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8450881 No.8450881 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best version of sotn?

>> No.8450887



>> No.8450889
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Sotn except good.

>> No.8450898

doesn't have fairy song

>> No.8450905

has transparency and no slowdown
get fucked saturn fag

>> No.8450916


>> No.8450919

>no slowdown
>on ps1 version
trolling or just retarded?

>> No.8450928

Xbox live arcade version

>> No.8450940

Same as every game ever: the fucking original.

>> No.8450942


The original Japanese PS1 release does

>> No.8450945

Yeah playing perfect dark in silky smooth 10fps was great

>> No.8450962

Sure but we're talking actual good games itt

>> No.8451089

nintendroids are fucking obnoxious.
ps1 by the way

>> No.8451318
File: 22 KB, 640x480, SOTNSaturn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8451321

doesnt look as good and has slowdown

>> No.8451334

Performance wise? The PSP version. Glt some needed QoL improvements, but only added in one extra boss over the original. The voice acting is actually good this time around, but you might say it takes away from its charm.
Best package at the cost of og voices:PSP
Most content at the cost of quality:Saturn
For the purists who settle for a little less content:PS1

>> No.8451341

Xbox 360

>> No.8451346

damn people who say saturn really never played this shit and juste watch video on youtube, it's slowdown and loading everywhere and the two bonus area have really bad design and monsters.

the only decent addition was maria and some music remix. don't bother with this shit play the PS1 or PSP

>> No.8451361

Im still pissed sony is being a little bitch as always and refuses to release SotN on other platforms besides playstation. I'd love to play a pc version which has all the saturn content with better performance and framerates
>inb4 mobile port
no. Just fucking no

>> No.8451401
File: 85 KB, 632x462, SOTNSaturnfull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> never played this shit

I played it long before it had a translation using a guide to know which item is what (I don't moonspeak)

When playing emulated there isn't any slowdown during gameplay and the double tap running largely makes up for the lost time on loading screens. Besides, if a 2 seconds load time bothers you so much that leaves out 99% of all PSX/Saturn games

>> No.8451450

2 seconds of load time compared to 0 is a hell of a difference, anon

>> No.8451453

The patched Saturn version

>> No.8451461

what about the worse graphics though

>> No.8451624

going to play hardtype sotn hack later, wish me luck bros. has anyone tried it out? regular sotn is way to easy lets be honest here.

>> No.8451641

>no I am the Wind

>> No.8451657

Not the fairy song!

>> No.8451660

The Saturn version of Mega Man 8 is better than the PS1 version

>> No.8451661


>> No.8451735

Saturn version is king

>> No.8451740

Saturn version. Only ps1fags who are obsessed with transparency will tell you otherwise

>> No.8451973

Saturn<psx<patched saturn

>> No.8451978

where to get this? my only complaint about sotn is how easy it is to steam roll it

>> No.8451990

The added Saturn content is garbage, like the rest of that port.

>> No.8452037

i've played hardtype, it's fucking shit
bosses are sponges that can take up to 10 minutes to defeat
sotn wouldn't automatically be a balanced game if you got rid of EXP, the bosses are mundane with repetitive patterns. In hardtype you die when you lose your patience

>> No.8452046

Well that's disappointing.

>> No.8452064

PS1 version with undub patch and fan translation.
>but muh soulful--

>> No.8452091

the worst english voice acting sounds better than the japanese language, nevermind that a retranslated script is not necessary at all for SoTn

>> No.8452094

This adds to the cancerous meme thst are "SOULS LIKE" games

>> No.8452145

Use KindAndFair instead.

>> No.8452198

The only acceptable answer.
Gemini's patch was the best thing that happened to this game.

>> No.8452757

Seconded. (Hey, how many timrs do you hear anons saying this anymore?)

>> No.8452770

Very retro

>> No.8452854

You guys always ask this question and it never makes sense to me. The first version is the game. Even if they made a better version later on, if the game is good...that's the game.

>> No.8453806
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>> No.8454000

The PS1 version is fine as it's the original but doesn't have playable Maria, and the english version lacks content.

>> No.8454064

PS4 version has audio clipping/glitches

>> No.8454087

SotN is like Super Metroid only fun. That's the main difference. I still think the whole genre is shit. Terrible game design. I'll take a linear platformer over a metroidvania any day of the week. Backtracking is pure cancer and I don't care how many times the jannies delete my comments for saying it.

>> No.8454089

Most modern zoomer gamers don't play games to play games, they play games because someone told them to play (and usually HOW to play). Experiencing any game that isn't in the "best" way is the "wrong" way.

>> No.8454128

The dubbing for SOTN is hilariously terrible. Its fun to laugh at but it detracts from the game. No thanks.

>> No.8454183

alucard himself sounds fine and he's the main speaker

>> No.8454196

The term Metroidvania is fucking idiotic and undeserved. They should just be called Castlevania-likes. There isn't a single good Metroi game.

>> No.8454198

you have retardations

>> No.8454201

Yeah, how fucking dare someone who'd rather play the best possible version of a game instead of a port of a port of a port on an system which literally can't handle that game. Now excuse me as I go back to playing good ol' Street Fighter 2 on the Master System or Duke Nukem on the Genesis.

>> No.8454219


Dawg don't hate on the mobile one, gamepad support is legit. Aside from the fact that they changed the dub, it shows that there is interest in this masterpiece still. Also - $3??? Anyway the game has been on XBox, Saturn, and now mobile.

>> No.8454221

Well, PSP then.
Another point in favor is that it has the original japanese VAs with eng subs, if you care about the cutscenes.

>> No.8454268

>using two ports as examples
You can just say that you don't like video games. You don't HAVE to play them.

>> No.8454281

>Well, PSP then.
I dunno about PS4 but PSP is the wrong aspect ratio and it can't be corrected.
>Another point in favor is that it has the original japanese VAs with eng subs, if you care about the cutscenes.
Which is really jarring if you're bilingual and you notice what they're saying doesn't match, it's "dubtitled."

>> No.8454441

>I dunno about PS4 but PSP is the wrong aspect ratio and it can't be corrected.
doesn't look bad though, it looks sort of like the Saturn port, ratio-wise. A little bit wider but doesn't make it any harm. You can also probably fuck around with your TV settings if you have a CRT and like to calibrate and shit, I dunno how much you care about that.
honestly that isn't the main point, it's just that it has the original language and eng subs on top of them, who cares if it's a bad translation, the original dub was also incorrect, and didn't have japanese audio.
IMO the best SOTN is:
PSP (best content and performance, also portability is a plus for this kind of game, can be played on CRT via cable but it does have borders (same with the PS4 version).
Saturn (with fix hack). Lacks transparency effects and stuff but it has a number of QoL additions that are welcome and has and exclusive new area and boss battle.
PS1: the original japanese version is preferable due to having the 2 extra familiars that were cut from the english release, but this version is the one with least content still.
Worst version: XBLA, simply because they half-assedly just stuffed a music track from Lament of Innocence as the ending theme.
Forgot to mention PSP also has the best ending song, "Mournful Serenade", composed by Michiru Yamane exclusively for it as a brand new track.

>> No.8454449

>Dream version that combines all the features of PS1, Saturn, and PSP version, with a rebalanced difficulty curve and some all-new bonuses
It sadly doesn't exist and likely never will.

>> No.8454463

Aria of Sorrow

>> No.8454464

This it's the best version

>> No.8454475

Not SotN, plus Aria is too short a game despite hitting almost everything else perfectly.

>> No.8454504

Original pressing PSX version. I borrowed it from a friend just before xmaa break in '99 and stayed home to play it instead of going to the winter formal with a huge titted girl who had a crush on me.

>> No.8454527

Gramps, it is you making up stories again?

>> No.8454546

As far as I know there's only 2 versions of this game? You can either play the game as intended on Playstation, or in the wrong resolution with no transparencies, horrid slowdown and romhack tier "bonus content".

>> No.8454550


Underestimating fan passion is something that I don't recommend. Anyway, there are many examples of enhanced 'remakes' that remain as faithful as possible to source - independent as well as officially sanctioned/produced.

>> No.8454565

Fan passion talks a big game, but they're still fans and have to struggle with lack of funds and/or staff and the constant fear of getting a C&D. Sometimes they pull through, but I've learned to temper my expectations.

>> No.8454573

they're both good stfu console wars grandpa

>> No.8454584

Or you can play the actual best version on PSP

>> No.8454628

>doesn't look bad though, it looks sort of like the Saturn port, ratio-wise. A little bit wider but doesn't make it any harm. You can also probably fuck around with your TV settings if you have a CRT and like to calibrate and shit, I dunno how much you care about that.

Thats just going trough hoops, and Saturn looks like shit on CRT even.

>> No.8454636

PSX but the saturn version had some really sick tunes, mainly Bloody Tears and Vampire Killer.

>> No.8454653

>and Saturn looks like shit on CRT even.
Nah, not at all. It only lacks transparency but has dithering, and ratio-wise it's fine, stop exaggerating a small detail to torn it down.

>> No.8454657

One of the best things about SotN is the all original soundtrack. The 95% re-used Rondo OST is over rated as hell because of that.

>> No.8454662

Does the PS3 play the PS1 version well?

>> No.8454665

forgot to mention Maria mode. I never played as maria but I assume it's fun and challenging.

>Alucard = Easy
>Richter = Medium
>Maria = Hard

>> No.8454884


>> No.8454891

>One of the best things about SotN is the all original soundtrack.

The normal castle yes. The inverted castle gets really repetitive real quick.

>> No.8454929

If it's the Saturn version, Maria is total retard-easy mode.

>> No.8454971
File: 14 KB, 225x225, SotN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese PS1

>> No.8455001

We are in a age where games are more accessible than ever so questions like these are fair

>> No.8455023


I hear that. Anyway the TRULY passionated give no fuck for C&Deez NUTS bwahahaha

>> No.8455392

>what's the best version of sotn?
Hopefully soon, the Genesis version

>> No.8455413

>in a age where games are more accessible than ever
because they're basically free
>questions like these are fair
Questions like these are stupid... because the games are fucking free. If the cost of time was an issue for the people asking these questions then they wouldn't have the time to be worrying about anonymous subjective opinions of a 20+ year old game.

>> No.8455415

Patched Saturn.

>> No.8455439


>> No.8455446

>should be taken seriously

>> No.8455447

>can't even green text right

>> No.8455449

Is that shit the definition of autism? like, ok, the technical skill is impressive, but....why?

>> No.8455450

Not retro, zoomer

>> No.8455453


>> No.8455464

That's literally correct, greentexting is largely in passive voice which anon has succeeded in

>> No.8455467

Genesis :^)

>> No.8456029
File: 203 KB, 500x647, a82215bfb9e044870e6db5bb596aa234-d4gp5l0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you play PS1, play the Japanese 1.2 revision, which is what the Gemini version uses. Is the most unfucked in terms of bugs, visuals and item layouts, and retains the singing fairy song.
Sat is major amateur hour even with the load reduction. The only good part is the Maria boss fight, which is a total fluke as they apparently based the moveset on removed PS1 sprites of a deleted, different Maria boss fight.
I'm not sure why there's an anon insisting that PSP has better "performance." There are one or two gamebreaking glitches not found in other versions and the character portraits no longer reverse to face the right direction, which was a nice touch.

>> No.8456240

It isn't newfag. Greentext is supposed to be for quoting

>> No.8456386

The ones that don't have this lame cover.

>> No.8456390

Only mutts enjoy a language where characters can't even pronounce their own fucking names.

>> No.8457545

I'm not gonna be like other anons and insult you for having a differing opinion but Super Metroid's controls feel very weird for me, especially that fucking sticky-ass jump. The whole "wsh-wsh-wSH-WSH-WSH-WSH" sound makes it even worse and accentuates my dislike for it. Plus the graphics are very boring and scream "NES graphics BUT WITH MORE COLORS!"
My sister shelled out $350 for that version and shipped it to me for my birthday back in 2015, and while I love the Saturn, no, that port objectively sucks ass. The framerate issues are a major problem, they fucked up the resolution so literally everything is subject to visual distortion, the new areas are boring as hell and feature enemies whose sprites have an entirely different artstyle from the rest, making it all feel jarring as fuck. Though I'll admit Saturn Maria had very fun and unique gameplay which I fucking adored--I don't ever play SotN Richter mode, but I do play through Saturn Maria every few years, I've probably beaten Saturn Maria mode more times than I have with the main game on either console

>> No.8457557

You're nuts. Super Metroid is visually stunning.

>> No.8457567

Agree to disagree, yes?

>> No.8457585

Fuck up you idiot cunt

>> No.8457589

I've never encountered a single bug when playing this game no matter the version

>> No.8457758

dfretro did a fantastic episode on sotn and why the saturn version is fucking horrible.

>> No.8458159

Stay mad