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8345994 No.8345994 [Reply] [Original]

The most ignored company by retro fans. For good reason, MARIO MARIO MARIO MARIO. Who do you think it the most overlooked other than them? Wave? Quintet? Gust? Asmik?

>> No.8346005

Did they make anything besides Langrisser and Growlanser?

>> No.8346015

Well those are 11 games right there, which is plenty. They made Gleylancer and Devil Survivor 1,2

>> No.8346118

>people eat up fire emblem
>they ignore langrisser
It isn't fair.

>> No.8346126


>> No.8346723

I want another Growlanser.
Maybe a reboot at this point. I like that you can get screwed out even if you're strong since anything can happen in the battlefield.

>> No.8346758


Literally never see anyone ever talk about their games, and they made many a delightful jaunt.

>> No.8347078

sad how their best game Devil Survivor is treated like it was developed by Atlus and not them

>> No.8347173

Literally who?

>> No.8348141
File: 276 KB, 850x1234, 43qh5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since Sega owns the company now they might kick out some cellphone game like Langrisser and Shining Force.

They really aren't in the credits or anything? It's funny they have sexy girls in all their games, and they made a game for kids and stuffed half naked sex craved girls in there too.

>> No.8348160

People know Langrisser but it's mostly because of Urushihara

>> No.8348181

Video games are a visual and audio medium. That's fine if they associate with the art style. Langrisser has good music too.

>> No.8348192

Sure I just mean a lot of people who've never played the game know about it. I've never played any of them, but I love Urushihara. I'd really like to though. I'm guessing the games are expensive as fuck

>> No.8348226

Anon, they're all free and in English

>> No.8348864

gust is garbage

>> No.8348938
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>> No.8348962

>Anon, they're all free and in English
Not him but this is a blatant lie. Only 1, 2, and 4 have English releases. 1 and 2 have multiple English releases even, yet there are still versions of those games locked behind Japan.

>> No.8349054

3 has a menu patch and all the Growlanser games except for 1 are in English

>> No.8349457
File: 115 KB, 1158x600, Featharia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,2,4 is completely playable, 3 somewhat. 5 has complete story translation.
2,3,4,5 are in English, even had Western Releases. 1 has complete story translation.
English release
>Devil Survivor
Both are English release
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
>Etrian Odyssey Nexus

>> No.8349464

DeSu2 was their last game before they were fully integrated into Atlus's 1st Production Team.

The Director of Langrisser, Growlanser, and Devil Survivor is now just in the Producer role.

>> No.8349567

>Well since Sega owns the company now they might kick out some cellphone game like Langrisser and Shining Force.
Hell no, Shining Force just got a mobage announced. I don't want it to suffer the same fate as Wild Arms.

>> No.8349573

What a waste if their talents aren't being utilized, I absolutely loved how distinct their split-route scenarios and writing are and how well it carried over to DeSu

>> No.8350908
File: 341 KB, 498x498, 2q5wj5w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait if that's true what went over to Sega? Just all the property rights? I was hoping they were in charge of the Shining Force cellphone game because it looks like it has a lot of character conversations. If they did it they would add large portraits, romance, and scenario path possibilities to an otherwise straight up Shining Force "download the map and buy the characters to play on it" like how Langrisser from Zlonger turned out.

It's probably nothing and wasted opportunity because japs do just what westerns do for the most part: make whatever will rake in the most midwits and chuds.

>> No.8350934

after you give your source.

>> No.8351243 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 640x340, 2t44tg34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, it's the manga for Imako System
You can watch the animated version of it here https://ahegao.online/imako-system-episode-1-2-hentai/ .

Other than that, search Imako System on e-hentai or something. Now give me sauce on angel semen demon! It's not from God Catching Alchemy Meister which is looks like it's from.

>> No.8351252


Now pay the fuck up with sauce.

>> No.8351415

melphie from growlanser
drawing is from the well known urushihara satoshi.


>> No.8351420

better source link

>> No.8351587
File: 113 KB, 1280x718, 45623453nhb77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the Record of Lodoss War guy's strategy game threads
>Bunch of coomers come in

Every fucking time.

>> No.8351621

For some unknown reason, Langrissier 1 and 2 for the Switch went from $20ish to $70+. Fucks sake. How are the Growlanser games? Any fun?

>> No.8351684

$70 is the jap price with all the extras. It's cool, a lot of content, well made games.

>> No.8351707

I'm a lover of turn based strategy games, so it looks like I will enjoy it. Going to give the demo a shot, and if I enjoy it I'll see if I can buy it in some way that will hopefully get money to the devs.

>> No.8351717

Nothing went over to any of Sega's Development Studios. Atlus is owned by Sega but it's a separate Studio.

Career Soft was absorbed by Atlus's 1st Production Team before Index's bankruptcy and buyout.

>> No.8351727

I thought those were made by Masaya Games?


>> No.8351774

The people responsible for Langrisser formed Career Soft.

Pretty sure it was another team at Masaya that made Gleylancer though, maybe anon got it confused with Growlanser.

>> No.8351787

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8351816
File: 207 KB, 460x460, 56ek6867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Growlanser 1 for PSP translated? I want to get this fucking girl.