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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8351472 No.8351472 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the /vr/dict?
Which was the best?

>> No.8351484

Each is better than the last. Which means the contrarian opinion here will be to praise 1, but I owned all of them when they came out and played them countless hours, each one felt like an incremental improvement, crescendoing in 3.

>> No.8351489

I happen to have roms of all of them kicking around. Would you say they're worth playing then? High replay value?

>> No.8351497

Yeah, I'd say they're all worth playing, they each have distinct personalities and flavors to them worth feeling out the differences, 1 definitely has a purity to it, and I'd rank them among the best 2D games period, the sense of speed, pacing, level design, and variety is pretty grossly overlooked I'd say.

>> No.8351504

1 > 2 > 3

>> No.8351506

Right on time.

>> No.8351507

> and I'd rank them among the best 2D games period
Oh wow. Alright, I'll give them a chance then. Thanks, anon

>> No.8351520

2 has a shit ton of left facing spikes it runs you in to.

>> No.8351559

If you pair Sonic and Cream together in 3 you can completely destroy the bosses without effort.

>> No.8351570

I've never been able to get all the emeralds in any of the Advance games. I don't get why, I just always fail each time I try.

>> No.8351604

1 and 2 are (barely) tolerable zoomer-tier games
3 sucks bad

>> No.8351608

Sonic Advance was meh. Bad if we consider the original Genesis sonics and first two master system games.

>> No.8351663

not retro.

>> No.8351668

Boomers are cancer. They don't even play games.

>> No.8351687

Willing to bet I've played Sonic Advance more than anyone in this thread. Around 2004-2005 it was the only game I played at work when there was nothing to do. Never bothered with 2 or 3 as it felt there was even less enemies and a lot more gimmicks that I didn't care for.

Do you honestly think the advance series is better or even on par with cd and Genesis 1-3?

>> No.8351708

>muh bottomless puts
>my time limits
>my left-facing spikes

Good games with artificial difficulty.

>> No.8351716


>> No.8351720

Not him but ...
2 > 3 > adv 2 > adv 1 > cd > adv 3 > 1

>> No.8351739

The games are awesome and look amazing even when emulated on a 60" TV

>> No.8351743

What am I missing about these games? I've never liked them. 1 was piss easy, and 2 was literally Hold Right: The Game. I didn't play 3 because I figured if the trend continued, the game would instantly beat itself upon booting.

>> No.8351754

Posts like these are dishonest and gay because usually it's not hard to see why people like things, you either aim for the sp rings, try to beat your time on individual levels or beat your total time in a full playthrough. Advance 2 and 3 are actually ranked highest difficulty in the series in the speedtranny community.

>> No.8351770

These games are all kino simply because of Newgrounds flash animations
Reminder that every single Sonic flash is canon

>> No.8351775

I guess that explains it. I never 100% games. I play through the main game once and move on. In my opinion, there are far too many games out there to be spending a hundred hours grinding away at 100% on a single game. Unless it's a game I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of.

>> No.8351789

That Sonic sprite in the middle creeps me the fuck out

Also, Advance 1 by proxy of actually respecting the classic formula instead of thinking it needed to be "modernized".

>> No.8351791

Isn't it worth to experiment?

>> No.8351794

Not since it has killed the IP since Unleashed. I'd rather have SA1/2 over Sonic X: the game.

>> No.8351801

Unleashed saved Sonic lol
If anything everybody is bitching over the boost formula being in every game

>> No.8351807

>Unleashed saved Sonic lol
SA1 did it first.

>> No.8351874

Ok and

>> No.8351993

>gba shit on a retro board
Ohhhhohoho can't wait until mods see this. You're so screwed op

>> No.8352008

The first game is very traditional Sonic. The sequels started the whole meme of Sonic always having to be running, which isn't necessarily bad, but it's a whole other style of gameplay.

>> No.8352009

they're all bad. 2 is the best because it doesn't try to be good and just leans into doing its own thing so at least it has memorable stages and music.

>> No.8352060

1 is just a really unsatisfying version of classic sonic. 2 is a different formula that works better with the GBA’s limitations and dimps’s lack of physics chops. 3 seems kinda promising but I didn’t play far enough to say for sure, I could also see it being really bad.

>> No.8352301

i played these games when they were relevant, retard
i thought 1 and 2 were okay for the price and as a distraction. i always hated 3 and never beat it. now that i think about it, i dont remember beating 2 either. but keep thinking its just grump "old" people who dont like them because they didnt play them :^)

>> No.8352329

Loved all 3 as a kid. I put the most time into 2. Bought the fucking guide for it to get all the medals. They're all kino though, don't listen to the seething boomers. 1 is a strangely compelling hybrid of sonic adventure and genesis gameplay. 2 is all about speed and momentum control. 3 is what Knuckles Chaotix/Sonic Crackers should've been. Dive into them OP. They are a fantastic contrast to the genesis quadrilogy.

>> No.8352360

>A challenger appears
I actually seriously time attacked each stage back in the day in the fairly pointless time attack mode in all 3 games, continuing to work on my times over the years. I also 100%ed every game without guides.
My opinion:SA3 > SA1 > SA2

>> No.8352361


>> No.8352372

Completed 1 back in the day. It was alright, but a bit forgettable.
Only beat 2, because getting all of those rings just for a chance at a special stage was annoying. The level themes were more memorable though.
3 I only tried a couple of times on an emulator, so I dunno.
I loved Battle back then, but I tried it again years later and the story mode missions are fucking obnoxious and Emerl grows at a snail's pace. I don't know how I had the patience to deal with that shit.
Overall I prefer the DS games.

>> No.8352379

more like sonic advance it to the trash

>> No.8352453

The only tolerable one is the first one imo. I just can't get into 2 or 3 at all but that's probably just me

>> No.8352461

This guy knows it

>> No.8352469

> I play games the easiest way possible and then bitch about the lack of difficulty

>> No.8352635

People praise 1 but to me it's just too similar to the genesis games while not being as good
3 is a step bellow both of em

>> No.8352657

>on a retro board

>> No.8352660

I want to Cream The Rabbit

>> No.8352851
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>> No.8352897

Go back to /sthg/ you piece of shit. This is not your place.

>> No.8352905

Finally, someone who knows what they're talking about. All three are kino in different ways, y'all really find things to complain about and split hairs.

>> No.8352959

>y'all really find things to complain about and split hairs
because /vr/ is largely made up of faggotass zoomies who lack any sort of taste and expressing contrarian opinions about retro games makes them feel like cool little hipsters even though they just found out about retro gaming within the last few years from youtube. if they weren't so autistic, they'd be playing faggotass games like fortnite or amugus with their tiktok obsessed friends instead of shitting up /vr/ with their faggotass takes

>> No.8353164
File: 96 KB, 750x413, 1602456809736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked 2 the best, but I'm biased because it's the one I played first, I think 1 is objectively better, but feels quite samey compared to the classics.
3 is just an odd duck. I really like the tag action idea but it wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped. Also I always found it weird that it got rid of scoring, like it's no big deal but I just found it weird.

>> No.8353304

Personally 2 > 1 > 3

None are bad, but none are fantastic.

2 has good levels themes, a great sense of speed, unique non-gimmicky feeling characters and fun (although kind of rough) bosses. Special stages are borderline impossible to even get to, so expect to 100% the game without watching video guides or playing 10,000 hours to memorize where the special rings are. Just download a save file.

1 is okay. Mostly good levels, but some shitty ones too. It’s pretty not noteworthy.

3 kind of sucked. The pair mechanic had cool potential but just ended up feeling unnatural and gimmicky. Level design was pretty meh, and they went back to the three act system, so levels you didn’t care for went on just a bit longer. The overworld was more of a pain than an interesting addition. There were lots of cheap deaths, and outside of grinding lives in boring bonus games, if you die to those cheap deaths and get a game over, the time it takes to actually get back to the level you were playing is increased because of the partially unskippable intro (with Tails’ butthole) and cumbersome overworld.

All of them have cheap deaths, but it’s exaggerated in 3 by some other design choices. Overall none of them are horrible, and if you’re a fan of the series they’re worth a Sonic play through.

>> No.8353316

>Advance 1, 2, 3 > Sonic 1
Something's wrong with you

>> No.8353518

Sonic 1:
>Green Hill
>Spring Yard
>Star Light
>Scrap Brain
So this makes Sonic 1 about a C+ overall.

>> No.8353645

3 is the best, easily.

1 is like a mediocre version of a classic Sonic game, it's not terrible by any means but it simply is "Sonic but kinda worse on the go AND on a Nintendo system" which was cool at the time, so I'm admittedly judging it a bit harshly. 2 is just shit, it's really well made and slick but the level design is beyond horrendous and going super duper fast on the GBA screen is a terrible idea. Kind of cool as a time trial game but awful when experienced in any other way. 3 is more like a Sonic flavored traditional platformer with a lot of neat ideas and the team mechanic lead to plenty of replayability. Level design's solid with exploration being rewarded by the Chao and the world maps help out with said replayability and exploration.

>> No.8353730

I hope you didn't make this image OP.
If you did, learn to align pixels properly faggot.

>> No.8353749

Sonic 1 is overrated as fuck. Literally generic slow ugly platformer. It's a miracle people liked it. Obviously it sold well because of the bundle, but 2 is better in literally every way. The fact they made a masterpiece out of a mediocre pile of concepts is incredible.

>> No.8353753

people liked sonic 1 because of green hill and everybody knew the level select code to get to the good levels

>> No.8353757

Doesn't change the fact there's no reason to return to it when every single concept was improved upon.

>> No.8353760

nigger tell that to people in 1991 when sonic 2 wasn't out

>> No.8353762

We live in present day present time. Literally retarded argument. "play this inferior game because if you pretend its 1991 it will seem less shit in comparison".

>> No.8353767

i never said to play sonic 1
>literally retarded argument
You literally said "It's a miracle people liked it. Obviously it sold well because of the bundle", so YOU ARE NECESSARILY TALKING ABOUT 1991 YOU INEPT AMERICAN

>> No.8353769

Lick my nuts faggot I don't care sonic 1 sucks stop riding its boomer blue balls.

>> No.8353773

I'm the person here who said Sonic 1 is a C+ >>8353518
You are even worse than an ESL, you are - may Allah forgive me for uttering this - an Seppo.

>> No.8353779

Yeah, it's really sad. When Sonic ran in Sonic 1 it would cut his speed down to the default speed which was intentional. If you wanted to go fast, you had to roll.

I wish this never changed honestly. The very nature that Sonic happens to be a Hedgehog should have made it clear why rolling matters.

>> No.8353785
File: 2.65 MB, 640x362, zooms hate this post.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more zoom zoom

>> No.8353791

Cringe australian.
Oh okay so you definitely play this way perfectly every time right? Just because you can go fast doesn't mean shit. People go fast in yoshis island but its actively discouraged. Sonic 2 is just better at being a fast game easily.
post your real age, I triple-dog dare you. Underage detected.

>> No.8353807
File: 820 KB, 320x240, Sonic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speed in sonic isn't about how quickly the screen moves, it's about manipulating the physics. Nigga we IS doin geometry. Marble doesn't have slops or quarterpipes or anything.

>> No.8353992

You fags are utterly braindead if you think that Sonic 1 isn't fast or unique by the standards of 1991. Yeah, there are 8-bit games where you can run quickly, but Sonic is the combination of diagonal screen scrolling, large levels, physics and slopes.

>> No.8354021

>Oh okay so you definitely play this way perfectly every time right?
I at least try
>post your real age
28, almost a wizard now.

>> No.8354026

Based as fuck

>> No.8354035

You are literally showing a stage full of speed-boosts where there are almost no physics involved, while on Marble you actually have to use momentum and precision to go fast.

>> No.8354103

Look at that slope. Your existing upwards momentum from going uphill is calculated into your jump height, simply brilliant. This is what Sonic is about

>> No.8354175
File: 193 KB, 500x400, 822092ae9455bb984471c3d3ca730638[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Marble clip is mostly just playing normally, but with experience. Only really tricky part is the seesaw section at the start (and avoiding all the enemies instead of just rolling through them for some fucking reason).
It's skillfully keeping momentum up, sure, but it doesn't (can't) make any use of physics until Sonic emerges into the grassy area.

>> No.8354276

Yuck. Show original Cream or nothing.

>> No.8354337
File: 132 KB, 500x673, sonicjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1 only becomes worth playing after the ports that add stuff to it like Spin-dashing. Kind of worthless now in retrospect but it gave us 2 and 3 so god bless it for that.

>> No.8354560

Nooo you're supposed to PLAY with SLOPE MOMENTUM, that's the whole point, except on all the levels that DISCARD SLOPES and make Sonic about slow methodical platforming!!

>> No.8354704

3 > 1 > 2
If 3 had better level design I would've said it's as good as the classics. But screen crunch and DIMPS' obsession with bottomless pits hold it back for me.

>> No.8355171
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>every one i don't like is Sonic general boogeyman

>> No.8355314

It make use of momentum and precision. Things that are not relevant on speed-boosters.

To make a cheap speedrunner cut. Not even part of the intended experience. Ok, it's cool... but far from the point you are trying to make.

>> No.8355589

All three games happen to have their own extremely tedious ways to get to the Chaos Emeralds, from 1 having extremely well hidden Springs, 2 requiring you to take exactly one path through the level without dying to collect all the Sp Rings and 3 requiring you to search through every single stage for chao.

>> No.8355618

Cream is top tier cunny and Vanilla is top tier MILF

>> No.8355821

1 is the best just to pick up and play but 3 is really fun and has a jackton of variety once you unlock all the characters. loved messing around in time attack. 2 is hold right to win but its got some nice polish the other two don't have. overall i say 3's the best and its annoying it never had a successor. its sonic heroes done right

>> No.8356653

I so wish there was a marathon mode for 3 so I could just easily play through all the levels smoothly without having to navigate the hub world puzzles

>> No.8356659

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 was basically a sequel to this series, rather than the Genesis series. Where did it go so wrong?

>> No.8356801

The handheld Sonic platformers used to be made by a company called Dimps. Dimps did the Advance games, Rush games, and they also did the handheld versions of Unleashed/Colors/Generations/Lost World. And they also did Sonic 4. At this point, it's basically confirmed that Sonic 4 was originally developed as a mobile game called Sonic Portable, but Sega thought it was a good money-making idea to change the title and put it as a console download additionally. So Sonic 4 is shovelware made by the Advance people, basically.

>> No.8356823

I'm starting to think S2 fags are boostfags and Sonic 1 fag actually like SA1/2, at least conceptually.

What I mean is I feel like Sonic 1 actually translate into 3D space better than Sonic 2 because it would otherwise have to play so fast and linearly it 'd have to be a racing game instead of a platformer to actually work as a 3D game.