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/vr/ - Retro Games

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836008 No.836008 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I don't pay for the game, I pay for a block or disc made of plastic

I like having a shelf full of things, and that's what's wrong. I barely play these games, but if I don't buy them they might be gone tomorrow! I really want to get over this collection mentality because where will it really get me? Will I really be satisfied or will I look at my shelf and only want to put more on it? I'm not even that hardcore..I can't imagine dropping $50 for a cart or $200 for god knows what. At this point I've decided to sell it all and never look back. Next in line for thinning is the anime.

Is your collection worth it /vr/?

>> No.836020


>> No.836034

move out of your parents basement, youll quickly lose sentiment for that crap

>> No.836093
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I only collect experiences.

My "collection" consists of the game consoles with flash cards.

>> No.836110

My ps1 had a soundchip that turned out to make it worth 10k. It was pretty cool to know that I had such good judgement picking ps1s back then that it managed to earn me something equivalent to a scholarship.

>> No.836128

How? Which PS1 is that?

>> No.836134

I only collect games that I really enjoyed or that I think will become worth a lot in the future. So far I have a bunch of mint unopened games worth fuckall and a couple poor condition games worth a pretty penny and rising. I've pretty much stopped collecting at this point because I have poor judgement.

>> No.836152


You're just full of bullshit aren't you

>> No.836161


Hes confusing the high end soundchip that was used in 1001 models with the worth of the system itself. Theyre like 50 bucks at best

>> No.836165
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I also agree. Sell them and afford yourself the luxury of flash carts instead.

Keep the few games that can't be played on flash carts and then never look back. Sometimes we just have to acknowledge it's about the video games and not about the collecting. We get wrapped up in this physical goods mindset like owning a copy of Ogre Tactics actually means anything. In reality, it's just something from our past that causes us to attach to these carts.

Remember when you were a kid and you looked through all those magazines and wanted so many games? Or when you went to the store and looked upon all of those sealed boxes and hoped your parent would say "aw, well, you can get a game if you want". Remember when it was your birthday and you knew that square/rectangular box was a game. Remember that feeling inside? How excited you used to get for that next video game. Well, you aren't going to get those feelings back. Owning a shelf full of games won't fill the hole in your heart. But, these games will always be there to comfort you. You can still load up that copy of Secret of Mana on your flashcart and remember that weekend you sunk into it with your friends. The carts aren't what's important, anon. It's your memories/experiences and the experiences that are still ahead of you. Don't be afraid to let go because they're not leaving you.

>> No.836171

This. I used to place a lot of stock for whatever reason on my actual physical collection, then all of it was stolen. Probably ten or fifteen thousand dollars worth of games, hardware, equipment, etc. I make more than enough money to replace it over time but it just really showed me that your collection will not last forever.

Nowadays? Steam, flashcarts, emulators. Actual consoles and hardware but those are still obtainable for a decent price and can be replaced with a quick trip to the local Salvation Army (except for the rarer stuff but we all knew that).

>> No.836170

Mine was an scph 1001, yes, an scph 1001 model. The very same. My father couldn't believe it when I told him. Of course 10k is something like chumpchange to the upper middle class but it was a nice windfall noneheless.

>> No.836172

think he's referring to the SCPH-1001, which at the time of it's release had a CD player that was equal to the quality of a stand alone $5000 CD player. today they go for about $50 on ebay

>> No.836176

Watch how you talk with certain people.

>> No.836179

You can buy an SCPH 1001 on ebay right now for less than 50 dollars.

>> No.836182


Are you seriously claiming you sold a 1001 for 10k? Because you didn't.

>> No.836184


Shut the fuck up you fat fucking piece of shit. I hope you die.

>> No.836190

>praising yourself for what is and will always be blind luck
>watch how you talk to me bro
Not even the guy you're arguing with but you really sound like an asshole.

>> No.836192

The only special thing about the 1001 is that it apparently had a better DAC than some of the other Playstation 1's which came out later. But it still is not anything even remotely resembling a nice DAC. I can tell you from first-hand experience, the Dreamcast sounds worlds better than the Playstation 1. Both have electrolytic capacitors in the signal path, which is a no-no in Hi-Fi.

>> No.836194

Whoa man, keep doing that and one day you'll be able to afford the NES-001, the very first prototype of the DS!

>> No.836198
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He's in another thread claiming he elongated the pins on a SNES cart to make the games play on an N64, so methinks this tripfag is a little on the "special" side

>> No.836196

No joke I JUST saw that episode yesterday and just died inside

That's on national TV, man...

>> No.836207


That guy ended up killing himself you know.

>> No.836208

I think that guy killed himself, no joke. Pretty sure it didn't have anything to do with that incident, though.

>> No.836205

This was around early 2000s so its very possible. My father is great at finding vendors willing to escalate prices and sell people on things like this. To high end djs this stuff was golden back then. AI never knew exactly who got it in the end but it was still relarively unknown hiw good this soumd quality was. Hell, Daft Punk could have purchased it for all I know.

You need to know how to sell and you need to be clever. Me and my dad made 10k off a 1001 and he even managed to scrap a few extras together from ads and sell them for around 500-1200 each. Sometimes I helped out too. If you think Im lying thnlen go ahead.

>> No.836210
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>> No.836213

For real? Really? Link me to the wikipedia article? I don't even remember his name.

>> No.836218


>> No.836223

the reason 1001's are sought after by audiophiles is because they have a unique warmth to there sound and good sound staging and mids. They can also easily be hooked up and are cheap as fuck. It isn't about them being good, its about them being dirt cheap and they just happen to sound nice as well.

>> No.836231

Its obvious you don't have very good hearing. For one, do you have perfect pitch? Also who ever said you were the person who was in charge of this and not the audiophiles who work day in and day out to earn a living doing this work themselves? Get over who you are and what you think becauze its obvious you arent dealing with a full deck.

The Dreamcast is awful sound that has electrolyctic in the signal path unlike the ps1 which when modified was capaple operforming on par with the worlds best workstations. So don't even talk bad about what the system is capable of. I have seen t in action.

>> No.836234

I was expecting his death to be something NES-001 related, but even a jaded asshole like me is glad he didn't have to live that shame until his death.

>> No.836246

Dirt cheap by people who do not realize what they have. This does not mean they are not worth what we charged.

>> No.836239


Ladies and Gentlemen meet our new resident autist

>> No.836242

>get over who you are and what you think
>I have seen t [sic] in action
Friend, please, just leave, I've never figured out how to filter tripfriends

>> No.836249


>implying that happened

>> No.836252

I was going to filter him, but he's so stupid it's entertaining.

>> No.836258

how can I filter him?

>> No.836256


Did your dad also touch you as a child and claim he was modding you?

>> No.836267

4chan X, I'm sure there are other options out there.

>> No.836287

First of all, it did happen. i remember being so happy.

Second of all DONTCALLMESTUPID. I am only trying to provide anecdotal evidence of my own good fortune because I believe it to be entertaining.

And thirdst, don't badmouth my father. If you had a father who lost his wife just as his son was born then you would understand how hard it is to be a parent in that position when your heart is split in two and when his own son doesmt have the warm voice of his olmother to coo him to sleep growing up or help when things arent ao well.

Dont make me out to he something stupid hecause I am not.

>> No.836296

Oh my god, are you Chris-chan?

>> No.836301


Well, you may not be retarded but you are something else.

>> No.836304


>implying you're not stupid

>> No.836306


>> No.836336

yeah i am just realizing this, luckily i have managed to spend less than 150$ before realizing this,
i got a high paying job and thought how many games can i collect
but then i realized that i can sit on my patio drinking iced tea sitting with my cat , and emulating games on a psp

>> No.836350

Excuse me? And what does that make you? I know your type. We always, ALWAYS have to your type. Ever rebel or wild child has to take on this sort of barnyard taunting in his lifetime. I'm a dreamer. I dont even know how I got here from talking about my ps1. But I listened to it play my fathers records in person. We modified one of the extra chips into a dreamcast so maybe thats what you were talking about because its not so hard to find one of those on the market. You cant even remotely gauge what kind of man you are talking to so donr bet on your life you are the better man here.

>> No.836352

Who is this new autismal tripfag? I'm laughing so hard

>> No.836361

There is no way this guy is for real

>> No.836362

Please never stop posting, this is gold.

>> No.836379

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.836398

>listened to psx play records
>chipped a dreamcast onto a psx
This guy's a troll, people. I suspect he even started this thread with an OP designed to draw people in to listening to his ranting. I suspect he is also on drugs.

>> No.836428
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> I'm a dreamer.


>> No.836434

Which comic is that?

>> No.836463

Looks like a recent Action Comics, what with that costume, but since Soops is the only DC book I still read, and I don't recall this scene, maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.836468


>> No.836475

That suit looks so lame. What's up with those little red boxes on the side of his hips?

>> No.836483

It isn't worth 10k or even close to that. The "audiophile" PS1 is simply a model SCPH-1001 you dumb faggot. You have to do a shitload of mods to the system itself to have "audiophile" quality playback from the CD player.

I bet you were the fat fucking faggot in elementary school who made up bullshit lies in a pathetic attempt to gain friends. I bet your parents are divorced and your name is Derek.

>> No.836489

You're a faggot liar.

>> No.836493

Was this before or after your father mollested you?

>> No.836509

b-but his dad works for Nintendo

>> No.836519
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>> No.836763

this needs to be archived

>> No.836779

What the fuck is it about /vr/, and retro gaming in general, that attracts these autists? There are way too goddamn many on this board, though this thread might be the worst yet.

>> No.836802

I'm guessing it's Sonic's past titles that attracts them.

>> No.836839

thread needs to be pruned. Trip is so obviously trolling and you morons keep responding. Come on, you guys know better than this.

>> No.836874


That's beautiful man

>> No.836887
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>> No.836895

nope hes that retarded

>>831170 this is his thread

>> No.836898
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What... what did they do you Mancomb?

>> No.836904

fuck i can't tell if i'm having real or sarcastic feels anyomore

>> No.836903
File: 134 KB, 576x738, 1343463255556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't I stop laughing

>> No.836913


It's just your autism clashing with the one permeating this thread.

>> No.837251 [DELETED] 

Hi. FuckYOU

>> No.837254

My collection is on my external harddrive...When my harddrive starts to shit out, I'll transfer it all to a new one. I'll have all of my games and anime forever, and it won't take up much room.

I used to think collecting was worth it...But at some point I realized that everything I get just sits on a shelf, and I rarely look at it, so it's all just taking up space...And I'd rather not dump a bunch of money on something just to say I have it.

>> No.837253

Please stop trolling, pretending or whatever the fuck you think you're doing.

>> No.837265


Why are you lying on the internet? Does this make you dick hard? No 1001 has ever sold for that much...Nobody believes your stupid bullshit.


>> No.837307

>Nobody believes your stupid bullshit
daft punk bought the equipment

>> No.837463

I have been using a stock Playstation 1 Model SCPH-1001 now for a few months and my Onix XCD-88 (a.k.a. Music Hall CD-25.1) is now collecting dust. I use a PS Audio XStream Power Punch C-7 power cord, three (3) Isonode feet and a Chord Chrysalis RCA-DIN adapter cable to connect the Playstation 1 to my Naim Nait integrated amp. At first, I was a bit skeptical to even consider a 1990s game console but I gave it a try and I am glad I did. Other people who have used a decent power cord and good interconnect cables with their Playstation 1 have had similar favorable results. Some people have tried other models of the Playstation 1 (not Model SCPH-1001, and they really are different), heard the mediocre sound, and completely dismissed the Playstation 1. It has been my experience too that it takes a day or so for the sound to really fill in. But again, most people who have the Playstation and dismissed it, have not allowed their unit to power on for more than a day before trying it.

>> No.837468

With a little cleaning up and maintenance, I have had no problems with the Playstation's "cheap" laser mechanism tracking my CDs. Some heavily used Playstations have a lot of oxide build-up on the RCA connectors and need a good residue-free contact cleaner to remove the build-up. I have a couple extra Playstations that I intend to modify based on the http://www.diyaudio.com thread. Some of the mods may or may not be as effective as some of the DIYers believe, but there can always be some improvements made.

>> No.837490

My soldering gun snes-1001 plays Sega Genesi on the dramacast because dad is rckrd collector edgy salesman. XD

>> No.837613

you copied this verbatim from a forum post from 2007

>> No.840452

I believe you. Thats awesome man. Im happy for you.

>> No.840459


Not the same guy, but there's a lot of people on the planet

i think this is a pretty ambitious post, but then again you could be right

>> No.840571

That model of ps1 isn't rare at all. You can find them at any flea market for like $15.

>> No.840596

Right, by people who didn't realize what they had or how to market it. I am sick of defending myself.

>> No.840796

because you're a fucking liar that DAC isn't worth that much, and whoever you tried to sell it to for that much probably told you to fuck off then proceeded to buy 1000 spch-1001s for 10 bucks a pop their going rate.

>> No.840829

Incredible. Simply incredible. Do you know how much esteem I have from this board? You really think I would put something like that on the line for a lie? I am an honest man with a healthy moral compass. I swear by everything I have said. Yes, it is "a lot" of money but the circumstances were just ao that it all worked out in the end. If you can't believe me then I don't know what to say. You obviously have problems and/or trust issues that you should get worked out with a shrink.

>> No.840859

whatever you say retard

>> No.840887

Don't call me a retard either. ITIS quite clear that the contrary is true and that I am of remarkable intelligence. Just by the way I act it should have clued you in.Continue to use the wors "retard" but only when directed towards yourself.

>> No.840926

i am truly astounded that this thread still exists

mods/janitors confirmed for lovers of lulz

>> No.840980

Yes, it is rather remarkable that someone of your level of intelligence has not drowned in his own saliva by now.

>> No.841160


Fortunately or unfortunately, I have had to face this reality. Moved across country and just needed to downgrade my collection. Once I started to sell, it became easier to let go. I still have a handful of games because I've had them for 20+ years but, yeah, most of my collection was superfluous and not useful in the least. We grow complacent and just don't realize what we're doing until we need to make a change.

>> No.841251


meow meow

>Thank you

>> No.841263


>I remember being so happy
>my good fortune entertains others
>If you had a father who blah blah unwarranted self importance
>to HE something stupid hecause I am "not"

Ahahaha you're a new kind of stupid, like Stupid2.0

>> No.841280

I only collect stuff I actually want, though.

I want to get Valkyrie Profile on the PS1 one of these days but I'll wait until I have money to spare. I don't really care about having every fucking SNES cartridge that ever came out, though.

>> No.841282


You're a stupid retard fuckface cuntwit mcjagger diddlypumpkin up the ass rectifying cumdrip kickshit panic at the disco lulz

>> No.841331

They look better than underwear on the outside.

>> No.841341

Thank god I have a thing for collecting digital shit

>> No.841445


>> No.841948

You know what you are, a goddamn bully

>> No.842280

I only collect games that I intend to play. 130 so far and counting.

>> No.843571

shut the fuck up.

>> No.843628

Ive stopped collecting. it just not worth it. I can search for years, lose hundreds of bids n ebay, and at the end of the day, even if I own the cart, I just emulate it on my wii. Im about to pawn my collection to get an N64 flash cart. then I'll have every Nintendo game on 2 consoles.

Youre right, its about the games not the cartridges. So whats the point. Bust the retro bubble

>> No.844621

Nobody cares about anything you have to say.

>> No.845160

I do