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File: 136 KB, 256x308, Shadow_Warrior_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8367447 No.8367447 [Reply] [Original]

bought this game for like a dollar on steam and it actually slaps hard i love this shit

>> No.8367454

I'm glad. What did you love about it, specifically?

>> No.8367462

i like the overexaggerated campy art style and the gore, also the controls feel very responsive for a 20+ year old game. and the voice lines are actually funny

>> No.8367472

The fuck does that even mean?

>> No.8367480

It's zoomer for "neat-o keen".

>> No.8367485

You'd love Duke3D and Blood just as much, then.

>> No.8367492

Play it with the raze source port. If you're just playing the regular shadow warrior exe

>> No.8367496

How the fuck do the controls work in this game? I have the gog version and it's a mess out of the box

>> No.8367505

This is a terrible idea.

>> No.8367508


Use the source port here

>> No.8367520

The official Shadow Warrior port is one of the few instances where the commercial source port is better than a fan maintained one.

>> No.8367521

i played duke 3d and ion fury and love this shit out of both of them. havent played blood but i will try it soon

>> No.8367524

are you trying to say that say that shadow warrior classic redux is good ???? I've never heard any one say that before but okay.

>> No.8367525

>gzdoom faggotry
Not even once.

>> No.8367530

This is much better, thanks!

>> No.8367531
File: 1.13 MB, 3816x2264, 1628581611944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Raze compare with NBlood? I though Raze was for NBlood like BuildGDX iwas for BloodGDX.
Also the Polymost renderer for NBlood has been broken for like a year now with no fix in sight.

>> No.8367535

Honestly I never tried any other build source ports because gdx wanted me to install java script to run it.

And figured that screw it raze has better mouse control than classic redux so I just kept using raze for good. Though the EDUKE source port I did use VOIDSW and that is pretty good too

>> No.8367541

Blood runs really good with raze and most mods are drag and drop. Like the vr blood mod made from the doom thread and death wish all just drop the zip on the raze exe and it will launch

>> No.8367550

I bought Duke Nukem for dirt cheap on steam and I'm having a great time with it

>> No.8367556

Dare I say, the best of the build trilogy

>> No.8367574

Not quite. I think DukeNukem and Blood are both better, with the edge going to Blood. I can see how someone would think Duke is better than Blood, though.

>> No.8367578

what's the difference between the redux and classic version, anyway?

>> No.8367585

both the same game. nothing new to either one. both games run on the same grp's. its just the 97 version runs on dosbox and the classic redux version runs on a exe that hasnt been updated since it was released and has poor mouse control

>> No.8367619

also, the music is 10/10
is it lee jackson?

>> No.8367621


>> No.8367721

I played Duke3D for the first time (the OG DOS version, not a port) and I was amazed how fluid and playable it was. I had to remap a lot of the controls so it felt more like the modern FPSs I'm used to. But the fact that it felt like a modern FPS and was made in 1996 is still impressive. Need to get Blood and SW now too.

>> No.8367748

It’s retarded but fun. Basically encapsulates the pulp entertainment of the 80s and 90s when white boys made movies with ridiculous stereotypes of martial arts and Asian mysticism

>> No.8367852

>it actually slaps hard i love this shit

fr fr

>> No.8368134
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, voidswdowntown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dare I say, the best of the build trilogy
Duke, SW, Blood, each does their own thing really well that I can never just pick one. SW in particular might have the snappiest combat, and with a few other things I can easily see why its a favorite.

>> No.8368214

No one ever says this but Duke Nukem 3D is the least good of the 3.

>> No.8368223

does classic redux give you the files to run in Raze?

>> No.8368285

SW is technically unfinished, so I don't see how that could be.

>> No.8368319

>Who wants some wang?
OP does.

>> No.8368324

I *admire* Duke 3D the most because it was the first (ie, most revolutionary), and is one of the most important games ever made. However, Blood and Shadow Warrior have *some* elements that I may consider to be more fun, or better.

Elaborate? SW is a commercially released game. Do you mean it's rushed, or has something you don't like? If so, what?

>> No.8368327

I never liked Blood

>> No.8368341
File: 495 KB, 1920x1080, eduke231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one ever says this but Duke Nukem 3D is the least good of the 3.
I'd say that hinges on how well one receives episode 2. People either hate it and its explosive drones, or love it and its variety compared to the other two build shooters.

>> No.8368365

yeah once you run the raze exe. the menu should be populated with shadow warrior and its dlc. also the same with duke and blood and their respective dlcs.

however if you do not own the duke dlcs aka megaton edition and just have the disc. i think you need to pull almost all its files put them in a folder and put those in the raze folder and it'll run

>> No.8368376

>Elaborate? SW is a commercially released game. Do you mean it's rushed, or has something you don't like? If so, what?
No expansion pack for it was ever made, and Sunstorm's attempt to fill in the gap, while much appreciated, is 99% complete due to being likewise canceled at the last second. What this means:
1. No bugfixes to base game beyond the initial patch.
2. No true new enemies.
3. No new weapons.
4. Unresolved cliffhanger ending.
Those bastards did The Wang dirty. Be that as it may, the same can't be said for Blood and especially Douk.

>> No.8368378

Yes it's good

>> No.8368901
File: 127 KB, 650x488, joust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck does that even mean?

He doesn't know. Pfft.

>> No.8368935

>explosive drones
Literally the dumbest enemy and easy to dispose of. People who complain about these enemies (which a lot do) are dumb homosexuals.

>> No.8368939

Oh this is just personal taste. I think a lot of people tend to agree that Blood is the superior game and in many ways it is, but there’s something about Shadow Warrior where you launching nukes across the map and cutting motherfuckers in two with a samurai sword while some guy yells racist jokes just makes it the superior experience for me

>> No.8368947

Dook is certainly the most important of the 3 and its impact on the FPS games really can’t be understated, and it’s still a great game in its own right, but compared to the fine tuned perfection of Blood and the level design and fun of SW, it lacks behind. Not really the game’s fault though, it was made first and they hadn’t worked out the kinks yet.

>> No.8369187
File: 98 KB, 300x300, 1622649742732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd firmly call Shadow Warrior better than Duke and even Blood if some of the levels weren't ASS and seemingly nearly every enemy wasn't purpose-made to be annoying in some manner

>> No.8369196
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, swladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man how was I supposed to know there's a ladder in the fireplace? That's dumb

>> No.8369197

Saying "slaps" is fucking faggotry, gay/zoomer.

>> No.8369251

Unless slap bass is involved.

>> No.8369258


Based. I got this game back in 1997. Made a shit ton of custom maps for it until 1999. It's still one of my favorite games ever. It's better than Duke Nukem and almost as good as Doom and Doom 2. I still play it all the time.
It's funny, hard, balanced and a lot of fun. Great levels that built upon the Doom formula, but took it to the max unlike any other FPS.

>> No.8369274


I thought it was reference to when a girl is riding you reverse cowgirl and her asscheeks are slapping together.

>> No.8369280


Kek. This level filtered me too. This is why I love this game so much. The game is a puzzle. I probably spent 10 minutes looking through the level trying to figure out where to go before I found it.

>> No.8369351
File: 269 KB, 640x480, sw025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finished it a couple of months ago, What a great fucking game, The controls are buttery smooth even better than newly released games, The weapons and combat are very satisfying, you never get tired of it, There is also dlcs for the game if you want more.
As a zoomer who got heavily into shooters with Call Of Duty and Battlefield and finally discovered classic shooters two years ago, All i can say is i missed so many great games bros...

>> No.8369436

My God that's a great art anon, who is the author?

>> No.8369570

>Not looking inside fireplaces and behind waterfalls in any game with them

>> No.8369591

it slaps hard fr fr shjgn

>> No.8369619
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, swshower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Leep has the right idea. I would fill my dojo with anime bitches too.

>> No.8369641


Blood, Duke3D, Powerslave and Shadow Warrior in the dospack. Preconfigured with WASD controls and mouselook (bMouse patched)

>> No.8369712

not sure. Just saved it from /vr/ one time.
Neat pack. Has Powerslave's strafe speed been fixed in this pack?

>> No.8370016

Yes it uses PS Dehacker 1.5 by CHEATER, so proper sidestrafing and mouselook (and other misc. fixes). Dark Forces also got a similar treatment by him (full mouselook).

>> No.8370282

i just tried the redux version and everything seems fine except the horizontal mouse movement seems really sluggish compared to the vertical mouse movement. anyone else notice this and is there a way to fix it?

>> No.8370837


>> No.8370842

dont use the redux edition anon just use build gdx

>> No.8372780

sw and blood had to stand on his shoulders to be as good as they are though

>> No.8372793

would you accept a nuke blessed by the moon?

>> No.8374165

That's cool. I pirated it for free ($0)

>> No.8374186

>port made by graf fag
No thanks.