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8467776 No.8467776 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for? What’s your recommendations?

I’m gonna grab the Terra Onion thing so I can play CD games without dealing with burning disks and faulty drives. I can afford it, so I don’t care about the cost, but are there other reasons to consider something else?

>> No.8467783

I played almost everything on the console. I only liked Soldier Blade and Castlevania more than a quick novelty.

>> No.8467790

I bought an OG PCE recently, waiting for it to arrive via EMS. I still have my Duo-R on which I did a DIY DB9 RGB mod a long time ago.
My usual recommendations, if you're downloading games:
Gomola Speed
Soldier Blade and most other Hudson/Compile/Naxat shooters
Metal Stoker
Magical Chase
Genpei Toumaden
Dragon Egg
Jigoku Meguri
Youkai Douchuuki

>> No.8467793

Oh yeah, and the Ys games, Lords of Thunder, and Gate of Thunder.

>> No.8467796

Bonk, a tonne of same-y shmups, and a tonne of arcade ports that are pointless now that MAME exists. That's the PCE library in a nutshell.

>> No.8467805

>Buys shit impulsively
>Needs other people to tell him what to do with it

>> No.8467809

>and a tonne of arcade ports that are pointless now that MAME exists.
There are a few unique outliers just like with the NES. Tower of Druaga is one example.

>> No.8467812

I think Salamander is a little nicer on PCE than in MAME

>> No.8467815

I have a list of games I want to play:
Rondo of Blood
YS 1 & 2,
Bonk 1 and 2,
Air Zonk

I’m looking for recommendations is all. Somehow against all odds, I think some of you guys out there have good taste, and I want to hear what you enjoyed.
How about it anon, do you have any personal recommendations?

>> No.8467818

oi me speccy

>> No.8467819

This. Gradius has a PCE exclusive level.

>> No.8467821

>What am I in for?
nothing but shmups and rondo

>> No.8467828

with how accessible all these games are now through emulation, you'd think people would have more knowledge of the platform than this.

>> No.8467968
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Always Darius.

>> No.8467983

Play Alien Crush nigga

And Military Madness, best console turn based strategy series

>> No.8468003

In addition to what was previously mentioned

Cosmic Fantasy II
Dragon Slayer

Honestly just get a 256GB card, put the entire library on the SSDS3 and try random things. Lots of interesting games.

>> No.8468042

There's a ton of CD games that haven't been translated to English, but there are very dedicated groups that have done great work just to name a few:
Ys Book IV
Madou Monogatari 1
Sailor Moon digital comic
Rondo of Blood

Japanese arcade card games like Sapphire, Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury are awesome. And I will never stop shilling for Steam Hearts. I'm hoping for the Far East of Eden and the Dragon Knight games get translated. I want more PCE RPGs.

The PCE has an awesome port of Street Fighter 2 on hucard if you have a 6 button controller. Gradius and Parodius are fun horizontal shooters. Tatsujin and Super Raiden are great vertical shooters given you have a turbo controller.

>> No.8468106

Op here. I can read Japanese fluently, so I plan to explore the rpg genre on this thing a lot.
These are really good suggestions, thank you everyone!

>> No.8468123

Ys 1-4 have some of the best music you’ll ever hear in a game ever. Seriously outstanding stuff. Bonk and Bomberman games are all high quality. Castlevania, obviously. A shit load of shooters to pick from

>> No.8468153

Check out Dead of the Brain 1 & 2

>> No.8468169

Time Cruise if you like pinball, it's actually pretty interesting.

>> No.8468178

Speaking of Dead games, War of the Dead is pretty decent. Kinda janky and weird but it’s a solid RPG. It’s got an English translation too if you don’t fancy going through it in Japanese though that doesn’t appear to be a problem

>> No.8469225

Blazing Lazers
Bomberman 93 and 94
Dragon Slayer Legend of Heroes (cd/English patch)
Dungeon Explorer
Dungeon Explorer 2 (cd)
Legendary Axe
Netopia 1 and 2
Ninja Spirit
Valkyrie no densetsu (English patch)

>> No.8469807

such a god-tier system
hope you like shooters
check out coryoon

>> No.8469979

Tokimeki Memorial

>> No.8471371

shooters, rpgs, and arcade ports. lot of decent platformers but most of them aren't mindblowing

plenty of random shit too, lot of games feel rather low budget but that's part of the charm

got really good support from hudson, namco, irem, falcom, taito, masaya and compile

one of my favorite systems

>> No.8471383

Better than the SNES. Worse than the mega. Nice colour palette, has dragons curse which means it is a 10/10 system

Rondo is actually shit but nostalgia fags gotta be fags.

Last alert and final zone 2 are goat tier dubs which you should definitely get

>> No.8472239

No good sports games

>> No.8472542

it has some of the kunio games

also final match tennis is dope

>> No.8474316

who buys a PCE for sports games?
I do kind of wish the platform had more single screen platformers. I can only think of Parasol Stars and Don Doko Don

>> No.8474464

First thing you should do is get a replacement power supply, since the original ones are old as shit and shouldn't be relied upon anymore.
For PC Engine, the best one being recommended is a 9V Triad Magnetics AC-DC power supply with a center negative polarity, matching the original specs. That polarity is very important because in some cases it can permanently damage your console if you don't get the right one.
Castlemania sells them in a bundle that comes with a multi-console adapter plug, pretty good deal given the price and I have three of them for NES, Genesis, and my own Core II Grafx.

>> No.8474467

I found someone selling a PCE duo that's been recapped and is modded to play in S-video, should I buy it bros?

>> No.8474509

Agreed. My first exposure to the phenomenal music in Ys was the PSP version, and it turned out to be even better on PCE.

>> No.8474516
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Yes. A thousand times yes.

>> No.8474819
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meh, im waiting for analogues fpga version.
i have the super nt and its tight i like p[laying on HDTV

>> No.8474832

I love the look of the Analogue Duo and that they're giving the PC Engine some love. Aside from that, since I have a PCE with SSDS3 and not a huge physical collection it's just not for me.

>> No.8475053
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I'm kind of jealous. I want the 2 because it matches the color of the Super CD-ROM^2 addon better. I would recommend the CD games, since that's where most my favorites are for the console. The Super SD-System^3 Pro has an NES core too now, so you can enjoy those games too. However, maybe the Analogue Duo does the same thing, but I am not sure of its pricing at this time.

>> No.8475259

>What’s your recommendations?
Do your homework before buying something so you know what you'll be in for.

>> No.8475350

soldering for what?

>> No.8475380

the CD addons, Duos and TurboExpress are notorious for capacitor failure. My Super CD Rom2 attachment died a few months back.

>> No.8475839

You could just learn to solder you know. It's not difficult really, replacing some caps is a simple job.
Getting started isn't very expensive either, you can get a basic set of tools and supplies of decent quality for around 60 dollars.

>> No.8476801

Gday anon, cap soldering is not something that is hard, I recommend doing it yourself
it's not something like cutting traces and bridging

>> No.8476819

Have you been living under a rock? You need to open all your toys and break them as soon as you get them. Do you even youtube bro?
But, some of these things do have cap problems. Compounded by much more serious owner problems. The bandwagoner dogma is to replace every cap, whether it needs it or not, often with the wrong part. Because replacing them with the right part is too difficult for a tard. I couldn't make this shit up.

>> No.8476824

Which model of these should I go for?

>> No.8476834

depends on how you want to play it

>> No.8476853
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If you're not going to play CD games and just want the base PC Engine, you have to go for the Core Grafx or Core Grafx II (they are practically the same) over the original white model if you don't want composite out and don't want to be stuck with RF.
Since I wanted to play physical copies CD games, I went with a Core Grafx and the Super CD-ROM2, which you can see above the Super Grafx in entire sheet of paper anon's photo above this post. The Super CD-ROM2 does away with the Super CD System Cards the other CD attachments and Turbo Duos require and has the Version 3.0 BIOS built in. You'll still need the Arcade card if you want to play the games that supports.
You could also skip a lot of the hassle with CD games and video output options that I just mentioned by dropping the money on a Super SD System. But that, like, wouldn't be as soulful, man I unironically believe this

>> No.8476856

I meant to say "if you want composite out", not "if you don't want composite out". my b

>> No.8476858

I just want to make a point that all systems are capable of composite and RGB, even the first so that isn't a problem

>> No.8476859

Oh, I was misinformed then. I thought the first one could only do RF without modifications

>> No.8476862

only if you solely use the console

>> No.8476865

yeah, you just need an expansion booster for other video, whether the official AV Booster or one of many aftermarket RGB boosters

>> No.8476872

I kind of want the original CD-ROMROM and the connector unit to go with an original PCE, but I don't know what the failure rate is on those CD drives

>> No.8476874

or even any of the CD Rom expansions

>> No.8476875

right, I forgot about those. I've heard of the Engine Block; don't know of any others
I'm with you on it being the coolest looking option, but it is also probably the most expensive way to go if you want compatibility with the whole CD library

>> No.8476880

If you want the most reliable original CD rom drive, get the snail shell
however be aware that if you plan to use real games they are possibly the most expensive of any system outside of Neo Geo AES

>> No.8476883

A lot of the good Japanese games are still pretty affordable but yeah, English games are completely out of reach for me

>> No.8477569

yeah there's basically no reason to buy English games at this point, with how easy it is to burn them (or use the drive emulators)

>> No.8479139

Get a Super CD if you really want to play physical CDs. I would say get a PCE/Turbo Duo or the SSDS3 ODE attachment.

>> No.8479245

I'd go with a Duo-R or RX personally. You get all the benefits of having a built-in drive and it's fucking beautiful on top of that.

>> No.8479759

Military Madness
Devil's Crush
Alien Crush

>> No.8479792

kind of irritating how much they fucked up supergrafx. Should have been their Super NES but instead felt like an NES 1.2 or some shit. Better graphics and that is literally it. Console needed a 6 button pad and also a few more years to wait.

>> No.8479796

that is not the issue with the console, 6 button pads were also already available
the, problem like anything, is cost and support

>> No.8479806

Yeah but did they ship with the pad? Also it came out way too fucking soon. I think like 3 years after turbo.

>> No.8479867

> felt like an NES 1.2

and that is exactly why it's a great console

>> No.8479881

I would hardly call 5 games a great console

>> No.8481298

He probably got confused and was thinking I said the regular Turbo/Engine console which did feel like an NES 1.2 actually. Was a step up from NES but not quite at the level of Genesis or SNES. Its a good console anyways. Wish I still had mine.

>> No.8481410
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It is the horrible burden of keeping these old gaming consoles. Without the technical support around, they are destined to die. That's why the news of the Analogue Duo is so big to me, so the games can continue to be enjoyed.

Aldynes was the killer app that made the system worthwhile for me. It was pretty exciting in its day as it outperforms the Genesis. I do wish the system had more support than it got.

>> No.8482339
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>buying terrasoi products despite being consistently overpriced and manufactured incorrectly

>> No.8482521

>no alternatives
I agree they are overpriced, however at least the new one cleans up all the visual noise from the display

>> No.8482618
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agreed, it was expensive. But now I don't have to worry about my dying CD Rom system.
>manufactured incorrectly
Rev B models and beyond don't have the sound/jailbar problems. That was fixed like three years ago you fucking dummy.

>> No.8482992

I'm just waiting for the Chinese copies to show up on AliExpress for like $50.
It's only a matter of time.

>> No.8482996

I don't think so anon, the original one has been out for like 3 or 4 years

>> No.8483000

It took them an age and a half to copy the regular hucard everdrive, I imagine it'll eventually happen.
Considering there's literally dozens of us that would buy this shit, they probably focus more on other systems.

>> No.8483003

I don't think the issue is how many would buy them anon, that is a given

>> No.8483008

I think it is, given the relative complexity of the basedonion compared to something like a standard everdrive, in addition to how much less popular the TG16/PCE is compared with other consoles.

>> No.8483012

>I think it is
my point was I don't think the demand for a cheaper PCengine ODE is the sole driving force for creation of Chinese knock offs

>> No.8483017

What possible incentive could a Chinese company have to knock off some relatively obscure hardware aside from profit?

>> No.8483020

I don't think you understand how knockoffs come about
it's not simply someone thinking "Oh I can make some money off that"

>> No.8483024
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Are you literally retarded? That's exactly why it happens.

>> No.8483029

then tell me, why do you think GDEMU was copied however only an old version that can't be updated
or why they haven't made a 64 cart that can't save correctly