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8501215 No.8501215 [Reply] [Original]

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.8501242

Don't bother getting good at it since I'm the best at it already.

>> No.8501326 [DELETED] 

Master piece of shit.

>> No.8501440

when it rereleases we are going to play

>> No.8501449 [DELETED] 

First post best post.

>> No.8501453

Not really. I mean I get it was part of a lot of kid's childhood but even compared to the other FPS series in the N64, Turok, it was pretty lacking.
Actually makes me wonder, was there some kind of deal on this game at the time or something? It was weirdly popular for being so lackluster.

>> No.8501502 [DELETED] 

It makes auster-kun seethe

>> No.8501509 [DELETED] 

that was the second post, or am I shadow banned here?

>> No.8501527 [DELETED] 

It was the second.

>> No.8501539 [DELETED] 

18+ now leave

>> No.8501554 [DELETED] 

This isn't a porn board, anon. Sorry to tell you.

>> No.8502447 [DELETED] 

it was first post retard. there are no shadowbans on 4ch

>> No.8502450

Would people even care that it ever existed if not for the multiplayer?

>> No.8502451

yes people with good taste

>> No.8502457 [DELETED] 

You sure it's good taste and not just cope from loyal nintendo buyers who got caught in a 2-year-late scam of a console with no games? No one ever talks about why this game is good other than the multiplayer.

>> No.8502461

Imagine being impressed by a game that ran at 10fps at times while PChads were enjoying real FPS

>> No.8502465

Bro people's parents bought them the n64 and just cause the PS1 had better classics doesn't make it a scam.
I swear you tards are so stupid.

>> No.8502469

sorry you got btfo pretty hard in the other thread, but the game is good.

>> No.8502476

>but the game is good.
if it was your first FPS, sure

>> No.8502478

Better than the entire Amiga library.

>> No.8502480 [DELETED] 

I didn't have a PS1 though. Sounds like cope to me.

>> No.8502482 [DELETED] 

already played the pc classics, cope.

>> No.8502486 [DELETED] 

auster-kun still can't refute it lmao

>> No.8502498 [DELETED] 

glad you moved onto better games

>> No.8502501 [DELETED] 

>muh nintendo
rent free

>> No.8502503

>doom clones

>> No.8502508


>> No.8502512


>> No.8502513

primitive taste

>> No.8502514

>traditional BAD

>> No.8502518

>different BAD

>> No.8502520 [DELETED] 

Cmon auster-kun step up your arguments.

>> No.8502524

The irony here is that half life made your "revolutionary" game look obsolete and iterative just one year later. The irony here is that even zoomers prefer to play DOOM and say Goldeneye has aged badly (they're wrong, it was simply never good)

>> No.8502532

>caring about zoomer thinks

>> No.8502541

you got btfo lmao
keep crying cuck

>> No.8502547

>Actually makes me wonder, was there some kind of deal on this game at the time or something? It was weirdly popular for being so lackluster.
It was a first party Nintendo game. Just for that alone, it got a bigger marketing push than Turok or Doom.

>> No.8502607

I love the game. My most recent run was last week. The game has such a strong feedback system with its gunplay. You get so much off of a single shot and it takes into account where on the body you shot the enemy. I feel this helps make the N64 controls a lot more manageable when you are starting out. As you get used to the controls things start to feel very fast and natural. Lining up headshots became quite easy. It's not long until you find yourself quickly sleuthing your way through levels and expertly controlling large groups of enemies. All of this is enhanced with the impeccable sound design of everything from the guns themselves to the enemy grunts.

>> No.8502625

>No one ever talks about why this game is good other than the multiplayer.
Wrong, I’ve brought up before that its objective-based mission mechanic is interesting and I don’t know of a game that’s done it better.

>> No.8502628

It’s really a AAA experience, unthinkable for a movie licensed game.

>> No.8502819

James Almost Bond

>> No.8503613

What did she mean by this?

>> No.8503619

But did it have monkey tag?
I bet it didn't.