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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8479026 No.8479026 [Reply] [Original]

Are these 3/4 scale cabinets worth it? Why not have a home arcade?

>> No.8479030

Even small arcade machines will feel gigantic in a residential home. And they're a bitch to actually play on.

>> No.8479053

The ONLY two reasons anyone should own a home arcade machine is if they have big groups of guests frequently (like if they have a bar in their basement or something) or they're a goddamn arcade nerd who've dived too deep into their hobby. These tiny machines are fine for the former, but have no value for the later. For anyone else, an arcade machine, real or otherwise, is a waste of space.

>> No.8479064

installing a working coin slot on ms pacman violates the licensing terms signed between namco&midway. also gay af

>> No.8479065
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Actually, what are the screen dimensions of these things? I wonder if they're the right size to convert one into a MAME cab running Love and Berry...

(L&B's original cabinet was fucking tiny and had a 16 inch screen)

>> No.8479076
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I like the MVSX. picrel

>> No.8479297

They look perfect for kids, who probably won't care about those games.
>The ONLY two reasons anyone should own a home arcade machine is if they have big groups of guests frequently (like if they have a bar in their basement or something) or they're a goddamn arcade nerd who've dived too deep into their hobby.

Do you know where you are?

>> No.8479313

Redpill me on Bagman

>> No.8479316

Old and rare.

>> No.8479324

No, he's right. I know a lot of people who have the arcade bug and feel that it's an itch they need to scratch but a lot of these people have never seen an arcade cabinet in a residential setting in person. As someone who's moved my fair share for friends, these things are a serious imposition when they don't have the benefit of commercial floorspace. They don't look THAT big in the open but move one into your living room, with things like interior doors, walls, stairs, furniture, etc., and it's an entirely different monster. The mini-cabs improve things a little bit but it's still basically a weirdly shaped console television and now it's also uncomfortable to play on for long periods of time because the size isn't tailored for human height.

>> No.8479326

Because it's stupid. Use a wireless joystick, something like the 8bitdo arcade stick, and computer built for emulation, hook it up to the TV, and there ya go. Don't even get all gay and purist about the TV or the computer. These things use shitty computers and shitty LCD displays. At least on your own machine you can run any game on as good a display as you want, even a CRT. You don't need a bunch of stupid reddit cabs.

>> No.8479327
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>Neo Geo cabinet with six buttons

>> No.8479332

>small change arcade
>small CRINGE arcade
fixed it 4 u

>> No.8479334

>six buttons

>> No.8479338

there's a certain kinetic aspect to gaming on full size cabinets.
you're so close to the screen, you're standing up, the sound is blasting in your ears... it's really not the same as using a fightstick with your tv

>> No.8479340

Those are obviously for button combos or possibly flipping to Capcom games, sperglings

>> No.8479341

>The mini-cabs improve things a little bit but it's still basically a weirdly shaped console television and now it's also uncomfortable to play on for long periods of time because the size isn't tailored for human height.
Yeh that's why I don't want them. Besides, it's much more fun to show real games with real arcade history in them.

>As someone who's moved my fair share for friends, these things are a serious imposition when they don't have the benefit of commercial floorspace. They don't look THAT big in the open but move one into your living room, with things like interior doors, walls, stairs, furniture, etc.

Pretty spot on. I have just two games in small room and they dominate so hard it's hilarious, but the rest in a garage look more to home and somewhat easier on the eyes, but for that one room, I am reliving my childhood, no apologies.

>> No.8479342

>there's a certain kinetic aspect to gaming on full size cabinets.
>you're so close to the screen, you're standing up, the sound is blasting in your ears... it's really not the same as using a fightstick with your tv

^this, getting a 1CC also works up a sweat.

>> No.8479347

Well, these ain't full fuckin' sized, are they? One should build a MAME cab then. Multiple cabs are cringe unless you're gonna go full Peter Pan Michael Jackson mode and get OG restored cabinets with real PCBs. In that case you are so insane or rich that I can't possibly relate.

>> No.8479354

I see these on display sometimes and I think they'd be cool for a kids playroom or something but personally I'd prefer to have something that's larger, older, and much more annoying instead to take up precious space in my home instead.

My take is, if you want to get into this and get an arcade game or a pinball machine of your own, even just one, even one in nice condition---be prepared to immerse yourself in the inner workings of your machine on a deep level, from the harness to the boards to the caps to the monitors. Because you're going to work on it. And because you've never done this stuff before you're gonna work on twice as much and twice as hard because you'll be learning things (by getting them wrong), and learning how to work on everything properly. The upside is you'll get pretty handy at soldering. And the downside is that if you aren't ready for this aspect, you'll just be joining the ranks of tens of thousands of dorks and non-dorks alike who have a broken down Golden Tee sitting in a dark corner.

And hey, it's a whole hobby, so it's fun (sometimes) and satisfying when the work is done. But I think this aspect isn't considered by a lot of people and then they ending up wasting their money and having only a piece of gigantic-but-still-not-quite-furniture to show for it. So maybe sometimes it is better to just settle for the crappy 3/4 scale Simpsons arcade machine. But...not for me.

>> No.8479356

I think you greatly over-estimate how much arcade machines cost. Before the pandemic, you could pretty easily find one for 200-ish.

>> No.8479360

Bull-mother-fucking-shit. Fully working with no asterisks? Maybe if you're in the business or know people in the repair/arcade business, but I just don't believe you, dude. Those deals definitely don't apply to someone who's just entering the market without connections. Also, past-tense anyway.

>> No.8479364

Post cabs then, negro.

>> No.8479365

Is there any actual solution to having multiple controller types for emulation cabinets at home?
Or is it always going to be messy?

>> No.8479367

I definitely have no problem with people wanting one or enjoying it. I just want to make sure people are aware of what they're getting into before diving in. A lot of times it's not something they fully think through and once the thing is in their house only then do they realize there are logistics to figure out. Definitely do that work beforehand to save yourself the headache.

>> No.8479372

>all these cabs with LCDs
What's even the goddamn point?

>> No.8479375

The Japs realized the stand up model is fucking stupid and gay, and their arcades never faded into irrelevance. Huh, funny that. Fuckin weird.

>> No.8479378

>Bull-mother-fucking-shit. Fully working with no asterisks? Maybe if you're in the business or know people in the repair/arcade business,
>Those deals definitely don't apply to someone who's just entering the market without connections

Sadly you're right, but sometimes you find a good deal. I did get a fully working arcade cabinet for around that, but that was an auction that I knew was coming up so, yes, inside information stuff there admittedly.

>> No.8479381

Big companies aren't even allowed to sell CRTs legally anymore. Environmental rules for GWOBAL WAWA are what ACTUALLY killed the CRT.
Because we'll all melt the ice caps and drown some buttfuckers and cannibals on some atolls.

>> No.8479389

>Or is it always going to be messy?
Yes. There just is no way around it.
Consider this:
>Twister knobs
>Flight sticks
>Steering wheels
>Light guns
and the list can go on for quite a while, so just accept that and either build two or three and spread out the parts, or buy the real cabs of the troublesome machines.

>> No.8479395

what game be this

>> No.8479402


There's only so many PGA games retard.

>> No.8479404

That's untrue, there's CRTs being made still, even by LG, you just have to look.

>> No.8479416

It just seems to me, if you're going autistic enough to waste floorspace on a boomer cabinet, you should go as hard as possible and throw a TV or VGA monitor in that sumbitch. If not that then a low latency, high quality flat panel with VRR support.

>> No.8479436

Not for the US/EU market. Wait until PC gamers get banned from high-power GPUs.
>You don't NEED a graphics card that consumes more than 100W.
It's coming.

>> No.8479448

>Not for the US/EU market.
Not sure what you mean since you can order those online, but if you live in California then you might be screwed because they try and cancel shipping of some items now as you know.

>> No.8479456

>>You don't NEED a graphics card that consumes more than 100W.
>It's coming.

To be fair when that comes, computing will have evolved enough so that a Wal-Fart special PC will rock all the games we'd want to play.

>> No.8479606

Playing arcade games on a CRT with emulation and an arcade stick feels like a much superior experience than hunching over these dumb things.

>> No.8479637
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>Are these 3/4 scale cabinets worth it?
absolutely not.
>Playing arcade games on a CRT with emulation and an arcade stick feels like a much superior experience than hunching over these dumb things.

>> No.8479660

those people..
>LOL I'm gonna fireball you!
>No sex tonight! ha ha!'
>Wow mommy daddy this is precious like a baby chicken

>> No.8479683
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>> No.8479730
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Agreed, go big or go home

>> No.8479772

Link? I've tried searching and can't find these new LG CRTs, but would like to.

>> No.8479776

not that anon but he's kind of lying

>> No.8479874

>most of the real /vr/ bros have big ass setups of multiple consoles and libraries sometimes filling a whole rooms
>ArCaDe CaBiNeT B I G

>> No.8479916

nah, it's all just recycled tubes. Or maybe some NOS, but nothing is being made anymore. Show me a listing for an actual LG CRT somewhere.

Well, these are going to be emulation as well, of course. And probably far, far shittier than buying a Raspberry Pi, which is shittier than an old PC

The only good thing i've heard about these from the community is that they can sometimes be used for parts

>> No.8479920

Nigger where?

>> No.8480086

Should be 8 then. MVS cabs are 4 buttons in a row.

>> No.8480118

Good, integrated graphics should be good enough for anyone; especially on /vr/.

>> No.8480138

Unless you have a lot of space the only ones that make sense are the cocktail table units. Vertical screen is perfect for arcade shooters, and it's useful piece of furniture to boot. If you want to play landscape fighters just get an arcade stick and emulate on your TV or CRT if you're feeling saucy.

>> No.8480268

In an arc
They are clearly in the same position it’s just had 2 extra buttons tacked on

>> No.8480412

Not true, and you can still find games for sub 500 bucks. They might not be in good shape, and they almost certainly won't conventionally desirable games, but you can find one. If you wanna buy a roached out Zaxxon for three hundo, they're out there.

>> No.8480426
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I live in Florida and see working cabs sell on Facebook marketplace all the time, usually only $200-$400, the main concern is hauling/storing them

>> No.8480497

I'm in the Twin Cities and you'd absolutely see shit like Police Trainer on Craigtlist for 200-300 bucks all the time. But a few years ago, Paradise Arcade Shop moved into town and now they snatch up every reasonably-priced used arcade machine for parts.

>> No.8480509
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Actually, I just checked out of curiosity and there's one up now for 350.

>> No.8480524
File: 292 KB, 1142x827, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are also a couple unholy abominations like this, for those who just want to convert something into a MAME machine.

>> No.8480674

jesus fuck

>> No.8480694

They're just fine for 3/4 scale humans

>> No.8480830

>Love and Berry...

>> No.8480835

>not wanting to have the only functional Love and Berry machine in the country

>> No.8480884

Not lying, it's discontinued now, but some online stores still have some.
lg series 1 retro classic tv

>> No.8480889

Look for:
>lg series 1 retro classic tv
They're out of production, but you might be able to find one anyway.

>> No.8480905


>> No.8481280

>Why not have a home arcade?
Few people have room for an entire arcade

>> No.8481632

If you have a living room, basement, or garage, you have space.

>> No.8481669

Not that anon but I plan to have one of those all-in-one arcade machines when I finish building my new home.
In fact I intend to make a dedicated gaming room with all kinds of shit
For now, my full Sanwa arcade stick + Fightcade / GGPO + 1ms monitor are doing the trick pretty nicely

>> No.8481752

You can get a lot of good arcade cabs here in Florida on local "classified" marketplaces, because the state had tons of arcades and lots of rich fucks in the 80s/90s and because almost everything has been AC'd down here to keep tropical air out, they're in decent condition. Just have a truck and some help for hauling. Also, pinball guys have the same benefits.

>> No.8482015

The fighting game community really, really needs to collectively stop using the term Sanwa.

>> No.8482021

Sanwha is a brand anon

>> No.8482057 [DELETED] 

That's why they need to stop using it. Sanwa was infamous for their high quality back in the 2000s, but they changed their production pipeline and their parts have been cheap Chinese garbage since. The "old" Sanwa buttons can still be purchased under the brand Industrias Lorenzo (the guys who used to provide Sanwa with their materials), but fighting game players, being the retards they are, still call the iL buttons "Sanwa". So Sanwa's brand name still gets held up as a seal of quality, leading to a lot of people buying their cheap plastic junk.

>> No.8482063

i searched online, this is what i did
theres arcade on the lap 'console' that is only a keyboard size with 2 player with real arcade joysticks + buttons with led lighting and cabinet sounds that just sit on your lap or 2 person laps for under that price with 10,000 games arcade and otherwise, and it feels/plays just as good.

>> No.8482159

>In fact I intend to make a dedicated gaming room with all kinds of shit
Sounds based, but just promise yourself and everyone one thing: Make it comfy. Comfy couch...soft stuff to offset the harsh lines. Sick of seeing these Arctic-style cold looking sterile rooms that give me instant back pain to look at.

>> No.8482756

Most people want to use their living room as as living room, not fill it up with a bunch of cabinets to have a home arcade. Your parents would never allow you to do that.

>> No.8482779

I like this guy

He makes mini-cabs using real 15khz CRTs and original PCBs, then rents them out to places and events around San Francisco.

>> No.8482787

No, they are not.
As I have posted in other threads you are better off to get a TV stand and a big CRT and put it in the same place. Or a console television that comes with its own cabinet. I suppose one could build something original of their own to make the unit look all-in-one.

Full size western cabinets are not comfortable to play on for long periods unless you are standing up. That seems impossible with these unless you put them on a riser, which just defeats the purpose.

>> No.8482806

I feel alive when playing an arcade game, so why not LIVE in the living room? When can't it be comfy?
I think it can be done so long as it's just two regular units (sorry, 6-player X-Men) so as not to overpower everything in the room.

>> No.8482812

This man emanates based.

>> No.8483863

I thought this meme died in like 2008 lmfao

>> No.8483865

>t. that guy
shameless self-promotion is fine, shilling isn't

>> No.8483871

Swappable control plates. Pop one out of the cab and pop the other one in.

>> No.8483892

that sounds almost as messy as those hideous ones that slap literally everything on one

i was thinking drawers for controllers separated by generation/console
i'm not so much interested in trackball or knob stuff

just arcade stick and console controllers
but I also dont really like the aesthetic of free-hanging cables
as uncomfortable/unfriendly as they can be there is something more rugged aesthetically about those stiff structural cable tubes on console cabinets you used to find in walmarts/etc

just not an easy way to have that and an assortment of controllers

>> No.8483902

Eh if you threw enough money at it and did Jamma or JVS quick connects it might not be bad.

>> No.8484038

you know... except they arent.


these are not Arcade1up. these are refurbished hand-made cabinets, using smaller sized, but still arcade authentic components.

the control panels are still normal size, and the monitors are still CRTs, only smaller.

and the most important thing, these are not for sale, those are for rent only for events.

>> No.8484047

what i woulnt give to have a candy cab arcade, not necessary the Astrocity, but still.

but unfortuntely, i'm mexican and those are extremely rare to find, and the few i know exist on this city are already owned by arcade bar owners. the closest i am to having one of those is owning an Astrocity mini, and for some godforsaken reason NOBODY WANTS TO MOD THOSE! Even the goddamn Nu Game and Watches are moddable now!

>> No.8484293

I have a generic jamma arcade cabinet from the mid 90s somewhen, that is 3 buttons and came with a street fighter clone board. I bought it about 15 years ago for £50.
It works fine except the screen looks like someone put a magnet in the middle of it and the colours are a bit messed up.
I always intended to convert it to mame or something and fix it up but never got round to it.
Should I finally do it in 2022?

>> No.8485109

Do whatever you want champ. In the meantime I'm having a conversation with some dumb kid who's fantasizing about filling his parents living room with arcade cabs and turning it into an arcade.

>> No.8485146

>these are not for sale, those are for rent only for events.
See? You're not allowed to sell CRTs to normal consumers if you're a registered company in the US. EPA banned that shit.

>> No.8485250
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and its a shitty bartop repro

mine is a 80s cab running a pi

>> No.8485262

pi has much better support and a tiny power usage,which means you can leave your cab on attract mode for SOVL

got mine on atm,vampire savior 2

>> No.8485376
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This was my latest find at the auction. Seems like a bad flyback but I'll troubleshoot further.

It was low risk either way as I could just downgrade the CRT to LCD and flip it for quick cash if it was really fucked. If its just the flyback that is a cheap fix.

>> No.8485409

Is the MVSX worth the price?

>> No.8485423

>I could just downgrade the CRT to LCD
Please don't. There are so many other ways. Even a consumer TV with a RGB>Composite converter would be better than a LCD.

>> No.8485434

I already have another fully working CRT cabinet. This one was always going to be a flip but I sincerely do hope it is just a flyback and a quick fix and not more deeply fucked. The LCD is a huge downgrade I would rather avoid.

>> No.8485680

say what? maybe you are replying to another anon?

>> No.8485741

The reason you can't buy one of those arcade units is because they have CRTs in them, and "new" CRTs aren't allowed to be sold. Only used ones for repair purposes or if you're just some rube on eBay/Craigslist/etc.

>> No.8485805

the only way they would be worth anything is if the displays had BFI+VRR and didn't have horrible scaling.

>> No.8485959

Fucking cringe

>> No.8486016

>playing the meme golf game
I hate you stupid faggots so much it's unreal

>> No.8487847

hes right though,you are fuckin cringe m8

>> No.8489681
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I have a couple of countercades in my home bar. They’re pretty good but I think the 3/4 size ones are more of a pain than they are worth. These you can wall mount or just use on a table or in my case a bar. They’re not perfect but they both have 8 games on them and overall for the price they’re pretty good.

>> No.8490210

>I have a couple of cringercades in my home cringe.

>> No.8490371


>> No.8490385

Have you tried it? It's one of the most well designed arcade games ever made.

>> No.8490390

How autistic does one have to be to get this angry about a neo geo golf game

>> No.8490632

>I’m Mexican
Why not import from the US?

>> No.8490637
File: 978 KB, 1920x1080, D3DF0ACD-1EC2-44B9-BFDB-DABF4C86C9B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get one of these and a Pi
Will work without need for any conversion

>> No.8493145
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3/4 scale... not even half the size. I don't get it. Am I missing something?

Pic unrelated. My recent collection

>> No.8493198

How autistic do you have to be to enjoy a golf game?

I've never eaten shit either.

>> No.8494368
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I don't know what the fuck to feel