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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 384x224, Vampire_Savior_Lord_of_Vampire_personajes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8325987 No.8325987 [Reply] [Original]

choose your character

>> No.8326000

B.B. Hood always and any game she showed up in.

>> No.8326007


>> No.8326063
File: 191 KB, 649x707, cba33b4156ad6286fc17456bf1fb1425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zabel all day long.
I remember making a cousin of mine cry like a bitch in Vampire Savior EX on the PSONE, it was his birthday to, so i felt kind of bad.

>> No.8326068

Morrigan because I'm a coomer. Sorry.

>> No.8326072

I won't post any sexy pictures of Morrigan in this thread, though. I know you guys hate that. :(

>> No.8326074

why is he Australian btw?
he clearly has a union jack on his pants

>> No.8326076

am I retarded for wishing Zabel was less goofy and more freaky? I understand his rock background and the game itself is pretty goofy but I just love his design like I would for Voldo or

a 1st gen yugioh card

>> No.8326080

pretty sure he's based on Iron Maidens zombie character

>> No.8326085
File: 944 KB, 2305x1600, b9dde8d8148e65b39b0a474a0e052ed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aussie flag also has the Union Jack, what are you on?
He is perfect as.

>> No.8326086

I guess I always just pictured Eddie to play himself more straight, but >>8326085 is right. He's perfect as is

>> No.8326090

>The Aussie flag also has the Union Jack, what are you on?
I am Aussie, the union jack is only a side display, a southern cross would be more on display
I think he's actually British but there were already too many British characters so they said "let's make him Australian"

>> No.8326212

This is a character made by a bunch of Japanese guys, do you really think they give a shit about cultural accuracy outside their island?

>> No.8326246

I didn't know why the zombie character couldn't be Haitian or at least a rastaman Jamaican if they wanted to keep the rock aspect of it, but such cases

>> No.8326423

>Haitian or at least a rastaman Jamaican
>heavy metal

>> No.8326447
File: 350 KB, 1131x1600, E_5pyK5VgAkBoc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fightcade2Automatic Rom Downlaoder (Put files in the "emulator" folder and then just join a game's lobby to have it download it):

Resource For Learning Vampire Savior:

>> No.8326487 [DELETED] 

For me it's Felicia, frankenstein, and the bee girl.

>> No.8326542
File: 508 KB, 888x1656, MORRIGAN_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8326551

the skeleton guy with the gene simmons tongue.

>> No.8326789
File: 38 KB, 384x224, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you wish

>> No.8327791

for serious play, Bishamon.
for waifuism, of course, Lilith.

>> No.8328517
File: 98 KB, 528x680, Ef-B3oLWAAEEXwG.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for serious play, Bishamon.
Hope you have those links down.

>> No.8328523

Jon Talbain is where its at.

>> No.8330684


>> No.8330708
File: 936 KB, 1736x1212, dargaud_vs_dupuis_by_gaucelm-d494yze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your character!

>> No.8330714

Sorry, but this is vsav.

>> No.8330738

Saturn version

>> No.8330815 [DELETED] 

lilith. cute and fun to play with
talbain too, he was fun

victor and bishamon were characters i never liked to play as. victor was fucking slow and dull, and i don't like samurais (tho, his backstory was interesting, with him, the curse, being actual evil)

>> No.8330819

lilith. cute and fun to play with
talbain too, he was fun

victor and bishamon were characters i never liked to play as. victor was fucking slow and dull, and i don't like samurais (tho, his backstory was interesting, with him, the curse, being actual evil)
anakaris too. while his moves and gameplay were very interesting, his special moves were too fucking hard

>> No.8330839
File: 51 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a character select thread

>> No.8330840

bro link to the actual JSON pack site, that one is hella outdated.


>> No.8330852
File: 56 KB, 515x677, 1457369887175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talbain in the first, and Hsien-Ko in Night Warriors/Savior
I appreciate that they added her, but God she was such fucking trash in MVC3

>> No.8330873

I remember having a lot of fun trolling my friend with Hsien-Ko on marvel 3, but yeah she wasn't too reliable.

>> No.8330935

Why do none of the male darkstalkers characters make it into the vs games :(

>> No.8330981

Marvel 2 had Anakaris, Marvel ultimate got Jedah and SVC Chaos had Demitri.
But why VS game get more girl characters? The answer is obvious. ESPECIALLY darkstalkers girls.

>> No.8331223

Game is subpar but the music it top notch