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8491810 No.8491810 [Reply] [Original]

Why did FF8 got shitted on and ended up forgotten by most despite in hindsight having a better story than FF10/10-2, FF13/13-2, and FF15 and also having a good enough in game tcg that could stand on its own? I wished Squall and Rinoa were half-siblings and hooked up without realizing it and there should also be a prequel based on Laguna's story

>> No.8491852

How is it forgotten? People praise it all the time on here despite how much of a mess it is.

>> No.8491882

Rinoa is the worst girl in the entire series

>> No.8491887

its a great game, much better than seven in almost every way. but the cult of seven is too strong.

>> No.8491896
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You should have been able to waifu Quisitis instead. Because you can't I play Langrisser IV whenever someone tells me to play FF8. Fuck you. I pick my waifu, and it is not the short haired boobless tifa.

>> No.8491908

>ended up forgotten by most
Certainly not on this board

>> No.8492015

ff8 is literally the most talked about ff ever. being controversial, filtering midwits and in general having uneven reception IMMENSELY boosted its recognition and discussion potential, and that's without even getting to the unique gameplay, minigames and conspiracies

>> No.8492052

it's the ultimate gigapleb-filter

>> No.8492139

It’s super faggy unlike the Chad FF7. It looks and plays more like a shitty romance novel than an epic quest.
The draw system is annoying busy work and the card game that replaced the mini games in 7 is straight up broken, to the point that fans have made patches to make it actually functional.

>> No.8492182

>Why didn't people compare it at the time to games that game several years later?
I dunno, probably they used GFs too much and forgot about the future.

>> No.8492236

FF8 was the beginning of the decline. FF7 is overrated, sure, but it still carried the spirit of the series' golden age. Meanwhile FF8 is where the series just turned into pure animefag femboy fanfiction tier garbage.

FF9 was the best FF on PS1.

>> No.8492281

You only say that because you haven't taken the R=U pill.

>> No.8492417

Too many casualfags filtered. Namely, anyone that complains about drawing or junctioning should have their opinion immediately discarded.

>> No.8492551

You're both retarded faggots. Rinoa is best girl and also not Ultimecia

>> No.8492606

Maybe you don’t understand what the beginning of the decline means

>> No.8493693

She's a stupid spoiled whore

>> No.8493748
File: 89 KB, 1200x922, final-fantasy-ru-rinoa-equals-ultimecia-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinoa has the same facial structure to ulti

Rinoa says to squall, she would only be happy if he killed her- he kills ulti

A witch cannot die until she passed on her power- ulti dies when she passed on power to edea

Ultimecia's GF is literally the ring squall gave rinoa

A witch will slowly lose her mind when her knight dies, squall is rinoa's knight.

Ultimecia has no character development unless she is a character we already know. Also unlike other villains her final words are very cryptic

"Reflect on your...childhood...your sensation...your words...your emotions.......Time...it will not wait...no matter...how hard you hold on...it escapes you...and......."

Her motivation is entirely to stop time. What from her past is she trying to save

>> No.8493752

Would be kino, so of course Square-Enix deconfirmed it. Some things are too good to be allowed. Maybe they will steal the idea for the remake.

>> No.8493763

Yes, and those make the best girls once you train them

>> No.8493769

you don't need to train rinoa.
seifer has already trained her.

>> No.8493786

Oh god, this debunked schizo shit from someone who never played the game again

>Rinoa has the same facial structure to ulti
She doesn't. They look nothing alike. Your pic related confirms this
>Rinoa says to squall, she would only be happy if he killed her- he kills ulti
He kills every enemy in the game
>A witch cannot die until she passed on her power- ulti dies when she passed on power to edea
>Ultimecia's GF is literally the ring squall gave rinoa
Griever was pulled directly from Squall's mind during the battle as the strongest thing he could imagine. Ultimecia tells you this, which you would know if you played the game
>A witch will slowly lose her mind when her knight dies, squall is rinoa's knight.
>Ultimecia has no character development unless she is a character we already know. Also unlike other villains her final words are very cryptic
>"Reflect on your...childhood...your sensation...your words...your emotions.......Time...it will not wait...no matter...how hard you hold on...it escapes you...and......."
>Her motivation is entirely to stop time. What from her past is she trying to save
She's trying to kompress time so she can tell you to take your meds

>> No.8493792

bc after this turd dropped I, and probably many others, lost interest in JRPGs and started talking to girls

>> No.8493795

Nah, Seifers all pissy because he put in the work and didn't even get to tap it. If he'd already hit it and quit it he would feel victorious for leaving his ultimate rival sloppy seconds

>> No.8493796 [SPOILER] 
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>Too many casualfags filtered
The game has 0 difficulty dude, stop deluding yourself into thinking you're playing an early From Software game. The fact that people who don't get how the system works, still make it to Adel by spamming GFs should tell you as much. The only people who think FFVIII is some hardcore game are the people who haven't tried RPGs outside of Square's offerings.
>R=U shenanigans
nah, stop trying giving your shit game a deeper meaning.

>> No.8493801

They kind of half acknowledged it in dissidia where ultimecia weapons are rinoa's.

Alot of people said its too dark for FF. I think they miss alot of stuff. The original end of ff7 suggests all of humanity is killed off by holy

FF4 Cecil is given a bomb to deploy in a village, the Japanese original translation suggests that he is aware of what he is doing

>> No.8493813

Aww sweet a schizo thread!

>> No.8493845

>Square-Enix deconfirmed it
No they didn't. Kitase was talking out of his ass that one time and had to walk it back in a later Q&A.

>> No.8493850

Train? Rinoa likely already knows how to suck cock like the professionals do it.

>> No.8493858

Retards not understanding the whole theme of ff8 is about love and loss and losing time

Laguna lost 2 women
Rinoa lost her mother
Squall lost his mother, his big sis... His entire arc is realising that he doesn't need to close people off because he is afraid of losing them

Rinoa says I don’t want the future. I want the present to stand still. I want to stay here with you.”

She even talks about being killed and says “I guess it’s okay if it’s you Squall. No one else.”

The entire game foreshadows that time takes everything away and ultimecia's aim is to end this cycle

The r u theory fits the narrative. It's a shit game generally but it does seem to have some thought put into it.

No one is saying this is definitely what happened , just that it's possible.

>> No.8493917

I believe the theory, but last second unexplained final bosses are fairly common in Final Fantasy. III, IV, and IX all say hi.

>> No.8493969

Except it's not possible within the internal logic of the game. Sorceress power derives from Hyne and it's passed from female to female as a Sorceress dies. Ultimecia>Edea>Rinoa(U) would be a closed loop with no point of ingress. It's impossible for that reason alone for Rinoa to be Ultimecia.

>> No.8494037

The whole game is already a closed timeloop.

>> No.8494049
File: 302 KB, 1364x952, NORG-FFVIII[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story is told very poorly, and has nothing going on underneath the surface that merits trying to untangle it. At its core, it's just Harry Potter before Harry Potter.

Pic related tells you everything about why FF8 is a disappointment. I remember getting here and thinking "Alright, this is where things will finally get interesting." And then it's literally the most arbitrary story beat in the entire game. I'm getting angry now.

I don't hate FF8, but what a megaton stumble. I don't like FF9 that much, but it was at least not the clusterfuck that 8 was. That said, it's is still much better than 13, 15, and X-2.

>> No.8494060

>The whole game is already a closed timeloop.
I know there's no way any rational human being who has actually played the game could come to that conclusion, meaning this is schizo bait, but I'll bite anyways. Please continue.

>> No.8494205

FF8 uses the Back to the Future model of time travel, where everything is happening on a larger meta-timeline.

>> No.8494228
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Because everyone in FFVIII is a massive retard and most players struggled through the game drawing weak ass spells in battles for garbage stats instead of refining/carding and having fun breaking the game in god stats mode

I love this stupid game

>> No.8494240 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1641571060919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem with not getting FFVIII's system isn't the challenge factor, because like you say it has none. The problem is that playing it by drawing crappy spells and spamming GFs makes the game insanely boring and 3 times longer. It's an easy game to get filtered by if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.8494245
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, NN4VpC3G_h7wPmek1H4n2-kXO2PT7SKPomplLUL49pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seifer clapped rinoa and edeas cheeks.
Cid is a cuck

>> No.8494254

>Ultimecia tells you this
Going off my crappy memory, but we've had threads discussing this in the past. IIRC she tells you that in every version that isn't the English one which instead says something vague like "Behold, the strongest GF" without "from your imagination" part. So yeah, you can thank a faulty translation for the R=U theory.

>> No.8494256

>b-but muh aerith

>> No.8494264

My friend helped me do this for my recent playthrough. It's funny that instead of grinding battles in this game, you grind card transforms and triple triad matches.

>> No.8494272

>The problem is that playing it by drawing crappy spells and spamming GFs makes the game insanely boring and 3 times longer.
And when you know what you're doing, it's still boring because you get too overpowered and nothing can touch you. You see? it's easier to admit FFVIII has a fucked up balance but you guys will go to great lengths to justify its shortcomings and defend them like some sort of pleb filter. There's no reason to play with the system because the balance is fucked up and the game is too easy. People who play "wrongly" is the consequence of having an easy game that doesn't filter these kinds of players; so ultimately, FFVIII can't be a pleb filter because it has 0 filtering ability. A good pleb filter doesn't let the plebs reach almost the end of the game by playing it wrong.

>> No.8494273

>Rinoa is obsessed with hiring SEED
>nice guy Seifer helped her out when she went to garden
>Seifer wanted more but Rinoa friendzoned him
>Seifer becomes a misogynist
>watches Squall and Rinoa dance which makes him angry and irrational
>Seifer finds out Squall was sent to help Rinoa
>he plans to shoot up the school with his gunblade
>at the last second he hears about President Deling visiting Timber
>if I assassinate the president, Rinoa will be grateful to me
>Seifer steals a car, drives to Balamb and becomes a stowaway on the last train to Timber
>Quistis tails him knowing he's on the train
>Seifer forces his way into the TV station and takes the president hostage
>Quistis tells the Timber team to get there ASAP
>Seifer: "hehe, everything is going to plan"
>Timber team shows up at the TV station
>Zell: wtf are you doing Seifer?
>Seifer: shut up crybaby! where is Rinoa?
>Squall: dunno, she ran off somewhere
>Zell: we're all from garden btw
>Deling: you're all gonna get the rope for this
>Seifer's whole world comes crashing down
>he yells at them to stay back and edges into the back of the studio
>Edea appears and tries to lure him away
>Seifer: better than dying lol


>> No.8494278

carding is a good way for low level challenge.

>> No.8494281

>Seifer: those retards will probably head to Galbadia Garden next
>if I tell Martine to tell them that I died, Rinoa will be heartbroken and realise it was me she loved all along
>now if I simp for Edea in the meantime to prove that I am loyal and faithful, Rinoa will respect me
>if I half-ass this fight at the end of disc 2, they should be able to kill Edea which will make Rinoa the next sorceress
>when she gets all that power, Rinoa will be grateful to me
>she collapsed and isn't getting up
>if I pretend to go over and examine her, I might be able to cop a feel without anyone noticing
>shit, she's awake
>she says if I get the army to excavate some ancient relic from the ocean and use it to destroy Esthar, she will love only me
>if I kidnap Rinoa and fuse her with Adel, RinoAdel will respect me


>> No.8494286

>seifer: you know what? fuck it
>goes fishing with his garden buddies

>> No.8494380

I'd go further and say levels are almost pointless, which is one of the many harmful quirks of FF8.

>> No.8494394

junctioning spells to max your stats and equipping GF bonuses >>>>> leveling up

>> No.8494437

FF8 would have benefitted greatly not having levels at all. Technically, spells and GFs are like classes of equipment, but they're so open-ended that they qualify as a perfectly apt progression system to replace levelling up. It would have reduced the mindfuckery a lot.

>> No.8494442

I have a gunblade tattoo

>> No.8494730
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 22-FFVIII_22297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(cheeks clapped)

Seifer: Rinoa, what are you doing here? You gonna fight me, too? Come on, remember a year ago we...

Rinoa: Stop it!

The only question that needs answering is did edea make Cid watch when seifer clapped dem cheeks

>> No.8494823

Nah, Quisitis is a useless character that only low t, femdom obsess over. She played her part perfect in the story, though, which was to be a joke and a failure at everything she did until she doesn't even matter.

>> No.8494878

What went wrong, i mean, such a convoluted situation they couldn't confirm somehow?
Was it like unfinished or uncertain path?

>> No.8494953

The original plan was to have a tifa/aeris/ cloud style love triangle

They left the seifer Rinoa romance in but downplayed it

Everything felt like half finished good ideas. Draw concept - good... execution bad.

The system was obviously designed to get rid of money, multiple weapons and levelling - it was super ambitious but they bitched out at the last min

Zell felt like he had no arc at all. He just didn't have a Barret midgar prison scene that would have redeemed him

Selphie is Japanese cancer

Irvine felt half assed, they must have realised he came across as a total sleeve and decided to try and redeem him but... Fucked up... If he knew they were all from the orphanage why would he have left them in jail? Why did rinoa have to convince him to save them

Squall is fine. He is an autistic retard. He has a great character arc.

Most of all it was a let down after ff7 (which was so much better than any jrpg before it)

I would still rate ff8 >> ff9 which is furry faggotry. The artistic design of ff9 is the worst in any jrpg I've ever played

>> No.8495005

As if Angelo hasn't rushed that for hundreds of dogyears.

>> No.8495072

Isn’t Angelo female?

>> No.8495240

>tfw you're an aging spacewitch so you transcend time to posess various thots and hire a zany french doctor to experiment on a little girl who can see into the past in-between developing tools of genocide and a giant opaque box that best exploits the Lunar Cry, using the moon and the tides to flood the Earth with monsters as part of the Sorceress War until you get swiftly patrolled by Laguna after he left his family and newborn son to rescue his wife's daughter but it's OK because you transcend time anyway and so you go on to possess more thots throughout the generations, successfully grooming the generation of orphans you created in the aftermath of the Sorceress War into dangerous mercenaries who will kill on demand while giving them memory-erasing augmentations so they don't know any better and your orbiters have been tasked to do everything in their power to get you outside funding from the lesser-known Shumi tribe to build a military school to groom orphans on an even larger scale until eventually one of the orphans you groomed and kidnapped his sister from becomes an elite killing machine, so you possess a new thot to convince your former orbiter to contract your new orbiter to her and go on a false flag goose chase to fight a bodydouble/zombie of Vinzer Deling, President of the biggest geopolitical superpower in the game until Disc 3, until finally the badboy rival of your new orbiter you previously manipulated shows up to white knight and holds the real Vinzer Deling hostage, ruining his life on the spot and giving him no choice but to tame himself and become subservient to a dominant tiger mom who eventually turns Deling into an orbiter too and then kills him - announcing global supremacy for herself - until the children you groomed show up to kill you in yet another false flag you weaved setup where they throw their lives away and become criminals for trying to assassinate you, ending up in a maximum security prison in isolation in the desert and

>> No.8495279

>allowing the children you groomed into mercenaries and erased the memories of to be tortured by one of the other children you did much the same to, pitting them against each other, while you order the world superpower to nuke the military schools you had your orbiters build to groom more children into becoming mercenaries and erasing their memories, plunging them into chaos and making the entire student body and faculty of the school you created take sides and begin killing each other but your plans to kill them all are thwarted because the school is also a bomb shelter and a boat, and after it narrowly escapes the missiles, you send the new orbiter to kill NORG, the financier of the school and leader of the renegade faction during the missile crisis who for some reason lives in a dungeon in the basement, making the mission forward clear that the school needs to unite and instead attack the rival military school so you can successfully b8 them into defeating you and sneakily possess a new thot and then make your new orbiter walk to another continent, expose a land that obscured itself from the world, and deliver her into the hands of the zany french doctor, and finally to outer space where she finally frees the other sorceress she possessed then sending the new thot to die in space until the orbiter rescues her and they find the same dragon ship that sealed the old witch but then once they get back the new thot is the new witch and has to be patrolled until Ward shows up and says no but the Galbadians show up and resurrect Lunatic Pandora and then you hang out in there as the thot you were two thots ago (Adel, Edea, Rinoa) - undoing the patrolling that Laguna did years back and allowing you to compress time more effectively I guess
Cactuar Island is my favorite

>> No.8495326

>plans to shoot up the school with his gunblade

Made me lol. I wonder how many bullied young lads fantasized about coming to school one day with their gunblades and inflicting renzokuken upon the world that shunned them.

>> No.8495504

It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever played, but I’m not sure if I’d ever replay it.

>> No.8495540

>FF8 was the beginning of the decline
>FF9 was the best FF on PS1.
really makes you think

>> No.8495632

>the card game is broken
Yeah I picked up prison rules on that card game and pretty much broke the fucking game and dropped it. Like I didn’t want to finish the game gimped like that.

>> No.8495723

I played FF8 for the first time a few weeks back and this part truly had me scratching my head. It amounted to pretty much nothing and Squall literally shrugs off the whole thing

>> No.8495824

>FF9 was the best FF on PS1.
Tell me you're a virgin without telling me.

>> No.8495836

I get that it's supposed to be whimsical and give this sense of imagination to the world, but that doesn't work when the story is lacking a solid spine.

>> No.8495872
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Pretty much yeah. An efficient FFVIII run will prioritise refining/carding because it's the only way to get good spells early.


This would be correct if the gameplay appeal of FFVIII was challenge and battles, but it's neither. The game is fun because you exponentially get out what you put in, and unlike most FFs you can enjoy the benefits of becoming extremely powerful early, as opposed to late in the game after everything's been done. FFVIII's battles are essentially a reward or a penalty depending on how you go into them, whereas in a typical JRPG they're the meat of the gameplay and a great deal more dynamic. That's not to say that FFVIII's battles don't play out interactively, of course they do, but there really isn't a lot of strategy to them. They're either quick and easy or boring and slow depending on your Junctions and stats. The game's depth is primarily derived from its elaborate refining/crafting system.

>> No.8496042

Angelo is female bruh

>> No.8497116

Do you really think he’d fuck his mother figure?

>> No.8497131

FF8 falls off a cliff after disc 1.
I've never understood why people like Laguna. His segments were a fucking terrible interruption and I gave zero shits about his storyline

>> No.8497136

FF8's plot gives serious "something went wrong here during development" vibes

>> No.8497193

I now realize why my ttrpg story arcs have always been so convoluted.

>> No.8497205

Having "a better story" doesn't mean a game is good, it means it's even further removed from being an actual videogame.

>> No.8497383

Based take. FF8 is just cringe anime. The Nomura designs are retarded.

>> No.8497451

But FF8 has a ton of story you can't skip and it's all bad. Surely that's worse?

>> No.8497720

shut up you dog fingering pedomaster

>> No.8498198

I gave VIII a fair chance but couldn’t get over how slow the battles are. Junctioning is a pretty neat concept though