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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8471997 No.8471997 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8472015


>> No.8472030


>> No.8472039


>> No.8472050

your HERO

>> No.8472057

Mar-vell isn't in the game tho.

>> No.8472059

I would play the shit out of a ROM hack that added all the vs. characters and stages from COTA, MSH, XVSF, MSHVSF, and MVC1.

>just play MVC2!
not the same bro

>> No.8472071

Why the fuck is this not a thing?

>> No.8472073

It's a lot of work.
CPS2 hacking is rare.

>> No.8472108
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>> No.8472137


>> No.8472162

Add some vsav stages in there as well

>> No.8472323


>> No.8472329

>Hyper Fighting
>Xmen vs SF
Based capcom.

>> No.8472330

why do people pretend to play or like vsav?

>> No.8472337

you don't play them.

>> No.8472431

Probably cause it's a good game? Blame the internet for it's spread

>> No.8472443


>> No.8472538
File: 101 KB, 465x355, ah, munntosso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your ideal rosters
Zraa Zromm
Rom, Spaceknight
Combat Kelly
Rawhide Kid
Section Z guy

>> No.8472859

I mean MUGEN exists.

>> No.8472864

Cool broken mess bro. But seriously that sounds like something that would be in development andbalancing hell for decades.

>> No.8472895

Why do people pretend to like Street Fighter and Marvel but then shit on Darkstalkers? Doesn't even make any sense, they're as closely related as the various Mega Man subseries are to each other.

>> No.8472907

People don't play either of those things, fighting games are unpopular 4chan just pretends to be tourneyfags because they are narcissistic.

>> No.8472908

Mugen has a lot of flaws and limitations as an engine. Stuff like Ikemen Go improves it a bit, but it's still far from ideal for trying to make a solid fighting game.

>> No.8473268
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>Loves MvC
>Doesn't want a broken mess

>> No.8473309
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cps2 boards are fucking expensive now

>> No.8473370

MvC2 is a step down from the previous games in the Marvel vs. games and SF Alpha games.

>> No.8473397

I loved MvC2 as a kid, but looking back it seems so cheap compared to the preceding games. Cheap, generic looking 3D backgrounds, boring music, overstuffed roster. Give me MvC1 any day.

>> No.8474053


>> No.8474145

>boring music
I loved the jazzy soundtrack.

>> No.8474248


I miss playing UMVC3 with my buddy.

>> No.8474263

>flaws and limitations
Such as?

>> No.8474615

I feel this way about The Last Blade 2. Bunch of fucking posers.

>> No.8474756

>boring music
nice bait

>> No.8474823

There's a few of us, it's only like a dozen guys but we have fun with it. Every game has some fans anon.

>> No.8475008
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I remember the only times this was heard was when the arcade opened and near closure time. The machine always had a crowd around it for constant challenges. At my location everyone preferred to choose Colossus or Psylocke as their 3rd character, but I opted for oddball ones like Michelle Hart which worked out better for the chip damage from War Machine+Strider.

>> No.8475023

t. 30th Anniversary player

>> No.8475152

Granite countertop anon, we need you in the bingo thread.

>> No.8475709

you don't play them.

>> No.8476276
File: 2.11 MB, 2016x1512, Im_gonna_take_you_for_a_ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 2 of them.

Not necessarily, but they are valuable assists which helps through a match. I get Psylocke and Colossus can chip 3-5 times, but even better when they hit you can link into practically any super. Sentinel is almost as good, but unlike those two, you only have 3 uses instead of the 5 they get. I go with Michelle Hart because she appears at the same horizontal level as the opponent when called and she has a spread shot which , which forces the opponent into a defensive posture to set up the variable cross with Strider/War Machine where I spam the kick supers for a lot of chip damage covering all but one upper corner of the playfield. I am not as concerned about linking a super, since Strider is fast enough to start a magic series on the ground with medium punch-heavy punch-heavy kick-to DP which is 40% already. War Machine is a pure meter builder, with his flying and bomb shenanigans. Those two I think has great synergy with the assists like Lou, Arthur, and Michelle Heart which has segmented attacks that build meter for the variable cross, and they have more uses (6-8) with a longer time onscene compared to those of Colossus and Psylocke.

>> No.8476292

Its got improved gameplay and far more variety in its roster than mvc1.

>> No.8476314
File: 38 KB, 480x272, 97EA8CDA-D170-4805-BAB7-074FDE658A5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a big fighting game guy and marvel doesn’t do anything for me but this is still the coolest shit ever

>> No.8476765

You definitely don't play.

>> No.8478936

He doesn't? I barely played MvC1 competitively but everything he typed sounds about right.

>> No.8479054

Fucking manlet Ryu

>> No.8479104

>Its got improved gameplay
It has mostly the same gameplay, except for:
- instead of random helpers you can call in your team member to do an attack for you. MSHvsSF already had this mechanic however, the only tweak was that you could choose your allies attack.
- you could cancel your super into an allies super. However this was just an evolution of the qcf HP+HK move from MvC1 where you could launch a super with both character simultaneously.
- 3v3 fighting. But the extra buttons needed for this meant you only had 4 attack buttons now (which is stupid, they just could've used LP+LK for team member 1 and MP+MK for team member 2).

They also removed the ability to call in your ally and freely attack with both players for a limited time, including using all supers nonstop. And the "double super move" in MvC1 had some special properties that the sequels lacked, most notably if you used it as a finisher, you got a combined attack name, and some combinations had special properties (Ryu+Ken could do a double shinku hadoken in XvsSF, Zangief does a Double Atomic Buster, in MvC1, etc).

So most of the stuff added in MvC2 wasn't that good, except for calling in your ally for an attack, which was a recycled ability from one of the older entries.

>far more variety in its roster than mvc1.
lol fuck no, you had like 6 shotos and 2 wolverines in MvC2, and maybe 5 characters were actually useful. It was Capcoms version of MUGEN
MvC1 had a far more varied (and better balanced) roster, had more interesting new characters (Jin, Strider, Venom, Captain Commando, Megaman, Roll), better backgrounds and final boss, and every single character had its own theme song and ending.

>> No.8479120
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Psylocke and Colossus is used the most iirc because of rushdowns, but honestly I haven't played the first game against a human opponent since the Kaillera days.
But the biggest fuck you helper is Lady Devilot. Using her to break the opponents guard can be so fucking annoying.

Most people don't give a shit about helpers since they use golden war machine or red venom and do rushdown style play where if they touch you once you are fucked. MvC1 unfortunately still has a lot of infinite combos, they are just not as stupid as in MvC2 (not counting Gambits two hit air juggle).

>> No.8479128

>its the same gameplay
Yikes. You didn't even mention snap backs.
>mvc2 had 5 characters that were useful
I doubt you've ever played either game at any level outside of loading it up on emulator. Strider, Spiral, Doom, CapCom, Sent, Mag, Storm, Cable, Ironman, Warmachine, Cyke, Psylocke. Thats 12 right there that you can play with at a high level. You can throw Blackheart, Ken, Tronne, Sonson, Guile, Colosses onto that list as they all work with with the others I mentioned.

>> No.8479132

>most people don't give a shit about helpers
Unless you can provide footage of your gameplay landing infinite combos with perfect execution against actual players i'm going to assume everything you post from now on is a larp.

>> No.8479160

>Its got improved gameplay
I mean that's objective. If you like MvC1's gameplay more then whatever.

>far more variety in its roster than mvc1

This is a fact. Sure MvC2 isn't the most balanced but MvC1 isn't that much better with Red Venom and Gold War Machine being op.

>> No.8479165
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This was so cool, perfect union between east and west in visual form with modern. It's like the vidya version of the Predator handshake. Very manly.
He sometimes doesn't look like it but Ryu is asian. That might explain his height. Ngl, I appreciate that that they kept Cyclops taller and Ryu shorter instead of matching heights over some vague west vs east insecurities about having your character being looked down or him having to look up.

>> No.8479169

>with modern *heroes of each culture

>> No.8479173

Ryu would beat the fuck out of Cyclops in a fight.

>> No.8479461
File: 48 KB, 351x133, damnbrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8479463

no, he types like a spectator.
you type like a spectator in all of your posts.