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File: 391 KB, 800x400, zelda64_2-800x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8405642 No.8405642 [Reply] [Original]

What are your hopes on the OOT decompilation project?

>> No.8405647

The decomp thread is still active.

>> No.8405679

I have no nostalgia so Idgaf. What's the best that can happen? PC version comes out with support for fan levels and other mods? Neat, I guess (don't actually care)

>> No.8405752
File: 240 KB, 1440x940, Every day in model-dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good mods that actually shake up the game and don't just reuse bosses and existing items, with good art direction and dungeons and music. If we're lucky, a good fanmade sequel to Majora that has elements from both games and doesn't feel like a tech demo.

Oh wait that won't happen anyway because the OOT modding scene is either retarded ESL edgelords or modloader64 trannies obsessed with OC donut steel Malon avatars, meanwhile Mario 64's flourished even before the decomp, recently getting B3313 which while very unpolished is overflowing with content and is in my opinion better than even Kaze's work for how it upholds SM64's art style.

>> No.8405763
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>> No.8406101

It'll happen with how easy it is to change stuff around now. A lot more people will be able to get into it as soon as the source code is documented so people know what's what.

>> No.8406114

Sex mods

>> No.8406123

>Oh wait that won't happen anyway because the OOT modding scene is either retarded ESL edgelords or modloader64 trannies obsessed with OC donut steel Malon avatars
Or just people running randomizers which you don't need a decompiled version of the game for

>> No.8406131

Combine OOT and MM into one game for the ultimate randomizer.
>Termina is accessed through the Lost Woods, probably in a passageway near Sacred Forest Meadow, which leads you to here from MM (although a Lost Woods-style passageway would have to be added here in the back of the room to allow return to Hyrule)
>To enter Clocktown, fall through the place Link does in the original, land on the deku flowers etc.
>Upon stepping off of the deku flowers have a light beam appear like in a grotto which, when touched, teleports you back up through the top of the tree where you fell (Or alternatively, lock it to require Deku Link to access the flower, then teleport him once he shoots up into the air as a scripted exit)
>Saving and quitting in Termina has you reload at the clock tower like in MM, otherwise it's Link's House or Temple of Time like normal
>Items can be randomized throughout all of Hyrule + Termina. You could find the Goron Mask in Spirit Temple, Fairy Bow in Stone Tower etc.
>MM items are upgrades to both Links' arsenal in that they can be used by both once progressively upgraded to
>Example: Hookshot (Adult) -> Longshot (Adult) -> Hookshot (MM, now usable by both)
>Slingshot upgrades to Hero's Bow
>Song of Soaring can take you between Hyrule/Termina (defaulting to Link's House, Temple of Time & Clocktower with no other warps activated), warp songs eg. Bolero work as normal.
>Song of Time's effect defaults to its OOT behavior unless Time Attack is enabled, in which case either use Zelda's Lullaby for blue blocks or have a prompt to ask what the player wants
>Transformation masks work in both worlds, nontransformation masks keep their effects as well
>Two game modes for play: Normal (OOT style) and Time Attack (MM style), the former having no moon even in Termina, the latter having the moon EVERYWHERE, visible from anywhere in Hyrule or Termina where the sky is accessible. (Can you save both worlds in only three [or an adjustable amount of] days?)

>> No.8406134

People want mods for the n64 rom? That's so stupid. We already have hundreds of boring mods anyway.

>> No.8406145

Midna mod.

>> No.8406151
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can the mystery if this tree be solved?

>> No.8406157

Name 50. And no using every single individual option in Patcher64+ Tool separately

>> No.8406191

Waluigi did it

>> No.8406198

Only one thing: 120 frames.

Every goddamn second.

>> No.8406202

Why do you need nostalgia to enjoy a game?

>> No.8406203

MM isn't decompiled yet, so that's not a possibility for a while.

>> No.8406216
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It's so fucking insane to me how they handled "playas" mods. Why do only SOME of them let you mix and match models for Child and Adult forms?

The Zelda modding scene is a disaster. It'd be a miracle if we get 10% of the cool shit that's being made for Mario 64.

>> No.8406226

honestly? i wish it didnt exist. the less hype and noise this game can make, the better. its so over-hyped. sure, it was groundbreaking at the time, but the reality of the clunkiness is something people refuse to admit. its not "teh best zelda evar!!!" its existence is a cool landmark in the history of technological progression, but when given an honest analysis, it really isnt GOOD. its so annoying to hear people droning on and on and drooling about this game, and this is only going to perpetuate it.

inb4 banned/deleted solely for having an honest opinion contrary to the circle jerk.

>> No.8406229

Your opinion may be honest, but it's certainly not interesting or even informative.

>> No.8406238

You're so cool man.

>> No.8406241

I don't really care, I don't use any mods, I just see people promote them all the time.

I'm mostly just saying that a source port with mods is way more interesting than compiling an N64 rom file.

>> No.8406249

I don't care one bit to discuss what the best game of all time is, but you're out of your mind to consider this game anything less than good. Just because something is overhyped doesn't mean it's complete dogshit, things can/are more than just black & white. Enjoy being a contrarian for the sheer sake of it.

>> No.8406252

OoT3D, but without the butchered art and the 3D.

>> No.8406253
File: 48 KB, 550x553, sendlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late i already reported your post to the webmaster. flaming fellow users is NOT allowed in this topic. enjoy your ban from gamefaqs.

>> No.8406256

>things can/are more than just black & white
Say psyche right now Anonymous. SAY PSYCHE RIGHT NOW.

Wouldn't this opinion make you more interested in the decomp since people now have the ability to change the game into something you might enjoy instead of the vanilla experience?

>> No.8406259

>Say psyche right now Anonymous. SAY PSYCHE RIGHT NOW.

>> No.8406267

not really. im not really interested in playing "totally not zelda". i mean, i've played games like darksiders and such and had a good time, but why bother taking backwards steps just because its related to an old game? mods have never interested me. the only time i've ever used a mod for something was a UI mod for payday 2. fan games and mods lack soul and cohesion to the experience. they feel artificial.

>> No.8406269

Also, it's "sike" these days old man

>> No.8406271

I always thought it was syke

>> No.8406274

It's cyjke (silent j)

>> No.8406276

its always been "psych"

>> No.8406548

based, someone pasted my suggestion

>> No.8406568
File: 295 KB, 700x1062, Fierce Deity manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of notable mods for OOT:
>The Missing Link
>Master of Time
>Dawn and Dusk
>Spaceworld 97

Of the mods listed, only Missing Link and Spaceworld 97 are good, and the former has only one dungeon and the latter only has gameplay elements and no actual progressive campaign, and merely simulates a demo as it would have appeared at an in-store kiosk. Master of Time is a full-fledged mod but it's a bit poor in quality and even poorer in writing and understanding of what makes OOT good. Dawn & Dusk is boring, and its final boss is just purple Volvagia. Nimpize and Bombiwa are trash. Missing Link is kino but is extremely short, its grasp on the aesthetic OOT and MM have is perfect, but of course the story is just a few areas with one minigame and one dungeon like I said before.

MM only has one noteworthy mod and it's "Masked Quest" which is a pathetic attempt at a Master Quest treatment for MM which utterly falls flat on its face with tons of ideas-guy changes that are utterly pointless like changing every form's color (including Link to some kind of peach color) for no reason, and putting the Gibdo trade quest on the fucking moon with no warning.

It's not hard to FEEL the charm of these games and I have no idea why people suck ass at replicating it as consistently as Kaze and CDI Fails did with TML.

>> No.8406584

Lorewise? Who knows? No enemies near the lake have claws. Dark Link, perhaps? Maybe being an evil reflection of Link, he hates trees because a giant tree killed the Great Spider that raised him so he slashed this one up. Developmentwise? Probably meant for the forest but some idiot put it there.

>> No.8406616

>its not "teh best zelda evar!!!"
Name a better Zelda then.

>> No.8406620

He probably already left. Just ignore snoys.

>> No.8406621

Never heard of those, are they any good?

>> No.8406639

>What are your hopes on the OOT decompilation project?
Some things that I would like to see happening:

>OoT with new updated graphics
Perhaps a port with 3DS textures and improved lighting or something.

>OoT MM combined
Like the other anon suggested.

>easy OoT modding tools
I hope that would result in more OoT mods.
It's probably hard to design good dungeons etc. especially for amateurs so not sure if it'll really result in good new mods but who knows.

>Sex mods
And this lol, I wanna bang the shit out of Saria finally.

>> No.8406676

because OOT is just absolute shit

>> No.8406793

I want a overall game overhaul, same dungeons but way more complicated long and creative, new and great dungeons that fit the lore, new places to visit, a shitload of side quest that make sense, i want hearts to be divided into 4 pieces so...4 times the work to find them all, new power ups that fit the gameplay nothing crazy, i want upgrades for items that will make me nostalgic and new monsters that will make me use them. I also want the game to be harder OOT is way to easy. And one thing that i would really like is the opportunity or revisiting Hirule, same story and plot points but a lot of sideways to get to them aka a longueur and more rich experience. Also it would be nice to have some graphical, frames and other improvements to be build into the new game like wide screen option etc.

>> No.8406803

Γink did it

>> No.8406878

god I remember laughing my ass off at this many years ago.

>> No.8406901

would play

>> No.8406909

>inb4 banned/deleted solely for having an honest opinion contrary to the circle jerk.
imagine thinking anyone is bothered by contrarianism on 4channel

>> No.8406912

Anal vore dating sim plz

>> No.8406931

can you link that thread i want to read it.

>> No.8407052
File: 228 KB, 387x409, 1632718508148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.8407119

>MM only has one noteworthy mod and it's "Masked Quest" which is a pathetic attempt at a Master Quest treatment for MM which utterly falls flat on its face
There's an actual MM Master Quest hack that's good.

>> No.8407120

free camera, jump button and boob physics

>> No.8407132

I just want higher resolution and 60FPS, maybe with better models too like Mario64. Nothing fancy.

>> No.8407196

Hoping for some decent ambient occlusion. It's a subtle way of giving low poly assets more oomph without applying ugly "hd" textures.

>> No.8407221

Trash. Nimpize is existing maps from OOT with some entities swapped around like Master Quest but with no rhyme or reason and some weird story told by Sheik to Young Link inside MM maps like a broken Clock Town laundry pool with no other entities, etc.
Bombiwa is a meme mod made by one guy as an inside joke so specific to his modding group you would never get it and even if you did it's still no more fun than it usually would be, and unless I'm confusing it with another mod it's also a troll mod with lots of platforming (using vanilla movement) etc.

>> No.8407312
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>The absolute fucking state of Zelda modding

>> No.8407326

>unless I'm confusing it with another mod
You are. The most platforming I can think of is those rooms at the end of dungeons in Master of Time.

>> No.8407465


>> No.8407475
File: 1.93 MB, 1440x1080, Legend of Zelda, The Master of Time-211210-203446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we talked about mods earlier and this is an OoT related thread I might as well ask here.

Started playing Master of Time and I get weird texture flickering in some areas, pic related.
I'm using Mupen64Plus Next, RDP & RSP set to parallel.
Any idea how to fix this?
Or this fucked for everyone?

>> No.8407478

I was, it was Puzzling I confused it with.

>> No.8407516

This. The biggest gain from decomps is being able to create truly new things like new bosses and not just rearranging things and slapping on a new texture or two. However modders mostly lack creativity because otherwise they would have a real job and be creating new products for a profit.

>> No.8407560
File: 16 KB, 222x112, dat ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your hopes on the OOT decompilation project?
free infinite money for everyone forever and also immortality
idk some more oot hacks would be nice

>> No.8407580


>> No.8407585

The only thing that really interests me about it is finding out some unused story / item / location stuff because I always find such things interesting. I'll probably not play it myself but a hack that restores a bunch of missing content would be pretty cool

>> No.8407593

All I really want is 60FPS with free camera and the 3DS models and textures ported back, but uncensored and desaturated. Anything else would be gravy.

>> No.8407631
File: 80 KB, 720x960, dum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the unused shit was cut well before release. N64 carts were puny. and of the stuff that still remains that wasnt used, but was still on the cart, 99% of that shits been known about for years. oot might be one of the most documented games of that era
also if you want to play through the old unused shit go play that spaceworld 97 demo that the giga-autists just put out like last week

none of that has anything to do with decomp tho

>> No.8407650

I think it's just the shoddy state of the mod itself, but it's been awhile since I've played it so I don't know.

I know this is a snarky non-answer, but just don't play Master of Time. It's fucking terrible. Even if you get past the shitpost trollmod story, the level design is absolutely infuriating. Please spare yourself the trouble and (re)play Missing Link.

>> No.8407679

mot has problems desu
its textures are pretty fucked looking even on a good day
i remember playing it one time and having to do the diving game blind because the water decided to become completely opaque
then theres all the crap >>8407650 is talking about

i like that one MIDI version of that andean flute song tho

>> No.8407707

60 FPS and faster pause menu. I don't really care about much else.

I'd also like to see real time inventory change, but I don't know how feasible that is.

>> No.8407718

The decomp is from the 500MB Master Quest debug ROM not the retail OoT, the debug ROM has a lot of neat shit, most memorably the Stalfos combat rooms from 1996, Syotest 1 and 2.

>> No.8407723

didnt that just end up in the 97 playable demo thing they just dumped? it was from the gigaleak right?
i swear to dog i just played a map called stalfos combat

>> No.8407725

no it's nintendo who did it

>> No.8407802

Entirely new games
New story/cutscenes, new gameplay mechanics/items, new land and dungeons

>> No.8407894

its happened to me a lot on /vg/, more so than any other board. theres at least one mod/jannie that takes topics personally and will wipe out anyone shit talking their precious favorites as "trolling outside of /b/" instead of recognizing that sometimes theres more than one side to a discussion and its not just a happy circle jerk all the time. they also dont realize that yeah, this is 4chan.

>> No.8407912


>> No.8407921

hopefully custom garbage tho

>> No.8408027

60 fps
addictive blending
better lighting engine for all the FX
better coloring
improved camara and movement (no longer have to roll)
better prerendered menus and items from the leak or based on the leak

>> No.8408035


>> No.8408045

i used to date a gril who was addicted to juicing

>> No.8408135
File: 554 KB, 850x656, An-explosion-rendered-with-additive-blending-top-normal-transparency-blending-middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm addicted to additive blending and the N64 could use them instead of the boring alpha blending transparencies.

>> No.8408189

Syotest maps were also on the gigaleak but they were located first alongside other test maps on the leaked Master Quest debug build nearly a decade ago.

>> No.8408194

It's not 500 MBs, but the Debug ROM has a lot of nice goodies and uncompressed files, which is why it was the version of the game chosen for the decompilation.

>> No.8408195
File: 55 KB, 642x485, ningee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a good fanmade sequel to Majora
that'd be neat, i mean if you just removed the resetting time bullshit majora would be 10 times better for it, just up and have the game auto reset and retain progress, that shit was always an unnecessary headache

>> No.8408198

really stupid idea anons

>> No.8408437

then dont play it faggot

>> No.8408483

he literally never will because no one will ever make that greentext real
fortunately, because having to go through the intro every time you want to go to termina or back is literally retarded

>> No.8408498

Probably just hastily done. The world has to look worse after the timeskip, so someone had a brainfart that this random tree should be fucked up a little.

>> No.8408524

fucking thank you, finally someone with common sense

>> No.8408536

I think it's a neat idea. It certainly makes a lot more sense than the ALttP/Super Metroid crossover randomizer, and that was pretty popular for a time.

>> No.8408552

It'd be great to see someone just revamp the game. Add higher difficulty options. Add in more sidequests, and things to interact with. Scatter some surprises around Hyrule Field. Let the game feel new again while still being familiar. I'd love that.

>> No.8408568

how, that actually randomizes between two different genres, that's COOL

>> No.8408591

threat -> >>8394849

>> No.8408683

Right handed Link.

>> No.8408689

Troon thread.

I beat OoT on launch and thought it was an okay game. I would much rather play a new platformer zelda like Zelda 2.

>> No.8408917
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>I beat OoT on launch
you must be some kinda hardcore gamer or something

>> No.8408951

A ps1 port.

>> No.8409037

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.8409235

disliking OoT isn't even particularly contrarian, you can un-clench your sphincter.

>> No.8409245
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>> No.8409250

but you can cock up sequences, if you can't reset there's no way to fix it. and everything is on a schedule, when would the events occur with no passage of time?

>> No.8409550

That's already in the base game, Jabu Jabu

>> No.8409735

>hard core gamer
When it comes to this forum having played original hardware before makes you an oddity.

>> No.8409738

delusional romhackers parading that their mod is the definitive OOT version.

>> No.8409882

just remove the 3 day reset regather items tedium, you're overthinking this by a country mile

>> No.8409913

Does it?

>> No.8410098

no hes just projecting
basically every kid alive at the time, with access to electricity and an N64, played and beat oot.
unless of course their mom was some evangelical nut who thought vidya was literally satanic or some shit

>> No.8410872

Maybe Zelda clones games? I was thinking about that.

>> No.8411026

Someone put a lot of time and effort into this.
I feel embarrassed just looking at it.

>> No.8411080
File: 256 KB, 631x686, I'm okay..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thought it was a model of Luke Skywalker in his X-wing uniform
>Click the image
Very disappointed.

>> No.8411314

why don't you like it?
It looks cool.

>> No.8411327

In terms of upgrades, I want an uncapped framerate and something reminiscent of Render 96. I want to be able to make enemies do 8 times damage like in the Redux Mod.

In terms of more out there fan content, I want a PC expansion that makes Hyrule Field dense with forests and other things. A restoration of the beta lost woods. Events on the overworld and enemies. I want animals, NPCs, etc that roam the map. New enemies as well. I also want more weapons that what are present in the final game, alongside a restoration of all the cut spells. I simply want more gameplay that isn't just fetch quests shit like TP.

>> No.8411349

a mod like B3313 themed around and using mechanics from spaceworld 97

>> No.8413104


>> No.8413107

it's mental illness and selfish

>> No.8413139

Zelda 1 and 2 fan remakes on the OOT MM engine

>> No.8413206

Hopefully some info could be used to make an improved Mario 64 like Miyamoto wanted.

>> No.8413652
File: 252 KB, 545x344, 1623864219227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the No-Intro romset now includes Zelda Dawn & Dusk. I thought the hack was good enough to justify its inclusion.

>> No.8413661

I want no loading screens. Make the entire map seamless.

>> No.8413686

>(no longer have to roll)
Don't mess with tradition!

>> No.8413804

SFM model ports

>> No.8413816


>> No.8414020

It's not a romhack, it's a homebrew game developped by people who researched OoT's disk expansion system. No-Intro romsets don't include romhacks, but they do include some homebrew .

>> No.8414042


>> No.8415127

homebrew, more like homobrew, amirite

>> No.8415138
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>> No.8415139

dunno mate, I'm pretty pleased with that one.

>> No.8415215

That fucking gay ass furry shit is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.8415290

more like hebrew

>> No.8415307

>Zelda 2
It would be a ton of work, but I'd love a 3D version of Zelda 2 in the OOT/MM style. Hell, any of the 2D games would be cool. My favorite would be a combined Oracle of Ages/Seasons. Imagine 3D Ricky, Moosh, and Dmitri! It would be incredible.

>> No.8415319

homebrew is free though

>> No.8415328
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For them to finish so they can decompile Crystal Shards so I can decide if I want to port it for the 3ds.

>> No.8415331

You won't get anything out of it you know. It'll just be like SM64. Disappointment.

>> No.8415342

>disliking OoT isn't even particularly contrarian
Yes it is. You can literally get lynched for stating the truth on this subject. I'm one of the few people with the balls to out and say it. OoTfags seethe whenever people like me have triple digit IQs and don't fall in line with their little cult lol.
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2

>> No.8415346

I was certainly not disappointed by the Mario 64 decomp

>> No.8415348

This is some 90s MySpace emo theme.
Absolutely Kino, I hope these people never leave the internet.

>> No.8415364

>Yes it is.
Not around here.

>You can literally get lynched for stating the truth on this subject.
No, you can't.

>I'm one of the few people with the balls to out and say it.
I am very impressed. No wait, that was sarcasm.

>OoTfags seethe whenever people like me have triple digit IQs and don't fall in line with their little cult lol.
Plenty of people here hate it.

Honestly, thinking you're edgy for hating OoT is bizarre to me. Maybe taking drugs will impress your friends more.

>> No.8415509
File: 51 KB, 640x480, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating OoT is like hating the Beatles, ice cream, or breathing. No one seethes, they just feel sorry for you and your broken dopamine receptors.

>> No.8415515

This guy actually thinks he's going to get banned for disliking it: >>8406226

>> No.8415547

Nice post
lots of zooms falling for the bait...

>> No.8415552

it's wind walker.
there wasn't much to start with...

>> No.8415570

Who cares? OOT is trash.

>> No.8415703

someone needs to add hentai characters so the game can be called HOoT

>> No.8415798

>thinks the post is bait
>calls it nice

>> No.8415851

Sounds about right
Also the game seemed to have gone through a lot of revisions, so who knows

>> No.8415867

Well I know Onpu is hot

>> No.8416502

This is the same way i fucking feel about Melee mods after Akaneia/m-EX came out.

I was hopping people would be prepping up something akin to Smash Remix or doing more interesting stuff like The Akaneia Build is doing, but the biggest thing we get is the shitty Beyond Melee tranny scam.

>> No.8416574

oh right, the same tranny that never releases ANY remnants of their Earthbound hacks.
Nobody fucking cares if the hacks where solely for glorified and showcase use, you obviously went through a lot to change up the game a bit for the video.

Fuck BigSharkZ

>> No.8416578

BigShitZ is an attention whore hacker.
at least Toby Fox DID release something.

>> No.8416587

So what does this mean for Link's Awakening 64?
Yes it's still being made and kudos to the dev for being aware of the pattern of Nintendo targeting thing's they're probably also doing.

>> No.8416590

Dark Souls 64 but real

>> No.8416830

How do opinions this bad even start?

>> No.8416842

>unless of course their mom was some evangelical nut who thought vidya was literally satanic or some shit
I feel sorry for those kids, who went on to have wives and families instead of beating Zelda for the 40th time

>> No.8416910


Dream hack? Playable Sheik, using some of Sheik's SSB moves/weapons to replace Link's, like throwing knives to replace the Bow, and faster running on foot to replace Epona.

>> No.8418313

Either A) They're an impressionable zoomer who watched Sequelitis because it popped up in their recommendeds on YouTube or B) They grew up with Spyro or something and have to cope as to what they missed out on

>> No.8418323

>meanwhile Mario 64's flourished even before the decomp
TPP has been trying to stifle that flourish HARD.

>> No.8418336

OOT being bad or overrated is just the particular flavour of contrarianism that was in style about ten years ago, and then got accepted as folk wisdom for some stupid reason.
It feels braver these days to say "actually no, it is that good, and it is better than WW and TP, and Okami too for that matter".

>> No.8418350

I actually played OOT for the first time last year and... It's alright. Honestly nothing to write home about. Perhaps my standards were just set a bit too high though.