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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8399084 No.8399084 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else is a Retro Gamer because cant buy a new consoles or a PC gaming?

>> No.8399091

Kind of. Mostly I just don't find many new games that appeal to me, and the ones that do are referencing something old (like R-Type Final 2).

I sure as hell won't spend 500 for a marginal upgrade to my current GPU so I can run CoD at 60 fps.

>> No.8399110

both. used to be just no money. but after the ps2 era it felt like something changed about video games. games from the last 15 years just don't have the lasting impact of older ones. they went the worst possible route of Halo and GTA. every game made nowadays feels like waste of time to me, it's clear that they all play the same and get dumber with each new gen. only thing I'd buy a console for would be fighting games, they are the only genre that more or less kept the depth.

>> No.8399158

I have a PC and a PS4, I just don't like the idea of my older consoles collecting dust

>> No.8399165

These cinematic button pushers people call video games today don't interest me in the slightest and hardly qualify as video games in my opinion. Also the whole pay to play, pay to win concept most games have adapted is pure nonsense.

>> No.8399289

Sorta. It's one reason, since I'm from the beautiful third-world, and, unless you're rich here, things ain't necessarily smooth. I had a current-gen (by then) console and a modest gamer PC, but the so-called triple-A games weren't satisfying me, and I spent most of my gaming time with emulation and select indie or medium-budget games. I decided it was not worth the cost, so I sold everything and opted for a practical setup. Nowadays, I play as much as before (or maybe more), with little money spending. I'm not saying this is the way, it's just what happened to me.

>> No.8399314

I own a decent PC (kind of old now) to play the modern games that I want to play, while also using it to emulate the retro games that I want to play.

>> No.8399316

sorta. I could afford it, and i could justify a new machine as a media center too.

but after ps2-ish era, video gaming and pc gaming took a different unattractive direction, and then mobile gaming and the new pay-models of the current era were unleashed shortly after. its just too much.

It may be hard to conceive, but anyone over 40 came from a time where it was not impossible to basically know every console game that was released. Now, wouldn't know what would be likeable or where to sink money.

the only newish game catching interest in a long time is old gameplay >Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth

>> No.8399324

Not even trying to get away with samefagging

>> No.8399335

You sweet little schizo! Never change! Keep entertaining us.

t. The voices in your mind

>> No.8399346

It’s part of the reason. Buying retro stuff on Steam is usually incredibly cheap. For the $60 you’d spend on some soulless new mostly hand-holding mostly movie game you could get literally dozens of classics. I don’t plan on being a mindless consumer buying new systems and games at ridiculous prices the rest of my life.

But again it’s only part of the reason. I can afford a switch or ps5 or switch but I’m more excited about going home for Christmas and digging my Gamecube out of a closet at my patents’ house.

>> No.8399373

BOTW sucks dick anyways. Only Tendies who never touched an open world game before think it's good when it's run of the mill Ubisoft tier garbage with a Blues Clues tier cooking system. Some Tendie called it a complex chemical system however KEK

>> No.8399457
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do you... not know how to count how many unique posters there are?

>> No.8399482

I bought a gaming PC just to emulate old games at the best quality available.

>> No.8399509

I actually hate this image a lot.

>> No.8399512

I have a large backlog of games for consoles I already own so I'd feel retarded spending hundreds of dollars on even more videogames.
I would like to buy a new PC but apparently it's a really bad time for that right now.

>> No.8399514

Next time just post "br?" and save yourself some time.

>> No.8399518

All me btw.

>> No.8399534
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No I got a my Index a year ago and got my 3080 in April.
I got my first PVM 2 or 3 months ago and have been working on RGB modding my old consoles and importing some from Japan.
I just love video games so much. Old and new, there's so much gold to be found everywhere you look.

>> No.8399541

i mean kinda yeah, but i emulate older games. i sometimes buy pc games but not often. recently got a switch though and honestly can't really say i care for the game in ya pic op, but the other games i got were, while not bad, i kinda wish i just bought some more wii titles instead or something. just haven't got anythin new in a while so i figured why not but idk there's a comfortable feeling about older stuff. one of these days i gotta learn how to mod a wii and a 3ds.
thanks for the laugh, fren.

>> No.8399627

I have a high end gaming pc I almost exclusively use for emulating old console games, knowing that it is a suboptimal way to play them.

>> No.8399656

I'm br and have a sizable collection, you can gobble my dick though.

>> No.8399665

More like I find most new games fucking boring. PC is where it's at.

>> No.8399678

No. Most new games just bore me, and are aesthetically displeasing. Pixels and jaggies 'til I die.

>> No.8399697

I have a decent enough PC, the problem is that most new games are only one time playthroughs tops or are super padded out with repeat content to where they genuinely feel like a second job.
With the online only requirements, the bloated filesizes and system requirements, it's just not really worth it in the end.

>> No.8399719

>Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
I was just browsing ebay and saw a vhs of record of lodoss war, which reminded me of the dreamcast game, and when searching "record of lodoss war game" I found that game, and now I see it here. Funny how that works.

>> No.8399768

Sword World saga is such a blast, Lodoss War, both the TV anime and the original OVAs, the movies, Rune Soldier. Good shit.

>> No.8399880
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Pretty much. Wages has not kept up with the cost of living and inflation. The pandemic just exacerbated the situation. I'd love to enjoy the new games and technology, but I have to make due with what I got from back when. The worst part is that even the services to maintain those old devices have disappeared and in the rare instance a solution is available it is only for the ultra wealthy to afford.

>> No.8399883

that was me 10 years ago, I have a better computer now but still appreciate older games.

>> No.8399889

my PC died in 2011 and I couldn't afford a new one, so my brother gave me his old one without a dedicated GPU and I've been playing SNES and Genesis emulators ever since
also I'm probably depressed because if I really wanted new games I would have worked out a way to get a decent PC by now
and even before my PC died I was already wasting a lot of time shitposting online, I think internet addiction substituted my video game addiction

>> No.8400089

Kind of anon. It's a self imposed rule. I don't buy games anymore. I hate consoomerism like you wouldn't believe. I got fed up with it. The whole gaming industry is a well oiled machine trying to suck every last dime out of your pocket. It was hard quitting at first. I think I've finally reached the point where I'm good though. I saw what modern games had to offer and they have nothing I want anymore that I can't get replaying some old shit.

>> No.8400091

It just shows that a lot of us have this in common.

>> No.8400142

Nah because I still emulate the occasional switch game. The reality is I just like a lot of older games more (with some exceptions, I enjoy Nioh 2 more than I do 90% of retro action games)

>> No.8400248
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This describes me best.
>never owned N64 or Saturn
>did not own every single Genesis or SNES game I wanted back in the day
So I am catching up on those. I don't care if they're old. A good game is a good game.

Also some /vr/ games (namely racing and fightan) literally never stopped being fun so I kept playing them. I brought a copy of Tekken 3 to college to play on my PS3 over 15 years after it came out. Simple as that.

>> No.8400257

Nah, old games are just more interesting. As a kid, I felt a shift with the Wii, 360 and PS3. It simply wasn’t the same anymore for various reasons. PS2, Xbox and GC were the last of that classic era. It just felt like with that Wii generation, ideas stopped being original, even if there were some good games.

>> No.8400260

Many games today strive to be the games of the past. For instance, every horror game today wants to be Silent Hill. You may as well just play the real thing.

>> No.8400271

It's getting to this point. PC gaming is becoming a rich man's hobby and I hate the market so fucking much.

>> No.8400326

Nah, it's mostly two reasons for me:
1. Probably 80% or more of new games are absolute irredeemable trash. Games as service, unfinished, online only, f2p, """artsy""", condescending propaganda games, etc are so prevalent that I only buy one new game every year, sometimes less. The last two games I bought and enjoyed were spelunky 2 and re2make. Haven't bought a new one since those came out, despite my boredom and lots of random days where I searched for something new to play.
2. Companies are trying to make it harder to play older games, and assholes are no longer selling secondhand retro games for reasonable prices. Everything is going digital now, and if you buy something digital you don't own shit. Nintendo is doing disney vault bullshit or locking beloved classic games behind a paid online subscription, capcom never rereleased the classic REs, snes games are $90+ on ebay when they used to be pennies at garage sales and secondhand stores, etc etc.
These two reasons have turned me into an emulator guy. Just today I got a really nice panasonic crt tv, and I'll be playing my old childhood games on original hardware too now for the first time in years. Fuck the industry, I'll watch it turn to shit from the comfort of super ghouls n ghosts and dkc.

>> No.8400335

Newer games just have nothing to offer me. I'm no longer the target audience. And I'm not stupid enough to keep buying shit designed by people who don't like me or people like me. Nor am I stupid enough to pay for "digital" games that will disappear and need to be re-purchased within a couple of console generations. The shit I played 25 years ago still works, because it's a physical, tangible thing that I own and no one can force me to pay to play like a cuck.

>> No.8400897

I only play modern games that are new entries in old franchises like Mega Man 11, Dragon Quest 11, Metroid Dread and all that stuff. It's not even that I think that modern games suck, no, I just can't bring myself to try anything new. There are some exceptions though like Souls games and Xenoblade 1, big fan of these

>> No.8400981

I stopped buying new games sometime in 2012 back when the ps3 was active.
I exclusively play older games now I rarely if ever touch my ps3. Over the past 2 years iv been playing games from the 90's and finishing them.
I don't plan on ever buying a new console except for when I become a dad and if one of my kids ask for one. I have all the snes and ps1, wii and ps3 games ill ever want

>> No.8401086
