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File: 50 KB, 1362x911, 2A824B3E-42D9-462C-B9EF-28CC6044770E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8395812 No.8395812 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite or most interesting controllers. I’m thinking of picking up a dual analog for the ps1. Also, any recommendations for wireless ps1/2 controllers?

>> No.8395927

i was obsessed with the nes controller as a kid, I used to draw them because I thought the design was so good looking

overall (not retro) my favourite controller is the wiimote, it looks so cool

>> No.8397638

The HSS-0130 is of my most favorite. Possibly the best 1st party stick(s) ever made. And just looks awesome. Also you can't ignore its girth.

>> No.8398101
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The supply chain issues and chip shortage has ruined my Black Friday/Cyber Monday plans, as I wanted the Brook Super Converter. It should allow for some decent wireless controllers that you are looking for: https://youtu.be/h3sGa-SmXdI

>> No.8398467
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I just wish the fucking thing would work on PC without endless jank 3rd party shit

>> No.8398930

Wii U Pro has the best layout although I don't like the smudgy plastic Nintendo was obsessed with during those years.

>> No.8399195

I know what your're talking about. I did my best to keep the gamepad clean and pristine but after 5 minutes of playing something the thing was covered in sweat and fingerprints which was fucking disgusting

>> No.8399448

The endless 3rd party jank shit is due to microsoft biting at Sony's leg at every opportunity

>> No.8399502
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come home, white man.

>> No.8399613

The USB controller for the PS1 mini works perfectly. It's plug-and-play.

>> No.8399661

Works natively with macOS.

>> No.8399690
File: 323 KB, 940x705, MVIMG_20190316_103042+-+Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly comfy controller, same goes for the Tribute 64 controller too.

>> No.8399713
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for me it's the Steam Controller

>> No.8399723

DS4Windows ain't that bad

>> No.8399816
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I adore the designs for these two
I've always wanted a rerelease of the dreamcast controller, with a second stick, wireless and it's compatible on pc.
It's a shame the duke rerelease is no longer sold in black, just that lame green one. I also hate that it's not wireless and they put that unnecessary video intro screen in the middle, the big rubbery logo was perfect.

>> No.8399821

There's literally nothing wrong with DS4windows, it's highly customizable and very user friendly.
it even works with ps5, a much better controller than the ps4 turd.

>> No.8399870

What's with these younglings upvoting wireless controllers and micro USB ports as if they are any good. The companies decided a while back to make us pay extra for wired controllers instead of giving them as standard with every console purchase. They save on wire and pocket the profits, while we're left with a sub par controller with less versatility and lifespan. They fucked us can't any of you see that?.

>> No.8399935

how in the blue hell people would ike that shit.

>> No.8400018

What's a good alternative controller for the Dreamcast? The original one isn't too comfortable, especially for fighting games. Is there a way to just plug in a Saturn controller instead?

>> No.8400047

>They save on wire and pocket the profits
I'm sure the lithium battery pack costs more than the wire would have. Enjoy dealing with a tangled mess of cables.

>> No.8400154

>not just controlling the game with your mind
enjoy your carpel tunnel syndrome

>> No.8400169
File: 23 KB, 500x245, 92F5EA67-7A42-4143-9032-C86F03194B22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Katana Wireless

Works on Ps1 and Ps2. Don’t let the D-Pad fool you, it’s better than the OEM. That being said these things cost more than Wavebirds now days. Good luck getting one at a reasonable price.

>> No.8400265

Now that's a SOULFUL controller design.

>> No.8400535
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, img-0655-1619147510861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up the Pro 2 after a solid two years of using the SN30Pro+

The construction quality of it is actually quite nice. The texture of the back of the controller and the analogue sticks is very pleasing. The two-tone grey reminds me a lot of the PS1 so I love using it for games on Duckstation. The properly centered Start and Select buttons are a nice improvement and I also find the D-Pad tighter and less rattly than the original SN30Pro+. if you like SNES dpads you'll feel right at home I think.

The only thing I'm still undecided on is the back buttons. I've never accidentally pressed them, but the feeling of my middle fingers gently sitting on them while the rest of my fingers hold the grips is taking some getting used to. I just hope I get used to them because I really like the rest of the controller. I'm probably just being autistic.

>> No.8400553

God damn, that price is no joke, though it looks great. I’ll just have to stick with wired for now

>> No.8400569

it's the same controller with a worse dpad you jackass

>> No.8400576

yeah, but then you have to use macOS

>> No.8400851
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because it allows me to comfortably play PC games while sitting back and relaxing

>> No.8400993

update your kernel anon

>> No.8402778
File: 141 KB, 800x862, Hori-Pad-Pro-Xbox-One-Controller-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's why I think these are better flap placements..

>> No.8402843
File: 251 KB, 1000x708, 131038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Nintendo came up with the NES Max, they should have just made this the standard NES controller and started shipping the console with this instead. Anyone who thinks the rectangle controller is better is just nostalgia blind or never owned a Max.

>> No.8402859

there were official arcade sticks made for the dreamcast as well as a few third party ones (MAS sticks notably). unfortunately these are pretty expensive / collectors items now.

you can get a brook dreamcast adapter to use a modern "fightstick" on a dreamcast. I believe they also make one to convert more modern pads if you don't have or want to shell out for an arcade stick.

If you're dead set on using an original saturn controller this is the only thing I'm aware of: http://www.brunofreitas.com/node/84

>> No.8402872

lemme guess, the pad is great but its a piece of shit with wrong inputs and needs tape LOL

>> No.8402891

This looks like a orbital d-pad circle around a very low profile stick. And even though it likely isn't. It has given me some ideas around merging a Dpad and stick with 64+ clicky micro buttons in a circle.

>> No.8402945
File: 25 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.1804808940_k9du[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just a regular d-pad with an inset disc that slides around. It sounds janky, but it's buttery smooth and works way better than it has any right to. The NES Max was such a good controller, it even has little knobs on the underside that you hook your fingers onto for better grip, exactly where you'd expect trigger buttons to be. This fucking thing predicted how controllers would be shaped ages ahead of time and no one noticed.

>> No.8402953
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Like this?
Knocked this simple sketch up on paint lol.

>> No.8403029
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I have one of these, using the disc edges sorta works but the disc slide feels more like a dead zone and for some games movement can be a pain, also on mine the B and A button pressing are flimsy and sometimes don't register, and i am not sure if they use the same type of rubber membranes as the regular ones, plus pressing B & A in that diagonal arc makes it a pain for games where you hold B to run, at least on the normal controller you can kind of do it since the buttons are on a straight line.

the turbo buttons were ok, and i actually like that Start and Select are plastic and not rubber.

I do remember this mod that you can do.

>> No.8404008

I've had zero issues with this or my old SN30Pro+. Seems like 8bitdo used to have abysmal quality control but after being thrown into the e-celeb limelight a bit they've tightened it up significantly. Microsoft doesn't get enough shit for how often those Xbox pads just fucking start dropping inputs.

>> No.8404020

What the fuck is that circle thing? Why overcomplicate things with that and throw out a perfect good d-pad?

>> No.8404032

The more about D-pads I read, the more it seems that no one really enjoys any D-pad out there and just tolerates them, save for maybe the Vita or DS which get some praise. Do you guys really think the situation is that bad? Why all the constant negativity towards the D-pads out there?

>> No.8404319

Because companies like Nintendo and Sega made some really good ones, and despite that they redesign them to be worse. For example Saturn->Dreamcast or look at the GameCube, or even Switch pro with its input errors. Sony could have also just put their Vita design on their controllers, but they don’t.

>> No.8406304

Replacing the left stick with this seems like a bad idea. You press the button in the middle like a clicky stick replacement maybe? And games that don't require exact directions have approximations like North /North West..

>> No.8406320
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, A4004916-6F14-4433-B29A-F4A48F93541A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy, amazing D-pad, works well with a shitload of retro consoles, aesthetically pleasing, it’s just a good controller