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File: 8 KB, 200x80, Wdlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8484274 No.8484274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*Makes your game harder*

>> No.8484279

Is there a more villainous group or person from the /vr/ era? Working Designs is like the Bobby Kotick of /vr/.

>> No.8484287 [DELETED] 

>gave us the chance to play games we wouldn't have otherwise been able to play back then
Zoom zoom.

>> No.8484301

>playing the games years late with unnecessary gameplay changes and Bill Clinton jokes added in
90s gamers really took whatever they could get

>> No.8484304

Yeah I don't get the hate. I feel like every time I see their label on a game I think "this is going to be an awesome game".

So maybe they had some stupid pop culture jokes or made some games harder. Whatever. At least I can read what's being said and finish a game through to the end.

>> No.8484306

Yeah right sure. That excuses every bad thing they've ever done. No nuance allowed here. Guess Kotick was all right since I got to play Spiderman 2 and Prototype.

>> No.8484307

>makes bland ass jap dialog charming, and memorable
>makes bland ass jap game design difficult so you actually have to do more than hit X
truly based. I just wish they had handled Grandia because that game has a great battle system and game mechanics that are completely wasted by having no difficulty whatsoever and a script written for 8 year olds.

>> No.8484313

I can never get the criticism straight. Some games they made harder, some they made easier, some they barely touched. Who even cares.

>> No.8484327

>Makes your game harder
And that's a good thing. Well except for that saving deal in Lunar eternal blue, that one was dumb

>> No.8484340

I think they were a great publishing company and they added a lot of charm to some games, especially with their packaging but it’s aged horribly naturally and they really just couldn’t resist fucking with the game for whatever reason. Was there even a reason to do that? Was it to do the whole rental strategy? Who is going to rent Exile 2 for the TGCD? They knew they had a niche buying market that catered heavily to early weebs and really hardcore RPG fans so intentionally making a game tedious and overly difficulty, to allow rental sales, seems so needless

>> No.8484378

More like they push you to grind like an idiot, take Popful Mail as an example, since they made all the equipment and objects more expensive, you have no choice and grind gold for hours and since monsters has more hp than the JP version it takes you forever to progress in the game. They were so proud of what they did by telling you in the manual it was calibrated for Murica standards... such a bunch of asshole.

>> No.8484392

*adds American pop culture references that are already outdated a year later*

>> No.8484407

>having no difficulty whatsoever
So you didn't play the extra dungeon then.

>> No.8484414
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>Bill Clinton jokes added in
I like it. Nip dialogues are bland and boring.

>> No.8484421

I know this is hard to believe for the obese weebs who just want to play an interactive anime, and get mad when they emulate these games that came out before they were even born and don't play like the qte movies they play now, but games being challenging was actually a selling point.
There's 3 extra dungeons, which one are you talking about? Not that it really matters since all of them are mind numbingly simple.

>> No.8484423

Teenage me loved the horny translation. Old me hates these motherfuckers with a passion and hope none of them ever worked in gaming ever again.

>> No.8484446

>original text says "yuki", "snow" and "silver"
>mutts translate it all with the same world
>this is Japan's fault

>> No.8484449

That does sound annoying, but i recently played the "Un-Working Design" popful mail and it's legit too easy. but i guess i hate unnecessary grinding more than too easy

>> No.8484452

I loved the gags as a kid. Nowadays I still like the WD translations, but I'd generally rather have normal translations.

>> No.8484461

Yuki is literally snow in Japanese you dumbfuck

>> No.8484463

This, WD was based. Cool packaging and extra features too.
The gameplay changes varied from horrible and gamebreaking to arguably making the games better. In the case of their biggest games like Alundra or the Lunar series, it generally worked out fine.

>> No.8484469

But if they used "snow" and "yuki," then the original text purposefully used words from two different languages. Translating it all to the same word loses something.

>> No.8484471

Oh, so you don't like literal translations after all.

>> No.8484472 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 595x600, exile wicked phenomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes your game unwinnable
that will be 70 bux (and a tip for the holocaust museum)

>> No.8484481 [DELETED] 

>holocaust museum
man jews are based if only because they have internet schizoids seeth constantly

>> No.8484494
File: 58 KB, 1000x429, doge zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a big difference between accounting for that and adding Bill Clinton jokes. Though honestly, I like Working Designs and their goofy gags. I just generally don't think people should follow their approach.

>> No.8484517 [DELETED] 

There's this incredibly strange overlap of schizos who are obsessive weebs enamoured with Japan, while at the same time also constantly raving about Jews and the destruction of white Americans. It's honestly fascinating and I have no idea how it started. All the weebs from back in the day would always hate America and white people and wish they were asians
The Clinton line is a one off by a completely irrelevant NPC. Almost every single complaint of how the translation is irredeemable will always use the exact same 3-4 examples from some random NPC thrown in as a gag, while ignoring that 99.9% of the relevant dialog is left untouched. The fact it's constantly brought up is just proof to me the vast majority of people who bitch about these have never even played any of these games.

>> No.8484538 [DELETED] 

>There's this incredibly strange overlap of schizos who are obsessive weebs enamoured with Japan, while at the same time also constantly raving about Jews and the destruction of white Americans
Because Germany (the last stand for the white race) and Japan were allies.

>> No.8484548 [DELETED] 

>The fact it's constantly brought up
I felt a little bad about using that example yet again, because like you said it's not as bad as it's made out to be. I don't think it makes the translation irredeemable, I like the Lunar translations. I was only contrasting it with the minor adjustment of using different words for snow/yuki.

>> No.8484559

Pretty much this. I couldn't care less about their translation practices like some nihongo uber-sperg, but the increase in difficulty is annoying. Literally stopped playing Popful Mail for Sega CD because of that (fucking Wood Golem, I swear).

>> No.8484564

The left is better.

>> No.8484568

It’s probably true that most Japanese scripts are so dry and formulaic that localizers can’t help but spice things up. But I’m not sure if the answer is to do it with memes or pop culture references that age quickly.

>> No.8484570

I remember Popful Mail's difficulty only felt a bit off to me at the beginning. If you get past that it's not a big deal for the most part.

>> No.8484576

I agree with that in principle but not to the level it's accused. Is the random pop culture shit dumb? Absolutely. But it's also like 4 or 5 throwaway NPC lines or something in the background like a bookshelf you have to go out of your way to click on. The actual meat of the games are translated pretty accurately. So when people bitch about Working Designs it's often a case of "yeah, you're right but you're also overstating how much of a problem it was."

This is especially true for the time period. If people hate what Working Designs did with Popful Mail, check out what Sega was planning to do with it:

>> No.8484583

There's not really an easy solution for that, since both words are going to be snow in English, and there's not a lot of foreign words for snow that Americans and Brits are going to be immediately familiar with since they're majorly monolingual. Even if you changed the town name to Shiroyuki and said "a town of snow" after, this would still be deemed inaccurate by 4chan types since the name of the town isn't actually Shiroyuki but WhiteSnow.

This makes me think of how ADV would approach dialogue that used English in the Japanese. Asuka famously changes the lines to German instead. The voice actress for her actually worked on the script. She explained one scene where she says "chance!", but this obviously doesn't work in English. Nobody just outbursts "chance!", they would say something like "this is my chance!" instead, but that line doesn't fit the lips in the animation. So she opted for "wunderbar", because it's a common enough loan word in English, and even if you don't know what it means you can guess it sounds like "wonderful", and it keeps the exoticness of the original script using a different language for that one line. But still, there are people that hate that she speaks German.

>> No.8484585

Yeah, in that era WD was delivering translations that were much more readable than the garbage most other companies were putting out, and they were seen as more faithful to the games.

>> No.8484592

>The actual meat of the games are translated pretty accurately. So when people bitch about Working Designs it's often a case of "yeah, you're right but you're also overstating how much of a problem it was."
Agreed. Though some of their games went heavier on the changes than others.
Yeah, it's hard to please everybody. I think "wunderbar" is a great choice in that example, I'm surprised some people didn't like Asuka speaking German. It seems like a natural choice.

>> No.8484596

You could translate it to something like "This is WhiteSnow, where the flurries never stop. Enjoy fresh powder every day."

>> No.8484603

>but that line doesn't fit the lips in the animation. So she opted for "wunderbar",
200 IQ translation moment fill of sole

>> No.8484608

They did make some really annoying changes here and there, seemingly to just waste your time. Like erasing the solution to Might's tower so you either have to use a guide or just fuck around for a bit until you eventually find the right path. The added fart noises were also dumb.

>> No.8484615
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14. These girls are supposed to be 14, Vic.

>> No.8484631

In there defense, Japan always lowers the ages of characters because of their country wide high school fetish.

>> No.8484643

>Japan always lowers the ages of characters because of their country wide high school fetish.
Not because of that, bunghole. It's because of legal age of consent that is lower than in the West.

>> No.8484648

Rayearth is about middle schoolers and was aimed at teenage girls.

>> No.8484683
File: 272 KB, 800x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad about how much they fucked Silhouette Mirage's balance. I actually don't mind the translation aside from the obvious un-religion-ing of it, and I'd love to see someone just splice that script with names fixed over to the Saturn version

>> No.8484693

Exile 2 is unplayable because they reduced the XP amount so much that it takes dozens of hours to even level up one. Silhouette Mirage had its entire gameplay design changed for zero reason whatsoever. It didn’t affect the difficulty at all but it made everything take sognifactly longer and made buying weapons pointless because they increased the price of them to ridiculous amounts, completely changing how the game works. It’s like if you played Pokemon but you could only use tackle throughout the entire game. This doesn’t make the game harder, it just made them needlessly tedious and obnoxious

>> No.8484695

The Japanese word for silver is Gin

>> No.8484719

Honestly, the fact they made probably the hardest RPG ever made by pure accident because when they decided to boost the stats for enemies they accidentally made a stack overflow so the enemies became absolute tanks, is pretty hilarious. Apparently you can only beat the game if you do some insane planning and know what you’re doing beforehand, as well as carefully mapping out routes and XP gain so you can win. And it has to be exact as well, it’s like I Wanna Be the Guy and Silver Surfer tier memorisation only it’s for a 30 hour game and not something you can clear in 15 minutes

>> No.8484731
File: 30 KB, 320x240, 360DA163-4938-4695-AB09-419464DA7F25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like the name Shyna more than Sinna but yeah considering the game is suppose to have these religious undertones it’s a shame it had to be changed for the West. Though I do like the Hare Wares Dragon icon to the Cross more

>> No.8484734

Yeah Shyna's name is the one I like in the mass change, but the names of the sins/weapons are fucking stupid

>> No.8484768

This was actually two separate mistakes, one of which they should have anticipated would be a problem. At the time Working Designs didn't have internal programmers. Part of the arrangement was they would send the changes they needed to be made to the Japanese studio and the Japanese team would implement what they needed. But this is obviously a pain in the ass so the Japanese team agreed on the terms that they would only do this three times. And it turns out that when WD made the changes that broke Exile 2 it happened to be the last of the three. They begged the team to fix it because they thought they had made the game literally impossible but they were refused. So WD spent a long time playing the game and when they found that it was juuuust technically possible to beat the game they released it.

What makes this all so dumb was that they should have known they were playing with fire when they have such a precarious arrangement like that. You'd think they would have changed as little as possible to avoid exactly this kind of scenario since reversing a mistake isn't something you can just ask the guy down the hall to do over lunch.

>> No.8484805 [DELETED] 

>Because Germany (the last stand for the white race)
The country that took in the most refugees of any country in Europe in 2019 and is regularly trying to distance itself from the Nazi ideology out of shame is the last stand for the white race?

>> No.8484814 [DELETED] 

It was a joke about this

>> No.8484818 [DELETED] 

He was obviously referring to when Germany was based and redpilled, not an Americucked colony.

>> No.8484819 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 476x600, 0-67-0=869-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are there so many white pedophiles?

>> No.8484850

>So WD spent a long time playing the game and when they found that it was juuuust technically possible to beat the game they released it.

>> No.8484923 [DELETED] 

I mean America’s borders are less open than most of Europe’s but ok.

>> No.8484928 [DELETED] 


>> No.8484946

I would never wish for WD translations in the modern age but we never got shit intact in the 90s. They brought us shit we’d otherwise never have and clearly cared a lot about games. They stopped Popful Mail from being turned into Sister Sonic.

WD was based as fuck in the environment they were working in. They also kept their jokes to lighthearted titles—there aren’t any modern pop culture references in Gungriffon Blaze

>> No.8484950

>and clearly cared a lot about games

>> No.8484969
File: 185 KB, 445x320, EFKz755XkAIYHpZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. People forget that WD was actually one of the more conscientious translators of the time. And it wasn't like fan translations were any better. If you were watching fansubs back in the day you'd get this insanity...

>> No.8485025

In regards to Vay on Sega CD Working Designs pretty much broke the game.

>> No.8485204 [DELETED] 

Yes, zoom zoom

>> No.8485229 [DELETED] 

>you fucking pedophile, she was 17 years and 350 days old. Don't you know that in 2 weeks time she'll have magically changed so it's no longer gross and immoral?

>> No.8485253

Is he calling Android 19 a candy-ass faggot? That's good shit! I wish that was in the dub. Sabat saying CANDY-ASS FAGGOT in Vegeta's voice would have been historic.

>> No.8485267
File: 512 KB, 540x722, 1635413120552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They stopped Popful Mail from being turned into Sister Sonic

>> No.8485460

Have you read MKR? Those 14yos are hungry for dick. Especially in 2

>> No.8485462

See the link in >>8484576

>> No.8485489

Was version 3 worse somehow?

>> No.8485662

Fucking this. This is literally their job as translators: preserve the meaning but make it sound natural in the target language. Trigger warning: it will require a small amount of creativity.

>> No.8485672

if they respected the games they translated why did they feel like adding "gruel, gruel, the magical soup, the more you slurp the more you poop" to their translation was necessary or that causing a fairy to fart your entire party to death instantly if you're not all wearing gas masks would be a welcome change

>> No.8485762


This is a great listen. It's an interview with Victor Ireland. A good bit of it is about Class of Heroes 2 since that's the game he was working on at the time but there's a lot of history discussed. The difficulty topic shows up around 1:03:00 and Exile 2 specifically is at 1:38:00 but it's worth listening to the whole thing if you have the time.

>> No.8485768 [DELETED] 

>I mean America’s borders are less open than most of Europe’s but ok
Lmao, is that a joke? 1.7 million illegal immigrants crossed the American border last year alone. The most porous border on the planet.

>> No.8485791 [DELETED] 

>illegal immigrants
Yes the key word there is illegal, they crossed illegally and there was numerous controversies through out the year about America’s subsequent treatment of said illegal immigrants. Countries like Germany and Norway on the other hand willingly open their borders and let in refugees and immigrants which I personally am not against but I’m sure someone who uses the term Americucked will probably disagree with me on that sentiment
Anyway I don’t want to derail this thread anymore than I already have so this will be my last post about this topic.

>> No.8485809 [DELETED] 


>> No.8485861 [DELETED] 

You willingly let them in and give them a court date, which they obviously don't attend before disappearing for good. Also LOL at how fast those goalposts were moved.

>> No.8485910

>They stopped Popful Mail from being turned into Sister Sonic.
WD had nothing to do with that. Those were Mega Drive-owning Nihon-Falcom fans that wanted an accurate port of the game.

>> No.8485929

>Those were Mega Drive-owning Nihon-Falcom fans that wanted an accurate port of the game.
Just as well they did. The last thing those sonic weirdos need is another female character to obsess over.

>> No.8486328
File: 34 KB, 350x240, dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down man and have a toke bro

>> No.8486370


>> No.8486391

working designs telling us that only the "direct translation" and "replace with sex joke" buttons exist as the "maybe somewhere in the middle" button collects another layer of dust on their console

>> No.8486435
File: 3.43 MB, 4160x3120, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a world, in which translation of video games is taken seriously. In which changes to the game, desired by translators, aren't difficulty hacks or fart events; but methods of adding explanatory footnotes.
Instead translators that work with video games, aren't driven by the desire to make the artefacts understood by more, while minimizing what was origanally meant; but by egoism, thinking they know better than actual game designers and writers.

>> No.8486445

>the desire to make the artefacts understood by more
Man, defeating the evil king or whatever is SUCH a complex artefact.

>> No.8486520

What does complexity have to do with accuracy? Most stories are simple, yet the translators of other don't think "Jesus died (but actually he didn't)" would be improved by Christ making weed references.

>> No.8486571

This all kind of reminds me of loads of other cases of other matters where all the early stuff was fucking awful and it took years for any sense of standards to develop and now people argue over which of the ones from the time period were the least awful. Like one archeologist digs with dynamite, and the other one sells all the relics to foreign countries, and the other other one gives all the jewelry he finds to his wife to wear at parties.

I get that the past is always too easily judged, but it all fucking sucks regardless and I'm not gonna eat a shit sandwich because that's just how things were done. Or at least I'm not paying for it.

>> No.8486578

literally comparing the bible to generic JRPGs written for 12 year old nip schoolchildren to play when they got home, and bemoaning every line not having 5 editors notes explaining the reference being made, why it's being made, and how it's a pun instead of replacing with a joke the person reading it would actually understand

>> No.8486741

Yeah, videogames are more important.

>> No.8486748

>trying to please everybody


>> No.8486779

Insecure thirdworld brown weeb.

>> No.8486784

He's trying to one-up fictional American boogeymen, his daily obsession.

>> No.8486793

lol a few angry people who never shut up about a joke or two honestly don’t matter. WD was based af i remember writing them a letter when i was a kid

>> No.8486902

>generic JRPGs written for 12 year old nip schoolchildren to play when they got home
WD didn't even get the "playable" part right
Nor the target audience. If you feel you're the target audience for lines like >>8484615 that's not an unanimous opinion.

>bemoaning every line not having 5 editors notes explaining the reference being made
Every line having a translation, ANY translation, would be a good start.
WD struggled with that until their late ps1/ps2 versions from after the Silhouette Mirage fiasco, one of the earliest documented incidents of a game publisher picking juvenile internet fights with their audiences online.

>the bible
that's not the bible, tourist

>> No.8486919
File: 80 KB, 581x472, alundra-head_rider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part Alundra is one of their more restrained translations. Bonaire is an exception to how most of the game is translated.

They were originally going to put this joke in the game, but it didn't make the final version.

>> No.8486923

Context is you're jumping on her head as part of the puzzle.

>> No.8486930

Then they whined they were being censored by Sony SCEA. Whose Alundra was technically their IP. Of all the things they cut from Japanese scripts, this and "Sucking Dieck" in Arc The Lad manuals is what they care about.

>> No.8486951 [DELETED] 

americans WILL defend this

>> No.8486952


>> No.8487545

A chef spits in your food ONE TIME and you act like that negates all the hard work he put in, JUST so your spoiled ass can eat. Would you really rather starve than swallow some harmless saliva?

>> No.8487551

More like the chef adds extra dessert.

>> No.8487561

They claimed SCEA made them remove the religious references in Silhouette Mirage too.

>> No.8487567

i'm not a huge rpg fan so i'm fine with them since they brought gungriffon blaze to the west

>> No.8487589

I love the Bill Clinton jokes

>> No.8487595


>> No.8487654

>>8487545 >>8487551
Seems like a stretch to call localizers "the chef". More like the waiter, expecting all the credit for the meal and feeling entitled to make their own additions and removals.

>> No.8487687 [DELETED] 


>> No.8487816

All these threads will eventually degrade to weebs (99% of which were not born when these games were released, and have not played them) making horrible analogies and comparisons while bringing up the same exact 4-5 throwaway NPC lines.
When this happens, remind the weeb that if he demands a 100% accurate, directly from the writer script, that the Japanese version does exist and there is nothing stopping him from learning Japanese and playing it.
This will massively frustrate the weeb, as it directly attacks his inability to actually be japanese, his unwillingness to do anything besides consume media, and his inability to actually improve or gain knowledge, instead of simply complaining like a child.

>> No.8487892

>implying that learning an entire language just to better appreciate media they passively consume is "mature"
>while calling others weebs
What are you creating, since "consumption" is so bad?

>> No.8487937

>making very clever posts into the void despite the nagging dread that nobody cares

>> No.8487952

Based Designs is anything but "villainous"

>> No.8487973

Retards who don't know the last 5 US presidents and therefore cannot understand a political joke do not deserve anything.

>> No.8487978 [DELETED] 

>Nip dialogues are bland and boring.
This. Weebs need to accept that Japs/Asians are simply a less emotive race on average.

>> No.8488006

It's extremely shitty of the nips to not fix the game when it was a flaw in their own goddamn code that broke it. But I guess all businessmen run into contract fuck-ups like this early on.

>> No.8488009

That is really clever

>> No.8488087

Why would they fix it? They delivered the work that was requested of them. WD didn’t properly plan the feature request and all of its potential side effects, which they damn well should have, considering the limits of the contracted work.

>> No.8488090


>> No.8488092

"So what if he shit in the living room, that's 50 Cent!"

>> No.8488104

You can literally complete Lunar 1 in 5-6 hours.

>> No.8488167

Isn't it the translators who need to accept that instead of trying to change them to make them "interesting"?

>> No.8488185

So the proper way to translate dialog that’s bland and boring is to keep it bland and boring, so that your autism is satisfied?

>> No.8488193

Found the Marvel movie watcher. Not everyone wants dialogue in their media where everyone is constantly snarky and making jokes.

>> No.8488205

I’m sure you can find plenty of games out there where all the dialog comes straight from the spreadsheet of stock RPG lines everybody seems to share.

>> No.8488261
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>*so that your translation is actually a translation

>> No.8488269
File: 42 KB, 597x642, 3E75BA1E-F375-4902-AAD6-019675788041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very goncerned about the removal of pedophilia references

>> No.8488272

Is leaving pedophilia references in video games for 12 year olds really the hill you want to die on

>> No.8488292

Yes. Preserve the game as it was.

>> No.8488294

not him but yeah, its a translation it should be done as accurately as possible, let people judge the work for themselves with as little meddling done to it as possible.
There are no 12 year olds playing these translated obscure jap games anyway.
If it was an official translation for a new game for kids then obviously that stuff should be taken out

>> No.8488317

Lunar was literally my favorite video game when I was 11. I rented it so much that my mom just bought it for me out of the blue one day because she said I had spent so much renting it I may as well own it.

>> No.8488320

Should pederasty references in Plato also be removed?

>> No.8488324

Herodotus, Lunar Magic School, Plato, you know, the classics

>> No.8488326

I meant the fan translated releases put on the internet nowadays
most kids just play the current consoles

>> No.8488329

Yeah when you plug Plato right next to Twisted Metal at Blockbuster

>> No.8488332

Yeah, the people playing fan-translated games are probably older and possibly interested in history and the history of the series in particular. So an accurate translation would be more desired for that group.

>> No.8488337

Why are you implying that translators somehow deserve more power, if the product is less deep? It's not like the translators of vidya are somehow more intelligent than translators ancient philosophy.

>> No.8488339

Because you don't do your senior thesis of literature by breaking down an episode of marsupilami

>> No.8488340

I’m interested in why you think you can dictate how somebody translates a game gear game in their spare time for fun.

>> No.8488342

>american translator: I am going to shit on this because fuck you
>euro translator: I am going to my job because peope want to know what has been said

>> No.8488396

>sex bad violence good

>> No.8488404

Because he's not a moron who wastes four years and tens of thousands of dollars for a meaningless title and piece of paper.

>> No.8488412
File: 205 KB, 680x869, 0zc95s1zyph41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8488269 >>8488272
I don't trust a Twitter drone's definition of "pedophilia references". But sure, maybe I could have picked a better example.

>> No.8488417
File: 255 KB, 962x1134, Screen-Shot-2020-01-27-at-21.32.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people sure think they can do it for SFC games.

>> No.8488419

the Persian rug-making website is known for producing very intelligent and successful autodidactic high school graduates

>> No.8488421

wojak meme with wojak holding up a phone with the same hg101 screenshot again

>> No.8488429

The bottom tweet is a perfect example of being right, for the wrong reasons.
Is any fantranslation, no matter how incoherent, incomplete, inaccurate or buggy, immune from criticism?

>> No.8488432

You are free to spend all the time you would otherwise spend posting online instead hacking that other translation into something that satisfies your standards.

>> No.8488459
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>12,584 likes, mostly from soiboys, contemporary feminist SJWs, and NPCs.
Yup, Twitter everyone.

>> No.8488462

>Persian rug-rugmaking website
Who and what?

>> No.8488482

In Bend, Oregon? Do they carry Playstation games? And fan-translated Game Gear ones on flash cartridges? What point are you making exactly?

>> No.8488486 [DELETED] 

Sure is weird how all these people obsessed with artists vision, and 1:1 conversions only seem to care when it involves pedophilia, anime tits, and editing lines from jrpgs, and not things like German versions of games having their entire plot changed, and half the character models edited.

>> No.8488492

Why would English speakers care about Germans getting shat up? The only reason would be purely philosophical, they aren't actually affected by censorship.

>> No.8488498

>purely philosophical
which is no difference from the vast majority of arguments on this topic, because the vast majority of people complaining about changes in translations haven’t actually played the games and won’t

>> No.8488502

why do you care about Japanese?

>> No.8488606

Why would a tranny call themselves a tranny? That's a bad translation.

>> No.8488619

No, it's not. In the same vein, Blacks often refer to each other as niggers (well, niggas, to be precise).

>> No.8488718

Are you mentally retarded? Black people dont introduce themselves by saying "Hi, I'm actually a nigger."
Jesus Christ unironically fucking go outside and have a human conversation for once.

>> No.8488734

No, but trannies/dragqueens calling themselves trannies isn't uncommon. Or at least wasn't in the past. Lighten up and act a little more human yourself.

>> No.8488748

tranny has always been a slur moron. the "proper" term was crossdresser or drag queen in the very rare occasions anyone was ever public about it. tranny is literally a fucking porn term

>> No.8488756

Bullshit, trannies vary widely in their opinions, but some call themselves trannies and don't have an issue with it. And drag queens like Ru Paul use it all the time. It's a controversial term, but some people happily use it nonetheless and have for a long time.

>> No.8488765

My point being that it's not unbelievable to hear a tranny referring to themselves as such, not that it isn't also a slur.

>> No.8488773

This entire conversation isn't /vr/ at all and I'm dropping it, but if you actually think RuPaul commonly refers to himself as a tranny then you're an unbelievable moron.

>> No.8488780

Now "shemale," which some have tried suggesting as closer to newhalf, is more exclusively of a porn term

>> No.8488794

He certainly isn't offended by the term, and has defended it

>> No.8488821 [DELETED] 
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>Nooooo just let me say tranny I wanna say tranny!!

>> No.8488834

Cope. A simple Google search would show you what I'm talking about. I'm not suggesting you should call people trannies recklessly or that everybody's ok with it.

>> No.8488849

Alundra only became "harder" because it threatens to bore you to death with how many hits the toothless enemies take to finally fucking kill. If they just left the values as they were then it would have been about as hard without being a goddamn time sink.

>> No.8488853

If you think a tranny saying "I'm a tranny" is as uncommon as a black man saying "I'm a nigger" then you're deluded. Simple as.

>> No.8488975

The proper way to translate dialog that's bland and boring is to give up the job to someone else who actually loves the source material and CAN manage to autistically reproduce the original meaning in full WHILE ALSO producing enjoyable, interesting prose.

We get it, american localizers hate the source material.
But how does that entitle their English bastardization output to be LOVED by audiences?
Even their added humor relies on "haha look how shit this game's translation is", expecting respect in return beggars belief.

>> No.8489151
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People will say "wow you really want to keep pedophilia in a game?" and not even realize they're arguing to cover it up instead so they can play pedophilic media without having to mind it.

If you're playing a VN where you date a bunch of girls in school and you remove the bio line that says one of them is sixteen and go "PHEW!" and wipe sweat off your brow you're really missing several points.

>> No.8489153

>uses logo to make game 300% more expensive

>> No.8489160 [DELETED] 

Leave the autistic pedophiles in peace, is the message I’m getting.

>> No.8489162

Were they really more expensive than other localized shit back in the day? I only have 1 of their things and it's the LE of Growlasner 2&3.

>> No.8489176

yes they should refer to themselves as mentally ill so we know from the get go

>> No.8489234

They are now, at least. People buy their games just to have a "complete set" and it's fucking obnoxious.

>> No.8489912

Are your sore from such a corny ass pat on the ass

>> No.8490091

No one asked for "jokes" about 14 year old girls craving condoms and anal sex and giving head, Working Designs fan.
You can't explain your way by reductio ad absurdum "weebs want machine translations and schoolgirl age bikinis" when it's clear american localization practices are shit for a multitude of reasons that aren't that.

Dragon Warrior 1 to 4 are supposedly full of "complicated old english" and "nintendo-mandated censorship" in their 1990 English versions, yet they're far more enjoyable to read and much closer to the original Japanese story than the supposed "modern localizations".
Current year american localizers are mad, even by their own standards. There was that one Gnosia VN written by actual Japanese queers and the american localization decided that a specific character's story was too complicated (wants to have sex with all genders so it undergoes a surgery to be a hermaphrodite) and rewrote it to one of the only approved stereotypes in the west ("i identify as non binary. acknowledge me. i have no more life goals.") and something similar with Kainé in NieR.

>> No.8490096

I wonder if there a lot of Gajinworks people here.

>> No.8490098

Kainé was butchered? What happened? Any fan patch to remediate?

>> No.8490108

I am a big fan of WD

Lunar 1 and 2 translations were goat on PS1

>> No.8490117

>literally a fucking porn term
so is "newhalf" in the original version, hence the choice.
yes, people may refer to themselves as such
especially a fake woman fooling a boyfriend into dating itself, with a guilty conscience, is likely to refer to itself as such, which is the case in that scene
would you have preferred "I'm actually not a real woman"?

Someone threw a fit that the official site for Replicant referred to Kainé as a hermaphrodite instead of a tranny-approved identity, even though Kainé is literally a biological female possessed by a male demon with his male parts getting added to her anatomy. Square's "ethics" department changed the website, no idea about the game but the text files are in plain text if you want to check.

>> No.8490143

>fake woman
love to hear all about these issues from the authorities who use terms like this

>> No.8490219
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To be fair, his view on the issue is probably more in line with the 90s Japanese writers than yours. That anon is correct about why it works regardless of whether or not his terms are offensive to you.

>> No.8490225
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Not to mention it's kinda bizarre to care so much about that one line in Goemon 3 when the main villain of that game is a crossdressing weirdo. The series is full of gags that aren't 100% PC by modern standards.

>> No.8490374

>Black people dont introduce themselves by saying "Hi, I'm actually a nigger."
Don't they be like:
>Ayo, wassup, nigga?
>Sheeeit, nigga, not good.
Of course the educated ones are aware it's a slur and rarely use the n-word, but all the street hoodlums from ghetto say it constantly and are really pissed when some whitey cracka does so.

>> No.8490402
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No, it's that if you find content morally objectionable you should refuse to work on it at all. Would you edit the subtitles on CP if your boss handed it to you as their new big project to land on streaming sites, or would you leave your job and call the cops?

Why are people airbrushing pubes onto what they claim to be pure and simple CP, and then declaring they've made it okay to sell now, and they shouldn't be hung in the street?

>> No.8490414 [DELETED] 

What's up with posts like this? There's just something in the brains of people that makes them defend a status quo I guess.

>> No.8490440
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>all the shit-eaters itt bitching about people who want accurate translations of games, to the point they just break down and start accusing them of being pedophiles after getting repeatedly btfo
I have this pet theory that the people who defend weirdo moral busybody localizers originally were doing it to troll and get attention, but they shitposted so long and for so hard that they ended up genuinely convincing themselves and believing their own nonsense. Many such cases with people in the 100-110 IQ range.

As for me I'll never buy a censored game and don't understand how anybody ever could. The idea of tacitly consenting to someone else deciding what subject matter I have the maturity to consume is insulting in the extreme. Do you really expect me to sit here and pay money to read some californian progressive's mental effluvia haphazardly wallpapered over the actual story I might have had an interest in? Get this garbage out of my fucking face.

>> No.8490658 [DELETED] 
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>the official site for Replicant referred to Kainé as a hermaphrodite
That's not even correct

>> No.8490661

>even though Kainé is literally a biological female possessed by a male demon with his male parts getting added to her anatomy
You didn't even play the game, holy shit

>> No.8490949

You're not entirely wrong. It's basically become a ritualistic expression of what they think is group identity on places like this. I have no doubt that if you were to talk to them person to person they'd probably actually agree with you that poor translations and hack-job localisations are bad but here they feel they need to adopt tenets of what they see as their core group identity. This came out of contrarian shitposting but it's become part of a package of values and standards they feel they have ot express, deviation from which instantly makes you an other or part of a camp/tribe they dislike.

>> No.8491063

>digimon sub
>every "defeat" or "take down" or "dispose" is turned into KILL

>> No.8491073

No one should translate anything into english and vice versa.

>> No.8491118

Explain why I give a shit about what Germans have to play? Maybe go to a German chan and you'll see those posts you fucking twat.

>> No.8491123

Its weird that Magic School Lunar suddenly gave people the willies when the first game in the series is pretty incestuous.

>> No.8491124

Your philosophical objections don’t amount to much when they only apply to your interests. At that point, they’re just a tactic and not any kind of principle.

>> No.8491136

As if I'm not against those changes too. I'm not a fan of things like Mikey getting his nunchucks removed in the UK version of TMNT. And I'm definitely not a fan of China's censorship either. Seems like the topic just often goes in the direction of anime tits, because that's something popular on 4chan. Something in Germany is out of the way and less on people's minds maybe, but I don't see much reason to assume people aren't also against it in principle.

>> No.8491143 [DELETED] 

>if you don't broaden the subject so much it becomes generic to the point of irrelevance and you can no longer discuss it in concrete terms it means you don't really care about the original argument.
Total evasive pilpul.
Go suck a lemon.

>> No.8491149 [DELETED] 

>if I have to think about applying my argument to cases outside my narrow interests then I don’t have the attention span to keep it up

>> No.8491156 [DELETED] 

if tranny is a slur then jew is one too because some people use it as one.

>> No.8491192 [DELETED] 

Sorry but I read some random bullshit in Swahili in a dream I had once about keeping ones interests on the local level and to avoid mindless abstraction at all costs to keep away the mindthieves who want to steal your time from you.
If you don't adapt to that claim then you're clearly just a chauvinist who can't argue from a truly universal point of view.

>> No.8491196 [DELETED] 

>200 IQ
Presumably divided between all the americans at Working Design.

>> No.8491224 [DELETED] 

The americans at Working Design who wrote the dub script for Evangelion?

>> No.8491225 [DELETED] 

Maybe there's only 200 IQ shared among all americans.

>> No.8491237 [DELETED] 

Then the only principle you’re operating on is self-interest.

>> No.8491268 [DELETED] 

t. 0.01 IQ american.

>> No.8491741

The big problem with a lot of censorship, particularly in China, is that it can spill over. Things like movie studios forced to change Tibetan characters to something else. But that's pretty far removed from anything Working Designs did.

>> No.8491745

You do have to admire Victor Ireland's balls. Just cold calling Japanese publishers, asking if someone spoke English, trying to get them to license their game to you, and then actually fucking doing it. The game industry back then was something special, man.

>> No.8492487

China's censorship is pretty tame compared to american localizer sensibilities.
The latter often can't fathom that storytelling can be done in ways other than what they're used to, and will mess with characterization and make stories more and more uniform (generic sassy openly hostile american feminist npc, caricature one dimensional male npcs with predictable flaws, complicated character interactions getting simplified to one of the ten scenes allowed in current year hollywood capeshit, and put jokes and racist accents and current year references for good measure)

The Chinese literally have a list of stories they're not allowed to do (historical drama, alternate history, time travel, etc) and it's still more tame than american localization sensibilities. You can't have Earthbound or Mother 3 in 2021 and I'm not even talking about the "controversial content", some californian would get irritated by the earnest, "dry", "immature" writing and would actively go against the point and tone.

>> No.8492592

>China's censorship is pretty tame compared to american localizer sensibilities.
This is obvious bullshit and you know it. Come on now. China will literally throw your ass in jail for putting out something subversive.

>> No.8492696 [DELETED] 

I literally only say that word when I'm talking to other trans people and there are no cis people in the room //// it's a very very impolite word

>> No.8492753

This translation is wrong.
That's all anyone needs to know about the "translator" character.

>> No.8492847 [DELETED] 

>hill you want to die on
Oh no, a nigger tranny from Resetera.
Thank god people here don't take your bullshit.

>> No.8492850

Yes, faggot.

>> No.8492856 [DELETED] 

No it isn’t the Bible faggot

>> No.8492861
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>exactly SAME arguments from Twitter and Resetera, down to the "IT'S A PORN TERM" drooling mongoloid retardation.

>> No.8492862

The main character appears naked in a scene. You have to admit that it's a weird move to choose of your own volition to translate a game that has so much content the translator finds objectionable.

>> No.8492863 [DELETED] 

Stop saying it then, people like you with double standards are why I say nigger.

>> No.8492865 [DELETED] 

Not to people's faces you don't. You'll get cracked.

>> No.8492871 [DELETED] 

Why do trannies namefag so often?

>> No.8492874 [DELETED] 

I use the soft a around my African American brothers

>> No.8492875 [DELETED] 

identity politics

>> No.8492981

i see the autists have decided to report their opponents. see you on page 10

>> No.8493302
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China censorship, arguably even Nintendo of America 1990 censorship, is far better than the implicit vaguely defined codes of conduct in practice at Treehouse, Capcom, Square Enix, and about anything that answers to the so-called Sony Standard.

The consequences for "subversive" content are about the same.
Leaving aside anti-regime political propaganda in games (even then nazi propaganda in Europe/America, WW2 Japan apologism in South Korea, games made in Japan that include political commentary without a disclaimer "any similarity with real life incidents or peope is a coincidence" because there were successful lawsuits before, and so on, can expose publishers and retailers to direct criminal charges that can include prison time.)

Less direct violations (vulgar obscene content, nudity, shocking content, etc) whether in China or America result more often than not in the violators not getting jailed/beheaded whenever they show a skeleton to the Maoist censors (that's overkill), but getting their games rejected, recalled, stern messages from authorities about the content, and more often than not the translators and developers (if not the publisher) will be fired and blacklisted. That way, they will be eager to comply and self-censor, although some will be true believers in the need for censorship and will snitch on their peers (either out of ideological zeal or "competitiveness"). In that respect, America is no different than China, just with a few extra steps.

America is worse than China in that China's poorly defined list of taboo subjects is still better than what they have in America, for example the Sony Standard telling devs to follow "common sense", that it's the MeToo current year, and that they should know right away if they are feminists. Even Assassin's Creed Odyssey got caught somehow in the filters because the female NPCs are killable. In China almost everyone there is a CCP party member yet the CCP actually gives them lists and guidances.

>> No.8493308

So what's your stipend from the CCP?

>> No.8493314

>planet wide fetish

>> No.8493327

>China censorship, arguably even Nintendo of America 1990 censorship, is far better than the implicit vaguely defined codes of conduct in practice at Treehouse, Capcom, Square Enix, and about anything that answers to the so-called Sony Standard.
It really isn't. Look at what happened with Genshin Impact recently. And I imagine tons of self-censorship happens because of the government's strict rules and ability to shut things down on a whim.
>In China almost everyone there is a CCP party member yet the CCP actually gives them lists and guidances.
That sounds horrible. I don't like dumb controversies over female NPCs either, but it's not comparable at all.

>> No.8493339
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I'll just leave this here. Treehouse (top) vs CCP (bottom).
Skirt and bikini lengths aren't the best metric for censorship, so I'll mention also the removal of a scene in Bravely Second on the pretense it's "too dark and uncomfortable" (it's just two assassins killing each other mutually, mostly in a text only cutscene with no gore or obscene content whatsoever, but i guess some californian was hyperventilating over it for some reason), and replacing swords with wooden sticks in a Nintendo distributed Dragon Ball 3DS game (not even the CCP did that yet).

Calling American localizers commies, and acting awed about the CCP banning entire storytelling devices and mechanics like user generated content is refusing to see the problem.

Acting like the CCP is somehow worse is hilarious when articles about Paper Mario Origami King missing a line from Toad complaining about "Toad rights" and "their lost freedoms" have to compare the obviously censored Chinese line (because they're busy then purging Hong Kong of any political dissent, and some of Nintendo's localization operations are in Hong Kong for the Chinese script) with the... Japanese line, because as it turns out Treehouse removed most of it, too. Supposedly over "dogwhistles" and "freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences" or whatever.

There's no moral superiority whatsoever. American localizers are lower than those censored Chinese localizations. And they will eagerly help make those same censored Chinese cuts too for capeshit movies.

>> No.8493371

>China's censorship is pretty tame compared to american localizer sensibilities.
What mental illness leads to posts like this? Like this isn't just your usual 4chan hottake shitpost this is a person who truly believes altering the dialog in a JRPGs is not only equal to but actually worse than the CCP. How does someone attain a mental state where this could ever be a thought, let alone one that you share publicly?

>> No.8493398

>Acting like the CCP is somehow worse
They absolutely are worse. No company in China is safe from their bullshit, while some companies here pull the censorship and others don't. Not to mention the bullshit in China is much broader.

>> No.8493428

>America is worse than China in that China's poorly defined list of taboo subjects is still better than what they have in America, for example the Sony Standard telling devs to follow "common sense", that it's the MeToo current year, and that they should know right away if they are feminists.
See, this isn't actually cleanly comparable, because this is a matter of big corporations and publishers, and primarily for localizations.

If you're in China and make a game about killing Chinese communists and overthrowing the CCP, they'll put you behind bars. If you're in the US and make a game about overthrowing the US government, you can make it, sell it, advertise it, etc. You might be put on some sort of watchlist (but you're on a watchlist for posting on 4chan), and you might have difficulties finding someone to publish it and/or advertise it, but you can self publish very easily through the web today.
Hell, you can make a game about whatever autistic /pol/ genocide fantasy or incel rape simulator, go out of your way to offend people, and it isn't illegal.

I'm not gonna pretend there isn't issues in the US about megacorps 'sanitizing' the web for themselves, or the current deranged political climate and cancel culture, or that the way government watchlists are used are even remotely ok. However, that doesn't make the situation the same, and the situation is demonstrably not as bad. Big publishers not being clear or fair about their own content regulation, and retards on Twitter screeching, is simply not worse than clearly defined government lists of arbitrary don'ts that carry actual fines or even prison sentences.

>> No.8493519

Just play the games you spergs

>> No.8493782

>No company in China is safe from their bullshit
Not quoted but not really true.
If you're small-time they don't care, if you have the right connections they also don't care so long as someone higher up isn't getting heat for it.
Even stuff you think would be very sensitive like the rules against spreading Japanese culture isn't really enforced right up until it is.
Sorta like how Sony doesn't care that TLOU2's rape scenes because new Naughty Dog is part of their Cali clique.

>> No.8493789

>but you can self publish very easily through the web today.
Not really. US payment processors are regularly used to shut down rightwing content that upsets the powers that be by being too pro-european nativist.

>> No.8493919

1 yuan has been deposited into your account, Zhang. The ever glorious CCP thanks you for your service!

>> No.8493935


>> No.8493974

Just call it white supremacy, dude. If you're going to be it then own up to it, coward.

>> No.8493982


>> No.8493993
File: 47 KB, 1000x540, LibertyBTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is the last sovereign country in the world. Authoritarian but willing - unlike U.N-governed countries - to give its people the freedom to do what they want.
>Listen to me. This is real freedom, freedom to own property, make a profit, make your life. The West is so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only financial power.
Were Deus Ex predictions true? This game along with MGS2 were a critique to western power leaders. If a game like that criticized China they would do a lot worse to censor this

>> No.8494009

>ethnic supremacy = right wing
Another retard fell for this /pol/ meme

>> No.8494010

>freedom in any sense of the world
what the fuck are you on, dude? also DX and MGS2 were criticizing jews without naming them, not puppet governments.

>> No.8494036

DX was a lot more than that. DX was defending libertarianism (not liberalism) and that was very different from nazism because it was a lot more right wing for promoting individual rights without any corporate or government intervention. In that part of the game they say that big government can support freedom better than corporations as long it doesn't negatively affects them

>> No.8494165

>If you're small-time they don't care, if you have the right connections they also don't care so long as someone higher up isn't getting heat for it.
You're right, but that can also always change for those companies. If you're small time and attract enough attention or grow large enough, or if you have the right connections and lose them (or like you said, somebody higher up gets heat).
>isn't really enforced right up until it is
That was my point. They might let it slide or ignore it, but they can enforce the BS if they invent a reason. You're never truly safe from it because there's always the possibility of enforcement.

Not that I'm a fan of the Cali clique you mention, they're annoying as hell and bad for gaming too.