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File: 225 KB, 1564x1172, skies-of-arcadia-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8367727 No.8367727 [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing Skies of Arcadia Legends on the Gamecube. So far I've enjoyed it quite a bit, but it seems surprisingly hard. The random encounters in the first dungeon easily depleted Vyse's and Aika's health and the enemies took a lot of hits to defeat.

Are you supposed to grind a lot in this game, or am I missing something here? I also don't quite understand how the colors work. I can change the colors of my weapons and I notice that some colors do more damage to particular enemies, but is there a way to know what color an enemy is? Or is it just trial and error?

Other than the difficulty issue, the game looks and sounds fantastic. Although some areas such as the underground pirate base are really dark so it can be hard to see what's going on at times. I haven't really noticed any of the notoriously "bad sound", although some songs seem to have been looped really poorly.

>> No.8367810

>I haven't really noticed any of the notoriously "bad sound"
Because you haven't played the original

>> No.8367874
File: 61 KB, 784x430, jqqtnslea9s11[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colors represent different elements, so you want to keep switching until you figure out what works best. Also, learn to abuse Aika's Alpha Storm, Lambda Burst, and Omega Psyclone once you get enough SP to cast on the first turn. That will significantly speed up most random battles.

>> No.8367879
File: 58 KB, 180x320, Itsuki_hoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

characters were designed by a woman. A WOMAN!! >:[

>> No.8367881

No one gives a shit.

>> No.8367891

I bought Legends 5 years ago and immediately sold it because of this. Sound quality matters so much more than people realise.

>> No.8367892

Then don't reply, retard.

>> No.8367937

I never heard of there being audio issues on the GameCube version, but Skies was one of the few Dreamcast games that made good use of the Yamaha AICA. It wasn't just streaming audio. Ikaruga was another one of those games.

>> No.8367996 [DELETED] 

If you have to do a direct comparison to "notice" it then it's not bad at all.

>> No.8368046

Are you stupid? OP didn't have a frame of reference to begin with.

>> No.8368049 [DELETED] 

Are you? Bad sound is bad regardless of reference. Now be quiet kid because your yapping is incredibly grating.

>> No.8368053

You don't even need one to tell how heavily compressed and garbled the music is.

>> No.8368058

And the sound in Legends is pretty bad, my dude.

>> No.8368071

>Bad sound is bad regardless of reference
And something would be bad or good because.... What? Because you said so? You're the kid here.

>> No.8368247

>The random encounters in the first dungeon easily depleted Vyse's and Aika's health and the enemies took a lot of hits to defeat.
They actually reduced the number of random encounters next to the original version.

>> No.8368386

The characters and the plot seemed nice, but I got filtered by absolutely braindead combat.

>> No.8368402
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1637627563963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a genuine retard?

>> No.8368417

I wouldn't call the music in Legends bad when viewed in a vacuum, but it's a real downgrade compared to the dreamcast version. And this wasn't the fault of the Gamecube itself, you can get some real nice music out of that thing if you want to, Super Robot Wars GC showed that. The question then is what happened at Sega to make this happen.

>> No.8368440

The GameCube's streaming DSP format was actually very good its just that this game used the Dreamcast's MIDI-like abilities and would need to be converted to PCM then into ADX or whatever they ended up using for the port. It was probably as good as it was gonna get. Ikaruga ports had this done numerous times as well.

>> No.8368829

They could've recomposed it, not that they were ever going to put in that much effort.

>> No.8369372

Isn't there any way to port the DC music to the GC iso or something?

>> No.8369595

it's ok, she is not western

>> No.8369598

I really disliked this system

>> No.8369603

>although some songs seem to have been looped really poorly
the dreamcast uses a midi like format

>> No.8369610

Do weebs really?

>> No.8369613

Why is it that 3D games from that time period had such amazing, vibrant blue skies and green vegetation? The first level of SA2 is another great example. What happened later?

>> No.8369639


>> No.8370131

>the dreamcast uses a midi like format
Surely you mean the GC version.

>> No.8370139
File: 54 KB, 474x474, bb9bd872cebf15f7c8bbb3dadbe2460e--vinyl-lp-jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega aesthetic was majorly influenced by the Japanese jazz fusion scene, and all of the covers from that era look like this

>> No.8370141
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1620889474674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play a hard mode mod for this game.

>> No.8370153
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, EYz2irrUYAA-cD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking love Sega

>> No.8370179

The GC version's sound makes me so incredibly sad. Is there a way to get good sound back in?

>> No.8370284

Huh, nice, I didn't know about that

>> No.8370320

No, sadly.

>> No.8370334

no, I mean skies of arcadia on dreamcast

>> No.8370369

Where's the romhackers when you need them? damn it

>> No.8370375

hold on a sec bro i need to finish my amazing sonic & knuckles levelpack featuring my oc!

>> No.8371428

I think you just have mental problems.
With all the improvements Legends makes the sound quality being sacrificed is a price I'm more than willing to pay, The fantastic compositions still shine through on the Gamecube.

>> No.8371441
File: 207 KB, 460x460, 56ek6867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, what are you playing it on to not notice the bad sound? The Dreamcast had very high quality sound, and the CG has everything HZ limited and normalized to a lower db. I played both through my receiver and with headphones on and the GC version is fucking putrid.

However if you play it on those shitty speakers that were on the old CRT TVs (barring the Wegas and other CRTs that had quality speakers on the side) I'm sure you can't notice the difference and moreover have the ears of a child.

>> No.8371445

Their tropical worlds they made in SA and Skies were so awesome. I just want to go there and relax in the sun. Grandia 2 and Langrisser Millenium had a tropical islands as well but they weren't nearly as comfy.

>> No.8371983

No, OP, the game just expects you to use its system correctly to beat enemies.

There are enemies that can cast spells that just kill you in the game. They have a basic attack they'll do some of the time, and they have a fail rate when they attempt to cast magic, but there will probably be many of them, so some of them will get a chance to attack if you do nothing. Having said that, they aren't that hard to beat. There are multiple strategies to beat this.

Don't try to kill loopers unless you are doing a physical (yes that means don't use magic) attack that doesn't check accuracy, btw. It takes multiple attempts to kill them with regular attacks because their evasion is so high. Just ignore them while you kill everyone else and then try to cutlass fury them last.

>> No.8372904

I looked and there's no hack that restore the music surprisingly enough
However, I believe at the time when people would have really cared, the GC song format wasn't cracked (if even applicable here). I believe it is fully cracked now but what a shame. It cannot be that hard, is it?

>> No.8372909

a 480p video with amazing sound will be much more enjoyable than a 4K dolby vision video with shit sound. Sound is an underrated aspect of media.

>> No.8372980

I wish I knew. I'm a brainlet when it comes to actually hacking roms.

>> No.8372984

There are other benefits to the GC version. Graphics are the least interesting part actually.

>> No.8372997

>No VMU mini game
It’s shit, obviously

>> No.8373005 [DELETED] 

If I'm not mistaken
- GC format was cracked. It was used in Brawl and people are making all sort of custom music
- However, does the game use that format?
- Can they even loop?
- Is the DC music convertable in any ways (just like SPCs, USF, etc can be played, and then converted, in Winamp and more)
- If not, we could grab the OST if it's not one of those OST that doesn't loop even once has fade out
That's the potential problems

>> No.8373013

If I'm not mistaken
- GC music format was cracked. It was used in Brawl and people are making all sort of custom music
- However, does the game use that format?
- Can the custom songs even loop yet?
- Is the DC music convertable in any ways (just like SPCs, USF, etc can be played, and then converted, in Winamp and more)
- If not, we could grab the OST if it's not one of those OST that doesn't loop even once and has fade out at the end, possibly ruining the loop
That's the potential problems

>> No.8373178

I only have the Gamecube version so I don't have a frame of reference. I was just pointing out that the sound didn't strike me as particularly "bad" compared to other games of the era.

Though I admit I haven't listened to it with headphones yet.