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8411281 No.8411281 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss what is possibly the greatest FFVI fan mod of all time.

I'm currently at the end of the WoB, right before the Floating Continent. I've been having a good time with it so far. I like how it subtly remixes certain aspects of the core gameplay, monsters, difficulty, and equipment without going overboard and making it unrecognizable. It looks to me like some characters got a nice buff, while others got heavily nerfed, unless I'm not using them right.

That said, is there anything I should take care of before I proceed to the FC? Is there anything missable?

>> No.8411289

fuck you

>> No.8411405

They did a good job preventing things from being permanently missed. The most easily missable one is the that tortoise boss/esper in the cave leading to the esper world. You'll also want to make sure that you get the Seraph in Tzen and both espers in Narshe, and take Mog to get the water dance (you can do this later, but it's obnoxious).
The game gets really hard later, and you'll definitely want to try out some weird parties to grind out at the dinosaur forest. My ace team was Mog, Umaro, Gogo and Terra. Terra stinks at first, but learns Ultima naturally and it's not hard to max out her damage.
One really important thing you'll want to do, as soon as you figure out how to enter Ultima's area (I can spoil if you want) is to throw on Molulu's charm (zero random encounters) and find the hidden outfits guy. Outfits change the shit out of that game, and you can access this one with relative ease. ..Or you can do it the legit/hard way like I did and hate your weak characters for a long time haha

>> No.8411431
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>The most easily missable one is the that tortoise boss/esper in the cave leading to the esper world


>> No.8411479

I heard it was full of cringe dialogue, or maybe I'm mistaking it for BNW.

>> No.8411484

That's Brave New World. This uses the GBA script, and the little bit of added dialogue is harmless.

>> No.8411486


>> No.8411503

what's the T stand for

>> No.8411507


>> No.8411593

You can't kill him in the WoB, you don't have Life3 to survive the Ultima attack he does. You can access that area in the WoR and do him then, when you go visit the Esper World they added from that flashback.
You are just about to get into the new stuff. Most of the sidequests and stuff are all in the WoR. Brace your asshole, shits about to get real. If the battle against Seraph in Tzen doesn't clue you in, the sidequest stuff can be tricky.

>> No.8411626

>Changing GODLY Amano art for something so generic it looks like it was made in RPG Maker's character creation tool
It's like saying you're sick of 18yo single malt and changing that for horse piss

>> No.8411632


>> No.8411656

Whew, I thought I fucked up for a sec. I couldn't find the secret area in the Sealed Cave for some reason and I honestly got impatient with the random battles and just finished it.

And yeah, Seraph tore me a good number of assholes before I figured out to Slow her and hit her hard with Morph Terra summoning Siren. I'm sure it's going to get tough as shit soon, but fuck it, this is what I signed up for.

>> No.8411662

Are you referring to the sprites? They're based on Amano's art moreso than the original sprites.

>> No.8411849

You're gonna be amazed at how much shit was added. World of ruin is fantastic, but frustrating haha

>> No.8411856

What does the T stand for?

>> No.8411976

Ok, color me intrigued.

I haven't downloaded a rom in years. Where do I find this one? And is this something that needs the original rom and then you *do* something to it?

>> No.8411983


You have to apply it to the Japanese Final Fantasy VI ROM.

>> No.8411993

I got it from there.

>> No.8412062

Many thanks bros

>> No.8412109

Tsushishi or something. It's the og hackers name

>> No.8412419

Just a shame that Mato is too busy to keep the project maintained.

>> No.8412424

He already gave it to some dudes to do as they will. They claim they won't fuck with it beyond bugfixes and such, but you know how it is in this scene.

>> No.8412473

That's exactly what I thought. After trying the newest patch, many things have been "changed" including dialogue that was not included in the Japanese version. I've been planning to do a fork that maintains Mato's dialogue, names, and etc. and mirror the original Japanese download which includes guide files altered to fit Mato's translation but some things there are just too many to change and I'm a bit lazy.

>> No.8412528
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>tfw re-add Kefka saying "Son of a submariner!" over "Son of a sandworm!" because...WHY NOT??
>when Mato cleverly added "Son of a submariner!" as an easter egg in one of the new rooms in Narshe's Beginner house

>> No.8412553

kek they just couldn't help themselves, could they?

They had ONE fucking job: fix the bugs, leave everything else as is. But nope, fucking autism strikes again, as usual.

>> No.8412569

Tranny edition

>> No.8413096
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>> No.8413114


>> No.8413351

If You Give A Mouse A ROM Editor... you get what you expect.

>> No.8413370

I'll soon be done with the fork that I'm talking about above. No script changes and guide files modified to match Mato's translation. Would anyone want it?

>> No.8413374
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Scanning some yotuube playlists to see what's changed. Stats work differently, where Cyan has huge HP and mediocre magic powers. Terra seems to be a magic knight with okay Hp and attack. Gogo seems to have very low MP.

Balancing changes are nice, but it still no reason to not just use Edgar's chainsaw and Cyan's bullshido the whole game. Both cost little and do huge damage. Terra's ability seems really solid too and Gogo's just too useful to not use. Other abilities still seem weak like Relm's Sketch.

The costumes seem to be a reason why I'd use some of them though since Relm gets a white mage costume and Strago gets a black mage onoe.

>> No.8413404

>tfw re-add Kefka saying "Son of a submariner!" over "Son of a sandworm!" because...WHY NOT??
i don't know what else they changed but son of a submariner is iconic so i support this change
>when Mato cleverly added "Son of a submariner!" as an easter egg in one of the new rooms in Narshe's Beginner house
no one goes there

>> No.8414048


>> No.8414054

who is mato?

>> No.8414058
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>Amano art
I'm not saying the art in op is good but Amano is a fucking hack, his shit was never good. The best "rendition" of his work was the portrait sprites in FF4 which used his basic designs but had the good sense to render them in an appealing classic anime style instead of his hack fraud moorcockian ripoff highschool notebook scribblings.

>> No.8415081

Gil turtle isn't an esper. I may be confused but I beat it in the WOB yesterday. It didn't finish with ultima. The battle was just apply vanish, attack with ice, once he uses 50gs reapply float, reapply vanish, etc etc. His death move was quake

>> No.8415097

Really? That asshole threw Ultima at me when I tried to kill him in WoB. Vanish and float was my plan of attack as well, since he kept throwing lethal physical attacks and quake. Once he got low, he suddenly threw Ultima and wiped everyone. I thought about trying to Osmose the MP out of him, but I wasn't sure if Ultima was a spell or just an MP-free attack for him.

>> No.8415118
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This is one of the worst fucking opinions I've ever seen. Kindly cut off your hands so we will never have to see another garbage post from you ever again.

>> No.8415136
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So I scanned a playthrough that was a whopping 34 parts. Generally it seemed like World of Balance was the same but World of Ruin was massively expanded upon. Does this translation include the Ex bonus dungeons which is a separate mod?

So it's very impressive and very interesting. I still feel that standard Final Fantasy console gameplay and combat is extremely limited though, so I'm not sure I'd blow 60 hours on another playthrough of something so simple and not complex. Party building is rudimentary, there's no mazes and few puzzles. Most of the gameplay is in random battles and it's a big of a slog. The FF games only are tolerable with no Rnadom battles or fast forward through them.

>> No.8415184

That is interesting. I can't remember what encounter but something in the magitek factory wiped my party. I guess it is a random possibility to keep you on your toes when a certain kind of monster has a certain amount of hp remaining

>> No.8415207

Imagine seething this hard because your shitty highschool-tier artist got called out. The emperor has no clothes, anon. Amano is shit.
>ohh let me just draw everyone with fucked up proportions and leaning oddly to the right because i can't balance human anatomy and now i'll just put a random paisley pattern on every square inch

>> No.8415329

It takes a while but there is a relic that stops random encounters. You can access it the last third of the normal ff6

>> No.8415359
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>> No.8416227

Yeah some of the costume choices are questionable. iirc the lcie costume has the best stats too

>> No.8417772

Oh, costumes change stats? That's a shame, I guess it's a big like jobs. It should just be aestetics.

>> No.8417891

what does L'Cie mean?

>> No.8417894

Is this better than the Ted Woolsey Uncensored version? I was about to play that for my first time playing FF6.

>> No.8417903

Ted version is just an update to the core game with massive bug fixes and some restoration while keeping the original localization. T-Edition is a massive re-working that keeps the core game and adds a lot. It's almost like a new game. For instance, Pubs now have Quests that you can partake in.

>> No.8417934

The girl

>> No.8417992

Full name in the notes for the outfit is "Bodhum Military Uniform: l'Cie", and it's based off of Lightning from FF13.

>> No.8418154

If it's your first time, I would probably go with Relocalization instead. T-Edition is geared more toward longtime fans.

>> No.8418418

Ok, how the fuck do I beat the Intangir in the WoB? He appears to absorb all the elements, and he has crazy high defense and a ton of HP, and his Shadow Flare is an instakill. Am I missing something here?

>> No.8418768

Keep on applying stop after shadow flare, cyan can do around 2k with quad strike, sabin can do a thousand damage pretty easily. Edgar may do closer to 2k with the chainsaw. The battle takes forever no matter what you do desu

>> No.8418832

ff6 has one of my least liked character customization systems. There's really no downside from just making everyone a magic knigth who has every spell other than the time to invest in it. FF5 refined Job system and FF7's materia system is much better.

>> No.8418857

is there a guide or list of relics and other changes?

>> No.8418931

I'm working on the translated guides to fit Mato's translation. If you can wait I will upload them once I'm done.

>> No.8419073 [DELETED] 

Included in there are altered html files that correspond to Mato's ingame names and descriptions, I have streamlined what's included so you can quickly look for whatever you're looking for. I haven't double checked if anything is wrong but I'm confident that nothing is, and you can simply edit it to your liking.
Some "issues"
>weapon and armor names maintain their original translation names in html files but use Mato's ingame Inventory screen name underneath so you can still easily ctrl+f them
>EX has a problem where you cannot change costumes
>Esper names in Status menu are sometimes wrong (only graphical)
>rage.html is not alphabetical, sometimes, I just rushed this as I'm lazy
I've read that Sketch Bug still exists but I have never countered it in my tests and gameplays, still included a patch fix if you're anxious.
Also included a music fix patch if you do not use Snes9x.
Nothing was changed from Mato's dialogue and original script aside from a few item descriptions.

>> No.8419086
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Pass: ff6t
Included in there are altered html files that correspond to Mato's ingame names and descriptions, I have streamlined what's included so you can quickly look for whatever you're looking for. I haven't double checked if anything is wrong but I'm confident that nothing is, and you can simply edit it to your liking.
Some "issues"
>weapon and armor names maintain their original translation names in html files but use Mato's ingame Inventory screen name underneath so you can still easily ctrl+f them
>EX has a problem where you cannot change costumes
>Esper names in Status menu are sometimes wrong (only graphical)
>rage.html is not alphabetical, sometimes, I just rushed this as I'm lazy
I've read that Sketch Bug still exists but I have never countered it in my tests and gameplays, still included a patch fix if you're anxious.
Also included a music fix patch if you do not use Snes9x.
Nothing was changed from Mato's dialogue and original script aside from a few item descriptions.

>> No.8419174


>> No.8419740
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>> No.8420410

Yeah you can see the Materia system as combining relics and magicite system into one. It's a lot cleaner and I like it more. Would love to see a mod that reworks FF6's system into a materia like system.

This would make characters more unique, with Terra and Celes more magic knights, with others more brawlers with maybe a few spells. Strago would be a pure magician above all else.

>Magicite can be equipped and only has those spells
>AP goes towards maxing out the magicite's spells
>relics also come pre-equipped with spells too
>add some materia relics with more spells

>> No.8420439

Even with the changes Edgar is still kinda bullshit and there's almost no reason to not have him on your team:

>skills cost 0 mp
>heavy hitter as top tier spells
>can spam endlessly for high damage
>you don't even have to give him a weapon and just use tools

>> No.8420967

It's from FF13 and refers to some type of person who has partly fused with a crystal or become permanently marked by a godlike monster or some crap like that and who is maybe enhanced by this but also somewhat doomed because the gods are actually kinda evil maybe blah blah blah, I'm probably getting it wrong since I've forgotten so much from that game but you can just stuff in whatever grandiose, convoluted JRPG nonsense you might imagine based on what I've said and it'll be close enough to correct

>> No.8420996

you are correct, but ff13 frames being an l'cie as a curse since they're basically at the mercy of the gods. it's why light became etro's simp.

>> No.8422330

Does Shadow's Throw work the same way in this mod as usual? Kinda sucks he got indirectly nerfed by no longer being able to buy Shurikens, but oh well.

>> No.8422343

why can't you buy surikens?

>> No.8422351

Fuck, I meant cheap Shurikens, like in the original. They've been made actual weapons here, so they're nowhere near as cheap.

>> No.8422356

Use Death Sentence. GG Ez.

>> No.8422365

Shadow has innate dual wield. So you can stack offering and a heavy hitting relic. He can even use the thief knife to use as an extra thief.

>> No.8422863

It works the same way but the damage dealt can be affected by either Strength or Magic. The scrolls now also have status affecting bonuses.

>> No.8424138 [DELETED] 


>> No.8424445
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pass: ff6t
To anyone who's still in this thread or is still interested, I updated the download.
Mato popped up and fixed one of the issues which is the graphical issue about Espers not displaying their name properly in the Status Menu.
If you're not bothered by this then there's no real need to re-download. Nothing else was changed. I hope you're enjoying your T-Edition playthrough.
Down the line, the download might get one final update once the EX issue regarding the missing costume changing dialogue is finally fixed, unless you or I spot some misspelled or missing text. Until then, enjoy.

>> No.8424457

is there a change list anywhere? I dont feel like trying out some random mod and looking myself, is this some tranny made mod or does it add some good content and challenges?

>> No.8424524

The download I linked above has a change html which lists most of what were changed.
>tranny made mod
A japanese made this mod, originally.
>good content
Yes. and EX ramps it up to 12

>> No.8424596


yeah it's here

Personally I think like 50% of it is great content that really should have been in the base game. Then 25% very fan-fiction type challenge material, and 25% fun and silly.

>> No.8424635

Everyone, please be advised: It's come to my knowledge that the sketch fix patch is breaking the game during the game's ending cutscene. I advise not using it and I have removed it from the download. I might not ever put it back even if it's updated since I never used it and I never encountered the Sketch Bug.
Just re-patch a new rom without patching the sketch patch this time.
That's all. I'm sorry.

>> No.8424694


>> No.8424784

I do like how some characters got buffed, but at the same time I dont' think it went far enough with nerfings.


Vast majority of teams people sue will include those because of how verstile and good they are. Two magic knights who are great at attack and defense, typically at least one with Atma sword, and then Edgar spamming Chainsaws. Celes/Terra also learn magic naturally so they are essential for your team until you get espers.

Go go typically rounds out the party with any additional skills you need. The mod laregely doesn't change how good these characters are.

Sometimes tier:

Sabin has straight forward attacks, Strago has big damage dealing spells, and Cyan's bulshido is strong too.

No one uses tier:


Locke is just a thief and he's not strong enough to really take a part in the main team. Why steal when you can deal damage? Relm's sketch has always been weak copy of Gau and Strago's abilities even with it being buffed. I think Relm should have gotten Pray as a secondary instead of Celes as it fits a white-mage role better and Celes should have gotten Spirit.

Mog is meh, Gau is just okay with you being able to control him. Umaro's at least you can Setzer's secondary always seems random and not as useful as just straight forward damage.

>> No.8424835

I have always believed that FF6 has always been "use whoever you like" in the party and T-Edition's changes welcomed such freedom since most were buffed.
It's your choice who to use and some will always be more powerful than others like Terra but now the rest have their moments to shine and be viable.
I disagree with some of what you've said but the most with what you said about Gau and Umaro. Gau is now everyone's favorite and he has access to some of the strongest offensive, supportive, and defensive spells the hack has to offer.
On the other hand, Umaro being controllable lends itself to some nice new strategies and possibilities in fights. I find that I used him more than the characters that I used to use a lot in vanilla.
But I hope you are enjoying T-Edition

>> No.8424996

I'm still in the WoB so maybe this changes, but Setzer's Slots are powerful as fuck at that point in the game, at least. Prismatic Flash and Chocobo Rush deal insane damage and are free, as long as you get the timing right, and Mysidian Rabbit is actually decent healing.

>> No.8425193

Just got sabin from the WoR and am getting wrecked pretty often. I felt pretty overleveled on the floating continent so this is pretty interesting

>> No.8425246

holy based

>> No.8425587

It's definitely more balanced than the base game, but still not perfect. Gau gets a massive boost (possibly making him OP). Making Chainsaw less powerful would go a long way to balancing the game more. Gogo could probably use an overall stat reduction too.

>> No.8425595

I'm shocked Sigfried isn't more of a thing in this. Everyone wondered who or what he was, since he just shows up and barely does anything. It really feels like he was some kind of cut content and they had bigger plans for him.

>> No.8425612

Seems like they wanted Siegfried to be the next Gilgamesh, but he just didn't click.

>> No.8425775

Yeah, there's similarities, just taht Sigfried doesn't really do much. If they wanted him to be Gilgamesh for FF6, he should have worked for the Empire and be a frequent foe. In fact, that role is pretty much already held by Ultros. Sigfried also talks about someone copying him, which leads me to believe there might have been something tied to Gogo. Where you find this other copy and then fight him, to discover it's Gogo in disguise.

>> No.8425849

Siegfried didn't really click because he pretty much stayed as a joke side-character who was entirely irrelevant to the story unlike Gilgamesh. He doesn't even have his own battle theme.
You can change Siegfried's appearances with Lone Wolf's and nothing will change.
Shame about his design, it was cool.

>> No.8427070

Removing random battles and replacing them with wandering enemies that appear on the map would cut down on the grind a lot and probably make the game better.

>> No.8427171

FF6 is not Chrono Trigger and I fail to see how having wandering enemies cut down the grind in any way.

>> No.8427376

>FF6 is not Chrono Trigger

CT's on world enemies is at least attempting to advance the series. And on-map enemies could be avoided much more and don't respawn unlike endless random battles.

>> No.8427461

I'll be playing final fantasy vi pixel remaster when it releases instead, thanks.

>> No.8427867
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search for this mod in youtube or twitch. None of them look like they've ever seen a vagina.

>> No.8427893

Why would you want to see one?

>> No.8427929

What is this?

>> No.8428221
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they all look like based boys lmao. just the sort to play 35 year old shallow rpg.

>> No.8428425

Ok, is that capture from a flashcart running on a real console on composite, or did he purposely put on a shitty composite filter?

>> No.8428447
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A lot of them are "le authentic" and running on real hardware. I found one playing in a gaming chair and 16:9 though. You gotta have that widescreen experience!

>> No.8428457
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Though I have to hand it to him to not have a Celes based team for a change, and using Gau for heals.

>> No.8428483

I had Locke, Gau, Edgar, and Cyan for that part myself. I found Sabin wasn't doing as much damage as either Edgar for multi-target or Cyan for single-target (at least on bosses), and I wanted Locke around to potentially steal valuable shit, and Gau to learn Rages.

>> No.8428490

Also, I fucking LOVED how Cyan loses his shit if you take him to fight Kefka at Narshe, and they have a small bit of interaction in-battle. Too bad I was not expecting it at all, and I only had Celes on his team, so I got my ass handed to me and I ended up having to use another team to beat him.

>> No.8428543

Any gau recs? I am getting close to about 150 rages and trying to decide on some good ones. Are there any broken ones? Stray cat was not very impressive

>> No.8428582

Check the rage.html in the download above. It outlines the abilities with their effects. If the effect is an animal's name or another spell it can be found in either technique or magic htmls

>> No.8428656

It's a mod, originally in japanese, that tweaks gameplay and a lot of new content without changing the main story.
New content are usually related to other final fantasy series.

>> No.8428675

Gau is now stupidly OP whereas in the original he could be incredibly powerful but it took work to setup right and mostly wasn't worth it.

>> No.8428679

New content feels like 50% out of place FF bonus content, and 50% "why wasn't this in the main game?" thing.

Not crazy on them removing Imp for frog though to keep it consistent with the other games. Imp was an FF6 thing and it felt at home.

>> No.8428690 [DELETED] 

>New content feels like 50% out of place FF bonus content, and 50% "why wasn't this in the main game?" thing.
I was generally not bothered with the new content that's outside the scope of FF6, I viewed them as easter eggs, but the ones that are actually related to FF6 were really good.
>Not crazy on them removing Imp for frog though to keep it consistent with the other games. Imp was an FF6 thing and it felt at home.
Imp was not "removed", just changed to Toad, it's still in the game.
To each their own regarding the changes but overall I enjoyed the mod.

>> No.8428693
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>New content feels like 50% out of place FF bonus content, and 50% "why wasn't this in the main game?" thing.
I was generally not bothered with the new content that's outside the scope of FF6, I viewed them as easter eggs, but the ones that are actually related to FF6 were really good.
>Not crazy on them removing Imp for frog though to keep it consistent with the other games. Imp was an FF6 thing and it felt at home.
Imp was not "removed", just changed to Toad, it's still in the game.
To each their own regarding the changes but overall I enjoyed the mod.

>> No.8428694

Oops >>8428693 for >>8428679.

>> No.8428696

>Imp was not "removed", just changed to Toad, it's still in the game.

Imp is a relic now or something. I miss the Imp Equipment setup. it was a neat easter egg and could be a stupid "build" to run.

>> No.8428709

yeah it's a relic now.

>> No.8428839
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>I have this issue where i have to buy two different size shoes for my new GF and she wont tell me why
what the hell

>> No.8428937

she has different-sized feet.

>> No.8428970

I'll wait for the ngplus guys to iron out some more bugs and port the Woolsey script over.

>> No.8429152

>and port the Woolsey script over.

Woolsey fags need to grow up and move on.

>> No.8429254

His equipment options seem to be dropping off a bit for my team. He did singlehandedly take out storm dragon by using intanger which was pretty funny

>> No.8429405

I think we all gathered this, but the dude's either a dense basedlet or just downright retarded.

>> No.8430356

It would make more sense to buy one large set of shoes, then adjust the other one appropriately. Alternateively she's scamming him to buy someone else shoes as well.

>> No.8430364

and that's the kind of information people casually post in a retro-vidya-chat?

>> No.8430372
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>> No.8430482

>It would make more sense to buy one large set of shoes
not when somebody else is paying for them.

not all of us, evidently.

we're posting about it in /vr/, after all.

>> No.8430897

Wanna play and like the ideas but then I remember how much of a chore FFVI is.

>> No.8430909

What was a chore about FFVI? It's only so if you're autistic about 100% completion or perfect stats.

>> No.8430948

Endless repetitive random battles that make going from Point A to Point B take 10 minutes or more when it's about 2-3 without them. There's also the slight loading screen in and out of battle, plus the time waiting for ATB bars to fill, which end-game is likely 5-10 hours of gameplay.

>> No.8431137

Imagine having nothing better to do with your life than whine about random battles in every thread about RPGs you see. And before you try to claim your time is important, you're literally wasting time posting on 4chan about what you don't like rather than playing a game you do like.

>> No.8431178

Genji + x4 attack is still the best offensive option right?

Ignoring that, Strago and Gau should be the strongest single characters right? Both have access to Enemy skills, which include super powerful enemy spells that should go over the 9999 limit.

>> No.8431540

Once you reach the WoR and get the Falcon, you can go grab Mog ASAP and use the Moogle Charm to avoid random battles entirely. And to be honest, this is probably a good way to play anyway, since the game becomes really easy just from leveling up from random encounters. At least this way, you end up somewhere around level 30ish by the time you hit Kefka's tower.

>> No.8431548

You can get the Ward Bangle to reduce encounter rates too.

>> No.8431784

Replaying so I get to think about the game more. FF6's system is in effect a half-way between FF5's Job System and FF7's Materia

>Each character is in effect a "Job" which is why there's so many of them
>you can mix-match any 4 for much of the game
>but you have a proto "equip magic rocks for spells" system from FF7
>and a proto-junction Summons like in FF8
>downside of "learning" is that you get every character learning every single spell, whereas there's more customization with materia syste
>Materia combines Espers and Relics into one system

>> No.8431813

I wanna do a team but without my mainstays of Celes, Terra, Edgar, Gogo, Cyan, Sabin. Which is a fun and interesting team? I'm thinking an odd-ball team:

>Locke (offense)
>Relm (caster)
>mog (magic knight)

>> No.8431824

Looks good anon, try it out and don't forget costumes to tweak them further.

>> No.8431997
File: 842 KB, 2398x1835, an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no more bugs, the only "bugs" reported are the discrepancies between item names and descriptions that are "maintained" but actually changed for no reason at all. it's a mystery why A3 is still called Mato's translation when so much shit has been changed that one report even noticed that the item name in the dialogue is different to the item's name in the inventory, or even simple things like the article before an item's name when opening chests.

>> No.8434149 [DELETED] 


>> No.8434157

am I crazy or do the stats not grow at all? Your characters have base stats and then nothing else. I thought thye grew with levels but that only seems to affect Hp and MP.

>> No.8434173

Sadly, unless you throw Ultima weapon on there and exploit the genji x offering combo, lock and Shadow make for piss poor fighters.

>> No.8434178

Funny how Atma (Ultima) sword is Terra's signature weapon when it can be used by literally anyone in the game.

>> No.8434184

>there are no more bugs
t. not a programmer

>> No.8434554
File: 194 KB, 1280x959, clock elixer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Elixers hidden in clocks in FF6?

>> No.8434619 [DELETED] 

Metaphor for elixir of life giving you unlimited time to live.
He's half-right. Technically, the bugs that exist in T-Edition are either very rarely triggered/can only be fixed by Tsushiy or some of them have been handwaved as a "feature" by Tsushiy himself. Nonetheless none of them are save-breaking bugs.
Fun-fact: Strago may have the highest natural magic stat, and Terra may be able to dish out the highest elemental damage because of Morph but Relm takes the cake when costumes are put on.
It's part of the changes, the only stat that go up when you level up are hp/mp and each character now has a separate table of growth for both. Stats can only be tweaked using costumes.
I suggest anyone trying T-Edition for the first time to go to Narshe's Beginner's Hall to learn some of the changes if you're lazy to read the changes.html, proceeding to tell the counter that you're an expert also changes the information that the scholars offer.

>> No.8434648

Metaphor for elixir of life giving you unlimited time to live.
He's half-right. Technically, the bugs that exist in T-Edition are either very rarely triggered/can only be fixed by Tsushiy or some of them have been handwaved as a "feature" by Tsushiy himself. Nonetheless none of them are save-breaking bugs.
Fun-fact: Strago may have the highest natural magic stat, and Terra may be able to dish out the highest elemental damage because of Morph but Relm takes the cake when costumes are put on.
It's part of the changes, the only stat that go up when you level up are hp/mp and each character now has a separate table of growth for both. Stats can only be tweaked using costumes.
I suggest anyone trying T-Edition for the first time to go to Narshe's Beginner's Hall to learn some of the changes if you're lazy to read the changes.html, proceeding to tell the counter that you're an expert also changes the information that the scholars offer.
Again here's the download that retains Tomato's TL, more details above:
pass: ff6t

>> No.8435347

my shadow's throw has a respectable damage, buff his strength, costs a lot of money tho.

>> No.8436064
File: 121 KB, 700x880, 45417667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started this mod yesterday, I loved Terra and Locke new sprites, the new translation looks good too
The Bosses are way more tough, these 2 magitech armors literally destroyed my team, I think I'll grind some more in the Figaro Desert.

>> No.8436132

Enjoy, anon.

>> No.8436425

Thanks, gonna play some more later

>> No.8436563

Terra is just too god damn good in the base game and in this. Holy hell. 1/3 damage reduction and 1/3 damage boost? Even if twas 1/4 it'd be worth it.

>> No.8437332

she's nerfed but equipment choices still make her top tier.

>> No.8437367
File: 20 KB, 742x486, Firefox_Screenshot_2021-12-20T04-58-05.433Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets a nerf, but I dont' think she's nerfed. She's still top tier and there's almost no reason to not have her as a magic-knight in heavy armor and casting. Her Trance/Morph is still one of the best special abilities in the game by far for raw damage dealing.

>> No.8437404

oh yes I completely agree, I was just saying that she's nerfed but equipment choices pretty much still makes her a top tier character.

>> No.8437407

>I've deleted the accessory "Fake Moustache" and the ability "Control".

Out of all the characters who needed a nerf, it was not her.

>> No.8437413

She's casting thundaga at like 6500 at relatively low levels in trance for for me and she's clad in heavy armor, a shield, and atma weapon.

>Gaze upon me and despair.

>> No.8437435

Control was worthless, though.

>> No.8437452

>takes an enemy out of battle for a turn
>use them to attack the others

>> No.8437460

You take the enemy out of battle by... taking a character of your own out of battle, a character with the highest Magic stat and most Magic-boosting equips that could have used those turns to obliterate the enemies with a high-damage spell instead. Not to mention the algorithm was absolute shit and used the enemies' Magic stat as opposed to Relm's.

Control was pure novelty.

>> No.8437461
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whom this mod is aimed at

>> No.8437468

It's actually secretly unbalanced, just boring so no one used it.

>one character won't attack you for that turn
>instead they're now your ally attacking their foes
>have access to all their high level attacks and spells
>perfect for huge amounts of mobs that this mod will throw at you

>> No.8437479

I bought the Analogue Pocket and was planning to play (sound/content patched) FF6 Advance on it, but this seems like a far better option. One thing though, it's currently up in the air if the system's FPGA will be able to handle SNES, but the general consensus seems to be that normal SNES games without too many special chips will work while SA1 games and stuff may not.
So, does this game and this hack have anything like that to worry about?

>> No.8437485

Well, it's not in the mod, so I was speaking strictly about the vanilla game, where again, even if you were to get access to something like Ultima, the fact it uses the monster's Magic stat would it severely, and if they make it use Relm's stat, it might be too strong since it'd be free, hence the whole "it can fail" thing.

Could it have been fixed up for this mod? Possibly, but it does appear to be one of those abilities that's inherently hard to balance.

>> No.8437490

the fact it uses the monster's Magic stat would nerf it severely*

>> No.8437498

>So, does this game and this hack have anything like that to worry about?
music will be screechy unless you can use snes9x and tweak settings or apply a music fix patch.

>> No.8437561

Control is broken but also a bit pointless. You can get enemies stuck in control loops where they can't do anything to you.

>> No.8437636

>・FF6 T-Edition [2.9.4 + EX 1.6.3](更新日:2021/02/06)


The original Japanese site lists version 2.9.4. Which is the translation up to?

>> No.8437641

>You take the enemy out of battle by... taking a character of your own out of battle,


1. Relm attacks
2. Enemy attacks

With control:

1. Relm controls
2. Enemy attacks their allies

The damage you take is decreased so even if you do 1 damage it's still worth it. You can do this to Brachiasaurs and high level enemies in the game too.

>> No.8437669 [DELETED] 

Tomato's translation is done using that version.

>> No.8437679

Tomato's translation and consequently the fork that I did is up to date with that version which re-introduced Exp. Egg into the mod.

>> No.8437682

>the fork that I did

what's different?

>> No.8437683

This update should work just fine with my current save file using the initial patch from Tomato, yes? Goes without saying I'd be backing up my file beforehand, of course.

>> No.8437689

In terms of script: only item descriptions and some misspellings in the dialogue.
Also added the translated html guide files, originally in japanese, and modified to match Mato's item names and etc.
Yes, it should be.

>> No.8437754


>> No.8437997
File: 31 KB, 114x134, YA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pass: ff6t

Hi, I have updated the download with a few minor corrections in the html files courtesy of friends’ reports. IPS PATCHES WERE NOT CHANGED. So no real need to re-download as you can tweak the html files yourself.
Here are the changes put inside brackets:
Added to fix broken link in change.html, includes details about which BGM plays on an area/battle
>armor.html and weapon.html
Long names are now updated to correspond with Mato’s translation
-Gau's Rage: "Rage" gives access [to] powerful physical and magical abilities both in the early and late game.
-Edgar's fourth costume: This costume is obtained after unlocking the first three [costumes] and completing the achievement "Character Study".
-Terra's Trance: "Trance" has been adjusted from 2x [damage] increase to 1.5x.
-Regen's description: Stamina no longer affects the amount [of] HP recovered per tic.
-fixed awkward spacing in Row's description
-tweaked Event Related description so that Defending Narshe Battle and Nursing Cid will no longer have the awkward new line:
>If Cyan is in the party when confronting Kefka, a new event plays.
>The amount of fish necessary for Cid to fully heal has been reduced.
-Achievement list: capitalized [Blue Magic] in Old Dog's New Tricks, pluralized "Dance" [techniques] in Dances with Moogles
-Collection Room list: fixed "once Umaro join" to "once Umaro [joins]"
-Encounter: fixed Extra Note: "Since there's no new events" to "[Since there are] no new events"
-Dream Opera: removed [it] in its description saying "Finish it before" to be consistent with others
-New Game+: changed "Snowstorm" to [Ice Storm]
-Multiple "Arvis's" fixed to [Arvis']
-Sealed Legends: "Daryl's" to [Darill's]
-Developer's Room: removed broken html link and changed to: "For details please read Mato's readme about playing EX mode."

>> No.8438075
File: 148 KB, 1024x772, 1637726258565m (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gau was always pretty popular for people that knew about the Wind God Gau build with the merit badge, Stray Cat, etc. Gau was so OP that subsequent versions of the game by Square patched out Gau's ability to equip the merit badge.

>> No.8438810

Holy hell, doesn't get any more rad than that pic.

And yeah, I experimented with Wind God Gau for the first time a month ago, and godDAMN is he broken. Definitely an underrated character in the original, at least among scrubs like myself. Best believe I made sure to always have him on my team for this mod.

>> No.8438823

Gau is the tyep of character htat normal people ignore, but min-max and speedrunners will exploit to cheese through the game.

>> No.8439160


Hey, I'm just going to interject: The character's name is Kera, not Terra. Any version of the game that doesn't reflect this is fully invalid. Thanks >>8422090

>> No.8439209

Cute but still inaccurate, Japanese version says Tina.

>> No.8440368

Is that some bootleg magazine?

>> No.8441387
File: 343 KB, 778x720, king behemoth fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Behemoth casts Toad on himself for me. Is this intended behavior?

>> No.8441396

Have you done the entire fight? Because Yes.

>> No.8441397

I immediately casted Toad on him because I didn't trust this turn of events thus turning him back. The fight proceeded as normal.

>> No.8441402

>I immediately casted Toad on him because I didn't trust this turn of events thus turning him back. The fight proceeded as normal.
Sounds good.

>> No.8442420

Your pic related is so comfy but I don't know what makes it so.

>> No.8442596


Look at the rest of the thread I linked. It's Nintendo Power, the one and only trustworthy source of information (on any topic) ever produced by humanity.

>> No.8442904

I don't know if you're memeing but I believe it is Nintendo Power

>> No.8443073

You are correct. A celestina is a harpsichord like instrument commonly called a celestia in the current year. Celes and Tina combine to make a beautiful instrument

>> No.8443075

What happens if you leave him as a toad?

>> No.8443185

>You are correct. A celestina is a harpsichord like instrument commonly called a celestia in the current year. Celes and Tina combine to make a beautiful instrument

Oh I never got that. there's a pun there that's lost.

>> No.8443392

fffffffffffffffffffuck me I never knew this.

>> No.8444424

He hits hard.

>> No.8444462

>play on real hardware
>stretch it to wide screen


>> No.8444503

just as the devs intended

>> No.8444526

You can easily tell the streamer who just got forced to play retro over those who really want to relive retro gaming. Even as simple as resolution and sometimes shaders/screen quality

>> No.8444936
File: 213 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being greying and still playing children's video games from the early 1990's?

>> No.8444949

I'm confused how stats and damage work. I swear that damage goes up even for the same attacks. However your strength and magic stats never go up. So why is my tools and magic spells doing more damage end game than early game?

>> No.8444971

Levels are also factored in the damage you deal.

>> No.8444974

So your level is what really matters then? That's kind of bait/switch since the game never explains that. It just shows weapon damage and your stats. I presume level impacts defense too right?

Are the other ff games like this?

>> No.8444979

Levels affecting damage is a vanilla ff6 mechanic. Stats still matter as there comes a point when levels increasing damage will plateau.

>> No.8444989

I know it's same for ff5 as well. Probably 1-4 as well.

>> No.8445213 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 137x156, T1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pass: ff6t

Hi, I have updated the download and added a link for those who encounter problems with the first one. This time, THERE ARE MINOR CHANGES DONE TO THE IPS PATCHES.
Unless major issues are found in either the html (which you can easily edit) or the script, this is the planned penultimate update to the download.
Christmas is just around the corner and I don't think I'll have the time to further try fixing the issue about changing costumes in EX Mode so I will have to wait until Mato himself posts a fix.
To anyone who wonders what it is, it's not gamebreaking, however, one feature which allows you to change costumes in EX Mode is currently missing/broken, so it is advised to change costumes beforehand, in the main rom, before tackling EX Mode.
People who have previously downloaded the patch are advised to read the changes and determine whether it's worth downloading or not, they are very minor:
>Final Fantasy VI T-Edition EX.ips
-EX Mode's Boss Titles are now capitalized
e.g. The darkness -> [The Darkness]

>Final Fantasy VI T-Edition.ips
-changed Siren's description to now mention that she also applies Mute
From "Powerful wind attack" to "Powerful wind attack, [Mute]"
-changed Asura's description to have more clarity on which supportive spells she may randomly cast
From "Randomly casts support spells" to ["Party-wide Protect/Blink/Reraise"]
-fixed some timing/pauses of the dialogues found in Cyan's Dream Sequence
-fixed naming inconsistency with one South Figaro Pub Quest in the WoR
Previously, when all the pub quests are unlocked, the quest "Cave Fiend Crackdown" will change its name to "Cave Monster Crackdown", now it no longer does that.
-Changed Sneak Armlet's description
Previously it said "Ring imbued..." now it says ["Band imbued..."] to be more appropriate

>change.html, character.html, armor.html
-changed all instances of "Bless" to [Spirit]

>> No.8445223
File: 16 KB, 137x156, T1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pass: ff6t

Hi, I have updated the download and added a link for those who encounter problems with the first one. This time, THERE ARE MINOR CHANGES DONE TO THE IPS PATCHES.
Unless major issues are found in either the html (which you can easily edit) or the script, this is the planned penultimate update to the download.
Christmas is just around the corner and I don't think I'll have the time to further try fixing the issue about changing costumes in EX Mode so I will have to wait until Mato himself posts a fix.
To anyone who wonders what it is, it's not gamebreaking, however, one feature which allows you to change costumes in EX Mode is currently missing/broken, so it is advised to change costumes beforehand, in the main rom, before tackling EX Mode.
People who have previously downloaded the patch are advised to read the changes and determine whether it's worth downloading or not, they are very minor:
>Final Fantasy VI T-Edition EX.ips
-EX Mode's Boss Titles are now capitalized
e.g. The darkness -> [The Darkness]

>Final Fantasy VI T-Edition.ips
-changed Siren's description to now mention that she also applies Mute
From "Powerful wind attack" to "Powerful wind attack, [Mute]"
-changed Asura's description to have more clarity on which supportive spells she may randomly cast
From "Randomly casts support spells" to ["Party-wide Protect/Blink/Reraise"]
-fixed some timing/pauses of the dialogues found in Cyan's Dream Sequence
-fixed naming inconsistency with one South Figaro Pub Quest in the WoR
Previously, when all the pub quests are unlocked, the quest "Cave Fiend Crackdown" will change its name to "Cave Monster Crackdown", now it no longer does that.
-Changed Sneak Armlet's description
Previously it said "Ring imbued..." now it says ["Band imbued..."] to be more appropriate

>change.html, character.html, armor.html
-changed all instances of "Bless" to [Spirit]

>> No.8445225

Here's the new link

>> No.8445263

>Here's the new link
I meant, alternative link.

>> No.8445796

Based. Thanks anon!

>> No.8445849

I apologize for the "fast" update relative to the last one that might prompt you to re-download, but enjoy!
Also, to anyone wondering, your save files are compatible across all of my downloads.

>> No.8445883

I finally beat that monster in the darills tomb chest. I am low 40s and still barely made it out alive. The tornado drain combo is fucked up

>> No.8445929

>not 't-girl edition'

>> No.8445971

>I finally beat that monster in the darills tomb chest. I am low 40s and still barely made it out alive. The tornado drain combo is fucked up
Congratulations. That's one of the most brutal early fights in the WoR and serves as a proper welcome to people who are usually veterans of the game since they know that "secret"

>> No.8447135

Thor hammer gau op

>> No.8447598

it looks like hair dye but what do I know, least he isn't balding

>> No.8448163

Hey guys, I have a little bit of a bad news, I lost access to the download link because I was careless. I've already contacted the site to try and regain access, however, it will only be available to download until December 31. If I do not regain access, I will just put up another download link for everyone once the final update comes out. I'm very sorry about this.

>> No.8448943
File: 928 KB, 546x1318, the travails of a king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries bruv. You're doing God's work.

>> No.8450497

How good is Mog in this mod?

>> No.8450584

1. Dances are for one turn like FF5.
2. He gets a relic to change dance to "Animal" summon.
3. Animal is the one animal spell that normally occurs 1/4 of the time

>> No.8450995

Animals are op in FF6 but I still prefer gau to mog

>> No.8451376

it was better than Sketch

>> No.8452008

Not saying much.

>> No.8452247
File: 1.28 MB, 3307x3267, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody knows if the LUA version that runs on the Snes9x RR is being updated?

>> No.8452339

I believe that it is still going to be updated but progress is slow at this point because attention has shifted to minor updates/bugfixes to the mato version. The team doing the Lua project has taken over maintenance of the mato project<span class="fortune" style="color:#aa01d0">

Your fortune: Happy Festivus![/spoiler]

>> No.8452545

I just went and looked, they're doing small updates to it. Also released a LUA for Tomato's http://tomato.fobby.net/ff6-t-edition/

>> No.8453494

What's the difference between playing this or the IPS patch?

>> No.8453543

There's a bunch of QOLs added, but you can only play that specific version with that font in a specific emulator. I believe there's also a LUA for Mato's version but again, only in a specific emulator which allows LUA input/injection.

>> No.8454520
File: 1.39 MB, 294x235, ff6tgif21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, it seems I won't be able to get access to the former link back, and it will expire on the 31st.
With that, I made this new link, which I'll never lose now, as the one which I will use moving forward for possible updates.
The planned final update will be uploaded on the link above, for now BOTH LINKS THAT ARE POSTED IN THIS THREAD CONTAIN THE SAME FILES.
To anyone who wishes to share my fork of T-Edition, kindly use the one I just linked above so that people won't be confused why it's down by the 31st.
Have a nice holiday, everyone.

>> No.8454795


>> No.8455560

Really good. I found out that he transitions really well from dance -> animal -> jump as the game progresses

>> No.8455776

>Genji + x4 attack is still the best offensive option right?
Perhaps, do mind the damage cap has been set to 32k though.

>> No.8456481

As in you cannot do more than that in one turn?

>> No.8456502

Per damage instance.

>> No.8456506

Are there any other changes to the damage algorithms? Do stats like Strength, Magic, and Levels still contribute to damage in the same way?

>> No.8456516

>Are there any other changes to the damage algorithms? Do stats like Strength, Magic, and Levels still contribute to damage in the same way?
Stats and levels still matter to damage dealt, the limit was just changed.
If you're interested and want to read a comprehensive file for the changes, feel free to download from the link just above, it includes translated html guide files that were originally with the jp version.

>> No.8456558

Who translated these files? Did the Japanese guy do it himself or you?

>> No.8456563

No, it's not me nor the japanese guy, but some anon posted it.

>> No.8456584

Oh okay. I wanted to thank who did it because these files have been extremely helpful.