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8432157 No.8432157 [Reply] [Original]

A point of view from 1996 on the most innovative games.

>> No.8432162

>released before mario 64
sorry ch*d doesn't count

>> No.8432165

It's PC exclusive stuff, so it's mostly a bunch of nerds plugging their ears and going "LALALALA CONSOLES DON'T COUNT"

>> No.8432185

Doomkeks btfo

Doom didnt make it, what makes you think mario 64 should even count? It's not even as good as tomb raider.

>> No.8432187

It's a list of most innovative games. Mario 64 didnt innovate anything.

>> No.8432213

Literally invented 3d platforming

>> No.8432294

tendies unable to process the idea of a magazine that only covered PC games

>> No.8432296

Crash did that months before.

>> No.8432305

Alpha Waves, Jumping Flash, and Fade to Black are older.

>> No.8432312

Are there any good PC games besides Doom, Doom clones, Quake and Diablo? Don't recommend WRPG or RTS I ain't got the patience for that shit

>> No.8432324

Crash was 2.5D.

>> No.8432328

Alpha Waves, Fade to Black, and Jumping Flash were full 3D.

>> No.8432338

>Fully 3D graphics
>X, Y and Z coordinates
It was a 3D platformer.

>> No.8432351


>> No.8432365

Thief... Deus Ex... Half-Life... Fallout... Monkey Island... Myst... Grim Fandango...

I'm sure you'll write back that you don't have patience for any of those games either or every FPS in that list is just another Doom clone though.

>> No.8432386

>being this ignorant
y'know what I'm not even gonna bother

>> No.8432391

Every single 3D video game made today borrows elements from Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time. Get over it.

>> No.8432397

Ah yes, PC classic Willie Beamish.

>> No.8432405

true, they won't admit it but they know it's true. N64 games had more long term influence than their contemporaries despite selling less

>> No.8432415

The number one game is a goddamn pinball game made by EA?

>> No.8432427

the frog's name is horny!??

>> No.8432454

They were not the first 3D games nor they invented those elements. Most modern 3D third person view games borrowed elements from Tomb Raider, which was inspired by Fade to Black. Most modern 3D cartoon platformer games are far closer to Banjo and Kazooie than Mario 64. OoT was never very influential until dark souls came out and soulslike became a meme.

>> No.8432456

What's the biggest dead end there? I vote Wing Commander 3

>> No.8432462

In what way? Goldeneye didn't have much influence despite being one of the system's killer apps. Mario 64 and OoT quickly got obsoleted by the PS1 and Windows game that came out only a year or two later. It surely didn't invent sim racing, open world, sandbox, multiplayer fps, and simulation games either. Aside from Banjo's influence on 3D scotformers, what did N64 games influence exactly?

>> No.8432463

Interactive movies didn't die off, just live action.

>> No.8432471

Live action FMVs were soul. Not sure why it was abandoned for soulless in game models.

>> No.8432473

>Mario 64 and OoT quickly got obsoleted by the PS1 and Windows game that came out only a year or two later.

Things that literally never happened. There was absolutely nothing on PC anything like them.

>> No.8432484


>> No.8432490

Outcast (1999)

>> No.8432526

3D rotating camera and Mario running in the direction relative to the camera vector, people keep telling me this wasn't anything special in Mario 64, but I have never heard of another game doing that before it. It was all tank controls in third person games before it.
You're really going to ignore OoT inspired GTA3, DMC and all the clones that followed? Lock on camera inspired nearly all combat heavy third person games. Tomb Raider's system doesn't compare, it's an auto-aim system not a camera movement. It could be argued that the player controlled lock-on camera was actually in Mega Man Legends first. But Legends had a clunky no movement lock-on, whereas OoT's proved you could have a smooth transition between movement and lock-on. Developers looked more towards OoT implementation then they did MML.

>> No.8432571
File: 110 KB, 640x480, alienresurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, no. modern 3d games are unironically more indebted to alien resurrection than any n64 game. setting the industry standard for dual-stick controls was a game-changer.

>> No.8432583

virtual-on did lock-on targeting THREE YEARS before oot.
nintendo has never innovated anything. all they know how to do is steal from sega and take all the credit.

>> No.8432593

Mario 64 invented GOOD 3D platforming
What now, stupid cocksuckers

>> No.8432610 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 443x474, 1629261251150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What!? All the games on that list aren't by Nintendo!

>> No.8432625

That quote taken out of context never gets old. It's immediately followed up by the reviewer saying that this set up is still vastly inferior to mouse and keyboard, though even using a mouse and keyboard that game is still terrible.

>> No.8432637

>It's immediately followed up by the reviewer saying that this set up is still vastly inferior to mouse and keyboard
which is a retarded thing to say when you're reviewing a console exclusive that had to be designed for a controller.

>> No.8432642
File: 148 KB, 1200x1004, 1200px-PlayStation_Mouse[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432683

>You're really going to ignore OoT inspired GTA3

>> No.8432696

PC Gamers sure get mad when nobody cares about their overpriced word processors in the grand scheme of video game history.

>> No.8432708

>noooooo this article is invalid because it didn’t cover console games and so didn’t give the proper veneration to Uncle Shiggy

>> No.8432716

Quite a few of these games are on console.

>> No.8432730

Via ports.
>The 15 Most Innovative Computer Games
Computer Gaming World, November 1996.

>> No.8432736

>First game to use text and graphics together on screen was 1979
I dunno anything about 70s game but I feel like this has to have been done before this

>> No.8432742

This wasn’t even the first game to do this though, Goldeneye has an extremely jank version of this where you dual wield controllers

>> No.8432748

nobody owned one of these and it's not like there was a keyboard to go with it. for all intents and purposes, it had to be designed for a controller.

>> No.8432759
File: 445 KB, 640x480, uprisingx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This wasn’t even the first game to do this though
true, there were other ps1 games like uprising x, love & destroy, and medal of honor doing it as well. the point is that these games, not the n64's games, were what ended up setting the template for all 3d games in the future. as soon as developers started figuring out that the right stick would be useful for moving the camera, nintendo and sega's single-stick approach became totally inadequate.

>> No.8432765

I can't really take any list with Willie Beamish on it seriously.

Looks like they were one month early for the release of the most influential online multiplayer game of 96, too.

>> No.8432778
File: 372 KB, 610x825, 5F6AE924-001C-4123-8D4F-65AEC4AAD1FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is their reasoning invalid?
3D was about to transform gaming, but up to that point people were still figuring it out outside of FPSes and flight sims. So it’s a good example of the perspective people had at that moment.

>> No.8432798

Where's Ultima Underworld?

>> No.8432801
File: 2.09 MB, 1649x2200, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 136 November 2000 page 252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had to be, and it failed. That's why nobody says "man, Alien Ressurection? That game's a CLASSIC of the PSX library!"

>> No.8432806

>be retarded zoomer kid
>say something retarded
>get completely blown the fuck out
>in a fit of embarrassment, try to double down on your own stupid
>promptly get blown the fuck out again
>"b-but those g-games..."
It's like I'm actually on /v/. Great job.

>> No.8432821

Console babies sure get mad when people enjoy their games on PC with emulators instead of the original hardware.
>noooo you can't run a computer program on a heckin computerino!

>> No.8432823

game journos have always been retarded. what else is new?

>> No.8432824

That still isn't "influential". More like "interesting trivia".
I'm not talking about graphics either. Diablo launched with a built-in multiplayer client in Dec 1996.

>> No.8432868

Influence tends to be better evaluated in retrospect. That article went to print months before Diablo was released. It really was the moment right before sweeping changes happened in the industry, and information traveled somewhat more slowly back then.

>> No.8432871

I know, that's what I was saying, it is funny that games that actually had lasting influence came out that year, too early for an article like that to cover. Quake was 96 too.

>> No.8432921

>wasting slots on Willy Beamish and an extra flight sim
>not including Elite

>> No.8432928

Touhou, Bunny Must Die, Iji, Cave Story, Hero Core, Freecell, Rance, Crazy Taxi, Amorphous+, Vanguard Princess, Bowmaster Prelude, Irisu Shoukougun...

You're talking about the platform with the biggest library of any platform that has ever existed and that can additionally emulate almost every other platform that has ever existed.
If you're having trouble finding good PC games you just aren't looking hard enough.

>> No.8432938


>> No.8432962

Flight sims were a big deal back then. Also modding was in its infancy, and so official tools for making content were cool.

>> No.8433703
File: 389 KB, 1251x659, DanHouserInterview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan Houser has been very upfront over the Zelda influences in GTA3.

>> No.8433770

I agree with Based Dan. Rockstar games have influenced more than they've borrowed.
Way more influential than anything Nintendo has made.

>> No.8433802
File: 953 KB, 1126x1071, 54d9e51938d4111673209ac657dd54a100a991af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhhh, CGW, the grand daddy of computer game magazines at the time. I worked there and can answer questions, if y'all care to ask em.

Lists were super popular, and this specific issue #150, is just a great read from front to back.
I used to always grab this issue from the archives when I had to take a shit at work. We had a great library of old PC games in manila envelopes, and Ziff Davis threw them all in the trash when they moved out. We saved a little bit. But not much.

>> No.8433807

>Goldeneye has an extremely jank version of this
So it doesn't have this.

>> No.8433842

That's like saying Goldeneye invented Wii and Switch controllers

>> No.8433864

>most innovate games
>almost all pc garbage

>> No.8433872
File: 68 KB, 1080x830, 49c0b398100d829c01c912c72336b095ca5e154fb1184c1b072e847c535336cb_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le heckin alienino resurino invented dual stick aiming

>> No.8433873

>anon shocked that pc games magazine wrote about pc games

>> No.8433881

Mario 64's camera is fucking shit. It's so shit most platformer games kept using tank controls until Banjo and Spyro came out and showed everyone what a platformer game could do.
>You're really going to ignore OoT inspired GTA3, DMC and all the clones that followed?
GTA3 owed it's shitty controls to OoT? That's good to know.
I've never played that weeb game but doesn't it have semi fixed cinematic camera like Silent Hill? It's nothing like OoT, the lock on system looks a lot more like Syphon Filter where the camera doesn't automatically focus at the enemy when you shoot at them.
>all the clones that followed
Clones of GTA and DMC, or clones of mario 64 and zelda?
>It could be argued that the player controlled lock-on camera was actually in Mega Man Legends first. But Legends had a clunky no movement lock-on, whereas OoT's proved you could have a smooth transition between movement and lock-on. Developers looked more towards OoT implementation then they did MML.
Absolute cope post. Snoychads won, tendie. Also Syphon Filter was already in development before OoT came out.

>> No.8433883

Bubsy 3D was older
It was shit, but it's still older.

>> No.8433885

>Zelda influenced GTA
>Elaborate on that
They'll keep saying that Virtual-On's lock-on wasn't the real deal because it didn't have the exact amount of weight and responsiveness that OoT had, therefore is null and valid, making OoT's lock-on the first real lock-on in the history of video games. I've had this discussion hundreds of times on /vr/ and they always parrot the same shit, almost like they co-ordinate their arguments in a discord or something.

>> No.8433886

They just all watch the same YouTube channels.

>> No.8433887

He didn't say anything about GTA 3 being inspired by OoT. The aiming system is more reminiscent a jankier version of Syphon Filter.

>> No.8433894

Banjo did. Mario 64 invented godawful camera. N64 would be a flop and a slop without Rare.

>> No.8433897

>it's PC exclusive stuff
>Bottom of page

>> No.8434146

it's intensive purposes

>> No.8434431

How much of the magazine was about honest reviews and how much was about paid lies?

>> No.8434606
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>> No.8434632

Mystfags on suicide watch

>> No.8434727

Huh? Doom is third on the list.

There needs to be some kind of final solution to this ridiculous Nintendo cult.

>> No.8434729

Myst is also on the list.

>> No.8434818

There are idiots, right now, who know absolutely nothing about the 8-bit European micro scene, and that Super Mario Brothers was a latecomer to the platform genre. They genuinely believe that Nintendo is the alpha and omega of gaming. The ignorance is sickening.

>> No.8434886

Must should have been higher placed and dune 2 should have been in there somewhere.

>> No.8434889

It's not a ranked list, it's just numbered.

>> No.8435003

>The ignorance is sickening.
Ignorance is considered "chad", "redpilled", or "based" in this entire website. Get used to it.

>> No.8435015

Of course not, why do you think PC gamers spend most of their time bashing or emulating consoles instead of playing their own games?

>> No.8435023

>muh Jumping Flash
Nobody FUCKING cares.

>> No.8435029

Except for Guinness Book of Records.

>> No.8435035

>the 8-bit European micro scene
oi! me specky!

>> No.8435037


>> No.8435041

The fact that SM64 makes so many autists seethe makes it the best game of all time

>> No.8435047

Getting shit thrown at your face makes anyone seethe.

>> No.8435074

This. The worthless nintendope subhuman filth needs to be purged. I dream of a world where such wretched worms never won and true gaming would have been given a real chance.

>> No.8435149

Lol Super Mario is the real original you fucking doorknob

>> No.8435159

GoldenEye had one stick for movement and one for look. How is that not what we're talking about?

>> No.8435168

original what?

>> No.8435302

Half-Life is the only good game on that list, the rest are too slow and boring. I need action not dialogue or puzzles
Cool and interesting recommendations thanks

>> No.8435310

>britbong absolutely seething at consoles that allowed smooth scrolling and more than two colors per sprite

>> No.8435424

>I need action not dialogue or puzzles
And yet you don't want to play Doom/Quake clones?

>> No.8435451

>Half-Life is not slow and boring
almost got me there, bud.

>> No.8435464

It sounds about right, for the time. I can't think of anything to complain about.

>> No.8435473

>Top Fifteen Most Innovative Computer Games
>"why is everything a computer game"

>> No.8435538

No no, I love Doom/Quake clones, I could play them forever. I was just wondering if there was anything else out there

>> No.8435547

Trapping two bicycles together doesn't mean you invented the car.
Two analogs on one controller, fag.

>> No.8435652

... and also no RTS (which is fast paced and and full of action) or Diablo?

>> No.8435704

No? That's as retarded as saying gmod is a story driven FPS game.

>> No.8435768
File: 117 KB, 1300x1052, 59E37BE9-B05E-45FA-81F4-2479E5F906AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh camera
You just suck at the game, I'm sorry, just telling the truth.
SM64 camera certainly isn't perfect but it works perfectly fine for what it is. At worst it might get stuck in a couple places in maybe I dunno wet dry world? Literally just have knowledge of your surroundings. It's not that fucking difficult.

>> No.8435784

I'm not the only one who thinks that the camera sucks ass. The fact that even mario games like mario sunshine and mario odyssey borrowed banjo's camera instead of mario 64's speaks volume.

>> No.8435875

>>not including Elite
>REEEEEEEEEEEEE simplistic vetrix graphics!!!!!!

>> No.8435910

What are you so angry about retard?

>> No.8436267

yes, and they need to get gud as well

>> No.8436349

what is a 'banjo camera', anon?