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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8434763 No.8434763 [Reply] [Original]

Now that GTA 3 is retro, was it as groundbreaking a game as it was made out to be at the time?

>> No.8434769

Yes, but it hasn't aged well.

>inb4 quoted and called an idiot half a dozen times for claiming games can age

>> No.8434792

nothing about it aged badly. if anything the almost total open-ness of the game improved in contrast to how ridiculously scripted modern games are

>> No.8434794

>hasn’t aged well
Sir this is /vr/

>> No.8434796

Yes. This is indisputable fact, and anyone who argues otherwise was not alive when it came out.

>> No.8434801

>almost total open-ness of the game
You are limited to one tiny third of the game until you've spent hours completing tedious jobs before the rest of the game opens up to you.

>> No.8434802

the controls are complete ass and you're being a contrarian faggot if you say otherwise

>Sir this is /vr/
Some games age flawlessly (Tetris, SMB... etc)
GTA 3 is still a classic but it's not without it's faults

>> No.8434813

people figured out how to island hop 20 years ago. I was referring to the game design anyway not it having a progression system like every video game ever made
what the fuck is wrong with the controls? you have a jump, a run, an aim and an action button on foot, and the cars drive fine.

>> No.8434816 [DELETED] 

I was alive, and it was boring as shit. Only people I knew who played it were literally wiggers who listened to 50 Cent because they lacked any positive father figure in their lives so they turned to toxic American nigger culture. The controls were ass, the framerate sucked cocks, the story was paper thin, there was barely anything to do in the game. It literally just sold on the edge factor.

>> No.8434823

Only most of the music

Otherwise you're wrong

>> No.8434827

>total open-ness
GTA3 isn't open. An actual open game that fits your description would be something like Morrowind. Not GTA3.

>> No.8434828

Agree here. I don't like scripted games the same either

That's one they got right >>8434802
You can change the controls to anything derp

>> No.8434829

Games don't age, stupid.

>> No.8434830

It's open in the sense that it's not a platformer or set in an extremely limited space like most games are

>> No.8434835

Morrowind has quests just like GTA3 does you obnoxious retard. openness is a part of game structure it doesn't have to mean you can literally access the entire world as soon as you spawn. which you can anyway in 3

>> No.8434839

So you admit it isn't open.

>> No.8434843

I'm curious, were there any other games that had an open world like that in GTA3 before it came out? Or was it unique to GTA?

>> No.8434850

>get mission to kill a pimp. no requirements otherwise
>can shoot him
>can crash his car, watch them hop out of it, carjack a passing car which you continue to chase, eventually pushing them off off the side of a mountain into the ocean.
>can get his AI partner to shoot him
>can rig a car with a bomb, make his AI hostile and run to it, and see if he tries to get in and run you over, killing himself
>"uhhh akshullay it's not an open game cause I can't go to Staunton island as soon as the game starts even though I can"

>> No.8434851

Shooting things and driving around was fun. It was a simple game for simpler times.

>> No.8434856

You can get to the other island by cheating. This does not count.

>> No.8434869

getting to the other island requires no cheat codes or gamesharks

>> No.8434870

>I was alive, and it was boring as shit.
Your personal opinions on the game don't make it not groundbreaking, you dipshit.

>> No.8434880

its not contrarian they are just fine, you're justa shit player

>You are limited to one tiny third of the game until you've spent hours

if you go straight to the story missions and do the right order you're on the second island in under an hr easy.

>> No.8434884

Not being able to access to literally everything right at the start of the game for no reason doesn't make it linear, retardo. GTA 3 is a full open world game with story driven elements, unlike GTA V which has the entire map accesible right at the start of the game with absolutely nothing to do (exactly as you like it). You are low-effort trolling.

>> No.8434901

lock on shooting is very hard to go back to, just not engaging mechanically outside of something more abstract/tactical like ResidentEvil.

>> No.8434902

So play the PC version.

>> No.8434905

It requires cheating.

>> No.8434908

The PC version has weird car physics. Try them side by side, it's like playing different games.

>> No.8434910

Are you seriously trying to argue that GTA3 is better than V?

>> No.8434915

point out the cheats used here

>> No.8434916

What do you mean by weird?
Gta3 has always had crazy car physics, it’s one of the reasons it’s fun to replay and mess around

>> No.8434918

Are you seriously on /vr/ saying that 5 is better than 3?

>> No.8434926

>pc version
great, now show someone doing it on the ps2

>> No.8434928

The speeds for the cars are completely different

>> No.8434931

Just because I'm on /vr/ doesn't mean I believe everything old is automatically better than everything new, you loon.

>> No.8434935


Vice City and San Andreas aged worse, they're more cartoonish. GTA III - thanks to darker colour scheme - is more serious and had this neo-noir feel to it. GTA 3 is truly a Rockstar jewel in the crown and the ultimate GTA game.

>> No.8434939

where those cheats at?

>> No.8434941

Confirmed for not having played any version of GTA III, it's fucking easy to island hop. You don't even need to do the bridge jumping as seen in those other videos, you can just roll a car through the wall at the Porter Tunnel.

>> No.8434971

I only have one question regarding this game. Trails on, or trails off?

>> No.8434989

on, begrudgingly
off disables more than just the motion blur unfortunately

>> No.8435060

Arguably no. You can point to games like Body Harvest or Driver or old Bethesda games that did a lot of what it did first. GTA3 just got it all working smoothly enough for people to pay attention.

>> No.8435068

>off disables more than just the motion blur
Such as?

>> No.8435070

Body Harvest is super gay though, and the only good TES game is Morrowind. Daggerfall is impressive, but awful to actually play.

>> No.8435073

I was talking about the old Terminator games, moreso.

>> No.8435078

The Terminator (1990).

>> No.8435082

a lot of the after affects that give the game its look
without it everything looks flat
I can't find a good one of 3 but here's vice city comparison

>> No.8435083

GTA 1 and 2, if we're not counting those out.
And then if we are counting 2D games, there's a lot of stuff. Ultima, for one.

>> No.8435084

UTTERLY BTFO wp anon, thanks for making 4chan a better place

>> No.8435091

Did William Shatner's Tekwar technically have a 3D open world?

>> No.8435093

>Body Harvest
Same studio as GTA III

>> No.8435097

Yeah, that's why I mentioned it. It's prototype for GTA3, more or less.

>> No.8435102

I know, I'm just saying it's no surprise they built on it.

>> No.8435104

Open hub. It's an open world but separated into zones.

>> No.8435105

People don't mean they literally age. This has been explained ad nauseam.

>> No.8435118

I like the moody mist gritty city feel and artstyle if i ever get good enogh to make a cyberpunk/ghost in the shell/angel cop type game it would look like portland china town-red light district. i had it installed on every pc i ever owned.

>> No.8435119 [DELETED] 

GTA3 being "retro" is the best argument against PS2 not being retro - that's how groundbreaking the game was.

>> No.8435195

Never heard of this terminator game

>> No.8435202

Very interesting, thanks for the video. Makes me think about how much may be lost in ports of old games like these when effects are altered or taken out.

>> No.8435213

Don't matter how much you explain it, out will never be true.

>> No.8435219

>angel cop type game
Holy shit I would blow you for a game like that. Angel Cop is one of my all time favorite anime.

>> No.8435225

Not that guy but I would. V was shit.

>> No.8435227

can probably be fixed by capping the framerate to 30

>> No.8435230

Its gameplay is still decent.

Dreamcast and ps2 are best for that era 96-04

>> No.8435245

yes. Age of the game doesn't really come into it, the day it came out there was nothing like it so it's groundbreaking in that sense, and within a few years of release you had enough imitators that they stopped being considered GTA clones and started being considered a genre of their own.

>> No.8435248

The greatest time in gaming easily

>> No.8435250

Guess you could say the same about breath of the wild nowadays

>> No.8435251

It did a lot of cool things, but to me it always seemed like body harvest was the real groundbreaker. GTA just refined the formula and used newer tech. I wouldn’t say Body Harvest is the better game, but it definitely had more groundbreaking ideas at the time.

>> No.8435258

wasn't body harvest made by the same team so they could practice making a 3D open world before they did GTA3? I guess in that sense it's more innovative but only in the context of it being a test for what was about to come.

You could also argue Vice City was more innovative as it beefed up the soundtrack, mission design and story elements which all became bigger deals in gaming in the following gens. But really Vice City was just the team having another crack at GTA3, there's not really anything in there that you couldn't mod into GTA3 with minimal effort.

>> No.8435397

pretty much this.

>> No.8435409

Video games age but their entertainment value does not, just like movies.

>> No.8435417

>zoomer who likes railroaded mini-game missions and muh immersion over actual gameplay
2 and 3 are the best

>> No.8435426

It absolutely was. I was there to see Doom, Super Mario 64, Zelda, etc growing up. Those were groundbreaking titles, but playing 3 for the first time dwarfed all of those experiences. To this day it remains one of the most revelatory and significant expreriences I've ever had in vidya. It might seem quaint today with its blocky graphics and sandbox being laughably small by modern AAA standards, but at the time there was nothing else like it.

The chattering pedestrians, the constantly changing atmosphere of Liberty City with its night and day cycle and weather system, cars having in-game radio - Wherever you looked in liberty city, something was going on. Coupled with the open mission structure where you could decide not to even bother with the main story and simply take up a job as a taxi driver cruising through portland, or explore the alleyways looking for hidden packages, or simply cruise the streets soaking in the atmosphere while occasionally indulging in some wanton destruction or murder - It had a genuine life on its own. Obviously it had significant limitations, but at the time it genuinely felt like a game where you could actually do anything.

It sent shockwaves through the entire industry and it genuinely deserved every bit of praise it got.

Not the anon you are arguing with since he's a platinum homo, but your post nails the fundamental bits I love about 3s mission design. By 4 the game would instantly autofail you if you didn't use the designated gun the missiongiver had handed you or if you killed the target too early, or god forbid, stod in the wrong spot.

Hell, even Vice City and San Andreas were guilty of this shit - 3 is refreshingly open in how it allows you to choose the way to tackle a mission.

>> No.8435437

Hugely nostalgic title. Everyone played it, everyone loved it.
I never went back to this game after Vice City came out though.

>> No.8435438

sense of progression, stupid bitch

>> No.8435445

Why did they downgrade the shooting so hard in GTA3 from Body Harvest?

>> No.8435448

with 3 you dont really lose much, it can look a bit crisper but i think trails are more soulful. with vice its an absolute must

>> No.8435456

how bout we make it an even 10
i needs my bully and warriors

>> No.8435461

There's nothing arguable about it.

>> No.8435465

Negative. 87-03 is the golden age.

>> No.8435469

yea, the PS2 era GTA games were truly special because they came along at exactly the right time in the evolution of games from advanced toys to primitive movies/simulators. They nailed the feeling of being let loose in a big city with a story you could engage in on your own terms, the HD games always felt like the free roaming and the story missions were 2 different game modes you had to pick between.

>> No.8435486
File: 386 KB, 1100x286, GTA 3D universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based post

>> No.8435597

Its one of those im my head games that i dreamed of since childhood

>> No.8435651

It's interesting, even most of the GTA3D universe was kind of bullshitted together and was basically just ripping off various movies and TV shows, the universe and characters seemed so much richer to me than anything out of the HD era.

>> No.8436770


>> No.8436778

I think rockstar got lazy and easy waiting for someone else to start making these type of games

Surprised no one copied it more and saints row wasn't as good either too cartoony

>> No.8436914

Body Harvest and Driver did concepts first but was linear and limited by the tech.

GTA 3 put everything together with an realized world and open ended gameplay.

>> No.8437338

>How dare he not like my favourite vidya! He must be larping!

>> No.8437349

>t. bullied by wiggers and still upset about it at 37

>> No.8437423

I just think you're wrong on the surface merits alone. I played this game when it was released, and then never again until a few years back. I had an absolute blast start-to-finish, even if some of the gameplay is noticeably weaker at a few points than what sequels accomplished.
I had such a good time I moved straight onto Vice City afterward, and even though I preferred that one when I was younger, I actually dropped it after a few hours because it felt so much weaker as a game than GTA3 did. To me at least, GTA3 has "aged" much better.
I disagree with 100% of what you say except for the story being paper thin. What story there was is pretty fun, though.

>> No.8437542

remaster absolutely butchered the atmosphere of 3

>> No.8437706

That is the least of what it butchered

>> No.8437761

because rockstar actually gave a fuck about making them interesting

>> No.8437767

>complete on release
>sold physical only
god I wish games were still sold like this, the industry would be much better off. Fuck Valve

>> No.8437791

>complete on release
the last 1/3rd of the game barely exists because it was rushed out to meet deadline

>> No.8437801

Again: people do not mean it literally. How are you not getting this?

>> No.8438210

It had a shit atmosphere, awful radio and an uninteresting story. Having a massive open world doesn't matter if said open world isn't interesting to begin with.
>became bored with V after 1 hour and never touched it again since

>> No.8438252

Ah yes, but 3 is a magical flawless masterpiece amirite

>> No.8438263 [DELETED] 

zoom zoom

>> No.8438443

Unironically, GTA3 holds my attention more than GTA5. I know this because I played the trilogy a few months back, burned through 3 in a few days and tried to replay 5 after but just couldn't be bothered. The main thing is I actually have fun with the story missions and want to keep knocking them out, nu-GTA has them structured completely differently as boring half-cutscenes where you're handheld through every action.

>> No.8438504

Play games from before it, you faggot.
>"Made it to be"
Find me anything like it before.

>> No.8438564

Are you joking? The moment VC came out the silent protagonist alone made this game really awkward to play. The game itself doesn't really have a whole lot to offer than other entires do, and GTA LCS and IV already do the Liberty City thing much better than III. Gameplay-wise, it's also the most barebones of all, for obvious reasons.

Agreed, there genuinely hasn't been a shift in gaming as strong as GTA. It wasn't only the moral panic behind purchasing these games, the fact that you suddenly had this big playground that you could do anything in was unbelievable back then.

GTA V is a terrible game though. I was playing GTA IV the other day to see if it was just nostalgia (as I hadn't played it in over a decade), but in spite of being criticized for its focus on realism, it really never gets in the way of the standard levels of ridiculousness these games are supposed to have. Hell, it even has lock-on aiming, which I miss because these games are more like run n' gun than a TPS (and the shooting in GTAV is ass, anyway), they're far more about surviving a shoot-out than pretending you're some skilled shooter.

>> No.8438841

Probably because ripping off iconic franchises is in tune with what draws people to play GTA. Everyone would love to be let loose in Scarface's Miami of Boyz n the Hood's LA with no consequences. You empathise with the characters by default because you're living that fantasy out through them. the HD era's stories and characters leaned too much on being a commentary on GTA as a franchise, like they wanted to deconstruct the fantasy instead of letting the player engage in it.

>> No.8438878

Yes and no. It was a natural evolution moving forward. First Mafia was also in development at that time.

I'd argue that it was more of a concept of an open world game in 3D that was groundbreaking, not the game itself.

>> No.8439043

>Are you joking? The moment VC came out the silent protagonist alone made this game really awkward to play.
Tommy being talkative and having actual agenda made it less immersive for me, even though I liked him.
The story of 3 didn't get in the way of the game itself, so that's great.
>The game itself doesn't really have a whole lot to offer than other entires do, and GTA LCS and IV already do the Liberty City thing much better than III.
Heavily disagree.
Liberty City might be smaller than VC or SA maps, but it's much better designed. The radio in 3 is probably the best too.
LCS is secondary. IV isn't arcade enough.
>Gameplay-wise, it's also the most barebones of all, for obvious reasons.
Besides being able to shoot tires or smashing someone's car with weapons I didn't really miss anything from future installments while recently replaying the game. Well, I'd miss freecam maybe, but I used Re3.
Most things that VC and SA added are impressive, but mainly shift the attention from what was the core gameplay.

>> No.8439050

>I'd argue that it was more of a concept of an open world game in 3D that was groundbreaking, not the game itself.
Based Shenmue enjoyer!

>> No.8439207
File: 39 KB, 276x359, Grand_Theft_Auto_Liberty_City_Stories_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game any good?

>> No.8439216

>the controls are complete ass
I'd take gta3 over a modern game any day. I hate the way that the driving physics in modern games make the cars feel like blocks of lead, the cars in gta actually respond to steering inputs.

>> No.8439225

It's okay. Not nearly as good as GTA III, but it'll scratch the itch for more.

>> No.8439227

Yes, it's enjoyable enough.

>> No.8439246

Tommy Vercetti is probably one the most believable and better written characters in a videogame, it's really not a problem in any way. It's one thing to have a self-insert, especially in a game made for kids (like Zelda), but in a game with actual adults, having a silent protagonists who only nods to things is completely immersion breaking for most people. Anyhow, since you think the radio in GT3 is better than Vice City you probably have absolutely no taste in anything.

>> No.8439283

Claude doesn't break immersion because it's not supposed to be some immersive experience. It's not a high presentation, story focused, character driven mafia drama, it's a fucking video game. The point of GTA3 was the groundbreaking game design, not some stupid rags to riches plot with in depth characters.
You talk to whichever gang boss you're doing jobs for at the time, get a job and finish it. You don't need reflection and retrospective on how Claude feels about being betrayed by Salvatore or told to kill Kenji. All that type of shit they added is why the series progressively got worse.

>> No.8439297

Saying something even you yourself knew was wrong is pretty silly thing to do.

>> No.8439783

>the cars in gta actually respond to steering inputs.
yeah i absolutely loved how slight turn i kickflipped my car into someone's backyard in san andreas

>> No.8440150

I really love most of the music from VC, but the radio hosts and chatter aren't as good.
Also the game original songs got fewer and lazier.

>> No.8440206


>> No.8440480

Yup, this is true. The talk shows are way funnier in GTA3, they are too "try hard", or sometimes too self-aware, in VC. Obviously it has some golden tracks from the era, but it doesn't make up for it.
I also recall there being fewer stations that I could even tolerate listening to the music from in VC.

>> No.8440496

It's better than vice city stories, but not as good as chinatown wars

>> No.8440694

vcpr was gta3 tier, K chat was terrible tho and everything after that was worse

>> No.8440747

Absolutely and without question. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or wasn't there.

>> No.8440753

More Dark Souls

>> No.8440783

It still has that early-00s feeling and the lack of polish compared to later games is kinda fun to play around with. Dropping a tank out of the goddamn sky, turning the turret around, and firing the gun to boost through traffic, cops, and FBI is still fun. Especially with the riot codes active.

>> No.8441085

The MC in GTA3 is braindead with how many times he lets himself get betrayed

>> No.8441091

not at all, he learns by the credits

>> No.8441254

It was fun. Not sure why it got so overwhelmingly popular though.

>> No.8441330

>Not sure why it got so overwhelmingly popular though
Been answered multiple times in the thread

>> No.8441403

I really like VCPR, but it felt like a different genre compared to GTA3. I can see what that anon means by too "try hard".
Two times? And the second is actually Maria's fault for lying about Claude sleeping with her?
And he technically betrays the yakuza himself.

>> No.8441406

>but it felt like a different genre compared to GTA3.
Chatterbox was a call-in show. Pressing Issues wasn't.

>> No.8441460

I mean, yes, but also Lazlow wasn't as wacky as Maurice. which helped to balance out the guests and callers. They also were not as overplayed.

>> No.8441465

Are there any modern games that give that gta3 feelin?

>> No.8441467


>> No.8441468

Oh, I see what you're saying. I found them hilarious all the same. VCS's VCPR was where it got way too obvious for me.

>> No.8441473

>VCS's VCPR was where it got way too obvious for me.
Although saying that, GUT WRENCHING ASS EXPLOSIONS still makes me laugh to this day.

>> No.8441493

This one is my favorite. There's a weird sort of purity to it where you have this grey rainy city that all looks the same, but also the little arcade-y elements like finding guns and cash randomly around the world. Honestly as far as GTA games go this one is the second best in terms of being a sandbox, only second to San Andreas IMO. This is easily the most important factor of enjoying these games to me, which is why I'd say San Andreas and III are the best.

>> No.8441501

The missions in SA are awful.

>> No.8441503

Awful? How?

>> No.8441526

Way back then I honestly never touched the missions

>> No.8441678

So you just skipped other islands in 3 and other cities in SA?

>> No.8442149

something that had to be experienced back in 2001. i was in 5th grade and couldnt believe i was playing what i always wanted from the sims: the freedom to explore and world, control my character and cause mayhem on a whim. I did nothing but cop chases for a while. Insanely fun, great times.

>> No.8442740

>dumb nostalgia fags pretending this shit was ever good

>> No.8442802

or you could use the flying cars cheat to fly over the gap in the bridge

>> No.8442825

Or you could just jump there (might require a few tries)

>> No.8442870

I rate it the best GTA just because of how much of a change it was compared to everything else.
It was mindblownig if you were around back then.

>> No.8442876

but not many people over in the US ever heard of that

>> No.8442909

Started playing vidya in 1987-ish (first game played was Space Quest at a friends house who had a dad that did computer programming back then) played all that popular shit from then on
Wolfenstein, Doom, Mechwarrior 2, Dark Forces, Zelda, Link, NES shit, Genesis shit, Goldeneye, SC, HL, Quake, Descent, Myst, Phantasmagoria,

nothing compared to GTA3 in how much of an impact it made you feel
You would play that game endlessly and then go out on the street and it would feel like IRL people on the street talking about retarded shit were mirroring the game
it was real weird

all the GTA after and all these sorts of games are just the same thing with different window dressing, nothing like the complete change GTA3 was at onset

>> No.8442923

I would just do a bunch in one go to unlock new areas

>> No.8442962
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

games can age when they're no longer up to today's standards.

>> No.8443045

yes but dont play the ps2 port cus its fucking ass performance.

>> No.8443068

Not that Anon but I played it a few days back. I didn't notice anything.

>> No.8443759

>It's better than vice city stories
Ew, VCS shits over that game. The empire building was legitimately fun.

>> No.8443820

VCS has the worst story, characters, missions, and soundtrack of any 3D GTA, besides maybe 3

>> No.8443847

It might be at bit of a "you had to be there" thing. I was 10 when it came out and my brother brought it home and I watched him play it, beating the shit out of people with a bat and driving all over. It was like nothing I had ever seen. I would play all day just fucking around never actually did missions till I replayed it later. Modern open world games are boring as fuck.

>> No.8444543

fucks this

>> No.8445009

Actual retard detected.

>> No.8445028

that honor goes to LCS

>> No.8445069

LCS has Fort Staunton being blown up, that was amazing

>> No.8445076

it really wasn't

>> No.8445112

It was a huge deal. The transition from earlier games to open world was great debate between my friends, I was one of those autist that wouldnt accept changes and tried to play the bird's eye view mode, but gave up on that quickly. I havent play a game as much as GTA 3 since, trying to get 100 percent on everything.

>> No.8445147

How is it not? Are you that boring a person?

>> No.8445154

a big explosion in a video game is not impressive or new

>> No.8445349

I don't know if I'd be that harsh, but Vic is definitely the shittiest protagonist in any GTA game to date. The first and worst example of Rockstar's reluctant protagonist cliche, which in the context of these games basically amounts to "well I guess I'll slaughter thousands of people and take over the entire city, but I'm going to bitch and moan about it the entire time".

>> No.8445415
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing a IV as a Russian was great though, everybody felt like Danila in Brother 2. Vladivostok FM was like 1/3 sings from that movie.

>> No.8445538

I guess its something where you're probably used to it? My memory of console GTAs aren't great but IIRC it felt a bit worse than something like San Andreas on OG Xbox

>> No.8446223

Yup, combine that with the most unlikable cast of side characters in any gta by a mile. I really wonder what they were going for, maybe they wanted a more serious story, but it just ends up being miserable

>> No.8446235

Yeah, VCS's story is really weird. None of it makes sense.

>> No.8446280

LCS is kinda like that too. Things just happen. GTA III would also be like that if it weren't for Catalina showing up at key moments to provide a goal to shoot for.

>> No.8446891

Yes but its easily forgettable compared to other GTAs what they done right was the atmosphere and the open world mechanics no other games had at the time, but besides that, the gameplay is mediocre and so did the story.

>> No.8446919

>Things just happen.
Yeah, a lot of missions in GTA overall are like that. But I suppose that makes sense given the games' nature.

>> No.8447857

You really are exaggerating, I didn't think it was that bad at all.

>> No.8447884

2005 was based too

>> No.8447894

Of course it was groundbreaking. Has it aged well? Depends if you were actually there or not. I don’t like to use buzzwords, but you probably are a zoomer that played GTA 3 first on a PS4 if you think it aged poorly. When I play GTA 3, I can still feel the remnants of that excitement when I first played it in the early 2000’s. I very much remember how impressed I was, as if it were yesterday. Future generations may not understand and that’s ok. I think people will give respect where it’s due though. I’m only in my mid 20’s and I have appreciation for some Atari games. It’s so easy to see it as nothing special if you didn’t grow up with it.

>> No.8448028

Technically, the Driver series

>> No.8448036

niko isnt russian

>> No.8448409

Yes. He is.

>> No.8448945

>Serbia is Russia

>> No.8449000

Looking at VCS and LCS it honestly feels like writers at Rockstar Leeds were 8 year olds who haven't figured out how the real world works yet. The entire (short) military camp arc in VCS feels like a fever dream. And that's just the beginning of that game.

>> No.8449039

It's too bad, because starting a GTA game at the military base is kind of a neat idea. The way it was done though was just... fuckin' weird, and it made Vic immediately seem like a little bitch.

>> No.8449040

Having looked at their credits, it appears to be the work of the superbly named David Bland, who also wrote Chinatown Wars.

This is what happens when you throw all of the 3D universe's unused ideas into one final game.

>> No.8449043

>David Bland, who also wrote Chinatown Wars.
Huh, the story in that one was fucking retarded too. Noticing a trend here

>> No.8449049


This explains a lot.

>> No.8450060

Favourite mission in the game?

>> No.8450117

it was definitely ground breaking at the time. but it doesn't really have anything to offer in gameplay now. I dig the gritty aesthetic for sure, but it's not enough to make up for the primitive gameplay.

>> No.8451079

>I dig the gritty aesthetic
Yes, nothing quite like it.

>> No.8451637

It might as well be

>> No.8452047

Yeah, 95-05 was peak

>> No.8452516

Video games do not age!

>> No.8452706

But bad video games lose their only saving grace when a better game does their gimmick better.
Not that it's related to GTA3, which is a good game.

>> No.8452734

>was it as groundbreaking a game as it was made out to be at the time?


I think it was the first to successfully do a lot of things at once. On foot action + driving. Essentially, it was what GTA fans were looking for. The GTA games were well received on the PS1 and PC. The concept was a winner. But it wasn't until the transition to 3D where it all clicked with audiences. Because it was the third game in an existing series, GTAIII didn't have massive hype behind it pre-launch. It did get a fair shake of coverage. But I don;t think any gaming magazine could have predicted that it was going to be one of the biggest selling games of 2001. there was a lot of post hype with "look what you can do in this game".

>> No.8453359

Holy shit that trailer is good. Not too long, shows just enough content to tease, gives the idea and some of the game's tone, and paired competently with the music.
I remember seeing it back in the day, but man, even rewatching it now, I want to go back and play GTAIII again. It's so damn fun bros.

>> No.8453383

>Holy shit that trailer is good. Not too long, shows just enough content to tease, gives the idea and some of the game's tone, and paired competently with the music.
>I remember seeing it back in the day, but man, even rewatching it now, I want to go back and play GTAIII again. It's so damn fun bros.

I actually remember seeing this trailer air on TV more than once. The commercial alone did enough to hype people on GTA III. And that one was the original trailer, just before the game launched. Exactly one year later, Rockstar drops the trailers for Vice City:
Two years after the Vice City trailer:

>> No.8453391

Definitely worth a cracking a Monster over these, although I think the GTAIII one has the most SOVL, so to speak.

>> No.8454037

Damn that VC trailer is fine

>> No.8454654

GTA 3 is automatically better than San Andreas and V because it qualifies as a GTA game. GTA is supposed to be dark, grim, hopeless, and with everyone out there to kill you and also it had none of that stupid sims ripoff features like hunger and stats and dating bullshit. GTA 2, 3 and 4 got this right. The rest felt less like GTA and more like The Sims: Crime Edition.

>> No.8454678

>GTA is supposed to be dark, grim, hopeless, and with everyone out there to kill you
Maybe if you've only played GTA 2. The original GTAs were very colourful.

>> No.8454718

>GTA is supposed to be dark, grim, hopeless, and with everyone out there to kill you
Every GTA is dark in some way
Not even the most depressing GTA game is hopeless
And every single GTA game has an army of bad men and cops waiting to put you in the ground

>> No.8454740

>Damn that VC trailer is fine

All of the GTA ads got a lot of screen time on TV here in the west. I am from Canada, and I saw commercials for all three games air more than once on different channels. The original GTA III trailer was incredibly effective. All Rockstar had to do was showcase some gameplay of GTA in 3D and they had people hooked. Vice City was interesting too. That trailer came out in 2002, when 80's nostalgia wasn't really a thing. In the early 2000's it was all about 1970's nostalgia. The Vice City trailers were really going for Miami Vice vibes. \

>> No.8454751

>Sir this is /vr/
I thought it was Reddit

>> No.8454782

Gamers do age though but they like to blame the games instead of coping with the creeping existential dread.

>> No.8454801

Observe the Semantic Hairsplitter, a common but reclusive breed of troll.

>> No.8454835

I never played the original GTA. I assume it's inferior to 2.

>> No.8454839

>Shits on III calling it outdated
>Sucks VC's dick as the holy grail of GTA when it's only a 5% improvement compared to III.

If GTA 3 gets to be called outdated so should VC. I would argue even SA compared to newer games.

>> No.8454847
File: 2.16 MB, 800x600, liberty city train driver 1997.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the first game of the series, it's obviously not as complex as 2 was.

>> No.8454896

That looks better than I remember.

>> No.8454901

Any other games that have that late 90s-early 00s NY feel?

>GTA 1
>Parasite Eve

>> No.8454913

>Any other games that have that late 90s-early 00s NY feel?

Max Payne 1 and 2. Remedy even went to New York with digital cameras and took photos of random things (buildings, streets, floors, subway tiles) that were used as textures in the games.

>> No.8455129

Used to play it when I was a kid, I tried it recently and it's the most boring shit ever.
World looks like shit, gamefeel is total crap, story is slow and boring.
Friend felt the same about it when he played. GTA is just one of those type of games that don't age well.
Like, take Max Payne or Doom for example, they haven't aged at all in terms of fun and mood.

>> No.8455152

>haven't aged at all

>> No.8455209
File: 66 KB, 252x252, Driver_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, there were plenty of open world driving games before it. Like many other popular games, the vast majority of the hype came from marketing above the game's actual merits.

>> No.8455221
File: 2.37 MB, 372x298, 1638461757011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aged, aging, etc should all be filtered on /vr/. it would drive terrible posters and a lot of zoomers away.

>> No.8455226

The fun hasn't. The grapics have but the game itself is still as enjoyable as it always was.
But GTA 3 on the other hand is now basically just aimbotting around an empty plastic feeling city.

>> No.8455231

True Crime: New York City

>> No.8455249

I'm a zoomer and I love GTA 3. It's still my favourite GTA game.

>t. Got GTA 3 on my 3rd borthday along with my PS2.

>> No.8455324

>But GTA 3 on the other hand is now basically just aimbotting around an empty plastic feeling city.
Try hunting for packages and doing unique jumps instead.

>> No.8455680

Yeah, play it on PC

>> No.8455717

>strictly an open world driving game

>> No.8455721

>>strictly an open world driving game

Could have at least used Driver 2 as an example;.

>> No.8455723

Yeah, that Anon has oversimplified it to the point it's not even correct.

>> No.8455803

>3rd birthday
Based chav parents. I'd rather gift my children something like GTA than autistic Sonic games for the Gamecube.

>> No.8455809

i played it last on my playthrough of all the GTAs.
it's the same formula so would have been amazing back in the day but its just not as fun as vice city and san andreas and the music doesn't even deserve comparison.

>> No.8455816

Zounds. I am quoting you to inform you that your opinions are contrary to my own.

>> No.8455908

graphicsfags were a mistake

>> No.8455918

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.8457014

Trails off. I remember for the longest time I didn't get how the screencaps in game mags got III and VC to look so clear until I realized you can turn off trails. Trails honestly, make the game look like is smeared with vaseline.

>> No.8457037

It's called aesthetics bro.

>> No.8457568

I mean, it's hard to top blowing up the building in Duke3D.

>> No.8458421

hey talk shit all you want about GTA 3, but don't you dare mock its soundtrack. It has awesome trance, DnB, Dub, and even Opera. I think vice city is the one with the overrated soundtrack.

>> No.8459785

based opinion

>> No.8460582

no cuz not retro

>> No.8461948
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, grab it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re3 with ps2 audio, models, textures and etc + hd hud, menus, ps2 splash screens.
Grab this shit, kings.
Fuck t2.

>> No.8461956

very nice anon

>> No.8461969

And decided not to use a ps2 map because it has less objects. Those objects were removed due the technical limitations of ps2, so i just restored gas tanks in portland.

>> No.8462079

Thanks, hope I don't get dolphin porn

>> No.8462712

VC is miles ahead of 3
SA is peak GTA
3 is more like a prototype... and a bad one. Acceptable for 2001

>> No.8462798

>VC is miles ahead of 3
with that miles smaller shitty map?

fuck outta here.

>> No.8462804

its miles more fun than both imo, i get the feeling you're just a retard that got triggered by some of the missions.

>> No.8462818

its good, vc and sa are better

>> No.8462831

>miles better

explain, other than subjectively the soundtrack, VC was only a very slight imprpvement over 3.

Also, SA isn't peak GTA. Peak GTA were 2 3 and 4.

>> No.8463615
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added re3 with xbox assets.

>> No.8463737

Isn't VC map actually bigger? Not that it helps with how the map layout is.

>> No.8463760

Ruined the industry

>> No.8463906

The gameplay is now so barren that it's not even that fun in an "arcade" way. It's just feels like playing a prototype of GTA.
The radio is good but becomes repetitive quick because of how few songs there are.
I guess the campaign was fun, but doing anything other than missions in this game is just boring nowadays.

>> No.8463920

>The gameplay is now so barren that it's not even that fun in an "arcade" way. It's just feels like playing a prototype of GTA.
This makes absolutely zero sense.

>> No.8463924
File: 341 KB, 1280x1024, RedLightDistrict-GTAIII-northwards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA 3 is awesome. It is the only GTA game I can consistently commit to finishing. I didn't even like it when I was kid. It wouldn't be until my mid-20s that I would try it again and appreciate its simple brilliance. There is something about this game's atmosphere that never fails to draw me in. Which is something I have failed to experience with Vice City, San Andreas and GTA 4/5 in general.

>> No.8464149

VC wasn't technically a step above GTA3 but was much better designed. From the radio to the mission design to the story/cutscenes to being able to buy properties and change clothes, there's nothing there that you couldn't mod into GTA3 with minimal effort but they're all iconic and important aspects of GTA and future open worlds. VC feels primitive just like 3 was but it doesn't feel like there's anything missing compared to future entries the way that there is in 3.

>> No.8464160

I disagree. Mission design in GTA III is much more open ended which adds to replay value, and the map design is far superior in GTA III too. VC's additions like bikes, aircraft and property were cool but I felt like the strengths of the original GTA III had been somewhat forgotten.

>> No.8464176

subjective. Both have good soundtracks but VC has a more mainstream one and has the whole MUH 80'S vibe to it (III also had flashback with some 80s music). It's basically Trance, DnB, Dub, Opera, 00s pop vs New Wave, Metal, Electro, and some Spanish music. I prefer III's ost.

>mission design
I agree some of III's missions are clunky, mainly the Espresso 2 Go one since you don't have a a map. But VC also had some clunky missions like the one where you had to blow up the construction site with the RC chopper. III's missions where more fun to me.

Most dislike Claude as a mute but Tommy is only barely better than Claude in terms of character, like never respecting Lance and then being surprised when he betrayed him. I like III's story way more because III focuses on "Kill catalina" until the very end, while VC started with Sonny's money being gone and then the story being completely forgotten until the last mission. III also has a more "GTA" atmosphere, with it being dark and gloomy and everyone out to kill you.

>being able to but properties and change clothes
that's a good change I admit, but III already gives you 3 safehouses around the city, 1 on each island, and it doesn't take long to reach them. Changing clothes would be cool, though.

>> No.8464180

mission design stayed pretty open until IV though. I'd argue that VC and SA had more open design just because there were way fewer timed missions so you could shop for weapons, hunt for the right vehicles etc while on the mission without failing. 3's missions were a lot more limited to Drive Here and/or Kill This Guy whereas VC started to use missions to introduce particular vehicles and mechanics though, so it's true that to an extent they traded open endedness for varied setpieces.

>> No.8464185

>Changing clothes would be cool, though.
VC's way of doing this was fucking stupid, glad it got removed immediately in SA.

>> No.8464187

>like never respecting Lance and then being surprised when he betrayed him.
lance gets more than a fair shake it's not tommy's fault he's a fuckup.

>> No.8464216

yea, which you enjoy more is subjective. But when you think of what constitutes a GTA game in terms of all those factors, vice city is closer to what became the core GTA experience and 3 feel more like a proof of concept for the idea of an open world crime adventure. If you prefer 3's radio to vice city that's fine, but it's objectively a bare bones version of GTA radio and VC's is the first fully fledged one in the series, likewise the story being very basic and all interactions being 'hey go here and do this', and so on.

>> No.8464296

>I agree some of III's missions are clunky, mainly the Espresso 2 Go one since you don't have a a map. But VC also had some clunky missions like the one where you had to blow up the construction site with the RC chopper. III's missions where more fun to me.

neither or these are clunky and both are easy, gamers are just fucking retards. espresso2go the timer wont start until you blow one up so drive around and get them all on the map before u even start.....

the rc one is fine and controls silky smooth, just pea brains cant handle it for some reason.

>> No.8464301

same here i didnt pl;ay any of them until late 20s a few yrs ago and 3 is byfar my fav.

>> No.8464304

this is the dumbest shit i ever read on vr and thats going some.

>> No.8464309

Imo 2, 3 VC and 4 are true GTA games. San Andreas and later V had a lot of useless shit that made them more like sims wannabes than anything else. The only problem with VC is that it wasn't dark like a real GTA game but that's excused since it's a spinoff. I actually prefer the lesser-known, more underground radio that III has over VC. It makes the game more unique and I'm glad they did it again with LCS and IV.

>> No.8464340

>didn't have useless shit

>> No.8464369

It did, most notorious was the friends shit, but it removed a lot of useless junk from SA the dark atmosphere of the game more than made up for it.

>> No.8464621

well, i completed it on ps vita a few months back, so some missions were a bit challenging (namely the sniper one).
honestly i think san andreas triggered me more since i played it when i was 13 or so.

>> No.8465054

I re-played GTA3 a couple years back and had a great time. I just marathoned VC and didn't have quite as enjoyable an experience, although still it was a decent time. I played both games (and San Andreas) on PS2 as a teen and not since. This time, both were the PC ports on Steam without any additional patching/mods. If there is something external essential for the Steam version of San Andreas I'd love to know, because I'm moving to that next, and from what I can see on the Steam page, the controls/port are not done in the same way.

Here are my notes:
- Cars and enemies spawn/despawn when out of frame even momentarily, despite being sometimes just steps away from Tommy. It sucks when a car despawns that you were planning to step into in a couple seconds, as well as when you park for a moment with a wanted level and a police officer spawns a few feet away and instantly busts you.
- Sometimes vehicle spawns glitch out completely and the streets are absent of all vehicles until you transition to a new zone. Obviously, this totally fucks you on some missions if you need to acquire a new ride and you're timed. This happened 4 times total on my playthrough.
- Driving is a bit of a pain, as the streets are much more narrow. This pushes the player to always stick to the largest boulevards at all times, which makes the driving quite repetitive, since in and out of missions you're always going north/south on the major routes.
- There is a lot more water, which itself limits the player's choice of route, because cars are easily launched airborne from collisions, or slide out on little patches of grass, and landing in water is a guaranteed death. Thus, the player is further disincentivized from taking any route that runs the risk of falling into water.
- Motorcycles are fun but at least as hazardous, because the player is thrown quite readily from the vehicle, even if their handling is superior in situations involving alley maneuvering.

>> No.8465062

- Exploration is less fun; many large areas exist only to be a set piece in a particular mission, and otherwise are empty. There are tons of small alleyways and dead ends that are frustrating to maneuver through, due to tight corners, awkward camera placement (including very annoying foliage), and there being too much ground to efficiently cover on foot (even with the infinite sprint ability, which I prioritized early).
- The city is littered with ramps seemingly intended for fun and for shortcuts, but cars flip readily, so it is rarely worth taking even a small risk for a slight advantage here and there.
+ Adds some nice realism: wind effects on clothing and trees, damageable vehicles (including tires), more capable police, and unique assets like roller-skaters or functioning bus stops.
- On the other hand, pedestrians barely ever speak now, which takes away a lot of fun dialogue and also hampers immersion somewhat.
- Gangs have been stripped back even more than from GTA3 to GTA2 - there are none on the first island, and only two on the second, which themselves have very small, out-of-the-way territories, immediately adjacent to one another. The gang dynamics from GTA3 are essentially gone entirely.
- Controls are abysmal, with the vertical first-person aiming sensitivity being locked in place! With my controller, everything works well enough except for the shitty camera and it being impossible to do first-person shooting. Movement is really stilted with the mouse but aiming is easier, meaning in some missions I had to swap back and forth between the two methods.
- Otherwise, the diffculty in the game is rather trivial, outside of a handful of missions that might need to be restarted due to brief moments requiring a precise jump, or any "endurance" missions that can easily fail in a single instant due to player/NPC fragility (primarily due to the possibility than an assault rifle-carrying dude spawns next to your NPC and melts them).

>> No.8465083

- Although Tommy is fleshed out as a personality compared to GTA3's Claude, he isn't always consistent. On missions related to the main plot, he is aggressive and single-minded. However, he doesn't bat an eye at performing myriad side missions with minimal self-benefit along the way for characters like Cortez or Avery.
- Also, he flips from getting Sonny's money and/or the drugs to instead trying to take over the whole city and leave Sonny in the dust, without any transition or indication of his changing mind.
- Same goes for betraying Diaz, when all he has is a vague rumor of his guilt at that point.
- Some of the missions are a bit contrived as well: even though riding a motorcycle across rooftops is fun and memorable, he has access to a helicopter at that point and could just go directly to the rooftop he needs to.
+ However, the side characters are, on the whole, more developed and interesting than those in GTA3.
- The overall progression is significantly changed: there are only two main islands now, and the other is accessed early on. This fits the game's apparent emphasis / appeal to sandbox players, but hurts progression (there is little to look forward to after the start).
- This makes the player decide between learning areas as missions organically take them to new places, or to take a break from doing missions and slowly pore over the new island one block at a time (missions don't take place primarily on the second island until well after it is unlocked).
- Although more of a gameplay change, the game adds helicopters and a lot of boats, but there isn't much to use these for. There should have been more little areas requiring boats or something to access just to emphasize the marine environment of Vice City.

>> No.8465095

- Changing the pager to the cell phone is cool, but the calls should have been spaced apart more. Once the requirements for a call are met, you receive it within just a minute, making everything feel very compressed.
- The story's emphasis on building up assets and taking over the town is fun, although it feels very step-by-step. There isn't a sense of organized resistance or a challenge to it. In GTA3 you have groups that definitely want you dead and oppose you, but that isn't present here. Getting an asset just involves pressing a button, and any resistance you meet along the way is usually cleared up entirely after just a couple three-minute missions.
- Money is tighter here, but once you get functioning assets you have tons of cash, and there isn't much else to spend it on. New save points are inexpensive (and not very attractive, as most lack garages or cool perks, and are usually just seconds away from another save point).

>> No.8465117

>- Same goes for betraying Diaz, when all he has is a vague rumor of his guilt at that point.
How the fuck did you miss the whole part about Lance jumping the gun and going after him first

>> No.8465126

Too boring, didn't read.

>> No.8465436

I didn't miss it. But:
- We don't know what Lance knows. Either he jumped the gun and went in early, or he had more conclusive proof that he declined to share with Tommy.
- Either way, once Lance goes in, that changes nothing for Tommy. Lance wasn't a close partner of his at that point by any stretch. He can either:
1) Let Lance die. This lets him stay in Diaz's trust and figure out if Diaz is truly responsible. If he is, he can proceed to kill him, as he would have done with or without Lance. If not, Tommy doesn't fuck up by killing his only lead and becoming enemies with the most powerful person he's met so far in Vice City.
2) Help Lance. This is retarded if Lance is wrong about Diaz, which, again, Tommy isn't certain of at this point. It gets him an (unreliable) ally if Lance is right, which by chance alone turns out to be the case (supposedly; this is actually never stated definitively in-game).

>> No.8465440

>by killing his only lead and becoming enemies
Sorry, this should say "or becoming enemies".

>> No.8465510

He just has loyalty to his boy and strongly suspects Diaz and sees him as a prick and an eventual threat anyway, so it's an obvious choice when has to choose sides.

>> No.8466843

Considering Diaz was stupid enough to shoot a VCR when he hadn't plugged it in, I think that should have been a warning to Tommy about how unstable Diaz is.

>> No.8467141

Pretty good, but the pc version needs a few fixes to be at its best.

>> No.8467372


>> No.8467382

Russians think anyone near them is Russia

>> No.8467410

Today's standards are lower

>> No.8467454

I actually replayed it recently and found out it's the one I like the most.
There's just something about the witty, edgy setting and the arcade like playstyle that makes it a genuinely fun videogame once you take it for what it is.

The only changes I'd make is giving cars more durability and adding more music, which can be easily done in PC.

>> No.8467739

He could buy a hundred more!

>> No.8469232

Uhh... fucking DAGGERFALL

>> No.8469256

>was it as groundbreaking a game as it was made out to be at the time?
It wasn't super "groundbreaking" tho, cuz there were tons of other games that were "groundbreaking"

You kids have fetishized the game to be far more "groundbreaking" today than it was at the time-- so much so that I don't think anyone at the time hailed it as "groundbreaking", which is why I keep putting it in quotes.

>Hot Coffee Mod
The biggest thing was that it was controversial and scandalous for allowing players to pick up hookers, and then it got extra scandalous when somebody found out that if you hacked the game, you could find that a texture for a naked hooker skin was on the disc. They made a mod that used the nude skin called Hot Coffee Mod and the mainstream news on TV went apeshit over it.

>> No.8469293

>>8434796 >>8435245 >>8440747
Shut the absolute fuck up you troll, posers.

I'm not sure anybody ever called anything a "GTA clone" cuz the biggest thing about GTA3 back in the day was the CRIME, and few games were willing to push that boundary.

^This desu. I played it at my friends house all the time and it was a great game but I think for many people its nothing more than "older brother played this game". There were TONS of great games at the time, and GTA3 didn't stand out as much as ppl claim. I remember playing Driver >>8455209 almost as much as GTA3 (driver came out much earlier).

> but playing 3 for the first time dwarfed all of those experiences.
This Anon is kind of full of shit, but also I could see how GTA3 could be THAT GAME for him so he's not exactly wrong, either.

Super Mario 64 and TLoZ:OoT were massively popular and acclaimed for their 3D worlds that the player could explore.

GTA3 took the "open world" idea and made it a sandbox with a real-world theme-- people were more concerned and amazed by the idea that players would be playing a game with a modern real-life setting where you could commit crimes.

>> No.8469449

gaming magazines were using the term 'GTA clone' for a slew of games that came out post gta3 like true crime or the getaway. But if you think the only thing that was innovative about gta3 was muh crimes then you're an idiot.

>> No.8470231

>that complete load of garbage about the "Hot Coffee Mod"
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you immensely thick cunt. Your opinion is completely worthless, you haven't a clue.

>> No.8470379

>Same goes for betraying Diaz, when all he has is a vague rumor of his guilt at that point.
Pretty sure that he always hated working for Diaz and only did that because it was a smart thing to do at the moment. Betraying him was always in the plans.

>> No.8470424

>getting Sonny's money and/or the drugs to instead trying to take over the whole city and leave Sonny in the dust, without any transition or indication of his changing mind.
I don't think you picked up on the subtext that Tommy was getting increasingly frustrated at Sonny for giving him no support to find out what happened at the deal, a deal Tommy was blamed for in spite of just arriving in town like an hour before the deal happened. After Tommy got back the money, he was ready to give Sonny the finger over all that work he did in a new city BY HIMSELF. If Sonny isn't going to treat him like a member of his gang, then Tommy is just going to have to run his own gang. And he did it with terrifyingly effectiveness.
>betraying Diaz, when all he has is a vague rumor of his guilt at that point.
m8, tommy was out for his blood the second he (very correctly, I might add) learned Diaz set up the deal and got him into that mess

>> No.8470428

he's also somehow skipping the fact that GTA has been controversial since 1997, it's just that each game brings a new controversy

lmao how do you fuck up that bad when this is all laid out on fucking wikipedia

>> No.8470431

Exactly, I've never seen someone get it that wrong. He's spouting complete bollocks. How the hell do you even get the GAME wrong?!

>> No.8470473

journalist detected

>> No.8471014

Stay in your shitty grey depressive city block.

>> No.8471032

technically yes, but that's including the big beach and the golf course which are both very empty. Having 2 big islands and 2 tiny ones definitely feels smaller than having 3 medium ones, but at least VC uses all of its map for the main story.

>> No.8471259

No journalist would deny GTA3's place in gaming history. What you're seeing is a contrarian messageboard shitposter.

>> No.8471667

>It wasn't super "groundbreaking" tho, cuz there were tons of other games that were "groundbreaking"

I think GTA was there first to bring many different elements together. Like they had a proven concept with GTAI and GTAII, but the overhead quasi 3D/2D graphics were keeping it a cult classic. Renderware Engine already existed. Rockstar licensed that from Criterion. Open world 3D games were not exactly new. Bethesda's The Terminator did it in 1990:
Rockstar had amazing timing, with the the right hardware and a good licensed engine. They were the first to do a lot of things right, even though they look a bit clunky.

>> No.8471697

Yes, this. You could go on a rampage in GTA2, of course, but the average person wasn't too shocked - it was essentially "massacring red squares with your green square shooter", to paraphrase Vice City. But in GTA3, you could very visually pick up a hooker, (implied) fuck her in your car, and then when she got out, you could bash her to death with a baseball bat and grab your cash back while blood pools around her. Then you could go onto a nearby rooftop and start mowing down elderly women and pedestrians with an M-16 until waves of SWAT officers (eventually and painfully) bring you down. More nuanced things happen during missions, but I bet a lot of parents saw those first two things happen and became concerned to a degree that they were not over earlier games.
The world was also fairly active compared to some other "open world" games. For example, the NPCs in Morrowind just stand around, or maybe walk in circles. But in GTA3, they can flag down taxis (I think), make passive chatter as you walk past, and even jack a car from the player out of the blue. Cars obey traffic laws, planes come and go from the airport, gangs fight each other, etc. They had an autonomy that wasn't all that common at the time.

>> No.8473721

I don't even think he can be called that, a "contrarian messageboard shitposter" would at least be aware of what they're talking about. That moron must be genuinely underage.

>> No.8473940

>>Hot Coffee Mod
>The biggest thing was that it was controversial and scandalous for allowing players to pick up hookers, and then it got extra scandalous when somebody found out that if you hacked the game, you could find that a texture for a naked hooker skin was on the disc. They made a mod that used the nude skin called Hot Coffee Mod and the mainstream news on TV went apeshit over it.

It's like the media wanted to use the Hot Coffee exploit to help destro GTA. BUt the thing is, GTA basically strives on controversy. When that Hot Coffee mod hit, thy had to put AO logo's on the existing copies, and remove the content in a revision? Not sure about that. But I do know that the sales for San Andreas spiked because of the controversy. Like, best selling PS2 game, which was huge for the time.

>> No.8473948

How fucking dumb are you that you read that, quoted it and paid absolutely no attention to the fact that "description" is complete horseshit?

>> No.8474126

Anybody else think 2 aged better than 3? Don't get me wrong both are great, along with 4.

>> No.8474161

As in, 2 was already great in it's own right and it's harder to misrepresent what the game is really about, so it's easier to get it's appeal, when with 3 some people already seem to think that VC and SA were straight upgrades that didn't compromise anything important or introduced gameplay bloat?
Sure, I guess.

>> No.8474165

I would say it is. Driver 2 kind of laid the foundation but adding that "consequence-free murder spree" aspect really took it over the top.

>> No.8474196

I don't know that, I just know people shit on 2 less than they do with 3. Some youtuber fags did but other than that people like it.

>> No.8474307

I dunno, I'd say that GTA 3 is on a whole another level compared to Driver 2.
If I really wanted a piece of 3D carnage like that, I would stick to Carmageddon.

>> No.8474331

People talk about 2 less than about 3 in general.

>> No.8474336

More people played 3 so that's what most people are going to shit on. People who don't care for GTA1 or 2 tend not to talk about it because they don't have the same kind of shitposter bait on them.

>> No.8474485

Yeah, but Driver 2 was a PS1 exclusive. For the system, it was absolutely pushing the boundaries.

>> No.8475063

Why write so much about a game that clearly was released before you were even born?

>> No.8475634

I'm the exact opposite of everyone else:

I love GTA 3 itself and HATE what it did to the industry.

>> No.8475706

If it weren't, would you really be making this thread?

>> No.8476938

I loved playing Driver but even then GTA3 later blew my mind. They're not that comparable.

>> No.8477314

I played it in 2001 and yes, it was groundbreaking for the time. Complete technical feat. Game sucks to play now. Mission design is terrible, story is a boring slog, only creative mission is the very final one. Tons of glitches and poor gameplay mechanics

>> No.8477323

You're completely clueless. Hot coffee mod wasn't a hooker, it was an extension of CJ's dating interests. You know how you have sex with the girls you have a dating progress bar with ingame but it doesn't show anything? Yeah, there used to be scenes for that, and it wasn't a mod, it was officially in the game but they commented it out of the code at last minute so that they could pass rating restrictions.
The only reason there is a hot coffee "mod" is because people brought back what was already in the game files to make it accessible for everyone. Don't go on a tangent making a bunch of claims you know very little about

>> No.8477326

Unfathomably based, anon.