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840673 No.840673 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this console so terrible?
SNES has better platformers and RPGs.
TG-16 has better shmups.
Is there anything this console does well?

>> No.840683

Keeps you bitching about it on 4chan instead of inflicting your no-doubt unbearable self upon the public.

>> No.840685


>> No.840687

Nintendo fanboy thread is here >>840481

>> No.840715

I grew up with Snes and yet I still love both systems equally.

>> No.840717

question, are these region free?

>> No.840734

SNES had more JRPG's. That's about it. Genesis was better in every other regard, though.

>> No.840735

>Is there anything this console does well?

What Nintendon't.

>> No.840770

this, for shooters its equal with the pc engine too imo.

>> No.840783

i dunno m8, did turbo-grafics have thunder force 4 or gleylancer or musha or fireshark?

>> No.840784

Genesis wins for shmups, run-n-guns, brawlers.
SNES wins for JRPGs.
Both platforms tie for platformers.

Genesis wins.

>> No.840818

it had blazing lazers, super star solider, final soldier, soldier blade, best r-type, best gradius, best gradius 2, best salamander, gate of thunder, it had some awesome shit but yeah all the ones you listed are what put genny on par with TG16 imo

>> No.840834
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>TG-16 has better shmups.

>> No.840851

The only platforming games I enjoyed on the Genesis was Sonic, and even then I'd rather play Mario. I've tried Ristar, Vectorman, Valis, and Eccho and they were all decent, and compared to the Super Nintendo's platformers, that's all they were.

SNES had games like Kirby, Yoshi's Island, Mega Man X, and Super Metroid.

>> No.840875

yoshi's island is pure dogshit. I can see why you prefer the SNES though

>> No.840972
File: 20 KB, 480x360, bafftiem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed Landstalker more than Link to the Past. Am I the only one?

>> No.841156

Genesis has a lot of nice games, but it's almost remarkable that the Genesis was neck and neck with the SNES back in the day.

There are just much more gems on the SNES, and while that doesn't take away from the Genesis, it's clear being darker and hipper was just as effective for marketing then as now.

Unless you have your nostalgia goggles on too tight.

>> No.841315

you're the one with your nostalgia goggles on too tight. Genesis has more gems you probably think RKA is some hidden gem. SNES has better RPGs thats it.

>> No.841327

Genesis was fucking great for action games

>> No.841340

the marketing didn't have as much to do with it as it gets credit for. being half the price of a SNES for years, and being the go to system for sports games had alot more to do with it being able to compete than marketing.

>> No.841343

It's not the nineties anymore (sadly), it's not a competition, I like to enjoy awesome games on any platform, I just find that the Genesis doesn't have as many gems as the SNES.

I honestly don't care about the silly "war" of the time.

>Besides, PC was better than both of the consoles.

>> No.841368

>Why is this console so terrible?
Because you're a fucking retard.
>Is there anything this console does well?
Sure, platformers, isometric platformers, action games, a mix of shit, a few RPGs, it also dominates in sports games unfortunately sports games are faggotry.

>> No.841370

Have you tried equinox or light crusader? Those might be up your alley.

>> No.841372

I had the super nintendo and NES growing up but I liked Genesis and TG16 too because my friend had them. I actually like the Genesis more because of all the awesome games I have found on it. Genesis has awesome arcade ports and the SNES kind of fails there.

>> No.841401

> arcade ports

But in an age where MAME is so easy to use it's a moot point.

>> No.841402

Both the Genesis and the SNES are "region free". The carts are differently shaped though, and you have to play them through a game genie or similar device.

Most Genesis games from the year 1994 ARE region locked, though.

Also, OP is a faggot.

>> No.841417

I have Solstice for the NES sitting on a shelf but I didn't care for it when I first tried it. I was actually thinking of trying it again recently since my tastes have changed over the years.

Would you say Equinox is better than Solstice? I've tried Light Crusader in an emulator and wasn't hooked but I didn't give it a fair shake either. I just played for like 5 minutes so ya know some day I'll give it another go.

I'm kind of weird with how I play games man. I'll be really interested in something and pick it up then let it sit around for ages (some times years) until I get a bug up my ass to play it. Or I'll start it and come back to it a year or two later and think to myself why the fuck didn't I just finish it when I first started it.

>> No.841420

Yeah, "Blast Processing," or in plain English, "jack fucking shit."

>> No.841431

In plain Egnlish: "The processor is about a third faster than the SNES processor"

That's why the SNES is known for RPGs, because it can't actually run any other genre without crippling slowdown.

>> No.841442

>Would you say Equinox is better than Solstice?

beside the perspective, they're really very different games. whereas Solstice is one big labyrinth, Equinox has an over-world and is broken up into Zelda-ish type dungeons. also Equinox is a very hard game, I highly highly reccomend using the unlimited lifes and magic code. even using that the game is still a huge challenge.

>> No.841451

Sounds pretty bad ass. I'll definitely check it out.

>> No.841551

I don't think there is any platforming in Ecco.

>> No.841559
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Gotta go fast

>> No.841561

I think it held the SNES back. When it did action type games it just couldn't display as much as the other consoles thus a lot of its action games just didn't reach their full potential because they either had to scale back or you would be hit with a wall of slow down.

>> No.841581


>Yoshi's Island
>Pure dogshit

what the fuck dude, I'm a Sega guy and I still fucking love that game.

>> No.841685
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This game alone made my Genesis a great console.

>> No.841695

>In plain Egnlish: "The processor is about a third faster than the SNES processor"
Except it's not. It's about ~0.8x faster.

>> No.841701


It doesn't matter. They're two different systems with completely different CPUs.


>> No.841708
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Yeah, no shit megahertz myth, the Sega is clocked twice as fast, hence pointing out that it's not actually a third faster but in fact, slower typically. SNES handles bandwidth and transfers far better, the Genesis has a bunch of registers to use. Genesis has more versatile sprite dynamics, SNES has larger, more and better colors for sprites but is limited to which ones it can use.

>> No.841715

>Yeah, no shit megahertz myth

Ok, so which post was yours? If you already knew about it then why why were you arguing with >>841431

They're both great systems so what is anyone's point? OP probably just wanted to stir up shit anyway.

>> No.842190

In plain english, it's an obscure programming trick to display tiles while simultaneously loading another one.

>> No.842293

Those games have nothing in common besides the fact that you play as a blonde elf.

>> No.842543

They're both action adventure games with a series of puzzle filled dungeons. Also Link in Link to the Past had pink hair.

>> No.842558

road rash 2 & 3
shining force (or in the darkness if you like 1st person pov)
splatterhouse 3
mortal kombat 1 (see if notice any difference from the snes version)

>> No.842570 [DELETED] 

>Genesis was better in every other regard, though.

That's blatantly wrong though...

>> No.842585

Genesis had very little platformers compared to snes... are there any on genesis that rival the quality of DKC 1, 2, 3, Mario world, all stars, yoshi's island, Kirby fucking super star, Megaman X 1 2 and 3, Cybernator, metal warriors, blackthorne, Super castlevania 4, demon's crest, DoReMi fantasy, Phantom 2049, plok, super metroid

I feel like genesis fans waaaayyyy overplay how good the library was on it

>> No.842587 [DELETED] 

It does

>> No.842597
File: 397 KB, 486x3155, 1371929340359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better in the 4th generation
Hell no. You get what, a better Doom port in exchange for having to fuck around with command prompts, sound card drivers, serial bus devices that never worked and a $2,000+ initial investment?

>> No.842604

Shumps were better cause they're no longer crippled by the horrible framerate drops that SNES had due to the SNES CPU. The only impressive shump for the SNES was Axelay and even then the framerate takes a huge shit in that game.

Run n Guns games were generally alot better and there were more on the Genesis cause of the faster CPU speed. Gunstar Heroes and Contra Hard Corps rarely have slowdown and its minimum at best and doesn't ruin it. SNES again loses this battle cause the CPU can't handle some of the shit that happens in some games.

Also some versions of Genesis games were alot better on their SNES counterpart. Turtles in time on SNES is horrible with it being a slow as fuck game compared to the original, not having a run button(when the Genesis had it with its 3 button controller) and was alot easier. Hyperstone Heist actually ran near the same speed as the Original arcade games and was actually a good challenge unlike the Arcade quarter munching or the SNES version easy. Earthworm Jim is also another Genesis game that was better on Genesis than SNES.

As for Beat n Ups it had fucking Streets of Rage which pretty much beat the shit out of Final Fight in every regard.

Platformers its really even. It comes to preference at this point.

the only thing the SNES had over the Genesis was RPGS.

>> No.842609

Dynamite Headdy
Langrisser 1 & 2
Genesis Does What Nintendon't

>> No.842616

Sonic 1-3 & Knuckles
Rocket Night Adventure
Castlevannia Bloodlines
Castle of Illusion
Earthworm Jim 1-2
Revenge of Shinobi
Shinobi III:

And those are just the platformers and I probably didn't list all the great ones

Genesis has such a great library that has everything for every genre.

Personally the Genesis library is equal and in some ways better than the SNES.

These threads never go anywhere cause its really preference if you preferred the Genesis and SNES games. Though saying the Genesis had no good games other than Sonic is just flat out ignorance

>> No.842623

Wasn't it SEGA, not Genesis?

>> No.842626


>> No.842638

Glad you didn't list Alex Kidd. It seemed cool at the time cuz all I'd really played was NES, but I'd forgotten how damn slippy-slidey Alex is, moving like a teflon-coated turtle on ice. Hopefully some Castle of Illusion will get the rage out of my veins.

>> No.842639 [DELETED] 
File: 639 KB, 800x1220, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you fapped to ads in your old Electronic Gaming Monthlys

>> No.842640

Whenever I play a genesis game it always feels so.. ghetto... I don't really know how to describe it but the graphics always seemed "off" and the music was always farty and horrible unless it was a jap composer who knew how to work the fm synth (which was rare obviously). I like some genesis games, don't get me wrong, but it just all feels second rate compared to efforts on snes

>> No.842641

who the fuck is Alex Kidd

>> No.842643

Troll thread

>> No.842648


>> No.842662

honestly Time has decided for us, while Snes has tons of well remembered classics that are still played and discussed in the mainstream, the only genesis series or game that is relevant today is SANIC HEGEHOG and the fact that the next sonic game is exclusive to nintendo is very telling. If someone tried to tell me in real life that the genesis' library stacks up to the snes I'd really laugh in their face. genesis only sold remarkably well in north america, where it ran on the fumes of the sonic craze, smear ads(BLAST PROCESSING, GENSIS DOES WAT NINTEDON'T(which looking back they really didn't do what nintendid lololol), being "cool"(MORTAL KOMBAT HASS BLOODDD GUYS!! SO COOL AND MATURE! MARIO IS FOR BABIES NEVERRMIND THE FACT THAT MK IS A SHIT GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE), and being the console for cool games(SPORRTRTTSSS)) and not baby games like mario... and nintendo sold the snes on simply putting out amazing games, and it simply shows. Again, time has already decided.

>> No.842664

some shitty old mario-alike that sega made to compete with nintendo but bombed miserably

>> No.842672

And even when games that genesis was known for get remade for modern console it's shit (see the new rocket knight game)

>> No.842681

people seriously replying to a troll thread, take the console war fanboy bullshit to /v/

>> No.842683

Both systems have huge libraries that cover every major genre.
Genesis had some good fast-paced run n gun and shmup games that beat their SNES counterparts, but the SNES had a larger library of RPGs to make up for that.

This entire debate is ultimately decided on whether or not you want more Square games or games like Gunstar Heroes. It's purely subjective and you're idiots for trying to claim one system was objectively better.

>> No.842697


Beyond Oasis is fucking rad too.

>> No.842701

PAL Snes is region locked.

>> No.842706

The SNES really fails at fast, arcade-like action games that you can just pick up and play. It fails hard.

Also, the Genesis has a TON more obscure or overlooked games that can be had for peanuts nowadays, so there's that too. Actually, collecting a solid library for the Genny is insanely cheap in general, at least compared to the SNES.

>> No.842727

>muh console war
You know for a fact that's the only reason you started this thread, OP. The Genesis was great, and so was the SNES.

>> No.843541


My mk1 is

>> No.845837
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I just like the Genesis more when it came to any action packed game. Racing, Shoot 'Em Up, Run N' Gun, Action Platforming, Isometric Shooters, and so on. Even with the great wealth of RPG's the SNES had I just like the only Genesis RPG I've played more than what I have currently played on the SNES, which is Shadowrun. Though if the Romancing SaGa trilogy was localized I'd probably be saying something different, but that isn't the case.

>> No.846101

I try to collect the best games for my systems and I have nearly 100 genesis games and only 40 SNES games, from an unbiased perspective.

>> No.848509

>I try to collect the best games for my systems and I have nearly 100 genesis games and only 40 SNES games, from an unbiased perspective.

Are you just buying what is perceived to be the best games or what you feel to be the best games?

>> No.848591

I buy what I think is actually worth playing and my genesis collection kicks the shit out of what I have for SNES, I think I have everything worth owning on SNES minus a few RPGs too.

>> No.848634

This is a battle no one can win. The two consoles have good games and bad games, leave it at that. It's all a matter of opinion. God, this shit would have been worse if we had crap like Metacritic back then.

If I say that after owning the Genesis and SNES version of Earthworm Jim that I kind of prefer the SNES version, you guys will rail against anything else I say that could potentially be valid anyway.

>> No.848639
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this is what I had for SNES pretty dece a few moar games I still want.

>> No.848646

Then you need to play RKA or Dynamite Headdy, faglord.

>> No.848642
File: 718 KB, 2560x1920, IMAG0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what I have accumulated for Genesis. I loved them both as a kid even the TG 16. I just never owned a genesis myself. Fucking amazing library not too many people bother to delve into i think. Super Nintendo has nothing on the level of General Chaos.

>> No.848714

Mega Bomberman, Robocop VS Terminator. You're all right.

>> No.848874

Where is your dynamite headdy and ranger x?

>> No.848880

havent come across them for a fair price yet, but yeah I want those games and trouble shooter and el viento especially

>> No.849007

anyone remember that gem drop game that I think might have come with some of the consoles. It's driving me nuts that I can't think of the title, but it wasn't popular enough to find easily online.

>> No.849020


>> No.849081

I feel the same way, the palettes are shit and the games seem to be written by demoscene guys. That's how I feel every time I see Road Rash, for example. Maybe it's because the Genesis predates the SNES, so all the example games I can think of are from the early early 90's. It's like you'd compare Phantasy Star IV to Lagoon, not Final Fantasy 6.

The sound quality issues were due to the default sound programming library being pretty basic.

>> No.849089

But then stuff like Thunderforce 3 is fucking sexy on the genesis and thunder spirits on SNES looks like shit.

>> No.849135

While SNES had more RPGS than the Genesis, I would argue that the Genesis had overall more high-quality ones.

Coming from someone who likes the SNES more than the Genesis on average.

>> No.849146


William's Greatest Arcade Hits? Don't see that one often. Have fun with your Robotron.

>> No.849154

thats why i bought it

>> No.849157

I played the NES growing up, but ended up getting a Genesis for Christmas instead of the SNES because my parents found the Genesis cheaper.

No regrets. Even to this day I like the Genesis the best, but the fact I am not big into JRPG games probably cements that as much as the fact that was the console I ended up with as far as 16 Bit is concerned.

>> No.849159

Wow, it's 1991 all over again. Thanks for the console fanboy hate nostalgia, OP.

SNES vs. Genesis was proof that console fanboyism is older than most kids think. Hell, there was console fanboyism back with the Atari vs. Intellivision.

Nothing new under the sun. And Genesis was my favorite, yet I had both.

>> No.849162


I prefer the Genesis, but both were great.

Kids hate what they can't own both of.

>> No.849361

Is this beauty worth buying today? I already own a vectrex, ps1 and atari VCS, but it has always appealed to me

>> No.849372

IF you get the games that are actually worth owning for the system, yes. Lots of good exclusives from Sega themselves and 3rd parties, but there's lots of bullshit too.

>> No.849374

>Atari vs. Intellivision.

Colecovision FTW!

>> No.849390

No way you're putting that list up against >>842585 . No way that holds at all. The SNES library was way fucking superior in that area (and in others). Not that this discussion matters at all in fucking 2013, but anyway.

>> No.849404

Oh fuck I had forgotten about Ranger X

>> No.850082

thats just blatant fanboyism right there. SNES doesnt even have an action platformer on the tier of Shinobi son

>> No.850102

>go to /v/
>everyone praises Nintendo, shits on Sony
>go to /vg/
>3DS General constantly harassing the Vita General
>go to /vr/
>daily threads like these

Enough is enough.

>> No.850108
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It was awesome growing up with Genesis and SNES and playing all the games that mattered at the time. Renting games, buying games, etc. Sucks you missed out on that OP. Troll harder.

>> No.851257

Its 2013, stop arguing about it. Get all of them, they all have good games.

>> No.851334

name some, please. I might just grab one

>> No.852150

All I have been seeing is any Nintendo console after the NES get slapped like a bitch in /vr/.

>> No.852195

god damn that's hot...
...stupid repressed faggotry... :/

>> No.852610

Shinobi III is fucking great. That entire last level with all of that ceiling climbing, wall jumping, and precision platforming with that music playing. Great segment right before the final boss.