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File: 27 KB, 512x479, Faxanadu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8429717 No.8429717 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Faxanadu myself. What are you guys currently playing?

>> No.8429726

Battletoads, using the easier Japanese version. I reached the end of the tower before the final boss before game over and now I need a break, the game really pulls a lot of shit at that point

on the side I'm also trying to beat the final stage of Rad Racer. I almost made it several times but also constantly fuck up early on so it almost feels like pure luck when I make it

You should play Getsu Fuma Den if you haven't, and Gargoyle's Quest 1 and 2

>> No.8429751
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>necklace supposed to improve stats
>actually reduces stats

>> No.8429753

Clock Tower for the snes
good looking, scary but really cryptic
I'm stuck in a prison cell with a weirdo that tries to eat me alive and I don't know how to get out of the cell

>> No.8429771
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Going through Ninja Gaiden Black.

>> No.8429786

Lore accurate, since the meteorite affects people that hold it.

>> No.8429826

Wow. Never knew that. Faxanadu is a top 5 nes game and one of the best soundtrack btw.

>> No.8429872

Super Hydlide

>> No.8430090
File: 384 KB, 1024x896, Star Trek - The Next Generation - Future's Past (USA)-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo Power threads got me trying some things and also spurred me to try things sooner that I'd already planned on trying. For example this Star Trek game for SNES. Look how huge Worf is! I'd played this game as a kid on a rental but never finished it. In fact I never advanced past the second big away mission, I think? It is one of only two games that have ever motivated me to draw maps on paper.

Anyway this game turns out to be mostly pretty bad. I never realized it as a kid but yeah it's just super shallow. You can fly anywhere, but it doesn't seem to let you beam down to any planets or do anything else interesting at any location unless the current mission calls for it. You can choose your away teams, but at least 99% of the time Data is the only crew member who really matters; everybody else is just "Data, but not as good" in one way or another. You can fight space battles in which you route power to phasers and all that, and after battles you can tell engineering to prioritize repairing say navigation and sensors instead of communications or weaponry, but it's all so clumsy that the game would be better if you didn't have to do any of it. There's a story and there's room on the screen for it to be at least decently written, but it's poorly written instead.

Still, it's a fun-ish game until you get into one of the really big away missions. Then... you must make a map, or suffer as you wander randomly for a very long time, or die. God the maps are awful. It's not a good game.

I think there was a Star Trek: TOS game for NES that let you beam down to random planets, maybe? And you'd just get some empty wilderness map. I just want that little gesture!

>> No.8430116
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I have also tried Syvalion for SNES. Apparently this was originally an arcade game by the Bubble Bobble guy, or something? And it had a trackball and randomized levels and was quite weird.

On SNES it is still quite weird, but less weird than it would be if it used the SNES mouse to somehow simulate a trackball, which it should do in my opinion. It is a space shooty game that not only randomizes levels but actually randomizes its own STORY. When do you ever see that?? Like, it gives you little chunks of text before levels to tell you what's happening so far, and they seem to be randomly selected. The entire backstory of the game is canonically ambiguous because of this. It's crazy. It's the best part of the game.

To play, you pilot a flying dragon robot or something and breathe fire that kills some enemies and merely drives others back. Half the enemies are permanently invincible for no clear reason. Your fire is awesome but it runs out fast and has to recharge, and then you're screwed. If you miss with it to begin with, you're screwed. You're huge and you can barely dodge anything. Enemies spawn close to you unexpectedly and when you hang around too long a giant invincible robot skull thing will fly by to punish you. You never get any rest. I think it might be the hardest SNES game (to 1CC at least) that I have ever played. But I don't care to explore that possibility further because it isn't fun.

>> No.8430127
File: 80 KB, 1024x896, Kabuki - Quantum Fighter (USA)-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm actually playing now is Kabuki: Quantum Fighter for NES, which I read about as a child in Nintendo Power but never got around to trying for some reason. It's some weird thing where you have to go into a computer world to save everybody from nuclear annihilation but somehow you end up manifesting there as a kabuki actor who fights by swinging his hair around. The actual game is much more ordinary than that: You run and jump and hit things, pretty standard. But it's pretty good. It's not quite as polished as some classics like Contra or whatever but I'm liking it so far. I will probably finish it!

I think that the stage 2 boss is overpowered. Right now that's my main obstacle. But I'll surely work out a pattern and learn to get past that part reliably.

>> No.8430148

I wanted to get into this game but was pissed off by how far into the screen you have to be for scrolling to occur

so I made a simple hack that changes that. Until I think world 2 or 3 where I noticed that conveyor belts and other type of slippery floors affect the player even when he is in the air above the said floors, which is quite terrible... but that's a lot harder to fix

>> No.8430170

Getting through Thief 2.
I'm on like, stage 12 or so, but I'm starting to lose steam for it a bit. Feels like there should be one or two fewer stages, but otherwise it's an amazing atmospheric, fun and challenging game

>> No.8430214

I only played the shareware Thief 1 from a CD that came with a magazine I bought way back then. Would you recommend it?

>> No.8430246
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>> No.8430263


Yeah the moving floor logic is pretty strange. I don't mind any of that stuff though.

>> No.8430329

Parasite Eve currently, and some non-retro stuff that's not as good as PE.

>> No.8430502

you were playing pepe

>> No.8430815
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I'm still playing Langrisser V. I've gotten far further than I ever got before. I own the game physically too, it just plays better on emu.

>> No.8430840

Yes we can tell you're playing PE, there's 2 threads up for it now, and were 3. It's just 2 games, it's like you're oen of the mario faggots.

>> No.8430852
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>> No.8430853

eat him?

so you're the reason there've been so many PE threads lately

>> No.8430856

how I eat him

>> No.8430862
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like dis

>> No.8430863

Baseball on nes. I used to play it a lot when I was 8. It is not the best game but it is fun.

>> No.8430880
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>> No.8430967

Nah, I saw the threads and ended up playing because of them. Making threads and giving a fuck is too much work in the long run.

>> No.8430971

I was thinking about playing it too desu

>> No.8431019

Playing through Sega master system. What a beastly system. Just finished wonder boy.... Incredible game, incredible graphics

>> No.8431061

I would recommend Thief 1, but only if you're sure you like Thief 2 and can handle some real bullshit.
Thief 2 relies on a lot of context from T1, so maybe only play a couple stages, but you need to already like T2 to like T1. T1 is a bit rocky, and has some real stinkers, and by the halfway point of the game I already found myself getting tired of the whole ordeal. Stages like Return to the Cathedral and Break from Cragscleft Prison just straight up aren't fun at all. Thief Gold is worse, but has my favorite stage of the game (Thieves Guild). T2 however, feels like it's a bit too long, but the stages have been significantly better, and none of them have had the same problem of the difficulty actually making the game more annoying the play.

>> No.8431101

You should. It's been one of my favorite if not my absolute favorite Playstation game since I discovered it decades ago. I love playing it but tend to procrastinate, so seeing the threads helped me dive back into the game and hopefully finally beat 2 and start playing and finish Third Birthday.

>> No.8431597
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Ai Senshi Nicol for Famicom
It's better than I expected
Something like Guardian Legend

>> No.8431675
File: 93 KB, 292x400, Spider-Man+-+Return+of+the+Sinister+Six+(USA)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spider-Man: The Return Of The Sinister Six (NES)

I had this as a kid for my NES clone console, and loved it, however I could never get past the 3rd level, always making it up to the boss at best, which means that I only ever experienced half of the adventure, and it always bummed me out. I've decided to give it another shot as an adult, and I get stuck on the same part. I still love it, the level design and atmosphere are still good, but now I can see that the controls overall are mediocre, and having a single life and a single continue just feels cheap.

I'm using an emulator, so there's a part of me that's genuinely considering just using save states at this point, because I find the gameplay to be mediocre anyways, and I just want to experience all of the levels that I didn't get to experience as a kid, without having to worry about being sent back to the start all of the time. I know that saving like this takes away the legitimacy of the run, but I'm caring less and less about this, I love it and I'm nostalgic for it, but I feel like this could take too long otherwise.

>> No.8431789

>my favorite stage of the game (Thieves Guild)
wow, you're in the real minority there.
Almost everyone hates that mission because of the shitty sewer section. And because it comes before a mission that kickstarts the plot (The Sword).
Most people would almost advise skipping Thieves Guild if you're not having fun.

>> No.8431967
File: 77 KB, 565x848, Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_2_44_Textless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Beat it with the help of save states. I know many will say that I didn't really beat it, or at least not legit, and I agree with that, the thing is that what I wanted most was to play the last levels that my childhood self couldn't ever play due to getting stuck. I can safely say that I wasn't missing out on much, either way I'm glad I've finally played it all at least, even if it wasn't legit, still, with something like this, a 15 minute run that's extended by giving the player only a single life with a single continue, I don't feel too bad about not doing it legit. One of the first things that stood out in a bad way was the control, it really isn't too good at all, however I've played worse too, and with time I got somewhat used to it and adapted, to the point in which I could make Spider-Man do the things I wanted him to do most of the time, and when it clicked it did feel decent, though obviously it doesn't make it good.

I genuinely love so much about this, the 1st level is a perfect introduction, and it's divided into a couple of distinct sections that give a sense of progression before the boss. However, the one thing I never forgot was the 2nd level, the whole aesthetic and atmosphere, alongside having to find a couple of items to progress, it was interesting, I also love the implementation of Spider-Man's wall crawling, alongside the solid level design. Now, for the 3rd level, this is where I got stuck all of those years ago, but it's not too bad, the only issue is how few chances you get, the lack of room for error, but this is fun too, having to find an item to progress, the interesting enemies and level design, it's fun to play, the only issue is how Mysterio has so many life bars, and, of course, that one enemy type that can drain all of your health in a second, this is what almost ruins the whole level, such a cheap design choice.


>> No.8431968
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However, when I finally managed to play the last levels, the ones I always wanted to play as a kid, it was somewhat dissapointing, because the overall quality drops dramatically. One example is the 4th level, it opens up with the Vulture coming down and throwing bombs, sometimes I can dodge him, sometimes not, and sometimes I'm sure I dodged, but lose health anyway, and it's at the very start of the level, after that the whole level goes like this, the Vulture showing up and flying fast while throwing bombs that are hard to avoid, missiles coming from the sky that are hard to avoid if you don't memorize them, and a lot of other stuff, it just feels overwhelming, so many things flying at you every step you take, and the only reason I pulled it off is because I tried many times and memorize it, however without save states you don't have that luxury, and get taken back to the 1st level after dying a couple of times, it's unfair.

I'd like to say that the 5th level was better, and I must admit that aesthetically it was, since it didn't resemble the 1st level and actually looked like something new, but looks are all it has, the way it plays is just like the 4th level, with an annoying enemy that's hard to beat and throws a projectile on wherever you are on the screen, so even running away it tough. Now, for the final level, it wasn't too different, however it strangely felt more forgiving, slower, like I could take my time more and avoid being hit, so it wasn't too bad, and then after that came the final boss, Doctor Octopus, which seemed hard at first, until I realized that I could just crouch and spam the punch button fast, he literally couldn't counter this at all, which was somewhat of a relief because he has multiple life bars just like Mysterio. Overall, I love this, but mostly the 1st half, as the 2nd one feels too cheap, but it's still dear to me.


>> No.8431987

I couldn't get into this game for some reasons, couldn't put my finger on why exactly.

I didn't like Guardian Legend at all either and I could at least say why in that one

>> No.8432223
File: 58 KB, 318x314, Vagrantstorybox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vagrant Story on my phone using an ipega 9023 controller. It sucks, I'd much rather be playing it on a real psone or Ps2 but I'm on vacation and neither fit in my suitcase. Worst thing about the experience is the millisecond or so latency on the old controller. Makes getting large combos near impossible.

>> No.8432826
File: 484 KB, 1310x1353, DV-jPliXkAAzyvm.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Beat it without save states, and on a single life too, didn't even have to use the continue at all, because while there is no way to get extra lives or continues, and your health doesn't regenerate automatically, it is possible to regenerate it with every 1000 points, and you get points by beating your enemies in the levels, which I got decent at, at least with the easy ones, the ones I know will probably just drain all of my health I do my best to avoid altogether.

I still love level 1, level 2 and level 3, even if some parts of them can bother me, it's not enough to take away from the experience, which is stellar overall, with good level design, simple mechanics and overall atmospheric vibes. With the levels I disliked before, I'm more neutral about them now, overall level 4 and level 6 still feel lazy for looking just like level 1, at least graphics wise, they use the same setting and therefore the same assets, and feel more linear overall. Regarding the level design, I only managed to beat level 4 due to memorization, it's the only way as far as I know, which is why not using save states in my earlier run to become familiar with the level would've been a nightmare, I know that using them might make even a run without save states like this one not legit, since I could only do it thanks to the training I had with save states before, but I believe I just saved myself time, eventually I would've memorized the level layout, or would've written a guide for myself to follow just in case my memory was faulty, so perhaps all I did was spare myself of many failed runs, and this run without save states is legit, not tainted by the one with save states in any way. With level 5 I've developed a strategy to get past the enemies, no memorization required, just reactions, you jump past the enemies, then duck to avoid their projectile, then run forward, rince and repeat for the whole level.

I'm feeling very happy now that I finally did it.

>> No.8432852

LoZ second quest without a map or looking at gamefaq;etc.
Loved finally finding the blue letter to give to the old woman. Nice use of the recorder/whistle.

>> No.8432862


I appreciate your unusual focus on this one Spider-Man game, anon

>> No.8432890
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Thanks, anon! I know it might be somewhat autistic on my behalf, though I do believe I might be genuinely autistic, just never got a diagnosis or anything, but I just got a serious Spider-Man tick since the new film is coming out and I'll probably go see it, I don't particularly care much for the MCU or most modern Spider-Man media in general, but my friends invited me to go see it, and there's a chance Tobey Maguire will be in it, so that's genuinely exciting to me, feels like reliving my childhood if it's true. One of the main reasons I think I got very focused on this single Spider-Man video game, one that I'll admit is objectively mediocre in most departments, is because it's one I grew up with, I have lots of nostalgia for it, but even then I always got stuck, and eventually just gave in and accepted that I'd never beat it, even though I loved it, so now to finally beat it, and without save states, on a single life, feels special, I'm sure my childhood self would loved to do this.

>> No.8432894


I came back and finished Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the first time as an adult, kinda like that. Some of these games, yeah, they're tough for a kid to get through. And you're left wanting to just find out what the rest was.

>> No.8432907

Indeed, it's like a desire to settle unfinished business in a way, kind of reliving your childhood, but at the same time fulfilling it in a way you couldn't before.

>> No.8433713
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It's my birthday today (:
I plan on spending the day eating cake and playing Majora's Mask. I got to Snowhead like a week ago and haven't played it since. Been busy with SMT5 and work and stuff.

>> No.8433725
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>> No.8433734

I will also play PE, but not 3rd. I tried it on emu like a decade ago, made me mad.
This looks fun. Is it like Startropics?

>> No.8433898

Happy birthday, anon! I hope you have a wonderful day.

>> No.8434374

Never played Startropics so I don't know

>> No.8434375

Happy Birthday Anon!

>> No.8434478

It is decent. Has quirky controls, and some bullshit level traps, but fun nonetheless.

>> No.8434825

it's like Startropics in the sense that it's a Zelda-like action-adventure game on NES with a jump button, but that's where the comparison stops.
Startropics has actual puzzles, a world map, and grid-based movement gameplay.
Ai Sensei Nichol has more free movement, and the levels are bigger and less linear. The goal in each level is to find 3 (iirc?) objects and you can find them in whichever order you want but you gotta find weapon upgrades and other items along the way too

>> No.8434992
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Played Adventure Island after completing 2,3,4, the PCE game. I'm at world 7-3 so almost there. I'm using the huden bee obviously, I don't know how many lives I lost to get to this point, probably something like 50.

I think the worst thing is probably the snakes. There is NO pattern whatsoever to their fireballs, it's completely random. You could be committed to a jump to dodge the first fireball only for the snake to randomly throw 2-3 ones back to back with no way of knowing that before the jump and no way to dodge those once you're committed to the jump. It can be pretty ridiculous

>> No.8435162
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I don't think I can take it anymore. I've lost maybe 30 lives in 7-4 before completing the stage, and now i've already lost like 15 lives in 8-2 and barely made it past the first checkpoint yet

these stages would be a cakewalk if the game provided weapons, but that's the thing, it doesn't. Only 3 stages left including this one but I'm not sure I can take it anymore

>> No.8435196

I believe in you, anon! You've gotten this far, it means that you're capable of doing this, either way if it's taking too much of a toll on you then there's no shame in stopping, it's up to you to decide what's best, but know that you can pull this off, even if it takes a while.

>> No.8435315


What an enormous number of octopodes.

>> No.8435525
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Still playing this after an anon posted it the other week
As someone who never played MQ, it's a 10/10 experience. it's crazy how much more enjoyable the game is with an NES Zelda approach to problem solving.
I wish there were a hack that introduced changes to the overworld but I guess we have Majora's Mask already, will probably replay that next.

>> No.8435618

On a Final Fantasy kick. Finally beat SNES FF5 after multiple attempts since I was a teenager where I always lost steam and interest around Galuf's world or got decision paralysis with how I wanted to develop my party. Tempted to just replay the GBA version trying out a new party but trying to give some breathing room.

Playing FF4 now, mostly just to remember why I hated it so much more than FF5 so I can accurately bitch about it. I hate that it robs you of progression by dumping the entire spellbook on one of your earliest mages and you can't customize your characters in any way beyond gear, but desu it's more fun than I remembered and there's some challenge and strategy to fights as long as you don't grind like an autist. In fact it punishes players for grinding by constantly killing off characters and resetting levels, which is hilarious and a plus.

Not sure if I want to continue the trend and do FF6 next or try out tactics since it's supposed to expand the job system.

>> No.8435642

FFVI only has one character that can permanently die, and 3 missable ones. Just remember: Gotta wait for Shadow!

And make sure to install the uncensor patch.

>> No.8436094

How cryptic is that game to play without a guide? I've played almost all of Falcom's translated games but not Faxanadu somehow.

>> No.8436107

Make sure to talk to NPCs. The end game dungeons loop, and can be confusing for first timers. Actually drawing your maps is a must.

>> No.8436115


I watched my sister play through it once, when we were both adults. I think we got through the whole thing? And we certainly didn't draw maps. So, it's probably not very cryptic.

>> No.8436612
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Playing Sakura Wars 3. Played 1,2, and 5 so far. As long as it doesn't fuck up it's probably the best one in the series. Unironically a lot of soul, and some of the most fun I've had in a while.

>> No.8437016

Bushido Blade. I can't work out how there's any skill to it. It just seems completely random. I press the buttons to dash in and attack and it's 50/50 whether the player character reacts or stands still for a second long enough to be hacked to death.

>> No.8437023

Kirby 64

>> No.8437174

This is the Single Deathblow system and it's completely unique to BUSHIDO BLADE™.

>> No.8437212

My thoughts exactly. Really enjoying this.

My 4yo son was extremely anxious while I played the Well Dungeon, it was funny.

>> No.8437217

>you can't customize your characters in any way beyond gear
Wrong, you can customize their level.

>> No.8438293


Or you can rename them, which affects certain stats (such as how much you like them, how easy you find it to imagine one of them as your real-world crush, etc.)

>> No.8438323

I'm surprised how well the atmosphere of the Well and Shadow Temple hold up. Pretty spooky stuff for a Nintendo game and shit they'd never do today with all the blood spatters and torture stuff.

>> No.8438352


choose your fighter /vr/

>> No.8438358


>> No.8439753 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8441549

I got partway through Castlevania: The Adventure. I like the game somewhat, but I don't know whether I have the will to finish.

>> No.8442324
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>> No.8442787

Being humbled by a Super Metroid hack called Metroid Super Zero Mission. Fun stuff when I'm not completely lost and/or stuck.

>> No.8442813

Doing a Castlevania marathon. Just beat Rondo of Blood (it was good, but I was expecting better) and started playing Bloodlines (which has been great).
Debating on whether or not I should skip Dracula X. If I play it, it'll just be for the sake of being part of the whole "is it a botched port or a better game?" conversation

>> No.8442824

Skip. You are missing nothing. RoB is better, unless you want your Castlevania experience without anime designs and oppai lolis.

>> No.8442832

it's as much a "port" of Rondo as the 68K game is a "port" of CV1, meaning they're more of their own games. If you like CV1/3/68K you should like DXX, but if your thing is CV4/Rondo/Bloodlines then you won't like it.

>> No.8442846
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Playing Pokémon gold on the super gameboy player. Comfrey as fuck playing Pokémon on the big screen.

>> No.8443076
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Still haven't finished it.

>> No.8443119
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That sounds banger. I might get it. I want to play this other game though. I want to play Naru Flame Story first though.

>> No.8444075

I recently played all the lufia/estpolis games
1 was crap, story was retarded but music was great (field motif was awesome)
2 was nice but got repetitive at the endgame, story was kind of nice, music was nice too (void island's theme was awesome)
3 was boring but the characters were cool, story was terrible and was just a rehash of the first game and even retconned some things established in previous games for no damn reason (did yu kno erine was more powerful than the supreme god arekdias xD?), this one had probably the best ost in the entire franchise (some of my favorite ones were: to void island!, zalbak's theme, rosplett and epsis continent's themes, twilight tower theme)
Gaiden was a mixed bag, it was very slow paced and repetitive but it had some awesome moments such as eristol, exploring the past northland, gondarl and the land of the dead (pretty much the best segment in the game) and traveling to bastaam to defeat ragule and goldiark. Music was mediocre and the story was kind of terrible but still enjoyable
2 reboot was meh and i'm glad it killed neverland, those fucks should've remaked 3 instead or 1 or even just finish ruin chasers for real this time
Overall a mediocre series, dunno why it gets a lot of praise
Also fuck erine and fuck the spiritual force