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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 444 KB, 1600x1600, gold standard zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8386569 No.8386569 [Reply] [Original]

It's just too easy with a sword. Even with the blue knights taking ten hits from the wooden sword apiece, it still makes you overpowered when you consider that you're going to need the magical rod to get all the triforce pieces and you also have bombs and arrows.

Protip for real: If you set a bomb and are not facing the enemy, they ought to take hits. Getting good with bombs is also key to getting far in a swordless quest.


>> No.8386576

>sticker on the sticker
I fucking hate this shit so much bros.

>> No.8386586

You think you got problems? I want one that's sealed so I can open it and play it in the most pristine way, again.

>> No.8386625

If you used your hands and a controller instead of completing the game through the sheer will of your mental, using your brain waves to reorganize the code as the program is executed, you didn't beat the game.
Get to my level, scrub.

Sarcasm aside, impose all the restrictions you want on your play through, but don't expect me to align with your autism and you won't get my recognition for it, no matter how much shaming you attempt. What's next? You didn't beat the game if you took any damage on your no-sword run? You didn't beat the game if it took you more than an hour in your no-damage, no-sword run? Come on now.

>> No.8386637

>What's next? You didn't beat the game if you took any damage on your no-sword run? You didn't beat the game if it took you more than an hour in your no-damage, no-sword run? Come on now.

Naw, that's silly, but allegedly been done.
How about a minimum item run? That can be fun. Or you can do a quicky little thing like just collect the blue items and call it a day.
Btw I like your moxie.

>> No.8386648

zelda sucks and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't

>> No.8386661

It's delightful and enchanting, faygit.
What's wrong? Did you not find the good shops and got burned on a few deals? Pissed about the landlord fuckers?

>> No.8386686

It's post like these that make me think autists that have played the game 100 times are worse judges of the game then someone who only played it once.

>> No.8386909

based valuedestroyer

>> No.8386990

To me unless it's been played it only has half its value at best. Besides, if it isn't played, no one can be sure that it even still works.

>> No.8387534

Nothing imposes a greater feeling of SOVL like a label-defacing sticker.

>> No.8387549

nice kusoge

>> No.8387665
File: 8 KB, 136x104, gannon banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8387814

I don't even like when the grocery clerks have to put orange stickers all over your groceries that haven't been bagged, like yeah so I don't want a bag so now you have to deface my property? I don't know why such a small thing bothers me though but it just does.

>> No.8387829
File: 933 KB, 4096x1270, 20211204_003531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some employee stuck this not on the case but actually pulled the cover sheet out and stuck it on there. Tried to remove it and stopped out of fear of ruining the spine. Who the fuck does this? Why couldn't you just stick it on the outside?

>> No.8388206


>> No.8388213


It’s /v/-tier nonsense and you know it.

>> No.8388287

Why? It's a great challenge for those who have already beaten the game.
Being able to demolish an entire room of wizrobes or darknuts without a sword feels great.

>> No.8388290

Also it feels epic to be able to get to Gannon without a sword, die, then die again so you can start at the actual starting place, then finally pick up the sword and then go straight to killing him. It's like Rocky I and Rocky II. In one Rocky loses technically, but in II he completely wins.

>> No.8388295

It’s your claim that you didn’t really “beat the game” otherwise. This type of thing is just bait, it doesn’t make for a compelling discussion or even a decent argument for that matter. There are threads like this all over /v/ particular in regards to the Souls games and they’re always cancerous bouts of memespeak that get hundreds of responses but ultimately lead nowhere.

You should strive to be better than that.

>> No.8388296

>It’s your claim that you didn’t really “beat the game” otherwise. This type of thing is just bait

No, it isn't bait, it's a fact for those who have already beaten the game and want more challenge. Is this a hard concept to grasp?

>> No.8388297

No its just you jacking yourself off you dumb nigger

>> No.8388304

Then if it's just me, how am I posting all those videos of other attempts to do it?
I'm pretty good at being other people too, huh.
You're just starting trouble, literally calling me a racial slur over an extra fun challenge in a video game. Get lost.

>> No.8388305

>already beaten the game
>but they still haven’t beaten the game

Lol anon, pls

>> No.8388307

You and everyone knows what that means.
Post-modern retardery ain't cool anymore.
So yeah, the game never outright tells you to take the sword, it's just inferred you should take it:
>It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
Nah, keep it, old man.

>> No.8388314

>Nothing imposes a greater feeling of SOVL like a label-defacing sticker.
This is true for some reason.

>> No.8388315

This isn’t the hill to die on you goddamn sperg. Your miserable use of language deserves all the criticism it gets. Beating the game with or without the sword does not invalidate beating the game. A challenge is one thing, but to make claims such as the one you made in the OP is utter nonsense. I’m not gonna argue any further as this is a waste of time. Consider using your brain before making this thread in the future.

>> No.8388318

some stores are assholes with stickers on purpose so they can't be removed. That way the game can't be sold in another store and even if the game changes hand 10 times the stickers in still on there.

The worst i've seen are stickers on the disc itself. Big ugly yellow sticker on the inner round part of PS1 discs with the name of the store.

>> No.8388321

>tfw my copy of Misadventures of Tron Bonne has a huge HOLLYWOOD VIDEO decal sticker on it

Eh, even back in 2003 getting a copy of that game was hard as hell so frankly I ain’t even mad

>> No.8388328

Fucking go to another thread you pathetic ball of hatred and no-funness.

>> No.8388343

>how am I posting all those videos of other attempts to do it?
Not a single video posted in this thread.

>> No.8388347

>Not a single video posted in this thread.
And? You know they exist so why post them? You weren't going to watch them anyway, don't lie.

>> No.8388352

ANYWAY, please ignore the troll who keeps derailing.
Back to the original point, if you really want to beat Zelda I, sack up and ignore the old man.

>> No.8388353

You only brought them up to deflect from the obvious fact that you're jacking off right now

>> No.8388367
File: 159 KB, 1183x624, zelda one map zelda ii map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you got problems.
Another fun aspect of not taking the sword is is forces you to git gud at bobbing and weaving enemies so that you can collect the 100 rupees from the traitor molblin at the right-top part of the map.
Good times.

>> No.8388369

*is that

To me this gets to the real core of playing classic video games-you begin to set your own rules so that you really play the game instead of it playing you.

>> No.8388531

why is this guy talking about Zelda over and over again, this is a thread about label defacing stickers

>> No.8389239

So post em.

>> No.8389405

>If you can't get to Gannon without a sword you didn't beat the game.
That's a stupid thing to post. I beat the game countless times since the 1980s.

>> No.8389426

So you don't know what a "fact" is? Are you genuinely mentally retarded?

I hope you at least try and learn a lesson and next time you make a thread don't fill it full of bait shit.

>> No.8389427

You completed the game, but you didn't beat it in the sense I'm talking about.

>> No.8389429

You're actually telling me that you speak for everyone in the world that plays the game?
What an ego.
Yes, extra challenge for veterin

>> No.8389431

*veteran players
I swear some of you just want to argue.

>> No.8389438

Zoomers need to be kicked off the board.
Swordless Zelda has been a thing for decades, but zoomers who refuse to get good are so assmad that they try to ruin someone's thread.

>> No.8390164
File: 8 KB, 256x224, best ending ki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless the stunt also unlocks a "best ending" or alternate graphics/text, it's just a curiosity and you've beaten the game.

>> No.8390178

>Unless the stunt also unlocks a "best ending" or alternate graphics/text, it's just a curiosity and you've beaten the game.
It's still fun. Your pic related is not fun.

>> No.8390185

Beat the game without the sword? Ha sorry faggot. How about you beat the game without even turning it on, like me? You haven’t actually beaten the game unless you do it like this and you’re a zoomer boomer tumour coomer who got filtered and based and cringe soul crt kino ludo scotfotmer SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP I HATE THIS BOARD SO MUCH AAARAFAFVHHBGFH

>> No.8390186

Yes but it can also be defined as the "best ending" and you haven't really beaten the game unless you've seen it.

>> No.8390187

>it can also be defined as the "best ending" and you haven't really beaten the game unless you've seen it.
I accept that.

>> No.8390189

Maybe stop shitting up the board with your cancerous bait threads then you stupid samefagger

>> No.8390193


>> No.8390201

It was fine again until you came back.

>> No.8390213
File: 332 KB, 983x1200, F8117B23-294D-483D-97B8-96EE2C2DF5F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s worse (better?). Price stickers and other shit covering a box or game, or when the store uses their own awful box

>> No.8390223
File: 267 KB, 1200x1600, 1609CE78-3F09-4507-A442-98911D1D5C64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this? This is SOVL

>> No.8390228

Poor Paper Mario.
1000:1 it still works.

>> No.8390230
File: 382 KB, 1600x1600, TF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price stickers are much more of a nuisance, obviously

>> No.8390238

Oh shit, WD brought over Thunder Force V? Huh. Always associated them with JRPGs or niche Jap sidescrollers. Weird seeing them bring over a more “normal” game for them. I know they did that Sega Ages arcade collection for the Saturn too. Cool stuff

>> No.8390251
File: 3.15 MB, 3888x2592, 13EEF6F5-E2ED-4BDD-B5F3-887939B2BDD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here bro, I bought over a game

>> No.8390262

The real sin is reusing Aquamentus for a boss. They should have gone with Patra instead, the Skull didn't need two bosses.

>> No.8390273

The Hyrule Fantasy tends to make up for a potentially overpowered late-game Link by simply increasing the enemy count.

>> No.8390276

Are you saying the Japanese version has more enemies or are you being autistic and saying that’s the game’s proper name

>> No.8390289
File: 433 KB, 1200x1600, Ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related too. Very strange game, kind of a dream/AI based shootie.
I regret having to sell my copy, even though it only cost fifteen bux originally

>> No.8390313

completely agreed op, i just did it last week.
>boot up randomizer
>old man gives me the magic rod instead
the worst shit.
god same desu baka whatever new word of the bloody week. memes are just shit now i swear to god not even talking about wojaks and frogposters it's just so lame.

>> No.8390317

>name their sub label after the word for a raving retard
WD really were based huh?

>> No.8390335

That is the game subtitle, nothing autistic about it. Although I do believe there are some *extremely* minor enemy placement differences between the FDS release and the cart release.

>> No.8390340


>> No.8390342

Even better. Game looks pretty fun too

>> No.8390593

These are kinda cool in retrospect. At least they were kind enough to give you a box you could replace the insert for, lots of nice repro labels you can print online these days.

>> No.8390610

The main issue is that they were often filthy and the actual insert itself had ugly art and some of the worst text placement on earth. The free box is a nice touch though, I’ll give them that

>> No.8390626

I don't even know if I can post my worst offender on this site. Some couple printed out stickers with their home address on it and plastered it over every cart they owned. I ended up buying Pole Position for the N64 from them, and you can't see the sticker at all because their fucking home address is right in the middle and if I remove it the original sticker will be destroyed. And I don't think I can post it because it's technically doxxing.

>> No.8390683

There was a very popular website in the early-mid 2000s called "Gannon-Banned" that compiled a list of mortal sins in the Zelda community, the primary one being misspelling Ganon as "Gannon".

>> No.8390737

Sounds funny so of course it's gone, right? But I spell it Gannon because I think the original ROM spelled it that way.

>> No.8390760

Looks like it was still up until at least 2017 which is a bit of a surprise. It appears to be gone now though.

>> No.8391386
File: 84 KB, 336x606, 1627181331466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.8391456

To truly beat Zelda you need to cut your dick off and spit on it before inserting the cartridge into your Nintendo Entertainment system and then play the game to completion before you bleed out.

>> No.8391639

Could just draw over the address in paint?

>> No.8392445

What a bunch of unfunny crap. Glad it's gone.

>> No.8392601

>>boot up randomizer
>>old man gives me the magic rod instead

That kinda takes the fun out of it.

>> No.8392623

gay mario

>> No.8393162

Faggot anon (You)

>> No.8393353

I actually wish I had left the stickers on a few of my carts simply because of how much I paid vs. what they sell for now. Obviously wasn't thinking of that at the time.

>> No.8393437

i was joking :v

>> No.8393443

you never know with a randomizer.

>> No.8393451

That was pretty typical mid-2000s internet humor.

>> No.8393460

>being unfunny is le funny
Sometimes the past sucked.

>> No.8393481

as long as it's not label defacing. The crazy thing about NES carts is there's so much surface area besides the sticker that there's almost no excuse for stuff like in the OP.

>> No.8393846 [DELETED] 

>The crazy thing about NES carts is there's so much surface area besides the sticker that there's almost no excuse for stuff like in the OP.
I think that's because the eye is naturally drawn to the label and not he usually plain gray parts.

>> No.8393851
File: 387 KB, 1153x1600, MegaMan3-PrintAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The crazy thing about NES carts is there's so much surface area besides the sticker that there's almost no excuse for stuff like in the OP.
I think that's because the eye is naturally drawn to the label and not the usually plain gray parts.


>> No.8394623

Gay tryhard zoom

>> No.8395274

Love these old ads. The awful puns and the aggressive smarmy text is pretty great

>> No.8395291

I like how they don't try to hide the fact that Dr. Wily is the bad guy in the ad, despite the plot of the whole game being about him "reforming" to develop a new peacekeeping robot with Dr. Light.

>> No.8395517

Kid Icarus is an amazingly fun game, but you'd have to get through the first level to know that.

>> No.8395616

>Kid Icarus is an amazingly fun game

Even the Nerfed version on my Switch Online account sucks.

>> No.8395632

Try it while intending to have fun, then.

>> No.8395643

I did. I even got to the second level of Clu Clu Land out of some weird debt that I feel I owe to how great The Legend of Zelda is because of the reused sprites from the former.
I just think it's interesting that octoroks, rupees, and the magical rod's blast is in a non-Zelda game.
So as you can see, my tolerance it quite high.
But Kid Icarus is not fun-at all.

>> No.8395659

They're max comfy and the ones from comic books are the best.

>> No.8395701

tw Uprising rendered this ending non-canon, so if you've only beaten Kid Icarus with the best ending, you didn't actually truly beat the game.

>> No.8395735


>> No.8395865
File: 848 KB, 1000x1412, 4ebf2b0005651b6d5797b85b73214373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8387665 >>8390683
Jesus fuck anon stop making me feel my age. I want to go back to that time.

>> No.8398006

>for those who have already beaten the game
>If you can't get to Gannon without a sword you didn't beat the game.
You zoomers shitpost the most retarded baits.