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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8418614 No.8418614 [Reply] [Original]

Post references and dialogue in games that didn't age well.
>The name of the level is likely a pun on the title of the 1992 drama film Lorenzo's Oil along with the name Lorenzen which was named after lead artist Mark Lorenzen.
>Lorenzo's Oil is a 1992 American drama film co-written and directed by George Miller. It is based on the true story of Augusto and Michaela Odone, two parents in a relentless search for a cure for their son Lorenzo's adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). It was filmed primarily from September 1991 to February 1992 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[1] The film had a limited release in North America on December 30, 1992, with a nationwide release two weeks later on January 15, 1993. It was generally well received by the critics and received two nominations at the 65th Academy Awards, though it was a box office disappointment, grossing $7.2 million against its $30 million budget.
I wonder if anyone got the reference even back then

>> No.8418616
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another one (not the devs' fault though)

>> No.8418617

We got the reference at the time but much like Animaniacs or The Critic, it's hilariously dated.

>> No.8418618
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This is *technically* retro in the sense that Retro City Rampage got a port to DOS, but I'm not sure if picrel is in it. Nevertheless, when was the last time you ever heard of 'Epic Meal Time'?

>> No.8418621

It's amazing that these 90s references are all almost as old now as the 50s references peppered in Bugs Bunny cartoons were during the 90s.

>> No.8418626
File: 408 KB, 557x605, Groovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That level in EWJ2 is so fucking rad though. You get that cool tunneling beam for the gun, and you get to shoot through the level. You also find your first chip butty of the game in that level, EWJ2's responsible for me discovering chip butties. Good sandwich, cool level, and most importantly THAT FUCKING MUSIC MAN.


>> No.8418628

>Not liking The Critic

>> No.8418638

I believe I had to watch some of that movie in early high school, like 2003 or something. The game is in-jokey enough (note the reference to the lead artist that hardly anybody would get, much less a kid who likely paid no attention to the credits. Whatever the case, random references and in-jokes that, even when not understood, just add to the bizarre and random nature of the game.

>> No.8418639

I didn't say I didn't like the Critic. But it's undeniably locked to the early 90s.

>> No.8418650

EMT's downfall is really something. What went wrong? They were at the top of the YouTube game, one of the must-watch channels for YouTube normies, but now it looks like the channel maybe just a couple guys filming what would seem like proto-versions, both in terms of production quality and food recipes, of content they made 8 years ago. Will that be the fate of every over-the-top theme YouTuber who doesn't turn into a vlogger/"critic"/reaction channel?

>> No.8418659
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> 50s references peppered in Bugs Bunny cartoons

I didn't understand shit when I was a kid but I laughed and loved those cartoons anyway.
I still don't understand like half of the references and jokes but I'm always eager to know more about era before my birth, and when I learn something new, I go back and re-watch the cartoon, which is now has more understandable jokes. It's like gaining enough bonus points to unlock extra content in a game.

Classic Looney Tunes are brilliantly made, timeless cartoons, thanks to how many layers of jokes creators have packed into it. There's a bit of everything for everyone in any year.

EWJ doesn't rely heavily on those references too, it allows you to enjoy it despite not being familiar with the context. That's how a good media works.

>> No.8418663

I think it had something to do with that video of them drunk in a limousine shouting at people. I remember that being particularly controversial.

>> No.8418685

Interestingly the lack of context for the Bugs Bunny references is why people think rabbits eat carrots. Bugs' casually chewing on a carrot is a Clark Gable reference that younger generations didn't get and just assumed it was related to his rabbit-ness.

>> No.8418965
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Making your show Zeitgeisty isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there's definitely a tradeoff.
I think it only makes sense if you make it ENTIRELY about that in concept, like South Park which has had as short as a single-week production turnover at times, unlike most animated shows that have nearly a year production time per episode and they can often become dated during that time even.

>> No.8418974

Working Designs has never done anything wrong.

>> No.8418979

Yes they did: they closed.

>> No.8418985

Threads like these remind me of how uncultured gamer swine are. The Lorenzo Oil story was big then, it is still relevant now. It has nothing to do with the movie, Lorenzo's case is still taught to this day.

It's obvious most people won't get the reference, especially gamer scum. This is like if they made a pun with William Wallace and you said it aged bad because Braveheart came out in 95.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8418992

I remember I was playing this and my mom telling me it was a movie. Then she was explaining what the movie was about but I wasn't listening because I was playing the game.

>> No.8418994
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>Post references and dialogue in games that didn't age well.

Well, how should i put it
It's a backwards reference

>> No.8419146 [DELETED] 


>> No.8419219
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Basically this whole game.

That's why I can't really recommend it to anyone under 35-40.

>> No.8419228

See also: Nimrod, the mighty biblical hunter. Thanks to Bugs’ sarcasm everyone today thinks Nimrod is just another word for retard.

>> No.8419323
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>The name of the level is a subtle joke. The level is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the stage was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the level, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

>> No.8419335

>The game is set in 2001
The reason why Urban Strike will never see a rerelease.

>> No.8419364

I assumed Lorenzen was the big larva's name. About 20 years later I got the reference while checking out old VHS tapes in a flea market. At least it doesn't prevent you from enjoying the level

>> No.8419951
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Half of the cast of MMX5 being a Guns and Roses reference was pretty outdated even when it released.

>> No.8419978

Andy Asteroids is also a pun on one of the developers' names.

>> No.8420004

Blame Alyson Court. She insisted because her husband was a big GnR fan.

>> No.8420025

I think what helps South Park is that they lay on an extra layer of commentary so that even if you don't get that it's referencing a specific event you can appreciate the topic within the context of how it affects the episode's plot. Like you don't have to know who Terry Schiavo was to "get" the idea of a person in a vegetative state being used in a media circus. A lot of other stuff will just put a famous person's caricature on screen or have a famous phrase uttered without any real connection to what's happening. You can infer that there's SOMETHING special about this, like you're supposed to recognize it, but you just don't.

>> No.8420282

still sound better than the nip ones

>> No.8420295

South Park has gone too far in the zeitgeist direction though. The early seasons are all still extremely funny because there was enough character stuff and jokes unrelated to the topic at hand. The past few seasons have been incredibly forgettable because there’s nothing to stick once the news cycle has moved on.

>> No.8420305


>> No.8420405
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>gamer swine
>gamer scum
Do you also lament how games aren't grown up and how they aren't art?

>> No.8420570

that film was pretty sad and is still relevant now

>> No.8420610

I'm pretty sure it is

>> No.8420660

>You also find your first chip butty of the game in that level,

There's one on Anything But Tangerines. Right at the end after you use the pigs to lift up the drain plug, you can snot swing inside the wall to the left to get the sandwich.

And what the fuck is that an actual sandwich where you put french fries between bread? Is there some secret sauce to it because I don't get the appeal.

>> No.8420682
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I've never seen any of their movies but even I understood that they made references to Peter Lorre, Groucho Marx, the three stooges, or Humphrey Bogart. In fact I actually got into Bogarts movies because of said references; he was a great actor.

But I guess it helped a lot that I saw Looney Tunes back in early 90s Cartoon Network, back when after 7pm the channel transitioned into TNT where they were showing classic movies. Even if I never watched the movies, often I waited for the channel introduction where they usually described their evening programme, saying what movie starring which actor will be shown that night.

In retrospect, I should've watched a LOT more of that channel. I only remember watching Forbidden Planet and Jailhouse Rock on it.

>> No.8420692

>That's why I can't really recommend it to anyone under 35-40.

The game is great on its own though, and things like the intro/ending sequence still hit really fucking hard even if you don't know that it's a Kubrik reference. And even the most jaded zoomer would still get as much as the Transformers or Godfather references.

>> No.8420737

And what the fuck is that an actual sandwich where you put french fries between bread? Is there some secret sauce to it because I don't get the appeal.

It's probably the same as adding croutons to salad or peanut butter on pizza, or eating chocolate with M&M's or tiny bits of sugar candy inside. Mixing two things that should be eaten separately, I usually don't get it too.

>> No.8420756

>is that an actual sandwich where you put french fries between bread?
Use piping hot chips and the butter on the bread will melt. I would suggest using white bread, chips chunkier than the mcdonalds fast food style and a decent splodge of tomato sauce.

In a blatant attempt to mitigate being off topic, I will assume bubsy references something contemporary but now forgotten.

>> No.8420762

Never played that game, but I thought it was a Mortal Kombat reference.

>> No.8420765

I'm not American, so I couldn't know these actors from Hollywood's golden era as a kid. Three Stooges are largely unknown in my country, I only got to know them when I found emulators and NES game. Then The Simpsons referenced them in one episode and I was like "Oh, it's those guys from the game".

I didn't know who Bing Crosby is, yet Looney Tunes were making jokes about him and his horse every now and then.

I also remember watching Sylvester and Tweety: Mysteries tv show and guessing who the fuck is the hipster tiger character they're putting into every episode as a cameo. That was a main "mystery" of that show for me lol. Things like these add extra entertainment value.

>> No.8420810

I had no idea those were chip butty.

>> No.8420934

>which was named after lead artist Mark Lorenzen

Thank you. I have been wondering about that weird spelling of "Lorenzo" for... hm 25 years, apparently.

>> No.8421037

I did exactly this. In the UK my Dad would poach some satellite with German cards and encrypters. Would watch all the classic toons on CN and then Wrestling on TNT. You were lucky to have those nice times. My Dad left in 97, and I never saw German MTV again. You did exactly what I did fren.

>> No.8421104

Different story here. My dad got a satellite dish, and when he wasn't home, I dicked around with the programming to look for new channels and found CN. Note that I was the only one in the family who could understand english, so there wasn't anything we watched together. The only show he expressed enjoying was Swat Kats because he was impressed by the mechanical aspect of it, and he once said the intro of Batman TAS was good.

Also he is a hypocrite who robbed my sisters house and recently tried double crossing me too. So all those childhood memories are forever tarnished. I envy that you have more happy memories of your dad; mine only succeeded in making our family fall apart.

>> No.8421121

>liking The Critic
actually homosexual

>> No.8421158

I'm sorry to hear that Anon. I have bad stories too. But I won't divulge them here. My father and I watched The Centurions with interest and Batman too.

>> No.8421175
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>Jim is Now a Blind Cave Salamander

>> No.8421203

Centurions fucking rocked. I'm actually re-watching that this year, one or two episodes a time. I think I'm about at the part where they introduce the native american commando.
Really feels like they could've gotten more out of that series if they built a storyline around it, instead of just making them fight the bad guys over and over. Also they could've done waaaay more than just 3+1 sets of armour for every character.

There was so much good shit going on back then. Remember the Power Zone, where they showed action shows for 2-3 hours? or the whole Sting vs nWo crap on the wrestling, where they "beat him to death" once and after that he donned this The Crow look and always smacked everyone with a bat?
Or all the CGI animatronics they had, like the looney tunes locker in 92 or so? Or the bouncing block transition right before the wrestling came on:

shit I practically LEARNED english from watching CN.

>> No.8421209

One day my mom was in the room while I played it and when I made it to the water stage she made me stop playing so we could listen to this 16 bit rendition of moonlight sonata.


>> No.8421265

shit I practically LEARNED english from watching CN

Hopefully not from Captain Caveman. lol

>> No.8421269

Any rendition of Moonlight Sonata is great.
I was so lucky to have the Saturn version, which has CD Audio tracks... and one of the best performance of Moonlight Sonata ever recorded (although the third movement was a bit sped up).

>> No.8421273

The Centurions comic is alright too.

>> No.8421293

So which version of the game is recommended?

>> No.8421323

EWJ1 - Genesis or Mega CD. I'm not sure how the PC versions stack up, but iirc the Windows version at least was based on the Mega CD. Haven't played the DOS port. Stay away from the SNES one, it's a poor port of the Genesis original.

EWJ2 - SNES or Saturn, depending on whether you want better backgrounds or music.
SNES has the best backgrounds but lower resolution, Genesis has better resolution and a unique effect on Blind Cave Salamander but it is worse in every other regard. Saturn has the best music and sound but the backgrounds are completely new and usually for the worse. PSX version is like a cut-down version of the Saturn one. DOS version is missing a lot of stuff including at least one level, I think it was Lorenzo's Soil. I don't remember if the Windows version is any different.

>> No.8421336

Your dad cant be too bad if he liked SWAT Kats.

>> No.8421352

he is a hypocrite, a thief and a liar, who emotionally terrorizes the people around him. At that point it doesn't really matter what he liked.

>> No.8421436

he's your father anon, show him a bit of respect and don't be an ungrateful little shit

>> No.8421450

I always thought Lorenzo's oil was just a saying similar to burning the midnight oil.

>> No.8421485

Imagine being this sheltered lmao.

>> No.8421492

based English culture appreciator

>> No.8421537

We all did all through our lives, and all we got was him taking our shit and running away with it, then coming back demanding more, and then do everything to make us feel crap if we ever dared to not pay for every crap he does.

He is not our father any more.

>> No.8421685

Yeah who ever heard of "The Matrix" or "Aliens", those are obscure forgotten references for sure

tbdesu the funny thing about CBFD is that if were made today it would use the same references, Kubrick has endured but e.g. Avatar was already forgotten a decade ago

>> No.8421901

This is a lot because Hollywood regurgitates the same movies over and over. Terminator, Aliens, Matrix, they all got or are getting new movies. The Godfather parody on Conker can be replaced with any other italian mafia movie, and Saving Private Ryan with any other war movie.

>> No.8421945
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>> No.8421989

He'll always be your father

>> No.8422016

Nope. Sure didn't get it back then. Also good topic OP

>> No.8422225

It's not that simple. There's significant monetary and emotional damage he caused. He had everything he needed, children and grandchildren who adored him, he could've chosen between 3 different houses to live in. And still he emptied his own daughters (and his 3 grandchildrens) home. Then he tried tricking me with a dodgy deal that would've left me to pay for the several years of rent he piled up, in the place he bought from the stolen goods. If I hadn't called our lawyer to ask what's up, I'd be spending the holidays neck deep in shit. And all the while shouting like a maniac over how stupid we are to not do what he wants us to do.

>> No.8422239
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Everything this fucker says

>> No.8422420 [DELETED] 

What's interesting is that it wasn't just Looney Toons. Tiny Toons, which ostensibly was intended for kids in the early 90s, also made a shit ton of references to things decades out of date. Babs Bunny would do impressions of Bette Davis. What kid in 1990 would have any clue who Bette Davis was? Yet it still worked.

>> No.8422427

What's interesting is that it wasn't just Looney Tunes. Tiny Toons, which ostensibly was intended for kids in the early 90s, also made a shit ton of references to things decades out of date. Babs Bunny would do impressions of Bette Davis. What kid in 1990 would have any clue who Bette Davis was? Yet it still worked.

>> No.8422474

All WB/Spielberg toon shows did this till like mid-2000s. Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain, etc.

Took me a while to realize "Duck Dodgers in " is a parody of Buck Rogers in 25th Century, even though it's one of those shows I've seen as a kid.

>> No.8422482

>Also good topic OP

Is it? The OP just seemed like he wanted an excuse to show off his knowledge of a reference...

>> No.8422484

What's funny is that there's something about a 1990 era show referencing Buck Rogers or some other older shit that bugs me less than a modern show referencing Jurassic Park or something. I don't know why. Maybe now I'm more sensitive to references like that and so it feels lazier now.

>> No.8422552
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>The OP just seemed like he wanted an excuse to show off his knowledge of a reference...
OP here, not really. I just enjoy this kind of stuff because it feels very retro. It's like when you see that episode of SMB cartoon with Milli Vanilli and think "that could only happen in the early 90s". In general I think it's more fun to dig up things that are very distinctive to their time period and feel like a time capsule of the era.

>> No.8423096 [DELETED] 

sounds like his dad's a Brazilian and not an actual human being

>> No.8423163

I haven't seen Tiny Toons for so long, I only remember Max Montana doing a music video for the Beatles version of the song "Money" (memorable because it's one of my favourites). And the summer adventure special had Superman in it for, like, 5 whole seconds (the bunnies get rescued by him, they then tell him to go back to his own cartoon, and he drops the bunnies and flies off).

Was there ever a good rip of that movie? I want to re-watch it again. I used to rent the VHS version like every week.

>> No.8423238

It's going to age better than a lot of modern gaming meme references, probably. Even if you don't get it, it doesn't feel out of place because EAWJ are weird games anyway, while memes get old faster when the fad is over.

>> No.8423240

>I wonder if anyone got the reference even back then
Of course we did. It's like making a Shindler's List reference.

>> No.8423242

The big larva is called Pedro Pupa.

>> No.8423246

>At least it doesn't prevent you from enjoying the level
Yeah, that was the job of the level designer. God, Jim games weren't good at all in hindsight.

>> No.8423675

There's a boss in Duke Nukem Manhattan Project where Duke will quip "You're going down faster than the XFL", and whenever he kills a rat enemy he will say "So much for the Rat Pack". There was also a phone booth that had someone impersonating Bill Clinton and saying "Oh Monica, please come over here quickly. I got a new box of cigars I wanna try out on you", and a billboard ad parody of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" but instead said "Who wants to be a Tranny." For sure the last bit is a product of its time.

>> No.8423696
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> "Who wants to be a Tranny."
It's like they had a crystal ball

>> No.8423745

There was something about western platformers where their preferred level design was a big wide area that you had to zig zag up down and left right until you reached the end. Aladdin, Lion King, Spider-Man and X-Men Arcade's Revenge, they all did this.

>> No.8423834

Fuck that, DuffMcwhalen never gets old.

>> No.8424039

The Clinton & Monica dialogs would work even today. That was VERY famous on all parts of the world. I remember there was even a parody video of it, and having that circulating on 1990s internet was a pretty big deal.

>> No.8424157

Turns out that referential humor is hacky and lame, and when you actually get the references, you realize it's a bunch of middle-agers winking and nudging each other over nostalgia. Ironically, it's best for kids who don't quite get them yet.

>> No.8424175

I remember watching South Park in high school and not finding it even remotely funny because of the show mocking today's hot trends and themes.

Years later, rewatching the same seasons, suddenly it's way funnier because the events they were making fun of are thing of the past now.
I don't know how this works.

>> No.8424181

It's also how Family Guy got renewed. It was nothing but kids/teens watching it on Adult Swim and thinking 80s references that they were barely alive for were funny.

>> No.8424983
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 1578256303755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever Square-Enix does a fan survey, Gex is on the list of IPs you'd like to see revived. If they bring him back, should he be terminally locked to the 90's? Or should he spout zoomer memes like "poggers"?

>> No.8425008

Side character does zoomer shit.
Also square enix is the epitome of a company that hates its consumers. They are nu-democrats in japan, they will never make gex, and they discontinued Deus Ex over capeshit.

>> No.8425029

It will be cringe both ways, sadly.

Gex is a hero of his own time. Like Bubsy, except Bubsy is no hero and no one asked for him to return anyway

>> No.8425283

He should be 90s as fuck but transported to a modern gaming landscape, a 90s cheeky mascot hero in an era of mlg, touchy-feely indie shit and overly cinematic "games". Make the focus of worlds not on movie genres, but game genres/themes with Gex taking the piss out of em. If Square truely wanted to be based as hell, put their other worlds in as stages, like a straight up Midgard jrpg world with Gex wearing a spikey wig and a cardboard buster sword on his back.

GEX-X: Rezurrection

>> No.8425297
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The level "New Junk City" was a reference to the movie "New Jack City"

>> No.8425313

shut up faggot, you obviously have no idea what growing up with a psycho parent is like. there's no reasoning with them and there's no amount of respect you can give them that will stop them from being a piece of shit

>> No.8425318

the zoomer shit would be funny
but these ideas are better:

>> No.8425343
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In case you think I'm shitting you, here it is. I fucking love this game, I wish it had mod tools.

>> No.8425521 [DELETED] 

Honour thy father and thy mother my friend.
One day you'll understand, or you'll wish you had as you burn for all eternity.

>> No.8425551 [DELETED] 

>believes in the Bible
oh you're retarded, carry on

>> No.8425559 [DELETED] 

Some people believe in common decency and respect too.

>> No.8425680
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>> No.8425730

they were a thing at the time too... mostly just "transvestites"

>> No.8425738

This was the first game I've bought for my own PC, played it a lot. Never noticed that.

>> No.8426679

Fans of gex should check out the US/Brit version, whichever one they didnt grow up with as they got a different actor for each. Its an entertaining way to use 20 minutes of nothing else.

>> No.8426697
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When I was in college for my art education degree we had to watch that movie in some class, from what I remember it's a total 'school' movie. Meaning you can only watch it in school and be entertained.

>> No.8426715

I’m 29, owned it when it came out, and I understood every single reference. The major references it makes are you pop culture touchstones that nearly any zoomer could understand as the references are still being made today.
It’s also one of the best games ever made and I recommend it to anybody of any age.

>> No.8426720
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This godawful costume from the Resident Evil remake is patterned after Brad Pitt's outfit in a mostly forgotten early 2000s movie called The Mexican. Maybe it was popular in Japan or something, I'm not sure.

>> No.8426901

>a nine year old watched Reservoir Dogs and Clockwork Orange
I feel that's atypical, even if true

>> No.8426928

Those two movies in particular maybe but there was a weird trend back in the day where R rated movies would be marketed directly to children. You'd have toys for shit like Robocop and the Terminator and there would be cartoon adaptations of things like Rambo and Tales from the Crypt.

>> No.8427535

They showed old movies like that all the time on TV.

Robocop was heavily watered down with Robocop 3 and turned into a cartoon series in the early 90s, and Terminator 2 when shown on TV got a PG rating (and it's not THAT violent, I saw it when I was in single digits).
But yeah, the toys sold great because it was a case of "adult" stuff but for kids. Predator and Aliens also had a lot of toys.

>> No.8427558

Terminator 2 is an interesting beast. Its fundamentally a family film in structure about a rascally kid who teaches his new robot pal about the value of humanity while putting his broken family back together. That's literally the same plot as Kazaam except with a genie instead of a robot. There isn't even a whole lot of profanity. It's like they wrote a PG movie and added a few R rated kill sequences.

>> No.8427629

Also especially so since its a sequel to what is essentially a slasher film. I suspect the reason all the later movies failed to be any good is because they didn't understand that neither movie was really an action film.

>> No.8427648

Yeah, I was surprised to see that it got an R rating when looking it up. It's a PG movie at most.

>> No.8427663

There are like two R rated scenes where the T-1000 stabs people through the face. And arguably the nuke dream sequence which rides the border of PG-13 and R.

>> No.8427682

oh yeah, those. The nuke sequence was the first time such a thing was done in a movie, or anywhere at all. As I recall it was the most accurate and life-like depiction of a nuclear holocaust during the day. I can see how this would traumatize children, I forgot about it.

The T-1000 stabbing peoples faces happens, like, twice if I recall correctly - once in the asylum and once with the foster parents while they are phoning them. And one of those is handled as a joke scene with the milk carton placement. But beyond that he just punches people in the stomach while a SNIKT sound effect plays, or tells people to GET OUT and they jump out of a helicopter mid-air. Half the shit the T-1000 does is played for the lulz basically.

>> No.8427719

The gut punch was great misdirection. The trailers may have ruined it but you aren't meant to know the T-1000 was the bad guy, or even a robot at all. When he "punches" the cop for his clothes you'd think he just knocked him out and is another human Kyle Reese character. Its not until both he and Arnold are closing in on John in the arcade that you find out what's going on when Arnold yells "Get down!" and the T-1000 starts soaking up shotgun rounds.

>> No.8427827
File: 644 KB, 1072x636, eurodisney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popful mail for the Sega CD by Working Designs is full of them.


>> No.8427842
File: 258 KB, 1926x1434, EpIRdH_W4AE6qu9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duke Nukem is an Oprah fan

>> No.8427863
File: 716 KB, 1013x600, iamnokindergardencop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the game has different recorded dialog depending on which character you are using at the time.

>> No.8427951

now that you mention it, I never thought about it that way... you don't know the cop at the start gets gutted unless you re-watch the movie.


>> No.8428567
File: 765 KB, 1105x655, Screenshot 2021-12-17 014814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's part of her book club.

>> No.8428572

Seeing Duke without his sunglasses gives me the same vibe as with Eggman in Sonic 2006 - as if i'm looking at something forbidden.

They both have blue eyes by the way.

>> No.8428596
File: 1.80 MB, 3400x1765, 20211217_000048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish it had mod tools.

It does have mod tools. I have the original game right here, and there are mod tools on the disc including a level editor called PrismED.

>> No.8428606

get ready

>> No.8428620


3D realms old website makes reference to it here:

Editor can be found here:

>> No.8428747

>get ready

interesting. If they are renewing the trademark, maybe they will look into Gex? I dunno, I don't think it would be hard to adapt Gex to current times. Gex in streaming service land now. Player jumps between "Mouse Plus", "LBO MAX", "Chameleon Prime" services that act like hub worlds. And levels could be different show parodies. Comedy would be like RLM type sarcasm.

>> No.8429526

I guess you could call the original horror-action, with the sequel leaning more towards action but still retaining a lot of the horror elements?

>> No.8429548

That's amazing, I didn't even know that. Does it allow you to have custom enemies and Duke quips? I'd want him to kill some cavemen and he says 'Yabba Dabbia Dilate', or he encounters a giant dancing egyptian cat and says 'He'll, I'd hit that'.

>> No.8429587

>calling what is obvious instead of displaying the actual name of the level
it's called villi people

>> No.8429684

Still absolutely hate that they didn't give us his leather jacket outfit even though it's referenced in multiple games, including RE2, twice.

>> No.8429686

I think recent rereleases of Duke's original sidescrollers edit in his sunglasses.

>> No.8429891

>That's amazing, I didn't even know that. Does it allow you to have custom enemies and Duke quips? I'd want him to kill some cavemen and he says 'Yabba Dabbia Dilate', or he encounters a giant dancing egyptian cat and says 'He'll, I'd hit that'.

I never really looked into the modding tools, but I don't imagine it would be hard to replace the audio files and script them in the editor at certain points in the game.

>> No.8429914
File: 2.78 MB, 320x240, that's not funny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd want him to kill some cavemen and he says 'Yabba Dabbia Dilate'

>> No.8430016

>3D realms old website makes reference to it here:
>Editor can be found here:

DNMP_granny_view.zip (model viewer) and Manhattan project example maps can be found here:

>> No.8430751

All the examples here seem to be either from western developed games or localizations of Japanese games. Did any Japanese games do such things, or is this western humor? If shows like Pop Team Epic are anything to go by, cultural reference humor is new for them.

>> No.8430784

renewing the trademark is just something they do regularly so they don't use the rights to the character. At most they'll do an emulator pack-in re-release on steam for $3 like Sega does to all of its properties, and that will be that.

>> No.8430814

They have shit loads, you just don't know of them because japanese pop culture references don't penetrate western internet as much. And also, it's mostly just manga/anime references.

for ex.
- the Matrimelee remake on PS2 had a japanese talent/humorist/amateur K-1 fighter Bobby Ologun as a final boss. Westerners consider this to be an extremely racist portrayal, even though that's literally the type of humour the guy does on TV, and what makes him popular.
- Virtua Fighter Kids had Shun-di drink Java Tea instead of sake in the japanese release.
- Fighting Vipers on Saturn featured Pepsiman as a playable character, from japanese Pepsi ads.
- Streets of Rage has shitloads of references, the most well known ones are the music swipes, but they also take a ton of shit from other games and manga. Axel used to do a hurricane kick and a Tiger Uppercut from Street Fighter 2 in the beta ROM, there's a suspender-wearing, fire-breathing fat guy named Heart, etc.

>> No.8432152
