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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 85 KB, 1024x768, 5629952502_7552fb60d1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8326247 No.8326247 [Reply] [Original]

After searching for over a year I've concluded that is impossible to find a SNES without disgusting yellowing for a reasonable price.

>> No.8326250

>30 year old electronics
>expecting to find one that looks good

>> No.8326265
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another retrobrite thread

>> No.8326270

just leave the case under direct (no windows) sunlight for a few days

>> No.8326290

You mean soulful yellowing?

>> No.8326292
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Inb4 manlets lose their shit over all the money they have spent on women's hair products over the years.

>> No.8326382

Clean them up and leave them yellow, it's part of life. Even yellowed consoles can look fine if you actually clean them up.

>> No.8326384

No they can't. At best they can feel not disgusting to use, but they will still be disgusting to look at.
Enjoy your shelf full of piss-colored consoles.

>> No.8326402

Smoking would have prevented this

>> No.8326406

Yellowing is soul. Like pissing in your pants accidentally and then just enjoying the subtle smell while gaming hard.

>> No.8326484

I paid 73 for a non-yellowed snes a couple of months ago.

>> No.8326493

The piss yellow is soul anyway

>> No.8326501

sorry, cant hear your womanly bitching over the sound of me playing games

>> No.8326505

if you cant live with playing on a discolored system, you shouldnt be playing them at all. go back to your emulation box.

>> No.8326506

You call giving your consoles a golden shower "playing games"?
Have fun you gay faggot.

>> No.8326508
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>> No.8326671

You're really doubling down on your obsession with colors? Some of us just want to play games. The hardware inside is the same.

>> No.8326742

Then just fucking buy a yellow one and restore it yourself, or forget about it and move on. Whining like a pussy isn't gonna solve anything.

>> No.8326746

Yes, I care about the appearance of things I own in addition to enjoying playing games on original hardware.
If I only cared about playing games I would emulate.

>> No.8326754

Just spray paint the console :)

>> No.8326783

Which isn't that much different from retrobriting it

>> No.8326808

Dude, just emulate

>> No.8326810

Then go do it. Do whatever you want to do to the shit you buy

>> No.8326828

This had to be a shitpost

>> No.8327665

retarded meme thread.
the plastic doesn't alter the functioning of the console.
also, just thinkg of the yellowing of the plastic as the yellow pages of an old book, it adds soul.
Mine (from my own childhood) is still grey but I wouldn't bat an eye if it turned yellow.

>> No.8327930 [DELETED] 

Take the custom shell pill
Plastic is a meme. You're using original hardware for what it can do, not what its encased in. And if looks are important to you, just make it look however you want.

>> No.8327938
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Take the custom shell pill

>> No.8327968

I'll sell mine to you. Its pal and not yellow.

>> No.8328172

I hate the smell and feel of old books.
If I'm gonna have something in my TV stand that I look at every day, I want it to not look like a piece of shit.
If I can make it look leagues better with a box, some laundry bleach, and a UV LED strip, I'm gonna do it.

>> No.8328384

>was poor kid
>took religious care of all my stuff since didn't have much and knew I wasn't likely to get more
>read the fucking manuals for the consoles before I even plugged them in
>"Keep out of sunlight"
>store my NES and later SNES in the entertainment center ontop of the VCR where it was shielded from sunlight
>NES broke as a kid(probably just the fucking cartridge connector) and was thrown away, but still have SNES
>still as grey as the day I got it
>now everyone wants to pay top dollar for my old SNES since it didn't get yellowed like all the other ones that stupid kids let get hit by sunlight for years on end
Now I know how the JP feel about all the westerners rushing to buy all of their good condition CIB videogames since they don't have very many NA copies since all the stupid kids threw away boxes and manuals and drew all over the fucking cartridges.

>> No.8328453

Genesis consoles still look good. It's just the SNES and Dreamcast that fucked up by coating their shit in bromide.

>> No.8328471

>NES broke as a kid(probably just the fucking cartridge connector) and was thrown away, but still have SNES

Same fucking thing happened to me as a kid and it still fukin hurts. Sucks cause my dad worked with electronics and tried to figure out the problem but i think he didn't want to deal with it and just said he will buy me a used one if we throw this one out. I think that's what triggered me to hoard everything after that.

>> No.8328473

>literally soulless

>> No.8328479
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>I hate the smell and feel of old books.
Zero culture.

>> No.8329016

>is impossible to find a SNES without disgusting yellowing for a reasonable price.
Lol I bought a fairly white Super Famicom for literally 20 bucks two years ago. Twenty, fucking, bucks - so much win.

>> No.8329273
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>> No.8331192

Buy any yellow one, then restore it.

>> No.8331350

I know your pain man. If only I had known to just rebend the pins back then. I never once blew on my carts and actually used a cleaner cartridge every now and then, so that connector would have been in excellent shape. Instead I had to buy a used one off of ebay that was probably abused by whatever tard owned it as a kid.
Oh well, at least it encouraged me to get into electronics repair so I could rescue my next dying console.

>> No.8331402

best reply ITT

>> No.8331470

what bothers me about yellow super nintendos is that it's always uneven. I don mind my childhood NES being modestly yellowed since it's even across the entire top half that's normally light gray. But with the SNES? You'll have different pieces of plastic all yellowing at different rates, and it juts looks fucking horrible. I'd rather have the whole thing yellow rather than a couple sections yellow and the rest the default gray.

>> No.8331490

Use vinyl dye in an airbrush instead. Two light coats over 10 years ago and my snes still looks like it just came off the assembly line. SEM marine in light gray was spot on for a match

>> No.8332228



The real shit is retrobrite. You've been fed with lies on what actually causes yellowing and you've been fed lies on what retrobite actually does. It's very hard to swallow for some people because for a lot of people it's hard to admit one's opinion was wrong all this time no matter the evidence presented against them.

>> No.8332337

>If I cared about playing games I would emulate.

>> No.8332471

Thank you. You are correct.
These days I enjoy tinkering with old hardware more than playing the games themselves.
Fixing something that's broken is a much more satisfying feeling than beating a game.

>> No.8332537

If the SNES is like the SFC, it seems like 1-chip models were less prone to yellowing, and those sell for more because they arguably output a better RGB image than other PCB revisions. I picked up a 1-chip SFC several years ago and it hardly has any yellowing, if any.

>> No.8332906

I don't see a problem to be honest. Probably better than any nigger-rig solution that'll go bad in its own way in time.

>> No.8332921

Okay literally rest in piss or do some weirdo shit that'll fade or otherwise isn't worth the effort.

>> No.8333016

>Genesis consoles still look good
>dust trap ridges in the plastic everywhere
Have fun cleaning that side vent on the model 1 or having to wipe every single hairline curve on a model 2

>> No.8333052
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>white paint exists

>> No.8333059

It is, somebody reversed the pictures of the yellowing process and then added troll instructions to guarantee gullible idiots yellow their shit further

>> No.8333062

>A clean shell induces vomiting but not a piss yellow, brown tinged, smoke stained shell covered in toddler hand grease and spit.
grow up

>> No.8333545

Do you stare at your consoles when playing a game or something? You sound like a right whiny bitch, bet you complain when your tampons are a different colour to the picture on the box

>> No.8333548

Wait, you don't have golden showers whilst playing games??? What kind of freak doesn't do that?!

>> No.8333561

Doesn't sound like you like playing games. Do you think the yellowing won't match your funko pops or will your mom accuse you of not washing your hands again?

>> No.8333802

I'm not him, but it is nice to have an attractive gameroom with clean looking equipment, and I say this as somebody whose gameroom is a cluttered pit.

>> No.8333848


>> No.8333906
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>muh soul
Niggers there's nothing soulful about a console that looks gross and straight from the garbage bin, even if we know why it's yellowed in a conscious level. When the consoles were contemporary they weren't yellow.
Instead of keeping it gross piss yellow I'd rather paint it or put it in a custom case. Any option is NOT the original console from your childhood anyway.
>NES broke as a kid(probably just the fucking cartridge connector) and was thrown away, but still have SNES
How the fuck did Nintendo get away with not having to come up with the top loader design 1 or 2 years after the NES was released is beyond me, what a POS cartridge mechanism.

>> No.8334259

It's especially bizarre considering the famicon was a top loader

>> No.8335120
File: 1.49 MB, 2016x1512, Just_add_sunlight_and_air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear it isn't just the color, but the plastic gets more brittle too. The bromine within the plastic just reacts to air and sunlight to cause it. In the recycle shops, they did use to price the more severely yellowed consoles lower than ones which does not have as much yellowing, that was standard fare. Earlier releases didn't have the right mixture so they were prone to change color. I didn't know better back then, and my Nintendo systems got lots of air and sunlight in where they were situated in the home, so until I can get the materials and means to fix it up, I just have to live with my yellowed systems.

It was sunlight and air which caused my original systems to get yellow in the first place. Kind of amazing that it is just sunlight to reverse it. I remember it was said to use a high concentration hydrogen peroxide mix and UV lights to de-yellow the plastic. I thought the chemicals were a large part in undoing the bromine reaction.

>> No.8335139

You painted over the logo. How are you gonna know what system it is now?

>> No.8335142

Damn now I wanna spray paint my sega saturn

>> No.8335524

If you take a flame to it the plastic will look brand new. No joke.

>> No.8335530
File: 3.29 MB, 3024x3024, F9570D62-77DF-4471-8EB2-EBC507DB926C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black consoles can not y y ye yell yellow?

>> No.8335534

Retard. I always take apart my shells and blast them with pressurized water and soap. Is disassembling a console too difficult for you?

>> No.8335538

>>8333016 and >>8335534 see >>8333774

>> No.8335540

what is this meme

>> No.8335542
File: 1.75 MB, 750x1083, Screenshot 2021-11-16 at 13-54-06 gpgzczOpAHR0KuwmHXzlYn1PwxyTVxC2504JDkuxCxM png (WEBP Image, 2385 × 3441 pixels) — Scaled[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty black to me.

>> No.8335543

Quit spreading the bromine myth. It’s been disproven. All hydrogen peroxide does is bleach the plastic.

>> No.8335548

>uses spray paint
what did he mean by this

>> No.8335562
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get your eyes checked, retard

>> No.8335564

what colour is ti?

>> No.8335575

Why are you so offended by someone not liking yellowed consoles?
I am free to do what I like with my property and you are free to continue seething about it, playing your piss consoles, and acting like that makes you a cool and pure gamer.

>> No.8335781

>no yellowing on any of my old consoles

guess I'm just extra based

>> No.8336275

Retrobrighting is just bleaching. It's why laying it out in the sun also re-whitens the plastic. You're sun-bleaching it.

>> No.8336280

Its really more of a dark grey. The American Saturn is true black

>> No.8336281

Dark gay.

>> No.8336318

Try microwave for 3 minutes, reversed yellowing on my gameboy shell.

>> No.8336362

A lot of it comes down to where you used/stored your old vidya. If it was in an area of the house where the sun was beating down on it 24/7 that shit gets yellowed quicker

>> No.8336537

It has to do with the whole console vidya crash of the early 1980s. They wanted the design to look like a generic piece of AV equipment, hence the finnicky front-loading mechanism. They wanted it to look and feel like open-palm slamming a VHS tape into the player.

>> No.8336630
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>your console yellowed because it was in the sun all the time
>You can fix it by leaving it in the sun. Or put on retrobrite and then leave it in the sun.
Anons I'm not a scientist but I think you might not know what you're talking about.

>> No.8336683

brainlet take. this is like saying how it couldn't be that an aqueous solution of something could be used to de-rust a piece of iron when it was exposure to water and oxygen in the first place that caused the rust in the first place. UV energy can catalyze multiple types of reactions. And bleaching also isn't magically not a chemical reaction either.

>> No.8336812

>what are brushes

>> No.8336958

mine doesn't look yellowed at all.
i don't smoke.

>> No.8336969

Why did it turn yellow again so quickly? Did he leave it out in the sun?

>> No.8338190

dark gey*

>> No.8338301
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Genesis is gray too?

>> No.8338675

The guy's an attention whore that takes every opportunity to be a faggot in every /vr/ thread he can, don't expect him to know basic shit like that.

>> No.8338680

Fuck off stop tricking people into yellowing their consoles further

>> No.8338724
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You won't be yellowing ever again.

>> No.8338734

super nintendo negro...dios mio...

>> No.8338735

You can easily remove yellowing

>> No.8338774
File: 94 KB, 640x480, mario__s_perspective_by_supersmashbrosguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the thumbnail I thought the Pokeball was Mario's hat and the pens were his arms dabbing.

>> No.8338775

Oh god... I'm so sorry.

>> No.8338778

No you can't. The plastic yellows due to chemical reactions and becomes very brittle in the process.

When you treat the yellowing with hydrogen peroxide or hair cream, you're causing a surface level reaction thats basically redying the plastic. It will continue to go through the same chemical reaction and will yellow again, becoming more and more brittle in the process.

>> No.8340761

kind of doubt all these yellow consoles were stored in direct sunlight for the past 30 years

>> No.8340767

>la creatura de los super nintendos americanos

>> No.8341137

>seeths at an image of a yellowing console
>Why are you so offended by someone not liking yellowed consoles?
we live in a society

>> No.8341140

You know you can just sandblast it to remove the oxidized layer and make it look like new again, right?

>> No.8341146

Looks great bro

>> No.8341150

Just get a shell for one?
Unless you absolutely must have original plastic

>> No.8341689

is Sun the ultimate bro?

>> No.8341695

Stop falling for obvious trolls. The images are reverse chronological. They're trying to trick retards into sun damaging their consoles.

>> No.8341704

I bought a 1chip-03 snes in perfect gray condition for like $90 a few years ago.

>> No.8341740

and Retr0brite(tm) is the only way to fix the yellowing of your retro consoles and hardware!

Scientific methods show that it gets rid of the bromide for a lifetime without damaging your console!

Get it now for sale only 49.99$ !

>> No.8341746

Thats a scam too. Your only options are to leave it as it, replace the case, or paint it an entirely different color altogether.

>> No.8341750


>> No.8342347

IMO should've painted the power/reset buttons red to match the super nintendo logo

>> No.8342348

I got a Jr and it has no yellowing. Just buy a Jr

>> No.8342739

Those things are ugly as sin though. Looks like something you'd get alongside a mcdonalds happy meal.

>> No.8343050
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>> No.8343092

Just stop pissing on you're super nintendo.

>> No.8343095

What about a SEGA System?

>> No.8343175


>> No.8343198

Have you thought about painting the plastic?

>> No.8343247

Ok anon, please write out the chemical reaction that uses UV light as a catalyst but changes direction depending on which outcome you really really want.

>> No.8343376

Ever hear of sun bleaching?
If he left it in the sun, it would still be white.

>> No.8343381

>It took a year for me to figure out that desirable item is worth more in value then less desirable item
big brain anon on his way up

>> No.8343448

No it will still be yellow, just a more pale yellow

>> No.8343720

Yeah I don't know what about the Super Nintendo that caused everyone that had one to pee on it.

>> No.8344187

Well first of all, fuck you for trying to buy an old console and complaining. Go play fortnite and suck your dad's cock you bitch.

>> No.8344301

Hydrogen peroxide is more easily found in more places. Almost every grocery store has it.