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File: 441 KB, 2560x1440, New-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time-Unreal-Engine-5-Fan-Remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8494403 No.8494403 [Reply] [Original]

>Nintendo, hire this man!

>> No.8494410

>Hey Nintendo-The-Comapny-Who-Does-Not-Care-About-Hardware-Specs-And-Graphics, hire this guy for the bloated graphics and beefy specs needed to run this shit!

>> No.8494445

Why? Tendies will buy the original OOT without anything attached.

>> No.8494451

>Hey Nintendo-The-Comapny-Who-Does-Not-Care-About-Fans-and-C&Ds-fan-games, hire this guy who's doing it for free!

>> No.8494452 [DELETED] 

I actually bought Switch Online + the expansion for me and all of my friends out of my pocket just to play the N64 games including Zelda.

>> No.8494463

Not to nitpick or anything, but entrances to well-traveled logistical hub villages rarely look cluttered with overgrown vegetation and uneven rocky terrain

>> No.8494467

I'm joking about how shit these "unreal fan projects" always look

>> No.8494470

Samefag Austist

>> No.8494505
File: 673 KB, 1407x603, Village_In_Shrek_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, thats the thing that all those 3D autists with british accents dont understand. this is the most generic RPG asset looking piece of shit, with absolutely dull generic dirt palette of shades of tan and olive. it could be zelda, it could be elder scrolls, it could be something from shrek (not even joking, see picrelated). its an equivalent of making games in RPG maker.
if you can work in UE5, it doesn't mean you're an artist, or understand jack shit about art. you should stick to making 3D mockups for living instead of pretending you're a video game artist.

>> No.8494518

why does he have the camera wobbling while link runs?

>> No.8494525 [DELETED] 

In our field of work we call it the soul-o-vision

>> No.8494528

That camera bob has to be the worst I've ever seen.

>> No.8494537

The author's own rig can't run this at a constant framerate.

>> No.8494561

>fantasy palettes should be neon pink and radioactive green

>> No.8494562

This is gross. Why would anybody want this?

>> No.8494570 [DELETED] 

Early 3D shit was a blight on the human race.

>> No.8494609

>let me make a convenient strawman

>> No.8494780
File: 31 KB, 1323x322, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8494797

way too much vegetation and clutter for what's meant to be the most active village next to Castle Town
the added fences and archways for doors are nice but there's zero room for those carts in the back

>> No.8494815


>> No.8494816

These people really have no sense of design. You're supposed to draw the eye to details that are important, not just overwhelm the senses with visual noise.

>> No.8494849
File: 801 KB, 1920x1080, K90AMdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeeeeeeeeeesus fuck, and I thought those overly detailed HD texture pack mods were shit. Should've known they would eventually be topped by Unreal engine fags.

>> No.8494915
File: 2.34 MB, 2555x5879, 472D384F-1D2D-4BE5-93DC-C73A2125826F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool, Nintendo’s been HIRING THIS MAN for years now

>> No.8494927

it's way too busy

>> No.8495126

For something a single fan did in their spare time, it looks great and will be a nice addition to their portfolio

For a hypothetical, professional $60 remake of a classic video game, it looks awful. Like a studio was told they're going to be remaking a fantasy game but they were only allowed to look at the original's collision meshes.

>> No.8495136

>guy poured 200 hours into making 4% of the game look "modern", surely couldnt be that hard for him to make the other 96%
>it gonna come out eventually, right. Right?

>> No.8495401

Those C-button icons actually make me sick

>> No.8495404

>nintendo invented green grass and blue sky
you don't get outside much, eh?

>> No.8495406
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the hearts. They added some dirt texture to them for no reason whatsoever. But really, the whole thing is a mess and whoever created it should feel bad.

Have another vomit-inducing shot of what I assume is a different mod.

>> No.8495426

Just suck all the soul out why dontcha

>> No.8495573

so we're still pretending these don't look great then innit

>> No.8495865
File: 7 KB, 308x164, gheg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495916
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about men who should be hired...

>> No.8495954

>Didn't keep the arrright
I hope this guy ends up in the gutter.

>> No.8495959

These are just projects that people do for fun, not sure why everyone is out to make fun of them when they're probably students/amateur devs anyway.

>> No.8495973

Anon, you're going to love this thing called going outside.

>> No.8496047

I don't think you're nitpicky, this guy clearly has no sense of logistics or even style and just tries to cram as much shit as possible on screen. That tree blocking the view to the windmill is infuriating despite having a thinner trunk. It also feels more cramped even though I sure the space is the same.

>> No.8496056

>nothing special happen in these video
>mostly dialogue
>age restricted
I hate youtube so goddamn much. No google, you're not getting my ID, fucking die.

>> No.8496062

For the YouTube clicks obviously.

>> No.8496096

>british accents
He is ESL, you retarded ESl. Stop trying to be smart you fucking retard.

>> No.8496640

What about the detail in real life?

>> No.8496662

God Unreal engine is such garbage. Shockingly ugly, and runs like shit, too.

>> No.8496693

I remember seeing a screenshot of a possibly very old "realistic" HD texture pack for SM64, with a shot of the lift in Cool Cool Mountain and the lift seemed to be textured with actual wood and the mountain itself looked grimy as fuck. Anyone knows what I'm talking about?

>> No.8496698

>tfw Konami ceased this man

>> No.8496739

I kind of like this, in an ugly garish way. It's got bootleg chic.

>> No.8496782


>> No.8496796
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496828

not trying to be a contrary fag, but i unironicaly dont like the look of this at all.
Like, if this was some original IP, AA studio project or something, i may try it, but I dont like the look of this at all for a oot remake.
It makes it look extremely bland imo like most big budget fantasy games worlds, OoT needs a bit of a comic or anime style coloring to it or something, not going for western dev style look, it makes it stand even less out when everything else looks like this
also the fuck is up with the camera movement? feel like i would get motion sickness fast from it

>> No.8496907
File: 65 KB, 620x350, MidnaAndTheShadowCrystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout a Midna game set in Twilight

>> No.8496908

did they fill his hat with helium?

>> No.8496941

Why can't these people just make it in private and quietly release it in full so it spreads like wild fire.
They always blast it on the internet at the start or half way through development and get instantly taken down.

>> No.8496957

Nintendo already mastered OoT on the 3DS.

>> No.8496958

If FF7 was on N64

>> No.8496967

This is a huge problem with Thief HD Mods
The high res textures completely clash with the low poly geometry, besides modders having no unified art direction
If you need to change something in order to love it, you probably don't love it in the first place

>> No.8496970

Because they do it for quick attention and donations, and have no intention of seeing these projects through.

>> No.8497000

>character and environment in completely different styles
>horribly washed out lighting effects
>levitating twigs
>store-bought assets

>> No.8497057

I would like that, actually.

>> No.8497060

looks awful and feels like I'm staring at the sun

>> No.8497069

That would never run on Nintendo hardware
Besides, from the latest Zelda game, it's only gonna get more and more casual.
BotW is meant to be played in 20 minute sessions, the "dungeons" are 1 room and 1 puzzle long.
You either go full casual or you forget about Nintendo games at this point

>> No.8497454

dunno bro I think the melee and speedrunning scenes are pretty serious business.
to the people who participate, at least.

>> No.8497459

piss filter

>> No.8497517

the nerrel one for mm is well made but you will be just a contrarian for the sake of it

>> No.8497541

And those scenes are full of trannies and degenerates; what’s your points?

>> No.8497543

they are attentionwhores

>> No.8497597

>Those comments

>> No.8497659

Have you ever undertaken a project like this? It’s hard work that takes thousands of hours. Passion can only take you so far, eventually you need encouragement.

>> No.8497671

>can't hold anywhere near steady framerate in a fucking demonstration

>> No.8497897

Guy that made that post here. That mod is one of the only exceptions, since it actually makes an effort to stay faithful to the original assets. The only other mod I've seen that doesn't completely piss me off is the cel-shading mod for OoT, since at least it's pretty clean and inspired by another Zelda game's style.

>> No.8497903

>Hyrule is made of delicious pizza

>> No.8498147

Graphical fidelity turn things souless.

>> No.8498189

No, you're as retarded as the guy who made this. Neither of you understand the intricacies of art direction.

>> No.8498193

Jesus christ the comment section in that video. I shouldn't have read it.

>> No.8498207
File: 47 KB, 654x471, Kornheiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the comments section of anything

>> No.8498214

>told to touch grass
>plays Nintendo games instead

>> No.8498224

>i am very intelligent
kill yourself

>> No.8498227

Cope, faggot.

>> No.8498347
File: 149 KB, 500x407, owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh cool, he's going to show his process, this is an interesting video OP, thanks for sh-

>> No.8498350
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1477961482533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how bad/primitive game looked, modders will always make it look far worse.

>> No.8498868

are you the guy who had a breakdown at the guy playing a trumpet on the street?

>> No.8498882

I would unironically play a Shrek themed OoT clone.

>> No.8498947
File: 133 KB, 641x448, SM64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8498961
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, 1639285472433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8498970


>> No.8498972

Using powerful engines with no art direction whatsoever is cancer. It's one of the reasons why I still play the first Unreal Tournament rather than 2004.

>> No.8498992

The roomtempIQanon that always posts screenshots to argue xer point from Crono Cross being good, is a retard. Don't ever bother responding to xer.

>> No.8499267

t. nerrel

>> No.8500040
File: 14 KB, 939x130, Wtflol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a joke I'm not in on?

>> No.8500052

more like sue this guy

>> No.8500069
File: 535 KB, 1200x630, image_2022-01-09_054900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8500615

my god, shut the fuck up you drama whores.
castlevania has been getting fan games for years.

a remake getting shut off by Konami isn't anything new as they did that with Metal Gear Solid 1&2 despite officially endorsing it at first before pulling the plug prior #FUCKONAMI
meanwhile they don't even give a shit about those 20 year old fangames that exist or Power Bomberman.

>> No.8500617

this feels like a GCN port, even though we already have Master Quest

>> No.8500624


>> No.8500626


>> No.8500695

kek wtf can't see shit

>> No.8500697

What about UT3 then? It definitely has had direction.

>> No.8500703

Regardless of the quality of a video on youtube, there will always be simps.
Watch the absolute worst fan movie you can find on youtube and the comments will be filled with compliments.

>> No.8500719

Damn, SM64online looks dope, how did it fly under my radar?

>> No.8500729

> Why would I use any talent or skill I had to make something original that I could market and sell as my own when I could instead waste my time making something that will never go anywhere because Nintendo will fuck my ass raw as soon as they find out about it?

>> No.8501931

see >>8500626
bugout faggots need the rope

>> No.8502323

It looks pretty shitty, unless you think default assets thrown around haphazardly in UE looks good.

>> No.8504950

I actually don't hate how this looks.
its like if they developed mario 64 to be playable on an SGI workstation

>> No.8505515

kekd and rekt

>> No.8505542

i think it looks cool

>> No.8505559

Looks retarded so I thought this was a Skyrim mod. Part of the Zelda magic is the cartoony looks for 3D and the sprite art for 2D. This shit is just soulless.

>> No.8505791

>Nintendo, DMCA this man!

>> No.8506128

What the fuck's a British accent?