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/vr/ - Retro Games

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850093 No.850093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys find this week so far?

I found all this for $15. How'd I do?

>> No.850192

Please refrain from asking "how'd I so". A vocal minority is already wetting their respective pantaloons over it. You done good in my opinion, though HURRR NOT RETRO BLARGLEYARGH, all of those are good games worth easily the price of the whole lot (though I'm not sure about SH2, as I unfortunately do not care for Silent Hill).

>> No.850204

>not retro
>"How'd I do?" thread

>> No.850250

Yes, thank you for being so predictable.

And to be on-topic, I haven't found anything yet, though I haven't been looking. Have a lot of expenses rolling along that I can't delay any longer. All of the local thrift stores have FUCK ALL anymore, and yard sales have been a bust, so I'm taking a long break.

>> No.850278

The silent hill game was just thrown in for $1. So I was just taking a picture of the lot. I apologize if I don't buy 100% "retro" bite me.

>> No.850284

Is yard sales/thrift stores dependent on location?

I can't find shit ever at yard sales but thrift stores and pawn shops is all day everyday.

>> No.850292

Gameboy Advance is post-2000 too and your thread sucks anyhow.

>> No.850304

None of that is /vr/ material, but I think you did ok.

>> No.850321
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I could have sworn gba was earlier. I'm delusional. Swapped my extra SNES for this

>> No.850325

All that crap is retro in my book.

>> No.850331

Don't burn your retinas out with that thing.

>> No.850336

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>> No.850338

Contrary to this board. I buy things when the console is discontinued. Such as buying my first Playstation 2 about two weeks ago. I guess I don't have a big connection with the games of yesteryear

>> No.850347

Well, I live in eastern Ohio, when is fucking FULL of classic gaming aficionados. This is a two-edged sword. We never see each other, and we are always in competition against THE EVIL FORCES OF RE-SELLOR. The resellers who have no jobs other than reselling THE VIDYA at their indoor flea market booths have a network of cronies who scour the curbs on garbage day, and raid yard/garage/rummage sales, thrift stores, and other similar places wherein classic games and paraphernalia can be found. They basically pick the area dry, then set the prices in their shops. For the MOST part, the game shops in the area have... oh, what do the kids call it... "BRO-TIER" prices, but some are just poop from a butt.

In the early 2000s, yard sales were a goddamn classic gaming PARADISE. Too bad I lost my entire game collection back then, or it would be quadruple the size it is now.

My VB has no stand. I got it from an Easter Seals rummage sale. Worked great for a while, but when I had it boxed up to keep it from getting dusty, it magically died and will no longer turn on. Probably bad capacitors, since the speaker clicks when I power it up, but no game audio, no video.

Your services are no longer required. Thank you, sir. You may leave now.

I got my first PS3 right after the PS4 was announced.

>> No.850343
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>MFW I thought that was a propane grill

>> No.850371

does this thread include stuff we found on the internet?

or just fleamarkets, thrift stores?

>> No.850379


Of course internet stuff counts

>> No.850381

this isn't fucking retro dumb fucks

>> No.850389

I'd say. Weekly finds. If you found a good deal on Jewbay let us know because I always get fucked there

>> No.850409
File: 142 KB, 800x599, gyo7wvd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well I did celebrate my new job with buying a nice Neo Geo game.

but I bought it on a forum so not really a lucky find nor cheap....

>> No.850418


I bought NTSC versions of Surf Ninjas for Game Gear and a DC VMU, both new in perfect condition, from a store in the UK. Including shipping it was $20 for both. Very good deal I'd say.

>> No.850419

I've never owned anything neo geo. care to give details?

>> No.850424


Twinkle Star Sprites

one of the best shooters available on the Neo Geo. great game, unfortunately very expensive (and somewhat rare)

>> No.850802

Jesus, didn't you just buy Breakers, too?

>> No.850835

This game is fucking awesome (multiplayer only).

>> No.850843


haha yeah....

>> No.850851
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Ah, this is the appropriate thread for these.

>total price €50
>GBC has the original battery cover
>both gameboys are in pretty good condition.
>Also included:15 of those plastic gameboy game cases

>> No.850861
File: 113 KB, 619x1200, IMG_20130628_175133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>€20 for the lot

Also bought pokemon red for €8 including shipping, but that isn't really a good deal.

>> No.850909

I can't justify picking up any of the more expensive AES games. You could buy an MVS candy cab for around what those go for.

>> No.851045


yeah I know...but it's my sick collector's mind that I keep on going...

besides I love the inserts and the snaplock cases

>> No.851239


I'm always impressed by your zeal. Although I could never be a collector of such calibre (considering those games were expensive at retail) I'm happy you have both the means and desire to do it.

>> No.851259
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$7 for all.

>> No.851673

I still don't own any AES carts. I'm more than content with my shitty Chinese xty-x in one cart. Well, not quite. My 38-in-1 cart is more like 9 games, and 29 broken ROMs with PLUS flashing on the screen constantly.

>> No.852263
File: 775 KB, 1632x1224, 20130629_002632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this, two NESes, four advantage controllers and a regular controller for ~$50 if i remember correctly. Guy had Sonic in the box and just said I could take it too if i wanted. Half of it looks like typical shovelware, i didnt miss anything special did i?

>> No.852271
File: 813 KB, 1224x1632, atari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also got this a while back but never posted on /vr/. Got an atari and a few meh-quality controllers with it. It also had a Magnavox Odyssey which I'd never heard of before, i havent even tried plugging that in and the few games that came with it didnt look too exciting. the bottom two games are Laser Blast and Night Driver, sorry about the glare. Math Fun in the corner is an Odyssey game.

>> No.852273

>I say it's retro, fuck the board rules!

>> No.852314

Haven't gone chasing this week, big yard sale and flea market day tomorrow (today; saturday).

>> No.852323

>demons to diamonds

Fuck that game. I didn't have the instruction manual and I could never find out what the fuck it wanted me to do.

>> No.852362

I am trying to figure out the name of an old nes games i played years ago.

I remember the cartridge being of a different shape or color and its not not the zelda games or the world championship game.

I don't remember too many details about it but it is stuck in my head. If anyone knows something about it that would be awesome

>> No.852367

Legend of Zelda

>> No.852369

There are black ones from a company called Tengen that are different looking, could that be? Maybe a religious game too, some of those are unlicensed and weird looking. Also there is a thread somewhere around here for posting games you don't remember the name of and people will help you out, if you can find it.

>> No.852371

There is a garage sale tomorrow this morning 20 minutes away from me that has confirmed "Nintendo 64 Games, PS1 Games, PS2 Games and Xbox Games" Is it worth going like 10 minutes before they start it at like 6:50 A.M, I really don't want to go later than 8:30 because that's when all the resellers get their filthy hands on all the games. Worth going early?

>> No.852376

Ah thanks the tengen thing sounds familiar il check it out, thank you very much

>> No.852378

If the people having the sale can identify the console the games go to, expect them to be overpriced.

>> No.852382

Well, I contacted the guy and he told me a family was bringing that stuff. I've bought stuff from people that have identified the stuff before for good deals. I got Luigi's Mansion, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy and Mario Party 6 all for $25 in that area. Fuck it, i'm going.