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File: 13 KB, 240x240, headdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8383182 No.8383182 [Reply] [Original]

>top tier platformer just overflowing with SOVL
>no sequels
>game dev is defunct
it hurts to live

>> No.8383187

But RAYMAN gots lotsa sequels?

>> No.8383191 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 800x600, you wanted platforming? too bad, have a shmup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2gimmicky4me, senpai

>> No.8383207

Not every game needs a sequel, anon. Be glad it existed.
Bet you don't say the same of the shmup stages in Super Mario Land. Somehow Treasure is the only one that gets criticized for trying to keep things fresh.

>> No.8383209 [DELETED] 

Nobody likes Mario Land, or at least as much as the mainline console SMBs. Strawman harder.

>> No.8383219

>Nobody likes Mario Land
I do.

>> No.8383230


>> No.8383237 [DELETED] 
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nah he's right, mario land wasn't good until it started starring Wario

>> No.8383346

I liked the shmup stages in mario land but they’re absolutely a gimmick. Gimmicks can be good like almost every stage in DKC2 for example. Dynamite heady is weird as hell.

>> No.8383426

This is ironically a 10/10 game. It never gets boring. Not even once.

>> No.8383442

This game always filters the FUCK out of me. How do you even get continues?

>> No.8383457

If this fucking ostrich turkey.... thing didn't have the worst character design ever made it would have been x1000 more popular and everyone would know it rather than it being obscure to everyone but autistic retards (such as you and myself)

>> No.8383463

I think you have to collect a certain amount of those jumping blocks when you defeat a boss

>> No.8383467

nah, you say that but it was always Treasure's MO to make one-off games instead of trying to create mascots.
Also it's a puppet, how did you not get that?

>> No.8383554 [DELETED] 
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Treasure has always had shit character designs. I mean just look at this wretched thing, the fuck were they smoking?

>> No.8383580

Treasure probably inspires more bait around here than any other developer

>> No.8383690 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 640x908, gradius5box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best Treasure game is a Konami IP that isn't even the best entry in its series

>> No.8384689

Take me back bros

>> No.8384750

i've come to the conclusion that everyone who bitches about """gimmicks""" in games are more often than not autists. i used to have a friend with an autistic little brother growing up who would kick and scream whenever his mother would rearrange the furniture to clean. i imagine shoot-em-up segments in platformers would have the exact same effect.

>> No.8384758

Wrong. Suoer Mario Land is the best in its series. Best music, best art style and best cover art.

>> No.8384868

headdy was more of a boss rush headformer than a platformer

>> No.8384912 [DELETED] 

>better than 3 or World
Now THIS is contrarianism.

>> No.8385279

>in its series
Anon was obviously talking about the Mario Land series you absolute retard

>> No.8385493
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I recently played through this game for the first time. It's not my favorite Treasure game but it was still an amazing ame. It reminded me of a Kirby game
You can pick up 1UPs throughout the game
I always thought Marina's design looked weird, although I like Treasure's cartoony designs. How is she supposed to look like a robot maid anyways?

>> No.8385539

Is "Sovl" just a way for stupid or intellectually lazy people to have to avoid explain themselves?

>> No.8385545

i hear they don't talk about soul on reddit maybe that's more your speed

>> No.8385574

>Kill boss
>Plenty of tokens come out
>Collect 13 to gain a continue. 10 if playing the original japanese version.

I do recommend playing the japanese original. The difficulty is way more balanced. You will probably fare better.

Oh, and since there's some dialogue on the japanese version, you might want to grab a fan-translated patch, if you'd like to understand the story. Not obligatory though.

>> No.8385576

based and wariopilled

>> No.8385770

You need to be 18 to use this website

>> No.8386096 [DELETED] 

Then that's not correct either, as SML3 shits all over SML1.

>> No.8386140

>Japanese version is too easy but has the storyline
>US version is too hard but is a little more well-detailed (like the monograms in the life spotlights)
We need a hack to make a proper middle-ground between them.

>> No.8386327

How is the US version harder? Because of having less health? I haven't played in forever but I also remember Funny Angry having twice as much health in the JP version due to a bug or something.

>> No.8386351

>All the bosses in the US version have up to double their HP
>Less lives and no continues to start; earning continues from bosses is made more difficult by upping the bonus pickups needed to get one
>Stages are given more enemies and harder obstacle patterns (the tower stage has platforms being taken out at total random instead of a set order)
Fairly typical Japanese rental-deterrance tactics.

>> No.8386392
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General changes to the bosses and mechanics heres a list of them from tcrf.
In the Japanese game, players start with 2 continues. The player starts with no continues in the localized versions.
After defeating a boss, collecting 10 continue icons gives the player a continue. In the international game, this takes 13 continue icons.
In the Scene 1-1 boss fight with Trouble Bruin/Maruama, Maruyama's light orbs are harmless, but Trouble Bruin's orbs are not! The number and pattern of the orbs released after he crashed into the wall was also changed. Maruyama creates 4 small orbs that fly off to the right, and 3 large orbs that bounce to the left. Trouble Bruin creates 6 (well 8, but two of them go off-screen quickly) large orbs that bounce up high, then spawns 2 more that bounce to the left.
In the 5-2 boss fight with Bruin, Maruyama has just 4 hit points in the Japanese game. Trouble Bruin has 8 HP. His attack pattern was changed as well, Maruyama has a predictable pattern. He will cut part of the tower 3 times, charge at Headdy, then repeat the cycle. Trouble Bruin, on the other hand, seems to be completely random as to when he'll cut the tower or charge at Headdy.
In the smhup level, The first wave of enemies in the Japanese version is one Back Speeder / Flying Shark. In the international build, there are five of them.
Izayoi / Nasty Gatekeeper's HP was nearly doubled from 9 to 17 HP.
>I also remember Funny Angry having twice as much health in the JP version
Localized versions made the hitbox in his ear smaller so to compensate his health was halved.
And finally, Dark Demon's HP was nearly doubled from 9 HP (Japanese) to 17 HP (International).

>> No.8386827 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 205x163, donaldo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's treasureland adventure is unironically dynamite headdy except actually good.

>> No.8386853
File: 410 B, 94x68, ヤックん Beau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8386979

Huh. I never played the JP version, only the NA, and never really had trouble with it. Does seem weird that they'd make such drastic difficulty changes to it though.

it's a good game but headdy's better

>> No.8387910


>> No.8388694

hnnGG I hope that hottie throws you into a pit of spikes, faggot.

>> No.8388718


>> No.8388808

I think the changes to Trouble Bruin in stage 1 are good, turning that into a real fight or at least one with a little challenge keeps the player on their toes from the start. Though there is merit to him being a pushover in the JP version since es kind of a comedic relief coward the entire story so I guess making him actually threatening would detract from that. Personally I think a comedic relief character legitimately developing into a threat is a trope I really do enjoy so I cant say I was against most of the changes except the 5-2 ones that fight filtered me for a good while

>> No.8389123

I hate what they did to izayoi in the western version.
For that alone I will only replay the japanese one.

>> No.8389175

>’Wrong. Suoer Mario Land is the best in its series. Best music, best art style and best cover art’

He’s saying Land 1 is the best out of the Land games. He’s retarded, don’t defend him

>> No.8389284 [DELETED] 

Kinda looks like a shitty Samus Aran OC drawn by a retarded 12-year-old deviantart weeaboo with a pegleg fetish.

>> No.8389327 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 394x246, Roboid 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Headdy is a plagiarized Tezuka character

Trashure... why do they rip off others so much?

>> No.8389378

>isn't even the best entry in its series
are you a four whore

>> No.8389450 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 960x624, easter_chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the PS2 version of III with slowdowns turned off and on very difficult dipswitch setting.

>> No.8389503

nice bait

>> No.8389576

stop overreacting just because someone has a different opinion than you, faggot

>> No.8389595

make non generic, non all encompassing criticisms next time

>> No.8389616 [DELETED] 

A scotformer arbitrarily switching to a shmup is a valid criticism, though. That's dishonest game design.

>> No.8389640

Sonic 2 had a shmup stage too.

>> No.8389646 [DELETED] 

And people universally agree it's the worst part of Sonic 2. Very boring and dumb level, wish it wasn't even in the game.

>> No.8389654

Chrono Trigger has a racing segment.

>> No.8389798 [DELETED] 

But Auster, isn't your favorite game Rocket Knight Adventures? That game has lots of shmup parts.

>> No.8389859


>> No.8389865

>dishonest game design
holy shit shut up you boring faggot some of us enjoy video games

>> No.8389868

Yeah and It was pretty fuckin lame
Only FF7 had good minigames

>> No.8389929

>the first stage is a shitty autoscroller
>every time you start the playthrough from the beginning you have to go through that shit
who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.8389942 [DELETED] 


>> No.8389947

>have great gameplay mechanics because of various heads that each have a different ability
>give up on the level design halfway through the game and fill it with bosses
who thought this was a good idea? say it with me...

>> No.8390367

It isn't even that long Auster

>> No.8390373 [DELETED] 

has treasure ever made a single good videogame? so far i've played nothing but shit from them.

>> No.8390398
File: 5 KB, 480x128, 13613205718601_zps17713f70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8390781

You are based.

>> No.8390812
File: 1.03 MB, 1330x1599, k35grp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Treasure went out with an absolute bang. Pic related.

>> No.8391636

not an argument

>> No.8391987 [DELETED] 

Didn't they make some shitty handheld games for capcom after that game?

>> No.8392516

Not trying to argue with you, genuinely concerned about your mental state to be raging so much about one specific subject.

>> No.8392682

>raging so much
genuinely concerned about your strawman

>> No.8392975

Did you make an argument, other than "Treasure makes me angry because it appeals to cis-white hetero men"?

>> No.8393017

i'm gonna buy the IP what do you guys wanna see in the sequel? taking suggestions...

>> No.8393037
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Claymation style like the JP commercial

>> No.8393125

you tried, auster.

>> No.8393165

take your meds

>> No.8393173


>> No.8393232 [DELETED] 

>all opinions I don't want to hear on /vr/ are by the same individual poster


>> No.8393248

>he thinks anyone here cares about his opinions, be them positive or negative

>> No.8393250
File: 1.12 MB, 1800x1396, gaist_crusher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did, and it is the most vile looking shounenshit i've ever seen

>> No.8393256

Eh, that's the most vile you've seen? It kinda looks like Saint Seiya with Mega Man X-esque designs.
There's actual Saint Seiya official works that look much, much worse than this.

>> No.8393332

It just means a game has a nice art style.

>> No.8393339

auster got banned again kwb

>> No.8393343

Are you talking about Saint Seiya Omega?
is it wrong to think that the art style looks kinda vaguely reminiscent of 1970s anime?

>> No.8393351

No, I was talking about Episode G.
Best SS for me is still the original galactic tournament/sanctuary anime designs.

>> No.8393391 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 250x351, 1638750319994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ