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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8346104 No.8346104 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>8334430

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Half-Life WON version
Doom Shovelware
Fileplanet archives
Doom RPG series
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.8346107
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Beta thread
Current release

Phase 2 deadline Nov 20th
Info here >>8307479

Project Mega folder: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ
Latest update: >>8342963
Please use spawnflag 16 for your level exit triggers

=== NEWS ===
[11-19] Organ Grinder is tomorrow

[11-19] New TFE release: 0.7 - Core Game Loop completed

[11-16] high-performance OpenGL4 fork of Quakespasm:

[11-15] Anon releases 10x10 project

[11-15] https://youtu.be/unE7wt3ZcH0
High resolutions and wide-screen enabled Dark Forces source port bud is live

[11-11] Mayhem Mansion update

[11-10] https://www.moddb.com/mods/jazz-jackrabbit-doom-tc
Jazz Jackrabbit Doom EP1 released

[11-08] https://theforceengine.github.io/downloads.html
The Force Engine Builds are up and getting updated regularly.

[11-08] https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/111024-psydoom-083-psx-doom-port-reverse-engineered-for-pc
Work on PsyDoom has stopped

[11-06] https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/125606-the-unmaking-remade-for-the-official-doom-64-pc-port-plus-7-new-maps
The UnMaking can be played on the official D64 port

[11-02] Treasure Tech 1.2 is here!

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.8346117
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Hey thanks for updating the grid for me, OP. Reply to this post with your claims. Project is getting extended to probably sometime before Christmas. Lets aim for total completion by December 18th.

>> No.8346129
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Doing it

>> No.8346141

There's no difference between "outside drama" and "doom community member's politics".

Also, I would add nu-Doom to the left side because jannies tend to delete discussion of it ITT.

>> No.8346145

Original "info here" post for PATCHWORK proj is ded, what is exactly the proj about i may want to map something smol

>> No.8346151

Here's the rules https://pastebin.com/zkL8pa12
Gist of it is you pick one of the unclaimed tiles with doomguy's face on it and you draw out a design for a tile. Then you actually map it and once all the tiles are done they'll get "sewn" together to form one big patchwork map. A tile is 1024x1024 units and you have to make entrances (doors or open paths) to any neighboring tiles that also have entrances. So claim a tile, draw out your design for it and make sure it connects, then post your rough draft for me to approve. If you got any other questions just ask.

>> No.8346162


>> No.8346165
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>How do you do, fellow casual gamers?

>> No.8346169

For me, it's Coincident

>> No.8346178

>retries levels hundreds of times
>eventually beats it, like anyone else would
>people think he's just a doom good
don't get it.

>> No.8346207

Where do I find Ribbiks wads like Frog or Finely Crafted Fetish Film? As far as I can tell his website is down and it's not hosted on doomworlds. Did he delete a bunch of shit, or am I missing something obvious?

>> No.8346212

try DSDA?

>> No.8346234

Huh. Not all that interested in demos and I never realized you could download wads from there. Worked great, thanks!

>> No.8346240

Does anyone have the .iso for Necrodome? Some jew company had all the abandonware sites remove the download and i cant fucking find it.

>> No.8346256
File: 62 KB, 640x480, that one car game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn, people know about necrodome? That's the game I use for identify a game by a screenshot threads
I have the actual CD somewhere in a bin of old games

>> No.8346260

Yeah! Its one of my childhood games and i actually have the original disc but i never managed to rip it to a iso because it got very scratched.

>> No.8346267
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>switch from GZDoom to Unreal 4
>thought creating a system to resemble doom's sprites would be easy
>mfw I don't know how vectors work

>> No.8346271

If all you wanna do is make doom with sprites and shit, you might as well use godot. It's got annoying freetard problems but it's a fuck of a lot easier to learn than unreal or even unity

>> No.8346278


>> No.8346284

Might as well check out Godot as well, because I doubt I'll get anywhere with Unreal soon. Thanks.

>> No.8346286

His blind playthrough of Sunlust map24 was iconic for me. I love the gimmick where he doesn't save until chat says he can

>> No.8346303


>> No.8346342

I didn't have much fun with RTCW until I learned to strafe jump and played more aggressively, and now I love it.

>> No.8346464

persistence has become a rare skill these days, especially to his younger/newer fanbase
most of them will give up on a map after one or two tries instead of putting in the effort to improve and overcome

>> No.8346472
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Is there a "So you want to play" guide for Quake 2 or Half Life?

>> No.8346484

>most of them will give up on a map after one or two tries instead of putting in the effort to improve and overcome
If you're not enjoying yourself, why wouldn't you go play something else?

>> No.8346487
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Good on you.

>> No.8346510

He's playing Going Down blind.

>> No.8346519
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Based, have fun anon. As a wise man once said, "Remember, short controlled bursts".

>> No.8346542
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do it for REAL

>> No.8346546

he's no stxvile, and I have no reason to believe his # of attempts on things, but he has some legitimately good strategies on some pretty hard maps that aren't in any demos

>> No.8346558

because i'm not about to let some bitchass computer program get the better of me
taking a break to cool your head when frustrated is a good idea, but giving up entirely because you didn't win for free is just sad

>> No.8346563

There's literally nothing to derive from getting good at doom 2.

>> No.8346579

why even bother with video games at all if you don't enjoy overcoming challenges?

>> No.8346580
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>> No.8346584

There are plenty of fantastic mapsets out there to play just for the sake of experiencing them, not everything has to be about busting your balls.

>> No.8346585

The same reason you sit on your ass playing Doot instead of conquering the highest mountains and the widest deserts: The time and effort that would need to be invested in overcoming the challenge in question is greater than the number of shits I give about it.

>> No.8346590

>for free
Nice false dichotomy fag, you keep slamming your face into that meat grinder while I find the difficulty that gives me the greatest personal balance of effort vs enjoyment.

>> No.8346592

you don't die if you lose at a video game anon

>> No.8346593

where's your sunlust d2all :^)

>> No.8346615


>> No.8346713
File: 328 KB, 1919x1041, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread also the place to talk about map making? I'm getting started on something, I have an introduction in mind right now, but I want to make the ceilings of the sectors seethrough. Anyone know how to do that? My browsing has turned up no real answers.

In the meantime, I need to get a good texture of dense trees. 667 failed me on that one, and I'm in too deep to give up on this idea.

>> No.8346720


>> No.8346728

Seethrough? As in a sky? Just set the ceiling flat to F_SKY1.

>> No.8346731

What do you mean by seethrough? Have visible sky? Or have ceiling windows? In any case, the answer is: F_SKY1

>> No.8346743

Yes, that's exactly what I wanted. My idea was to start in a sort of densely wooded area, so I wanted some open sky. I'll see about changing the skybox to something more grim, as well as finding a decent texture I can use to make the walls into, well, trees. It'll probably end up looking like an N64 Zelda because of it but whatever.

>> No.8346928

Any good discord exclusive doom mods?

>> No.8346951

>[11-19] Organ Grinder is tomorrow
Tomorrow is now TODAY

>> No.8346984
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>> No.8346987
File: 2.37 MB, 800x450, Lance SpreadGun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made palette swapped Spread Gun. I'll be starting on the Vic Viper rifle later.

>> No.8346992
File: 2.23 MB, 1919x1041, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was asking about maps earlier. I'm trying to work out how to slip this forest texture I found into the resources, then it can only be upward from here, eh?

>> No.8347013 [DELETED] 

>hurr duur le jews
Go back to /pol/

>> No.8347014 [DELETED] 

100 shekels have been deposited to your account

>> No.8347018 [DELETED] 

>IF yOu'Re NoT EnJoYinG YouRSelF, WhY wOulDn'T yOu Go Play SomEnThinG ElSe?

>> No.8347023 [DELETED] 

Get out of my board zoomerfags

>> No.8347047 [DELETED] 

Doom glorifies Nazis. There are even painting of Hitler. It's why when I used to go to Christian school they would scold me for playing games like doom and quake because it "glorified violence" and well since Hitler is in Doom, it glorifies Nazism. Think the world wars and the genocides. Think about what doom is. A genocide.

>> No.8347062 [DELETED] 

Did you overlook the part where you KILL the nazis?

>> No.8347083
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, kmquake2_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the model anon, this kinda plays like a more jank Fakk2 or heretic 2.

Maybe with a better cross hair and weapons animations it would be even better.

Makes me think than in quake 3 engine ritual could have done better work with polygons and Julie model in fakk2, then again this is my ignorant view maybe back then it was the most they could achieve.

Its certainly very interesting although quake 2 is really a chore to me.

>> No.8347105
File: 92 KB, 640x480, doom96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally started implementing encounters but it's a long way from done. So here's another view of the map, from a good vantage point.

>> No.8347114
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, sonicmayhem_strogghelps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its certainly very interesting although quake 2 is really a chore to me.
I didn't give it much of a chance awhile back because I wanted it to be a sequel to Quake 1 with all the fast shooting and switching. When viewed as another IdSoft 90s shooter it's very good, and it's lead to me discovering AI fixes and great maps.
It also helps that I love the look.
This is coming along great, anon.
>floating Icon of Sin cube in the distance
Holy shit, nice.

>> No.8347216

>Good DOOM mods.
>Discord exclusive.
Pick one.

>> No.8347272

>AI fixes

hook me up

>> No.8347315

>Thanks for the model anon
Glad you like it. I'm gonna try to 'enhance' a few other ones when I have time, and maybe try porting some from other games. RTCW elite guards seem like an obvious choice.
>Makes me think than in quake 3 engine ritual could have done better work with polygons and Julie model in fakk2
Maybe, but most (all?) Quake 3 engine games use separate models for different body parts so smoothing techniques like what I used might be prone to causing misalignment. I'd imagine there's also a video memory concern with which they might have chosen to prioritize texture resolution.

>> No.8347331

>I'd imagine there's also a video memory concern

Probably this, counting polygons was the real deal back then so your pentium 133 wouldn't just die.

>> No.8347334

You could probably use the Elexis models from Sin like I said from last thread and use them immediately in quake 2.

Also and "enhanced" Elexis would probably look really cool.

>> No.8347335

Beautiful. A really emotional city hellscape
Amazing work, hope you do well in e counters too

>> No.8347341

Make a .wad in Slade, put your texture in it, load it in UDB where you loaded the doom2.wad. Please note that the exact steps to be taken may vary in different map formats, read up on how wads are structured in the Doomwiki or Zdoom wiki.

>> No.8347354
File: 16 KB, 334x115, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose and launch an expansion, type "skill 0-3" in the console (ex. 0 for easy, 3 for hard+), then "map base1" or wherever you want to start in Q2's campaign and you're good to go. This works with custom levels too. I like using the Mission 64 mod personally, though a few level packs have their own custom modifications and improvements like the Citadel mapset.

>> No.8347357

>use them immediately in quake 2
Not really. I'd have to rig and then reanimate the models to match Q2's animation frames (assuming they don't happen to be the same). I'll definitely do Elexis though.

>> No.8347358

Well, I got a folder with the foliage textures, and I set it up the same way a pk3 would be set up, so that part is fine. Now I need to figure out how to make this dummy sector to let the transparency work on this texture. Progress is being made, for sure!

>> No.8347373

>You could probably...
>Not really. I'd have to rig and then reanimate the models to match Q2's animation frames (assuming they don't happen to be the same).
I can verify how much of a pain this is. Syncing up weapon positions has been particularly monotonous.

>> No.8347397
File: 586 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20211120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so this actually does work now. Foliage, transparent, I just need to fine tune the actual set up of the sectors to hide it I suppose. I probably should set my sights lower for day 1 of making a map period, but I think I'm on a hot streak here.

>> No.8347409

No, but making them couldn't be too hard, you'd just have to copy the writing style and depth of the originals.

For Q2, go over notable ports, the 3.24 patch, how to set up multiplayer, how custom skins/models work, and all the major maps and mods.
For HL, make the distinction between the old Sierra versions and Steam, how they differ, and how the former doesn't like modern Windows. Bring up the patch differences for Sierra, the Steamless project, and maybe Xash.
Make a separate page for all the mods because there's a fuck ton.

>> No.8347410

>when the phone number to order the full game in the shareware version doesn't work

>> No.8347420

Will we ever setup a Blood multiplayer match? That's my most played FPS ever but never got into the multiplayer because no people
It looks fun actually

>> No.8347423
File: 1.56 MB, 368x266, i live in spain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never say aardwolf

>> No.8347424

That was probably discontinued in the 90s, bro, replaced by the Ultimate Doom retail release.

>> No.8347467

Is there a source engine where the mp even works?I remember trying it in BuildGDX but that doesn't work as far as I remember

>> No.8347469

The 500ml pisscord did some games with nblood and it worked pretty well.

>> No.8347525

Is Doom a good entrypoint into the classic FPS genre? I'm kind of intrigued by Heretic because of the fantasy theme but it was built later in the Doom Engine, right? So is it way harder?

>> No.8347584

while wolfenstein 3d did came first, doom had enough be the "father" of the genre and also works as a middleground between wolfenstein and quake
but heretic is still fun

>> No.8347585

Definitely start with Doom first.

>> No.8347609

I'm playing through Halo CE, and it isn't great.
At the time, I can see how it would have been unique. The scale would have been impressive.
But I'm not a fan of the level design at all. I just got through Assault on the Control Room, and it is just a slog. The same rooms over and over. Far too long.
On heroic (which the game is apparently balanced for), enemies are bullet sponges.

>> No.8347621

Just play Heretic anon, you have difficulty settings and the first three episodes (the original game) aren't hard. I finished it with keyboard look when I was three years old, while my mom was controlling the inventory/ action keys. The expansion ones are kinda bullshit for new players. You can safely skip them since the story is over after the Dome of D'Sparil.
Here's some tips:
1) Use Crispy Heretic, unless widescreen and mouselook are a must for you. It's the most advanced source port that maintains full compatibility with the vanilla game.
2) Set your key binds, I personally use WASD to move, Q and E to look up and down, space for action. The rest is up to you, but make sure you set hotkeys for items you're going to use a lot and for your inventory. Stop flying key also re-centers your view, so you can leave the center view key unbound and use it for something else.
3) Shadowspheres negate certain attacks (especially one that comes after you, I won't spoil it). You also can't carry more than one item of each that you picked up between levels so make sure to use them.
And after you're done with Heretic play Hexen.

>> No.8347628

All the halo games are soulless shit like ME. They are not bad, I had some fun playing 1 and 2 on pc some years back. But yeah its boring.

But fuck its amazing it got so serious, especially with novels and cringe shit like reach. The aliens look especially dumb, and there is not an ounce of originality on the bootleg human space marines.

Then again I look at the whole fanbase with better eyes when compared to the absolute trash that is cod and other similar games.

>> No.8347649
File: 1.07 MB, 526x826, working at the UAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's a good entrypoint, easy to learn the fundamentals, with a skill ceiling that reaches to the sky, depending on how hard you like your custom mapsets. You can be really fucking good at the game, but still if you look around you can find something that's gonna give you something that'll be a challenge.

Anyway, the base game is pretty straightforward, and pretty easy. Start with Doom 1, you can probably play on the Hurt Me Plenty difficulty level if you have just limited experience with FPS, if you've played other kinds of FPS a lot, probably you could start with Ultra-Violence right away. Episode 4 starts out pretty hard, so maybe drop down to HMP again when you get that far.

One can deliberate over sourceports and accuracy all day long, but mind these:
>1: You can use a mouse, but in the original game you cannot look up or down, the game adjusts shots vertically for you with enemies above and below the center of your screen, the mouse only turns you horizontally, which is still extremely useful
>2: The original .exe has an annoying mouse movement function tied to the mouse (moving you backwards and forwards), most sourceports, and even the new official ports, lets you use the mouse without it, this setup is recommended, and nobody will hold it against you.
>3: Game isn't designed around jumping and crouching, if you can't squeeze underneath something, or you can't cross a gap or reach a ledge by running off from another one, you're not meant to get there from here, either there's something else you need to do, or you're not meant to get there at all.
>4: Original game will not let you move above the heads of monsters below you, or underneath flying monsters, but on the other hand, monsters have to follow those rules too and will block each other in the same situation. Advanced ports refers to this as "Infinitely Tall Actors"

Beyond that, there's usually not that much substantial detail between different kinds of ports.

>> No.8347689

Halo 1 is definitely carried moreso by its multiplayer than the single-player. Are you using energy weapons to break the shields faster?

Halo 2's single player is a bit better since they add things like dual wielding and a bit more weapon variety.

>> No.8347718

>Are you using energy weapons to break the shields faster?
Yes. Shields aren't really an issue - there are just tons of enemies. Necessitating a slow, somewhat cover-based way of progressing through each level.

>> No.8347746

>At the time, I can see how it would have been unique. The scale would have been impressive.
>But I'm not a fan of the level design at all. I just got through Assault on the Control Room, and it is just a slog. The same rooms over and over. Far too long.
They're pretty awful and some of the worst I've played, a big sign at how cobbled together it was turning this RTS into an FPS.

>> No.8347751

Cover is the name of the game. The best strategy is to kite the enemies into a chokepoint and spam all the grenades you have, and failing that, just do the shieldbreak+headshot combo with the pistols.

>> No.8347782

Organ grinder is Up

QCDE, Quake World and QW2 Matches will be up later

>> No.8347790

>Not even mentioning mtpain27

>> No.8347809 [DELETED] 

Whenever I see Halo mentioned here, I'm thinking just how much I'm hate it after getting my hands on Marathon: probably a lot. Haven't played both, but still.

>> No.8347815

Whenever I see Halo mentioned here, I'm thinking just how much I'm going to hate it after finally playing Marathon. Not that I played any Halo game, but still.
Deleted previous message due to stupid typos. This shit just bothers me too much and I need to sleep.

>> No.8347820

I got mine .iso from one of the links on the OP, go check it there.

>> No.8347876
File: 953 B, 133x27, remove eviternity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word cloud?

>> No.8347886

I agree, remove all OTEX slaughterfests from existence

>> No.8347909


>> No.8347968
File: 453 KB, 220x220, garfield shuffle 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decino upload
>MtPain27 upload
>cheeky stray clip of Coincident
>load up A.L.T. on dsda-doom afterwards
Yep, it's comfy time

>> No.8347978

I feel like watching too much decino negatively affects my ability to make maps with reasonable difficulty.

>> No.8347979

watch a bit of dsp after that then

>> No.8347990

I do like the first half of Halo CE a lot, but The Library and all the levels onwards I had to force myself to finish. The Library is an infamously extreme case of copypaste level design.

>> No.8347996
File: 214 KB, 2587x1483, shrek im home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dear...

>> No.8348003 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 620x300, 1637444297061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guides in the OP are nice, but Quake's guide is lacking on map pack recommendations. I know the Quaddicted mention exists for this, but it would be great to have some in the guide already.

Changing the subject, what is up with Zerstörer's ending? Was it supposed to be a hook for a continuation or I really played through 7 admittedly fun levels just to be killed by pic related? Poor Ranger just exploded without being able to go HUH, it made me sad.

>> No.8348005

You're saying it only gets worse from here?
I did some searching, and a lot of peopl seem to have assault on the command centre as their all time top halo level. From all campaigns.
And I thought it was shit.

I'll just have to power through and hope it gets better.

>> No.8348006

Keep going anon I believe in you.

Meanwhile I might make an even better Elexis In Virt a Mate.

>> No.8348008
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>> No.8348010

You're gonna be seeing A LOT of recycled shit in the flood part of the game, some of it's pretty neat, some if it's just laziness. It's surreal that we get to talk about Halo and CoD here now

>> No.8348019 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 426x316, 1608457294317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man when I found out that the guys who made that large-scale Half-Life VR skit thing were pro trannies, and the one who was aptly named "Dr. Coomer" happened to be a tranny himself, shit sent me in a mental spiral.

>> No.8348027 [DELETED] 

nobody cares

>> No.8348028 [DELETED] 

that is what you should be expecting from internet content creators, were you in a coma or something

>> No.8348032

tfw decino wanted to play admortem but he prefers to wait the final version

>> No.8348036

Doesn't he only play really hard challenge maps only? For his videos at least

>> No.8348040

That's understandable, I usually wait for a "definitive" version with all the kinks ironed out too. Unless it's something like BTSX where that will never happen.

>> No.8348042

He accepts submissions once a year and picks a few at random. Some of them are pretty easy.

>> No.8348047 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder that the sega master system is a meme name for the sega system. You know it, I know it.

>> No.8348050

Give him a Hard Fast Faggot Map instead.

>> No.8348054
File: 940 KB, 1600x1200, 1594478736987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Project Brutality?

>> No.8348061

it's fun for fifteen minutes

>> No.8348063

What about it?

>> No.8348087
File: 83 KB, 522x692, caine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not the Q1 ranger, it's just some guy. there's a readme backstory.
but yeah, the point is that you never had a chance and aren't worth a snap of a finger.

also, the OP video guide is fairly comprehensive.

>> No.8348105

When did he say this?

>> No.8348107

I know this is more possible because it's a Quake 2 engine game, but I'm curious how possible Q3 to Q2 models are. Q2-Q1 is possible at least.

>> No.8348112

Anybody on Linux know if there's a bash command that tells gzdoom "just launch with this wad instead of opening a menu?"

I'm working on a small game launcher application and I don't want the extra step of first selecting the launcher, then the game.

>> No.8348116

same as windows, no?
gzdoom -iwad doom.wad -file sigil.wad

>> No.8348128

Linuxfag here, but complete noobtard, so your mileage with me may vary.
If you're talking about creating a Shell (.sh) file, basically a Windows .bat, then you'd simply use this:

exec <directory to program>/<name of program> -iwad <directory to iwad>/<name of iwad, incl. extension> -file <directory to file>/<name of file incl. extension>

If you want to make it where the source port and files are in the same directory, then use this:

BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0")

To set the "BASEDIR" as the directory the Shell file is in. Then you'd replace <directory to program> with ${BASEDIR}, plus any other sub-directories.

>> No.8348132

Yeah, that seems to work. Cool.
I know how to create a .sh file and everything. I wasn't sure what the actual format was for giving commands to gzdoom on launch because 'gzdoom -h' didn't give me anything.

>> No.8348139

It's the exact same irregardless of OS.
-iwad for selecting the IWAD file.
-file for selecting additional files
-config for selecting configuration files.
Not that hard.

>> No.8348215
File: 190 KB, 533x400, BeardlessKyleKatarn-PreTalay-SWDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grown up on Jedi Outcast and Academy
>tried Jedi Knight a while ago but didn't feel it
>decide to try Dark Forces, love the atmosphere and combat feel
>keep getting filtered by the level design, constantly have to look up the strategy guide to figure out what to do next
Are mid '90s FPS just needlessly convoluted, be it because it was considered good design at the time, to pad the play time or because the developer was used to point and click adventure games in this specific instance, or am I just a colossal idiot?

>> No.8348224

>or am I just a colossal idiot?
Mostly this. I had a harder time with Outcast’s 2 level design for what it’s worth and that’s not much.

>> No.8348279
File: 451 KB, 1024x1024, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8348302

I'm positive any mod that's ostensibly discord-exclusive will just be uploaded somewhere else anyway.a

>> No.8348310

the video version of the quake guide has a shitton of good maps in it, like >>8348087 said

>> No.8348314
File: 10 KB, 393x260, Tiny caco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>experiencing quality
ohh yes

>> No.8348363

>Revenants firing Cyberdemon rockets
>Hell Knights firing Revenant rockets with a green tint
>Person A attacking a Spider Mastermind with a chainsaw
>Door textures with wrong colors
>Monsters a lot smaller than it should be
>Icon of Sin cubes on a "level" that is clearily trying to be part of the city episode
>SKY1 on a level that is trying to be part of the city episode
I'm just nitpicking. The image is cool.
And Project Brutality sucks.

>> No.8348428

>retro ssg

what's a retro ssg

>> No.8348438
File: 41 KB, 640x480, MAP12_wrong_sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SKY1 on a level that is trying to be part of the city episode

>> No.8348442

>patched zdoom and lzdoom with wtfi lags like a motherfucker and kills itself in software mode
the fuck happened

>> No.8348506

what's the mod that has all these models?

>> No.8348509

I agree that today playing levels from back then can be frustrating because the player tends to get lost a lot. I think this is because the genre was brand-new. Levels were designed as like a big base or a place, rather than say creating a series of engaging combat scenarios. Because the art was new, mapmakers had not yet learned the need to convey where to go next, let alone how to do it well.

Most interestingly, I think, players themselves didn't even seem to notice this was a problem. I mean, I remember I beat Turok 2 on N64; I tried to replay it recently and I couldn't get past the first level because I didn't enjoy replaying the level over and over looking for that one mission objective that I need in order to progress, and that was with the new PC version that marks the mission objectives in the HUD! I think players themselves didn't notice because that's just how things were, and, today there are so many ways of getting an instant dopamine hit that not getting a fix because you're lost becomes a stressful experience

>> No.8348514
File: 98 KB, 895x568, Yquake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're skins, not mods

>> No.8348516

where can I get them?

>> No.8348518

Quake 2 cafe files

>> No.8348524
File: 22 KB, 261x214, doomguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8348538

what do you even want to do? From how it looks I suspect there's an easier way to do it.

>> No.8348549

the way doom was meant to be played

>> No.8348573
File: 63 KB, 500x385, 1508373867522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8348593
File: 14 KB, 324x324, ElQza7hU8AYjzD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GZDoom gameplay mod
>Doom 2

>> No.8348606

yes and also yes

>> No.8348639

>playing Doom
>dog starts crying
>later, playing Doom but put headphones on figuring it's the sound that bothered her
>she's fine until she sees I'm playing Doom
>starts crying
The fuck?

>> No.8348741

Why isn't it finalised yet? The project leads idea to wait until next year to make more maps to get up to 32 is idiotic. What if we don't get to 32 then? Wait another year?

Just end it now and do an Ad Mortem 2 next year if there's enthusiasm.

>> No.8348743

>Insert joke about how your dog saw you using or not using freelook depending on your bias on the matter here

>> No.8348767

did this model get edited too

>> No.8348837

never, i was just shitting kek

>Ad Mortem 2
that's a fucking retarded idea

>> No.8348843

Less retarded than putting a project on ice for 11 months then hoping there's still enthusiasm to finish it.

>> No.8348845
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, elexis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be doable. You would just have to line everything up, merge into a single object, and merge vertices. Textures would be pretty autistic though.

>> No.8348894

>''less'' retarded
it's not, another 10-15 mapset instead of a complete set would be fucking stupid... what, your autism can't handle that amount of time? c'mon now
>hoping there's still enthusiasm to finish it.
i'm making a map for it rn lul

>> No.8348902
File: 139 KB, 442x328, saaarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tools can I use to achieve this? I'm already familiar with q2modeledit.

>> No.8348914

I'm just using Blender. You can't just slap a subdivision modifier on it though, since there's a poly limit. You'll need to select certain groups of faces (tits, ass, etc) that could really use extra detail and manually subdivide them. You can then add them to vertex groups and apply a smooth modifier to them specifically. You can also use a displacement modifier for extra... er, size.

>> No.8348939

Not just enthusiasm to finish it, enthusiasm to play it as well. And in the meantime we're losing all the people who refuse to play an unfinished version.

>> No.8348950

>And in the meantime we're losing all the people who refuse to play an unfinished version
Eggplant? He's the only one who refused to play it because of that. Not a big deal.

>> No.8348952

it's a "complete set" now.
a year from now, instead of full creative freedom you'll be stuck with a pointless obligation to bloat up a reheated mapset.

>> No.8348954

Rub a dub dub.
I don't care if Sin had problems, Elexis idea at least is fun. She could be her own protag in a game all about being a bitch kinda like an evil Bayo.

>> No.8348973
File: 170 KB, 1280x1280, 1615763551327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 2 cents: Ad Mortem, and every wad for that matter, doesn't need 32 maps to be "complete." There's no need to stretch a wad with more maps, some of which likely will be filler or not up to par (the current set has this issue.) It would be wiser to polish what you already have. If you absolutely must have 32 maps, then maybe it would be better as a closed development thing like Temporal Tantrum that doesn't take the attention of the entire thread, because I'm sure at least more than one anon would prefer not to work on the same project again and instead do something fresh (i.e. 94 Protons, 25 Frags)

>> No.8348991

>Initially lacking any code from id, the company's programmers Bryon Nilsson and Matt Hopwood proceeded to produce their own custom 3D graphics engine for the Game Boy Advance over the course of nine months, and according to David Palmer, it was around 95% complete, needing only additional optimization to hit the 30 frames-per-second mark. However, John Carmack then located a copy of the Atari Jaguar source code, and he and Activision proceeded to demand that it be used instead of the custom engine that had already been developed. This set back development and led to what Palmer believes is probably an inferior product to what could have been provided
Based Carmack did it again

>> No.8349023

Someone converted all id1 Quake map files to Valve format for better compatability with Trenchbroom 2
He also made all maps point at Quake101.wad for more convenience.

>> No.8349035

a missed oportunity to fix name overlaps. ah well.

>> No.8349039

That map is from FreeDoom is it not? Why does it have normal Doom enemies?

>> No.8349047

why wasnt the announcement of the Powerslave port added to the fucking info?

>> No.8349050

You mean the news post? Because nobody paged it. The news is fueled by your submissions.

>> No.8349058

wasn't the announcement months ago? on that 3D realms thing?

>> No.8349070

what are these

>> No.8349089

Thanks my dudes i finally got the game. I recall trying to play it on windows 10 years ago but it crashed often, so now i tried installing it on linux using wine and while it installs fine the game only launches to a black screen with no sound. I guess i'll just have to give up or see if i can find some machine old enough to run it fine.

>> No.8349103

probably temporary item models. there are armors too: simple cubes.

>> No.8349173

for a second I thought that they did something with the hellcube past a HUD icon and no one ever pointed it out

>> No.8349216

Don't know for that particular game but with DxWnd you can force OpenGl instead of old Direct3D, force windowed and more things like that useful for running old games. A little tricky to understand at first but almost always ends up running the thing.

>> No.8349229

>"In the meantime we're losing all the people who refuse to play an unfinished version."
>the DW's AM thread for the first time in /vr/'s terrible history of doom projects that got more followers and attention than the 2048vr and Temporal Tantrum thread
>more streamers played the beta (actually I don't give a single shit about watching faggots playing it anyway)
>other people that aren't massive autists like /vr/ are waiting patiently for the finished product
>gzdoomtards will probably play it when the chickenman fixes his shitty mbf21 implementation, hopefully next year

>a year from now, instead of full creative freedom you'll be stuck with a pointless obligation to bloat up a reheated mapset.
the fuck are you even talking about? there's still the patchwork project, violent rumble and now the ad mortem's updates, are you implying this board can't handle more projects than one?

>> No.8349250

I take it there's no way to cheat and have the actual wall parts solid and non alphad, but then have a small separate bit of wall uptop that's alphad? That's what I would do if it was in Goldsource or Quake.

>> No.8349272


Maybe i want to do A1,my country/city seems to be range baned so the grid is here:


Besides of that, is there any theme or preferred style?
anyway i will wait for aproval.

>> No.8349390
File: 131 KB, 641x417, mahwad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(outdated screenshot simply for visibility)

Been a little bit since I bothered opening UDB and took a break after the Halloween event. Don't know if fixes are still being added, so I apologize for the lateness.

Here's some fixes for my map; Ad Mortem's Map29(slot 14):


-- Did some texture realignment
-- fixed saytr sticking
-- hotfixed the soft lock grave
-- decided to re-add the omitted secrets to the total count
-- Fixed HoM
-- fixed a misplaced texture
-- removed a slime trail

>> No.8349596
File: 17 KB, 367x271, 1608395412311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going Down blind
what happens after a misfire at the glory hole

>> No.8349696
File: 32 KB, 678x665, 1628478094060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any content come out for Blood at all since the 500 mL release?

>> No.8349771

Not sure why Temporal Tantrum is not green in your post, but yeah, you do have a point. Maybe it's the name? Have to admit Ad Mortem is a much better name than Temporal Tantrum. And I think keeping /vr/ out of the title makes it more normie-friendly.

>> No.8349790

>You're gonna be seeing A LOT of recycled shit in the flood part of the game
I just played through the Library, and I really see what you mean. Absolutely awful design.

>> No.8349824
File: 617 KB, 1376x1408, 2020-04-04-20-00-30-3280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that gets me back to the time when mods were sold by pirates standalone. For some reason, RTCW addons were hot for some time. I never saw anything like that with Half Life, for example.

>> No.8349875
File: 28 KB, 600x720, 1412558469964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in two years I'll be older than Doom

>> No.8349891
File: 24 KB, 280x357, Dark_Forces_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Star Dark Forces Wars with some referencing the guide and the last few levels on easy, now idea how 90s gamers accomplished this on higher difficulty with keyboard controls, maybe the game actually becomes easier with aim assist or something. Onward to Jedi Knight!

>> No.8349902

>now idea how 90s gamers accomplished this on higher difficulty with keyboard controls
Mouse support has been a thing for most shooters since Wolf3D. Having a computer that could support the game AND mouse drivers at the time was a bit different but that was only an early/mid 90s deal.

>> No.8349910

Seethe about it, you moist bitch.

Ad Mortem has a fairly long term goal, apparently, so updates and new additions are still being accepted

>> No.8349947

Yeah you could theoretically set some sorta mouse controls in Dark Forces too, but it's a really weird setup that doesn't give you full mouse aim and basically only replaces the tank movement on the arrow keys with the mouse. Had to get a third party tool to set full mouse aim and disable the aim assist.

>> No.8349954
File: 23 KB, 1628x236, am4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the latest list of issues in Ad Mortem since there's still a bit of interest in further updates. Notice how the list has gotten smaller.
I think the dehacked problems are particularly important. Using the latest guns from last thread, the supershotgun makes a reload sound even when you're out of ammo and it sounds really weird. The other problems are easy fixes that could just be done by the project lead if the mappers don't do it themselves.

>> No.8349968

I made a fix for map01 a while ago, but I don't think there has been an update since.

>> No.8349972 [DELETED] 

Mouse support was shit on vanilla doom. Almost no one played Doom that way bro.

>> No.8349985

>Yeah you could theoretically set some sorta mouse controls in Dark Forces too
It wasn’t theoretical at all, it has native mouse support. Just because you can’t look up and down easily doesn’t nullify that, and it was still better than keyboard turning.

>> No.8349991

Yeah, I figured there'd be something would be redundant. I was just playing the v3 version and ran across it.

>> No.8350007

I would say Dark Forces is a bit more convoluted than the average 90s FPS but not the absolute most convoluted (thats probably Hexen).

>> No.8350014

I will never understand people that put this much effort into coomery.

>> No.8350017

its a... powerful driving force

>> No.8350026

>Not sure why Temporal Tantrum is not green in your post
Its under a spoiler. You probably have spoilers automatically revealed.
Uh... Doom will continue aging with you...

>> No.8350051

Fan service is not coomery anon. Like Elexis masturbating in her pool in a secret way.

Thats the kind of shit limp dicked people too look good say today, like the model is too "distracting".

Female models can look sexy if your tone is correct.

True coomer would be crossing the line and completely objectifying and making actual pornography.

>> No.8350065
File: 446 KB, 541x1075, notembarassingatall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fan service is not coomery anon
THIS is coomershit, don't kid yourself or anyone else. It's fine but fuck off, don't come off like the Citadel guy. Just accept you like tastelessly hot bimbos.

>> No.8350079
File: 180 KB, 1600x2080, 1611692365632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the thing its just fan service anon. There should be a line here, sexy video game characters are not coomerism.

Coomerism is almost stepping into actual pornography.

For example tons of weeb anime has sexy babes, but its not coomerism, its entertainment made for guys, from guys. Characters themselves are never objectified and they usually kick ass like say Ivy or whatever.

Coomerism would be Ecchi shit and hentai, where you story and entertainment revolves entirely around SEX SEX SEX.

Elexis is fan service, or rather more simply, A fucking bimbo BABE, from times where male creative sexual energies was not verboten.

Can the lines between coomerism an fan service cross? For sure, its usually more on the fan side. The character itself in promo material can still be alluring without being coomer shit.

>> No.8350083

Speaking of RTCW, some news are coming
A large mod Victors by the team from Ukraine and Russia that was seemingly abandoned about 7 years ago resurfaces with a new trailer, some gameplay, and the promise of releasing this Christmas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3KBp0kb0fU - gameplay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMSN9ZkY8Mk - trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxcr3ryLwuc - anniversary stream with Gray Matter staff where the announcement was made. Also shown: Cursed Sands PC port and couple of other mods.

>> No.8350089
File: 203 KB, 500x471, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coomers consooming coom material

>> No.8350092

This guy gets it, >>8350079 needs to get out of the coomer closet

>> No.8350097

>Elexis is fan service, or rather more simply, A fucking bimbo BABE
Or as Lyle "McDouchebag" Rath once said, "A fucking Turbo Babe™."

>> No.8350105

Don't worry anon, it will catch up sometime after you die.

>> No.8350108
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, sw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8350109
File: 1.53 MB, 480x226, 1604637322311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There should be a line here, sexy video game characters are not coomerism.
True, very true, that's not coomershit. Making Virt A Mates, making already big tits bigger, pleading for anons to finish Quake 2 skins, worshiping bimbo characters every other thread - coomershit.

>> No.8350132


Sure fine, If I was a coomer you would notice unhinged posting but suit yourself man.

I am coomer I guess.

>> No.8350135

Note to self: Never both with 2 way teleporters, even if making too many teleporting paths seems too much.

>> No.8350141

You don't have to post your drawing inside the grid with the rest. Just post your tile by itself lol.
And to answer your question there is no preferred style. Just make whatever you want to make! If there was a set theme then it would ruin the whole point of the project. What you have looks great so you're all clear.

>> No.8350142

>>8350089 here, for the record, I didnt mean to dunk on you or anything, I just thought the idea of the word Coomsoomer was funny

>> No.8350263

>not the absolute most convoluted
I guess I get what you're saying, but to me Anoat City beats Seven Portals at that.
>THIS is coomershit
More like "ugly as fuck". Either way, we don't really need this coomer shit here. Post cacodemons instead or something.

>> No.8350270
File: 268 KB, 546x546, 1597386551935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8350309

Has anyone played NanoQuake? How much have you made?

>> No.8350320
File: 214 KB, 568x600, 1621383785418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post cacodemons instead or something.
Here you go.

>> No.8350386
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>> No.8350427
File: 390 KB, 800x1316, 1398432554533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8350585

That's what I'm talking about!

>> No.8350614
File: 331 KB, 1117x678, unknown[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8350638
File: 43 KB, 640x480, Epic_2_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, why didn't I play this earlier, this is one of the best wads I've ever played. It's like Ancient Aliens except with a more serious tone and a more TNT esque design as opposed to Plutonia

>> No.8350649

Can you post screenshot of problematic areas on MAP31, because I was pretty careful with line of sight.

>> No.8350671
File: 123 KB, 1100x734, Cuckodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8350703

How do I host a doom multiplayer server with mods? I tried with ZDaemon but it can't take .pk3 files so most mods are off limit.

>> No.8350717


>> No.8350789

Making non-abstract levels like those found in Duke or Blood is ridiculously difficult. Anyone have any tips on how to get going in the right direction?

>> No.8350825
File: 33 KB, 500x282, Spider-Mastermind-Doom-video-game-upscale-hidfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets stuck in your path
What do?

>> No.8350838
File: 2.76 MB, 482x312, A meeting at the park.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, arch-vile is too motivated to run around for this to work, I guess.

>> No.8350870

Holy shit, >>8350838 anon, you made me realize something: If i can't do two way teleporters for the player, i can do that for enemies.
Meanwhile, at least by creating more basic "point A to point B" teleporting routes with new tags, i could take a hint from some Moonblood maps and lead to a backtracing concept of "yeah you can go back to that room, just gotta use a different, more specific path".

>> No.8350875

I'm trying to understand what you are trying to do but I can't.

>> No.8350894

Shoot at it until it dies.

>> No.8350969

Custom textures will go a long way. You can find some good Doom-style city/domestic textures on Doomworld and ZDoom resource threads.

>> No.8350976

help bros, i remember playing a server on doomseeker that had a pwad that had a bar along the top of the screen that would unlock stuff in the level the more monsters you killed and secrets you found,
what was it??

>> No.8350989

Not the other guy but I think the question was more about layout and realism. It's a matter of designing buildings that make sense where you can't just slap together some nondescript rooms and hallways. Doom and most of its clones require no deeper motivation and immersion than "you're in this place, kill all the enemies and get to the exit", so it doesn't really matter what the environments look like in detail, and rooms and hallways don't need to have a specific scale or convey a certain function, they're just rooms and hallways.

>> No.8350991
File: 505 KB, 1280x720, SUNDAY_NIGHT_SHITSHOW_41_MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUNDAY NIGHT SHITSHOW! Today we're playing through Doom Barracks Zone X. Join with the latest Zandronum alpha build.

>> No.8350993

Get close to it and shoot a BFG9000 blast at it!

>> No.8351005
File: 57 KB, 496x496, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have a door on each pillar that allows the viles to teleport, and open them in sequence with a zombieman walking down a hallway.

Either with "DR monsters also" or "WR lift lower wait raise"... whichever is the monster also one.

>> No.8351008

Invisible doors, mind you.

>> No.8351013

The pacing seems about right when I left only one line facing the least likely direction vile would be coming, so that seems to be solved.

>> No.8351025

Please post Dark Forces images and memes in anticipation for the source port

>> No.8351029
File: 101 KB, 461x403, im-not-saying-dark-forces-but-dark-forces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first result on google

>> No.8351045
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, 31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's right under the plasma gun. It seems the light value of that platform was raised just a bit more that the sectors around it which breaks the sky hack in software mode.

>> No.8351052
File: 30 KB, 256x264, 1622121715119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351078

Very neat news indeed.
>MFW Still waiting for an Xngine Source port.

>> No.8351091


>> No.8351142
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 5RTikbmmz5Z6D5FG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351163
File: 247 KB, 1024x1024, scrap612_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as reqursted purg eating burg

>> No.8351164

>Anon stops playing doom to fulfill a joke request I made
Based as fuck.

>> No.8351183

I think it would be a really funny comic if you could draw her wearing a diaper lol maybe she farts poopers her pants and needs one too haha

>> No.8351202
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20211121_191916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A memorable one for sure. Thanks for joining as always.

>> No.8351215
File: 634 KB, 1920x1080, Zandronum Screenshot 2021.11.21 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351227
File: 30 KB, 500x333, 1465511396271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weakness: horrible parenting skills

>> No.8351229
File: 162 KB, 960x576, scrap613_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daiper changing time

>> No.8351234
File: 420 KB, 600x830, 1607587320826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351238

fuckin lmao

>> No.8351267

lol it was like 4am i misunderstood and posted the whole grid haha

>> No.8351273
File: 672 KB, 1920x1080, the king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now draw her like the king

>> No.8351293
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>> No.8351323

is there any footage of the doom 3 pistol zombie rolling?

>> No.8351325
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>> No.8351345
File: 186 KB, 640x1024, scrap615_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done ok time for me to go outside and touch grass and stop shitting up this thread with dumb ass sketches and jokes

>> No.8351365

Okay i'm officially terrified of you

>> No.8351369

Fun stuff, cheers

>> No.8351476

fucking power move.

>> No.8351485

sex mod??

>> No.8351491

Sex mod

>> No.8351525

"Doom 100% Monsters"

>> No.8351582

Him falling down the stairs killed me.

>> No.8351603
File: 31 KB, 256x309, Ghost_Recon_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about the original Ghost Recon here? Since it came out in 2001, and it's an FPS.

Was wondering if anyone knew about any projects focused on updating it for modern PC's, in the style of Rainbow Six Black Ops, any mods for bugfixing, overhauls, or anything of the sort? Or is it just a plug and play kind of thing? Anyone happen to have a convenient download for it? Didn't see it in the OP MEGAs.

>> No.8351612

Well I would say that custom textures are half the battle. Even masterpieces of vanilla texturing like Going Down arent very convincing as urban areas.

>> No.8351619
File: 546 KB, 1599x1146, YAE covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351623

i am empty

>> No.8351632
File: 274 KB, 1064x675, YOU_ARE_A_FAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351637

well yeah, it's true, i am bi

>> No.8351662

Hell yeah dude

>> No.8351669

I saw someone on youtube with a profile pic of the skeleton on the right some years ago and wondered where it came from, now I know

>> No.8351718
File: 97 KB, 800x593, blood-gargoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to play Blood online (deathmatch/bloodbath or co-op)? YANG is a wasteland and apparently Meltdown is a trojan according to bloodwiki.

>> No.8351747

could try the blood discord (which is linked on blood wiki)

>> No.8351763


>> No.8351813

Hey, they are both awesome and sweet.
>Anyone happen to have a convenient download for it?
How about this?

>> No.8351821
File: 85 KB, 858x325, review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this would've been great if it included the expansions but apparently it doesn't

>> No.8351926

Steam's got them, except for the PS2/N-Gage exclusive Jungle Storm.

>> No.8351929

Yeah, but I was hoping I could get a 20 year old game without having to buy it, I suppose

>> No.8351938
File: 167 KB, 320x240, 320px-Sunder_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now obviously Sunder is beatable saveless, but why do I have the sneaking suspicion that Gazebo plays his maps with saves? He's posted no demos or videos of himself playing anything to my knowledge, and several of the fights in Sunder are subject to RNG, which is just rage-inducing in the case of ultrahard maps that can take over an hour to complete.

>> No.8351946

Is it a rule to beat the map without saves?
Motherfuckers can meme about how they never use saves but they cannot do something like Sunlust the first time without saves. I probably would have gone insane multiple times if I had done it otherwise.

>> No.8351950

because he does? Gazebo doesn't have a reputation as a doomgod or anything like that. And by the way, good players play with saves all the time, because they're practicing parts of the map and figuring out strategies. The saveless gameplay comes when they're doing attempts.

Everyone knows Gazebo's maps are not impressive because of their fights - they are impressive because of their architecture, size, and visuals. Gameplay in some of them can be outright boring. There's no standout ideas in terms of encounter design, or gimmicks, or anything like that. It's hard due to the scope of the encounters.

Thankfully he's a big enough name that good players playtest the maps and offer feedback to save the gameplay aspect of them and not let them get too boring.

I think you are conflating two things.

Playing with saves because you want to experience a map casually is fine. Playing a map with saves first because you want to practice the encounters and figure out consistent strats is fine. Playing a map without saves after you've practiced is fine. Playing a map without saves without practicing to see how far you get is fine. It could be understood that if you beat a map exclusively with saves, you have beaten a map - if you have beaten a map without saves after practicing it with saves, you have mastered it.

>> No.8351973
File: 296 KB, 1921x1079, unreal error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed launching url can't find file for package editor unreal
Anyone know how to resolve this error? I can't continue on to the next level.

>> No.8351979

i probably should have mentioned im on win7 64 bit.

>> No.8351981

>There's no standout ideas in terms of encounter design, or gimmicks, or anything like that.
Complete bullshit and you're a pleb for thinking that. The only WADs that came before it that have combat anywhere near as interesting as Sunder are Plutonia, Alien Vendetta, and the Scythe series.
Sunder's combat design is influential even today, being not only apparent, but the main source of inspiration in nearly every Ribbiks WAD.

>> No.8351982

Did you install the editor? https://www.oldunreal.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1245788567 and it being a PackageNotFound error implies that something hasn't been installed properly.

What's the level transition?

>> No.8351984

and Ribbiks did everything better. Anything by Ribbiks is much more fun and interesting to play than Gazebo's stuff. But Gazebo knows how to make very good architecture.

>> No.8351985

>no standout ideas in terms of encounter design, or gimmicks, or anything like that.
Play his Fractured Worlds map32

>> No.8351987

I should've clarified that I was referring to his Sunder stuff, Fractured Worlds is indeed GOTYAY.

>> No.8352010
File: 336 KB, 1230x1600, pain agony and questioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally beat ep1 of quake
>that moment when you realize afterwards beating one of the levels you could have just done it with quad damage

>> No.8352015

>Did you install the editor?
What editor? You mean the kentie editor? I'm using the install from the mega folder. Does that not come with it included?
>What's the level transition?
rrajigar mine, early in the game.

>> No.8352070

Sigh. Damn you software mode.

>> No.8352074

imaging beating Eternal Doom without a walkthrough

>> No.8352103

No, UnrealEd. Have a snoop around the System folder and see if you have Editor.dll, .int, and .u, and check paths in Unreal.ini. I don't know why it'd be freaking out about editor packages if you're not running the editor, though.

Also try opening up the console and seeing what's in there, might tell you some more shit.

>> No.8352121

I don't have an Editor.dll, .int, or .u files. Checking paths in Unreal.ini i see:
And the in-game console shows nothing when I get to the load trigger.

>> No.8352139
File: 1.26 MB, 320x464, doomguy_snaps_his_neck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good maps for gzdoom vr? Already beat Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom.

>> No.8352176


>> No.8352189

>I don't have an Editor.dll, .int, or .u files.
Maybe that's what's causing it. For whatever reason, it's looking for the Editor package I don't know why nobody else has complained about it though.

Try installing the OldUnreal 227i patch, that comes with UED2.1 and may fix the issue by adding the missing Editor files.

>> No.8352279

is this what microplastics are doing to the demon ecosystem?

>> No.8352351

That's me as a AM mapper, I have nothing against anons doing expansion packs for it in the future, but dont want to make another map for it. Maybe if I finished 94 prots submission or my other projects, but now Id rather that we finally release

>> No.8352375

You guys are shouting into the void, project lead is AWOL

>> No.8352392

>the supershotgun makes a reload sound even when you're out of ammo and it sounds really weird.
Isn't this a compat flag thing or something?

>> No.8352397

Haven't played AM, but if the bug is that you play the SSG reload animation even after running out of shells (thus loading two ghost shells into the gun), then yeah that's an old known Boom bug. It's fixed in MBF and MBF21

>> No.8352401

AM is an MBF21 mapset.

>> No.8352402

Oh then nevermind me then

>> No.8352403

I see the angle. Perhaps closing up development after the current maps have been fixed up is an idea worth considering.

I would however like to make a contribution to HFFM whenever that guy wants to do an expansion pack. I really loved it and I want to do a map for it some day.

>> No.8352405

>I would however like to make a contribution to HFFM whenever that guy wants to do an expansion pack.
This. HFFM: The Second Cumming when?
After 94 Protons, I hope.

>> No.8352412

I didn't even have time to contribute a map, I'm sure as hell ready to provide one for next year, be it in open development or closed development.
Reception has already been positive for what Ad Mortem is, I think it can get better still with fixing and more additions.

If anything, this is a useful experience to see how an approach like this will work out, we've never done a two stage project spanning a long period of time, and I'm interested in the end result.

>> No.8352425

I can only speak for myself, but I sure as hell won't be around all the time to fix my map over the course of a whole year. I agree with other people that we should call this one finished and have the new maps be an "addon" or "expansion" or just Part 2 or something.
It's not like there's only a limited number of projects that can coexist.
Also, any hype that could have been generated will have fizzled out until then OR there will be a hypetrain that jumps track the moment the mapset is released because people expected it to be the best thing since whatever the latest DBP would be.

>> No.8352442

Honestly at this point we have a more or less playable build out on the net that people have received positively. There's always room for improvement, but I'm not terribly worked up over the project lead bailing.

>> No.8352459

Worst case scenario we can have someone else patch in people's fixes and additions.

>> No.8352463

how did the watcher demons function in doom 2 rpg?

>> No.8352598
File: 273 KB, 910x1350, 1637539142295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Doom-killer
>on the fucking Megadrive
Lmao, these adverts.

>> No.8352637

>Still says that it's coming in 2021 despite December almost being here
>Nothing has been shown since the reveal trailer last year
I'd appreciate it if they did something more than just say "i-it's still coming guys we swear!!!" at this point. I bet development hadn't even begun yet when they revealed it and Frederik was just playing a mockup in the trailer.

>> No.8352647

Is there a single 3DR project that hasn't been delayed?

>> No.8352648

Seems that acquisition of 3D Realms by Saber really shook up an already messed up situation. Ion Fury expansion may be in trouble but Wrath looks like it got fucked way harder.

>> No.8352671

Cool game.

>> No.8352672

Downloading the 227i patch directly from OldUnreal's website seemed to do the trick, although for some reason it renamed all my saved files to "SAVED GAME", which is only a minor inconvenience. Thanks for the help.

>> No.8352703

>Doom thread
>no doom news

>> No.8352706
File: 145 KB, 1920x1280, B25_02653_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell me the mod please. I just don't know, new textures look like originals with more contrast, new weapons will most likely fuck the pace and be annoying (as expected with having too many weapons with little ammo since they are distributed between existing enemies) and for the engine emprovements, i'll just go with iortcw.

>> No.8352710

I use godot for my project, not a sprite based FPS though, you can just drag and drop sprites in a 3D scene, throw some lights, and it just works, you can also use trenchbroom2 for maps, using https://github.com/QodotPlugin/qodot-plugin or just import wad with this https://github.com/DataPlusProgram/GodWad..
There some problems, for example, shader compiling, every time you load a new material in game the engine lags, so preload everything, Bullet physics is broken, do not use Bullet physics, use Godot Physics, you can select in the project properties.

>> No.8352715

Is there a way to host a public server on Doomseeker without having to go through one of those host websites? I want to play a server with friends not on my LAN

>> No.8352761
File: 165 KB, 810x714, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but you can choose a solid crosshair in the options for RealRTCW, which makes the gunplay feel a little "tighter", along with the buffed accuracy, recoil, and weapon balancing across the board (Luger, unscoped Mauser, and grenades are all way stronger). In the base game, the crosshair pulses while waving the gun around or while firing in order to denote what your weapon's cone of fire inaccuracy will be, but I've always found it obnoxious. Some automatics are more accurate than others, but all you gotta know is that crouching increases accuracy, as does firing in bursts. In RealRTCW, enemy AI is a little bit faster and more dangerous, especially on the higher difficulties, but with the new weapons/buffs, you're basically OP, and some sections that were previously notorious for being difficult are now manageable thanks to the inclusion of a shotgun.
Wolfenstein's a hitscan-based FPS series since Wolf 3D, and RTCW is no different, so if you're weary of that kind of thing, definitely play on a lower difficulty especially for a first playthrough. However, you got strafejumping, fast movement, and in the case of RealRTCW, a lot of overpowered weapons to deal with the challenge. The ioRTCW sourceport (which RealRTCW is built on) is the best way to play vanilla for sure, but RealRTCW is honestly a direct upgrade at this point. There are a lot of weapons in RealRTCW, but they're pretty well broken up in availability depending on the mission you're on. You're not going to have access to all of them throughout the game, and they fit the environments they're available in, so the variety freshens up the game a little bit.

>> No.8352794

I needed a walkthrough for the first level and then made it on my own until the mansion level (map31). What the fuck is that level.

>> No.8352824
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>> No.8352834

How would Leonard fare in this?

>> No.8352845

He'd get drunk and pass out somewhere. Also why is cleric a manlet?

>> No.8352850

is anything about samsara still alive?

>> No.8352864

rib n dear xd

>> No.8352870
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>> No.8352886
File: 105 KB, 460x1312, Screenshot 2021-11-22 190647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody knows how to make a custom mod use custom mugshots?
like Im trying to import Trailblazer's mugshots to use them in my custom mod but I have no idea how to do that.
they have custom names and are stored into graphics and then mugshots
how do I tell the game to use these mugshots with these custom names?

>> No.8352890

>I sure as hell won't be around all the time to fix my map over the course of a whole year
i just don't get it, what other things do you have to fix in your map anyway? if it's finished then consider your work done and get over it. move on with your stuff, literally no one gives a single fuck if you want to make another map or not but let other people have choices and do whatever they want

it's kinda funny that it's first time we're doing something right and cacoward-worthy i can see people are still interested to see more stuff about it but instead of supporting this shit people just wanna give up and throw it into the trash like 'ok whatever release this buggy shit, make a sequel or something and move on to the next project, ok? haha' fucking pathetic

>> No.8352916

>if it's finished then consider your work done and get over it.
But that's exactly what I meant and also said in the next sentence.

>> No.8352921
File: 2.76 MB, 670x480, drunk asshole lobs dynamite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would Leonard fare in this?

>> No.8352930

This game came out in the same year as Blood btw

>> No.8352934
File: 159 KB, 273x397, 12_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I think I ironed out most of the kinks and the server is ready to go public


It provides daily generated shitty oblige maps and also lets you play the maps on the server through the script that automatically downloads them and runs zandronum (requires .net 6 runtime), feel free to join anytime you want to shoot demons together with anons

Any suggestions and improvements are appreciated except oblige I know the maps are mediocre, I'm waiting for obsidian to go stable

>> No.8352935
File: 417 KB, 2560x1440, gzdoom_2021_11_22_19_34_30_948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will gzdoom have proper HDR support ???
look at this fucking shit
this is what happens when I enable HDR I cant see arse

>> No.8352936

His his latest latest video video is is a riot riot

>> No.8352939

>instead of supporting this shit people just wanna give up and throw it into the trash like 'ok whatever release this buggy shit, make a sequel or something and move on to the next project, ok? haha'
What do you expect, it's a /vr/ project. no wonder why they're so forgettable and nobody plays them.

>> No.8352940

Paging news post because this is kinda cool >>8346107

>> No.8352945
File: 1.10 MB, 1918x891, Junkyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it played as good as it looked, the Buildporn alone almost justifies a playthrough.

>> No.8352953

Nice. I'll be sure to check it out when I can.

>> No.8352963

>'ok whatever release this buggy shit, make a sequel or something and move on to the next project, ok? haha' fucking pathetic
If you want to keep working on Ad Mortem then go ahead and gather some anons from here and keep at it like with Temporal Tantrum. Some of us don't want to continue work on the project and that is something you're just going to have to accept.
>B-but muh cacoward!!!
Been there, done that + don't care

>> No.8353049
File: 47 KB, 320x200, xmas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have resources for a Christmas wad, especially textures? I have some old Christmas wads like DBPs that I can pick and choose my favorite sprites from, but I don't have experience making texture packs.

>> No.8353106

>but I sure as hell won't be around all the time to fix my map over the course of a whole year.
>Some of us don't want to continue work on the project and that is something you're just going to have to accept.
Can you stop pretending that you're all so important? it's fucking cringe just like every DB shill post.

>> No.8353109

Because that's totally not being done with Ad Mortem, mhm.

>> No.8353112

I think OTEX has some winter textures

>> No.8353127

I still remember that day when some dumbass asked to put that doomer boards link texture in the halloween project.... what in the fuck?

>> No.8353134

>archie blinking through a bunch of teleporters
I tried this with Jawbreaker in HFFM, and I want to strongly advise against it, the AI just doesn't play well with this, Archie's gonna reset his aggro so he doesn't stop, and because of how fast he is moving between so many separate locations, it's very hard to hit him to get his attention (mind his low pain chance, too).
It looks cool visually with him blinking around, but it flows so fucking badly because he's a chore to fight. Jawbreaker grinds to a fucking halt whenever the player tries to take on the teleporter carousel. I almost want to go back and change that, but it's too late.

I would suggest only having him move between two locations at most, and the two of them being relatively close together, if you've gotta do it.

I want to do one. I think that I actually will plan it for after we make 94 Protons, because I think something which HFFM needed was more fast maps. Making hard, fast, and small maps like the original Plutonia for a Plutonia project I think will give people a better idea on how to approach making Harder and Faster maps for the HFFM expansion.

>> No.8353152

If not for large play space it would probably work, but in this case it didn't, so made this platforms into reventant turrets instead. Works much better.

>> No.8353159

Any news about the patchwork project?

>> No.8353171

Also, in case it'll give anyone any ideas, I removed every teleport line except for one facing outwards so arch-vile would have to decide to run backwards and bounce of the wall to teleport. This worked well to allow it to combat, but didn't work in a long run because it made fight annoying and unpredictable, while not giving enough output. I was also going to let it go down after a certain switch is pressed.

I will try to do it again in an area small enough that vile would be able to target player from any platform without risk of just zooming past.

>> No.8353178


>> No.8353206

>zdoom forum

>> No.8353214

>bawww he posted a site i don't like!

>> No.8353220

You may trying looking up PUSS: 12 days of doommas, it used an entire set of christmas art, I believe.

>> No.8353261

its just a post with a couple christmas decorations dumbfuck

>> No.8353285
File: 97 KB, 640x480, doom100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mancs aren't appreciated enough as static decorations.

>> No.8353293

I just finished Two Betrayals in Halo CE.
Previously I thought assault on the control room was bad. Then the library.
But Two Betrayals really takes the cake. The entire level that I already disliked, again, just backwards? With more annoying enemies?

It doesn't feel like Halo CE was really "designed". No designer would propose creating a game like this.

>> No.8353319

I've been making levels for a few weeks now and I feel like I haven't improved at all. I'm slow as molasses and I don't know what makes levels interesting. Do you guys have any tips? How long did it take you to git gud?

>> No.8353339
File: 3.07 MB, 1200x1696, doujincaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was paging through an old-ass doujin, and I see this fucking page. I don't know what the fuck to make of it, but I censored it so I could post it here, because what the fuck else can I do?

>> No.8353358

Or make the platforms wider so the archie has some space to move before hitting the teleport line. I'd also recommend some secret way to stop the blinking or crush the archie.

>> No.8353395

Take one level you made and play it like a total coward, hiding and snipping in every posible corners.

Then do the same absolutely rushing it.

Would you want to encourage that kind of approach to your levels ? What changes can be done to avoid that?

>> No.8353416
File: 99 KB, 540x540, 1539364899819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo isn't retro.

...Is it?

>> No.8353418
File: 11 KB, 183x208, 1621173883463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353419

As much as I dislike it, Halo CE released in 2001.

>> No.8353424 [SPOILER] 
File: 226 KB, 1024x1286, 1637619400834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>released in 2001
Wonderful, I love talking about one of my favorite shooters and it's a great 2001 game.

>> No.8353427

Are you serious?

>> No.8353440
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, 1616535864454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am

>> No.8353448

Any time I add enemies inside GodWad maps there's massive lag. I think it's collisionshape related. No problems with TrenchBroom though.

>> No.8353451
File: 85 KB, 239x194, 1622919992396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to try a /vr/ mapping project for the original first or second encounter sometime in the future. It would be a wonderful mess.

>> No.8353568

I went from thinking the Quake 2 soundtrack is bad 90s metal to loving it

>> No.8353579

I prefer the N64 soundtrack more for the game but Sonic Mayhem is pretty good. His Battlezone soundtrack goes great with Q2, too.
Also: Consider playing Q1 with the Q2 soundtrack, it fits.

>> No.8353601

Its very light american metal. I forget the genre.
But its definitely good music especially when you compare games of the era or even modern ones.
A song from them was used in volgarr the viking a few years back


Would fit perfectly with Quake

All my metal friends made\make fun of it. Then again they only listen to apocalyptic black metal shit from europe.

Which honestly its a pretty big hole of quality shit, I found recently metal bands whose names I never heard off with unbelievable good shit, its a shame their musics are trying to give me an heart attack constantly.
No i never go to /mu/. At the end of the day I go back to classical, prog and some synthwave like the good depressed hipster shit I am.

>> No.8353614

>I forget the genre
it's just industrial metal.
>apocalyptic black metal
lol cringe

>> No.8353616

I wanted to say it sounds like megadeth or something.

>> No.8353638

>they released Blue Shift and Decay the same year as Halo, Serious Sam, RTCW, Red Faction, Clive Barker's Undying, Tribes 2, AVP2, Operation Flashpoint.
What were they thinking?

>> No.8353662

I’d probably think they’re nuts if not for being attached to the Half-Life IP.

>> No.8353710
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (478).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here UV Maxed Inverti in Darkness from Sunlust? The level itself isn't hard after some practice but I don't know how to tackle the Vile Closet and Cyberdemon with consistency.

>> No.8353714

Probably that they're just the small side entries they are, and that Half-Life 2 was on its way. That Half-Life 2 took more time than intended is another matte.
But yeah, Blue-Shift is basically just a decent but small level pack for Half-Life, while games like Return To Castle Wolfenstein were unforgettable classics.

>> No.8353734

yeah hi

the catacombs are a tricky room for sure. i remember a ribbiks post on dw saying it was one out of two rooms that are outright unfair in sunlust. no matter how you decide to approach it, it seems that the best way to start the fight off is by executing a trick with the SSG. the idea is that as soon as you hit the switch in your screenshot, you fire the SSG - so that the pellets have a high chance of causing the cyber to pain or stutter. this will prevent him from teleporting immediately, and will help you killing the archviles around him by causing them to infight. after that, some strategies involve escaping the crypt and coming back later, others stay and fight. but the SSG start to prevent him from teleporting is the most important thing.

>> No.8353774

It's an incredibly tight window but does it work beautifully when the shot lands. Thanks for the info anon, it really cuts down on the RNG.

>> No.8353778

no problem anon, good luck!

>> No.8353793

cacobros, he made it

>> No.8353806

Any news on Ashes Afterglow getting a Vaccinated edition? Want to play it with Hideous Destructor

>> No.8353816

Daniel accompanied Anno and other Gainax staffers in conventions as an interpreter, like the Anime Expo '96 in the United States in which Anno mentions Asuka being his favourite character.

>> No.8353867

They were thinking “Hey, we have this entire set of levels and some new assets for a canned console port, let’s put it to use”

>> No.8353961


>> No.8353986

More good retroquad stuff

>> No.8353991

What is it that you're compiling? Odamex?

>> No.8354010

A Quake map? Is it actually making progress or is it stuck? With proper use of detail brushes, even the most complex maps shouldnt take that long these days.

>> No.8354042


>> No.8354063

I didn’t know what detail brushes were before this map, and now I do

>> No.8354136

Alright, /vr/ community projects are being produced way more frequently and there's tons of newfound interest with no end in sight, but the subject seems to be pretty divisive right now so I propose two solutions. The first one is simply splitting the current projects tab and the news post, so more community projects can be fit in one space and more news can be fit in its dedicated space. It also allows for attention to be drawn to 6 or 7 projects at a time. The alternative is doing nothing and continuing the 2 or 3 projects max "rule."

>> No.8354154

2 or 3 at once is plenty. With more than that, there wont be enough interest to go around. Both from mappers and potential players.

>> No.8354217

Yes, the amount of projects should probably be limited. I think I started the patchwork project way too early (despite it's initial reception) because I don't even have half of the tiles fully mapped out for it yet. But with it being such a small project it doesn't have that high of a priority at the moment. Definitely need to focus on fixing the halloween project for those who worked on it.

>> No.8354227

>>8353867 + "Well, we can pull this off. It's Half-Life!"

>> No.8354237

according to the fucking retarded mods of this board crysis is "retro" these days

>> No.8354241

I don't have a problem with this personally. The doom and other 90s FPS discussion overwhelms the 2000s FPS posts and I like halo so maybe i'm biased. If it really starts being a problem then i'm changing the OP back to "90s FPS thread"

>> No.8354269

We're getting old anon

>> No.8354335
File: 135 KB, 1935x1119, dark unreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are my shadows so dark? This is not the way it's supposed to look. Deus Ex (also unreal engine) had the same problem, so I installed kentei's mod to fix it. What do I do for Unreal? I already have OldUnreal's 227i patch installed, so im not sure what im missing.

>> No.8354428
File: 131 KB, 795x617, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's Chizra, the map is pretty dark.
I ran through it in PCEm in software, and there are a fair few areas that dark.
A lot of that game is dark now that I think about it.

>> No.8354483


>> No.8354501

>It provides daily generated shitty oblige maps and also lets you play the maps on the server through the script that automatically downloads them and runs zandronum (requires .net 6 runtime), feel free to join anytime you want to shoot demons together with anons
Wouldni't it be easier to just run a zandronum server and wad host that you can add to doomseeker, so people just joins and downloads the right wad?

>> No.8354637

don't forget to hydrate

>> No.8354741

For some reason I can never get back to replaying any Halo game. They're not bad or anything, but still.

>> No.8354797

I tried playing Halo once but had problem with character animations, like the game was 60 fps but character animations were lower so they looked weird as shit. Then I looked at who did the port and IIRC it was Gearbox so it made sense

>> No.8354830

When they readjusted the rules to allow all of 6th gen video games, Halo become retro and is technically allowed in this thread now; some people aren't happy about the change and aren't willing to discuss the game, but a handful might be
It's a crapshoot if you'll get a Halo discussion going in here
I personally wouldn't mind a "So You Wanna Play Some Halo" image if there's any notable mods for it. There's probably a few other games that could use some of those, too.

>> No.8354837

The impression I got was that the levels in a Halo campaign were never terribly exciting; it was more about showing off all the weapons and vehicles so you'd know how to use them in multiplayer. The storyline is pretty damn impressive, but I'm talking about the maps themselves.

>> No.8354842

Out of the past 2000 fps games I only see discussion for Hl2 and Postal 2 here and even that is like once a week, I don't think any image like that is necessary at all personally

>> No.8354869
File: 44 KB, 640x474, 1518926534407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what conversation about halo could you even have after 20 years?

>> No.8354872

By that logic what conversation can you have with any game after 20 years? I'm not even a Halo fanboy but I know there's still merit to the original game and the mods there. I'm sure people still play deathmatch there too.

>> No.8354878

yeah but could you even possibly do with halo
it's a console shooter with no real mods and even then mcc mods are a joke and will never be as complex or difficult as anything from quake or doom
the gameplay is just so limited

>> No.8354901

There was a PC port of the game years before MCC, though.

>> No.8354906

>gearbox port
>which still gets used today by mcc which fucked up the graphics even more unless on classic mode

>> No.8354985
File: 455 KB, 500x679, 5cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like dumb lol

>> No.8354987

I like talking about how it and the original Xbox helped influence/tank shooters in particular, as well as other games.

>> No.8354993

actually no there isn't and no they don't, I'm sure of it

>> No.8355000

>no they don't, I'm sure of it

Sounds less sureness and more wishful thinking to me.

>> No.8355001 [DELETED] 

yeah I h*cking love two weapons and regenerating health

>> No.8355003

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.8355016

Just because you disagree with my opinion doesn't mean I was shitposting sweaty

>> No.8355019

I “loved” the Xbox having a whopping 64mbs of ram

>> No.8355020 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 717x880, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god it gets fucking worse

>> No.8355029

>one of the most popular mods is just a god mode cheat
>no lobby for any version of the original game has any players online
>google reveals forum posts of people trying to start up games with no replies
yeah, I'm sure of it

>> No.8355035

I'll take your shitty bait and counterpoint with this: A lot of Doom's DNA runs through the original Halo. The enemy roster is pretty diverse and they all have specific roles. Same thing with the arsenal. Two weapon limit sucks but the game is balanced around it, so I'm fine with that.

I'm also going to pull the ACKSHULLY card here because your health doesn't regenerate in Halo 1. Just your shields. Your HP needs to be restored by medikits.

>> No.8355038

give me some GOOD Heretic megawads

>> No.8355051

Faithless Trilogy

>> No.8355053

>I'll take your shitty bait and counterpoint with this: A lot of Doom's DNA runs through the original Halo.
That’s any shooter that’s not a “tacticool” milsim.
>Two weapon limit sucks but the game is balanced around it.
The game could’ve been balanced around a non-two weapon limit and it would’ve been better, so this is just a big boring tick for Halo.
The worst is how kickass the Myth RTS games were and how kickass Halo was going to be as an RTS before Microsoft wanted an FPS launch title. That is the game’ ultimate irony.

>> No.8355061


there's plenty of encounters that utilize the combat geometry in a clever and challenging ways that other wads of the time havent in OG sunder; saying it's all just about the scope of the encounters is just trivializing the wad.
ribbikz did tighten that type of gameplay but both are legends.

>> No.8355070

Why are the names in a different order than the lineup?

>> No.8355082
File: 4 KB, 453x183, Vic Viper wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm turning a space ship into a combat rifle, and I think it's looking really neat.

>> No.8355090
File: 167 KB, 1878x1562, reloding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8355098

> The only WADs that came before it that have combat anywhere near as interesting as Sunder are


ribbiks praises sunder, but for combat he often cites time of death and gggmork. "time of maps" alone was from 2009, and there's lots of earlier stuff.

to say combat was boring before 2009 is a bit disengenuous.

and it's true that lots of combat scenario innovation happened after 2009, but i don't think it's due to sunder, there were many other things going on..

>> No.8355108

>Sunder is innovative
Have you played NoSp2 or NoSp3? That's where real innovation is.

>> No.8355121

We're still creating content for doom, quake and the lot 20 years later. What can we even make for halo? random gamemodes for halo 3 under a strict set of rules and settings? nah mate.
And halo fuckin sucks anyway

>> No.8355126

I've seen people make some custom content for Halo CE, and fairly recently as well. I know someone added that wrist mounted hookshot into CE.

>> No.8355250

I wish Blingee still existed so I could pimp up this Caco.

>> No.8355263

Sunder was released 11 years earlier than NoSp2, so there's that.

>> No.8355275

Thanks, anon! You can change the cross hair in RTCW too, but I am intrigued by new recoil system - the cone in RTCW felt too simplistic, especially after MoH. Looks like I am giving it a try. New weapons are looking coherent too, even if they are high poly by the game's standards.
As for the hitscan, i have beat RTCW back kn the day, it was fine.

>> No.8355280

>The only WADs that came before it that have combat anywhere near as interesting as Sunder are Plutonia, Alien Vendetta, and the Scythe series.
People are forgetting, that Torm's Torment And Torture were very influential, especially to Skillsaw (among with Scythe and SoD), They were ZDoom wads, so people tend to overlook them nowadays, but the fact is that their combat sequences and monster placement were actually quite good, even though they used a shitload of custom decorate monsters.

>> No.8355291

Do they have to be megawads? I have plenty of single episode recs.

Seconding this.

>> No.8355407
File: 860 KB, 1125x1448, AC97A5A9-3BEC-48F9-A8DA-3027B9F878FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8355414

Who's the furry.

>> No.8355415

Sandy Petersen

>> No.8355421

Huh, I'll have to check that out.

>> No.8355424

what is that language? bengal?

>> No.8355440

Those are mere band aid fixes. I want to know how to fix the shadows not rendering properly. Having such a huge contrast between the dark parts and light parts causes serious eye strain. This shit also significantly slows down the pacing of the game too. If I wanted to slowly crawl through the environment I would go play a horror game.

>> No.8355452


>> No.8355454

You have the wrong impression then. The Halo multiplayer has always been an after thought. Bungie themselves admitted to spending no more than 20% of dev resources on the multiplayer segment. Halo has some of the best single player levels in a scifi fps.
>yeah, I'm sure of it
I'm sure you're just a blind retard
>over 5 million views
Yeah, totally no interest or new content!

>> No.8355471

Not him, but I wish there were more mods for any Halo game that made the movement more involved. I had fun when I played through CE a while back, even with the broken graphics that are still leagues better than Anniversary's graphics (even if the ability to change them on the fly is a neat feature), but there were times where I wish I could have more fun with the movement whether it be faster or just have more mechanics for moving around.

In some ways it's kind of a slower and watered down version of Serious Sam

>> No.8355485
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vic viper
This for combined arms gaiden?

>> No.8355523

you have no idea how much I dislike that art

>> No.8355539

yikes, i'll pass.

>> No.8355656
File: 172 KB, 951x906, sandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8355657


>> No.8355660


>> No.8355671

>Cacodemons fly out of the columns you hide from arch-vile in.
In retrospect, what was I thinking.

>> No.8355735

I wonder if they will be able to get interviews with other doom developers at some point, it's pretty comfy so far.

>> No.8355741

It's on already?

>> No.8355751

Yep, been going for half an hour, thankfully seeking is not disabled so you can catch up if you want.

>> No.8355758

Why are you not posting a link then man wtf?

>> No.8355763 [DELETED] 

Funny thing is that most rage comics originally came from 4chan, and not just trollface and le me. Rage comics were a major thing on /b/ from 2003 to around 2012.

>> No.8355805

he's gonna tell more lies? not surprised

>> No.8355864

ngl thats scary

>> No.8355916


>> No.8355959

anyone know how to get center view working in chocolate strife? it always resets back to END even though i bound it to F and still doesn't work

>> No.8356053

Looks like Vietnamese to me.

>> No.8356095

I have the same thing, but with Quake 2. Tried to go back to it a few months and I was done after a minute or two. No particular reason for it, from what I remember. Just couldn't make myself play the game.

>> No.8356107

I got into Marathon via Halo. These days I can replay the Marathons but not the Halos.

>> No.8356112

Really wanna play Marathon games eventually and actually woudn't mind trying out first two Halo, but...

>> No.8356123

If you’re like me and emphasize the level design you won’t like them. Your best bet is finding a friend to coop them with.

>> No.8356128

I think for me it's more about case-by-case situations. Just enjoying the games in general and playing them if they "click" for me. No matter the genre, gameplay, story/lore, etc.
Probably would enjoy a hell of a lot of Marathon since I do like some nice writing in games. I might enjoy Halo, but can't really point out why: it might very well be the "well, it's not really that great, but I enjoyed it overall" type of thing.

>> No.8356172

Sigil was shit, John.

>> No.8356195

Not sure where else to ask this, but I recently tried to get into playing Quake Live on Linux and although I have been able to host custom matches with my friends I haven't been able to join any public servers. I have the steam installation of the game and every time I try to join a server listed on the browser it says "Bad Server Address". I opened the necessary port to be able to host my friends for our custom matches and search engine isn't really returning anything, so if anyone here has any knowledge about why I'd be getting this error it would be appreciated.

>> No.8356214
File: 17 KB, 320x200, heybeavis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the anon but your post made me want to play it, there is an addon pack on the moddb page of the RealRTCW should i play with it too?

>> No.8356215


for this one>>8352761

>> No.8356272

The addons are a bunch of fanmade mission packs and levels that you can play through the "Addons" tab on the main menu, most of which are mediocre to average. Not necessary or adding anything to the base campaign.

>> No.8356281

ok thank you :)

>> No.8356290
File: 26 KB, 540x405, Nuclear Winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8356294

looks like both duke nukem and funky kong

>> No.8356321

alkaline 1.1 for quake released

>> No.8356327
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20211123_225133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sunlust for the first time! Granted i did use a gameplay mod, but Combined Arms is pretty balanced in my opinion.

>> No.8356330
File: 96 KB, 640x480, doom102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me again. I'm almost done with my map, but I grown tired of the cobblestone for the upper wall, and not sure what I can replace it with. So far nothing I did satisfied me.

>> No.8356359

Why would you ruin your first experience with Sunlust like that?

>> No.8356370

Because it's a great gameplay mod.

>> No.8356420

>Combined Arms is pretty balanced in my opinion
>against vanilla enemies

I do hope you go back and play it through vanilla anon. I love Combined Arms mind you, but I'm sorry to say that you might have done the equivalent of getting a perfectly good steak and then cooking it well done and putting ketchup on it.

>> No.8356425

I don't think they're broken. post another area that I can compare to. Post the opening area. Something I can find easily.

>> No.8356429

oh fuck off you two it's better than being too much of a pussy to play it in the first place

>> No.8356435 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 600x399, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8356438

If anon had fun playing it with a gameplay mod that makes them more powerful, that's what matters. I'm not knocking them for that.

I'm only suggesting here >>8356420 that they give it another go in vanilla, so they actually get to experience the fight puzzles as they were designed to be played. Of course, if they don't care to they can just ignore that advice.

>> No.8356451

I played with the optional enemies as well, they upgrade the vanilla enemies with additional attacks. Chaingunners can throw explosives for example. So the enemies weren't fully vanilla.

>> No.8356460


>> No.8356461

That's slightly better at least. But like I said, as long as you had fun that's what matters.

Either way, I would highly encourage you to check it out vanilla at some point. Ideally with an accurate port too, such as DSDA Doom, so it gets the subtleties of the comp level right. Sunlust is one of the greats in terms of encounter design, and it's a real treat to figure it out as it was designed.

>> No.8356510

unironically PANBOOK

>> No.8356514
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, ss_20d87e5c7dfee9c221c7fd1438cb008bdcc011a0.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8356523

That looks terrible.

>> No.8356569

Yep. Gonna incorporate the power up meter thing from Gradius too. So shooting bad guys will build up a meter that you can cash in for different powerups.
No options though, because the thought of making those work in Zandronum online makes my balls ache.

>> No.8356587
File: 378 KB, 1920x1200, DOJ_Koryuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, I wanted to see how the power meter would work in doom for quite a while now.

>> No.8356597
File: 2 KB, 376x154, Character select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing something similar with Samson too, so this is gonna be a good testing grounds for this mechanic.
I was actually really close to making the Vic Viper the slot 4 weapon when I was first working on Gaiden last year. So it's nice to come back to that idea.
and if anyone's curious, the lineup of NES games the arsenal's gonna be based on is gonna look like this:

Chainsaw - Mega Man 6
Pistol/fist - Kirby's Adventure
Shotgun/SSG - Contra (but hitscan)
Chaingun - Gradius
Rocket Launcher - Metafight
Plasma gun - Super Mario Bros
BFG - Space Hunter (the mod, not the NES game)

Also got a character select sprite set up too, I'll put the guns inside this. It's gonna look cool by the time I'm done

>> No.8356667
File: 22 KB, 612x408, 1623577990269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8356680


>> No.8356760

You guys ever wonder if the original devs for doom from time to time lurk around here and even guide the community from the shadows? Trying to make a religion out of their brand?

>> No.8356767

certainly not in this hole
they're all boomers on twitter posting their barbecue grills or rocketships
this board is nothing but insane vitriolic faggots obsessed with arguing about "developer intended" pixels on CRT screens

>> No.8356776
File: 1.02 MB, 325x203, 4cd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, someone made fun of you for playing with saves?

>> No.8356781

>schizoposting this early
see what i mean
no real person is going to come to this hole

>> No.8356798
File: 219 KB, 648x818, 1604210304454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.8356826

Any of you guys got any good tutorials for trenchbroom?

>> No.8356847

As a complete retard to it myself, this helped me tremendously.


>> No.8356853

From one complete retard to another, thanks Anon. I'll get right to it.

>> No.8356871

Destroyed him good.

>> No.8356907
File: 298 KB, 1861x1588, FE6WKzGXsAM9sOY.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomguy if he seinen

>> No.8356952

is there an option in the cfg file of prboom plus to specify where my iwad files are? I don't want to copy them into the prboom folder, I just want them to stay in one place.

>> No.8356967

No, you specify that in the command line that you use to start up the game, assuming you use one. For example,
>prboom-plus -iwad "D:\Games\DOOM\IWADs\DOOM2.WAD"

>> No.8357015

Just download a launcher, it will make your life easier in the long run.

>> No.8357020
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>> No.8357063

Do you have the wrong address? I don't see him mentioning anything about savescumming.

Seconding the other guy, get like Doom Launcher or something, then setup PrBoom+ as your default port, setup your iwads, and then you can add the .wads you want to the launcher (and give them tags for categories).

Very convenient, just click on the .wad you're gonna play, select iwad, add any mods our patches you want, if any, then hit play. It'll save the setting for next time, so you can just click the .wad again.
You can set up multiple ports as well, so if you also use ports like GzDoom or Crispy Heretic, you can add those too.

>> No.8357067

There is this website celebrating their 20'th anniversary, they also have fan made campaigns

>> No.8357079 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 680x680, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have the wrong address?
I'm sure you're this fun at a party

>> No.8357083
File: 726 KB, 1764x2779, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad Mortem? More like MAD BOREDOM!

>> No.8357097

....is BF1942 discussion allowed here? How do I play it in Current Year?

>> No.8357109
File: 88 KB, 672x937, schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radda radda radda, radda ra-radda radda radda ra.

>> No.8357115

Yes, prboom and it's forks support environment variables for alternative directories to look at for wad files.

Assuming you're on windows 10, in the start menu search 'environment' -> edit the system environment variables -> click 'environment variables' -> under user variables, make two new ones ->
Variable name: DOOMWADDIR
Variable value: path\to\your\wad\folder


Variable name: DOOMWADPATH
Variable value: path\to\your\wad\folder

>> No.8357119

Your maps were always dogshit, Sandy.

>> No.8357125
File: 181 KB, 694x767, 1622779540820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom guy if he semen

>> No.8357153

>playing Tangerine Nightmare
>Map 7
>Can't figure out where the fuck to go
>Staring at the automap looking for that one area I haven't been to yet or the one door door I haven't opened
>Its been nearly an hour
Is it wrong to want to skip maps?

>> No.8357223
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, stupid room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this level after reading these posts. Are you guys psycho? Did you guys actually try to UVMax this shit? Post demos. I suppose it doesn't reflect poorly on Sunlust if this is only one of two sections deemed unfair. What is the second one? The start of 29?

>> No.8357231

>Not sure where else to ask this
Steam QL forum? Not sure how many people still post there. Unfortunately I'm not a Linux man so I can't help.

>> No.8357239
File: 1.14 MB, 360x360, 1617968967600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I spent my middle school years teamkilling moderators on ATF's Hump Em and Dump Em server

>> No.8357240

No. You're playing for your own enjoyment, not to complete a checklist. I used to have like 20 unfinished save files because I got stuck partway through megawads and didnt want to play them anymore. Now I just skip a map if it isnt fun or I cant find where to go after giving it an honest shot.

>> No.8357242

One man army here I come.

>> No.8357250

In my head, I'm picturing a Sunday Night Shitshow where we all pick the Gradius character and flood the server with Options until it fucking dies. I see why you'd hate to do that.

>> No.8357258

>Did you guys actually try to UVMax this shit?
yeah I pistolstarted UVMax'd all of Sunlust's maps on stream

>post demos
sure, this is mine for SL20 https://file.io/PoOKfQgnVESb

I only have demos for maps 20+ onwards because I wasn't in the habit of recording until I realized they were worth having as a keepsake for me, specially with the DSDA-Doom ghosts feature

>I suppose it doesn't reflect poorly on Sunlust if this is only one of two sections deemed unfair. What is the second one?
I don't remember, maybe someone can find ribbiks' post on DW in question, I don't have it. I think it was in the Sunlust release thread, but not sure

>> No.8357267
File: 94 KB, 640x937, For me, it&#039;s spread bomb, round laser, twin laser, freeze, reduce, and mega crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds fucking awesome, sign me up. Reminds me of the time we all used shotgun caltrops in MAP33 of SoD.

>> No.8357275

Actually it's less about killing the server and more about just making it work correctly in general. I'm doing this whole update as a means of decompressing after all that GMOTA shit I've done so far, and making NES themed guns is really therapeutic for me. So I usually try to make stuff relatively simple when it comes to mechanics.
Though I'm gonna go back to the original set and edit the dragon sword to have the same "hit badmans = get goodies" system too, where you'll get a few different subweapons from the Ninja Gaiden games. If you boys have any complaints about Combined_Arms Gaiden, now's a good time to bring it up to me. I'm gonna be buffing the damage of the Bionic Wire too.

These are cool. Though I gotta stay within Gradius 1, 2, and Lifeforce. So it's probably gonna be like this
>Speedup (Increase firerate for a short time or X number of shots)
>Missile (Shoot missiles alongside whenever you fire for X number of missiles)
>Laser (Replaces primary fire for with a laser for X number of shots, separate ammo from clips)
>??? (Big fucking laser if you have ammo, if you trigger this with no ammo, get some bullets instead.)

>> No.8357282

>my file was deleted within minutes of uploading
uuh, i'll upload it elsewhere i guess
here https://mega.nz/file/TsEGRDTB#MN9uQWBrsASCxTVkv9bCQ5SYZM3w8BUFUGEnQ-49NwY

>> No.8357301

I miss your streams. Hope you're doing alright

>> No.8357310

>>8357267 (Samefag)
A friend brought up the idea of implement Gradius 3's weapon edit mode and i'm just imagining how much of a fucking nightmare that would be to code
Sounds pretty fun, and it's replaces just the chaingun. I can see you took some creative liberties, but that's understandable seeing how some things would be useless or plain overpowered (read: forcefield)

>> No.8357312
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>I wasn't in the habit of recording until I realized they were worth having as a keepsake for me
Oh, yeah, dude. I have my Scythe 1 UVMax demos :) I stopped recording demos somewhere along the way of my wad journey. I think I got too serious and perfectionist about it, which is funny now considering I'm talking to a Sunlust IL UVMaxer. Turns out I can record demos in Blood for skill 3, which is what I play at, so I might fiddle with that. I already beat each level from E1 100% from a pitchfork start
I thought I beat the map once I cleared this section, but it's less than 1/3 the map killcount wise.

>> No.8357328

>That looks terrible.
Yep. It's not just Selaco now, it seems.

>> No.8357330

thanks anon, i hope i'm able to come back properly soon, i miss you guys
nice! yeah it's just really cool to be able to watch them whenever you want. like i said i love the new (well, not so new now but still) ghost feature so much. watching all your attempts for a map at the same time and seeing the conga line of dudes dropping like flies in hard parts with only one dude remaining (the successful attempt) is neat

>> No.8357337

My only complaint about Gaiden is the lack of a proper super shotgun.

>> No.8357363

I noticed Eviternity isn't in the SO YOU WANT TO PLAY SOME FUCKING DOOM guide. I assume it's because the v8 in the OP is from 2018. Is there a more recent version? I would like to see notable stuff that has been made since.

>> No.8357368

I've been working on updating it, but I placed it on the backburner. Here's some notes I took for additions a while ago.
>Doom Zero
>Three's a Crowd
>TNT: Revilution
>Tarnsman's Projectile Hell
>DBP 37
>Micro Slaughter Community Project
>Treasure Tech
>Final Doomer
>Aeon DM
>Neon DM
>Bourgeois Megawad
>Quake Champions: Doom Edition
>Insanity Deathmatch
>2048 Units of /vr/
>Combined Arms
>Ad Mortem

>> No.8357369

uhhh that's not the intended route mister

>> No.8357371
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Figured I'd get the hardest part out of the way first

>> No.8357372

What's the easiest to use, most retard-proof Doom source port out there? I need to provide one for my retard little brother, and can't be bothered to set up a complicated one like Zandronum for him.

>> No.8357375

Just finished it today. If I had known about the early BFG method >>8357282 used, I wouldn't have cheesed the final fight.

>> No.8357389
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>57372What's the easiest to use, most retard-pr
probably the steam port. if you gotta use a real sourceport maybe use batch files to command line up popular wads. Personally i use doomseeker to browse online servers and autodownload stuff as needed but doing that in your case would run the risk of him liking shit like brutal, 8bdm and complex

>> No.8357392

congrats anon! and good luck on the next maps. iirc the next ones i struggled with were 24, 28, 29, and 30. though that's going by number of attempts - and that's a tricky thing to go by because some maps just have tougher starts so it's normal that you'd restart more

>> No.8357413

Thank you! I am impressed by the quickness and quality of your response. I can barely get past the captcha in that time. Have only played Sigil and Eviternity out of those, so I have plenty to look forward to.

>> No.8357435
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Crispy Doom if you want to also provide the digital music packs http://sc55.duke4.net/games.php#doom

DSDA-Doom otherwise, since most people prefer the full resolution look, and it comes with a handy rewind feature, but you need to bind the hotkey for it.

I'd encourage you to set it all up under Doom Launcher so it's easy to add wads. Also look at the comfy stats screen it provides.

Play Duke, Blood, and Quake as well

>> No.8357438

play Fractured Worlds
play Heartland
if you like puzzles, play Finely Crafted Fetish Film

>> No.8357449

I honestly wish someone made some sort of dummy-proof "installation wizard" that set up DSDA Doom for someone. Something nice that even auto-detects if they have the WADs from Steam or something.

It's not a difficult process to set it up for some clueless friend that's never played Doom before, but it would help out a lot those who don't have someone to help them with the onboarding on a voice call or something. And would severely cut down on the number of people that are playing "vanilla" on GZDoom because they don't know any better

>> No.8357450

meant for

>> No.8357453

also obviously already bundled with a launcher. Something very simple and non-intimidating to use, like "Quickly Launchering Doom" (which by the way I've never even seen a website for, I only know about it because a friend linked me the file)

>> No.8357461

Hideous Destructor should maintain its spot in gameplay mods, with mention of the submodding community that's blossomed in the time since the previous version of the image.

>> No.8357463

I'd just copy-paste the setup I have onto a CD or something, but the launcher needs to be configured to the correct hard drive, i.e. I use D:/ not C:/

>> No.8357470

It should be possible to have the imaginary installation wizard we're talking about to do that for you

>> No.8357472

Give DAKKA some love too, would you?

>> No.8357482

>play Duke, Blood and Quake
Already have, really liked Blood. Now I'm getting into the Doom and Blood community content.

Thank you, will check them out.

>> No.8357510

Hi Anons, newfag here. Currently I'm using the zandronum launcher with either gzdoom or prboom plus depending on what runs best on my pc. What is this DSDA, is it equivalent and/or superior to the zandronum launcher? Others ITT, >>8357258 >>8357330, mentioned ghosts in DSDA. I assume they're ghosts like in racing games which sounds cool. Just how difficult is DSDA to set up? Zandronum was fairly easy I'd say.

>> No.8357527

DSDA-Doom is another source port. The name comes from Doom Speed Demos Archive. IIRC one of the maintainers of the archive or something started it.

You could just replace PrBoom+ with it since it's a fork of PrBoom+. It adds a few new features, like the ability to rewind while playing, or the ability to play several demos at once, the ghosts feature https://youtu.be/ip8ZVri9XVQ

>> No.8357551

Cool, thank you. So it's a source port, not a launcher. Think I was confused by the imagine in >>8357435 which shows the Doom Launcher. It looks a bit more advanced than the Zandronum launcher, and also has those achievement trackers which is pleasing to my completionism autism. Maybe I'll switch to that.

>> No.8357608

No problema. You add the titlepic by taking a screenshot in GZDoom, or manually extract the titlepic from the wad with Slade and use that one

>> No.8357638

Just use DSDA port instead with zdl as your wad launcher, PRBoom+ is a pain.

>> No.8357707

note that many of these wads have difficulties implemented and there is nothing wrong with starting from the lower ones; for instance, with fractured worlds ,even people that have been speedrunning doom started from "HMP" and had a good time.

>> No.8357749

good times, good times

>> No.8357798

Thanks for the heads up. I'm a filthy casual so I'm used to getting filtered and having to play on HMP. I'm aware I'll probably meet maps that will force me to play on hey, not too rough at some point. Just hoping I won't have to sink any lower than that.

>> No.8357923

Are there any major differences between quakespasm-spiked and vkquake?

>> No.8357954

vkquake is more conservative with features, but runs a bit faster and is more stable
all in all they're pretty similar

>> No.8357990

ever played this wad?

>> No.8357994

so I probably should just stick with spiked then since I wanna play mods once I'm done getting my ass handed to me by e2m6 and beating the rest of the game

>> No.8357998


>> No.8358002

>Mark Klem

>> No.8358016

absolutely nothing wrong with it. all the tougher wads require very fine-grained understanding of the game mechanics, e.g., exact arch vile timing, infighting behavior, rev rocket behavior, etc. This is concrete stuff that takes a long time to internalize. And that's just the beginning...

Classic doom has a lot of depth and beautiful and varied mapping now, you're really in for a treat.

BTW those wads that another anon suggested earlier (fractured worlds and fcff) are really difficult. Consider valiant as another wad near to eviternity in difficulty. There's a big jump from there to, say, fractured worlds, sunlust, stardates, etc.

>> No.8358098

Oh I wasn't aware the anon asking was not as experienced. Probably want to do Ancient Aliens, Valiant, Going Down, and maybe Speed of Doom as stepping stones in skill first

>> No.8358116

There's Halo Custom Edition but you could probably find 5 decent single player mods at most.

>> No.8358171
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>> No.8358175
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Hey whoever makes the next thread, you better use pic related as the OP image, it's tradition to do it for thanksgiving, after all

>> No.8358176

what are you going to do if i don't

>> No.8358179
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I will be immensely disappointed in you, and whenever I get the chance I will find a way to nag at you to make sure you're a better person in the future.

>> No.8358180

I was just thinking how the fuck these guys were able to see their enemies in battle if you can't even see their eyes. Like wtf

>> No.8358181
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Helmets provide better visibility than you might think. Though hiding their eyes helps with intimidation.
I can speak from personal experience, both as someone who wears a steel helmet and frequently squares up with other helmet clad fighters. They see me just fine.

>> No.8358183
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what is your opinion on frog helms

>> No.8358185
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I can't speak from experience on those, but if memory serves right the helmet on the right is designed with jousting in mind, you can see here in pic related the guy can see just fine.
Barbutes are a personal favorite helmet style. Like the ones Iron Knuckles wear in Zelda II? Love that shit.

>> No.8358189
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>> No.8358296

damn thats comfy, and here I was using ZDL all this time like a commoner

>> No.8358368

You mean left, correct? The one on the right has a bill that I imagine would slot the jousting pole right into your eyes if hit in the head.

>> No.8358380

Making thread

>> No.8358448

Just realized that god-awful OP Paste is still in the OP. That's going next thread.

>> No.8358808

Billing, obviously doomguy goes first.

>> No.8358821

You can play Sunder on Skill 1. Sunder doesn't have difficulty settings implemented so skill 1 does not change the monster count. Skill 1 gives you a -50% incoming damage buff, and a 2x-ammo-pickup buff

>> No.8358827
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