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File: 20 KB, 320x227, GB&GBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
849664 No.849664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /vr/, I need your guys honest opinions.

I have both an original DMG Gameboy and an extra Gameboy Color, and lately I've wanted to modify one to make it comfier to play. This would require several modifications...

I'm talking about frontlit/backlit screens, replacing buttons to something more comfortable, possible rechargeable batteries, and maybe even a paint job.

The Gameboy Color works fine and has no problems with it. The DMG Gameboy however has a broken speaker (headphone jack still works) and a dent in the screen lens/protector.

Which one should I mod, or should I even mod them? Opinions?

Also, before you suggest an SP, I had one when I was younger and didn't like how the games stuck out and the lack of a headphone jack. I would also presume it would cramp my hands after extended periods of play.

>> No.849718

Sounds like you just have too much free time and you are bored of the same setting. Just paint them, or get a boosterboy or a gb light, or get many different editions and combine its parts to make a personalized version.

Or you could just read a book or smoke weed.

>> No.849728

Don't paint them, fffs.

The speakers are super easy to replace, find any other broken gameboy or a GBA/SP and take a speaker out of there. Supposedly the SP speaker sounds the best/loudest.

Screen protector replacements are easy to find, but most/all of them are pretty low quality and prone to being re-scratched. Better to just leave the stock one I think unless it's absolutely horrible.

Frontlight mod for the GBC and DMG aren't worth it, the GBASP frontlight isn't powerful enough to really make a difference in anything but pitch dark situations. If you want light, go further retro and find one of those XBOX huge magnifying glass/flashlight combos that hooks into the edges of the DMG. Looks awesome.

Rechargeable batteries? Yeah, put some lithium AAs in there and forget about it. Check for corrosion first and clean the contacts with baking soda mixed with water if you find any.

>> No.849756


Money is an issue, so no no weed, but great suggestion for encouraging reading. I also like the idea of cannibalizing parts.


Alright, I might just fix up the DMG then. Thanks! Painting does seem like a bad idea for now, so I'll just replace parts and look into the attachments.

>> No.850295
File: 331 KB, 1600x1200, MVC-106F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radio Shack sells a small speaker that almost fits in the DMG-01 Game Boy. I had to use a dremel tool to grind down the top of the black plastic support ring on it, to lower the profile so it would fit in the GB. Sounded good as new when I was done, though. I think that was the same GB I did the ProSound mod for, image related.

>> No.850483
File: 457 KB, 2112x2816, GB Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe instead of modding a Gameboy, you should just buy something like the GB Boy Colour (pic related). It has a really nice backlit screen, and the speakers are better than the ones at a normal GBC.

Also, take a look at this. It's a sold device, but it's still really fucking cool.

>> No.850545

I have one of these (link below) in an MGB (Pocket) and I love it. I just wanna point out also you can just buy off the shelf rechargeable duracells. I have 4 AAAs so when one set is recharging I can play with the others


I also put one of the older V3 ultra lights into a DMG and it was a real pain and doesn't look nearly as good as the pocket screen anyway.

>> No.850554

Look up Rose Colored Gaming. I don't think lit gameboy screens is all that possible.

In fact, a GBA SP is probably a better choice.

>> No.850604
File: 4 KB, 98x125, 1371223419987s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a few mods to my GBC, and if I had a camera I'd post it.
>Front lit screen
>Overclock and Underclock switch
>Built in gameshark (I took it apart and shoved it into the case, connecting it with wires)
>Solar Panel with rechargeable batteries
>Better Speakers and headphone jack
>Two tone shell (green and opaque purple)
There was another mod I wanted to do to it but I forgot. I don't use it much I just leave it in my backpack for when I travel. It's nice never needing batteries again.

>> No.851887

>possible rechargeable batteries
you can just put NiMH AA's in them right now

>> No.851903

Is it really worth modding your priceless GameBoy and possibly damaging it when your phone can just emulate it this day and age?
Emulate it on your Android phone for backlight and rechargable battery
Let the GameBoy be in peace

>> No.851912

where can I get one of these?