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8352520 No.8352520 [Reply] [Original]

I want to replay it, but I'm torn between T-Edition and Brave New World.
The former has more content and a NG+, but the later seems to have better combat and character.
Anyone tried both?

>> No.8352523

*character uniqueness

>> No.8352853

>cringe new world

>> No.8352863

There's a patch for a more faithful translation, which is the one I'm considering

>> No.8353585

Just play the original, you fucking mutt.

>> No.8354476


i've been playing the worlds collide randomizer and its pretty good. Takes me like 6 hours to beat a given seed. Fun way to kill time while working.

>> No.8354479

I don't like it when they change the dialogue in romhacks it seems disrespectful.

>> No.8354519

BNW's only really worth a single playthrough, two tops because the dialogue changes are awful and while it promises "build" variety, when you really examine the characters, many of them only have one real build or a build that's so much better than the other choices that you have no reason to not take that one or some variant of it.

I haven't finished T Edition yet, but from what I have played, it feels more like a natural extension of what FF6 has almost like something you'd get from a remake or remaster since its relatively faithful to the original and even with some of the changes added, its still FF themed such as Gilgamesh showing up in place in Siegfried.

>> No.8354529

Is it true there's no Esper boosts in T-Edition?

>> No.8354710


>> No.8354823

Yes, pay attention to your gear and use costumes.

>> No.8354827

I dislike BNW but for what it's worth the gameplay changes are far different which makes it a different experience from the base FF6, that much is true.
Its tagline of being "the ff6 how it's meant to be" is dishonest since it changes the core gameplay so much but the story is mostly untouched.
T-Edition on the other hand is FF-fan deluxe edition on FF6 base without tampering with the gameplay that much nor the story. All the added bonuses are information from Ultimania/magazines/dev interview and such, the base sprite overhaul itself tried its best to look as much as Amano's art.
What many people sometimes miss about T-Edition is that it was not made for the general public to enjoy, it was never made for the public to be shared, Tsushiy always meant for it to be for his own enjoyment, it was originally made by him, for himself. He was just convinced to share it and he went along and enjoyed the feedback so he continued development.
Between the two, I dropped BNW and enjoyed T-Edition with around 150 hours now on NG+.

>> No.8354861

Will take a look

The diaglogue changes are addressed with an alternate translation patch, which I plan to use

I very much like the idea of new content on T-Edition, but I need more engaging combat. I don't have much patience ofr jrpg grinding and excessive random encounters anymore.

Which of the two has better combat and by what margin?
Or are both still braindead on that aspect?

>> No.8354864

I've played the original, still one of my favorite games of all time. I need something new if I'm going to replay it, you mongoloid

>> No.8354912


ff6wc (world's collide) has the option to start with 3 moogle charms so you only have to do boss fights if you want. I kinda wish they would do this for T-Edition

wc can get kinda lopsided sometimes, though imagine being able to buy economizers in shops and being able to wager a tincture for a genji glove in the colisuem and having no heals - ive played seeds where there no potions in the shops and didn't get an esper with a heal spell until near the end.

>> No.8354920

>I very much like the idea of new content on T-Edition, but I need more engaging combat. I don't have much patience ofr jrpg grinding and excessive random encounters anymore.
T-Edition has pretty much the same encounter rate as the original.
>Which of the two has better combat and by what margin?
BNW has different combat from the base game, people say it's better, I say it's artificial difficulty veiled as "different"
>Or are both still braindead on that aspect?
Both are no longer "spam esper/magic" to win. T-Edition can be brute forced at times but if you're not grinding then you would need to be smart with your equipment, party composition, and spell usage.
One of the few things people also miss about T-Edition is that the special techs of the characters and magic take more time to do while items are "quicker".
So even if you queue a blue magic from Strago and Steal from Locke, then have Celes use an ether, Celes will still move first before the other two.
But one can't really say whether one combat is "better" than the other because they are just radically different. I prefer T-Edition because it doesn't veer away from the original that much but it's better balanced since no more stat grinding.

>> No.8355027
File: 131 KB, 364x852, obsessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone disagrees with me

>> No.8355049

There are parts that are legit and there are others that are really annoying for no reason in BNW. The #128 fight at the end of the factory for example is the latter. But considering the site that it originated from, its not that surprising (see FFT 1.3)

>> No.8355117

Thank you for the info. I'm looking for some similar insight into BNW, but alas, seems no one here likes it.

>> No.8355282

I've played BNW a good bit and essentially it attempts to be a balance hack and hard mode at once.
Putting aside all of the changes for no reason it made to the text, the gameplay loop isn't bad as it's harder than vanilla FF6 and offers some changes.
The most notable change being the restrictions to Esper distribution so only a handful of characters can use Ifrit for example. This ends up creating a dichotomy in not only spell lists but the available stat bonuses each character can have access to which logically leads to builds.
However due to the way that espers are distributed some characters basically don't have a build (Gau and Shadow are basically brain-dead to build) or have a build that's noticeably better than the others so you aren't to be bothering with the alternative (Strago, Relm and Setzer with their respective stamina builds)
The best way to describe the difficulty would be that certain fights feel like you're essentially picking specific characters to counter whatever the boss' gimmick is so if you're the kind of person who only likes to use just 4 characters you'll definitely hate that aspect.
Overall I think the concept is fine but I believe certain aspects of its execution are very hit and miss so it'd easy to turn people off. Still worth a try.

>> No.8355294

I really loved Brave New World the last time I played it but it's been a few years so I'm not sure whats going on with it. At the very least when I last played it, I pretty much considered it the peak of Final Fantasy

>> No.8355307

nice cope image about us that you have saved on your computer

>> No.8355353

I like BNW and I think it's worth playing at least once. It adds a nice bit of challenge without going overboard as some people seem to claim. You just need to put a little more thought into it than vanilla and you will have to retry some fights a few times. It's not unfair or unreasonable in my opinion. I haven't played T Edition to compare but I definitely consider BNW a big step up over vanilla FF6 aside from the retranslation.

>> No.8355370

>stop doing this thing which made me have a spergfit literally just now
based and social retard pilled

>> No.8356070


>> No.8356117

>Samefagging to bump the thread while acting like a little bitch.

>> No.8356143


>> No.8357013
File: 94 KB, 600x799, kefka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bnw is trash. not only does it force you to play certain ways but it also punishes you for stealing items. script is written by edgelords with something awful humor and has mlp shit for fucks sake need i say more?

t edition is a remix hack and more faithful. very worth a play or at the least checking out. you just want the msu 1 for the music and the costume stat boost patch since the hack's normal boosts are god awful.

>> No.8357160

Beyond Chaos

>> No.8357538

>it also punishes you for stealing items
I'm not a fan of BNW but I recall them taking out you eating counters from trying to steal from non humanoid enemies. Humanoid enemies are still the only ones with anything to steal though.

>costume stat boost patch since the hack's normal boosts are god awful.
The costume patch bonuses are a little too overpowered for my liking even if the originals were all over the place and underwhelming for the effort required. See below

Terra - Original

Hybrid: 13 STR, 7 SPD, 7 STA, -9 MAG
l'Cie: 11 STR, 9 SPD, 5 STA, 2 MAG
Cetra: 8 STR, 13 SPD, 2 STA, -1 MAG
Summoner: 7 STR, 8 SPD, 6 STA, 4 MAG

Terra - Alternative

Hybrid: 5 STR, 25 SPD, 15 STA, 15 MAG
l'Cie: 30 STR, 15 SPD, 10 STA, 5 MAG
Cetra: 0 STR, 5 SPD, 30 STA, 25 MAG
Summoner: 5 STR, 10 SPD, 10 STA, 35 MAG

>> No.8357583

What the fuck are those alternative stats, don't they put the game on easy mode?

>> No.8357585
File: 13 KB, 225x225, kefka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they fix that? good that was absolutely retarded stealing from monsters and eating massive fuck you counters to "teach" you to basically never use locke. theres way more wrong with that hack but the script, the stealing, the builds are the killers for me. after seeing the cringe at the floating continent i just couldnt continue it was so fucking bad.

stats are fine to me. i would grind everyone to max magic and have lots of leveling left over to dump into any other value. that looks like a lot but compared to the original not at all. as you said the effort for them it evens out. good rewards for doing all the grinding required.

>> No.8357598

they trivialize world of ruin so much, the excuse that the stats are underwhelming for how "hard" it is to get them is just a lame logic to turn them overpowered and completely misses the point of the romhack.
T-Edition incentivizes cutting corners and strategizing properly whenever you find yourself hitting a brick wall, barring that you can simply grind levels to overpower them outright. putting ridiculous stats on the costumes removes that since it simply streamlines your strategies and tactics. those speed and stamina boosts allows you to easily outspeed bosses and be a tank using characters that are not really meant to tank.
plus the costumes are meant to be for the looks not for the stats, compensate with gear choice and it evens out.

>> No.8357602

>i would grind everyone to max magic
you cannot grind stats in t-edition. nice lie.

>> No.8357606
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, kefka3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean grind in the original. yea you cant grind in t edition.

>> No.8357610

>after seeing the cringe at the floating continent

What happens there?

>> No.8357619
File: 9 KB, 300x168, kefka4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had to go look because you need to see to believe. scroll down to the escape.


>> No.8357625
File: 280 KB, 875x819, 10gorillionhours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, the dialogue so far isn't so bad, wonder what the big deal i-
>"It's not as if the fate of the world is hanging in the balance, or anything... oh, wait, it is."

Yep, dropped.

>> No.8357634
File: 386 KB, 480x3725, 1608221301300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8357651
File: 163 KB, 717x720, 1319751096972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Nope nope nope fucking NOPE.

Most retarded thing I've seen in a long, long time. To think I almost picked this up.

>> No.8357669

The hack in older versions had esper boosts, but he removed them. Japs reeeeee'd him hard (mostly for HP and MP gains), so he added new items for those and then the costumes for himself for the other 4 stats. More reeeeing because of the values, and told them don't like it? change it yourself. So the hack wasn't built around what you're saying, he just nuked everything to hell and wanted things for himself only. Those patches help for a low level run and messing around, but I personally stick to the original set.

>> No.8357736

Does it fix all the bugs and exploits? Can achieving 128 MBlock/Evasion still make you invincible?

>> No.8357784

yes, only a few exploits exist like lethe river levelling.

>> No.8357789

>So the hack wasn't built around what you're saying
I never claimed this but ok, at least we agree about avoiding the costume patch.

>> No.8357915

I don't know why they added that when it wasn't in the older versions of the patch and no one liked the addition.
The hack is the epitome of 3 steps forward and 2 back in each update and it's so dumb how they can make a gameplay hack lose it's luster just from shoving in stupid moments like these.

>> No.8357967

>Never use Locke
Locke is one of the best characters in BNW even though he can't steal from literally everything anymore.
High speed, large spell pool with solid spells for both offense and defense, dualcast and nice equipment options.
The character that I didn't really use that much from the initial crew was Mog.

Yeah, the alternative stats mod just make them idiotically broken. +60 is too much. +30 is the most you can do without it getting dumb.

>> No.8358032

There's a more faithful version of the hack that removes cringe dialogs, or so they claim. Need to play it to be sure.

>> No.8358413

I don't know the dynamics of the team behind this, but you'd think there would've been at least one or two people who would have looked at this and said "uh, guys, not to rain on everyone's parade, but this is pretty fucking dumb, we should dial it back." Unless it's something of a George Lucas scenario, where maybe the guy in charge has all these cool ideas, but also a bunch of retarded ones, and he needs people more grounded in reality to keep his retardation in check, and they're just not there.

>> No.8358484

which was only added when people talked about how cringe it is, shows you just how much integrity the hack has.

>> No.8359001

I believe it's the latter. BTB always seemed like an ideas guy while the actual hacking and other stuff is done by someone else.

>> No.8359013

Ah, I thought as much. It was either that or an entire team of edgelords, and I doubt such a team with actual ROM hacking skills exists, but I'd hate to be proven wrong.

>> No.8360473


>> No.8361020

Considering that you can just fast-forward through text outside of battles where you might accidentally kill yourself then you can avoid most of the stupid shit.
Still dumb they put it in the first place though.

>> No.8361579

there's 0 insight to that.

>> No.8362059

So I went ahead and bit the bullet, and downloaded T-Edition. Seems to work well in Snes9x through RetroArch, so that's a plus. A few OST changes feel a bit weird, though. What was wrong with the regular cave and sleep music? Are they pulled from earlier games? I can't recall.

Otherwise, it's alright so far. I'm only in South Figaro, but it feels like they either nerfed Auto Crossbow a tad, or they just made the enemies a bit tougher. Either way, I suppose it was a bit OP for that point in the game.

>> No.8362115

Did you apply the music fix if you're using snes9x?
Emulation->Hacks->Ok->Separate Echo Buffer from RAM->Ok then restart
Test with ff8 man with the machine gun/ff10 servants of mountain
No beeps you're all good.

>> No.8362116

Its quite likely that they knew that most players just fast forward through all of the text so they dumped whatever trash they wanted in its place.

>> No.8362295

Anyone have a download for the MSU version of T-Edition? Can't get the patcher to work for the life of me.

>> No.8362313

What's wrong? It's already so straightforward there's no way to fuck it up.

>> No.8362323

I followed the guide here:

Ran the script, downloaded the audio files but for some reason in the patching step it never sees the audio files so it spits out a blank file. Tried every audio option and even renamed it to the file names it mentioned in the error prompts but for some reason it just refuses to see the audio.

>> No.8362338

Oh that's weird and spooky.

>> No.8362343

did your directory name have no space/any other special characters?

>> No.8362362

Ah that was it. I'm retarded. Didn't see that line in the guide somehow.

>> No.8362418

What does this offer, exactly?

>> No.8362704

Its just a fix for people who aren't playing on emulators with a workaround for buggy audio.

>> No.8362914

It's a fix even for emulation since the hack is glued to snes 9x if not using MSU and the music still has audio issues with that fix here mentioned here >>8362115

>> No.8363243

When do costumes come into effect? I'm still in WoB, about to hit up Esper cave. Carbuncle/Catoblepas fights required some brute-forcing with phoenix downs since they bother have the means to one-shot most of my party members at my current level/HP. Felt like I was meant to return back to those later on.

Been a decent hack to get my fill of FF6 for the year without it being a joke since I have the game committed to memory.

>> No.8363265

>I don't have much patience ofr jrpg grinding and excessive random encounters anymore.
You're going to be playing on an emulator. Just crank up the speed

>> No.8363329

>When do costumes come into effect?
World of Ruin, one sidequest unlocks the ability to change clothes in the Falcon and costumes are unlocked through achievements.

>> No.8364339

If anything, I wish T-edition just quadrupled the ATB gauge speed in general so we don't have to FF on an emu.

Thanks. Guess that gives an excuse to do the achievements, although some of them look like a pain. Been trying to find a missables list of WoB stuff that's specific to this romhack since shit like Gau's Rage might differ due to new enemy types, or some of the new hidden locations that have decent treasures.

>> No.8364379

>Been trying to find a missables list of WoB stuff that's specific to this romhack
The only truly missable in WoB are the 2 Espers in Narshe, 2 Caves that need toad to enter, and South Figaro pub quest post-banquet assuming that you did all the pub quests at this point
>since shit like Gau's Rage might differ due to new enemy types, or some of the new hidden locations that have decent treasures.
Nothing among these are truly missable, WoR provides either a new copy or another way to get them.
If you have the patience, Mato's site lists all the new events and achievements although some may consider it as spoilers since they want to discover it by themselves.

>> No.8364704

That site the MSU is from has another translation project with a download including all these mini guides from the hack creator. One of them is a list of all the new things added. Per the readme file you want to check the HTML folder - http://ngplus.net/index.php?/forums/topic/992-ffvi-t-edition-v294english-10-112421/

I saw Tomato had this as well but his readme is really lacking versus the above one.

>> No.8366209

Okay, why did they give the sprites for Terra and Celes "moe" legs? You know, where their legs bow indwards like they're fucking 4 years old and can't stand straight, the kind of shit you see in pandering KyoAni animu.

I'm liking this hack a lot, but this was really unnecessary.

>> No.8366236

>I saw Tomato had this as well but his readme is really lacking versus the above one.
for a min-maxer autist or a spoonfeeding-required retard maybe but for someone who wants to go in blind, Mato's version is enough since it covers basically everything of what you should know but still leaves experimentation and discovery viable.

>> No.8366404


>> No.8366514

for anyone wondering, the T edition works on psp snes emulator if you wanna play it on the go. It DOES NOT work on the snes classic tho.
haven't tried the wii yet

>> No.8367587
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I cannot play T-Edition because the difficulty is just too high. It honestly robbed the game of all its joy for me.

>> No.8367653
File: 176 KB, 982x874, bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I've been having a blast with T-Edition but that randomizer is so fucking replayable to me. Just need to make sure you use the restrict espers option so your party doesn't get homogenized and it's fun as hell. Just got to the Sealed Cave on my current playthrough

>> No.8368569

I presume I should still skip all the treasure chests I can get later when I revisit areas to get better stuff in T-Edition? I've been seriously tempted to just grab them because the game does get tough at certain points.

>> No.8368578

Also, nice to see the Gauntlet actually has a use, and is not inferior to the Genji Glove in any way. I'm sure you'll still want the latter once you can do over the damage limit, of course.

>> No.8368783

only the chests that upgrade in the original. narshe mines, south figaro cave, south figaro outside barrels crates etc

>> No.8368785

I've only grabbed the Rune Blade in Narshe so far. What does that turn into later on again?

>> No.8368793

i think a ribbon but it's not that in the hack anymore. none of the items that upgrade are worth resetting over.

>> No.8368828
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>Sabin's strength actually matters
>Suplex doesn't suck anymore
>Shadow can dual-wield without Genji Glove
>Cyan's Bushido fills up Sanic fast

Yep, I'm thinking based.

>> No.8370398
File: 6 KB, 191x234, 1319751309953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoooooooooo and Gau doesn't need to Leap in the Veldt to learn new Rages. Now THAT's rad. Sabin and Cyan learning Fire Dance and Quadra Slam so early also helps immensely.

Seriously, only thing that's disappointed me so far is how Edgar got nerfed slightly in the beginning. I mean, I suppose it's nice that he's not just AutoCrossbowMan the whole way through anymore, but with how early Sabin gets Fire Dance, I feel like he got the short end. Hopefully he'll pick up again with Drill and Flash.

>> No.8370553

flash with earring relic is pretty good. drill is ok. chainsaw is still godly.

>> No.8370563

Do paired earrings still give a 1.5x increase in magic damage? I'm assuming a single Earring gives 1.25x, same as the Atlas Armlet for physical. Or has that all changed?

>> No.8370614

nah they don't stack anymore.

>> No.8370729

american website, eurofag

>> No.8370746

Hmm, I see. Well, that makes sense. Magic was already stronger than physicals for the most part, and the stacking just made it that much better.

>> No.8372272
File: 34 KB, 752x701, 1319751571376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Jesus, I was not expecting Kefka to be this much harder.

>put only Celes and Cyan in a team because retard
>decide to take said team to face Kefka because Runic, also Quadra Slam kicks ass
>wtf did Cyan always have this sequence where he gets pissed off
>FUCK Kefka actually counters Cyan specifically
>no problem, I have Runi-
>Double Spell

After a gorillion tries (got close a couple times, but then Kefka would cast Toad and that was that), I gave up and took my Locke, Edgar and Gau team instead. I relegated Locke and Edgar to item usage, while Gau used Templar Rage to Fira his ass to oblivion. I had a couple close calls, but I beat him first try like this. Had I had a third character with the Cyan team, I may have beat him there too.

Nice to see FF6 challenge me for once.

>> No.8372340

Uh, is it me or is the Gauntlet in T-edition kind of glitched? I had it on Locke for a while, but now it doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't double his attack power, and the shield slot isn't greyed out anymore, but it still prevents you from equipping a shield regardless. If I put it on anyone else, though, it works like it should. Only on Locke does it not work, even though it was working fine prior to the Narshe battle, so something definitely messed up.

>> No.8372346

Here's a tip for your further playthough.
1. Visit Beginner's house and tell the counter you're an expert/pro. New information will be revealed by the scholars.
2. Always try status applying magic (Slow/Stop/Toad/Poison and the like)
3. Libra.
Which version are you using, LUA or Mato's?

>> No.8372375

Mato's patch.

>> No.8372383

That's weird. Did you put him in the back row? Or have you tried unequipping it and equipping it again?

>> No.8372419
File: 60 KB, 247x435, above no gauntlet below with gauntlet weapon excalibur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tested it, it's working as intended .

>> No.8372437
File: 37 KB, 254x435, test2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another test. one thing I noticed is that Gauntlet allows Locke to equip some weapons that he cannot normally equip. Check the weapon you have equipped.

>> No.8372618

Are there any rare steals in T-Edition or is it mostly similar to the base game? I got worried when I fought Gilgamesh in Zozo and could only steal a Hi-Potion considering "stealing from Gilgamesh" was kind of a thing in FFV

>> No.8372627

In the LUA version there's HTML files of what good steals there are. From memory I don't recall anything being unique, but there are some nice items to nab. Gil Turtle, Odin, come to mind.

>> No.8372679

I decided to play BNW over the weekend and honestly the complaints about the difficulty in this thread makes it seem far harder than it actually is. You can basically get away with raw stats and no esper levels until Floating Continent as long as you aren't an idiot and even the forced Terra fight in WoR can be beaten wiith a barely trained one as long as you don't get bad rng when he throws out the other two members.
Its pretty fun as long as you use vanilla new world to get rid of most of the nonsense text.

>> No.8373168
File: 648 KB, 1440x1080, Final Fantasy VI (Japan)-211129-180125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't know what's going on. I've tried everything, unequipping and re-equipping, killing him off in battle, reloading the save file, taking him out of battle... nothing works.

Here's Locke with the Gauntlet on. Notice it says Two-Handed in the right, but (and I was wrong about this) I can still equip a shield, even though it does unequip it at first when you put the relic on. And his Attack is at the regular value, and indeed, it makes no difference in battle.

>> No.8373171
File: 644 KB, 1440x1080, Final Fantasy VI (Japan)-211129-180543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's Edgar with the Gauntlet on. Left hand is greyed out so I can't equip a shield, and Attack is doubled, all as it should be. Gau also works fine.

So it's just Locke that's seemingly perma-glitched with it.

>> No.8373186

Maybe a bad patch job? Make sure you use a Jap 1.0 rom and not 1.1 Rev A.

>> No.8373189

This https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5864/ should be the best hack, but it probably isn't because no one downloaded it and the person who made it never hacked anything else. It apparently doesn't use the complete bugfix compilation for some reason.

>> No.8373247

Aside from what the other anon said about patching 1.0, did you use any other patch?

>> No.8373260

AFAIK it is version 1.0. It's a no-intro dump, and usually those say Rev A, B, etc. to refer to later versions, but this one does not, so I assume it's 1.0. No other patch has been applied.

>> No.8373284

The only solution I can think of is to change to a new rom and see if the problem still occurs. I've tried another new rom and still it doesn't happen the same way as yours.

>> No.8373304

I'll try that later and report back. Honestly, Locke kinda sucks at this point of the game anyway, though stealing has been something of a boon early on for easy potions and some nice equips, and in the upcoming bit where you're forced to use him he'll probably be using magic anyway, so I won't sweat it too much if I can't fix him. Late game, if I use him for physicals, he'll likely be using Offering and/or Genji Glove in all likelihood.

>> No.8373308

Is it actually just tha GBA script ported or has he added stuff?

>> No.8373326

He removed stuff:

-Beavis and Butthead style chanting and chuckling at fire (replaced)
-Weapons of Magitek destruction (dropped with extreme prejudice)
-Wizard of Oz: "my [...] pretties" (changed)
-The Price is Right game-show contestant call: "Come on down!" (dropped)
-The mention of a cult spelling Kefka's name with a "C" (replaced)
-Three Dream Stooges (changed)
-The characters' dialog being compared to a self-help book (omitted)

Note: Where the references were entirely superfluous, I simply removed them. When some type of replacement dialog was needed, I used Clyde Mandelin's "Legends of Localization" videos as a
guide to write somewhat literal translations of the original Japanese text. A few other
inconsequential changes were made for the sake of consistency and visual presentation.

>> No.8373403

That's in the description/readme, it goes without saying. I mean if they changed anything without saying they did. The people who make this havks often do that for some fucking reason.

>> No.8373476

I'm wondering the same thing
I hate when they do that

>> No.8373757

Brave New World is terrible.