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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 323x308, NTSC_Resident_Evil_2_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8326396 No.8326396 [Reply] [Original]

>be a N64 kid growing up
>never cared about PS1 as I thought the graphics looked bad
>recently I felt like playing retro games
>for some reason I started to really like the PS1 graphics style
>play this absolute kino game
>blown away by how good it is
Holy shit I missed out.
Not only that but this also made me realize how little games improved in the last 20+ years.

>> No.8326409
File: 744 KB, 2100x1536, n64_resident_evil_2_p_iucv2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be a N64 kid growing up
>Holy shit I missed out.

>> No.8326426
File: 2.96 MB, 586x448, omegaboostspider.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 visuals are very distinct and the only people who think they look bad are in denial and rely on fringe examples (often using games that aren't even on the PS1 to demonstrate how bad PS1 games look.) Play everything that seems interesting to you

>> No.8326427

shitty bait

>> No.8326452

>Not only that but this also made me realize how little games improved in the last 20+ years.
i.e. they're as good now as they were back then.

>> No.8326518

I swear to god I didnt know this.
I thought that couldn't be done on N64, did they cut stuff out?
Considering its 2 discs on ps1.

>> No.8326523

>did they cut stuff out?

Not really, but they did compress the video cutscenes a ton.

>> No.8326526

its the best version according to digital foundry

>> No.8326540

Digital Foundry did not say this, they just said it was a very impressive port (which it is). They said either the GameCube or Sourcenext with REbirth patch is the best way for playing today.

>> No.8326576

I rented the game a few time as a kid but kept running out of ammo and never got far and scary as hell

>> No.8326584

Only played the 64 version Is the PlayStation any deffent or better?

>> No.8326627

N64 version had compression on the pre-rendered visuals, and some extra features like a non-tank control option.
Generally I think the GC version is considered definitive these days.

>> No.8326632

haha you watch eceleb garbage

>> No.8326687

Slimer from DF said the GCN version with Swiss to patch it to 240p is the best, and he's right. Especially if you use a GCLoader as that will reduce the loading time between screens and voice lines to literally nothing.

>> No.8326702

I agree. PS1 graphics may have been technically superior to the N64, but without the N64’s ultra smeary anti-aliasing I personally thought the Ps1 looked worst on my low resolution CRT (aka a regular TV)

>> No.8326807

This is the correct answer

>> No.8327117

It's been considered definitive for a very long time. Contrarian faggots on /vr/ will say Dreamcast, though.

>> No.8327140

Nightmare mode is the only reason I'd ever recommend the DC version.

>> No.8327147


>> No.8327420

What's the game in the webm?
>rented the game a few time as a kid but kept running out of ammo and never got far and scary as hell
Didn't play it until a few years back and granted I am older but outside of some jumpscares it wasn't too bad. Now Silent Hill on the other hand got spooky.

>> No.8327443


>> No.8327518

Its impressive the same way Finsl Fight is on the zx spectrum.

If you want to see truly impressive ports check out dreamcast Naomi board ports.

>> No.8327558

Pre rendered backgrounds are peak aesthetics

>> No.8329223

I just bought pic related on n64. Fucking expensive but I like collecting that shit

>> No.8329224

OP here, the game was banned where I live so thats why I didnt know.

Fuck my cunt.

>> No.8329479

What was RE2 on the 64 even like? The PS1 can hold 700mb on one disc but the carts can only hold like 64mb at max so how did they manage this shit?

>> No.8329519

PC version with fan patch is the definitive way to play RE2. Dreamcast version is the worst version, loading times in between camera angles are twice as long as on PS1 and they completely fucked up the backgrounds

>What was RE2 on the 64 even like?

Like shit. The quality of pretty much everything was decreased, some FMV bits are missing, and the content unique to that version aren't worth it (the randomizer mode is a huge disappointment, basically showering the player with supplies)

>> No.8329535

Based and pre-renderpilled

>> No.8329540

I didn't imagine it was very good, but given they had to compress some 1.2 GB into one 64 MB cart I'd say just downgrading the FMVs isn't too bad

>> No.8329541

>some FMV bits are missing
Only a shot of either character walking up some stairs in a B scenario before the helicopter crashes and Claire's line being used instead of Ada in one cutscene. Smart optimizations to save space.

>> No.8329542
File: 1.29 MB, 2337x1750, 1619607501590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 kid growing up
You missed so much more
Feels bad for you

>> No.8330041

Okay, now I need to know the name of those games.

>> No.8330186
File: 2.88 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20191120_015757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the N64 version and can tell you, it's barely noticeable on a CRT. It's only slightly fuzzier visually and audibly.
It's like comparing the game on composite vs component.

>> No.8330379

>n64 owner
like pottery

>> No.8330405
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210318_225049278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an idort back in the PS1/N64 days.
My PS1's disc reader broke so my parents bought me an N64. I managed to fix my PS1 and by '98 had access to both libraries. Imagine getting both MGS1 and OOT for Christmas.

>> No.8330408

What cunt?

>> No.8330530


>> No.8330538
File: 62 KB, 720x720, 1589348880966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.8330540

I bet it's Germany or Australia

>> No.8330542

It triggers me that people keep making webms of Omega Boost running at 30fps instead of its native 60fps

>> No.8330556

From top left to bottom right:
>Abe Oddyssey
>Fear Factor
>??? maybe a FromSoft title

>Vagrant Story
>Metal Gear Solid

>King's Field?
>Silent Hill
>Legacy of Kain
>Parasite Eve

>Nightmare Creatures 2?
>Heart of Darkness?
>Castlevania SOTN

>Tomb Raider... 3? 4?
>Alone in the Dark?

>> No.8330567

there is also the ending


it's a lot less than that considering most data on the 2 disks is duplicate. RE2 could have fit on a single disk.

>> No.8330594

>can play all of these later on an Emulator, or with PS2 or PS3 backwards compatibility
>N64 games still play best on an N64
Eh. I can live with it. Only had like five games that entire generation anyway.

>> No.8330616

lmao rekt

>> No.8330664

As a kid, going straight from SNES to Gamecube colored my view like crazy. Early 3D looked like pain, and the N64 looked so blurry. Took till 2009 for me to try MGS1 on a PSP and be amazed, and only recently did I manage to get a setup good enough to appreciate PS1 graphics enough to have it be tied for my favorite console.
Console war mentality dying off has been great for appreciating so many consoles. Still think Gamecube has a better roster than N64 though, no contest, especially if you count JP titles.

>> No.8330696

And like 2/3rds of those games suck.

>> No.8330717
File: 126 KB, 320x475, moviebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Noomer

>> No.8330725
File: 15 KB, 500x343, 1512212239894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>only for Nintendo 64

>> No.8330836

As a kid anything 3d was amazing for me. I had a 98 machine in the early 2000s and my family couldn’t afford, or rather they refused to buy, consoles. I spent most of my time playing dos shareware. Once we got an xp machine and I could emulate n64 I thought playing 3d games was the most amazing thing ever.

>> No.8330867

It's one of those perspective things. Same reason Wind Waker went from most hated to wildly loved after release. Didn't even have internet till 2005, so I never knew about the hate until way after. I imagine Fallout and XCOM were pretty fun for ya too

>> No.8330881

>so I never knew about the hate until way after.
How old were you when WW was out? I was in high school and my friends always commented on how the toon style looked gay. The only GC game they would ever play with me was smash or the GCN Soul Caliber. At the time GTA3 and Halo were the hot shit of the moment

>> No.8330903

Middle school. By that point, people were more interested in anime than video games because of trends and all that. There was definitely a lot of anti Nintendo sentiment before that, but if you were chill with your friends, you'd keep quiet that they have a gamecube and play Billy Hatcher multi together.
After high school, literally nobody cared if you played video games, so people just did what they want.

>> No.8330906

WW released when I was 11. I didn’t have a GameCube but I had internet access and I was in a lot of Zelda irc channels. It was pretty split between love and hate. Even people that didn’t mind the art style complaining about the sailing.
I personally liked it when I got around to playing it in 2005. Never 100% it like Oot and MM though.

>> No.8330915

Oddly enough, it's one of the only Zelda games I beat and replay. Tried OoT like six times and most of the re-releases and remakes, and it always seemed meh. 2D Zelda always hooked its teeth into me, especially the Capcom GBC games. I remember a lot of people saying I wasn't a real fan for playing or enjoying them all, and honestly, with how that fanbase gets, I guess I'm glad I'm not

>> No.8332014
File: 637 KB, 500x316, tkk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. So much this.
As a N64 owner you really boast about OoT over their great 4 player party games?

>> No.8332016

RE2 wasn't banned here. At least not on PSX.

>> No.8332353

Thanks fren. Ended up drunk buying a copy off ebay last night. Looking forward to trying it out later this week.

>> No.8332359

>As a kid, going straight from SNES to Gamecube
I was kinda similar. Went from 2600 to Genesis to Dreamcast. Wasn't that uncommon back then for kids to skip entire generations.

>> No.8332652
File: 78 KB, 800x545, shadow-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last game in the 3rd row is Shadow Man(also on N64). Don't know the rest.

>> No.8332782

I wasn't really friends with Nintendo kids. They were all weird nerdy kids.

>> No.8334079
File: 136 KB, 971x717, 1492214672580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had N64
>friend had PS1
>we both got to experience said console at each other's houses and eventually I got a PS2 when it came out and he got an N64 years later

>> No.8334586
File: 126 KB, 600x593, ShadowTower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kings Field
Close, the game on the far left 3rd row is actually Shadow Tower, a spiritual successor of sorts by From Software.