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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 514 KB, 806x504, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8411528 No.8411528 [Reply] [Original]

If you're gonna use a CRT shader instead of a CRT, I recommend at least having a 4k monitor for the more complex ones like Royale. Although composite filters seem to mask out the difference if you're more of a composite CRT fan.

>> No.8411540

Good info have a bump

>> No.8411556

literally WHAT is the point of a CRT filter without composite?

>> No.8411564

Guess people who like a PVM look or used higher quality s-video and component connections? I do agree that composite is great, hid a lot of the dithering and added a lot of blending.

>> No.8411570

Then don't use a filter at all, or at least don't have scanlines

>> No.8411571

Some of us ditched composite decades ago but kept using CRTs, via RGB or s-video.

>> No.8411584

People played CRTs at a higher video quality than composite.

>> No.8411595

omg yes i understand this part. I mean why use a CRT filter for RGB instead of using no filter at all

>> No.8411604

The games look better on CRT, that's what the filter tries to emulate
Thick scan lines are a meme though

>> No.8411610

Composite on CRT > HD on LCD > Composite on LCD > RGB on CRT
any counterargument is invalid

>> No.8411613

I understand you are referring to the black spaces between the lines of video but I'd like to inform you that "scanlines" are actually the lines of VIDEO not the black spaces.

>> No.8411614

Actually no, I mean composite on LCD is better than HD on LCD

>> No.8411630

Scanlines are only visible either on a bigger CRT (small ones like my tiny 9 inch CRT doesn't have any black spaces) or when you're closer up. Emulating a CRT's effects like the phosfors and gaussian blur without composite is totally valid.

>> No.8411639

Scanlines are visible on every CRT, regardless of size. The black spaces are not the scanlines. The lines of video are the scanlines.

>> No.8411643

Composite on CRT for anything 5th gen and lower. Anything else is invalid.

AG CRTs like PVMs or Trinitrons make the black lines a lot more visible thanks to how the phosphors are laid out compared to shadow or slot mask.
It depends more on the pitch/size though, every CRT at 240p will have them, lower TVL / higher pitch for size will have just less visible ones.
Low end concumer sets usually show the least thanks to that.

>> No.8411665

i just use composite
good enough for me on a crt
if i use upscalers like my ossc, i do scart only

>> No.8411669
File: 940 KB, 1220x1300, 1639248519922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using easymode + ntsc on 1080p and it looks comfy and looks like my childhood set

>> No.8411713

even for /vr/ bait this is low quality

>> No.8411838

Has anyone ever made a CRT shader that is both accurate AND has no black lines (or if they're there, they're very subtle) like on small low-end CRT TVs from the 80's or 90's?

>> No.8411875

You can adjust that with Retroarch shaders like Royale, there are also some presets.

>> No.8411885
File: 2.57 MB, 2366x3584, 1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4k isn't that necessary for royale. You might as well buy a real CRT if you're thinking of spending money on a shader.

>> No.8412052

just don't be so close to the screen

>> No.8412053


>> No.8412075

>spending money on a shader
What? It's free in Retroarch

>> No.8412080

Is that Castlevania?

>> No.8412085

Buying a 4k monitor just for a shader to look good. Keep up, will you?

>> No.8412104

sorry im retarded

>> No.8412162

Super Castlevania

>> No.8412401
File: 731 KB, 1495x1120, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)-211212-003731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. Exactly how I remember it.

>> No.8412593

Is this a custom configuration or another shader? Doesn't look like stock Royale.

>> No.8412710

looks like 450 tvl vs 800 tvl

>> No.8412723

cant i just use vga on 1080p for same effect? looks like 4k just makes shit blurry

>> No.8412736

4k tvs and monitors are a problem though because they don't make them small enough and they generally have worse performance for blurring than their smaller, lower res brethren (or if they can match it, cost a lot more though they're still generally too big).
I guess it's always going to be compromise against a real CRT though.

>> No.8412917

>why yes, I do sit two inches from my screen

>> No.8412987
File: 164 KB, 640x697, downs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool blog brolet

>> No.8413007

Well, 4k monitors don't really cost anything anymore, a few hundred euros gets you a decent one. This isn't 2018 anymore when 1440p was the norm.
CRTs are free, what are you talking about, don't get scalped.

>> No.8413138
File: 3.57 MB, 1586x1854, rally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a customized Royale on Reshade at 1080p with some extra filters.
The "free ones" most likely don't even work at anything else besides 480i.

>> No.8413663

Did Lottes get any better recently?

>> No.8413685
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, 9af3bf64590f8ba42f7cf18a3f37f9212ddcf513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best 1080p scanlines ever!

>> No.8413705

On a PSP game?

>> No.8413745

no idea what game that is. found that image online somewhere

>> No.8413760

I think 1440p is even good enough for convincing scanlines.

>> No.8413914

>The "free ones" most likely don't even work at anything else besides 480i.
Uh, 240p is literally 480i with half fields missing. Do you actually think that?

Anyways, plenty of 21" 120+ kHz VGA CRTs and high end concumer Sony TVs available for free or 5€, just go and pick it up.

>> No.8414789

Retroarch has a great CRT filter for playing classics on your big scree.

>> No.8414810

Is there any way to put a good CRT filter on top of a signal from a locked-down system?
I'm playing the Switch version of the Pokémon Pearl remake and the game is a fucking eyesore. It looks like one of those low-budget Indian cartoons that show up when you scroll too far in the Netflix new release section. I'm hoping the PS2-tier graphics (not being disingenuous, it looks like an early PS2 game in places like Okage or something) might benefit from the illusion of greater detail that a CRT phosphor filter can provide.

>> No.8414834

There are quite a few models that misinterpret 240p as 480i signal and fuck up the image with combing and flickering, especially the 100hz+ ones.

>> No.8415256

Imagine, if you will, being too young to have ever seen a CRT, yet lecturing others about them.

>> No.8415260

this thread goes right in the toilet
i'll play shit however i like and i don't give a fuck if that enraged you

>> No.8415273

he's right, scanline are the visible image
also if you can't see the blank lines between the scanlines then you either have poor quality image or your screen is small

>> No.8415279
File: 608 KB, 896x672, 1618035911845.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care that you're a faaaag
i don't care that you're maaad
get mad at me fag
feed me (you)s because you're such an autistic loser you obsess over my video games hahaha

>> No.8415310
File: 415 KB, 2511x1800, crt fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally it is the hardware purists that get turbo mad about others having fun in a different way.

>> No.8415380

That basically describes the majority of consumer-grade CRTs before the 2000's, at least the ones that are 21" or below. I doubt the blank spaces now often referred to as "scanlines" were really all that prominent before then. Sure, that's likely due to the fact that CRTs before the late 90's or so were blurry pieces of shit compared to what came after, but that's what most of us gamed on.

Not saying the sharp, PVM look is bad, by the way. It's just different, and to a lot of people, quite alien to what they experienced.

>> No.8415421

>being a pedantic retard
Take your autismo somewhere else. It's obvious that when people talk about "scanlines" they're doing so in the context of the blank lines being visible.

>> No.8415468 [DELETED] 
File: 367 KB, 1280x958, 4F2AC009-3C3B-46F5-9BA3-C266B3EC2ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a consumer set and they are visible even on composite

>> No.8415472
File: 3.29 MB, 3264x2448, CB7B8F28-D8D2-4697-9148-5972CFAC5F7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a consumer set and they are visible even on composite

>> No.8415480

Visible, yes, but nowhere near PVM-tier.

>> No.8415483
File: 1.39 MB, 2048x1536, F6A2A096-995C-4D49-B3F2-C233FD5F0902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is when I use RGB SCART, only the TVL is a lot lower so you still see the phosphors

>> No.8415525

I'm not American so I used SCART, I swear I never got the smeared look you guys had.

>> No.8415553

why is that?

>> No.8415559

I'm Australian, the composite blending was pronounced enough that many graphics (especially in motion) didn't even look like spritework but HD

>> No.8415567

I’m also Australian, we mostly used RF here
Also on account of us having PAL, we had a higher resolution

>> No.8415585

I'm Italian so I used 60hz cheap tv's most of the time(Panasonic, Nordmende, Mivar etc.) and I distinctly remember pixels in games, for example Killer Instinct intro stuck to me for some reason.

They were usually 27/29 inch Tv as we were poor.

>> No.8415692


>> No.8415693

>bumping old threads to bury his embarrassing posts in other threads
never change eBaynigger lmao

>> No.8415697

Wtf are you talking about schizo

>> No.8415702

I'm talking about how whenever you embarrass yourself you start digging through the catalog for threads to bump, so you can hide the threads you find embarrassing/humiliating. You are that loser who hangs out in a basement and sells things on eBay for a "living" right? lmao

>> No.8415706

This is vr
There are no old thread bumps, it is a slow board and we discuss
I haven’t sold one thing on ebay in my life
Keep being crazy though

>> No.8415708

alright anon, i'm sure it's the other resident turboautist that's been doing this song and dance for years. Hey, did they ever add that /v2k/ board lmao

>> No.8415712

Ok I actually went to another thread just to look, Lo and behold I see you are a shitposter here’s your last you

>> No.8415716

alright, I'll see you in the next thread you decide to humiliate yourself in.

>> No.8415830

It had a discolored area in the top right corner.

>> No.8415837

Discolouration is usually just a sign of magnetism

>> No.8415841

>Discolouration is usually just a sign of magnetism
posts like this are usually just a sign of autism

>> No.8416002

Nobody ever said that you won't see them at all, just that they are nowhere as noticable.

That's not even close to a PVM the same size.

>> No.8416089

I enjoy the look of shaders like this much more than CRT ones.

>> No.8416134

I thought PVMs top out at like 20 inches

>> No.8416764
File: 830 KB, 3056x1516, 8EFC6102-3F7C-4FBE-98F7-40A5BD4D5847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, it depends on the TVL
Both of these are PVM

>> No.8416772

That's not really what I'd call "visible." Yes, you can see the pattern if you look for it but it's a different beast from the window blinds that you see on a PVM. In fact, if scanlines of consumer sets looked like they do on PVMs it's unlikely 240p would even have been used in the first place.

Great TV by the way. That's pretty much the intended look.

>> No.8418774
File: 361 KB, 1440x1080, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)-211213-194327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8419537

thats dark as shit

>> No.8420163

thats not how it works

>> No.8420479


>> No.8420767

>Although composite filters seem to mask out the difference
no not really

>> No.8420819

Go on, tell me how

>> No.8420897

you can try playing with the mask

>> No.8422486

is that not a CRT shader?

>> No.8422502

The dithering on some PSP games is so extreme that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if CRT filters do in fact make them look better.
We're talking dithering so blatant that it's visible on the original 480x272 screen for some games. Monster Hunter was one of the worst offenders, along with Gran Turismo, Crisis Core, and others I'm sure.

>> No.8422536

more like an LCD shader

>> No.8422857

how is there no way to adjust this wtf

>> No.8422892

What do you mean?

>> No.8423373

I like the crungy preset

>> No.8423391

everyone cums over CRT Royale, it's by far the worst fucking crt shader there is. The bloom and saturation are off the charts and looks jack shit like a real crt.

>> No.8423403

He's right tho, even the shittiest, cheapest grade consumer crt had noticable scanlines.

>> No.8423406

You forget that Europe had SCART as the standard format and RGB was common there. Retard.

>> No.8423420 [DELETED] 

Just waiting for an american to say that the scart ports on out CRTs are usually composite only. I wonder where this rumor began.

>> No.8423425

Just waiting for an american to say that the scart ports on our CRTs are usually composite only. I wonder where this rumor began.

>> No.8423448

It was a French thing with the NES. France had some law that required devices to have a RGB SCART port. So Nintendo just funneled the composite signal into an RGB converter and had a NES with a scart output that was just composite. Those french NES consoles are quite rare now I think.

>> No.8424923

But the 1080p one looks better

>> No.8426343

fuck off zoomer

>> No.8427363

u sure?

>> No.8427390

whats the best crt filter?

>> No.8427475

They all look like shit unless you have a 4k monitor

>> No.8427482

i do

>> No.8427873
File: 694 KB, 1196x976, snes9x-x64 2021-11-23 18-35-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4k and royale for "muh PVM experience" is a meme
Just use fucking SNES9x with blargg and royale and call it a day

Retroarch's GARBAGE code cant work with shader resolution.

>> No.8427890


do you not?

>> No.8428638

They all look like shit no matter what. Just like real CRT does.

>> No.8429101

i don't think so

>> No.8429162
File: 890 KB, 1440x1080, Final Fantasy III Retranslated (patched)-211210-201358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite happy with how this looks, 1080p

>> No.8429375

Looks like a gba 101 screen

>> No.8429381

You may or may not notice it, but the scanlines are uneven in that pic. Some are slightly thicker than others. This is due to not using integer scaling, and while some shaders deal with this relatively well, Royale in particular does not.

You have two options: enable integer scaling, or do that PLUS scaling up to the nearest integer. The former will scale the image up to a clean 4x scale, but it will result in thick letterboxing all around. The latter will scale up to 5x and eliminate the horizontal letterboxing and use up all your vertical area, but it will result in some vertical image area loss.

Of those, I would recommend that you enable scaling up to the nearest integer under Video -> Scaling. You'll lose a bit of vertical area, but it'll be within the usual "overscan" area where game designers knew not to put any important shit, so it'll be fine, and you'll have a better image overall.

>> No.8429385

i have geom enabled, there is a curvature
scanlines closer to the middle will look thicker

>> No.8429390

I want to argue, but you're invalidating my arguments beforehand. Please, lift the invalidation! I want to fight so badly!

>> No.8429393

I see no curvature in that pic.

>> No.8429401

Pure dev-intention energy!

>> No.8429410

Fuck! I've broken half of my stuff! I'm so mad at you! I want to reach you and make you feel bad, but you can't stop having fun with your videogames, can you? I want to stop obsessing about your stuff, but your smugness won't let me!

>> No.8429417

dont care

>> No.8429427
File: 1.57 MB, 1214x976, snes9x-x64 2021-11-25 15-03-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8429430
File: 24 KB, 311x311, jVRbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys look at my cake covered in shit
>nigga use chocolate instead it tastes better
>can't bro I put fudge on top already
>I don't see any fudge

>> No.8429436

what the jpg doin

>> No.8429439

my screenshot looks great and i didnt even notice the 1 pixel thicker lines in the middle until you pointed them out, and that's only when i was looking for them in ms paint zoomed in. looking at the screen right now i don't see it
cope and seethe and get a job

>> No.8429453

Just found it funny you came up with some lame excuse for not trying out an alternate scaling method for improving the image when you could have just gone straight to "don't care, I like how it looks as is."

Whatever, enjoy your shit cake.

>> No.8429454
File: 1.70 MB, 1214x976, snes9x-x64 2021-11-25 15-03-16 original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added reshade gaussian blur to accentuate a bit

>> No.8429478

as proof you are a retarded inbred nigger living in squalor and stench in detroit, your dumb shit brain cannot go one step beyond recognising that you have an ability to accentuate your OOH OOH AH AH's and cannot understand why a ball doesn't stop moving when it rolls down a hill. To anybody else it would be basic physics that the brighter half of the screen which illuminates more would indeed illuminate more than the darker pixels, thus having a glowing effect. the chimp sees the lack of radiance on the darker pixels as evidence of a disparity in the size of the scanlines because he is not evolved account for sensitivity. Thus he unfortunately cannot discern the difference between the epicentre and the radius, let alone emittance therein

>> No.8429532

i mean how is the filesize so large for a jpg at that resolution

>> No.8429557
File: 3.05 MB, 1440x1080, armwar-211103-011942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1080p is fine for non hardcore enthusiasts.

>> No.8429605

Not sure why one would use a CRT filter in this instance, the art style in this one does not seem to be made for composite. Nevermind that the CRT filter used doesn't even mimic composite, negating the point of a filter at all on an LCD

>> No.8429615

It's an arcade game from the late 90s. Of course it would be run on an RGB monitor. The shader is not supposed to mimic composite lmao are you for real?

>> No.8429632

>"art style"
This type of filter will always bring down the overall saturation, as well as softening the blocky mess. To implicate that the particular game (or 90s PSX and arcade games in general) were designed to be displayed 1:1 on an LCD display is preposterous.

>> No.8429636
File: 2.98 MB, 2472x2702, AvP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armored Warriors
Excellent taste.

>> No.8429637

So why not enjoy the game without the cells and black lines running across the screen? That's the logical next step for a game designed for RGB

>> No.8429661

If that was my intention I wouldn't be posting in a crt shader thread.

>> No.8429669

Literally no point in RGB + CRT

>> No.8429674

Arcades were literally RGB + CRT

>> No.8429825

Then lower it? It has tons of settings

>> No.8429852

Whats the best for 3d games?

>> No.8430451


>> No.8430484
File: 706 KB, 360x244, 197ffed1d81f87b5d7a0d21e27c789d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8430538
File: 2.34 MB, 2563x1923, 1631880059502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some 3D games will be fine if you just increase the rendering resolution, but using an emulator that has downsamplig/supersampling and then putting a shader on top can help "blend" the 3d models with any pre-rendered background or other 2D assets that can't be properly upscaled.
In exchange you will lose texture clarity from the 3D models though. Pick your posion.

>> No.8431140

Royale and others were originally part of the AnalogShader Pack. From the readme
>Most important thing first to remember when you first load this pack: 1080p users, turn Integer Scale OFF. 1200p users, turn integer scale ON
Your method might yield to incorrect shader scaling.

>> No.8431471
File: 10 KB, 240x210, 1639715582964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit raped

>> No.8431506
File: 2.36 MB, 2821x2160, Super Metroid Title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you I like it

>> No.8431535

Is that actually royale at 1080p?
Cause i'm not sure it looks like that on my pc.

>> No.8431536

How do I get nice shaders compatible and usable in Duckstation?

>> No.8431556

Logical next step is LCD with HDMI

>> No.8431557

>1080p users, turn Integer Scale OFF
not the anon you're replying to but that actually makes things different now thx

>> No.8431570

reshade, but they need tinkering
dev doesn't like them

>> No.8432193

Yeah he's a gaynigger, like most emudevs.

>> No.8432215

You're welcome.

>> No.8433880
File: 15 KB, 584x443, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoping the guy from last thread about building your own cable for PC to CRT TV is in this thread.
Im in the middle of building a cable and my current roadblock is finding a rewire-able VGA plug that has long enough screws.
ive gone through three different plugs that are all not able to make any contact with the Delock DP to VGA adapter without modification and even then the screws dont reach into the Delock. i cant just buy a random cable and salvage the plug because they are all cast plastic and cant be rewired by me unlike scarts that are always openable.
i think ive already sunk $100 into this cable and its not even assembled yet.
scart cables are a similar issue. the ones i got so far are either of piss poor quality or are made with crimp pins and i dont know if i can just use any old crimp tool or if theres just no scart specific crimp tool sold anymore because i cant find one. I tried getting one with solder-able pins but the shell doesnt even close because its so poorly made.
im probably going to buy this over engineered premium cable and harvest the plugs from it but i can imagine that its the same cheap chink shit on the inside. https://www.amazon dot de/gp/product/B01DW8M3S8/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&psc=1
as a fail save, does anyone know if i can just buy a premade one that isnt shit quality and ideally comes with the resistors already added? if not, and assuming you did the cable yourself, what parts did you use?

>> No.8434008

And I recommend getting a life if you seriously think about this inane shit for any portion of your day.

>> No.8434010

And pray tell, random guy posting on an internet message board dedicated to the discussion of children's video games from two to three decades ago that is in turn hosted on a website for chinese cartoons, what should we think about instead?

>> No.8434013

You may think you're being funny right now but you're snot.

>> No.8434015

you're waifu a shit

>> No.8434019

If your shit is that dark you should seriously consider seeing a doctor...

>> No.8434410
File: 1.88 MB, 2340x1792, Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja)-211218-225206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaders have come a long way.

>> No.8434930

i hate zoomers

>> No.8435243
File: 1.46 MB, 1196x976, snes9x-x64 2021-12-19 10-55-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8435783

>almost 2022
>no one has bothered to update the GOAT analog shader pack to current RA versions
I'm too dumb to do it myself

>> No.8435805

which pack?

>> No.8435829

I know there's a handheld shader for GBA but I always wondered - as GBA games use awful palettes due to the screen it used, does the shader compensate for the palettes?

>> No.8435869

As far as I know, most or all GBA emulators have an option for a custom color palette to combat the missing backlight issue and "restore" the intended look.

>> No.8435979

>want to dl crt filter from libreto forum
>Error 526 Invalid SSL certificate
fix your shit faggots

>> No.8435997


>> No.8436135

I'm working on it. Try again after one hour.

>> No.8436173

thanks bro. I decided to play san andreas instead in the meantime

>> No.8436247

Just download shaders in the application, why are you downloading the analog pack

>> No.8436263

why the fuck is your shit so dark?

compared to this

fuck you doin

>> No.8436265

can you guys get mupen64 working on metal already

>> No.8436275

Yeah just update the slang shaders from within RA.

>> No.8436358

His is RAW RGB pixels with the shader on top

Anon is NTSC Blargg NTSC Composite combined with grille
Also the fact that SNES9x really gets shit done with dynamic CRT shader resolution than retroarch and its forced 4k meme

>> No.8436485

Boss is seeing to it. Eventually, it will be fixed. Things are slowly moving forward.

>> No.8436504

Pretty sure he's talking about those presets from libretro, the shader itself was royale but it had a bunch of shit added to it to simulate different signals, there were dozens of presets based on different CRT models. The shader format is not supported by RA anymore

>> No.8437581


>> No.8438003

it's not about retroarch tho
it's about royale

>> No.8438189
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, snes9x-x64 2021-12-19 18-49-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, its Blargg Composite filters with xm29 Royale on top of it with a old tv config with low brightness

here is the same, but with blargg's RGB

>> No.8438236

Can't you do the same with retroarch?

>> No.8438241
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, kd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also i feel like xm29 works different than original Royale

>> No.8438940

>xm29 works different than original Royale
Definetely, it's trying to mimic a specific monitor.

>> No.8438945

I know, but the XM29 preset from the former analog pack was integrated into the regular slang shaders because it's so good and the devs liked it.

>> No.8439013

anon I posted

and all I was using was royale

>> No.8439031

i think he's talking about >>8435243

>> No.8439059

I was trying inti achive the same but color looks different here, Is that xm29 vanilla or edited somehow?

>> No.8439194

threw reshade gaussian blur on top of it to add more bright and hdr for contrast.
reshade works well with SNES games to almost technical level with 9x.

also royale's own interpolation helps too

>> No.8439487

I recommend turning on curvature (geometry) and maxing out the radius for anyone using crt shaders on RA.

>> No.8439887

any crt filters you can use without integer scaling? I heard lottes and guest advanced work well without integer scaling but I don't know. using a 1080p display because I'm a poorfag

>> No.8439957
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, hog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8439979

what's that overlay?

>> No.8440112
File: 596 KB, 1440x1080, mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's part of the HSM mega bezel shader with the easymode preset, just tinker with the scale settings to stretch the reflection. zfast and lottes also work well with non-integer 1080p, but I don't really like lottes' washed out colors
alternatively you can just use the ntsc-svideo shader that comes with retroarch instead of a crt one, but the image won't be as sharp

>> No.8440276

About zfast, though you don't need integer scaling for it to look good, you'll still get uneven scanlines without it. The effect might be distracting when scrolling against backgrounds with big portions of a single color. Happens in some games.

>> No.8440401

You can't simulate the complex system of a CRT with just a shader.

>> No.8440428
File: 2.25 MB, 1194x1792, Bass gets dropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, but striving for an approximation is fun in itself.

>> No.8441830
File: 1.99 MB, 1196x976, snes9x-x64 2021-12-20 17-05-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8442007
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x896, 1609577767969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8442040
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x896, 1609762853636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8442529

Wouldn't you prefer to have the shader not applied to the border? Seems like it'd look better that way, if possible.

>> No.8442558

>just fine tune this crt shader
no, i'd rather use one that works as soon as I load it

>> No.8442562
File: 457 KB, 1080x1175, 1617124357402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8442570

Those are Super Game Boy borders, and are part of the image. The shader applying to them as well is accurate behavior.

>> No.8442581

>You can't have a Linux OS as your daily driver
>Obviously, but striving for an approximation is fun in itself.
A perfect reply on /g/ kek

>> No.8442613

I assumed they were. I'd personally go for a handheld shader for those games over that sort of thing, but each to their own obviously.

>> No.8442630
File: 1.39 MB, 1169x896, Super_metroid_saveroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8442814
File: 322 KB, 1440x1080, 1620284241683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have to make an overlay for each game that has a custom border. It's just how it would work anyway.

>> No.8442891
File: 3.97 MB, 3072x1792, 1636231147673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8442942

"hardcore enthusiasts" would use a real CRT

>> No.8443019
File: 95 KB, 1282x992, svga installer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dosbox has a fantastic SVGA shader. This looks really convincing.

>> No.8443021

oh shit, it can't be captured. It looks completely different on my screen. There's something more going on.

>> No.8443024

>zoom zoom