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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 796 KB, 2048x1536, 9DB38D5A-1162-4048-93B3-D2887D58FD1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8362213 No.8362213 [Reply] [Original]

/CRT/ GENERAL: no one made a new thread edition

Previous thread: >>8315908
>Try to keep things /vr/ related: Focus should be on 5th Gen (+Dreamcast) (6th gen will never be retro) games on back. Slight off topic is fine so long as it's related to CRTs, such as later 16:9 models, HD models, etc. Systems with backwards compatibility are also safe territory, as are re-releases on newer hardware. PC CRTs are also welcome and appreciated.
>Produce OC! Bust out your camera and take photos of your CRTs displaying all sorts of games, featuring all sorts of tubes, using all sorts of signals. Getting good shots can be hard, but if you take enough, at least a few will turn out alright.
>Try and give as much information as possible when asking for info on a specific set, or troubleshooting an issue to expedite and help you may receive. As always, Google is your friend and we are your friends with benefits. Do people read this? Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either; Seriously, there's literally 6 years of backlog at this point.
>Share appreciation for other's choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. Always remember to show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Limited discussion of video processing and scaling devices is alright, but remember to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories.

CRT Pastebin (Never Ever) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

Thread Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdef7fUnzXCUR1o3LBBgv52MqQdR5hOb60FscYZLOaTq0xDCA/viewform

>> No.8362251

isn't this the CRT thread? >>8362142

>> No.8362252

4+ late 00's Trinitrons being sold or given away in my area but I can't get any of them because I lost my fucking license, and my only way to get and transport the TVs refuses to let me get them.

>> No.8362254

If you’re a thirdworlder, yes.

>> No.8362257

Get a uber

>> No.8362259

lost as in misplaced, or lost as in revoked?
if the former just go get it anyway.

>> No.8362261
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>> No.8362268

turn that ps2 logo man

>> No.8362269

>Also even with it's higher end TVL it still has a pretty big pitch for its size and a shadow mask, so it's perfect for 240p without making it look too sharp and full of scanlines.

>> No.8362270

Damn Cee Jay

>> No.8362272

Public transport, I've carried many huge and heavy CRTs like that

>> No.8362279

I would do public transport, but it's a good hour between the nearest bus line and my home. Living in the deep woods is a bitch.
Revoked for medical reasons. Nearly died before it happened, so I doubt I could even drive illegally even if I wanted to.

>> No.8362281

Sup Big Smoke

>> No.8362442
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I need to repair a CRT's housing. How likely am I to die by electricution when removing/replacing the housing?

>> No.8362487

the inverse of your IQ is the % of change you're going to get zapped

>> No.8362498

I'd love to get one of those Super Famicom TVs, but shipping one overseas seems like it would be a huge gamble.

>> No.8362504
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I love Rosemi-sama!

>> No.8363457


>> No.8363586


>> No.8363597

Good, since I'm FtM

>> No.8365079
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>> No.8365081
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>> No.8365084
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Acts have risen.

>> No.8365416
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Now to post this in the right thread.

Bought my first CRT, a Toshiba MD20P1 that's in excellent shape. Should be arriving Tuesday. Hoping it's not a lemon, but the seller seemed like a decent guy and the pictures made it look in good shape. I would have loved to pick up one of the many free Trinitrons on Craigslist or FB Marketplace, but lack the space for one.

>> No.8365425
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>> No.8365520
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Hmm good starting point anon! Should be a great set for NES and video, it's composite/coax only so you'll be kinda limited from getting the best out of later consoles

>> No.8365582

Yeah, planning on SNES via RF and PS2 and N64 via composite. I'm curious if my ancient speaker system will work if I plug it into the frontal headphone jack. Pretty hyped all in all.

>> No.8365716
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>> No.8365723

Is that Alien Crush?

>> No.8365730

I think I have the same toshitba TV. Its decent enough but I want to trade it for a jvc or sony eventually.

>> No.8365735

apparently the toshiba "a" series are really good, same tube as arcade machines

>> No.8365939
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x4032, 20210727_144241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love this sharp super famicom TV. Is this the 14inch version? I have the 21inch one.

>> No.8365956

Are those the panties from the Prinny 2 LE? Fucking beyond based if so.

>> No.8365971

No, they didn't give them out in the Prinny 2 LE, they gave them out in the contest to design her panties.
But yes, those are Etnas panties.

>> No.8365974

I remember that contest now that you mention it. Did you win in that case, or was it a general prize for participating?

>> No.8365985

3 winners, 50 random participants, and they gave a few out at some press event.

But no, I didn't win, I did participate though, but I managed to get them off ebay some time after the contest, in the original packaging... Haven't seen another show up on ebay since.

>> No.8366006

I remember seeing a link to a CRT adjustment guide on a recent CRT thread. Am I going to get myself killed trying to do it, or is that something that only happens to retards?

>> No.8366214

dam thats a nice tv for a disgaea fan

>> No.8366219

I've got two Sony Trinitrons that go into PS2 kiosks as well, and a widescreen Sony Triniton, as well as a 14" PVM

>> No.8366234

You'll be fine, just stay away from the anode cap.

>> No.8366235


>> No.8366238

Wtf anon I have the same setup but my ps2 is on the left. I have a comfy beanbag too.

>> No.8366242
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It's more that they're part of the kiosks, and the widescreen has been my TV for games when I was growing up.
The PVM? Yes, definitely.

>> No.8366874

>not moving to Japan instead

>> No.8366953

The real question is are you down with the dfc? Also, did you get >>8366242 displays at a good and reasonable price?

>> No.8366986
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Dood, did you see my pictures? I wouldn't have all this Etna stuff if I wasn't really really into Etna.
As for the kiosks, some of them have been a while, let's see... I got the PS2 kiosks years ago, I think I paid 150 euros for each of them? I got a bunch of spare parts for another one of the blue PS2 kiosk when I got that one.
The PSP game shelf, I think I paid 100 for two of them, 150 for the PSP kiosk, I think 100 or 150 for the DS one?
50 for the PS2 game shelf, probably like 80 or 100 for the PS3 shelf.
I think I paid around 400 for the super famicom TV, 300 for the super famicom box.
I paid way too much for the PSP countertop kiosk, but it's pretty rare to find here, and i got it new in box..
I think I paid 350 or 400 for the smaller 3DS kiosk and 250 for the huge 3DS kiosk.
The recent Wii U kiosk I got was probably the most expensive one so far.
I think I got most of them very cheap? I'm not 100% sure what they're all worth, I just know how often I get the chance to buy them, and usually the price I got them for is lower than what they sell for most of the time.

>> No.8368656

so the local thrift store doesn't sell the CRTs they collect they just have a huge pile in the back. should i steal them guise?

>> No.8368683

What game

>> No.8369706
File: 5 KB, 320x240, fadeout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are filters allowed on this thread?
I'm looking for a CRT filter that replicates the sort of ghosting/fading effect my old JVC had
It was most noticeable on the menu screens in Final Fantasy games
>White object disappears from screen in the next frame
>On the screen, this is instead shown as quickly fading out and shrinking
mockup gif attached as example

>> No.8369713

Really? Are there CRTs at the back of thrift stores? I might ask for them at the back, but if they say we don't have them gonna be embarrassing

>> No.8369726
File: 401 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20211129-000717_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say you got them cheap, this retard and many others want about 3k for this shit

>> No.8369756

Yeah I figured, I often see the more uncommon ones go for over 1k
which sucks, because I can't afford that shit.
I really want a PS3 and Vita kiosk at some point.

>> No.8369761

I'd pay about 500 for it...you have so many, what's the appeal to you personally?

>> No.8369769

Videogames have been my hobby and passion for the past 25 years, I just love this kind of stuff. Kiosks are like that one thing you should not be able to add to your collection, just like dev stuff, I just enjoy having them and playing on them.

I'm not sure what other appeal there could be.

>> No.8369776
File: 658 KB, 320x237, 14F3493B-7A45-4263-96B1-168DFA688787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghosting/fading effect my old JVC had
That’s just an effect of most CRT’s on how they function
Pretty sure there is an after image setting on CRT guest dr venom

>> No.8369782

I really, really wish I'd grabbed one of those GameBoy kiosks that had the TV with the yellow green overlay, probably the only kiosk I'd really like to have, outside of maybe one of those Japanese Virtual Boy towers. Toyed with the idea of buying one a decade or so ago but never did, don't even want to think what they sell for now. Even though I've played tons of GameBoy since I was a kid, one of my most vivid memories of the system is still the first time I played Mario Land 2 on one of those stations at a Toys 'R Us.

>> No.8369791

I've seen videos of those gameboy kiosks, the look absolutely amazing.
I've seen the virtualboy kiosk in person, when I went to pick up an IS-Nitro from someone, the guy also has that one Golden wii, that guy's warehouse was fucking insane, so many kiosks there.

>> No.8369793

Fair enough, I just would be overwhelmed by the space they occupy...but I must admit they are rather comfy

>> No.8371042
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I got this for $9 today. The sound is amazing.

>> No.8371110

Composite input only I'm guessing?

>> No.8371131
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Of course. Nothing fancy at all but I think it is pretty cool.

>> No.8371247

Anyone know about this Craig manufacturer? I found a thread on Reddit of the same machine, but someone saying that these could blow up.

>> No.8371285

That little webcam is kinda neat as well.
Best thing you can do is just be smart with the TV. Reddit can be overly dramatic about stuff, but to be safe just use common sense. I've heard of the Craig brand before, but that's all I can tell you personally.

>> No.8371343

>I've heard of the Craig brand before
What have you heard?

>> No.8371357

I've seen some Craig electronics, that's about it. I have not heard any horror stories or anything.

>> No.8371371

Gotcha, thank you for the response.

>> No.8371375

Final Tranasy

>> No.8372728
File: 421 KB, 1400x1050, 20211129_083519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is a hot take or not but after playing all 3 DKC games then jumping right into SMW, I think DKC 1 and 2 are better games then SMW

>> No.8372735

Thats not the real name of the game, please tell me the correct game. It looks cool.

>> No.8372887

You're not wrong. SMW just feels so plain and basic. It feels like only a half-step up from Mario 3 despite being on next-gen hardware. To my eyes the main appeal the game has is the multiple paths and hidden exits leading to secret areas, but in terms of actual platforming gameplay everything just feels very phoned-in

>> No.8373802

I ended up returning it since different places said they don't have a proper "safety band" or something that prevents these TVs from overloading and blowing up.

>> No.8374583

Okay, I bought an AV to Composite cable for my N64 off Amazon and I'm not 100% sure on the pinout. It doesn't match the pinout on my AV to Analog convertor that I bought to replace and I'm worried about just plugging it in. Does anyone have the N64 AV multiout pinout? For reference, the only pins it came with is one on the right and one in the middle, the middle one is apparently ground.

>> No.8374629
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recently i moved my crt from one part of the room to another. whenever i turn it off it starts buzzing for a couple minutes. is there a problem? i tried different outlets and shit

>> No.8374846

Crt buzz means it is working, zoomie

>> No.8374892

i know about the whine when it's on. when it turns OFF, regardless of however long it's been on there's a buzz for a little bit.

>> No.8375123

whats the most advanced CRTs got? is there any CRT make or model that manages to not have such huge "ass" out of its back ? im reorganizing my romo and i'd really like something that doesnt take as much space as the average CRT

>> No.8375224
File: 30 KB, 567x542, 2cec71161268a2ef69288b5a4a210587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any hope for me?
I live in australia and i've tried getting my hands on a CRT so many times.
i've gone to salvation army stores, never any luck, gone to pawn shops, only plasma / lcd tvs there.
it's gotten to the point where I've asked friends and family, if any of you see an old crt let me know, like if any older family members have one I'll take it, even pay for it.
it's been 6 months and I haven't been able to find one that wasnt broken or beat to shit, I just wanna play retro stuff on a crt already.

>> No.8375229

Its probably just dust or static electricity. nothing to worry unless you start smelling smoke.

>> No.8375287

Ephemeral Fantasia. It’s not cool.

>> No.8375443
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Working on manufacturing my own CRT from scratch. Honestly it's easier than you'd expect. Which phosphor compounds are considered the best for displays?

>> No.8375456
File: 456 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20211130-205353_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on gumtree

I saw one on the side of the road yesterday close to my place, but it was wet...I wonder if it will work..

>> No.8375457

I'd imagine it'd depend on the desired frequency?

>> No.8375471

has me thinking, why can't I just replace some of the electronic components of a CRT television and bump it up to 240fps

>> No.8375695

nigga are you using hdmi to composite? you know there is other ways to get composite from the VGA board connected to the mister?

>> No.8375705

did you just see a composite cable and sperg the fuck out

>> No.8375792

I can think of a few problems. Whatever mechanism controls the beam deflection might not be able to operate at that frequency, the beam itself would be moving too fast relative to its output resulting in little to no phosphorescence, and the persistence of the phosphors would just result in all the frames being blurred together anyways.

>> No.8376778

CRT arrived today, it look like it was just taken out of the box, has five hours or so total usage, and it's too fucking tall for my desk. Blocks off part of my wall mounted LED tv. FUCK.

>> No.8377245

Post a picture of it.

>> No.8377253
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how are you do this?

>> No.8377302

Unless it were left out for a long time and rusted, and you open it up and let it fully dry, it should be OK. But make sure it is totally dry before turning it on, for obvious reasons. Electronics can get as wet as you want, as long as you don't turn them on while wet. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to just give it a full cleaning, since who knows what kinds of bugs crawled into it while it eas sitting outside.

>> No.8377371

trying out linux i get even worse CRT support than in modern Windows. Its just 60 Hz modes all around. Is CRT support noticeably worse in linux than windows?

>> No.8377380

Usually it's a little better, it's just more complicated. But under Linux you can do things like interlacing on RTX cards that you can't on Windows.
Do you know how to add custom modelines? You should google about it, it's not that hard and plenty of guides exist.

>> No.8377387

>Do you know how to add custom modelines
i dont remember exactly but ive done it in the past with xrandr and i now its some commandline stuff. I wish it was a GUI like CRU

>> No.8377405

There's websites where you can input the info and it gives you a modeline you can feed into xrandr


>> No.8377443

yeah in the tutorial i follow i can just type "gtf 1024 768 110" and it will give me the info
the odd thing is that in 60 Hz it looks okay and bright but if i go to 110 Hz or 115 Hz the screen gets real dark for some reason, dunno why...
Its a Multiscan G200

>> No.8377490

>the odd thing is that in 60 Hz it looks okay and bright but if i go to 110 Hz or 115 Hz the screen gets real dark for some reason, dunno why...
>Its a Multiscan G200
the higher the refresh rate and/or resolution, the dimmer the screen will be, since the beam spends less time drawing the screen and more jumping between lines and top/bottom, but never hugely darker
are you using a HDMI, DP adapter or native VGA? HDMI sometimes produces dim screens too if I remember correctly, related to color encoding over HDMI or something

>> No.8377497

it's the limitations of the monitor you are using
lower the resolution and see if it's brighter at that refresh rate

>> No.8377528

Mind if I take it tomorrow? Desk is an absolute disaster, and the CRT is currently on the floor and I'm too tired to pick it up tonight.

>> No.8377576

whats GTF and CVT? wich one is usually used by CRTs ?
i use native VGA to a DVI adapter so that the image gets as less processing as possible. it gets SUPER dim at 115 Hz. i also have another monitor thats 112 KHz but instead of being dim it just has tons of ghosting so i cant use that one for gaming :(

>> No.8377823

I see

>> No.8378018

>Wanted to play SNES on a CRT
>Bought one off of Ebay
>Apparently delivered an hour before I woke up, left at the front door
>Package nowhere to be seen

How shitty is UPS at package delivery for you guys? I think this is the first time I've ever had a package not show up when I bought things online. Gonna have to check with my neighbors and hope someone didn't steal my package.

>> No.8378085

You fags wanna tell me how to discharge one? Mine needs a recap bad, and the only thing stopping me from doing it is the fear of electrocuting myself.

>> No.8378125

Anyone have a recommendation for cleaning the vents on a CRT without opening it up? It's not just dust, but caked-on grime that I'm trying to clean out of all the crevices.

>> No.8378571

Open it and just clean the plastics if you're scared, don't touch the electronics
Otherwise you're just going to push the dirt from the plastics into the electronics, which is not good

>> No.8378717

This guy seems like he knows what he's doing.

>> No.8378757

>check my computer CRT specsheet
>30-96 kHz horizontal scan range
>check the monitor's menu
>97 kHz
¿am i in danger?

>> No.8378762

Nope, it's okay. Most CRTs black out when you run them actually over spec, yours is still in spec, just at the upper border.

>> No.8378773

thanks for the info
i'd be using a 112 kHz CRT but those seem kinda hard to find nowadays

>> No.8378858
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reasonably thin

>> No.8379010
File: 123 KB, 535x445, image_2021-12-02_021211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I finally did it, I got a crt
it's a fucking beauty, I followed >>8375456 's advice and checked gumtree yesterday (usually i have no luck), but a newly posted listing was getting rid of pic related for $10.
It's currently being stored at a mates house while we're waiting on a house to be built, so I don't know what connectors it has on it, but it has a built in vcr so that's a good sign.
mate said it was fucking huge too.
feels good man, gonna be a comfy winter next year

>> No.8379015

Glad I could be of happy, good you got what you wanted out of my advice, enjoy mate.

>> No.8379016


>> No.8379041

So it turns out the consumer trinitron wega I recently found has some subtle darker blotches across the screen. It's not SUPER noticeable, but you can see something is up when the screen displays solid colors, for example. At first I honestly thought it must've just been dust or grime on the screen, but no.

Any chance that this is NOT burn-in? Picture is otherwise quite bright and doesn't seem worn at all. Any possibility of it being a purity issue that heavy-duty degaussing could fix?
If it definitely is burn-in, I guess it's not a huge deal breaker. Not bad enough to be bothersome, although I suppose it'll always bug me in the back of my brain regardless just that it exists at all.

>> No.8379042
File: 44 KB, 638x629, 1555711206183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude it was wild because I typically check gumtree every week or so, barring the last 2 weeks because I've been busy,
checking this thread and posting tfw no crt led to checking gumtree again and that ad was posted like, 1 hour before checking.
I might have to get some kind of universal remote if they still make those though.

>> No.8379054

I see, sounds good, you can get logitech universal remotes for cheap

>> No.8379083

>Not bad enough to be bothersome, although I suppose it'll always bug me in the back of my brain regardless just that it exists at all.
I had something like this on my previous LCD. Some LEDs in the backlight failing probably. It WAS bothersome as fuck, literally drove me crazy every time I watched anything with large areas of solid colors like anime, sports, even fog in games. I liked that TV, but replaced it with an OLED and regret nothing.
Maybe it's not gonna be as bad for you, but as you said, you'll always have it in the back of your brain. I hope it works out for you though.

>> No.8379101

I know what you mean. I actually have a similar persistence issue at the top edge of the 1440p/144hz monitor I'm currently using. I don't know what caused it, and it's only very minor and only viewable if you're actively looking for it and there's a medium-gray screen on that part. In actual use you literally can't see it except subtly on my login-screen, and even then it varies from day-to-day and hour-to-hour, sometimes 100% being completely absent. Really fucking weird.

And yeah, for the CRT it's really an incredibly hard to see thing. I'm more concerned about the future, since CRTs are never going to be made ever again. Ideally I'd like to continue being able to play my 240p/480i vidya on CRTs for decades until I eventually kick the bucket, so it's more a question of how bad the quality will get in another 10-20 years from now. I guess the solution is to hoard obsolete TVs in the basement to always have a fresh supply, lel

>> No.8379112

I'll have to get over my retard fear of electrocution first, but okay.

>> No.8379181

I destroyed half of the clips and snapped the back casing into two pieces when trying to open up a used Sony CRT remote for cleaning. The plastic was so brittle. I wish Sony had used screws to assemble these.

>> No.8379234

At least those things are a diamond dozen since all the remotes for decades all use the same IR signals

>> No.8379429
File: 26 KB, 765x990, sony_kv-21fs150_bx1s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eyeing a very late 21inch Trinitron brand new in its box, but it's $150. What do you think, /vr/?

>> No.8379459

For brand new thats a decent price but of course the used route is cheaper

>> No.8379467

Yeah, lot of people trying to scalp me with ancient TVs I have no real way to test thoroughly (or the knowhow), figure I might as well spend extra to get something that should last.

>> No.8379518

Brand new in box is practically nonexistent now. 150 is a steal, I'm jealous

>> No.8379558

Yeah, but this was a white remote with the same amount of discoloration as the white TV it belonged to. They were brothers.

>> No.8379597

better break out the salon cream, anon