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8434354 No.8434354 [Reply] [Original]

Are we still pretending that this isn’t better than Rondo?

>> No.8434406 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 540x405, castlekino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harder level designs than Rondo's
>no bible, so harder to cheese the game
>no more tranime loli easy mode faggotry
Yeah, I'm thinking Super Dracula X is BASED.

>> No.8434407

it’s not

>> No.8434409 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>Maria Renard

Holy Fuckcross Dude, what the hell

>> No.8434418 [DELETED] 

Watch as the janny deletes this post while the projecting tranny lover's post stays up.

>> No.8434424 [DELETED] 

And the sauce is?

>> No.8434430 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1342x1084, tranime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting tranny lover
As if trannies don't love anime and minors and try to groom them into their warped degeneracy.

>> No.8434434

FUCK that Dracula fight. FUCK IT.

>> No.8434439 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 990x1538, inb4 buzzfeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The country that produces and consumes the most anime also happens to be the one with one of the lowest rates of trannyism of them all. Now sit back and be a good american with your fellow troons.

>> No.8434451


>> No.8434452

Ah, my first Castlevania game.

I didn’t play the series again for years after this.

>> No.8434459 [DELETED] 

>b-but muh japan is based and anti-tranny!!
Keep telling yourself that, tranime consoomer:

>> No.8434461 [DELETED] 

I was about to say her tits can't be that big but they actually seem to be.

>> No.8434475 [DELETED] 

>(((juden)))cial statistics
I accept your concession.

>> No.8434481 [DELETED] 

I bet you use anime girl avatars on your social media accounts, even though you're an adult man. Sad...

>> No.8434485 [DELETED] 

I graciously accept your further admittance of loss.

>> No.8434514

I never really understood what people hate about this game.

I feel like Rondo is the better game overall, but this isn't a bad port/spinoff/whatever it is. The art and graphics in general are arguably better, the music is just as good, and the gameplay is just Castlevania, yknow. It's Castlevania. You move to the right and you whip shit. What else do you want?

What's the big deal? I don't really see what it did wrong.

>> No.8434516

Dracula X is fucking hard that's why. It's one big filter.

>> No.8434529

It’s a fine game, I think it works as a more traditional Castlevania experience next to the more experimental and cinematic Rondo, but personally I feel like the level design kind of falls apart by the end. The object and enemy placement in the final stage is a total mess

>> No.8434923

I think it's great, but my only stipulation is that you move SO FUCKING SLOWLY.
I know you never went fast in Castlevania, but HOLY SHIT walk FASTER, you FAT FUCK.

>> No.8434929
File: 2.81 MB, 768x672, beastchase.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the jump to move faster. The game uses the same codes as many old school action platformers
>enemies can't hit you when they're flashing after a hit
>jumping is faster than walking

webm related, the beast doesn't even catch up

>> No.8434932
File: 2.34 MB, 640x360, bridge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also here, with just a couple of jumps you can just take your time on the bridge

Also, if you whip before landing from a high fall, you can cancel the landing kneeling animation which saves time, which is what I did at the start here

>> No.8434957

also, the difference in walking speed between Dracula XX and 4 and the other games isn't that big at all. In 4 you only walk 25% faster than in DXX, but the jumping in DXX is faster than in 4 (in 4 the jump speed remains the same as the walking speed)

>> No.8434960

The primary difference is that 4 is a wholly shit game, while DXX is an otherwise good game.

>> No.8434981

It started back in the 90s, when a few western video game journos got their hands on a PC Engine CD with Rondo and boasted about how coooooooool it was and how inaccessible it was for most people. Combine that hipsterism with the fact Dracula X on SNES was a 1995 release and, while the game looks fantastic, it doesn't have any fancy graphical effect other than some stuff like the background on the first level, but it doesn't have pre-rendered stuff like DKC or all the crazy stuff in Yoshi's Island. By 1995, people were very critic of 2D games. Playstation and Saturn were already out, 3D was the new thing and people shat on 2D on the regular (see contemporary SOTN reviews).
So, combine the journos hipsterism for Rondo of Blood being "a gem that only a few people in the west could play", with Dracula X being a late release in an era where normal 2D games weren't given the spotlight anymore. Still I don't think Dracula X was hated right away, I think that started more in the 2000s, I think the internet is what actually made the whole "Dracula X is a bad port of rondo" inaccurate meme start circulating, people started parroting that without even having played the game. Maybe not even either.

>> No.8435139

>The art and graphics in general are arguably better
All of the new art looks so shitty compared to the rondo stuff that you'd have to be blind to think this

>> No.8435318

I didn't imagine bait threads would exist on /vr/ but here we are.

>> No.8435459

Never played Rondo. I’m satisfied with this

>> No.8435468

I only heard about Rondo in the mid 2000s from magazines but Dracula X seemed almost as elusive, I never saw copies of it or anything, had only played it thanks to emulators. I think both games were relatively niche until the mid 2000s retro gaming revival and the last 10 years when Castlevania really had a resurgence.

>> No.8435523

The main reason why journalists said Rondo was a superior game to X was because, get this, it is

>> No.8435643

>bait /thread

>> No.8435660

>having to cheat to make the game bearable

>> No.8435664

It's subjective. Rondo has the CD audio and the animated cutscenes, which wowed people back in 1993. Purely as a game, though, it's debatable. I think I do like Rondo a little bit more than Dracula X, but not by much. Dracula X has more difficulty, so those who prefer their classicvanias with more challenge with prefer DX.

>> No.8435682


Rondo has a really strange palette selection. The sprites are fantastic (as evidenced by the fact most of them are re-used in SOTN), but the Dracula X art has a much more naturalistic, oil-painting type look that Rondo doesn't come close to.

Honestly I think the Rondo hype is just weebs. It's a great game, but so is this. They're both good, they're just different.

Either way, Symphony of the Night was superior to both.

>> No.8435691

The game is a mess. nobody cares about it's failure to be a port of Rondo. Its actual problem is that it's by far the worst classicvania.

>> No.8435693

Give arguments, because actual classicvania fans like the game, it's only the hipsters who only heard about it being "a rondo port" who "hate" it.

>> No.8435710
File: 31 KB, 500x343, 1474171645579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple way to show what kind of mess the game is is the bats. They don't activate until you're right next to them. Throw knives at a perched bat... and the knife goes RIGHT THROUGH IT. In many cases, the bat only ever becomes hittable when you JUMP AT IT. In other words, to defeat most perched bats you must jump and whip in advance. If you whip when the bat activates, you get hit. If you see the bat in advance, you can't hurt it. You MUST always JUMP AND WHIP. There's no other way. Axes, knives, nothing works until you jump right at most bats.

That's just an example. The whole game is more like a "cinematic platformer" (Another World, Heart of Darkness et al) than an action game.

>> No.8435718
File: 489 KB, 1000x562, dont-239587.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's only the hipsters who ... "hate" it
Fucking irony in this post is just overwhelming.

>> No.8435721

all i got from this is "im a window licker player and can't figure out the correct strategic approach"

>> No.8435735

The problem is that almost all situations in Dracula X have exactly one solution. Figuring it out is easier than learning a real classicvania, and quite a bit less rewarding.

>> No.8435736

I don't remember any issues with the bats, I'll check next time I play it. But honestly, the bat's hitbox being inactive when the bat is inactive doesn't seem like a bad idea.
>The whole game is more like a "cinematic platformer" (Another World, Heart of Darkness et al) than an action game.
Very weird take haha.
I mean, Dracula X is the game that was released and available for the west. Rondo was Japan-exclusive for decades. That alone made it acquire a sort of exotic status.

>> No.8435747

In a real classicvania, you can hit a perched bat with a knife or an axe or bait it into a holy water blast. In Dracula X you jump and whip, period. The bat activates mid-jump, at which point you should be already mid-whip (or it'll be too late). It's as easy as it's dumb.

Another example is the falling bridge. There's pretty much a single correct way to jump and whip. Finding it is easy, but there's no way toimprovise or think on your feet. It's almost a QTE.

>> No.8435751

Rondo is an ugly game compared to X

>> No.8435780

The weakest 16 bit castlevania. an awkward bastardization of the strengths of Rondo of Blood into a game with all the typical flaws of SNES games. Odd for a title from the end of the generation. Nintendo kids can't take an L very well so they're now trying their best to say the original is worse which is pure contrarianism.

>> No.8435787

>turns everything into consoles wars
Never change, /v/.
Also what "typical flaws"? Dracula X doesn't have the slowdowns Rondo has.
Even Bloodlines has very bad slowdowns, yet Dracula X is pretty swift all the way through.
Not trying to stir your console war shit, just saying something that's true.

>> No.8435796

screen crunch, muffled-reverb music, gaudy effects and slow down. You know the usual shortcomings.

>> No.8435809

>screen crunch
Looks nice on my CRT.
>muffled-reverb music
The music sounds very clean, I even like some arrangements on DX better than the Rondo stuff.
>gaudy effects
>and slow down
Already told you that this doesn't happen. Compare the water dragon boss on Rondo (full of slowdown) to Dracula X (no slowdown).
Time to accept console wars are for very low IQ people, man.

>> No.8435812

>Already told you that this doesn't happen
That's because you're a liar and it does.

>> No.8435817

Anyone can boot up a ROM (or use the actual games if they own them) and compare the games. I already gave a very specific situation you can check. If you don't feel like booting up the game you can just check on youtube if you want to do it quicker.
Accept it dude, not everyone has a console warry mindset like you do, some of us just like video games.

>> No.8435821

>screen crunch
Rondo of Blood on PC Engine has the same resolution.

>> No.8435835

Boot up the rom on the real console then.

>> No.8435837

you're on crack, rondo looks much better. try playing it on a crt

>> No.8435839

There is literally only 2 of those bats in the entire game

>> No.8435846

No arguments my dude. Dracula X lacks slowdowns while Rondo of Blood has very bad slowdown.
Now what? You're going to keep replying to me, trying to pull off a "I was just pretending to be retarded", or you're going to silence yourself out of shame? I think the later would be a better option. Not just for this thread but the board in general, it's time to stop posting.

>> No.8435852

Rondo's backgrounds are very simple (lots of 8-bit style brick walls). I think both games look pretty good though, Rondo manages to still look great due to art direction, but Dracula X has way more colors and detailed backgrounds.

>> No.8435891

Fair enough, thank you for giving your civil opinion anon

>> No.8435896

you know, aside from the Game Boy ones

>> No.8435912

You know, I actually very rarely see someone even mentioning those games. And back then Iga decided to make them not canon either, so they became even more irrelevant.

>> No.8435917
File: 2.81 MB, 768x672, wolfperfect.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's going on in this thread, but I've beaten this game more than 50 times. There isn't any slowdown.

and anyone that says "the original" when talking about Rondo of Blood compared to Dracula X is wrong, the original game titles are
>Dracula X
for Rondo
>Dracula XX
for Dracula X

What happened is that the American marketing desperately tried to make it look like this game was Rondo. Just compare the game cover/manual arts between regions, in the Japanese and European versions DXX has new art made for the game, but the american version went
>new dedicated art? Into the trash it goes, let's just reuse stuff from Rondo

The 2nd GB game is great. The 2 others suck yeah.

>> No.8435939

>The 2nd GB game is great. The 2 others suck yeah.
But I like Legends. The first game is kinda ass though.

>> No.8435960

>new dedicated art? Into the trash it goes, let's just reuse stuff from Rondo
I always assumed they made the American version and the new promo art was made later. 'cause let's be honest, SFC Dracula XX was just a replacement for the PCE Dracula X for the west.

>> No.8435982

They reused and modified art from both of them for SotN, though. Even the unused sprites found in the game files!

>> No.8436013

Most other enemies and challenges are designed in the same limited way. It was pretty common for action games to be that simplistic, and Castlevania games were famous specifically for the reason that they were much more free than that. Dracula X is terrible compared to other classicvanias. On itself, it's an average forgettable 4th gen action title.

>> No.8436020

It's time to stop, man.

>> No.8436023

That is not true, but you must be that guy who claimed that the bridge section in stage 2 could not be completed unless you threw the cross in advance which is also completely false, so I'm not even going to try and argue again

>> No.8436035
File: 25 KB, 800x600, castlevania-haunted-castle-image_2012-02-26_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In superior action games like other Castlevanias, Ninja Gaidens, Ghosts 'n Goblins et al you have to master the mechanics and then apply them in flexible manner. In Dracula X you learn specific situations and go through the motions. That's why I liken the game to Another World and other "cinematic platformers". Dracula X is closer to a game-long QTE than a true Castlevania game. Which is why most people hate it and SOME love it.
Yes, I'm that guy.

>> No.8436616
File: 33 KB, 480x360, rondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo looks like a souped up 8-bit game while X looks close to a 32-bit game

>> No.8436657

big fan of Rondo but this simply isn't true, the SNES was a more powerful console than the PC engine and that was especially the case by 1995, Dracula X is beautiful.

>> No.8436693

Are you playing on easy or something? I remember him being a lot faster.

>> No.8436972

>you have to master the mechanics and then apply them in flexible manner
This is something I especially love about CV 1 and some others, and while I wouldn't say that X doesn't allow for ANY variation, it does tend to be rather strict at times, I think. It's been awhile, though.

>> No.8437065

journos went overboard with the rare import gatekeeping until Rondo finally started getting western ports. Rondo is the better game, but it it's not the greatest classicvania ever, and DXX isn't shit

>> No.8437094

Rondo is better, but both versions of the game are great.

>> No.8437237

Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge (GB) is up there with 1, 3 and Rondo as one of the best games in the series.

Adventure is the worst game in the series and Legends is also at the bottom with Dracula X

>> No.8437252

I just want to use items with a button, rather than up+attack.

>> No.8437256

Rondo I don't know since 3 people in the world ever got the chance to play that, but I'll tell you one thing, it mogs Super IV into oblivion

>> No.8437273

>What happened is that the American marketing desperately tried to make it look like this game was Rondo. Just compare the game cover/manual arts between regions, in the Japanese and European versions DXX has new art made for the game, but the american version went
>>new dedicated art? Into the trash it goes, let's just reuse stuff from Rondo
Can't blame them too much for that, really. Rondo was highly acclaimed, and since it was never allowed to come out in time for an American TurboGrafx release, might as well reference the great original game in your new sub-par one. They could've even called it "Rondo of Blood", since that would have made more sense as a subtitle, but thankfully they thought Rondo sounded gay or something and lazily went with part of the Japanese title just because it had an X in it. Now we don't have to distinguish between Rondo (PCE-CD) and Rondo (SNES) because of that.

>> No.8437309

I also suspect that Rondo was slated for an American release and Konami USA just repurposed the cover art when it was canned. I wouldn't be surprised if "Castlevania Dracula X" was the planned localized title for Rondo.

>> No.8437486

So is biting rocks. Nobody does that for fun.

>> No.8437491

SotN isn't even the same genre anon. Hard to compare.

>> No.8437818
File: 11 KB, 370x250, spearboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat this game.
The best way I can describe this game is that it feels like if Konami told an inexperienced team to make a faithful port of Rondo for the SNES and then somebody else made a romhack of that port.
The controls don't feel as refined as Rondo and Richter kind of jerks around when you jump. His movement speed feels too slow and his walking animation feels too fast.
The difficulty is unbalanced and there are many tedious sections.
Also the game designers had a hard-on for pick-related and put tens of them in every level and gave them a ridiculous hurtbox on their slash attack.
In the last fight, if you try to be aggresive and jump around you get raped, so it again rewards tedium and standing on the same platform and just waiting for him to appear. The last phase was very cool visually but actually not that difficult as you can just item crash the shit out of him.
Overall it was fun, but janky and not up to the standards of the series.

>> No.8437825

The Spear Knights must really filter people, everyone is like you and claims "there are dozens of them in every level".

They're only in 3 sections in the game, 1 of which is optional.

>> No.8437853

Ah, the "we have rondo at home" game. There is no reason to pretend that this game is as good as rondo in the current year. PCE has great emulation, and Rondo is also on the Castlevania:Requiem collection

>> No.8437862

>they thought Rondo sounded gay or something and lazily went with part of the Japanese title just because it had an X in it. Now we don't have to distinguish between Rondo (PCE-CD) and Rondo (SNES) because of that.

You got this backwards man. What you call "Rondo of Blood" people refered to as Dracula X, which is the name of the game, Rondo of Blood being a subtitle. I have a tons of magazine scans to back this up.
So what you say they didn't do, is exactly what they did: change the name of the game from Dracula XX to Dracula X so it looks like the previous game. It's somewhat akin to renaming Final Fantasy VI to Final Fantasy III because the other games hadn't been released yet, but more dishonest because at least FF3 (SNES) didn't scrap official art to make it look like FF6 *was* FF3.

At least in Europe they had the decency to pick a new name.

You won't find a single CV4 thread where everyone is constantly saying things like "the original was better". Same with the X68K game or Rebirth. Yet all these games are as much remakes/ports of their respective games as DXX is, it's just what Castlevania did, they didn't care for story because they knew players didn't so made new games based on the old games.
But only DXX suffers from this unfair biaised treatment, only because the american marketing tried to make it look like the game was actually another game, and things (rightfully) backfired on that stupid idea.

>> No.8437864

Another game hated by autists just because it's on Nintendo

>> No.8437880

Another dogshit game praised by autists just because it's on Nintendo

>> No.8438108

It's a lesser knockoff of a classic, it's fine sure but naturally it's going to get a lot of shit.

>> No.8438109

The problem is not that it's worse than Rondo but that it's worse than any other Castlevania of the time.

>> No.8438131

console warriors deserve the rope.
just play the games, faggots.
Dracula X is a good classicvania
You were already proven wrong before you even started.

>> No.8438187

What are the 3 sections? Beginning, middle, and end?
I would say that beginning this game is optional. It's not a must-play.

>> No.8438441

Didn't he only make the third one non-canon? I think Adventure and Belmont's Revenge are still in the timeline.

>> No.8438446

The 2nd GB game had a horrible final boss, but the rest of the game was nuch better than Adventure.

>> No.8438472
File: 134 KB, 832x1024, 1635717438650m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold onto your butts, wssnt it called Dracula X because it was the 10th castlevania game released?

>> No.8438480

It's Dracula X like Mega Man X.
Otherwise Dracula XX and Akumajō Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight wouldn't be called Dracula X too.

>> No.8440740

Dracula fight was bullshit, but it's a great game.
Backgrounds lack contrast, but it's fixable.

>> No.8440745

I beat it with the best ending for this Halloween. It's not better than Rondo at all. It's harder, but probably not for the right reasons, and Dracula fight is fucking awful, the worst in the series imo.

>> No.8440812

You fell down? Classic Anita just work.

>> No.8440827

Movement speed too slow.

>> No.8441074

Are we still pretending that Bloodlines isn't the best 16-bit game?

>> No.8441291
File: 2.80 MB, 853x480, GearBoss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Bloodlines but it lacks the depth of DXX.
Gameplay is a bit rough and it's a bit too simple/easy. It also suffers from
>we gotta put gimmicks in because CV4 did!
Although I don't mind those gimmicks for the most part, and they're better than in 4 because in 4 they're just gimmicks for the sake of gimmicks just because the devs wanted to wank with what they could do on SNES, in Bloodlines they can actually be fun because they designed those sections with gameplay in mind first rather than designing them for the cool factor first. But those sections still hurt gameplay on the long run, the platform jumping at the end of Pisa becomes a bore rather quickly for instance.
The boss fights also aren't as good as in Rondo, DXX and the X68K game

>> No.8441293
File: 2.40 MB, 640x360, Dracula2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Dracula fight because it rewards good play. If you manage to beat the first form without dying, and only if you do so, you should have enough hearts to just spam subweapons for the 2nd form.

However most people who complain about DXX didn't even play the game long enough to realize about basic game mechanics such as the number of subweapons you can throw at once being tied to the number of hearts that you have

>> No.8441418

Cemetery theme from Dracula X is better than Rondo of Blood