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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 457 KB, 964x777, 20220104_192733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8485318 No.8485318 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it all the games in this series besides the first are bad games ? And why are all the ports of the first game terrible besides the nes port ? Any body feel this way??

>> No.8485320
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x1645, double-dragon-ii-101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Dragon II was better than I on both, arcade and NES. The GBA version is also underrated.

>> No.8485326

I cant get over the kick goes one way and the punch goes the other way and got massively filtered. Same on the genesis massively filtered. Ive never played the gba version. Maybe i mispoke. Is it cool???

>> No.8485330

>Any body feel this way??
No, because you have zero idea what you're talking about. DD1 arcade is bogged with slowdown. The sequel is better, even though it's literally some bullshit to 1CC.

Return of Double Dragon is a damn fine (and atmospheric) bmup with some fun combat and a Bruce-lee-as-fuck counter system. Double Dragon Advance is based and the best game in the series in spite of its rough points. It's fast, intense, and give you plenty of ways to dispatch of enemies.

>> No.8485332

>I cant get over the kick goes one way and the punch goes the other way and got massively filtered.

Listen, Double Dragon 2 (both NES and arcade) is easy to play. Don't think of punch and kick. Think of right attack, left attack.

>> No.8485351

Ive never played the arcade games before. Just the console versions. I will have to fire them up on mame at some point. Is it a massive difference ? Like captain commando snes to arcade different ??
Alright that makes sense. Ill have to try the game again with that in mind so i dont get btfo. Normally im pretty good at beat em up games and was getting wrecked and frustrated but made it really far in the first game. Kinda like street fighter or something combining the punches and kicks

>> No.8485395
File: 28 KB, 494x222, dd1nes_ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't think of punch and kick. Think of right attack, left attack.
That's literally how they're labelled on the instructions and control panel. Never understood all the complaints about the "backwards attack buttons." It's not rocket science.
>I will have to fire them up on mame at some point. Is it a massive difference ? Like captain commando snes to arcade different ??
If we're talking about the NES versions, they might as had been different games. They were more like loose adaptations than ports in the conventional sense. Different level designs, slightly different mechanics and even different plots.

DD1NES for example, turned one of the Lee brothers into the main bad guy, turning the game into a solo adventure with an alternating 2-players mode. DD2NES changes the final boss and ending.

>> No.8485398

Yeah arcade DD is way different than the NES version. I would barely even call them the same game in the sense I would Captain Commando SNES.

>> No.8485405

>backwards attack buttons
It’s from people playing on their keyboards using Z for A and X for B

>> No.8485503

is there a reason why nobody likes DD4, because it actually looks alright.

you really want to spin kick or knee everything anyway.

DD3 NES seems underrated, it did nothing wrong or at least not that much

>> No.8485595
File: 14 KB, 320x224, Dd3ac_early_select_player_screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DD3 NES seems underrated, it did nothing wrong or at least not that much
I felt like it was one step forward and two steps backwards from the second NES game. Some of the moves from the previous games are missing and quite frankly, not giving you a throw move when you headlock an enemy seems like a weird design choice (especially when the two grab moves you have are functionally the same). Playing as the new characters was cool, but it would've been if you just had your choice of a character from the get-go like most normal beat-'em-ups (which ironically, the improved Japanese version of DD3AC did).

>> No.8485709

How do i do the spin kick?? Also what console os dd4 even on?? Weird they would just skip it for the home consoles

Ahh so its that big ? I think the only differences from the arcade and snes is the ridable machines

>> No.8485721

>Also what console os dd4 even on??
PS4, Steam, Switch and Xbox One. I think it's even on smartphones now.
>Weird they would just skip it for the home consoles
Probably because no one was making arcade PCBs anymore by 2017.

>is there a reason why nobody likes DD4, because it actually looks alright.
It was a kinda meh to me. Felt like a Beats of Rage mod that Atlus whipped out in a few weeks in order pretend that they still cared about former Technos IPs they've purchased from Million (the previous IP holders of Kunio and Double Dragon).

>> No.8485750 [DELETED] 

GB Double Dragon is the definitive edition

>> No.8485780
File: 112 KB, 611x997, i-img611x997-1626682229ve7zcj340178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has the nicest boxart next to DD2. Wish I could get the flyer for a decent price.

>> No.8485808

Double Dragon Advance is the best one though

>> No.8485842

Double Dragon Advance and Double Dragon Neon are the best ones

>> No.8485858

>How do i do the spin kick??
jump, then A+B near the highest point of the jump. it's got a kind of tricky timing.

knee is A+B when your dude is about to get up after kneeling. like after jumping or getting knocked down. the timing is pretty strict.

>Ahh so its that big ?
yeah 1-3 NES are all way different from the arcade games. I don't think any of the other ports are that different.

the long lost phone game was possibly the best. they oughta port that to something, seems like such a waste.

>> No.8485875
File: 87 KB, 480x320, Marian_in_bondage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah 1-3 NES are all way different from the arcade games. I don't think any of the other ports are that different.
The Game Boy versions of Double Dragon 1 & 2 were also different. DD1GB is based more on the NES version, but it's also has its own changes. DD2GB was actually a Renegade/Kunio-kun sequel that got changed into a Double Dragon side-story mid-development.

>the long lost phone game was possibly the best. they oughta port that to something, seems like such a waste.
I mostly remember it for the Marian in bondage picture.

>> No.8487915

The arcade game had three CPUs in it, it was fast and no home system pre-5th gen could 1v1 recreate it.

>> No.8488187

TANGENTS! Low contrast tangents!

>> No.8488208

The combined speed of them was about 8Mhz, yes it would take a 5th gen system to match its performance.

>> No.8488209

>I cant get over the kick goes one way and the punch goes the other way and got massively filtered
As God intended.

>> No.8488216
File: 44 KB, 222x286, Renegade_game_flyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.8488225

1 is great, 2 is good, 3 is okay. After that its downhill.

>> No.8488248
File: 1.17 MB, 500x266, Marian gunned down by Willy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arcade version of Double Dragon I & II is such a perfect duology. I don't think there's any other game that perfectly captures the cycle of revenge as well as it does.
>The Black Warriors kidnaps Marian.
>Billy and Jimmy Lee fight their way into the gang hideout
>The gang's leader, Machine Gun Willy, challenges them.
>Willy is defeated and Marian is saved for now.
>Sequel is made.
>Willy retaliates for his early defeat by gunning down Marian in cold blood.
>The Lee brothers fight the Black Warriors again.
>After Willy is defeated, the true final boss emerges, a manifestation of Billy and Jimmy's guilt over their failure to save Marian.
>The ending is a photograph of the Lee brothers and Marian during better times, as she sheds a tear forming the words "The End".

By contrast, the two NES versions feel really disconnected from each other. The first NES game made one of the Lee brothers made into the bad guy and the second NES game ignores that completely and features a new final boss that leads to a cheesy happy ending.

>> No.8488787 [DELETED] 

The arcade sequel was just as good; it's an even better game on the PCE CD, Super DD is a very decent brawler, and the Neo Geo game is excellent. You...don't know anything about the games, do you? You just thought you would post some ill-conceived contrarian nonsense for attention, right? No one here in their right mind respects your opinion.
And here comes the laughably pathetic attempts at a retort that are going to stink to high heaven of pathetic cope and desperation...

>> No.8488873

The arcade sequel was just as good; it's an even better game on the PCE CD, Super DD is a very decent brawler, and the Neo Geo game is excellent. You...don't know anything about the games, do you? You just thought you would post some ill-conceived contrarian nonsense for attention, right? No one here in their right mind respects your opinion.
And here comes the laughably pathetic attempts at a retort that are going to stink to high heaven of cope and desperation...

>> No.8488895

If anyone made a post for desperation and attention its you desu

>> No.8490220 [DELETED] 

>I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?
Christ... Just fucking KILL yourself, you arrested development faggot.

>> No.8490317

Lmao why are you so mad?

>> No.8491474 [DELETED] 

No..? Are you a socially stunted man-child, incapable of posting an actual refutation, or weighty retort? Yes.

>> No.8491484 [DELETED] 

You know everyone itt was discussing the games before you showed up and acted extremely asshurt with your bait posts.

Heres your (you). You shouldnt post off topic things in threads if youre not contributing to the thread. But youre gonna keep going arent you?

>> No.8491486

remember: always kill your enemies

>> No.8491514

i like that she just disappears lmao after being shot. i feel in the console ports. her being carried off adds more too it than just shooting her

>> No.8491523

For be it's Double Dragon 3 for NES

>> No.8491557

That one is pretty good too.

>> No.8491617

Double Dragon Advance is the best one though

>> No.8491626

It is really smooth and has some good graphics for the gba. I was playing it alot the other night. It is really good.

>> No.8491631
File: 63 KB, 640x479, 1639762011900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction, most of the games in the series are just jank n bad, who the fuck even likes the OG arcade games?, the NES game has bullshit plattforming eith magical enemi hits all the time, DD3 on the NES is impossible without the turbo button, Super Double Dragon literally is an unfinished game. The Wayforward remakes are just tryhard quiphip spoofs, and the last game released DDV (not the 90s one) is an embsrrasment of is a newgrounds flash tier.

>> No.8491671

>Shadow Force is Technos' best belt 'em up
>nobody ever discusses it

>> No.8491682

Technos were really a pretty third rate game developer.

>> No.8491694

Huh i totally forgot about super double dragon. Thats a pretty good assessment desu

Its a pretty obscure arcade game tbqh

>> No.8491780

>who the fuck even likes the OG arcade games?
They were popular back in their day, at least the first two ones.

>> No.8491835
File: 1.79 MB, 480x368, Marian_kidnnapped_by_Williams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i feel in the console ports. her being carried off adds more too it than just shooting her
Different games. Part 1 was where the Marian is beaten and kidnapped. Part 2 is where they gun her down.

>> No.8491864

ahh my mistake then

>> No.8491875
File: 40 KB, 300x281, dd2_opening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though, they did took out the gunning down scene from the NES version of DD2. Instead, they just tell you what happened with text and still images.

>> No.8491915

Neon was good.
Battle toads + Double Dragon was my favorite.

>> No.8491923

Also the Mega Drive DD2 is ultimate awful kusoge.

>> No.8491942

Nice OST though.

>> No.8491954

Meant for.>>8491923
But Battletoads & Double Dragon has some nice music on the Super NES too.

>> No.8491960

I liked Neon but it's not retro

>> No.8492687
File: 2.51 MB, 1203x1599, ddragon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I agree with this post is the fact that Wayforward games are tryhard.

>> No.8492814
File: 1.76 MB, 540x366, Sonic shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me one hour ago:
>play Double Dragon on Genesis
>it's a really primitive Streets of Rage (great soundtrack though)
>just play SoR instead
Meh, maybe one day I'll give it a proper go.

>> No.8492819

SoR1 and DD were both 4 megabit games but the latter is so much worse and sloppier.

>> No.8492832

Double Dragon 1 on the Genesis is kinda of a crappy port though. The only plus it has is the lack of slowdown.

>> No.8492842
File: 198 KB, 636x636, galsia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair. Next time I want to try DD I will emulate it on MAME. Currently on Round 5 of Bare Knuckle III :)

>> No.8492848

it was made by a sub-branch of Accolade on something like a $50 budget. also an unlicensed release so the cartridge could only work on early production Mega Drives.

>> No.8492853

>knee is A+B when your dude is about to get up after kneeling. like after jumping or getting knocked down. the timing is pretty strict.
I just pressed A+B repeatedly.
Easy with turbo buttons.

>> No.8492859

Now try playing the Japan-only Mega Drive port of DD2. Total crap and it's basically just a NES game with some more colors.

>> No.8492868

>Total crap and it's basically just a NES game with some more colors.
Don't insult the NES like that.

>> No.8492873

the C64 DD is the worst version of all. it may also be one of the very worst arcade ports of all time.

>> No.8492879

The arcade game wasn't super-amazing, Technos in general were not a top-tier arcade outfit.

>> No.8492880

The arcade version of DD1 is a bit rough around the edges. The elbow attack (punch+jump) breaks the game completely, which is actually pretty fun, but you to forbid yourself from using it if you want a self-imposed challenge.

The arcade version of DD2 is a huge improvement, but it can be a bit cheap to 1CC in the last few stages due to the strict time limit.

>> No.8492892
File: 33 KB, 256x936, ddragoniipceoppan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC Engine version has some kino visual demos.

>> No.8492894
File: 8 KB, 111x93, ddragoniipceopbillyrunbust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8492896
File: 9 KB, 119x95, ddragoniipceopjimmyrunbust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they didn't keep switching their outfit colors all the time.

>> No.8492903

Filtered by DD3

>> No.8492935
File: 30 KB, 256x239, Marian_revived.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marian is more of a q3.14 in the PC Engine version instead of the hot supermodel from the boxart.

>> No.8493558

screw the graphics, it's the combo system in it that makes it awesome
i wish more beat em ups were like that, instead of just mashing punch or whatever

>> No.8494257
File: 60 KB, 906x658, R.4828602040011a5e411f7ce128f67f5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8494262
File: 9 KB, 256x224, Double-Dragon-II-PC-Engine-CD-Cutscene-double-dragon-40191153-256-224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Lady Oscar dated Seiya/Kenshiro and Anime Billy Idol.

>> No.8494270

>Billy Idol
you mean dolph lundgren

>> No.8494275

[sensible chuckle]

>> No.8494583

Yeah thats true most them its just press a or whatever and punch. In double dragon theres combos one can do and blocking is very important

>> No.8494630

i recall that even used the rarely seen 256x224 mode

>> No.8494645

You mean Jerid Messa

>> No.8494664

Do you also get confused by fighting game moves being reversed depending in what direction you're facing?
Button on left attack to the left
Button in right attacks to the right
Simple as.

>> No.8494691

NES DD is horrible jank with some awesome music, because Technos were green-eared and didn't understand NES coding that well yet.

>> No.8494708

And yet I prefer it over the arcade version which is bogged with irritating slowdown.

>> No.8494728

no there's no slowdown on the NES but that's more likely because it runs at 25 fps

>> No.8494759

You have a 4 frame window, but the game runs at 30fps, so on like 2 of the frames in your window it will just eat the input. It's not just tight it's also bullshit.

>> No.8495758 [DELETED] 

>You know everyone itt was discussing the games before you showed up and acted extremely asshurt with your bait posts
>"The arcade sequel was just as good; it's an even better game on the PCE CD, Super DD is a very decent brawler, and the Neo Geo game is excellent."
How dare I post common consensus. Faggot.
>You shouldnt post off topic things in threads if youre not contributing to the thread
See above. Double faggot.
>But youre gonna keep going arent you?
Yes. Because I have the high ground here, and because you didn't have the balls to reply to me directly. Coward. Triple faggot.

>> No.8495861 [DELETED] 

>i have the high ground
Okay retard. Lmao youre extremely asshurt.

>> No.8495889 [DELETED] 

>I have the high ground here
you underestimate my power

>> No.8495927
File: 292 KB, 1000x1006, 1 PsW9vUAX2dgg8UFDuNIrbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Dragon was literally the 2nd belt scroller ever made (Renegade being the first). It's evident its gameplay aged badly, but people back then didn't have examples of other belt scrollers that did it better so they didn't mind it.

>> No.8495939


DD4 looked great, and sounded great, but played like ass, mostly because the controls and enemy AI were terrible, which made it really disappointing.

>> No.8496076 [DELETED] 

You mean you're a little snitch who cries to the jannies when you get BTFO? QUADRUPLE faggot. Get the fuck out of here, you pathetic little pansy.

>> No.8496087 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 300x250, Cleaning Old Glory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be an Americunt. Only one of you spastics could be so hilariously fragile. Also taking advantage of the fact that the mods are one of your own. WEAK.

>> No.8496241 [DELETED] 

oh well you crying asshurt retard, keep crying and die mad about it.

>> No.8496254 [DELETED] 

Rent free in foreigners heads. Kys you fuckin piece of shit.

>> No.8496276

>English Tear
What is that anyway? A pub?

>> No.8496349

I disagree the rest are bad but yeah it's kinda fascinating how Double Dragon drastically fluctuates in quality entry to entry.

>> No.8496356
File: 69 KB, 960x720, 1445027485449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496372

But execution feels so good

>> No.8496394
File: 116 KB, 960x720, FFD6C46F-9105-4DDE-9AC1-45325531AAC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always nice to see a thread derailed with Zeta

>> No.8496396
File: 1.81 MB, 213x160, Teenager with anger managment issues attacks a poor helpless cripple.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love Zeta.

>> No.8496409
File: 59 KB, 372x583, 05297E52-FAFA-4F99-95E9-FAF731370FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s got its issues and I still prefer Turn A as the overall best of the series but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have the best cast in any anime ever. I would die for Kamille

>> No.8496410
File: 132 KB, 958x714, Bound Doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also adore Turn A.

>> No.8496413

that was always my assumption

>> No.8496448

based, Kamille is my favourite of the gundam protagonists

>> No.8496452

what's this pic from?

>> No.8496456
File: 192 KB, 320x240, 5086E166-F587-452C-8360-672C35BEFC22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anons

>> No.8496465
File: 1.50 MB, 498x466, 46278463224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496532

>Oscar? Isn't that a guy's name?

>> No.8496712

Can we all agree that Road Avenger is part of the Double Dragon canon? The opening has so many things taken straight out of DD not to be.

>> No.8497627

Same director. Road Blaster, the original arcade version, was one of Yoshida Kishimoto's earlier games before he joined Techno's and made Renegade and Double Dragon. So technically speaking, it was Double Dragon that took things from Road Avenger.

>> No.8497726

>DD2GB was actually a Renegade/Kunio-kun sequel that got changed into a Double Dragon side-story mid-development.
It came out as a Kunio game in Japan and was then sprite swapped to be released as a Double Dragon game in the US, nothing was changed mid-development.

>> No.8497735

According to Koji Ogata on Twitter, the Double Dragon II version for the foreign market (or at least in parallel) was made first and there is a flyer from when the game was titled The Renegades.

>> No.8497767
File: 903 KB, 850x1200, 4b517d61-94eb-4e98-8610-72077be0177d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great game honestly, even if it isn't a belt-scroller

>> No.8497975
File: 745 KB, 2106x2716, The_Renegades_Flier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.8498871

Also, the helicopter from Thunder Storm, another Kishimoto game, makes a cameo at the start of the Double Dragon II arcade game.