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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8414427 No.8414427 [Reply] [Original]

why are you here on /vr/? What makes you play retro game frequently? What in your opinion is the massive appeal?

To me, it's the fact that they are so much more replayable and digestable than modern games. Hence why they are so much fun.
It's so weird how alien the 5th gen feels. It's a complete different world, as if you're jumping back into an alternative universe. The big art of making games fun like that is a talent that most devs these days completely lost.

>> No.8414435

I'm no longer the target audience for new video games
The intended audience for new video games are completely different people than I am
There are still lots of old games I've yet to play so yeah that's why I keep coming back

>> No.8414456

modern games are way too plot heavy
i just wanna play the game right then and there not sit through an hour of story

>> No.8414474

I don't think there's any other place to have decent discussions about games like Princess Maker 2, Carmageddon, XCOM, and many other games I enjoy. Finding a retro game that is uniquely fun is just a great feeling. A really great retro game feels small like a great novel but also has such a plethora of living details that the act of experiencing it for only a few minutes evokes surprise and wonder no matter how many times I play them.

>> No.8414478

Why do you dumb faggots have to tribalise every fucking minute aspect of life?
I play modern games and old games because I like playing fucking video games, how fucking pathetic and and starved for attention are you that "I play old video games" is a personality trait

>> No.8414481

Calm down anon, it's not their fault they're as dense as a neutron star

>> No.8414484

Old or new I just play what I enjoy, simple as.

>> No.8414490

I don't actually enjoy any of this anymore, I just argue with anons out of a bad habit.

>> No.8414494

Nobody is "tribalising" or making anything to a personality trait. This is just a thread asking what makes you resort to older games and what you connect with them. Stigmatizing modern games wasn't the idea here, it just coincidentally happens to be that the replies here seem to find no appeal in them either.
So either contribute something to the topic or leave. I'm not interested in holding nonsensical debates

>> No.8414496

Shit computer

>> No.8414505

While I do agree and do the same, I do feel that I do play significantly less amounts of modern games simply because they hardly are as fun or interesting as the games from 7th gen and before

>> No.8414516

Because I don’t think media/art/whatever needs to live only when it’s released. People don’t treat books films or music that way, and they shouldn’t treat games that way either.

I play lots of newer games too but mostly post on /vr/ because /v/ has been an unusable shithole for years and years

>> No.8414517
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> why are you here on /vr/

I just came here a few months ago to shitpost a little, and stayed there.

> What makes you play retro game frequently

Because I grew up on them and I like to play old favorites and discover new ones. Retro gaming is my only happy place in this life, which I can always return to.

>> No.8414529

I would love to play new games as well as retro ones, too bad almost every new release is an incomplete mess.

>> No.8414532

It's like movies. Some people refuse to watch anything not made in the last 5 years. But that's only like 2% of all movies out there. Why would you limit yourself to just the surface when everything in the past has already been pre-vetted and catalogued to know which ones are great?

I tend to not watch any movie more recent than 2 years, so that the dust can settle and we can get to post-hype opinions. There are a few exceptions, but anyway, it's the same with games. I still play some modern games, but there are so many great retros that I still need to get to as well.

>> No.8414558
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I personally just realized at one point that playing and consuming to no end is just not fun or fulfilling. Being more selective, replaying games you like and/or even getting better in them is so much more enjoyable. On top of that most of these games have dedicated communities you can talk with and instead of sperging about how the story and their cutscenes make them feel, they go depper into gameplaytechnical details and tell you all about that. It's like a journey everyone is participating in together. Even in single player games it feels like everyone is working towards the same goal: optimizing your gameplay skills and discovering every nuance there is out there.

Some modern games enable that too (NEO TWEWY, Tales of Arise, Lost Judgment to name some from this year), but in general modern gaming feels nothing like actual gaming. Just think for a second: what is the most discussed aspect of a game these days? Definitely not the gameplay, definitely not technical nuances. It's how good or bad the story was. It's always just about that. And i don't see why you would ever play games to listen to an appealing story, People who just want to play games and dive deep into one particular game are just not the main audience anymore. I don't feel part of the clientele anymore. We live in times where Wolverine and Spiderman games are the most hype announcements in video game shows. Can you really blame me not looking forward to a cinematic game that only bloats it's open world map to hold me hostage for 200 hours?

>> No.8414561

I'm in love with 1997-2003
The amount of style and aesthetics, and how rare they are now, make it so that I'm always turning back. Even the silly gimmicks made it feel like you were getting more and more immersed, or was fun for some shits and giggles. I still play some newer games for sure, but being able to see what I missed has been an amazing experience. It helps that it inspires me to be creative and make stuff outta what I like.
I play lots of stuff on my own time, too, so I typically end up behind the curve most of the time. /vr/ is nice since I never liked /v/ and it's easy to get onto a nice thread and ride it out. Quicker than /toy/, but the same sort of touch and go attitude with threads. Don't have to deal with the more terminally online people on the net, either, which is nice.

>> No.8414568
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>Why are you here on /vr/?
I'm here because i like retro games but i hate my life.
>What makes you play retro game frequently?
The charisma of old videogames, you'll never find something as Ecco The Dolphin or Vectorman, because they are a product of their times.

>> No.8414612

>why do you play games
Because they're fun? This isn't some deep thing like you faggots make it out to be.
Why do you resort to breathing?

>> No.8414626

>Because I don’t think media/art/whatever needs to live only when it’s released. People don’t treat books films or music that way, and they shouldn’t treat games that way either.
This is a good point. No one thinks Bowie albums or Kubrick films are any worse just because they're old. But still, I can understand why retro games are treated differently. Games feel way more impacted by tech limitations than the other two mediums, and it's only in the mid-2000s or so where the sense that "Now we can make whatever kind of game we want" fully sets in. Shitty controls also used to be more common, and game design has come a long way. Devs learned to stop doing obviously bad things like designing adventure games where the path forward is extremely obtuse.

But anyway, I'm with >>8414561. Games qua games peaked around Y2K because they understood themselves as games. This isn't me saying "Anything that's not constant action is shit" - I love visual novels for instance - but lately 90% of AAA games just want to be cheap copies of Hollywood films and it just feels wrong. Did anyone else watch the Game Awards? I feel crazy because I couldn't give a shit about any of those. You're selling me this game based on a set of cutscenes, alright, but the cutscenes aren't even interesting? I want to give these games a chance. People shit on the new God of War and Last of Us Part 2 a lot but those seem to be trying something different and I can't hate that. What I dislike are the games who aspire to be cinematic but have neither original ideas nor the skill to pull it off, so you end up making an inferior Last of Us or something and it's just pointless. Is there really demand for an entire genre of games like this? Who is buying them? Idk man

Devs just seemed to have a lot more creativity 20 years ago. Do you remember proper simulation games? Hybrid-games that weren't just [genre]+roguelike elements? Open world games that ran on schedules? We just don't get this stuff nowadays

>> No.8414629

yeah true, i do the same. but i don't have any real personality traits myself frankly so idk i don't really blame em.

>> No.8414643

>No one thinks Bowie albums or Kubrick films are any worse just because they're old.
there are a ton of retards that absolutely believe that

>> No.8414656

That group has to be majority kids/teenagers or something. There are fairly good reasons why retro games could be considered worse than modern games, but you can listen to albums or watch films from 50 years ago and their production/visual design/sound still holds up perfectly. At that point it's just disliking it because it's old, the criticism is totally separate from what the work even is.

I guess there are retards who think that way though, you're probably right.

>> No.8414674

I'm the anon you quoted for y2k, and iunno, anon. I wouldn't say they peaked around that time. I just really like that era's styles. Even the handheld wars between the GBC, Wonderswan, and Neo Geo Pocket Color felt so exciting, even if they were just flashes in the pan.
I've never given a shit for what's AAA or not, I just play games. The gaming landscape does feel like it's not for me sometimes, but there's always been niches out there in the same way there've been niches before.
The reason for retro games getting flack is because it's still not as accessible of a thing as it could be. Movies are all over digital and physical, while the game industry has a real problem with preservation. We all know that most of us can just take out a console or emulate if need be, but normies don't want the trouble. Of course, opinions are opinions, and there will always be people who don't like things they're not used to. I can barely play atari games for too long, for example. That said, there'd be more respect if games were more available.

>> No.8414680

i like new have too but there are so many retro games i haven't played that i feel like i can't fully enjoy modern games until i absorb more of their history. beyond that the have are just different and I'm enjoying being in that world again, so i guess it's what nostalgia. but i rarely play a game again after i beat it

>> No.8414708

i resonate with this more than i should. I've been thinking what games i'm replaying the most and it's always games from 7th gen and prior. The few you named are also good but imo for each of them there is a way better alternative from the past gens.

Me and my friends got into Xillia 2 co-ops. We meet up every time to play it and combo on it together. We could talk hours about who is the strongest character and why and what technical shit we could try out next time. It's such a great feeling. You can barely experience that with modern games.

>> No.8414714

>The reason for retro games getting flack is because it's still not as accessible of a thing as it could be.
Yeah I almost mentioned that in my post, having movies and music from every era on streaming services does wonders for making people interested in them, whereas game publishers who care about this are the exception rather than the rule. And even if something is on Steam you have to pay to see if you like it, which is different from just streaming it since it's free and going "Hey this is actually very good". We can all have our own opinions on streaming services but this is one huge plus for them in the end.
>I wouldn't say they peaked around that time. I just really like that era's styles.
Also a good point. Personally I feel like games peaked creativity-wise but that doesn't mean they're all good. I just value devs trying weird stuff out and we definitely hit a peak in the late 90s with people trying out cool concepts. But if you're more into 2D platformers for instance I can see why that era wouldn't be ideal

>> No.8414717

There's 1-5 new games a year worth playing. Give or take a few. There's thousands of old games worth playing.

>> No.8414734
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1. I'm pretty frugal and don't have a lot of access to AAA-compatible machines.

2. When I do play big modern games, I'm always interested in how they got to the point they're at. Even in situations where newer games are subjectively or objectively better than their prequels, I feel like I missed context in the developers' thought process without seeing some of their previous work, or influences on the genre. The experiments and risks that older games take inform the experiments and risks newer games take.

3. Even good games can have loud and rowdy fanbases with hype and wars when they first come out. I find that after a little bit of time, the fanbases of games - while not always - generally get more sedate and have more interesting things to say. (This isn't a problem with modern games; even old GameFAQ forums had the problem with then-recent games.)

4. With /vr/ specifically, even if anons can be contrarian or bait-filled at times, the extra sense of brutal honesty makes me reconsider some things I'd taken for granted; either due to nostalgia goggles, or hearing the same things from mainstream reviewers continually. Getting multiple opinions on a site where "the classics" aren't considered sacred cows helps me better contextualize their creation; and sometimes even opens my eyes to games I never noticed, good and bad.

5. Between version differences in console wars, different computers' ways of handling their respective games, the glitches that've come up, and the occasional interviews, retro games do a good job of showing the seams in the process of game making at a low-level. Limitations breed creativity and all.

>> No.8414757

Funny enough, I didn't always use to love the era. At least, not as much as I do now. Thought the ps1 and n64 looked bad, so I kept my SNES and skipped that gen entirely, just to get a gamecube and PS2 after. After a couple of years feeling burnt out, I looked back and felt like a kid again. It's a weird case of fake nostalgia almost, like picking up an SNES import and feeling like you saw that in a magazine.
People always shit on indies, but a wonderful thing about how much easier it is to make games is that, maybe you might get the chance now. Maybe you can fill your own void, and maybe inspire others to make more of what made you love video games. Beautiful thought.

>> No.8414761

beautiful text. Thanks for the elaboration anon.
>I find that after a little bit of time, the fanbases of games - while not always - generally get more sedate and have more interesting things to say.
100% agree. And that's mainly because the people who are left there are the ones that want to stick longer than just for the current hype. They resonate with the game and dive in deeper because they enjoy it as what it is and not as a temporary dopamine kick.
They have more interesting things to say because they have experiences that can only be gained by being very passionate about the game and it's nuances. Something mayflies can't ever see for how shortlived their time with the medium is.

>> No.8414775

Is this post a parody? You bemoan the lack of improvement and skills required by modern games and then list JRPGs? All of the most popular games now are competitive multiplayer titles with no story at all where the gameplay intricacies are deep dived to the most precise level possible.

>> No.8414820

>You bemoan the lack of improvement and skills required by modern games and then list JRPGs?
Have you seen those "just JRPG's"?
You probably just associate turn-based gameplay with them but there are some action oriented ones that go up to Devil May Cry level once you reach post game. To dismiss these as "JRPG's lmao" doesn't do the genre any justice.
>All of the most popular games now are competitive multiplayer titles with no story at all where the gameplay intricacies are deep dived to the most precise level possible
Is this a fucking joke? Only gameplay does not equal good. Competitive does not mean deep and technical. While i'm not trying to downplay them entirely, most of them are just shooter, MOBA or similar that is either a complete mess to spectate or quite literally the only genre that gets served.
You are associating technicalities and deep gameplay solely with online competitive games and that's your mistake. You really think people can't discover lots of things in a game like Devil May Cry? The OG Resident Evil Games? Metal Gear Rising? Kingdom Hearts 2? There are tricks and tools in these games that get discovered years later. Things that put the entire game or the speedrun community upside down. Things people discuss in discord channels and online forums to this day. Do you seriously think these things are exclusive to online multiplayer games?

>> No.8414838

You are so fucking delusional it's hilarious. You're awed by simplistic systems that let you beat up AI and then handwave anything actually mechanically impressive, or that requires thousands of hours of practice and still won't even gurantee you're even able to compete at them.
You literally just said Resident Evil, a game whose gameplay mechanics consist of auto-aim, and the ability to sprint, and with "advanced tactics" that involve glitching AI to run into a wall, is as or more complex as a game like Counterstrike, Street Fighter or DOTA. Games that you admit you don't even like because you're too dumb to understand everything that's going on when you watch them. You're so fucking braindead it's unbelievable.

>> No.8414849

Everyone knows Tales series have crazy tech in them along with super bosses and insane difficulty modes.

>> No.8414858

I really wish Street Fighter was that complex maybe then it wouldn't be perpetually dead.
All this talk about madskillz is just empty bravado, majority of consumers are casuals and won't even touch ranked.

>> No.8414860

I like playing good games. I hate being a consooooomer. That about sums it up. I feel like modern gaming is mostly about manipulating consumers into an addictive cycle of spending more and more money on video games. It's hard to rationalize buying new games when you can boot up an older game you already like.

>> No.8414869

Games are still cooooonsoooooming your time which is your most valuable possession you pathetic idiot.

>> No.8414874

lmfao you're a literal retard. enjoy jerking off to your flashy anime characters juggle AI, something even rudimentary fighting game players can do with ease in training mode and thinking it's the peak of gameplay. Jesus what a fucking joke you are

>> No.8414880

>You're awed by simplistic systems that let you beat up AI
Sounds easier than you think anon. If you think you can just easily jump cancel your way through bosses in DMC3 i got some hot news for you.
>and then handwave anything actually mechanically impressive, or that requires thousands of hours of practice and still won't even gurantee you're even able to compete at them.
That's a really interesting way to say "mindgames against real players are harder". You could apply that analogy to every banal competitive game
>it's harder to lie to someone in among us
>it's harder to build fast enough in Fortnite to guard against a talented marksman
That's a really unjustified way to diminish what some single player games are capable of.
>as a game like Counterstrike, Street Fighter or DOTA. Games that you admit you don't even like because you're too dumb to understand everything that's going on when you watch them.
Counterstrike? No, i can see the argument there
Street Fighter? Also no, i would count that together with Tekken as one of the modern games that actually stood true to their roots and still managed to be entertaining from a spectator perspective.
DOTA? Miss me with that MOBA shit. I have lots of friends playing either that or LoL and
1: none of them are happy
2: they constantly complain about imbalance, things being not in their favor, things out of their control causing them to lose etc. And to me this sounds nothing like a skillbased game.

>> No.8414884

Why are you flaming, anon?
I got knocked back to '04 with the obvious bait. At some point, I gotta ask, why try to rile up the feathers? Is something wrong, and it gives you a rush? I hope fhat, if it's true, that things go well for your sake. Playful trolling is one thing, but being so brazen about it just reminds me of my counselor days.

>> No.8414893

No one cares about competitive people play games when they want to chill with friends.

>> No.8414898

The whole point of anti-consumerism is to focus on self-improvement so you don't waste time on fruitless pursuits, you're still frying your dopamine receptors with old games and 4chan then it isn't doing much.

>> No.8414904

There's a ton of older games I missed out on as a kid, that's all. I love being able to devour the best of the best from all time periods, like an insatiable time-traveling parasite. Both the modern and retro gaming fronts covers most of my desired niches, like God bless those story-lite Japanese DRPGs that still get pumped out to this day.

That, and there's some dead franchises that don't exist in the modern era anyways. I'll never get my Ogre Battle Episode VIII because what little of the old team is stuck on FFXIV or retired. Then there's F-Zero, Armored Core etc.

>> No.8414914

>If you think you can just easily jump cancel your way through bosses in DMC3 i got some hot news for you.
You can beat every DMC game on DMD just spamming Stinger who gives a shit about whatever glitch some autistic retard discovered that serves no practical purpose? Again flash over substance.
>That's a really unjustified way to diminish what some single player games are capable of.
read: stop pointing out how stupid I am for trying to say even the most complex single player game is skilled and techinal compared to any multiplayer game.
No one cares about beating AI, it's so simplistic children can do it. Single player games are the exclusive domain of fat weebs making xxxfaze420noscopesxxx montage videos of them beating up AI in whatever the latest DMC clone is, when they can't even throw a fireball in actual fighting games and autistic speedrunners.

>> No.8414918

I don't understand what you're trying to argue here. That modern competitive games would fulfill your desire for technical single player games like said Devil May Cry? You're mixing up two different worlds here.
Anon is not wrong when it comes to modern single player games. A God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn don't really do it for people who want to express themselves with combos or a good digestable Resident Evil Speed Run action. Something like RDR2 wouldn't enable you any of that either. And this type of video game design is omnipresent in the modern era.
competitive multiplayer titles are cool and all, but that's an entire genre for itself and there is no reason to throw that into this topic.

>> No.8414919

New retail releases are honestly kind of disappointing. Not to say that they're all bad
or that you cant have fun with them, but with how much they focus on grinding like a shitty MMO/RPG, padded pointless open world elements, or are massive time commitments, I just stick to older games.
Not to say that all new games are bad though, I love digging through Steam's New Releases tab just to wishlist any games that catch my eye, or going deep into certain genre pages. It's a good way to relive the sense of wonder thats missing in AAA games.

>> No.8414924
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Maybe there was confusion since I wasn't the anon you replied to, but I feel like there's more than one reason to be anti consumerism. If they didn't want to waste their time with video games, they wouldn't even be here. I think they probably just feel that older games might respect their time better, which there can be an argument made for and against, but at least has some sort of conversation.
Just going "you're wasting time anyways lmao" as if that's some big own feels disingenuous, sorry. It comes out of left field as just another excuse to insult someone, and doesn't make much sense since you yourself are in /vr/. If you're just looking for (you)s, please go to /v/ or somewhere else. You're always welcome to join in on the discussion in earnest though.

>> No.8414929

>That modern competitive games would fulfill your desire for technical single player games like said Devil May Cry?
"high level" DMC gameplay is literally just fucking around in training mode with the added ease of simplier inputs and far more generous timings required, and then drenched with anime aesthetic.
Single player games have been reduced to interactive movies because there's nothing else to do with them anymore now that anyone who wants to actually dive deep into games can get a multiplayer match in 10 seconds.

>> No.8414934

1. I'm current loading up my phone with emulators and roms to play while I'm away on holidays. I come here to view the alternatives like real hardware some of which I have but don't want to risk damaging
2. I play retro games so often because I genuinely prefer some of the titles of yesteryear to modern titles or even the remasters and remakes
3. Its no secret, Nostalgia especially for people born before 95.

>> No.8414943

There is cheese in any game, including multiplayer. Single player games don't get that constant rain of repatching mistakes online games do. That's why things like those videos are left untouched even in remasters. It's a fun option and no dev intends to take that away from the player.
If you want a multiplayer example to that: 2 years ago the entire Tekken community had an aneurysm to Leroy who was laughably easy to play and had frame data values people literally didn't want to believe are real. It made every level of play unplayable and that stigma still remains to this day with that character who is still an absolute joke after many many patches that tried to castrate him completely.
I'm not well versed with other games, but i'm pretty sure they feature similar problems too. Soft bans are not a foreign thing for many games. Having a cheesy strategy doesn't invalidate a whole system

>> No.8414949

One day maybe I'll be ready to quit consuming video games too anon. I take one day at a time.

>> No.8414950

chill a bit. It honestly doesn't matter what you break down games like Devil May Cry to. The original argument was "these type of games don't exist in the modern era anymore" and that's entirely true. Sure there are some and a Devil May Cry V also exists, but people have been waiting for that for 11 years and it's not certain if that series sticks for longer. Just think about the 11 years. That alone should tell you how few and far between such single player games are and that just sucks for the people who are into them

>> No.8414953

Retro games are more representative of what makes video games unique as an artform.

>> No.8415025

I stopped liking new games after 7th gen
Other message boards are dead
This seems like the least schizo board on this site

>> No.8415062

Except they do exist, they're just multiplayer games now so you have to actually get good at them and that pisses people off who would rather have the video game equivalent of a participation trophy, or who don't actually want to play high skill technical games and just want anime characters to do "cool" things when they push buttons

>> No.8415347
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>why are you here on /vr/?
/v/ moves too fast and the shitposting there is out of control. Not to say that the shitposting is better here, but threads I'm interested in here don't hit the bump limit as fast.

>What makes you play retro game frequently?
I've always kept my old games and systems. I don't know, I just like the idea of replaying something from my youth, or checking out something I've missed from back then.

>What in your opinion is the massive appeal?
There really is no mass appeal. Retro gaming is a niche inside a niche. I think people who are into retro games can appreciate a time in which game developers and hardware manufacturers were willing to take risks. I think what makes retro gaming more appealing than modern games is that you can spend as little or as much money as you want

>> No.8415367

I like retro, my soul is made of pixels (not the VCR ones, the ugly kind of pixels). Also I am poor, so I emulate.
I come here because there are periods /v/ becomes fucking abysmal with content, at least here there is conversation, and less existential angst.

>> No.8415467

>he isn't able to do both

>> No.8415763
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Not based, just redpilled

>> No.8415765

>coming back
i never left
multiplayer and gacha doesnt interest me. that filters 90% of modern gaming. the rest is just indie artsy fartsy shit i dont care for.

>> No.8415836

This pretty much sums it up. I agree with most anons here, but every goddamn show in the last years just made it very clear to me that i am not part of their clientele anymore. Mostly because people who have been in this medium for arcade fun reasons are neglected for the sake of fishing newcommers.
I welcome it though. There are so many retro and some modern games to dive deeper into. It makes me appreciate what we have and be more selective and less consume oriented. If anything now is the right time for people to set their priorities straight and grow themselves

>> No.8415846 [DELETED] 
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>thinks game with flashy nonsense is "technical"

>> No.8415856
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when half of 7th gen is comprised of picrel, it really makes you want to seek something else.

>> No.8415862
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>> No.8415907
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Because Forbes told me that old games are a "buy"!

>> No.8415949

>treating games like valuables and reselling them for a high price
I hate this so fucking much why did you make me see this

>> No.8415987

Based Arise chad. You're a bit autistic but games that enable you the level of interaction an Arise for instance does really are rare these days. If they are harder or more technical than multiplayer games is a topic i don't want to dive into, but this type of games don't exist anymore because people much rather consoom to no end or play competitive games to substitute their lack of socialization in real life.
you on the other hand are 110% autistic. I have nothing positive to say about you. One gimmicky strategy you can opt to in games doesn't make the entire gameplay construct bad. This shit exists in all games in one way or another. You got to be really fucking dense to ignore every other option you have in this game just because
>bruh you can cheese the super boss to death
Same goes to you. Not necessarily the autistic part, but
>You can beat every DMC game on DMD just spamming Stinger who gives a shit
is the shittiest argument there is out there. And it's pretty ironic coming from someone who is praising Counterstrike, Street Fighter and DOTA to high heaven. Do you have any idea how early builds of these games looked like? How many patches they had behind them? How for instance in SF2 Capcom tried to nerf Akuma and only made him even stronger than he already was? By your logic all 3 of these games are just as braindead and garbage as DMC is with it's Stinger spam. Invalidating a whole game because of an easy META strategy is completely nonsensical.

>> No.8416052

>By your logic all 3 of these games are just as braindead and garbage as DMC is with it's Stinger spam.
Nta but you can’t apply the same logic to sf, or any other competitive game out there. You can be a flowchart Ken all you want but scrub strategies get their shit punished in early on in the game for the player to get more of a strategy than just
>huuuhh dp when close
>firebal when fair away
>jumping hk -> sweep

>> No.8416080

That's a knowledge check you're trying to apply here. Of course some cheesy shit like the Ken flowchart won't fly with high level players. But what about for instance Sagat? Spamming his high and low tiger was so troublesome that japan back then collectively agreed on softbanning him. It was something even pro players struggled with, especially performed by someone who knew what he was doing.
Or Akuma. You could write a whole book about what was wrong with him. He dominated every SF ever since he debuted.
What about Tekken 3 where only 4 characters were good and the rest garbage?
What about Tekken 5 Steve's infinite that had to be banned in tournaments?
What about Marvel vs Capcom 2 where only 7 characters are playable?
And these aren't some trivial little things. They pretty much dictated the whole game

>> No.8416098

Comcast monopoly means I have to look for games that don't use always-online DRM, gigabytes of updates and DLC.

>> No.8416150
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Couple reasons:
>Most of them can run in the best settings on any machine, so they're a great choice if I just wanna play something on my laptop and/or don't wanna pay $500 for a single part of a PC
>Many of them are easy to pirate and even outright encouraged to be "distributed for free" by their creators, so you can pretty much own the files to them anytime
>1GB or less, yet you can easily get entire hours of fun and story from them (HL and spinoffs, for example)
>The graphics are a charming mix of realism and something you'd see in a late 90s Lego set, none of that "every hair is simulated!!!" shit that modern games are doing. Maps in particular look very nice and cozy, even in an FPS game they make you wanna look around and take screenshots of scenery
>3D ones didn't have entire Chinese studios dedicated to making hyperrealistic textures yet, so you'd often get some funny "so THAT's what that thing was" moments when some dev talked about how they made them
>As far as my faves go, everything comes in the game, the only DLCs and expansions you get is "oh here's some extra levels as a challenge, if you wanna do 'em"
>Story-oriented games were struggling to be considered a serious storytelling medium, so a lot of them did their best to be original and tell an interesting story without making you feel like you're listening to a preachy lecture, or just went for an action flick-styled thing
Granted, I'm mostly talking about PC games or emulation here, I have next to no experience with consoles because they weren't much of a thing here in eastern Yurop.

>> No.8416164

>The intended audience for new video games are completely different people than I am
This, I legit can't relate to depressed teens, weird journalists who own a whole collection of Funko Pops, and perma-horny gymgoer femboys.

>> No.8416198

Yea fair. But even then, getting to the level where say, only 7 characters viable in MVC2, is even matters, is hard. You could say stuff like
>iron man infinite is brain dead
>everyone picks MSP/MSS/MSC
>90% of the cast is unviable
which is true, but again, outside of this, actually picking up the game and learning the ins and outs of it is quite challenging and theres lots of knowledge and muscle memory to learn. So calling the game "braindead" is wrong, even tho at first glance it seems that way.

It's like when someone complains about tier lists and OP characters when they're still at the level of learning how to throw a fireball. A newbie has so much to learn where literally tier lists don't even matter. It's fun to discuss tier lists and brain dead strats I get it, but there's a long way to go before these things have any weight.

>> No.8416237

>If anything now is the right time for people to set their priorities straight and grow themselves
I like this. It's kind of how I look at things. I've re-evaluated why I buy the things I buy and how I spend my time these last few years. It's not only about retro games for me. I did it with movies and books too. I would rather play Doom, watch Robocop, or read the LotR again, than waste another hour chasing a new dopamine hit because that's what it usually is. The hype train.

>> No.8416327

I think we both mean the same thing here. I'm not devaluing any fighting game because only 4 characters or so are viable. Such Tier 0 formats can be really fun and intense too and they also have so many things going for them when it comes gameplaytechnical depth. I just generally disagree - single player or multi player - to invalidate a whole system just because some cheesy strategies are also strongly viable. It's not doing any sort of media justice.

>> No.8416432

You're definitely not alone in that regard. It might not be 100% the same thing, but minimalism is gaining popularity since 2018. It's just a matter of time till it hits the gaming landscape and people question their consume behavior more. I personally hope that's going to diminish this extremely affluent culture.

>> No.8417046

It's not the age of the games that makes them good, I simply like good games regardless of their age. I won't like a bad game for being old, nor will I play an outclassed game for being old, I will play the best games. Many of the best games are old.

>> No.8417378

Easier to pirate them, and they are smaller in size too.

>> No.8417406

It's more chill here and generally the taste is better. Also v is really weird and race obsessed for the last 4 years with it worsening every year so this is home now. Seriously there is at least 1 thread about black people on that board AT ALL TIMES. Buncha weird faggots.

>> No.8417495

Yeah there's only maybe 3 or 4 threads actually about video games on /v/ at any given time. The rest is thinly veiled /pol/ shit.

>> No.8418451

/v/ was never the same after 2013, when feminists made videos about games, it broke their fucking brains. I used to post on /fit/ regularly too, when it used to be funny and informative. But they're also completely obsessed about race and inceldom to an unhealthy level.

But here there's at least a few threads/posts that are genuinely very helpful and interesting.

>> No.8418516

Every gaming-related discussion site fractured at the same time and for the same reason

>> No.8418734

>not a target audience

>> No.8418882

Retro games can't turn my computer into an oven.

>> No.8418978

>Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classics
>picture of nes-dracultroid

>> No.8418990

Older games are not anti-White/anti-normal. There is also a wider variety of genres among 10/10 games, whereas today many games are ubishit meant to kill your time worse than quarter munchers.

I still play some modern games, but it’s like a 90/10 split in favor of retro.

>> No.8419098

They're fun and they're easier to pirate and run than more modern games.

>> No.8419179

because good games have always been coming out and strictly sticking to any era is retarded.

>> No.8419213

The last good racing game came out 10 years ago.

>> No.8419313
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A big part is the graphics, I just find retro games with lots of perceived layers or games that use line scrolling to just be pleasing to look at.

A lot of modern games just look ugly such as Doom eternal, Spiderman as well as Ratchet and Clank, artistically they just look ugly. There are a couple of real innovative games but they tend to be indies such as teardown. Modern games do still have some real nice moments in 4k.

>> No.8419317

Because it's a way to know there will be still a way to play my favourite childhood games

>> No.8421278

As far as i'm concerned: they are the very definition of a video game. Modern games barely pass that standard. And i now some people here hat a literal mental meltdown over the PS2 being retro now, but outside of some shitty story-driven games, it is still within the range of a video game. Just like how the 7th gen will be for the most part.
Retro games will go down the fucking shitter once the PS4 joins the frey. But luckily that's far away i'm not worried about anons spamming PS4 games around here anytime soon

>> No.8422039
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Because old videogames had fanservice, original stories, unpolitical correct jokes and other things that we will never see again. While modern videogames are nothing more than woke agenda(example: the last of us 2).

>> No.8422242

Because there are no games for me being made anymore. Games are now just gatcha machines or stores with a game attached. I do not have the free time to grind for lootboxes or the free income to spend on skins.
Games are not made to be fun anymore they are made to be addicting.

>> No.8422715

I'm about as old as the Dreamcast so i haven't really played a lot of older games through to the end, (I'm just right now playing and loving FF6 for the first time) and i find the pre-9/11 era of gaming and media as a whole intoxicatingly optimistic and cheerful.
It's like the global concensus back in 1994-2001 was that it was only uphill from then.

>> No.8422767
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hate modern vidya and /v/, luv the classics
simple as

>> No.8422790

When PS2 was popular I emulated tons of Genesis and SNES games because it was easy and PS2 games cost $50.
When PS4 was popular I downloaded tons of PS2 games because it was easy and PS4 games cost $60.

>> No.8422838
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Games don't really 'feel' the same, I don't know it's weird. I'm a zoomer so I'm not even nostalgia blinded, and I don't have any friends or anything so it's not like I'm being a contrarian to shit on the opinions of others. Games are released now with millions of polygons, intricate animation work, millions of dollars worth of advertisements and worked on by hundreds of people, yet they always feel lacking compared to retro games. Maybe it's the abundance of bugs, or that there aren't any games really trying to take risks in fear of losing out on millions in revenue, but modern games just don't have the same 'magical' appeal to me.

I think a big reason also is that because I'm a zoomer, I missed out on the chance to play some of these older games, so trying to track down a new game to play and going through the process to play it legit makes it more satisfying to load up and play. Even if the game turns out to be complete garbage, there was at least some enjoyment had in the novelty of trying to obtain a physical copy of some random japanese game that I bought off of some nobody out in bum-fuck-nowhere.

>> No.8422860

>Person plays old video games and explains their reasons for doing so
Have fun sinking thousands of dollars to get randomized waifu drops in chinese spyware, normie

>> No.8422890

>I'm no longer the target audience for new video games
Couldn't say it better myself

>> No.8422897

I love the old halo games, but playing halo infinite makes me physically cringe with some of the retarded marvel like lines that are said. I guess I just am not the target audience because people love that shit now

>> No.8422909

In addition to >>8414435, it’s because I can basically play any fucking retro game I want for free and on demand and there is a ceaseless list of incredible retro games. Most of the higher quality games of today are indie titles that are made by devs who loved retro vidya, and since I identify with that group I like to study older, timeless games to see what fundamental aspects of game design are universally liked and hated. I feel like I’m getting close enough to finally get to work on actually making a game, and /vr/ helps to bolster my resolve.

Also, I can’t stand /v/ anymore. I’ve burned myself out on the repeated low-quality bait threads that are ceaselessly perpetuated there and (for now) /vr/ is the place to be for actual vidya discussion.

>> No.8423635

>Most of the higher quality games of today are indie titles that are made by devs who loved retro vidya
I disagree with that vehemently. Many of these indie games that try to reignite classics just failed miserably. This year alone: Alisa the Awakening, Tormented Souls. Compared to Resident Evil 3 for instance? They suck hard. How is a game from 1999 more fluent, faster and more comfortable to play than literal 2021 games that try to bring that game concept to the modern age? I much rather play the original classics again than to even finish these new indies for once. Lots of indie devs are just not talented enough and that's not really their fault. They try to do too much as a single guy. You're never going to get that far on your own.
That's my message to anyone who is trying to get into indie developing: just don't. There is already too much garbage in this market and too many before you failed. Don't torture yourself like that.

>> No.8424436

The thing that strikes me the most after reading the replies on this thread, including my own, is that time is really limited. I don't have time to play new games. I don't have time to replay the games I enjoyed the most either. I keep coming back to retro games because I enjoy playing them. If I have to choose between spending money and maybe enjoying a new game, or playing an old game I already own and enjoy, well then it's really an easy choice to make.

>> No.8424723

both comments very true.

>> No.8425078

I'm too much of a poorfag to even emulate anything past 5th gen, and I've only played a handful of post 6th gen games to care about newer games

>> No.8426448

Most modern games (apart from their amazing graphics that I waited for for decades) are crappy experiences PERIOD.

>> No.8426457

Simple games mostly made for the sake of making good games. Even into the PS2 gen, you still had relatively small teams making games because they wanted too. Modern games are so soulless

>> No.8426545
File: 48 KB, 585x457, team buddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's spice up this fucking thread:
post reasons why you always come back to retro
For me it's Team Buddies

>> No.8427359

the timelessness of the old games.
mankind forgot how to make timeless things around 20 years ago.

>> No.8427650

True. That's about when women disappeared too.

>> No.8427668

this + new games lack SOUL

>> No.8427686

low poly war game is cute

>> No.8427985

>Why are you here on /vr/
i'm only here for the doom thread usually
>What makes you play retro games frequently?
there's a sense of charm to them. the kind of charm that isn't in modern games anymore since lately, it feels like modern games have become more like a service than an actual game.
>What in your opinion is the massive appeal?
that's a tough question because a lot of stuff appeals to me with retro games. the art styles, the stories, the progression of technology, and how much these games grew in such a short time. it used to be so simple. i wish we kept it that way.

>> No.8428250

Woketrash is one thing, but MTX pushing you to buy the same game over and over again makes me avoid the few modern games that aren't woke

>> No.8428273

The best games that will ever be made have already been made. Modern games are either derivative of the classics, or just flashy interactive movies with no challenge.

>> No.8428351

Tormented Souls isn't even indie and the other one is a straight-up clone. Those are always shit. You should find games that are inspired by retro ones, not ones that try to reimplement them with a different coat of paint. That's the good ones.

>> No.8428374

I just really like old platformers like Megaman and Castlevania.

>> No.8428379

Because sometimes I get burned out on the newer stuff and feel like going back to simpler days for a while.

>> No.8428407

Newer games just don't satisfy my game craving as well as older games do. I got old and now i begin to wonder how much longer before lose all taste for anything new.

>> No.8428420

Yeah, I feel you. But I don't know if "new" games are the problem, but a lack of experimentation and of having a larger pool of genres. Most big budget AAA titles are some flavor of FPS, and we don't get much of anything else besides indies with much smaller budgets.

I had quite a bit of fun playing Bloodstained, but you can tell Igarashi was starved for a budget.

>> No.8428428
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sometimes new games are better. The Etrian Odyssey series is far superior to any 80s 90s dungeon crawler.

>> No.8428674
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This is true. I like BotW more than other Zelda's. Really wish I didn't listen to /v/ about how it's a generic open world game and played it sooner. It's a way more "game-y" game than Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess by a lot.

>> No.8428769

Yea, you got it. Every time i play something new i think to myself "this has been done better already"

>> No.8428772

From 1980 to 2000, video games went from a black screen with simple colors (Pac-Man) to almost TV-quality cg (Tekken Tag PS2). There's been a whole lot of changes from 2000-2020, but mostly lateral moves instead of breaking completely new ground. For example the game controller layout has basically remained the same since 2000. Compare that with the dozens of console game controllers from 80-2000

It's like seeing a baby being born to graduating HS, vs seeing an awkward college freshman grow into a responsible parent. In the latter case there's a lot of changes, but not as dynamic as seeing where almost everything began

>> No.8429029

It is a generic open world game though. Those games are better than /v/ would like you to believe. It's usually not the gameplay that makes them shit.

>> No.8429087

There's something about games before the internet was mainstream. I guess I just respect how hard they had to work and that the only pandering they needed to do was for themselves and not any social media.

>> No.8430098

The industry got co opted by big money, simple as. There is still some good stuff that comes out in modern times, but why wade through a sea of shit and propaganda in order to find gold when you could just go for stuff that has been clearly marked as gold from the past?

I just dont feel like wasting my time any more.

>> No.8430347
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I don't like video games enough to keep up with the hobby. I'm an adult with a career and commitments to think about –I can't be dropping multiple hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars and double-digit hours on electronic TV toys (frankly, I don't see how you can without having a career playing them or being a total dork-o-tron). The nice thing about retro games is that they scratch my entertainment itch for exactly as long as I want them to, and in exactly how I want them to. There's no obligation to keep playing or keep paying, and there's an endless stream of games for me to play quickly and easily whenever I so fancy.

Regarding /vr/ specifically? For all it's faults – and I do think they have increased over the years – it's still the best place I've found to discuss the games I'm interested in on the internet. If I join a Discord chatroom or whatever and want to talk about Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict, not only do I need to wade through ten-thousand rotten-brained 19-year-olds, but it's statistically unlikely that they've even heard of the game (unless it's the meme thing du jour). On /vr/, I can always expect at least someone who knows what I mean to post their thoughts in at least a somewhat understandable way, and I enjoy reading them. I'm pretty sure that /vr/'s userbase is older and more mature than most other video game communities online, which helps immensely.

Also, I agree with >>8414435 100%. I detest memes, shitposting, and whatever else is popular on Twitter or TikTok or MagooSquirt these days, and having it associated with a particular hobby (say, just for example, Japanese entertainment media) really ruins my enjoyment of that hobby.

>> No.8430380

95% of games right now are goddamn battle royales, experience-based first person shooters or gacha trash.

>> No.8430448
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Easier to access (max 4gb vs 500gb), easier to emulate on preferred system (Vita), generally more care put into the end product than newer.

>> No.8431961
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i play this whenever i need some comfy-time

>> No.8431995
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>why are you here on /vr/?
I cannot afford modern graphics cards/monitors/consoles/games, but happen to have kept a lot of the games I got when CRTs were popular. The board at one time moved slow enough that I could reply between shifts at work, but has gotten more difficult with its current speed.

>What makes you play retro game frequently?
Typically good, addictive gameplay and/or cute female characters.

>What in your opinion is the massive appeal?
Entertainment on the cheap. Low cost to emulate and a great way to decompress from the difficulties of work/life.

>> No.8431996

What's with the countertop notepad gimmick?

>> No.8432021
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It is the only table I have. Cannot fit any larger in this studio.

>> No.8432030

damn, based MML fan

>> No.8432037

Just post your shelf already

>> No.8432123

That doesn't explain why you have it as a gimmick.

>> No.8432161

I assume he doesn't have space for a shelf, and the games are stored in boxes, so this is the only way to display his collection, contextually.

>> No.8432348

right in the feels
the sad part is that even if it gets made, it will be *modern* and probably shit.

>> No.8433839

I wish that it was easier to modify older games. Romhacks are really great.

>> No.8435289

there is really nothing left in the modern era for me to remain in. Handhelds died, my favorite IP's died, there are no alternatives to said IP and by now everything in there is a video game adaption of already strongly established franchises from other media. That's not what i associate video games with. Not to mention that they really don't give a fuck anymore about replayability so they can sell you the same game with minor differences next year. It's so strongly consume oriented and i only have some games like Tekken 7 left to dive deeper into.
There is one called Delta Gal. And to be real honest with you: fuck fanmade games. These people just can't compete with a whole talented dev team of Capcom and it really shows. Man for fucks sake, not even the west can compete with the big japanese developers. I always said they suck cock at game design and now those failed remasters (GTA for instance) just further proof my point

>> No.8435797
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It is a very charming series. Capcom used to remix their robot series in new and interesting ways. Tons of personality created by their talented art teams.

I hear they have been hitting it out of the park with remakes lately. Capcom has remakes of Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4 which seem to be pretty popular lately.

Wow! Thanks! This is pretty cool. I think this is pretty charming and nice too. It definitely has the spirit. I remember another fan game which had a girl on an air bike or something. I kind of wish these amazing fan games would get fully fleshed out to a full experience one day. Thanks again for pointing out Delta Gal, going to give this more of a try later.

As pointed out, most of my stuff is in boxes. Have to stay mobile to move.

It is the only relatively clear space I have to take the pics. Once I could afford a bigger place, I can try to get some more furniture. Just hoping I win the lottery one day.