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8324338 No.8324338 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games that are not necessarily underrated, but have been more or less completely forgotten?

>> No.8324529
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Another example.

>> No.8324558

Like games that were briefly popular and totally faded away?

>> No.8324731

Pretty much.

>> No.8324737

How is this forgotten when people bring it up all the time?

>> No.8324816

They don't.

>> No.8324884

That fucking music video.

Replayed the first 2 areas recently and kind of dropped it since it's really repetitive. I remember playing it a shitton on real hardware back in the day and how late I realized how broken stealing was for the thief.

>> No.8324928

Project Eden


A Homeworld ripoff that I cant remember the name of anymore, but had little to no trace on the web years ago

Chrome (more or less forgotten, some here know this one)

A racing game set in a future Earth that looked exactly like The Fifth Element but without a license

Pacific Strike, a WW2 flight sim that gave us hours and hours of fun. We looked for reissues in around 2000 but never found it again.

Maybe more if I can remember them

>> No.8324935
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>> No.8325448

People have sworn to me that Chrome is good, but ive never been able to play it for more than an hour or two

>> No.8325727
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>> No.8325729

Is Chrome a first person shooter? Can't seem to recall any other games by that name.

>> No.8325736

This almost counts but I still see people mention it sometimes, off the strength of Bungie name most likely.

>> No.8325747
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now almost totally forgotten, even people bring up Einhander more these days

>> No.8325768 [DELETED] 

>European computer game not well known to Americans ≠ Forgotten

>> No.8325773

European computer game that didn't sell well in America ≠ Forgotten

>> No.8325783

Pretty much a lot of the more popular computer games and arcade games of the 80's.
BurgerTime was once a hit game that sold many copies and ate many quarters, but no one bothers to talk about it these days. M.U.L.E. was popular enough to get ported to consoles, but I never hear anyone talk about it. Star Trek and it's variants like EGA Trek used to be one of the most popular games on computers from mainframes to microcomputers, but I can't seem to get anyone interested it in these days. Elite was considered an amazing apace sim type game, no one even talks about it anymore. Defender of the Crown set a new standard in computer gaming graphics and was ported all over the place, no one really wants to bother with it these days. Rally X was one of the more pirated arcade games with clones all over the world, it last got a slightly upgraded version of the base game back in 1996 and hasn't had shit done with it since.

>> No.8325786

The same goes for popular computer games in the 90s. What games stay relevant is determined largely by youtubers.

>> No.8325796
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>> No.8325824

Not at all. I always hear people talk about it, especially in PS1 hidden gem vids. Helps that it got a release in the Square Millenium collection stuff too.
Something that fits is probably some of those RPGmaker games that slipped through the cracks. Yume Nikki always gets talked about, and Corpse Party always gets remade, but a lot of other stuff is gone with the trend.

>> No.8325843

Some elders from your Serbian village still alive to remember the game does not it's not forgotten globally either.

>> No.8326123

Yes that one, with John St Jon as the player character

>> No.8326714
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Primal Rage. Was set up to be the Moral Kombat killer before the studio got bought by Midway and immediately shut down. There's a mostly complete rom of the sequel if you want to play it. They even had a toyline

>> No.8326739

>A Homeworld ripoff that I cant remember the name of anymore, but had little to no trace on the web years ago

>> No.8326751
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Ridge Racer. From being THE racing game to get to something nobody cares about. Hey remember when they tried to announce Ridge Racer as a launch title for ps3 and new title for psp where nobody cared at all? The series was fucking dead. People only bring it up now because it was an early example of fast 3d on a console.

>Its Ridge Racer... Riiiiidge Racer.
>One guy laughing at the silence

>> No.8326791
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People keep trying to bring him back but hes not coming back

>> No.8326794

>What are some games
About 90% of them

>> No.8326806

About 5 years ago I'd say Gex but the nostalgia wagon for him has really gotten big lately

>> No.8326849
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Remember the console FPS they made? It had Marilyn Manson!!!. lol
>People didn't even bring this game up for the planned area51 raid

>> No.8327085

no, some other game.

All I remember is an ad and review on PC Gamer US. The ad had a planet colliding with Earth, and the review said the OpenGL graphics look nice but the game is buggy.

>> No.8327119

remembered another one


I remember being so hyped for this game, it was supposed to be uber-Battlefield, the BF killer but then it came out and it was a piece of shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4hL0ln4oGo

>> No.8327372
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>A racing game set in a future Earth that looked exactly like The Fifth Element but without a license
New York Race.

>> No.8327413

>reading comprehension

>> No.8327479
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I loved the toys back in the day. I remember one of them could squirt water. I would always look for this machine every time I stepped into an arcade.

Any opinion on which home conversion is the best? I assume it is the PS1 version.

>> No.8327512
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Sega has a TON. Games that even got sequels but somehow no one gives a fuck.

>> No.8327515
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One of the best 3D beat em ups.

>> No.8327567
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This one got a sequel, a crossover yet it went nowhere

>> No.8327587

Gran Turismo and then Forza were the death knell for Ridge Racer. The 3DS one was pretty cute for what it was, 10 years old now, damn. And then the last game apparently ended up being some Burnout clone?
Honestly, they should just do a stylized car game with a story mode, just like Type 4 but it's own thing.

>> No.8327964
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>> No.8327970
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This piece of shit right here actually sold millions, yet the series was dead and buried by the second game.

The music is amazing, the 90's anime character designs are ok and everything else is crap.

>> No.8328000

I think its funny its initial release had really high scores but the ports and sequels have terrible scores. It really shows sometimes a game is well liked just because its the only thing on the console at the time

>> No.8328027
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>> No.8328040
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Don't even pretend you know it

>> No.8328043

>game receives extremely high reviews on launch
>famitsu gives it a 10/10
>EGM names it the best fighting game of ‘95
>Ken Kutaragi says it’s the best game of the North American launch titles
>game is marketed as a ‘Saturn killer’
>one of the characters becomes a very early mascot for the console
>game sells like crazy
>two years later
>everyone seems to universally agree that it’s not very good
>EGM even apologised for their review in 2005
>game is now widely seen as a janky and primitive fighter that was outdated mere months later with the release of Tekken.

It’s wonderful, isn’t it

>> No.8328047

In all fairness, Fighters Megamix is the fucking tits

>> No.8328057


>> No.8328059
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If I remember correctly, the hype for this one was out of control because of how good it looked visually and then it unceremoniously came out, received very average reviews and tanked commercially before vanishing into the sands of time

>> No.8328068

Nobody can forget it though because it's almost like a joke. It feels like it would've been a neat PS1 game if it came out earlier, but just is totally overwhelmed by the rest of the PS2 library.
Can't help but laugh remembering the announcer going "The Bouncer!" at the title screen

>> No.8328081

True. I feel though that compared to basically every other square game post 1985 this one gets completely forgotten about outside of niche online communities or people half remembering playing it when they were younger. Though I suppose it being totally forgettable and bland is what has made it kind of infamous in retrospect

>> No.8328091


>Don't even pretend you know it

I will bick you to death, scrub

>> No.8328129

That's why it's so hard to think of a forgotten game. The closest Square has is some mahjong game, probably.
There was some shitty video about forgotten things and how "it stops being forgotten as soon as you share it", but I like to think of it as there being the mainstream games, the cult classics ("hidden gems"), and the real weird niche stuff that would normally be unknown, but manages to get attention by being either weird or infamous in some way. It'd be like someone saying Death Crimson is forgotten: it really isn't.
Early computer games probably do fit since sometimes the entire fanbase is like a town in Lithuania

>> No.8328203

Ah death crimson. As pretentious as it sounds, I’m glad it’s a fairy obscure game. It would ruin the awful charm of the game if it suddenly started getting talked about by big name youtubers or people who aren’t ragingly autistic or just really into the Saturn

>> No.8328220

I feel like that's already a thing if you live in Japan, to be honest. I get what you mean, since it's neat that the community is sort of tight-knit, but even big name youtubers can't hurt my love for LSD or Lain.
No matter how popular Death Crimson gets, the game will always be fucking. But the music will always be amazing

>> No.8328240

I’m glad the composer is involved with the community and does pretty great covers of his own work on his YT channel

>> No.8328502

I think the thread works best if you don't go out of your way to find impossibly obscure titles, but titles that were once touted as great games and everyone moved past it. A game with no successor, or a game that held great promise but one gaming generation later nobody cared anymore. Something you would only play if you were around for its release. Sure most of these titles get brought up for casual conversation or even have the occasional retrospective youtube video. But for the modern gaming landscape it might as well have never existed.

>> No.8328506

Soulbringer has definitely not been forgotten by myself or my crew. Interplay bundled it with Torment in an attempt to sell it, so we all played it. The shockingly ugly graphics and animations made it an instant hit with us.

>> No.8328723
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I used to see ads for this all the time and thought it was kinda fun.

>> No.8329131
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Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

>> No.8329661

I had a friend that was obsessed with that game for like 2 days. Gamestop ordered waaaaay too many copies and they were sold for really cheap.

>> No.8329923

That's one short obsession. But the game is just alright, not amazing.

>> No.8329927
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Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal

>> No.8330834


>> No.8332694
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The only reason I remember Soulbringer is because it came with Planescape: Torment in a bargain bin pack. Never installed it either.

>> No.8332710

i got my copy the same way. i really liked those double packs Interplay would do.

>> No.8334807
File: 346 KB, 1280x1964, E_rqIRLVEAEuJFZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that time Marvel licensed a Quake total conversion where you could shoot the X-Men?
Yep, this was a thing!

>> No.8334960

And the wheel of fate shall turn no longer.

>> No.8335265

Pretty much any graphical adventure that wasn't by Sierra or Lucasarts. Access Software, Westwood Studios, Cyberdreams, Perfect 10/Perfect Entertainment, Tsunami Media, a lot of companies made good graphical adventure games that seem to get completely ignored in the Sierra VS Lucasarts shit flinging.

>> No.8335943

And it was SHIT

>> No.8336594
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Soulbringer is one of my all time favorite games.
solely due to nostalgia but it's up there nonetheless
You probably already know this but you can visit the game's old website via the wayback machine and read some of the lore of the land and a general timeline

>> No.8337361
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The packaging was interesting and the price was right to get some good games. Even when I've not installed Soulbringer, I am glad I still got the option, as I saw the $5USD was for Planescape Torment and that's just the bonus free game which came with it.

>> No.8337470

Yeah. The first level actually features every X-Men in the game, and after that you're stuck with about 15 levels killing the same X-Men again and again.

And the main character is just a random cyborg OC. Why not someone like Cable?

>> No.8339272
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>> No.8341240


I have it, it sucks

>> No.8341250
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>> No.8342209

The sequel, which I didn't even know was a PS2-only sequel to a PC game, was totally Forever-Shelfwarming-At-The-Local-Used-Media-Store-core for me in high school. That fucking game was there for almost literally five years at least.