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File: 210 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BNDgxYTU2ZTAtZmE0MS00YTFlLTg4OTEtYjYyNGRhODQ3N2RkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8480176 No.8480176 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for? Also PS2 or PSP, both seem to run equally shit (20fps)

>> No.8480223

Empire building is ok, a little overrated but it's fun enough. Basically just San Andreas gang wars with additional side missions for each job. If you piss off a gang enough you're going to get constantly harassed by them until you wipe them out.
Story is pretty shit, Lance is funny but Victor is probably the most retarded protagonist to date, only a couple missions are real bullshit.

>> No.8480316

It's more Vice City.
The story is kinda shit this time around.
Missions are okay but not as memorable as VC.
The map is improved somewhat.
There's an empire building minigame which is nice.
The music is nice.
7/10 game

>> No.8480341

Empire building was fun but constantly getting sidetracked in between missions to protect them isn't really fun or engaging. Maybe people liked that part, but it wasn't enjoyable at all after the 5th or so time.

Story was decent, not that VC's story was good to begin with though. Falls a little flat during some parts. I much prefer LCS but I grew up with that one so maybe that's why, but the missions and stories there did feel a lot more fun.

Solid game to emulate from time to time, performance does take some hits along the main strip and a few other small locations.

>> No.8480728

>not that VC's story was good to begin with though
VC's story is just basically a glorified Scarface parody, not exactly R*'s fault since it is their first time doing something like that

>> No.8480736

well the others had already told what you're in for but if you want to play VCS, better if you emulate it. Emulate PS2 version if you got decent rig but otherwise PSP version is much more stable

>> No.8480873

emulate with 60fps (?)

>> No.8480883

Vic Vance was a cooler protagonist than CJ

>> No.8480978

I thought Vic was one of greatest GTA protagonist, he's a genuinely good person who keeps getting dragged into crime shit because of the people around him. There's some real tragedy near the end too, you're in for a rollercoaster OP

>> No.8480987

The empire building thing is fuckin bullshit. When you get to the empire building literally do them all in one go or it will ruin your experience.

Theres a reason they never brought it back

>> No.8481096

>Also PS2 or PSP, both seem to run equally shit (20fps)
someone was working on modding the higher detail PS2 assets into the PSP version since it runs far better in an emulator, but i don't know if he finished and released it.

>> No.8481321 [DELETED] 

A game that's the result of throwing every rejected 3D era into a mixer.

Still enjoyable enough, but the story is all over the place.

Trouble with Vic is being a genuinely good person is completely at odds with what GTA is about.

>> No.8481332

A game that's the result of throwing every rejected 3D era idea into a mixer.

Still enjoyable enough, but the story is all over the place.

Trouble with Vic is being a genuinely good person is completely at odds with what GTA is about. He can't be a reluctant hero, it just doesn't feel right.

>> No.8481456

He's "pulled into crime" for the stupidest fucking reasons, it just makes the character seem like a moron and a hypocrite.
>"I'm no gang boss!"
>"No but you could be"
>"Oh, okay then"
The whole reluctant criminal shtick just doesn't work in a Scarface fantasy where you're aggressively conquering the entire city

>> No.8481472

IIRC he get pulled into crime because the military life isn't giving him enough money to help his mother and brother (not Lance), then he kills the guy who was employing him because the latter thought he was getting too friendly with his wife because he talked to her for like 30 seconds, then he gets pulled further into it by being given a high position in a gang and having to use it to defend himself against the spic gang, then Lance ropes him into the empire shit because the cocaine guy convinced him. Then it's a Scarface downfall story from that point onward.

>> No.8481575

>What am I in for?
A shitty Rockstar game.

>> No.8481586

so it's the same as 4 without any of the humor or likable characters

>> No.8481718

the last good gta game

>> No.8481720

PS2 has more content. More missions, more vehicles, etc.

>> No.8481740
File: 386 KB, 1100x286, GTA 3D universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's right. Going to get round to playing these all again very soon, can't wait.

It's strange VCS got extra content but not LCS.

>> No.8481770

Is liberty City supposed to be new York, vice City Miami and San Andreas Los Angeles?

>> No.8481812

No, it doesn't take itself super seriously or anything, it's arguably more slapstick at times and has several of the same characters as VC including Gary Busey. Vic is just a shitty, boring protagonist.

>> No.8481818

San Andreas is a state that merges California and Nevada, the three major cities are adaptations of LA, San Francisco, and Vegas.

>> No.8481819

close. San Andreas is meant to be California with some Nevada desert thrown in, and contains expys of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas. In the 2d games San Andreas is just a LA style city though

>> No.8481821

But you're right on Vice City and Liberty City

>> No.8481830

not their fault? it was there literal intention clearly especially with that ending.

>> No.8482943

That makes sense, San Andreas was the one I was struggling to fit.

>> No.8483643

fair enough

>> No.8484269

this is one of the few games that runs relatively well on pcsx2 in hardware mode, the lightning effects are off set but can be fixed