMM posters moved to /vst/ while MM posters moved to /vrpg/ but those boards are too fast for old series with few posters.
>unlock new campaigns
Campaigns should be unlocked when you finish available campaings.
Don't remember which campaigns unlock what campaings.
Post a screenshot of your campaign screens.

>> No.8554575

I liked the Macintosh ports. M&M1 is in black&white but it has its charm.

>> No.8554589

I only know MM3 Macintosh from a Let's Play archive.
Images are sharper but I hate the gray background in interface.

>> No.8554798

HoMM has very fucky campaign unlock conditions which need to be done in one "system" save only.

>> No.8554863

>in one "system" save only.
So if there's no "system" save getting updated under the /GAME/ folder, I should just try again?

>> No.8554960

You know how after every beaten campaign mission you get a save prompt?
It is that one "system" save. You need to save/overwrite it after every mission and after finishing one of the campaigns it should unlock you the new one. Or you need to beat every single campaign available to unlock the next one, I think it worked like this in SoD. If you beaten a campaign and it has a check mark than it is working as intended.
It will not unlock it in the campaign menu itself, you must load that save.

>> No.8555025

Why is Antagarich so much better and comfier than Enroth and [the thing that came after]?

>> No.8555081

The old threads died once Gen6 came in as the board speed tripled overnight. HoMM fled to /vst/. M&M tried on /vrpg/ but couldn't survive.

The other guy is correct. You have to hit save after each campaign. You will see a checkmark by the completed campaign. If you skip this then you might as well use a cheat code to skip the scenarios since nothing is actually kept cross-campaign, though your hall of fame will have (cheater) entries so you might want to reset those standings afterwards.

>> No.8555095

Because it doesn't look generic?

>> No.8555131

>>8534985 has it ever been revealed who the models for the MM6 portraits were? they are iconic

>> No.8555234

If you mean like a doxxing, then no. They had an open call for people willing to be used and with NWC being located in Hollywood, California there was no shortage of applicants.

>> No.8555269

i suspect those photos are nwc employees.
origin made characters based on real life such as origin employee, richard garriot's friends, etc for npcs in ultima series.

>> No.8555289

is there a way to change the character portraits to something customized like in baldur's gate? i want to use some frazetta heads.

>> No.8555484

They are animated so no.

>> No.8555514

Wizardry 8 photos are animated too but there's a way to customize them.

>> No.8555571

can't they be replaced with still images?

>> No.8555578

You can, you would need to extract the existing ones from the lod file and replace as desired.

>> No.8555980

Stfu with "fucky"

>> No.8556692


>Antagarich is pronounced as the English word "rich"
>I always pronounced the "ch" the German way, like burgers pronounce "Richter"
>now the magic is ruined

>> No.8557420

MM8 is Jadame. Antargarich isn't as well made as Enroth, but the connections and stories with Heroes 3 can make it more engaging. Enroth is connected to HoMM2 but there really isn't much crossover other than the very end with Roland and Archibald. HoMM3, especially the Armageddon's Blade campaign, talks about several of the characters and even refers to the contested lands (Harmondale). The complaint about Enroth is that the water is all in the south and east, rather than spread out. The Kreegan have a lot to do with it, but there are several really bland outside zones. In Antagarich every zone has water, even Deyja, Eeofol, and Nighon. The issues with Antagarich are the smaller number of zones and Krewlod missing.

>> No.8558205


>> No.8558347

Why are there no gods in the MM6-8 universe?

>> No.8558349

The Ancients are the gods.

>> No.8558364

But they are not known by the commonfolk or worshipped by name. What do monks pray to?

>> No.8558371

There are, especially locally. Even the Oracle itself mentions being worshipped as a god rather than used properly and that Archibald was the only person who understood its true utility. The druids have their own religion, and of course there are the Temples of Baa, Dark, Light, the cannibal snake god in MM6, the snake idol in MM8, and I'm sure there are a few others I'm not thinking of right now. The religions themselves aren't really fleshed out in any detail other than the corruption and fraud of the Temple of Baa, but there is clear deity worship within the universe. The ancients probably were considered gods at one point, but the references to the great journey suggests that they weren't really treated as such until much later.

>> No.8558373

That would require a lot of spoilers and lore dumps but let's just say, Lords know what is best for their citizens.

>> No.8558376

I remember someone said in an interview that angels weren't what you think.
And Kreegans are not demons, they are aliens who look like demons.

>> No.8558382

The Angels are likely androids based on interviews by the devs later. The devils are the alien Kreegan, but are treated as gods by the Temple of Baa until its fall.

>> No.8558390

>devils are the alien Kreegan
They are the nemesis of the Ancients so I assume the gods in MMverse are the Ancients.

>> No.8558402

It depends how you define "gods". If you mean who settled the worlds and created the civilization then yes it was the Ancients. Enroth is just one of many VARNs across lots of the ancients' colonization efforts, along with Terra/Xeen/Axeoth/CRON etc. There some big text dumps in both the MM3 ending and the MM5 spaceships that explain the Ancients' plans. As we find out in MM7, the silence (which was the colonies being cutoff from contact with the Ancients) was due to the Ancients having to turn all their resources to fighting off the Kreegan and deploying agents such as Escaton to clean up places that had been invaded.

If you mean gods as in "something possibly divine that is worshipped and treated as a god" then there are lots, but they aren't really fleshed out.

>> No.8558403

Well, [spoilers]humans, elves, dwarves and goblins were created by Ancients so technically[/spoiler] you are not wrong.

>> No.8558414

Forgot to add the most obvious answer. The title of MM6 is The Mandate of Heaven. There are plenty of references to whether the Ironfists themselves lost the approval of the god(s). Of course there are in universe gods, though different factions usually worship different gods.

>> No.8558914

Dump me fa m

>> No.8559803
File: 2.14 MB, 1300x934, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is that one "system" save. You need to save/overwrite it after every mission and after finishing one of the campaigns it should unlock you the new one. Or you need to beat every single campaign available to unlock the next one, I think it worked like this in SoD. If you beaten a campaign and it has a check mark than it is working as intended.

Okay, I got the check mark after beating the Gem campaign. But when I turn the game off and turn it on again... it's gone... what gives? I even went out of my way to save the post campaign save prompt with the "SYSTEM" filename thinking that it would help.

>> No.8559897

Load your save game?

>> No.8559953

But how am I supposed to keep more than 1 check?

>> No.8559982

Let's say you saved the game after completing Gem's campaign, eg Save1.
Load Save1 and finish another campaign.
Save into Save2 (or save into the same file Save1).
Now Save2 (or Save1 if you saved into the same file) has 2 checked campaigns.
After you have enough checked campaigns in a save file, grayed campaigns will be unlocked.
BTW, are you a console games?

>> No.8560113

No, I am a proud black woman

>> No.8560126
File: 22 KB, 662x478, ProudDad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad must be proud of you.

>> No.8560147

Crag Hack the Dwarf and Crag Hack the Legend. An oversight on the development team? Was the latter a homage to the former? Was it an intended coincidence?


>> No.8560225

https://youtu.be/sw8v5__Ytf4?t=9 Is this song from HoMaM? I know I've heard it before, but I can't place it

>> No.8560243
File: 58 KB, 720x668, jaoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sign in to confirm your age
Does it contain dolphin porn or what?

>> No.8560250

You have to wait until you're older to find out

>> No.8560269
File: 110 KB, 871x909, sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8560575

Just use my script bratan, no age verification needed. Wrote this just for you

>> No.8560632

nice try, glowing cia

>> No.8560759
File: 262 KB, 570x1707, 5E to Might and Magic (VI to VIII).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought about making a D&D campaign in the Might and Magic universe?

I tried to map the available races in 5th edition to where they would fit in with the M&M universe. I just removed the weird ones and made Tieflings and Aasimar NPC only, because I figure they'd be like half-cyborgs and half-alien respectively, so that would spoil the sci-fi twist.

Not sure about the Grays though. I removed dwarves from AvLee to give Gnomes a reason to exist in Antagarich. They are more natural as the banking class anyway. Is it ever specified where the Conflux towns should be on the Antagarich map?

>> No.8560768

Oh yeah and Goblins should probably be Deyja > Krewlod, since in Heroes they're basically exclusively under Krewlod, but I prefer the M&M VII portrayal as Archibald's bitches.

>> No.8561183

>Conflux towns
Elemental Planes (Jadame)

>> No.8561212

What's the easiest M & M?

>> No.8561218


>> No.8561290

More so than the later 6 to 8?

>> No.8561313

It's the shortest as far as I know (played only MM3-8).
Level cap was only 20 or something.
Can't enter some areas unless you have MM5 (WoX integration).

>> No.8561401

8 if you just pick up the OP hirelings, or 4 otherwise. 8 really is a joke if you pick up Ithiligore, Cauri, and Blazen. Ithiligore can learn Fly basically right when you get to Ravenshore. You just walk west and pick him up. Before you even leave Garrote Gorge just by turning in the Dragonbane Flowers and training. If you play it more honestly you don't get Fly until after you rescue the minotaurs which is way later. The other two are slightly (but not much) harder to get and if you already have Fly then they are super easy to grab as well. Then you have an endgame party within 30 minutes of starting the game and faster if you just skip the temple.

MM4 (Clouds of Xeen, but not Darkside) is a decent sized world, but once you pick up decent weapons you will roll over everything. The level cap is really low and you can pick up the level fountain in Nightshadow really early (take a pit stop to Winterkill to pick up some holy word potions from the gas bottles). The kill itself gives 100k experience and some decent loot and now you will outlevel everything you fight for the rest of the game. You just need a decent weapon or 2 and can autoattack the rest of the game. The hardest part is really just getting all the stats needed to enter Castle Xeen in the first place.

>> No.8561409

Actually III is the easiest if you abuse hirelings.
Speedrun in under 5 minutes by recruiting 2 of the strongest hirelings.

>> No.8562432


>> No.8562471

In HoMM2 members of original Corak's wrangler squad appear as heroes for various cities.
In HoMM3 a couple of heroes were generics and then turned into the powered up versions in expansion's campaigns (Gem, Yog)
I believe Crag Hack the Barbarian was a placeholder for the future Crag Hack the Dwarf in original Armageddon's Blade campaign (which supposedly was a sequel to the evil route of MM7) but then that THING happened and they scrapped it and turned the guy into the generic barbarian. And yes, it implies that canonically there are two Crag Hacks were running around Enroth.

>> No.8563181

How come Bracada has both Bracada Desert and the snowy mountains? How can there be snow next to desert?

>> No.8563507

Desert just means that there's little precipitation. The biggest desert on Earth is in the Antarctic.
The obvious solution is that the mountains prevent clouds from crossing and raining/snowing on the desert.

>> No.8563559

As the other guy mentioned it means the clouds can't get over the mountains easily and the Bracada desert probably has a colder average temperature than you might think, though not necessarily below freezing outside of winter. The same type of thing happens plenty of places on Earth.

>> No.8563571

Gobi or Taklamakan seem obvious choices.

>> No.8565307


>> No.8565857

>5th edition
I don't see how that could work. Where are the Trans rights? Where are the wheelchair accessible dungeons? What about the 100% realistic representation of blacks in Enroth?

>> No.8566358

>What about the 100% realistic representation of blacks in Enroth?
Already covered


>> No.8566396

Thank God, I am not an American using social media.

>> No.8566489

Crag Hack was the character JVC used when he played D&D games, and he just copy/pasted Crag into the M&M games. There are two Crag Hacks in the world of Enroth because one of them is in Celeste coming originally from Terra taking the spaceship at the end of MM3. The other is the wandering clueless Barbarian that we see in the Shadow of Death campaigns. Crag Hack is just generally JVC's fill in name for a barbarian and the overall franchise has at least 4 of them.

>> No.8566510
File: 37 KB, 136x136, SirCaneghem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self insert.

>> No.8566761

He was never subtle about putting his name in game. It's the passcode to the orbs in that Cathedral of Carnage. The MM1 ending has you meeting him. Even in MM7 the Harmondale stables are the J.V.C. stables.

>> No.8566841

>never subtle about putting his name in game.
How is he compared to Richard Garriot?
>MM1 ending
Never play MM1&2 so I never meet him.
>Harmondale stables
First time I heard it.
Got a link or something?

>> No.8566848
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, mr.nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic of Lord B.

>> No.8566876

It's the in-game name of the stables in the Harmondale zone of Might and Magic 7. The J.V.C Corral

>> No.8566891

I forgot.
I only played it once and it was more than 20 years ago.
Last year I replayed MM6 for the first time after 20+ years, I plan to replay MM7 this year or next year.
Dunno when I'm gonna replay MM8.
MM3 is the MM game I mostly replay, but I never once finish it lol
I know he's into racing, but is he into horse riding?

>> No.8567274

MM3 is not hard. I could see getting walled in most of the games, but 3 is just get the sequencing cards and enough power orbs to pick a king. Thinking about it JVC also comes up in the WoX Dungeon of Death as one of the crossword answers.

>> No.8567326

>not hard
The first time I played MM3 was the longest play time I had in MM3.
I was still young and didn't use any walkthrough (no internet yet).
I reached the high level among my play.
I didn't finish it because I couldn't solve some puzzles.
Now I'm just too lazy to finish most games I play.
I finished 4 and 5 separately because I borrowed both from a friend but I'd already uninstalled 4 when I borrowed 5.

>> No.8567334

There's a lot of content on Clouds that's unavailable are far too hard without Darkside.

>> No.8567345

The only things in Clouds you can't kill without Darkside are things that are already gated by keys from Darkside like the Dungeon of Death, Southern Sphinx, and Darkstone Tower. The Dragon King is a pain if you just play Clouds, but he's certainly killable at level 30 (20+level fountain) with Day of Protection.

>> No.8567353

Should be level 33 because you still get the level bonuses from the Witch Clouds, Golem Dungeon, and Shangri-la if you are just playing Clouds.

>> No.8567645

My idea for an ideal Might & Magic sequel:

1) Story
Goes back to the classic sci-fi twist setting with a M&M VI-VIII feel to it. A story introduction similar to M&M VII where you were a bunch of random adventurers who just got together to win the contest. You create 4 blank slate characters initially but an additional 1 or 2 characters who are more involved into the overall story can join you later.

2) Setting
Mostly similar to Antagarich (lots of different territories ruled by opposing factions) but with a slightly more exotic feel to it like Jadame and the humans are split into more factions like in M&M VI. You can see these factions actually fight one another in the world and possibly help them out for ++reputation. The most important factions troops & guards also scale much better into the late game, so you are no longer a group of gods that decide who lives and dies near the end. Killing random civilians for no reason will get you quickly ostracized and no shops or peaceful merchants will deal with you.

3) Character Creation
All M&M VII classes with promotions but the classes are more balanced and the promotion quests feel more important. Different characters/classes get different responses from NPCs (affected by level of promotion). M&M VII + M&M VIII races available and every race (including humans) get a unique racial skill - the more powerful the bonuses, the worse the drawbacks. In example, Vampire special skills are powerful but work only during the night and have weakened stats during the day. Human racial skill is mediocre but has no drawbacks. Dragons cannot be chosen at character creation but can join later and are difficult to keep in your party because their racial skill is the strongest. You can pay for hirelings (now with actual personalities) but make them rarer than just hiring random townsfolk to go along with you on dangerous journeys. They can die and/or refuse to follow you into dangerous dungeons.

>> No.8567648

All classes also have a unique ability that gives an overall bonus to their associated skills (=their starting skills). In example, the Archer's unique skill allows you to change the bow to do additional elemental damage - what kind of elemental damage and how strong it is depends on your mastery of the elemental magic schools (might even added the basic elemental effects, like stunning or slowing arrows). The Sorcerer's unique skill makes his elemental magic deal more damage than other classes with the same skills would do and penetrate resistances, etc. Skill masteries are also improved for "cross" class-types at their final promotions - Archers can get GM Spear, Fire & Air Magic; Druids can get GM Body, Mind & Earth, Water magic; Paladins can get GM Spirit and Light/Dark Magic; Monks get M Light/Dark. Sorcerers and Clerics are still the only classes able to GM all Elemental and Self Magic respectively (and they're the best at it due to their unique skills) with GM Light/Dark on top of that. Knights can get GM in all weapon and armor skills.

4) Spell & Skill Balance

Mind Magic and Earth Magic boosted significantly. Some useful utility spell added to Earth Magic. Mind Magic gets Telekinesis that can be used on enemies too at GM level to pull and throw them (helps show off the new physics engine, duh). Maybe the extremely deadly kick could also be performed telepathically. Fire Magic's Haste also makes you walk faster (but it takes rev-up time to get to the higher walking speed) and you get rid of the retarded weakened state at Master level. The torch spell is more important because lack of vision gives you penalties to hit or use certain vision based skills. Feather Fall reduces fall damage sustained during combat too. All schools of magic can do at least two different kinds of damage (not just Water with its cold/acid damage).

>> No.8567654

Misc. skills reworked to scale better and do more than just one thing:
>ID Item+Merchant are made into one skill (Appraise item?) and instead of having a binary "knows item/doesn't know item" you get more info the higher your skill is and you know all about the item at Mastery level already and at GM you can also sell it at the full price
>Perception+ID Monster combined, the info you get from ID monster is actually useful now (and GM level you know the HP, SP, what spells they cast, what their immunities & resistances are - and resistances are reworked in a way that you actually know what that means) and Perception passively allows you to detect traps and secrets - you can't open non quest related secret doors without detecting it
>Disarm Trap+Stealing combined (Thievery) with added "Lock-picking" factor that also allows you to open non-quest related doors that lead to treasures etc without needing to find the switch / key to open it, Master is enough to disarm all Traps, GM allows you to unlock anything and allows to steal even the most expensive and heaviest armor (difficulty determined by size & cost)
>that Diplomacy you like is going to come back into style - you can use it to avoid combat in some situations (you still get XP for monsters you didn't have to fight) and you can use it to improve the quest rewards you get (more gold, better items, etc) and makes your reputation/fame improve faster
>Repair Item 100% success rate comes earlier, and at higher mastery levels you can also Harden your items and maybe even improve them like you would with the Enchant Item spell
>Body Building + Meditation linked together, but different classes get different results (more HP or more SP, with various multipliers) from the skill
>Learning gives bonus XP + at higher mastery allows you to learn spells you see being cast (like Eagle Eye) if you have the appropriate magic school mastery level and it reduces the mastery thresholds for other skills

>> No.8567661

Weapon classes are now inherently different:
>Spear class: spears do piercing damage and have a bonus to hit and have an extra range, tridents lose the to hit bonus for extra damage, halberds are two handed only but do the highest damage which changes from piercing to slashing depending on what's better against the opponent and have a bit more range than spears, pikes are two handed and have the highest range of all melee items in the game
>Bow class: bows start of weaker but scale much better with your bow skill (which gives +damage at master already), i.e. you get double the skill bonuses when using bows (and triple at GM) while crossbows get the bonuses only 1x from your skill but hit much harder when skill is not considered
>Sword class: depending on the sword, it can do any combination of slashing/piercing and crushing damage, making them the most universally useful weapon class and also the second best defense bonuses weapon class
>Axe class: highest slashing damage melee weapon class, does less (crushing) damage against armored opponents, gives no defensive bonuses
>Mace class: crushing and piercing/crushing damage, very good late game against armored opponents
>Dagger class: fastest but lowest damage (per hit) melee weapon, at highest levels it does damage that ignores armor
>Staff class: best defensive weapon class, crushing damage only but very good at improving your chance to block enemy attacks and counter attack, second best at stunning after the Mace class of course
>Unarmed class: you can use it with way more weapons (usually 1 handed ones but also staff) if your off-hand is free, bonuses are doubled if fully unarmed, at GM it's even faster than dagger
>Blaster class: inherently strongest weapon in the game with no skill, but very inaccurate, deals special "pure energy" damage that affects everyone equally

>> No.8567664

Armor reworked to reduce physical damage (by up to 100%) with to hit rolls determining how much damage is reduced, Dodging is a separate defense skills on top of that that works even with the heaviest armors but the heavier the armor the bigger the penalty to how effective your dodging skill is. Almost no enemy is immune to all three types of damage, usually if someone is extremely resistant to piercing (i.e. Sandro) then they're very weak to crushing, etc.

5) Map & Dungeon Design
Different terrains have different walking speeds - native monsters unaffected. No more silly moonwalk + shoot. Resting is more important as you can get tired from all the fighting. Renewable food sources available in the wilderness (perhaps a basic cooking skill added) You have to drink from the local fountain water to make it a Town Portal location and at lower levels of Water Magic you need to find water on the map to teleport back there. You can also no longer teleport there if your reputation with the particular town is too low. Lloyd's Beacon advances time whenever used +turn delay (reduced by WM skill but at least 2-3 of 'em) before the teleportation actually takes effect. Flying monsters that can catch you quite easily with their death bag. Dodging melee attacks in fly mode is harder.

Dungeons are more sensible with a functional design. They have a sensible flora & fauna, you can understand the dungeon's history and you can feel its emotions when you lick the stone walls. If there are humans, there should be a good reason why and if there are various locks and defense mechanisms in place, they should be made easily operable for the inhabitants. You can even sneak around undetected and see them operate them from afar. You can also watch goblin girls bathing naked if you're really good. Sneaking is done manually in the game via careful and slow movement. The invisibility spell helps a lot but you still make sound and intelligent opponents will react and try to find you.

>> No.8567672

Also here are the unique skill ideas for all classes:

Unique skill (these would be picked from the "spell book" even though they're not spells, like in Heroes V kinda) that allows you to add additional Fire/Electric/Cold/Acid/etc damage to your bow shots. At higher levels it also makes your arrows Stun/Slow/Shock the enemy. The added damage depends on your mastery of the respective Elemental Magic school. Buff spells are also 10/20/30/50% cheaper.

Unique skill that that allows your melee attacks to turn automatically turn undead on a successful hit, lowers the damage you get from "evil" (or "good" if you become evil) creatures. At highest levels it makes you even immune to their deadliest effects (i.e. you cannot die from Finger of Death if you're good). Buff spells are also 10/20/30/50% cheaper.

Weapon skills and armor skills provide a bonus to other weapon and armor skills you know (note that the Knight class can now get GM in every weapon and armor skill except Unarmed). The skill bonus does not count for mastery threshold but it could mean that if you have GM'd every weapon class you get a huge bonus to every one of them as they give bonuses to each other - though it wouldn't be like every weapon helps every other weapon type; just make them all linked to 2 other types). Also, it's another Armsmaster skill (except it only provides recovery/to hit/to damage bonuses starting at E/M/GM).

A "pick favored enemy" skill. You can have 1/2/3/5 favored enemies at a time. Works kinda like the Avenger skill in Heroes 5 (you have to grind enemies to activate it; maybe the higher the mastery the less you need to kill). Passively allows the ranger to use Perception as his pseudo-Armsmaster skill - gets to hit and to damage bonuses against identified enemies. His master/expert/basic (scales inversely with mastery of this skill) spells ignore the identified monster's immunity.

>> No.8567675

As mentioned before, a combination of Sorcery + Irresistible Magic. Makes his spells make the highest damage out of all casters. Basically, an Armsmaster for spells but better.

Makes your healing/buff spells (of Self Magic) better and adds a special "Prayer" unique skill that makes your next spell affect all party members at once (but you pay the mana cost for everyone, if it's a spell that can only be cast at one person at a time) and it cannot fail (ignores status effects that would prevent it). If you wouldn't have enough mana to pay for it, the spell is still cast but you are left in a weakened state. Healing spells cast like this get the max healing roll. The higher the mastery the higher spell levels you can use with Prayer.

Passive skill similar to the knight's unique skill, but for spells. Gets a unique "Ritual" skill which allows you to cast all the buff spells he can on your entire party, but only works outside of combat with reduced -> no mana cost. All Basic/Expert/Master spells are affected. At GM, this skill works during combat too.

Unique "Hide in the Shadows" skill. Makes you invisible to the enemy (they have to make checks against your Thievery skill) and if you attack them with a Dagger you get bonus backstab damage (depends on your Dagger skill). The backstab damage multiplier rises with the mastery of the Thief unique skill and it comes with a to hit multiplier as well which affects all weapon attacks. At GM, the skill is used automatically after every attack.

Unique "Counter Strike" skill. Every time you successfully dodge an attack, you get a free unarmed attack against the opponent who attacked you. Links your Staff-Dodging-Unarmed skill (like a minuscule version of the Knight unique skill). At GM you can also choose to cast a spell instead (has to be "readied" via this active skill in advance).

>> No.8569063

Ah yes, that guy. Didn't he fly to space? I think I saw a magazine article about it.

>> No.8569068

That is a shit ton of text anon. We can talk about it but no one is going to respond to the whole thing at once.

1-3) Guards scaling would be nice, but they always did to an extent. Angels and Queens of the Dead are way more powerful than Swordsmen. Actually relevant racials seem fine, but may be a pain to balance. If you have certain races better at night you need to maintain the shops open at night (which they got rid of in MM8 for some reason). The hireling gimmick might be ok, but if they don't go into dungeons they aren't going to be useful other than something like merchants. I think MM9 tried to do some limitations on hirelings as they were actual party members that gave buffs, but as with everything in 9 it wasn't fully implemented.

>> No.8569078

Yep, long time ago.
Dunno what he's doing now.
I used to idolize him in the 90s because of the Ultima series.
I stopped caring about him long time ago.

>> No.8569130

>My idea for an ideal Might & Magic sequel:
There will never be another M&M game as long as Ubisoft lives.

Maybe after the Great Cleansing, after humanity recovers from the nukes, if some of us survive, we can go back to our roots.

>> No.8569450

They own only names tied to the license.
No one stops you from making a "spiritual successor" of M&M. That is what "Legends of Amberland" was in a nutshell.

>> No.8569465
File: 49 KB, 680x382, Legends-of-Amberland-The-Forgotten-Crown-Torrent-Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Legends of Amberland
Looks like a mix of MM3 interface mixed with EoB directional buttons.
Is it good?

>> No.8569591

I doubt it, you would get sued to death if you made a M&M with no difference but the name

>> No.8569602

As long as you don't use any copyrighted names and designs there's nothing they can do. Gameplay itself isn't protected, no matter how much Richard Garriot wanted it.

>> No.8569693
File: 125 KB, 600x375, mm3_screenshot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RG sued a company because it released a game similar to Ultima.
Forgot what game it was.
If this game >>8569465 was released after MM3, I won't be surprised if NWC sued it.

>> No.8569698

Questron and that was 1984. There have been countless clone games since then.

>> No.8569739

After playing through vanilla I really liked this mod - though it does have its up and downs. It actually encourages you to bounce back and forth between the two worlds which is neat.

>> No.8569741

>encourages you to bounce back and forth between the two worlds
what does it change?

>> No.8569746

A lot of stuff, check out the changelog on the site if you're interested

>> No.8569832

>respawn all non-unique monsters
in my last playthrough of mm3 last year, i intentionally left the monster lair on the map so they respawn monsters.
but they respawn too slow and the exp they give are too low.
there's a mod for mm3 too, i might try it someday.

>> No.8569880

I've played both. Some of the quality of life stuff is really nice, like cure curse/insanity, and knights/barbarians having Thievery by default. Stats mean a lot more as the scaling is fixed.

The MM3 one doesn't really feel that impactful.
Sure there are some annoying respawns especially early on, but it doesn't make the game a lot harder so long as you make sure and get accuracy early.

The Xeen mod on the other hand is noticeable, especially if you don't jump between the worlds until you complete Clouds. You will get more out of it this way, otherwise you just jump to Darkside, get the cartographer challenge, Drawkcab tents in Castleview, and the Drawkcab "what do they study" quests and have a big level lead. You will have problems even hitting the bats in the Dwarf Mines. All named bosses get their hp multiplied by 5-10, so even things like the breeder slimes in Vertigo are noticeably harder and the hardest boss in the game is Darzog with around 1500 hp. Normally he isn't an issue because you just kill him easily in 1 round, but with a ton of hp the stone effect really hits.

>> No.8569913

>knights/barbarians having Thievery
nice, i usually make a ninja instead of a thief because ninja is better at combat.
now i don't even need them if knights/barbarians have thievery.
>jump between worlds
mm games are open worlds so i usually do other areas if my levels are not strong enough in a certain area.
vanilla mm3, i usually equip bows and kill goblins outside the first city before doing the dungeon in the first city.

>> No.8570004

There are places to learn Thievery in both games in the mod, but really it's easier to just take a barbarian in the party anyway. It does end up making ninjas and thieves completely useless (all they get is the bonus 15/30 to the skill that they would start with normally).

>> No.8570029

the only place I remember to learn thievery is the throne (don't remember which mm 3/4/5) that teaches all skills but it has some nasty effect.
don't remember the nasty effect but i have a hunch it's eradication.
where are the other places to learn thievery?

>> No.8570309

It sounds weird to have long battles in old M&M.

>> No.8570856

In the vanilla games, the only place is the statue in the Halls of Insanity in MM3 for 100k gold. Learning "everything" is actually everything. For some reason the "everything" trainer in Shangri-La doesn't give Thievery in WoX.

In the mods, the prison in Vertigo and the Ninja Hideout in Wildabar teach skullduggery, which is actually thievery.

>> No.8571564

Darkside ends up mostly the same other than some experience nerfs and Minotaurs not being as bad in the Tomb of Lost Souls. The mod really makes Clouds feel like a complete game much more in line with how it should have been made. It's really hard at the start, reasonably easy in the midgame, then gets really hard again as you push to the endgame with Darzog and Xeen's Pet being absolutely savage to fight.

>> No.8572503

I see. Thanks.

>> No.8572679

I'll get to all of them eventually. GM elemental and self is just so powerful it's nearly needed, especially power cure and GM protection from magic. I usually edit druids and paladins to give them GM body (and nerf them elsewhere to balance). Mind and Earth certainly need buffs.
>All schools of magic can do at least two different kinds of damage (not just Water with its cold/acid damage).
So going back to the MM6 style? Makes sense. Could do a lot with mind magic there. Having mind only do magic type damage took away the whole point of the school other than as a debuff cure.

>> No.8572697

Might feel a bit too important. Splitting it out into 2 skills helps stretch things out so if you want both you dump a lot of skill points in.
>Perception+ID Monster
The Rev4 Mod actually had the obvious solution to this. Make certain monsters immune to everything except one school of magic that you wouldn't normally guess (in that case light damage).
Skipping the need to track down a certain button sounds good in theory but ends up destroying dungeon design. Either you have to backtrack a ton without it and fight multiple extra waves of monsters, or the skill ends up being useless.
No, just dump it. There isn't any meaningful use for it. If you wanted to do something, then maybe turn it into a bribery skill for weaker monsters like HoMM4 did.
The rest seem fine.

>> No.8573989
File: 119 KB, 1279x720, WOMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do might and magic fans like this game? I played as a kid and liked it and was thinking about trying Crusaders. Seems like part of the appeal of the original games was having a party.

>> No.8574087

>Do might and magic fans like this game?
I really hoped no one liked that game. I only saw the trailer and it looked insanely cringe.

I played Crusaders of Might and Magic as a kid because it was a cover game in some gaming magazine and I couldn't get out of the first town/level/whatever, played like Tomb Raider or something, world made no sense, I saw no relation to Might and Magic 6 and 7 (which were also cover games in the magazine before).

>> No.8574184

How do you form you opinion on a game without playing it? Did it just seem so far removed from the others that it may as well be a different title? I was 13 when i played it btw and simply have fond memories. I didnt get exposed to many games of the sort.

>> No.8574584

It was a different genre and the reviews at the time indicated it was obvious shovelware that wasn't worked on by the same people as most of the M&M/HoMM games. It's not that it was actively hated, it just never drew much interest.

>> No.8574619

same thing goes for Crusaders?

>> No.8574626

Mostly, Crusaders was considered a little bit better as I recall but it was the same problem. Bad to mediocre game that only comes up occasionally because of the might and magic franchise.

>> No.8576173

Bow is the trickiest thing to balance. Either they do nothing starting near the midgame or they carry everything. MM9 had an interesting idea, give a guaranteed bow artifact that has 100% accuracy but require master to use it.
The issue with sword being so powerful wasn't that swords are great weapons, but that you could dual wield them. 2 swords, especially enchanted, would always do more than any single weapon of the same quality.
I like what you did with daggers. You would probably want to put some monsters in with high AC and resistance to all spells somewhere to push parties towards this.
Unarmed is another really hard to balance skill. Your idea will just end up as 1h + unarmed until very late game and ends up taking away the advantage that a pure melee class would have.

>> No.8576183

While the idea of different walking speeds makes sense, it would just end up making certain dungeons obnoxious to enter in the first place, and feels like it would tank replay value.
Sneaking mechanics are hard to balance without turning the game into a stealth simulator, though yes certain monster types should be able to detect you much more easily than they did, especially named or boss type enemies.

>> No.8576208

Be careful with stunlocking, it's a terrible mechanic.
Not sure how that works with certain races that might be dark aligned. You could simply ban them from making Paladins, but something like high dark resistance would make more sense.
The thing that kept the ranger skill from getting too strong in HoMM5 was always having to run back to town to change the preferred target. If you could do it in the wild it just because a micromanagement annoyance, and you can't have it doing too much extra or people will feel they need to switch after clearing the first room out of a big dungeon. It also punishes the game devs for re-using monsters which may not be a good idea if you want a large game.

>> No.8576227

Reducing resistances is something Sorcerers were always missing, but it still needs to be checked especially if there is something like a Finger of Death or Mass Distortion spell. Even paralyze would get really crazy if it was unresistable.
Seems useless, more of a convenience thing than actual use. Not really needed if you have day of protection/gods/hour of power.
Sounds good until that last one. Guaranteed backstab damage every attack sounds like it gets stupid really quickly, maybe clarify it only applies to the first hit and can't be re-activated until you drop combat.
Counterattacking by casting a heal sounds interesting and actually useful. Until GM seems relatively useless.

And finally done with this. You really really need to separate your posts. Dumping a whole system all at once in a really slow moving thread didn't create a lot of discussion.

>> No.8576426

Playing MM2 for the first time in a while. Is there any decent way of getting experience early other than the arena/bishops? I know I could probably cheese it and just farm Cuisinarts forever but there has to be a better way to do this beyond the triple crowns and bishops.

>> No.8576990

>While the idea of different walking speeds makes sense, it would just end up making certain dungeons obnoxious to enter in the first place, and feels like it would tank replay value.
Maybe it would be better then like this
>You cannot walk and shoot in real time mode
>The terrain affects how far you can move each turn in turn based mode
that way actual travel time is not affected.
>Sneaking mechanics are hard to balance without turning the game into a stealth simulator
It should be like an optional thing that you never have to actually use (though it makes some quiets much easier, like in MM7) except maybe the Thief promotion quests.

>Be careful with stunlocking, it's a terrible mechanic.
It would work like the Stun spell in MM6/7/8, maybe at the basic level, and it wouldn't have a 100% proc chance. Like just an added benefit/pleasant surprise while you're chugigng arrows. Same with the other elemental effects.
Although I guess Stun and Slow has to be be rebranded between Earth and Water (Air gets shock, Fire gets burning). Or if Water should get poison (rather than freezing) then I guess Slow is better for Earth magic than Stun arrows.

>> No.8577571

is there HOMM general?

>> No.8577580

8 is shittiest by far
everything feels lazy as fuck in 8

>> No.8577625

you mean 9 is not the worst?

>> No.8577719


>> No.8578001

After the split HoMM found a new home. The RPG might and magics couldn't survive /vrpg/ and are just now coming back to /vr/.
9 is the worst but I'm going to infer the "new trilogy" refers to 6-8, rather than 8-10 which doesn't make any sense. 9 had some good ideas but they just had to ship it out before alpha testing was even finished.

>> No.8578183
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What games are the closest to MM6 to 8 ?
I've played them so much I know everything

>> No.8578221


>> No.8578224

Try Wiz 8.

>> No.8579382
