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File: 3.21 MB, 1549x1370, advance-guardian-heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8511230 No.8511230 [Reply] [Original]

>no branching level structure each with its own ending
>no multiple characters to choose from
>shitty graphics and sound
And some people think this is better than the Sega Saturn version?

>> No.8511236

Some genuinely think more content=better version, even if that new content stinks or isn't well implemented

>> No.8511274

So what do you think stinks or isn't well-implemented in the Saturn version that the GBA version does better?

>> No.8511329

I love how polarizing opinions are over AGH, on one hand you've got the 'it's different therefore it sucks' crowd who dislike it's a scrolling beatemup now with tiny sprites and no routes. On the other you've got those who appreciate it for what it is, airdashing all over the shop, countering attacks left and right, hyper moding that counter bar back while giving a hyper fast beatdown. Even the setpieces kick ass, like the river sequence.

Probably has a harsh learning curve at the start with some instadeaths for not understanding its garbage translation trying to explain stuff, and the whole 'you can sell your soul to continue only you can't continue' system is pointless being in the game. Never found magic much use either, unless casting speed/cost gets better if you level that up, I'm too busy making a fast dude with big damage usually. It's just a waste of shield/counter bar. Otherwise, this is a damn fine game provided you don't mind something different.

>> No.8511932

I was just thinking of this yesterday and wondering if /vr/ had played it. I enjoyed it back in the day and it stands well enough apart from GH

>> No.8512317

>And some people think this is better than the Sega Saturn version?
Nobody ever said that.

>> No.8512520

People just said it's a good beat em up for GBA which it clearly is

>> No.8512579

Not him, but the roleplaying in the Saturn game is extremely superficial in terms of both storytelling and game balance. It's really hard for me to call the route choices and endings meaningful contributions.

More importantly, everything about the undead warrior is just baffling. Its inclusion is basically just a tacit admission that the game is completely unbalanced as a single player experience; it's meant to be cheesed and can't be studied like a standard belt scroller.

AGH has its share of issues but is fundamentally a better game just by virtue of being skill-based and orderly.

>>no multiple characters to choose from
This is also blatantly false fwiw. There are more playable story mode characters than there were in the first.

>> No.8512612

>Never found magic much use either, unless casting speed/cost gets better if you level that up
Magic in general gets pretty helpful for crowd control as the game progresses since the stat that determines your max MP is the best one in the game. Everyone should be dumping points into it by default to improve the counter window, so you'll eventually have enough to afford tossing a quick spell out every now and then.

But not all spells are created equal so you have to do a little experimenting to see which are worth it. Valgar, Dylan, and especially Ginjiro have good magic and benefit greatly from incorporating it into your builds/gameplay loop.

>> No.8512687
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Saturn Guardian Heroes was co-developed by SEGA CS1, which explains why it turned out so much better than the trash GBA sequel which was a solo Treasure affair.

>> No.8512692

>trash GBA sequel
The door is over there.

>> No.8512954

then explain why gunstar superheroes turned out shit despite sega helping them develop it

>> No.8513091
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Came out in 2005, which was well after Sega'd gone to shit thanks to being purchased and gutted by Sammy.

>> No.8513418

Treasure themselves claimed that it surpassed the original Guardian Heroes.

>> No.8513491

who did, Maegawa? bullshit