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8375394 No.8375394 [Reply] [Original]

>Final Fantasy VI Relocalization Project
>Final Fantasy VI: Retranslated
>Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition
Which is the best way to play? What is missed out on by playing each version?
Note I'm not necessarily priotising "accuracy", I'm looking for a good product first and foremost (e.g Ghost Stories and Bebop are considered best in English). I've however heard that Woolsey Uncensored is "simple" and inconsistent in style, is this true? Also, can I change the font for the Relocalization Project, because if not I will avoid that version. I'm also not playing the GBA version.

>> No.8375463

First time playing? Probably Retranslated.
Veteran? T-Edition.

>> No.8375565

Why? What does that translation do that others don't. What do I miss you on by playing/not playing this translation?

>> No.8375586

>which is best
GBA script port without the memes.

>> No.8375603

What do I miss out on by playing other versions?

>> No.8375621

How are there so often duplicates here of the same thread on the catalog with maybe one slight alteration? >>8352520

Happens way too often to be coincidence.

>> No.8375627

Never mind, that thread seems like it's based on romhacks that change the game too much while you're looking for hacks that make it as close to faithful as possible I guess.

Still, is a weird thing that happens here a lot.

>> No.8375769

The answer is still the same anyway.
Vanilla for your first run
T Edition for replays
BNW 2.0 with the patch that takes out most of the cringe dialogue if you ever decide to play that hack since that's the biggest thing holding back an otherwise passable mod.

>> No.8375809

Why play these versions?

>> No.8375820

Final Fantasy VI: Retranslated. hairy_hen meticulously went over Tomato's (translator of Mother 3) Legends of Localization work on the game. It's simply the closest it gets to the original Japanese, closer than the RPGOne translation, (which Tomato breaks down how flawed it was) closer than the GBA translation, certainly closer than the original Ted Woolsey version. It's also uncensored and includes bugfixes.

>> No.8375858

I said I don't care about accuracy, I care about it being good. Like I said in the original post, Ghost Stories is much better in English, and also an inaccurate translation; is this more accurate version better than Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition?

>> No.8375864

One problem. That patch is completely untested. Nobody seems to have played that and it's made by a complete newbie.

>> No.8375929

Its good in that its enjoyable for sure. If you have so much affinity for Woolsey then why not just go for that then since it sounds like you've made up your mind already and just want people to convince you otherwise.

>> No.8375932

I haven't made up my mind hence making this thread. I want people to convince me which version to play, which inevitably entails describing the opportunity costs if playing a given version

>> No.8375935

Well, you've been told the differences, make up your own fucking mind then mate.

>> No.8375936

None of the above. Revised Old-School Edition for me.

>> No.8375943

All you said was "it's more accurate"
Okay, so what is the opportunity cost? I don't get these sort of responses when asking about which version of Final Fantasy V to play; people tell you what's up with each version and what you might be missing out on in a given version.
Is there anything other versions have or do better that I won't get from this? From the description this sounds like the best so far

>> No.8375948

Ted Woolsey's translation is peak soul.

>> No.8375951

Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition

>> No.8375961

That's weird. People always asked for exactly that patch but no one cared about it for some reason.

>> No.8375970

What do I miss out on by playing this one?

>> No.8375972

Mostly the same you'd lose by playing the original us release. Which is much of the original script.

>> No.8375974

Bro, both are still going to be Final Fantasy 6 in the end. There is no definitive choice since it's mearly personal preference on two different FAN works.
If you want something that plays the script more straight and in my opinion fits the general narative/setting of FF6 best, go with Retranslated.
If you like more levity+charm in the translation, go for Ted Woolsey. Which is plenty good in it's own right.
But in the end is all personal taste and THATS UP TO YOU.

>> No.8376007

I shall play Retranslated. I will start in the coming days so anybody insisting on Woolseyisms should speak now

>> No.8376012

Have fun, FF6 is a great game with a shit ton of content for being on a 16bit console.

>> No.8376018

it has 350+ downloads and two reviews. am i missing something?

>> No.8376049

>First time playing? Probably Retranslated.
>Veteran? T-Edition.
I would say T-edition is a better first time playthrough as well. I've been no-lifeing it lately - lots of fun.

>> No.8376065

Compare it's number of downloads to the other patches. It's the creator one and only patch. There's no thread on the forums so no one shared their experience, if they found any errors, typos, bugs. The reviews don't mention beating the game and aren't made by known users. It's still on version 1.0 and the author himself mentions it wasn't tested.
Someone needs to do a comprehensive playthrough comparing it to the gba text line by line.

>> No.8376076

>During this time, Nintendo of America (NoA) had strict policies regarding what kind of content could appear in games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The 1993 congressional hearings on video games had made NoA especially sensitive to "controversial" video game content, such as violence, sexuality, religion, and profanity.[7] As a result, Woolsey had to avoid or write around these topics and translate the words at the same time.[8] He would fly to Japan for a typical project and have about thirty days to translate a script based on the finished Japanese version of the game, which had been broken up idiosyncratically by programmers to fit in cartridge memory.[5]
>Another challenge was the limited storage space on SNES cartridges. English requires roughly twice as many letters as Japanese to convey the same meaning, which forced Woolsey to cut down the scripts to fit within the cartridge memory.[8]

Woolsey gets a lot of hate from people who don't have an appreciation for the circumstances he had to work in. The guy is a hero as far as I'm concerned.
Play Retranslated if you want to get as accurate to the original Japanese script as possible.
Play Woolsey if you want to experience the game how many of us in NA first experienced it decades ago.

>> No.8376096

Oh, definitely.
The script delivered definitely isn't good but Woolsey isn't the one most responsible for it. The blame lies on Square.

>> No.8376103

ah fair enough, thanks for the explanation

>> No.8376227

SNES version but GBA version has some nice bonus content going for it if you can bear the tinny soundtrack

>> No.8376393

Eh, the only extra content that's in any way worthwhile are the super bosses. Pretty much everything else is mediocre or poorly done

>> No.8376419
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No, the blame lies on this fucking kike who raised hell about Night Trap in the first place, a game with the most cartoony non-violence I've ever seen, and was also the single worst senator of the century. I hope he gets Alzheimers and dies forgetting his entire shitstain of a legacy.

>> No.8376559

>Ghost Stories and Bebop are considered best in English
Yeah by redditors

>> No.8376770

>Ghost Stories and Bebop are considered best in English by Westerners
By fucking retards, sure.
Ghost Stories has 0 value with the English dub beyond the initial wow factor of "Wow, they didn't give a shit". Watching the 2 minute highlight reel on youtube is a far better experience than watching the actual dub, since it's those same 2 minutes of jokes stretched to 20 goddamn episodes.
I wouldn't expect the average Americlap to get why Ghost Stories isn't actually all that scary, as it's based on children's books and Japanese folktales, and was meant for kids to come home and watch them. It was also highly successful unlike what the hacks at ADV said, but that's another story.
As for Bebop, the only people who prefer the dub are nostalgiatards. Every non main character sounds like shit and the audio mixing is definitely from a 1990s broadcast dub. These same people also perpetuate the meme that Bebop bombed in Japan, which is provably untrue as all of its staff immediately went from it to high profile shit, the director literally did Samurai Champloo next and is insanely respected.

>> No.8376779

Seething weebs detected.
Yu Yu Hakusho is also far superior dubbed. Just to add another one to the list.

>> No.8376786

>Seething weebs
Your taste begins and ends at "What I watched on TV as a kid" and now you're seething at me for saying it's bad.
Yu Yu Hakusho's dub was also terrible, a show that takes place in Japan with Dragon Quest XI levels of different accents all over the place. Jesus Christ, a good chunk of the characters are borderline unintelligible and whoever thought Botan should be British had to be fucking blind.
Also, the dub censors quite a bit, like with most broadcast anime dubs from a time when quality control was non-existent, but Pierrot already censored quite a bit so that's neither here no there.

>> No.8376992

>includes bugfixes
This could be a negative to some.
Can you opt out of the bugfixes?

>> No.8377002

Only bug I could conceive of keeping for a general playthrough would be the Evade bug, since it allows for some wicked OP setups. Maybe other things like Vanish+Doom and Psycho Cyan for LL+NMG challenge runs as well.

>> No.8377012

Botan isn't British though, unless you mean Kurama or someone else.

>> No.8377014

Woolsey is still probably the best American "localizer" ever.
He did do some stupid shit like
>Changing Granleon to Masamune for no reason when it was a broadsword
>"You got whacked cuz you were weak"
But overall when he had a bit more time and freedom(like with Chrono Trigger) he delivered good results.
And to think that his initial translation for Chrono Trigger was like 250% bigger or something like that and he had to shrink that shit down.

>> No.8377031

Oh man, I recall the DS retranslation of CT caused some MASSIVE butthurt back in the day, even though IIRC it was by the same guy who did FFVIA. I think people more or less understood why FFVI may have needed a retranslation and respected the effort even if they prefer the tone of the Woolsey original, but CT was just a shitstorm.

>> No.8377046

Funny. The brazilian dub of Yu Yu Hakusho is also highly regarded and a lot of people like it better than the original. It's my favorite anime and i grew up loving the dub, but even with my nostalgia it's clear to me that even the dub is very well made, the original va is the best hands down. Interesting to learn it's the same situation in the US.
Oh yeah. People went nuts because Frog didn't speak like he did in Woolsey's script.

>> No.8377057

Plus things like Fiendlord, changing the name of Frog's sword, etc.

Didn't help that the extra content (minus the new super boss, maybe) sucked a forty pound sack of dicks.

>> No.8377118

>>Final Fantasy VI Relocalization Project
Garbage, made by a retard who doesn't know what localization meant.
>>Final Fantasy VI: Retranslated
Made by a chick who literally speaks Japanese and autistically went over Mato's notes and comparison. Probably the most accurate and has 0 other bullshit patches just bug fixes.
>>Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition
Made by a pretentious retard who doesn't even speak nor understand japanese and pretends to have mishmashed Mato's notes, the GBA TL, and Woolsey's when in concept that's basically stupid and much more since it's by a fucking eop faggot.
Give this a few more years and it'll be at the same kind of retardation as
Feature creeped to the max with some of the most inane and retarded changes and TL was retardedly done by someone who seemingly just picked up a thesaurus, looked for synonyms of some of the dialogue words and reworded it that way.
All of them are retarded while pretending to "no I didn't mess up the base game" except for Relocalization and Retranslated, and personally I'd choose the one made by the chick.

>> No.8377136

Couple wrong things here. Relocalization has no attempts at localization at all. The patch is just the GBA script with a few lines from other fan translations thrown in. The person who made it atleast is the best hacker of the bunch, he figured out how to uncensor the Kefka boss battle graphics.
The person who made Retranslated doesn't speak Japanese at all. They were totally dependent on Mato's streams. That patch also still has Woolsey crap.

>> No.8377142

I dunno. Let me just say, lol EOPs.

>> No.8377202

>Why Vanilla?
Definitive version no matter what some other retarded faggot says. Yes either the SNES, GBA, and soon the PR is the definitive edition depending on when you played it.
FF6 Deluxe which preserves the game's story while adding tons of extra content and rebalances the gameplay for a bit but doesn't overhaul it. Good for second/further replays since it "rewards" you if you knew the game inside out especially its secrets and want a renewed experience.
If you want a new experience regarding gameplay and balance while pretending to still be FF6. Usually regarded by braindead players as "hard"

>> No.8377208

Uncensored Woolsey. Only autistic zoomers don’t like Woolsey.

>> No.8377210
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> Best version of FF6?

>> No.8377226
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okay anon

>> No.8377250

>Changing Grandleon to Masamune for no reason when it was a broadsword
And every fan-translation outright refuses to change it back for some reason. I've been trying to look into changing it myself.

>> No.8377272

Slattery still kept the sword as Masamune. I was okay with "Fiend" replacing "Mystic", though, since most of them didn't use magic at all and so the name was a bit misleading.

>> No.8377298

Came here to post this.

You know what the worst thing is? When EOPs just assume everyone else is as dumb as them. They recommend the shit versions of games because the good ones didn't even get a western release half the time.

Whenever I want to know which version of an old JRPG is the best, I have to go and check Japanese blogs and shit for comparisons. EOP opinions are like someone playing with half a deck and saying that the queen is the best card because they've never even seen a king, let alone an ace.

>> No.8377313
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OP, all I can say in good conscience is that the posters in this thread have no earthly idea what they are talking about, and you are far better off shopping around and experimenting some for yourself than taking their word for it

>> No.8377337

I apologize in the name of other japanese speakers for idiots like these.

>> No.8377360

>Yu Yu Hakusho's dub was also terrible
Kek, you're retarded, it's widely regarded as an outstanding dub.
For a frame of reference, what would you consider to be a good dub?
>inb4 "none" or some pedophile show no one has ever heard of

>> No.8377383

Not him, but the Polish dub of the original Shaman King is peak SOUL.
All English dubs are trash though.

>> No.8377404

>Oh yeah. People went nuts because Frog didn't speak like he did in Woolsey's script.
That's because Ye Ole' Limey Frog was based.
I thought it made his character much more poignant.
You're introduced to him when he gallantly jumps into the party to save the day. He's chivalrous to Marle, he immediately shows respect to Crono, and there's a comedic element to his character because he talks like some kind of noble knight yet he is a giant frog.
Then later you find out he was never actually a knight at all and just wanted to live up to the memory of his friend. That scene legitimately made me shed a few tears back in the day.

>> No.8377410

>I was okay with "Fiend" replacing "Mystic", though, since most of them didn't use magic at all and so the name was a bit misleading.
We got "Fiendlord" from it.
There was no reason not to change it to the proper "Demons".

Even the Compendium fan-translation which claimed to be 100% accurate to illustrate how the Japanese saw the game used "Magus-sama" top kek.

I thought one of the fan-translations did use Granleon though?
I swear Romhacking removed one of them from there.

>> No.8377420

rom translation projects has got to be one of the most retarded and autistic endeavors out there. wasnt there a feud way back then too because of some people translating the same game?

>> No.8377430

>Yu Yu Hakusho is also far superior dubbed.
Lmao, nothing Funimation ever dubbed was ever good.
The acting quality alone is laughable in the YYH dub just like every Funimation dub.

>> No.8377432

>Made by a chick

>> No.8377442

>We got "Fiendlord" from it.
>There was no reason not to change it to the proper "Demons".
Not all of them are evil, and "demon" kinda sounds negative. I would have split the difference: monsters are called Fiends, but Magus is called the Mystic Lord.

>I thought one of the fan-translations did use Granleon though?
>I swear Romhacking removed one of them from there.
I would not be surprised. Masamune is such a sacred cow to them that even the thought of changing it back to Grandleon is considered a blasphemy to Woolsey.

>> No.8377445

I guess the problem people have nowadays with the Ye Olde Englishe employed by Frog is that he's literally the only character in his time period that speaks like that. Cyan also had it before him (though to a lesser extent, and quite inconsistently at that), but with him the Japanese version actually does have him talk like a stereotypical old-fashioned samurai, so the medieval knight speak was a fitting localization choice. With Frog, though, Woolsey basically made him talk that way for flavor, but people grew attached to it, and so when it was taken away (though I do recall he and everyone else in his time still speak kind of old-fashioned, just not with Thous and Thees), people got mad.

>> No.8377447

>>Changing Granleon to Masamune for no reason when it was a broadsword
My guess is because of the twist when the two goblin dudes merge to form the sword.
Having one of them named "Grand" and another one named "Leon" would have seemed strange.

>> No.8377451

>it's widely regarded as an outstanding dub.
By the same audience who think DBZ's Funimation Dub is good.

>For a frame of reference, what would you consider to be a good dub?
Not him but Cowboy Bebop had a good dub overall.
Pioneer's dub(with Ocean Studios cast) for DBZ Movies 1-3 was very solid and to this day the only decent English dub of any Dragon Ball media.

>> No.8377452

Name the first imp "Gran". Problem solved, and it doesn't even affect the text limit.

>> No.8377458

I haven't seen any of you weebs demonstrate an actual flaw with it other than "Botan is British" (she's not)

>> No.8377460

Why would you name him "Gran"
Most American kids would associate that with "Granny" or "Grandma"
It's awkward.

>> No.8377465

So? Once it's revealed why he's named gran it'd make sense.

>> No.8377469

Gran's a legit name. The kids can accept it or just fuck off.

>> No.8377472

Because it sounds fucking retarded.
You're criticizing his choice to localize it as Masamune but your suggestion is even worse.

>> No.8377473
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Jesus, I could've sworn the DS version had renamed the Masamune, but now I'm reading from y'all it was kept the same, and I looked up a FAQ just to be 100% sure and there it is. My brain just played a memory trick on me, and it had me tripping for a few minutes.

>> No.8377476

Then make up a different name altogether that can be effectively split into two parts. Just don't give a broadsword a katana's name.

>> No.8377481

>now it sounds retarded
What is it really? You just hate gram that you have to jump into mental gymnastics and bullshit reasons just to say it's shit? Fucking faggot

>> No.8377501

What mental gymnastics? I told you clearly - naming him "Gran" is an awkward choice because it's literally what kids call their grandma.
Do you understand what localization is? Names sometimes have different connotations in different regions. Same reason why naming a character "Butz" would be retarded for a game in NA.
They're localizing a game for a mass audience, not hyper autistic 40 year olds who are concerned about the technical differences between broadswords and katanas.

>> No.8377503

>Not all of them are evil, and "demon" kinda sounds negative.
Demon is only negative to Bible-thumpers.
Demon comes from Ancient Greek "Daemon" which originally referred to lesser deities.

In the Japanese version there's for example the Mazoku(Demon/Magic Race/Tribe) and the Mamono(Demon-thing). The Mamono is translated as "Monsters" which is inaccurate and the English script misses the point that that the Mazoku call their domesticated animals that.
Mamono are what all the people in 600AD refer to Mazoku as, it's derogatory but this isn't clear in any of the English versions.

>> No.8377505

Why are you so attached to the name "Grandlion" anyways? It's not even cool. A sword who's name means "big lion."
I mean I'm sure it's a cool name to a Japanese audience but for an English speaking audience it's meh

>> No.8377524

Yeah because Masa and Mune isn't strange?

It's a fucking creature not a human. You're overthinking it.
Gran doesn't make sense in Japanese either.

And btw it is "Granleon"(Guranrion) not "Grandleon"(Gurandorion).
They specifically used "Gran(Guran)" and not "Grand(Gurando)" they omitted the "d" to play around with the word and of course "Gran" is a variation of "Grand" like in French for example.

Doreen is similar they changed the "m" to "n" ("Doriin") but the tech name Grand Dream is "Guran Doriimu".

If you still insisting on changing to a real name it they could have gone with Gren(Swedish name) and Leon and have Grenleon.

>> No.8377525

>Same reason why naming a character "Butz" would be retarded for a game in NA.
Just shut up retard

>> No.8377527


>> No.8377536

He's probably my favorite character in games ever. I liked him the way he was written back then, but it was incorrect. Again, a translator's job is not to improve the script. He has no ownership over it. Also it's important to remember that the way Frog spoke in Woolsey's script made even less sense because no one else in his time period spoke like that.

>> No.8377537

>Also it's important to remember that the way Frog spoke in Woolsey's script made even less sense because no one else in his time period spoke like that.
Not even he spoke like that when he was still human.

>> No.8377538

That I did not know.
Good link.

>> No.8377564

Woolsey was hired as a localizer not as a translator.
Even if he wanted to make a 100% faithful translation he wouldn't have even been able to do it back then with the hardware constraints and all.
He said in an interview that he had to toss 50% of the script from Chrono Trigger when he was done translating it because it wouldn't fit for example.

>Also it's important to remember that the way Frog spoke in Woolsey's script made even less sense because no one else in his time period spoke like that.
I'm pretty sure that the people in 600AD speak in a somewhat more eloquent archaic fashion in his version but not as exaggerated as Frog.
He was probably trying to retain the "old samurai" vibe from the JP version by turning him into "ye olde knight" which btw makes more sense given the setting and considering Frog uses a Broadsword and not a Katana(and then he goes and renames the sword Masamune to reference Final Fantasy for no reason lmao).

>> No.8377573

Sure. I'd never put the blame on Woolsey. No good result could come from the conditions they expected him to work with. Doesn't mean the final product isn't what it is, bad. Which is why it's so great nowadays we have the option to fix it.

>> No.8377580

>there's a comedic element to his character because he talks like some kind of noble knight yet he is a giant frog.
This is present in the JP version too. Especially considering all the jokes based on puns with his "Kaeru" name(which can mean "Frog", "Change", "Transform", "Return" etc.) which are lost in any of the English versions.

I really wish people wouldn't automatically assume the Slattery version is more representative of the Japanese version because it really isn't.

In fact Woolsey tried to preserve the "Old Samurai" thing he had in the Japanese version by turning him into "Ye Olde Knight" while the DS Translation didn't even bother.

>> No.8377589

Also adding to this, his script for CT was bad but things were so fucked at the time it's one of the better ones from the period. The two Breath of Fire games on the SNES for example make Woolsey's work look like current level localization.

>> No.8377605

To be honest I consider Woolsey's work on Chrono Trigger to be very good(especially considering he only had 1 month to work on it).
I'd only change a few things here and there(Masamune back to Granleon, Mammon Machine to Demon Machine, Mystics to Demons, have Magus be referred to as the Demon Lord on occasion, maybe change Belthasar/Gaspar/Melchior back to their original names, the "Marl-dia/Nadia" thing(he had to change it because of programming issues) and a few other things here and there).
Also uncensor the alcohol references...although I will say him choosing Cider as a replacement for Beer is genius since Cider is still alcohol so props to him for sneaking past NoA's radar like that. It's also genius because Cider is a pretty ancient drink that dates back to the Ancient Celts and one that is very popular in Britain given how 600AD and 1000AD are clearly based on British Mythology.

When it comes to for example subtitles for Anime and Manga translations I'm a purist and want it as accurate as possible with honorifics and all but when it comes to Video Games I don't want shit like "Sara-sama" or "Zeal-sama" in an English script I'm weird like that.

But anyways overall I like his version and it reads like a dream to this day even with its changes and/or flaws.
Even some of the changes like
"This creature sleeps beyond the flow of time" are just amazing and showed his understanding of the game's spirit overall.

With a few changes to his script and some graphical fixes(like for example the menu having 2 techs at a time like in the JP Version and DS Version and having cool stylized font like the JP SFC version) I would be pretty happy.
I can't say the same about say Slattery's version because to me reading it feels like crap.

>> No.8377656

Breath of Fire 1 was his work but I think he only had 1 or 2 weeks for it at most and was heavily limited by the cart.

Some interesting stuff about Secret of Mana btw
He was in Japan and he was translating as the japanese script got edited which is one of the reasons it's a huge mess(apart from 40% of the script being nuked) since he would translate something and then find out the next day that the script got altered to something else etc.

Also did you know that he changed Tina to "Terra" because playtesters hated the name Tina?

Breath of Fire 2 was a trashfire of epic proportions and honestly the fan retranslation based on the German fan translation is pretty dumb too what with adding dialogue that wasn't in the original JP version and the fucking awful new menus but it's the best English version we have.

>> No.8377689

Woolsey also did SMRPG, no? No one seems to raise any sort of fuzz about its localization, so either he did an excellent job with few objections to be raised, or no one gives enough of a shit to scrutinize it because it's bing bing wahoo who cares.

>> No.8377690

What did they add in the BoF2 fan translation that wasn't in the JP?

>> No.8377703

>no one gives enough of a shit to scrutinize it because it's bing bing wahoo who cares.
Pretty much this I guess.
The only thing I think that was censored on Super Mario RPG was that one Bowser pose.

Apparently Mario RPG was a rushjob as well just like all his other projects but I always felt like it was probably his best work. I guess he got used to the hellish deadlines by that point.

The same interview also mentions that he had almost translated all of FF5 and that they didn't release it. I never knew he was working on the FF5 translation. Makes you think what a FF5 translation by him would have been like.

>> No.8377708

I think Ted Woolsey is overrated as a translator/localizer, but I give him credit for not bitching about his former employer the same way someone like Jeremy Blaustein has done.
*goes back to playing Final Fantasy VI in Japanese

>> No.8377715

>I wouldn't expect the average Americlap to get why Ghost Stories isn't actually all that scary, as it's based on children's books and Japanese folktales, and was meant for kids to come home and watch them. It was also highly successful unlike what the hacks at ADV said, but that's another story.
This. It's like bitching that R.L. Stine isn't scary.

>> No.8377736

Square ended up using it for the PS1 version of FFV, so wonder no more.

Most everyone agrees that it's terrible.

>> No.8377741
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A lot of dialogue that wasn't there.
It's a lot of made up garbage.
Also the idiot who translated it stuck to the nonsensical changes in the German translations(like "Melodia" instead of using the orignal "Tunlan" from the Official Translations and "Newhaven" instead of "Hometown"(In Japanese it's literally "Town of Origin" so Capcom's translation was more accurate ffs)).
Using "Lin" instead of "Rinpoo" because the translator didn't like the latter. Using "Aspara" for some reason when "Aspara" is only his full name in the credits("Aspara Gus") and in the actual game he's referred to as Aspar("Asupaa").

And of course didn't bother to keep the Japanese spell names which would have given the game more flavor.

So basically it's shit but it's written by a Native English Speaker at least so it's by default better than the Capcom one which was translated by Japanese people who barely knew how to peak English but that doesn't make it good.

>> No.8377761

No that wasn't by him

>> No.8377770

Also some fuckery from Romhacking trannies

>> No.8377781

>All ot them add the B button dash
Fucking why?

>> No.8377792

It's an objectively good QoL improvement. Out of all the things one could take issue with these hacks, this is the least of them.

>> No.8377793

Because Square-Enix does it in all the official re-releases, so they feel it's OK to do.

>> No.8377820

Don't listen to this dude. That retranslation is great. He's mad at some of the author choices for the names and stuff like that, but the translation itself is very accurate. I played the original japanese version many times and beat the fan translation out of curiosity when someone made an article about it, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8377828

My issue is that these hacks claim to be more faithful to the original while adding shit that wasn't originally there

If i wanted that i would play the re-releases instead of the SNES version

>> No.8377836

So just don't press B. Problem solved.

>> No.8377838


Based Autist Brendan McGrath asking Woolsey a bunch of questions he clearly does not know the answer to or care about.

>> No.8377858

Good to know

>> No.8377890

The retranslation is fanfiction garbage dude.
But if you don't know Japanese it's the best you have.

>> No.8377891

Stop replying to yourself retard

>> No.8377896

tranny buzzword

>> No.8377912

>Problem solved
Not really, if it's going to claim to be faithful let people have the original experience, bugs and all

>> No.8377924

Regardless of whether they succeed or not, the faithful part is meant to refer solely to the translation. If you want TRUUUUUUUUUUU authenticity, just play the regular fucking SNES versions with everything they entailed.

>> No.8377927

You know a problem I have with this trend of adding dash button to games that didn't have them is that the games weren't designed for you to run around so it just looks retarded especially considering they have 4 way movement.

Like for example in Breath of Fire 2 it looks so retarded like the characters are just being dragged around because there's not enough animation frames. But then again BoF2 is such torture to play that I welcome the dash button since it makes it less of a chore to play but I wouldn't feel that way about actual good games(like for example I don't want to play a good game like BoF1 with a dash button miss me with that fucking shit).

Compare that to games like Chrono Trigger where the game has a dash and very smooth degree of control/movement and these Dash button hacks feel like such garbage in comparison.

>> No.8377931

>the faithful part is meant to refer solely to the translation
Then why not focus solely on the translation and be done with it?

>> No.8377932

Or they could give us some ips patch to turn down that tranny shit.
These are the kind of faggots that would add a dash button to fucking Earthbound ruining the bike joke in the process.

>> No.8377935

*turn off

>> No.8378101
File: 87 KB, 565x564, 1568327097982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you write a letter of righteous indignation to Squaresoft back when they put a dash button in the PS1 version, too?

Fact is, all of the official rereleases are seriously lacking. That creates a void, and these hacks are attempting to fill it. Not a shock thay they include features one would expect to see in an official rerelease.

And let's not forget these are toys for children

>> No.8378272

>And let's not forget these are toys for children
other anon - but I never understood this supposed "argument".
Just because they are toys - no one allowed to take them seriously?
Not to mention that technically they are toys for any age, that's why gaming exist as a hobby.
People take such things seriously precisely because it's a hobby. Hobby matters way more to people than many other "adult" matters.

>> No.8378304

we have this fucking thread every week, get a new shtick and play whatever you want. the snes one is fine imo but maybe the gba version adds shit idk.

>> No.8378907

Jesus Christ! Some of those questions are really stupid.
> 2) What lessons was the player meant to gain from the story, if any? For example, I learned to never give up hope.
This sounds like something a 14-year old would asked.

>> No.8378969

Yes, but atleast now i think we have a definitive answer. Retranslated is the best fan translation, but because it is a fan translation not done by a actual professional like the Legends of Localization guy, it has the problems every fan translation has.
Now what we are missing is the best OFFICIAL version possible. That would be to combine the best version (SNES) with the best script (GBA). Then have two versions of the patch. One with the bugfix compilation patch and one without any bugfixes for the people who would wwnt that.
We kinda have that here (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5864/)) but the hack is not tested, it doesn't have all the bugfixes apparently and we don't have 100% the script isn't messed with besides the removal of the dumb pop culture references. Someone needs to test it, make sure the gba script is there 1:1 and fix the havk if necessary. Then we'd have the definitive official version finally and everyone would be satisfied. Maybe then this fucking threads would go away.

>> No.8379019

I always thought there was a D in Granleon (and I think Final Fantasy had it as Grandleon), but this is news to me. It actually makes my personal text-edit project easier because I won't have to worry about messing up the text limit.

>> No.8379024

Thing is, nobody will ever be satisfied. This is basically "If You Give a Mouse a ROM Editor" in that people will always want to add more and more to it.

>> No.8379718

The PR will combine superior audio (one of SNES' advantages) which is upgraded and the GBA script. All we need is a mod to fix PRs garbage sprites.

>> No.8379734

The SNES original, warts and all. The amount of autistic retranslations and hacks in the last couple of years have made a proper FF6 playthrough fucking impenetrable especially for newfags.

>> No.8379738

Nintendo had strict guidelines way before Lieberkike even saw Mortal Kombat, zoomnigger.

>> No.8379757

I never understood the love for IV compared to V and VI
>FFIV got a GBA and PSP port, the latter being amazing
>FFV got a GBA port which is garbo but someone made a GBA Script Port romhack for the SNES which can be considered the definitive version
>FFVI gets a GBA port which guts the music and downgrades the graphics, and then countless autistic fan translations from eop faggots, and the absolute dogshit abortion android port
And its only saving grace right now is the Pixel Remaster which, I am willing to bet my left nut, is probably only worth it for the OST. Even in the PR IV was okay while V was a fucking steaming pile of buggy shit.

>> No.8380007

Real zoomies wouldn't even know who Lieberman is, what the fuck are you smoking.

>> No.8380180

I honestly think the first few versions of TWU were quite alright for a no-frills playthrough. You could even opt for a version that only changed the text and nothing else (in fact, I think this option still exists). Later versions started getting pretty autistic though, yeah.

>> No.8380257

Speaking about it, what's the consensus on the Pixel Remaster? The pixel art, the scripts, audio. I'm waiting for it to come to console. Only thing i immediately disliked from what I've see is the text font.

>> No.8380260

Dumbass 90's slang in the original American release. It's the pits bro. God help me, what's the best translation before I suffer anymore from this.

>> No.8380279

They're still going to use the GBA script

>> No.8380698

>I'm looking for a good product first and foremost (e.g Ghost Stories and Bebop are considered best in English).
>Ghost Stories
Sorry you got memed
Ironically it was reddit deduced that ADV lied about Ghost Stories gag dub being authorized by the Japs. It was rewritten by a literal faggot who didn't care about anime.

>> No.8380713

Yes, it's well written. Ted Woolsey translation, while a feat given what he had to work with, is riddled with typos and cuts many lines. hairy_hen's translation is thorough. See for yourself.

>> No.8381720
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Let's hope so
I am not interested it them "fixing" it like they did FF7

>> No.8381890
File: 313 KB, 1025x868, ffvit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8381995

Jesus Christ, the very first line in the "retranslation" calls it the "Great Demon War". The "ma" kanji does/can mean "demon" but in this context it is magic. Absolute amateur hour, bravo. I bet the rest of it is a train wreck.

>> No.8382030

Japanese: Baka
Accurate translation: Stupid
Uncensored: fucking retard!
Woolsey: Son of a Submariner! What are you doing?!?!?

Just play the regular English Woolsey translation. Those other transitions you gain little but loose a lot by not having his personal uhh... Style in it.

>> No.8382158

Holy fuck you are tedious and don't understand a single god damned thing about localization.
yeah I'm sure all the 11 year olds who were the intended audience for the super nintendo were going to go check wikipedia back in 1995 to assure themselves that "Butz" and "Gran" are totally legit names.

>> No.8382165

It doesn't matter what it is, the principle is the same - you don't localize names of characters and things that sound fucking stupid to the audience's ear.
You can't accept this simple principle because you're retarded weeb mind is obsessed with "b-b-but it was something different in the original japanese"

>> No.8382202

Actually, now that I've had time to think it over, I think you may be right.

>> No.8382262

Just play the original Japanese SFC version. Simple as.

>> No.8382324

Weaker sprites (flat shading, some odd silhouettes, and from what we've seen of 6 it retains the unfittingly bright colors for the characters from the iOS version), mostly solid arrangements with sound effects being reused from FF6 (for ALL games if I remember right) with the exception of 5 PR having weak mixing for the music, and the scripts are mostly lifted from the GBA versions so far (I think FF5 had some edits like removing Galuf hitting on Faris). The games at launch had really odd oversights for the most random stuff that is sometimes fixed through patches (One of the forest tiles in FF4 was missing at launch, which made all forests look like they had holes in them, but that was patched out), they use some new effects for stuff like the water and spell effects (not a fan of it personally, I prefer the original spell effect sprites since the new ones feel a bit overcooked to me), it's ONLY the SNES content (which is a shame, since the GBA content was optional anyway). There are also some stutter and V-sync issues on PC currently that they've somewhat worked on but haven't fully fixed (can't speak for the mobile versions). The font was updated... To not have dropshadow. It's still as thin as when the game was announced. Some of the games are more revamped than others (FF1 and 2 reuse the WonderSwan/Origins tilesets almost wholesale, FF3 is built off the NES tileset but done somewhat in 16-bit, FF4 and 5 have the GBA overworlds but individual locations have redone tilesets). Most enemy sprites are reused from the GBA versions of games (FF1, 4, and 5 reuse the GBA sprites wholesale, FF3 has some sprites taken from mobile games and other brand new ones, and FF2 is mostly GBA sprites but some are redone to match the NES designs more like Satan) which look... Ok, but some have weaker color palettes than the SNES versions, and they clash with the new sprites. The battle backgrounds are mostly expanded versions of the GBA ones. Weird versions overall.

>> No.8382493

T-Edition add cheats like sprint buttom(make the item useless) and detailed map.

>> No.8384740

Relocalization for me