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8376985 No.8376985 [Reply] [Original]

Post games that still scare you even as an adult

>> No.8377000

Fuck those things. Horrifying, charging from out of sight motherfuckers. Christ.

>> No.8377003

Real Life.

>> No.8378712

and the game name is?

>> No.8378716

Parasite eve 2

>> No.8378718
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The monsters in this game have amazing sound design. They're loud, they're disruptive, they're scary.
The introduction to them in general is amazing too.
Standout ones are the Burricks, and during the Haunted Cathedral mission, I heard the Apparitions before I saw them, and it made me shit my pants.
The Haunts aren't much better

>> No.8378729

Don't have any. I never understood the concept of scaring yourself for "entertainment."

>> No.8378735

bruh how. it feels good to be scared for some reason.

>> No.8378751
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>> No.8378759

What gets me is the paranoia that lingers well after I've stopped playing, and the not being able to sleep because I know I'm gonna have nightmares and shit.
The irony is that I don't even scare easily. When I do get scared, though, it's the worst.

>> No.8378771

That gate sequence is fucking bullshit, I always get filtered by these assholes on Nightmare.

>> No.8378787

the intro video for Silent Hill TR is still the most unsettling visual thing to sit through, also the cutscene in the subway after the you trigger certain events

>> No.8378812

for me it's not the fear that's enjoyable but the appreciation of the way the devs manage to instill it.

>> No.8378823
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>> No.8378953

That’s the best though, my favorite horror media is shit that has me shook when I walk through my house in the dark

>> No.8379031

Truth be told, I actually really miss this aspect of watching a great horror movie. I still remember the last one I saw that made me sleep with the lights on. It was Eraserhead of all things lmao

>> No.8379110

>It was Eraserhead of all things lmao
That's a truly spectacular source of nightmare fuel.

>> No.8379451

you forgot the CRAB PEOPLE

>> No.8379469

Skull Kids & Redeads still unnerve me.

>> No.8379495

Emotional responses are gratifying. Fear, anger, sadness, joy.
A dev successfully making you feel an intended emotion is also a sign of a group game.

>> No.8379496

*good game
Not sure why I wrote "group"

>> No.8379512
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Run, kid.

>> No.8379568
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Honestly the entirety of Tomb Raider creeped me out as a kid but the opera house and maria doria stands out and still makes me feel a bit weird.

>> No.8379730

I like some horror elements if the rest of the game is good regardless. but otherwise I agree. waking up in the middle of the night thinking about the shit you saw and not being able to go back to sleep isn't fun

>> No.8379776 [DELETED] 

>being scared by videogames
Is this a low-T thing or something?

>> No.8379784

Maybe if you're a baby. It's a different type of challenge. Barely anything in videogames manages to scare people seriously anyway.

>> No.8379805

Hearing haunts cackle louder and louder behind you as they steadily get closer while you try to hightail away after getting spotted still makes me feel a little bit of good old primal fear

>> No.8379817

Stuff like Silent Hill and Fatal Frame genuinely scared the hell out of me to the point that I had to play with the lights on and take breaks.

>> No.8379828

The only thing that scares me is jumpscares.

>> No.8379829
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>> No.8379846
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How did you see these things in the day time? IIRC only when you are in the bio-dome and the prologue is it day, but I haven't played this game since. . . it came out in japan

>> No.8380062

Glad I'm not the only person that gets anxious/scared by games.

>> No.8380092

>think I'm immune to get scared by horror video games
>be ok playing the games, but sometimes after playing them I get scared of dark rooms or going to sleep with the lights off
>only make the connection now
I think I might be retarded.

>> No.8380101

Not really a horror game, but SOS on SNES terrifies me to this day, probably because being on a sinking ship has always been one of my primal childhood fears.

>Maybe if you're a baby
Nothing really scares me, but I still don't like the idea of being scared.

>> No.8380803 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8380804


>> No.8380851

The New Tetris on N64

>> No.8380894

Even normal guards kind of weird me out in thief. Mostly because getting caught is bad for various reasons, but perhaps partially by their janky looking animations.
The robots in thief 2 are also a bit underrated in creep factor. If they didn't play Karras's soundbites, their mechanical sounds and gaunt faces alone would make most players uncomfortable

>> No.8380940
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These motherfuckers still freak me out, but pretty any water based enemy in a game that is mostly landbased will scare me. Also bugs, really not a big fan of stuff like rad roaches

>> No.8381087

The half life crabs, and silent hill greyhounds

>> No.8381128

Butcher got some nice tiddies

>> No.8381191

same, pretty much anything from deep dark waters. these fuckers made me cheat through Sewers in SS1.
I blame Commander Keen for my deep rooted fear of sea creatures.

>> No.8381192
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forgot pic

>> No.8381365

Big Bertha in SMB3

>> No.8381802

>I blame Commander Keen for my deep rooted fear of sea creatures.

do all those dopefish easter eggs you still see in games to this day trigger your childhood trauma?

>> No.8381821
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the fast zombies in half life two
they literally make me crap poopy pants haha

>> No.8382209

The entire Thief series is pure atmospheric horror kino. Thief 4, not so much but I still liked it

>> No.8382257

not really, not even the original dopefish in KEEN4 anymore. the FPS fish mentioned above still kinda make me feel uneasy though.

>> No.8382267

The purple beanbag monsters always got me.

>> No.8382332
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The only game which scares me is dino crisis, I tried playing in when I was very little and it terrified me. I can't even get pass the first dinosaur in the game as an adult.
I find getting scared of games quite faggy, so I guess more than getting scared of dinosaurs I just got a little trauma.

>> No.8382476
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>> No.8382491

You're becoming hysterical

>> No.8382765

why are you scared by oversized lizards? i can understand resident evil or silent hill, but dino crisis? come on, you're a pussy

>> No.8382786

Being eaten alive hurts.

>> No.8383604
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>> No.8383621

thief has no reasoning for being so scary it just is alone for that atmosphere

>> No.8383654

Oh my God - that giant Moray eel that hides underwater? It scared my ass off as a kid. It's face just freaked me out so bad.

>> No.8383701

You are either autistic or a sociopath

>> No.8383756

I played it as a kid even though I was scared of RE.

>> No.8384525
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>> No.8385059

Creepy shit, it's in the face

>> No.8385076
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>> No.8385139
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clock tower 2

>> No.8386146

Endorphin rush

>> No.8386469

Thief 1 and 2 did wonders to push both sound design in games and sound card sales. Incredible experience and I loved how open and natural the exploration and gaming felt. The creepy sounds set the atmosphere and didn't feel forced like some cackling bad guy script playing.

>> No.8386474

>Parasite eve 2
I remember getting very horny looking at some of the art of the first one or sequel (can't remember) in a magazine where she's wearing a sexy dress.

>> No.8386481

Startles more than scares, I'd say. It's a different thing, the latter being much harder to do as it needs a good build up of atmosphere. Jump scares are rightly seen as the cheap shot and eye rolling moment when overused in a movie or game.

>> No.8386490
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This and Mario's realistic drowning made me fear a future of 3D as a gaming standard back then

>> No.8386590

that's a man.

>> No.8386873

A lot of levels in that game are very liminal space-y

>> No.8387637

you're weird

>> No.8387654
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>The part with the flying bastard and the giant fan

>> No.8387851
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Fuck this shit.

>> No.8387880

What media is even out there that instills legitimate fear? I've seen a good handful of horror movies, I've played a few modern and /vr/ horror games (RE2 Remake and Fatal Frame 1 most recently) and none of it scares me. The games give me a bit of anxiety here and there but nothing crazy. I'm gonna play through the Silent Hill series soon but idk I just don't really get how people get scared of some of this shit unless I'm just watching/playing the wrong stuff

>> No.8387930

I can recommend Darkwood. No jumpscares, only dread and the unknown.

>> No.8387950

Darkwood is awesome. I can also recommend it, although it's not Retro and thus not really appropriate for the board.

>> No.8387967
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No Face from Twisted Metal Black and Insect Mutant from Timesplitters 2 both terrified me as a kid.
These were practically the only games my older brother ever wanted to play though, so he wasn’t allowed to use these characters when we played. Oddly enough, both characters were named Frank.

I almost wish we had a GameCube instead of a PS2 because I was absolutely traumatized for a while. I had dreams that No Face was waiting in his car in the road next to my window, ready to scare me. PS2 was dope though.

>> No.8387971

same reason why roller-coasters are fun. adrenaline. Also even if you aren't scared you can appreciate the atmosphere.

>> No.8388370

Alien abduction is a common fear because it could legitimately happen. Try media about this like the weird atmosphere created in films like- The Fourth kind & Extraterrestrial..

>> No.8388375
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This fucking terrified me as a kid.