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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 300x480, Great Britain_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8345734 No.8345734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> An island nation
>> King of video games, constant releases of AAA games
>>Have created more succesful video game franchises than any other country
>> Never experiences a video game crash, in fact, saves gaming in America
>> Pic not related

What makes Japan so great at everything videogames?

>> No.8345736

DKC and Battletoads are better than any game Japan released for Nes or SNES.

>> No.8345753

Battletoads is one of the coolest NES games

>> No.8345761 [DELETED] 

DKC, Battletoads, the list goes on...

>> No.8345764

I'm no expert in British video games as I'm not even from there but those two stand out as they are better than anything else on both systems. Let me guess you love Yoshis Island and Nes Kirby as your favourites.

>> No.8345767

now that's what I call quality bait

>> No.8345770

DKC and Battletoads will be in most top 10 lists. Only reason they're not on the #1 spot is due to Jap favouritism like OP.

>> No.8345787 [DELETED] 

I love it when Amerisharts post these retarded threads.
And these kind of posts. Just hilarious.
>muh Speccy threads
You make those too. Why do you feel the need to constantly post this crap? Is it an inferiority complex? Yes, I KNOW Sony chose bong devs to sell the original PlayStation to the west (Lara Croft on the front of every pop culture magazine, WipEout in every club you went to, GTA being featured on every TV channel due to the then controversial nature of the game, etc...), and I KNOW this greatly helped Sony's vidya dept. become the behemoth it is today, but you have to let it go. I mean, it's beyond petty now. It's become monumental cope. Please. Just stop. Today was a good day for you. A great day. Don't ruin it.

>> No.8345814

>>8345734 (OP)
I love it when Amerisharts post these retarded threads.
And these kind of posts. Just hilarious.
>muh Speccy threads
You make those too. Why do you feel the need to constantly post this crap? Is it an inferiority complex? Yes, I KNOW Sony chose bong devs to sell the original PlayStation to the west (Lara Croft on the front of every pop culture magazine, WipEout in every club you went to, GTA being featured on every TV channel due to the then controversial nature of the game, etc...), I KNOW this greatly helped Sony's vidya dept. become the behemoth it is today, and I know we made gaming cool and super mainstream (you're welcome), but you have to let it go. I mean, it's beyond petty now. It's become monumental cope. Please. Just stop. Today was a good day for you. A great day. Don't ruin it.

>> No.8345837

>What makes Japan so great at everything videogames?
being a weebshit

post british games

>> No.8345847

X-Com/UFO Enemy Unknown

>> No.8345871 [DELETED] 

atic atac, technician ted, the list goes on...

>> No.8345879
File: 2.57 MB, 1080x1080, 8100BEB4-2D47-4F9F-82CC-53D48D8D6F74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the British could make something as unfathomably based as Battletoads

>> No.8345908

you're right but we already have one of these threads up.

>> No.8345914

>>>>constant releases of AAA games
Just like ubisoft an activision then.
>>>>saves gaming
Vic-20, C64, and VGA graphics did. In the 2000s, it was steam and various game engines that helped devs boost their productivity.
>>>>>> Never experiences a video game crash
They did in the mid 2000s, and the effect still hasn't waned off yet.
>What makes Japan so great at everything videogames?
(You) forgetting to take your meds.

>> No.8345948

Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.

>> No.8345965

By lifting the popularity and profitability of indie games so that jap companies lost? Gaben might be a scummy fat cat, but I don't really see how valve damaged gaming.

>> No.8345975

>just hilarious
Battletoads has over exaggerated animations similar to Aladdin and Earthworm Jim. Can you even name any other good NES games that pulled this off? Battletoads alone is more stylish than 99% of NES game.

>> No.8346027

they where the main consoles manufacturers in the 90s so they had inhouse developers that worked closely with the consoles corporations.
Imagine you where an UK developer trying to make a n64 game and trying to speak with nintendo people about how to work with its hardware... its easier if you are a bug and speak bug.

I appreciate konamis titles and classic 90s japanese arcades but moderns western titles just surpassed them working their genres.

>> No.8346070

The brits literally saved the n64 from being a total failure. They were the best game devs in the world when it comes to bare metal programming. They consistently pushed the hardware of every platform they worked for.

>> No.8346272

Pushed DRM and DLC as well as killing the physical retail PC game market.

>> No.8346279

oh god I love this fucking post. thank you op

>> No.8346290

You do realize that in the internet era, those are bound to happen, right?

>> No.8346772

They did a lot more than that, they pushed for most of the bad practices plaguing the industry today harder than anyone else. There is no reason to pay for a download
Valve still gives "no CD-keys" as an advantage of giving them money for nothing, but games never had to have keys to begin with, Valve and every other developer that put them in their games didn't have to, they did it for DRM... and Steam uses keys anyways. Keys of the past were offline, I can install my old physical copies with offline DRM and never have to have an account or be authorized by a server, I don't even need an internet connection, and I can sell it or give it to someone and they can do the same.
If Valve wanted to get rid of keys so badly they could have called for developers to stop putting them in games, starting with their own.
There was no push back, fat Jew Gabe said and did some extremely kike things and no "journalist" ever called him out. If there were legit journalists then they would have picked apart all his brainwash esque marketing and called for Valve to be boycotted into bankruptcy in 2003.
The retailers could have stopped it right away by refusing to carry the industry's products unless they have the entire game on the physical media, no online DRM, multiplayer data has to be on the physical media no centralized server required, no DLC ...the industry would be much better off.
Games from the era that you and that fat kike say was such an awful time are much better than the games produced under the Gabe Newell era.

>> No.8346789

Brother wars are gay, agreed. Anglo Empire restored when

>> No.8346857

>What makes Japan so great at everything videogames?

They actually tried to do a good job for some reason, and a lot of them could draw really well for some reason. That seems to be most of it.

>> No.8347108

Rare games are fucking garbage

>> No.8347401

I'm not American

PlayStation would have been a success without GTA, and tomb Raider. GTA was 2d garbage untill the PS2 and only tomb Raider 1 was loved. Even the dev team hated tomb Raider by the later years of PS1. Crash, spyro, resident evil, final fantasy, gran Turismo, ridge racer, Tekken, are what made PlayStation great, not bong trash

>> No.8347743 [DELETED] 

Look at this wishful thinking, revisionist history, complete fucking COPE. Cry those salty tears until you drown in them, bitch.

>> No.8347774

I think a better question is, why were Japan and America the only countries that could produce successful consoles and nowhere else?

>> No.8347904 [DELETED] 

Gerbils and mice shouldn’t be housed together. There are two reasons why: mice and gerbils carry different diseases that they can pass on to each other, and the pair would reject each other anyway.

Gerbils are social animals, so like living with other gerbils, but that desire doesn’t stretch to other species. They recognize the other animal as an intruder in their own space. When a stranger invades a gerbil’s territory, it will attack the stranger. It could even kill the mouse.

Mice are social too, but differently. The mouse’s social structure works differently, with a chain of command, one mouse on top, but then every other mouse ordered below. This is different from gerbils, which have one central dominant pair and the rest subordinate to them.

For its part, the mouse wouldn’t enjoy living with the gerbil. Mice may be happy living with other mice, but mice and gerbils are different species. This means that the pair would continually fight.

Besides that, gerbils and mice each carry bacteria that severely affect the other. Every animal has lots of bacteria in its gut to help break down food. When your pets go to the toilet, you can’t clean it immediately. But it could infect the other pet in the cage.

>> No.8347992 [DELETED] 
File: 549 KB, 1597x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is trash.

>> No.8348013

Now this is shitposting.

>> No.8348021 [DELETED] 

>This board is trash.
I agree
Constant Doom /gen/ that just shits up the place when it should be relegated to /vg/.
Australia Kun
Some schizo Brit rambling about Speccy garbage.

>> No.8348056

no one cares about speccy on /vr/ except yanks who have it always living rent free in their head because they're still mad their computer scene was absolute garbage compared to europe's.

>> No.8348065

Could you at least wait until your other shitpost thread gets purged before making an exact copy of it

>> No.8348075

Then why do Japanese developers keep imitating Ubisoft now?

>> No.8348081

Most Japanese things are imitations of western things with an anime fapbait coat of painting.

>> No.8348090

I agree but posting snoyjaks isn’t helping anything

>> No.8348147 [DELETED] 

British posters are the absolute worst on this board

>> No.8348158

Jap devs, with one notable exception, don't innovate, they just stylize and/or simplify games the west makes. All the popular Japanese made series are variations of western games or genres.
RE is a copy of AitD
JRPGs are copies of Wizardry
Street Fighter was a copy of the countless karate fighting games, except with an anime style.
They still to this day have no idea how to make FPS games or actual RPGs, and were completely lost for over a decade when it comes to game design after games evolved beyond simple platformers. Their best idea of how to make games became making the exact same games and pumping visual fidelity up.
SMB, Mario 64, and Zelda OoT were standard setters, but game development past that was just copies of them endlessly. None of the games that actually moved games forward as a medium like Doom, Quake, GTA3, Deus Ex, or Half-Life ever have come out of Japan.

>> No.8348165


>> No.8348182

Every major 3D game aped on the Assassin's Creed formula, there are even several games where they included a costume based on Altair or Ezio just for the hell of it. Japanese really love Assassin's Creed.

>> No.8348198 [DELETED] 

Oi m'oite! You tell 'em! Speccy! Speccy! Speccy! Oi! Oi! Oi!

>> No.8348417 [DELETED] 

Americans are worse, they can't ever fucking shut up about Nintendo and won't play anything not made for a Ninty console.

>> No.8348423

genuinely curious all the shit gabe did that you're talking about. what kike things did gabe do and what practices did he push besides the obvious?

>> No.8348431

>Doom, Quake, GTA3, Deus Ex, or Half-Life
>moved games forward as a medium
4/5 are FPS, and GTA was just a wild take on the OoT formula.

>> No.8348467

>GTA was just a wild take on the OoT formula
The most retarded thing I've read all year.

>> No.8348478

Yeah, those are bound to happen in the internet age imbecile. The cost and impracticality of printing, distributing, and transporting games outweight it's charm. And yes, dlc and drm always existed.

>> No.8348483

Because they were the only countries left with semiconductor industry. After the decline of NEC, japanese consoles were made of almost 100% US designed and produced parts.

>> No.8348497
File: 181 KB, 762x1215, dizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8348503

>Some schizo Brit rambling about Speccy garbage
It's never a bong. We liked the C64 more. Always an Americunt. Always. Your country is full of unhinged attention seeking freaks.

>> No.8348505

SWIV on the amiga is the best looking shmup I've played from that gen. Bad Company is like Space Harrier or 3D World Runner but plays better. Hired Guns is simply said, the coolest immersive sim ever, or should I say proto immersive sim? With up to 4 players. There are plenty of underappreciated British games. I'm not sure why /vr/ isn't open minded about it, I guess they just love punching down.

>> No.8348508

What a surprise. Like I said, completely fucking unhinged...

>> No.8348513

How did steam boost their productivity? By making one platform and among away your rights to own and games and ushering in digital media?

>> No.8348517

Not for consoles

>> No.8348519

Japan has never created something as great as Age of Mythology, Max Payne or Far Cry. They were only great at 2D because their simple minds where better suited for it, but once games moved to 3D whites took over with their superior intelligence and creativity
I'm brazilian so I have no skin in this fight, I'm just pointing out the facts watching from the outside

>> No.8348523

Fucking kek it was never about that. Do you know the fucking quarters it takes to press data to a fucking disk? They wanted to have complete control over the price but realized quick that doesn't work out when the consumer can just pirate games.

>> No.8348528

>your rights to own
You can play them offline you know.
>ushering in digital media
Unironically yes, for indie devs especially. Publishing games on steam is very easy and profitable.

It was bound to happen on consoles too. Cheap storage and cheap internet beat printing and transporting your copies.

>> No.8348531

have any good games come out of mainland Europe? outside of France?

>> No.8348534

>Do you know the fucking quarters it takes to press data to a fucking disk?
Storing game data in the server costs next to nothing. Also printing boxes, finding retailers, and transporting the games are the things that make it less profitable. Sure they want greater control too, but that's pretty much an afterthought.

>> No.8348536

Amberstar and Ambermoon.

>> No.8348546

Again nigger it is not expensive to make physical copies it costs fucking pocket change. The indie devs ten years ago were making games on the Nintendo DS. And no digital on consoles is absolutely not inevitable. Digital works on PC because you have the ability to buy games from multiple store fronts or you can just pirate, creating competition and lower prices for the consumer. Because consoles are a closed eco space digital prices are absolutely fucking Terrible, games that are two three years old are still full price on the psn Xbox market. Forcing console players to buy games from only one marketplace is extremely anti consumer.

>> No.8348551

Punch-Out makes every other NES game look like garbage.

>> No.8348553

Then when pc games went all digital was there any type of price drop? And are digital games on console cheaper then physical ones?

>> No.8348560

>it is not expensive to make physical copies
"Not expensive" doesn't mean it couldn't be cheaper. And you haven't addressed the other upfront costs after you're done printing the copies.
>the indie devs ten years ago
Ten years ago there weren't as many indie devs as there are now due to the high upfront cost.
>digital on consoles is absolutely not inevitable
>consoles are a closed eco space
Those statements contradict each other.
>still owning a console in 2021

>> No.8348586

It's not that fucking hard dude I swear to God it isn't, its just that these little neet indie devs come from the PC scene and just don't make physical copies. With the Ds you had these little tiny three or four man development teams making games and finding publishers. I admit this was still when we had a little bit of a middle market left but there still publishers out there. Farrakhan can print buck breaking probably out of his home, they could do the same thing make a website and sell it there. They just want to stay in there neet hug box on steam making there little metroidvania number 5326 and they know how digital works and they don't want to expand and it's just their little passion project, I fucking hate indie devs and fucking indie games.

>> No.8348589

>price drop
They stay 59.99 us dollar on release, because they could, not because they need to. But there are certainly more discounts than I remember when I bought physical copies. Also things like xbox game pass are certainly cheap but Nintendo games stay expensive. It's not all the same across the board, but it depends on how much of a greedy bastard the company is rather than the cost of publishing the game itself.

>> No.8348596

Not him, but as someone who also hates steam
>abolition of physical media, literally selling you a license.
>forced online DRM
>forced purchase of game licenses to be tied to an account instead of a CD key, so that you are forced to agree to any ToS changes of additions they make if you want to keep access to the games you paid for, and cannot validate your purchase any other way than by having a steam account
>forced integration of countless unnecessary social and media features into the client
>in game item drops with gameplay affects, and then lootboxes
>early access
>had to be sued by multiple countries just to allow refunds, still has an obnoxious refund requirement of not playing the game for more than 2 hours.
>forced install of any programs or libraries the game ships with whether it needs them to run or not. games like Risen will still install TAGES despite being DRM free for over a decade, just because the install package is forced by steam
>0 quality control, literal coin miners, and malware have been sold because all you have to do to get a product listed is pay them an upfront fee. Also 0 regard for their products actually working, or being able to run. Tons of old games being sold through Steam literally will not work at all on modern hardware unless you replace the .exe steam gives you with one from GOG.
>has tried desperately to become a social media/full media platform with things like profiles, selling movies, selling "consoles"
>outright lies about support for linux development. made their own linux fork and offered to pay devs to program their games exclusively for it. Has repeatedly tried to create their own closed off version of Linux using this fork, through steamboxes, and now their portable dogshit.
>has contributed massively to the overall decline of PC gaming as its own platform, doing everything in their power to turn it into another console style subsystem run through them and their service.

>> No.8348602

Not those two. They're on every top ten list for a reason sunny and they do it without having to cater to weebs like you.

>> No.8348605

Punch Out is a great sports game but NES and SNES were all about platformers and dkc and battletoads stand above all others on Nintendo consoles.

>> No.8348608

>tiny four man teams
Now you have toby fox making a gamemaker studio game with no one but his girlfriend and selling like 20 million copies of it or more across the globe.

>> No.8348609

No its not zoomer. Name a better platformer on SNES. Yoshi's Island?

>> No.8348612

umihara kawase is the best game on the console

>> No.8348615

>"Not expensive" doesn't mean it couldn't be cheaper. And you haven't addressed the other upfront costs after you're done printing the copies.

My point is that was not the driving force. Having complete control over the prices is.

>Ten years ago there weren't as many indie devs as there are now due to the high upfront cost.

Yes they were filtered. the old middle market kicks the shit out of indie devs. Imagine liking indie games.

>digital on consoles is absolutely not inevitable
>consoles are a closed eco space
Those statements contradict each other.

Are you retarded? It means that there aren't other market place options digitally for consoles. This means you won't see the discounts that you get on PC. Most console gamers are aware that digital prices are shit.

>> No.8348632

>My point is that was not the driving force.
Any cost cutting measure is the driving force.
>Imagine liking indie games
Not great not terrible. Still more worth playing than tendie games that's for sure.
>This means you won't see the discounts that you get on PC
It depends. PS and Xbox games get plenty of discounts because they can't compete with PC gaming otherwise. Tendie games don't get discounted.

>> No.8348651

What a surprise, some weeb answer. If its not japanese you automatically think its shit.

>> No.8348654

I like non-Japanese games, but Umihara Kawase is objectively the greatest game on the console.

>> No.8348674

You wot m8?

>> No.8348683

>Any cost cutting measure is the driving force.
Relinquishing control over the price from the retailer was the driving force, not the small amount of money from printing and shipping the games. Especially for middle market publishers.

>Not great not terrible. Still more worth playing than tendie games that's for sure.

Ah yes I too enjoy 8 bit platformer number 2376, and walking simulators devoid of combat just cuz.

>It depends. PS and Xbox games get plenty of discounts because they can't compete with PC gaming otherwise. Tendie games don't get discounted.

Didn't you just get done saying you on play on PC? How do you know there getting discounts. I can tell you the """discounts""" are literally just what the game is going for on ebay. It's really obvious that that's what's going on.

>> No.8348695 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Dead or Alive is objectively the best fighting game of all time.

>> No.8348709 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 684x792, YourCountryWillAlwaysBeWorseThanMine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8348814

DMA Design aka Rockstar North are based in Edinburgh and they've made the most popular video game series of all time.

>> No.8348823

>I too enjoy 8 bit platformer number 2376, and walking simulators devoid of combat
What game are you talking about? Free demos on itch io I suppose. Most non free steam greenlit indie games have amiga or snes resolution graphics at worst, and they've got more combat than the average tendie game.

>> No.8348824 [DELETED] 

58 year old schizo made this pic

>> No.8348941 [DELETED] 

Wots all this you wanker? Butt hurt, 'as to be. Too bloody roite

>> No.8349025

DMA design was great, noncestar is fucking shit.

>> No.8349114 [DELETED] 

Is this from Viz?

>> No.8349867 [DELETED] 

Spastic Dick Van Dyke? Uses Americunt actor doing worst century old cockney accent of all time as a point of reference. Americunt ejakashun, everybody. No wonder the rest of the world thinks you're stupid and hates you.

>> No.8350000 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 710x834, cryingbong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares about Amigajank, get the fuck over it. Auster

>> No.8350019


>> No.8350072 [DELETED] 

>get the fuck over it
Coming from the trannyfactory nonce president faggot who won't stop posting ZX Spectrum threads, this is simply side-splitting. You're obsessed, mentally unstable, attention-seeking freaks.

>> No.8350087

>An island nation
>King of video games, constant releases of AAA games
>Have created more succesful video game franchises than any other country
>Never experiences a video game crash, in fact, saves gaming in America
You're describing Texas, son. See: Apogee/3D Realms, id Software, Retro Studios, Origin (Ultima series)

>> No.8350098
File: 188 KB, 800x964, 95800-p-p-hammer-and-his-pneumatic-weapon-amiga-front-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being british.

>> No.8350248 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is two blocks down buddy

>> No.8350445 [DELETED] 

Wait untill you find out that I'm not American. Everyone see Britain the same way, not just Americans. COPE

>> No.8350450

Retro studios is amazing. Metroid Prime was as good or better than anything Nintendo could do themselves. I'll also accept Texas as fitting this description

>> No.8350525
File: 192 KB, 800x1098, extra-tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being American.

>> No.8350538

>Let me guess you love Yoshis Island and Nes Kirby as your favourites.

>> No.8350652
File: 125 KB, 669x204, Ocean_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see this you know you've made a mistake

>> No.8350656 [DELETED] 

>/pol/, the go-to when the truth hurts, and when you're too stupid to post a real retort
Big yaaaaaaaaaawn.
>my faggy subjective opinion is objective reality
This shit is why everyone hates you, Pablito-Jamal. Dopey little sub human, streak of piss faggot.

>> No.8350661 [DELETED] 

You’re the one shitposting about trannies here schizoid

>> No.8350663 [DELETED] 

Your subjective opinion is not the truth.

>> No.8350795 [DELETED] 


>> No.8350858

Friendly reminder that the earliest known video game was made by a British guy

>> No.8350868

>earliest known video game
it's Americans all the way down here I'm afraid, old chap

>> No.8350876

>> turned video games into an artform

>> No.8350887

Very informative anon, thank you

>> No.8350941 [DELETED] 

Oi, me not being American is a fact and not an opinion m'oite. What bullocks

>> No.8351713

Fucking kek

>> No.8351719

Mr. Nutz

>> No.8352156
File: 26 KB, 369x269, Wetrix_for_N64,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all the time.

>> No.8352826

More Americunt cope. You will never contribute to the industry like we have. For the benefit of those who haven't read all the posts in this thread:
>Sony chose bong devs to sell the PS1 to the west
>this resulted in gaming becoming super mainstream; no longer would anyone look upon you as a social pariah. Women would actually want to be within arm's reach of you. Again, you're welcome.
>because of Sony's insane stranglehold on the industry, it can be argued that it caused Nintendo to seriously up their game, something that resulted in them releasing some of their greatest games ever (we had a direct hand in those, too. Ya seethe, American't/cunt/runt?).

>> No.8352852

Making games acceptable for normalfags is not a good thing

>> No.8352865

Nah, DKC is great but there's also leagues better games that would come out during the N64 era, shit like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, real genre defining titles right there. And even then better successors to those would come out in the form of the Timesplitters games.

>> No.8352931


>> No.8352973


>> No.8352976

You're losing it Nigel, blimey! You even reported one of my posts for butt blasting you so hard

>> No.8353473 [DELETED] 

No, I didn't. Fucking nerve of this trannoid faggot... You're easily the biggest crybabies and snitches on this site. That's not up for debate. To say the jannies have your backs would be an understatement. And you've never trounced anyone who hasn't been one of your own, Americunt. You're far too stupid to do that. Delusional, perpetual victim, whiny, socially retarded prick.

>> No.8353492
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>What makes Japan so great at everything videogames?
A depressing society that autists want to escape to fucking bad they create they little fantasy world with money from organized crime, who in turn profit off of desperate depressed escapism addicts.

>> No.8353494

absolutely mald

>> No.8353495

Lots of projection in that response Nigel ol'boy. Not very becoming of a lad. And like I said, I'm not American, so you're swinging at a strawman that we both know you created, wanker

>> No.8353519
File: 1.67 MB, 736x992, amerikkka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I-I'm not an american! Just trust me!
Only an american would be retarded enough to claim that the UK is worse than Amerikkka like you did ITT.

>> No.8353530
File: 34 KB, 480x360, wizball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all

>> No.8353545

LMAO look how mad this faggot is

>> No.8353563


>> No.8353694

Hitler lost. Get the fuck over it