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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 800x788, 241045-ys-iv-the-dawn-of-ys-turbografx-cd-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8356346 No.8356346 [Reply] [Original]

Call me contrarian if you want, but Ys peaked with this game

>> No.8356382

I wish it got the Ys 3 remake treatment. Its boss designs are too good to stay on a flat plane.
Also yes you're a contrarian. Later games have better gameplay and earlier games have better story. Dope boss music though.

>> No.8356404

>Later games have better gameplay
I don't feel that way at all. Bump combat was elegant in its simplicity, and the later games get too bogged down in cutscenes and exposition.

>> No.8356415

Oath in Felghana, which is typically cited as the best Ys by normal fags, also has crappy dungeons and no overworld. The bosses are fun, but that's about it.

>> No.8356427

>normal fags

>> No.8356432 [DELETED] 

Not gameplay related, but I hate the generic artstyle and JRPG butt rock in the newer games as well. The PCE games were so damn creative music-wise.


>> No.8356439

Not gameplay related, but I hate the generic artstyle and JRPG butt rock in the newer games as well. The PCE games were so damn creative music-wise.


>> No.8356446
File: 476 KB, 800x445, 666n77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be suprise the kind of neck beards that are just now going "Ahh I must find the purest essence of the subject!" thinking they're all smart and shit. Don't forge that JRPG grandma they all worship too.
I've been playing these games in 6 came on on PS2 way back, and the amount of casuals that are in to the series now is so disgusting I don't touch them anymore,

>> No.8356462 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I hate pretty much all JRPGs. I like classic Ys because they feel more like action games than JRPGs. And casuals are not emulating the PC-E to play Dawn.

>> No.8356478

Kek. That sounds very believable.
Idk any normies who care about RPGs outside maybe FF or Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.8356482

There is a notable decline in music quality since Origins. But that's to be expected after twenty fucking years and over a hundred tracks.

>> No.8356504

You been hanging out with weirdos for too long and have no idea what a normalfag is.

>> No.8356527

Is it worth playing Ys I on the PC-88?

>> No.8356538

It's ironic how Ys IV only exists because Hudson Soft wanted a new game in the series for the PC Engine and Nihon Falcom had no intention of continuing the series after Ys III, and years later they retconned the PC Engine out of the canon in favor of the inferior Super Famicom version.

>> No.8356578
File: 261 KB, 923x1200, w456w645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new normie. Well paid, successful life, lots of meds, fat girlfriend, a dog. I know in this pic they are actors but this is definitely the new normie archetype.

>> No.8356586

The soi oozing out of that picture is terrifying.

>> No.8356641

Ys 1 is literally the best one

>> No.8356697

Ys I has some kino moments, but I think II improves on it in every way.
II has better balance, more content , more complex dungeons, harder trash mobs, and more secrets If you backtrack right before the final boss, almost all of the NPCs in the game will have new dialog, which is super cool imo

>> No.8356748

Yeah maybe if you love being stuck shooting fireballs inside of a retarded maze for half the time it takes to beat the whole of part 1. The feature where you can transform into an enemy and talk to them like they're NPCs is pretty cool but other than that the game is a complete downgrade in every way.

>> No.8357595

Oath in Felghana and Origin have the best combat IMO because they elegantly combine platforming, hack-and-slash, and bullet hell elements to make a game where you're constantly dashing around at mach speed to dodge all sorts of shit. I've never played any game with such an energy to its boss fights and to blazing through its dungeon gauntlets...not just top Ys game for me, top action-rpg and action game period.

Problem with the bump games IMO is that the combat just doesn't have much variety to it. Most normal enemies feel exactly the same.

>crappy dungeons

That's because they're not dungeons: they're patforming / enemy gauntlets with some lite exploration. It's a very different style of play than the maze-running of the early Ys games, you need to think of it as more of an action game...but if you do they're perfect.

>> No.8357702
File: 429 KB, 1280x1978, FHLoI_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like the music in modern Ys / Trails is a microcosm of the status itself.

Compare in the 00's where you had the Ark/Oath/Origin and Trails in The Sky as their mainline masterpieces, but you also had all sorts of little experimental and sovl titles on the side like Gurumin, Zwei, Brandish the Dark Revenant, Vantage Master, Xanadu Next, etc.

Likewise all these games had very distinct soundtracks, and often times a lot of variety within each soundtrack. The original Trails in The Sky sampled everything from jazz to orchestral with only a few Ys-esque shredding buttrock tracks hard earned throughout the ost.

Now fast forward and just like the entire soundtrack for every game is nothing but super generic buttrock, likewise you essentially only have Ys and Trails (both heavily changed aesthetically from what they started out as). The most experimental it got was an attempt at turning Xanadu into their own take on Persona (something that arguably was already covered by the wretched Trails: Coldsteel series)

Don't get me wrong, I still have some affection for the modern Ys games. Buried under it all and the worst combat system of the series (whether you prefer bump combat or ark/oath/origin's platforming-shmup battles, either are preferable to Seven onwards "stand still in front of the boss and parry every attack") there's still a lot of sovl and charm in the presentations...but I really do wish Falcom could start being experimental again with sidegames and artstyles. What I wouldn't give for a new Brandish with a pulpy artstyle like the original promo stuff.

>> No.8358543

>both heavily changed aesthetically from what they started out as
My biggest gripe with modern Ys. The art really went down the shitter, characters are less complex design wise, colors are all pastels and there is basically no shading anymore. Did the original artists die or what?

>> No.8358635

Unfortunately times change, the old styles become less popular, even Japanese zoomers think 80's and 90's multi tone shading is "cringe" and duller colors are off putting.

Even moe characters of that era get redesigned to be even MORE moe for the modern standard like Dejiko.

>> No.8358839

One of the original artist / designers from 90's era Ys now does the art for Rune Factory, make of that what you will.

Personally I think Ys 8 was the best Nu-Ys has gotten aesthetically. The bright, pastel colors fit the tropical theme of the game, and it also had some of the most complex and vibrant costume designs in a while.

Ys 9 on the other hand might be it at its worst, because it contrasts those pastel character designs against a dull black and grey pseudo-gothic setting and the contrast is just yuck.

>> No.8359539


>> No.8359543

such a good game

one of the best pce games too

>> No.8359548

II or Dawn of Ys are the best one, for sure.

>> No.8359557

I personally don't know any better than that.

>> No.8359593

it's a fairly common opinion among fans, a real contrarian would have talked about mediocre stuff like Mask of the Sun or Kefin.
one may argue that Oath and Origin or even Napishtim had better combat, but I think Dawn has the best overall package
arguably the best soundtrack in the series (most versions of I&II are cool too), and characters, story and the region were pretty nice.
Boss design was very good considering the limitations of the bump system, which I like for trash mobs, but it's hard to design bosses around it without relying too much on fireball spam. I also think it looks pretty good and I appreciate the small details like being able to talk to monsters (which was originally in the second game, I know), it was fun to mess around with that even if they don't have a lot of different dialogue. The early games in the series have a distinct feeling, maybe in great part thanks to the soundtrack, that I feel is kinda lost in the more recent games (basically starting from Ark), even though I really like some of them.

>> No.8359615
File: 3.29 MB, 3264x2448, C31DBE87-662A-4A04-A4E8-8196C84D1D61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /vr/ after all, I don’t think you’ll find many in disagreement

>> No.8359617
File: 177 KB, 360x240, danger_allows_me_rest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me to interject, desuwa. I'm the one that complained about normies and am >>8359557, O is the purest in form and the pinnacle of Hydlide clones, OiF is the most entertaining Venture. IV was king for many years and it is very easy to see why. Truly a beauty in the rough. However, if we were to say "oh my we must choose the best of the Hydlide clones that is made purely by Falcom" IV would be out, and O would be in.

In addition, as times and tastes change those to take precedent in opinion, and IV is denigrated to retro fans.

>> No.8360664

This man is correct about everything. I like me some fast bump combat but it's a no-brainer that the later games are just more fun and deep without making the combat any slower.

>> No.8360743

Not retro, but I liked Ys: Memories of Celceta.

>> No.8360825

Yeah, I LIKE the bump combat, but the way I think of it is that the ark/oath/origin trilogy are ACTION-rpg's whereas the bump games are action-RPG'S.

The bump games are for me more fun for maze-exploration and exploring and discovering. The combat is too repetitive and simple to be the main draw, but it works well as something to keep you on your toes while dungeon crawling.

The Ark/Oath/Origin games on the other hand are just master classes in manic combat and platforming and the rpg elements exist just to supplement the action and give you an excuse to murderize everything from point a to poin b.

>> No.8360881

Those just look like homos. What "normies" guys stick their hands in each other's pockets

>> No.8360893


>> No.8361106

I didn't like how they massacred the main theme.
The Zanmai version is miles better:

>> No.8361124

Normies have no desire to put up with Falcom's bargain-bin games with boilerplate combat when there are so many action RPGs out there that do everything far better. Only mentally damaged neckbeards who are burned out from spending their entire lives in their rooms online have the patience to sit through such uninspired and poorly-made trash that Stockholm Syndromes them into believing they're having a good time and that everyone else isn't "enlightened" or some other such nonsense.

>> No.8361256

Kefin is leagues better than Mask, even though you can beat it in your help, plus it has great music and graphics. Mask is a kusoge.

>> No.8361285

*in your sleep

>> No.8361376

Normie here, Ys has become one of my favorite series in the last 4 years
I started with 8 but my favorites are 1 and Oath

>> No.8361535

What a truly grabage opinion

>> No.8361618

I actually played through that pile of shit, unlike you.

>> No.8362070

Mask of the Sun is awful, breh. I mean the Vita remake is ALRIGHT but still, I would take Kefin and 6 over Mask any day.

>> No.8364342

yeah I played that one, yet, I was nowhere near hyped as fuck as Ys I&II on the TG-16 made me

>> No.8364351

>i discovered these games on PS2
I can't imagine a bigger faggot than the person who typed this and wasn't embarrassed

>> No.8364980

>I hate the generic artstyle and JRPG butt rock in the newer games as well. The PCE games were so damn creative music-wise
this guy gets it^^^
the new games have me feeling like im about to watch some really gay anime from like 2014

>> No.8365319

Vita remake isn't based on Mask (thankfully). Memories of Celceta is the only version of IV made by Falcom. Dawn of Ys is still the best version, though.

>> No.8365326

I do love that.

>> No.8365329

Ports/remakes have always been retro, long before the new trannny sticky.

>> No.8365384
File: 671 KB, 2592x1944, Myth_busted_that_winners_do_not_do_drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my favorite Ys game for a long while. I am glad they did restart the series at 6 and continued to make some good games. The jazzy music and just making everything bigger gave the impression they were pushing the PCE platform and just made it really memorable.

>> No.8365650
File: 100 KB, 256x256, 6j77m76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not embarrassed. Times have drastically changed and finding and doing things in the early 00s is so much different than now, if you don't know how times have changed almost unbelievably drastically then you are too young. The people that played them back then were not the "people" that play(have cusary knowledge about) them now.

>> No.8365769

I think he's more saying that you should be embarrassed to stop-liking (thing) just because people you don't like also like (thing). That makes you sound like an enormous poseur who's more in it to be cool than to like the game itself.

Unless you're trying to say that now you're an adult and you don't have time to enjoy (thing) which is doubtful since these games are short as fuck and easy to replay on a weekend (i'm busy and stressed as fuck but I still find time to play stuff that I like...I just do it very very slowly), and also that's not really what you said at all in the first post anyway.