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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8397264 No.8397264 [Reply] [Original]

>love the adventure vibe classic JRPG stories and worlds used to have
>can't stand the mindless repetitive combat

Why did it have to be this way

>> No.8397269

Use cheats.

>> No.8397292

RPGs were the throwaway genre of the time.

>> No.8397303

Do people actually like JRPG stories and worlds? Most JRPGs have non-existent worldbuilding and soulless worlds. I thought the main appeal was that leveling up and buying items feels good.

>> No.8397307

JRPG stories and worlds are literally the only worthwhile thing about them.

>> No.8397326

>tfw love both

>> No.8397331

It's not the games fault you are retarded anon-kun

>> No.8397363

Play better JRPGs then, like Etrian Odyssey.

>> No.8397446
File: 23 KB, 350x228, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 2003, Shigeru Miyamoto described his "fundamental dislike" of the role-playing game (RPG) genre: "I think that with an RPG you are completely bound hand and foot, and can't move. But gradually you become able to move your hands and legs... you become slightly untied. And in the end, you feel powerful. So what you get out of an RPG is a feeling of satisfaction. But I don't think they're something that's fundamentally fun to play. With a game like that, anyone really can be good at it. With a game like Super Mario Bros. though, if you're not good at it, you might never get good..."

>> No.8397467
File: 549 KB, 1116x1200, jarpig_mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. fuck RPGs and fuck progression systems.

>> No.8397473
File: 283 KB, 1500x1336, 913FN2ZaLML._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe. shiggy is a faggot.

>> No.8397505

might as well be another fake quote like the many spouted here on /vr/, but if it's true, he seems to be utterly unaware that he makes cute bideo gamez for little toddlers. This fag is the last person on earth that'd have any clout to whine about casuals.

>> No.8397532
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>> No.8397537

t. can't even beat smb1 without warps

>> No.8397558

All the retro Super Mario Bros games are easy unless you're under 8 years old or retarded. Sure there's occasional levels that might take you a few lives but they don't take take any "you've either got it or you don't" skill

>> No.8397847

based shiggy, weebs already seething

>> No.8397852

It's nice to see stories where characters are friends, not just snarky coworkers.

>> No.8397906
File: 497 KB, 640x448, ai3_gp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think it was this way at all; picrel

>> No.8397917

Kids do. They like the gameplay, too. Not getting this isn't impressive, it just means you aren't very bright.

>> No.8398921

Good JRPG battle systems are an exception, and stopping movement to go to a different combat area always hurts flow

I want to see every enemy while moving around, be free to hit them whenever I like, jump on them, go around, avoid them, use the environment against them etc

>> No.8398938

Yes, but I only play ones where the worlds and story appeal to me. This means I don't play many of them.

>> No.8398940

Look up rom-hacks for the game you want to play. Most jrpgs have limps hacks that half the encounter rate and double exp and money. It makes them much less tedious but preserves the level curve.

>> No.8398956

Me too.

Zelda games are a sort of what you might like? Also Hobbit on GBA is kinda comfy too

>> No.8399081

The stories and worlds are mostly what's attractive about JRPGs. It's rare I come across a JRPG where I'm invested in the systems.

But, did JRPGs have particularly GOOD worldbuilding and stories? No. Hell no. But if you consider anime the peak of narrative art, then you're the kind of person who will overlook juvenile storytelling with terrible dialog because you project what you want to see into the game.

There were people who considered FF7 very deep, but it's actually nonsensical. At least the English translation is.

>> No.8399131

I think they like the comfy artstyle and music of the worlds, but yeah, the actual worldbuilding itself is usually very generic and shallow. I'm a very oldschool crpg fag, so I've always seen jrpgs as something mainly for children.

>> No.8399143 [DELETED] 


>> No.8399153

Didn't Paper Mario start without being able to jump and you had to unlock the ability? Not sure if subtle critique of the genre.

>> No.8399186

Yeah, even just Link to the Past's rudimentary combat and weapon puzzles/interaction would be fine, but Zelda is always confined to one overworld (and/or a mirror world) whereas I love how expansive JRPGs can get with their worlds.

>> No.8399191

I like both, I agree that JRPG writing is usually bad but the style as a whole is very appealing, and the camp can sometimes enhance the feeling of naiveté and sincerity. I think of CRPGs and JRPGs as savory and saccharine, I want a bit of both, it's not an either/or situation.

>> No.8399227
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>Why did it have to be this way

You have the west to blame for this, you faggot.

>> No.8399519

no but you had to get the hammer in the first game whereas in the second you just start out with it.

>> No.8399526

It was that or Ultima's shitty combat, I'm glad they choose Wizardry

>> No.8399546

>they remake FF7 to have less tedious combat
>but they take away all of the shit I actually like about the presentation, such as the pre-rendered backgrounds
The game needs a demake that plays like Secret of Mana or something.

>> No.8399702
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I'm really baffled how some people can prefer the new realistic presentation, the old style is inherently more interesting to me because there's more abstraction so it's like an artist working within limitations to come up with creative solutions to make the most of them.

There's so many cool things to see and the top down perspective makes everything look cooler by default, the realistic way is technically impressive I guess but completely boring, I don't want to look at this, it doesn't engage me or spark my imagination.

>> No.8401806
File: 427 KB, 546x407, anti-skill gamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most based Nintendo's ever been.

>> No.8402897

>I'm a very oldschool crpg fag, so I've always seen jrpgs as something mainly for children.
And crpgs in turn are mainly for man-children

>> No.8402916

Doubt it's a real quote. He was a big fan of dragon quest and has done interviews alongside Yuji Horii, he praises the experience and level progression system as well as the story telling of the then most recent game DQ5

>> No.8402931

If he actually liked XP / progression systems, how come only one Zelda game ever had that?

>> No.8404976

What's that?