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8307130 No.8307130 [Reply] [Original]

Was the Nintendo GameCube a success or a failure?

>> No.8307131

it failed bigly

>> No.8307132

Failure at the time.

>> No.8307143

It was a success for me the buyer. Some of its games legit saved my life.

>> No.8307171

>100mil bucks made during first launch weekend

You tell me, dipshit.

>> No.8307184

It was the most profitable console of the generation.

>> No.8307189

I was just a kid then and everybody I knew had one so it was a success to me

>> No.8307221

It failed at being a good console.

>> No.8307224

A success for Nintendo just because of the software sales. Most likely not profitable enough for third-parties.

>> No.8307225

It was a commercial failure.

>> No.8307226

Whoops, didn't mean to quote.

>> No.8307228

In terms of fun: success
In terms of profit: idk and I don't give a shit

>> No.8307229

It sold less than the n64 but it wasn't a failure. It was Nintendo's last console to actually try to compete with other consoles but it kinda puttered out in the end. Lots of great exclusives

>> No.8307241

It didn't really stand a chance against the PS2 in terms of success. the Gamecube is when Nintendo systems started only being worth it for the exclusives. Its library has the same issue as the Wii and N64 where the number of must play games is small and you're not going to find decent titles outside of the well known ones

>> No.8307254
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I loved it but the PS2 and Xbox were the clear winners where I was living. Would've been a different story if Nintendo hadn't gone with mini DVDs and let you use the thing as a regular DVD player.

>> No.8307283

>worst version of every multiplat
>worst version of every Nintendo legacy series
>no one over the age of 8 cared about it
I don't see any way you could frame it as being a success. I had one to play RE4, and people would buy me games for birthdays/Christmas and I never even played half of them because the console usually wasn't even hooked up. The N64 had some amazing games and was popular with kids all the way up to college age because of multiplayer games like goldeneye or the wrestling games. I would visit my cousins they were early to mid 20s and I was around 15, and even in 2003-4 there would still be n64s hooked up, never saw a GameCube a single time anywhere, it was completely invisible unless you were an actual child. GameCube had nothing except melee and RE4.

>> No.8307303

That thing is so sexy.

>> No.8307312

Failure if you mean by sales. Otherwise I'd say it was a success. The game library is pretty good.

>> No.8307335

a failure because after that point you can notice nintendo began focusing on gimmicks and underpowered hardware. they left the rat race

>> No.8307342

The only thing that sold less than it in 6th gen was the Dreamcast.

>> No.8307381

Isn't it also prone to crazy fail rates and it's a bitch to repair? Not shitting on it, just seems like its a nightmare to get working if it ever fails

>> No.8307385

Don't know about fail rates, but I do know for a fact that they are a nightmare to open up. Still want one since I'm careful.

>> No.8307390

>worst version of every multiplat
That was the PS2 99% of the time.

>> No.8307393

It's funny how GBA sold 4 times more copies than Gamecube

>> No.8307525

only if you mean by a pure graphical fidelity standpoint. the horrible controller caused a bunch of games to have convoluted layouts, and the mini discs instead of DVDs caused a lot of games to cut features.

>> No.8307532

After SNES and GBA Nintendo had only failures until Switch. NES, SNES, GB/C/A, Switch - sucessful consoles, other all are big failures and they are absolute shits

>> No.8307536

>After SNES and GBA Nintendo had only failures until Switch
The Wii and DS are two of the best selling platforms ever.

>> No.8307610

Overwhelming success because its the only console that had party games worth playing. You couldn't have a sleepover with your bros without one

>> No.8307620

Handhelds have more market appeal, they always outsell homeconsoles apart from the PS2.

>> No.8307626

GBA wasn't that successful especially given that it was the successor to the Gameboy, biggest selling console at the time. GBA only lasted 4 years before it was scrapped for the DS, a much more successful product.

>> No.8307851

its funny how me and my brothers had 3 GBAs and 1 gamecube

>> No.8307870

got outsold by the psone. I don't mean the PlayStation, the big grey one. I mean literally just the PsOne revision that was a rinky dink holdover from the previous gen. It sold 28M units and the cube sold 23M units. The cube was so undesirable a revision of a previous generation console outsold it.

>> No.8307918 [DELETED] 
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Absolutely excoriated. It would never have sold 5m units if it went by another brand name.

>> No.8307927

>Not shitting on it
Are you that afraid to say anything remotely bad about Nintendo in fear of Nintendrones coming after you?

>> No.8307930

>the horrible controller
Apart from the odd button layout what exactly was horrible about it? The dpad was tiny but it was hardly ever used anyway.

>> No.8308010
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Wii sold over 100M units. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.8308161

A failure on it's own but a success once it was repackaged as the Wii

>> No.8308170

I always wonder if a DVD player was all that it would've taken the GC to succeed.
The lunchbox comment by MS hurt them so bad the indigo cube was discontinued and replaced by platinum.

>> No.8308189

Sales does't change the fact what Nintendo consoles was pieces of shits, almost all of these consoles had max 5-10 games worth to play and ports after ports + ROMs. Nintendo dead after SNES/GBA

>> No.8308321

Gamecube did pretty bad but, at least through the Wii, its architecture was cheaply upgraded into one of the most successful platforms of all time.

>> No.8308345
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I use to use the controller as a fucktoy when I was younger kek

>> No.8308350

>tfw you're a zoomer and say something so objectively fucking stupid that you have to spend the rest of the thread moving goalposts and running damage control

>> No.8308352

not him but the c-stick was awful.

>> No.8308450

There's a piece of plastic that breaks, if you want to call that crazy fail rates. They aren't fun tow work on.

>> No.8308454

Nice they broke almost even.

>> No.8308524

DVDs wouldn't have saved it you have no idea the hype PS2 carried at the time

>> No.8308527

I'm sorry you have such a small dick.

>> No.8308531

The PS1 was an amazing console but it seriously feels like that hype was caused a lot by how Sony played their marketing leading up to it than organically. Similar to the PS5.
Except the PS2 I believe did had stuff to play and PS5 has jackshit.

>> No.8308565

Its only people who play smash a bro 30 hours a day.
Although I have seen way too much disc rot from quite a few sets of games. Especially 2 disc games.

>> No.8308775

nintendojews didn't lose any money on it though

>> No.8308782

kys, Fortnite sucks, Cod sucks, Overwatch sucks. God of War sucks. Arkham City sucks. you have never played a good game in your life Zoomie.

>> No.8308810


>> No.8308739

b-b-but everyone bought a PS2 because it was the cheapest DVD player

>> No.8308742

that's reality though

>> No.8308757

I don't know but I fucking love original Gamecube joysticks, I hope nintendo makes more in the future. I bought 5 to use with my wii and 1 extra if they end up broken by playing with friends. There's some beautiful feeling in those joysticks, booting up some mario kart double dash. Damn

>> No.8308762

Its mainly used for cameras though. Like the mini dpad its a non issue. I would take gamecube pad over the duke any day of the week.

>> No.8308769

you are joking, there are about 100 great gamecube games I could name. it's probably the best console of all time.

>> No.8308894

Why are you calling the anon I replied to a liar?

>> No.8308972

Better than the n64 but still a flop compared to the PS2 and s/nes.

>> No.8308979

>Better than the N64
what fucked up meth are you on, the N64 sold 10 million more units

>> No.8308982

Take responsibility for your own posts, don't worry about that other anon

>> No.8309086

In terms of library. The n64 had a steaming pile of 14fps shit.

>> No.8309090

I find ironic that the Gamecube sold less than the N64, but the GBA (The GC's handheld companion) sold more than the GBC (The N64's handheld companion)

>> No.8309103

N64 library is more iconic

>> No.8309105

absolute bullshit. provide a single shred of evidence that the gamecube made more money than the PS2.

>> No.8309136

The burden of proof is on you, buddy

>> No.8309137

Extremely true.
Everyone still had & used a L O T of VHS at the time. Without that feature PS2 just kind of took everything.
Also the controller was one of the first to look weird for the sake of being weird rather than things simply not being 'solved' yet, ergonomics-wise. That too kind of sucked.

>> No.8309161

Rich coming for the child who mindlessly believes lies other children made up.

>> No.8309189

>Would've been a different story if Nintendo hadn't gone with mini DVDs and let you use the thing as a regular DVD player.
>I always wonder if a DVD player was all that it would've taken the GC to succeed.
release a dvd console 1 1/2 years after the other dvd console was released.
How does that help sales exactly?

>> No.8309217

Because GBA had a much better library

>> No.8309218

I need to know if you like the system or not first so I can pick whatever one makes you angry.

>> No.8309241

I find it hard to believe however Nintendo actually made money on the gamecube whereas the xbox lost billions just to get their foot in the door

>> No.8309284

Are you saying you find it hard to believe it takes money to get your foot in the door? Or that an established brand can make money by shitting out any old turd? Or are you double stupid and saying both?

>> No.8309398

I find it hard to believe that Nintendo made more money than Sony made on the ps2,but its a fact that Microsoft made a loss on the xbox so gamecube is considered a failure but it depends how you define failure since they at least made profit.

>> No.8309412

Like every single console with 4 controller ports it was overcompensating and it failed big time.

>> No.8309478

It sold well but not well enough for Nintendo

>> No.8309558
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Qualitywise? It was a overall quite a success desu. The more conventional no-nonsense hardware was very capable, and coupled with Yamauchi dialing back his autism this translated to a more solid third party support than the N64 and an excellent first party lineup. This sort of petered out in the last few years of its life, but the full GC library certainly has its share of solid games.

Saleswise, it was probably a dissapointment for Nintendo. Despite their efforts to make a competetive console to the PS2 and Xbox, as well as making amends with their mangled Third-party relations, this didn't translate into a runaway success - The console had the least amount of sold units between the PS2 and the Xbox and barring the Wii U was the least sold mainline Nintendo console. The lukewarm sales reception despite their efforts to appease the mainstream crowd solidifed their strategy going forward of using more inexpensive hardware in novel ways and leaving the performance arms race to Sony and Microsoft, and as such it was the last, and I imagine will always be, the last console they ever made where they really tried going for perfomance as their big selling point.

>> No.8309573

The last good Nintendo console

>> No.8309708

Yea, and the GC had a much better library than the N64

>> No.8309943

oh I see, you're retarded

>> No.8309946

ok but in terms of sales and what makes a console a financial success or not, it shits all over the Gamecube

>> No.8309965

yeah but it also caused the commercial failure of the gamecube. psx players bought the ps2 and n64 also bought the ps2 because the gc wasn't able to run cartridges

>> No.8309969

>source: my ass

>> No.8309978

>get caught lying on the internet
>ur retarded

>> No.8309980

and delusional I see

>> No.8310019

>veteran of the console market and business.
>have a massive install base worshiping your brand and franchises.
>still lose twice to new console brands: Sony then Microsoft.
It just proves how bad Nintendo is and has literally damaged the gaming world forever by being responsible for the end of Sega.
I curse all parents who bought Nintendo handhelds for their children, alienating them.
Nintendo should have died with the N64, but handhelds selling like water haven't let that happen. Otherwise, Sega would have a clear road until the release of the PS2 and would still be with us today.
Therefore GameCube will forever be a reminder that life isn't fair.

>> No.8310121

my source is that I was there, zoom zoom

>> No.8310232

so was I, and you're full of shit

>> No.8310237

insane levels of cope
the gamecube sucks and it failed retard, get over it

>> No.8310239

why are nintendobabies always so angry

>> No.8310354

what I'm saying is that no one went from the psx to the gc, that's why it was a commercial failure

>> No.8310446

>sold 10million units
>just like the dreamcast
you tell me

>> No.8310793

You also said that no one went from N64 to the Gamecube (which is a retarded lie) and that it was somehow the N64 cartridge's fault (which is a retarded lie). Maybe the Gamecube just failed because it wasn't very good; which it wasn't.

>> No.8311419

Again. Rich, coming from a child who parrots other children's fantasies

>> No.8311785

it was simple: Nintendo manufactured the Gamecube and sold it for more than it cost them to manufacture it, while MS spent more manufacturing the xbox and sold it for less than it cost them to make.

>> No.8311790

You're literally an insane person. Your brain is infected or something.

>> No.8311842

psx owners bought ps2 because sony consoles had an ecosystem (compatibility of games plus big distinctive titles like mgs/gt/ff getting sequels)
you can see why the cartridge choice penalized nintendo if you stop being acoustic for a second

>> No.8311982

>i can't understand something so people who can are insane
Spoken like the deranged baby you are

>> No.8312849

Given how aggressive the price cuts on Gamecube were, I find that hard to believe too.

>> No.8313549
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>> No.8315432

How, on the retro games board, do people assume that someone who dislikes newer games must be a Zoomer? Is it a surprise to see people here that don't like newer games compared to older ones?

(I like Nintendo's 7th and 8th gen games and I grew up with the SNES and N64 by the way, if he IS a Zoomer I'm way older than him, but my point still stands. You shouldn't be surprised or aghast to see people like this here, nor assume they're this young purely because they...don't like newer games on the retro games board.)

>> No.8316291

There's way more exclusives in the 64 library as well as superior multiplats. strip away the ps2 multiplats the GameCube library is Barren

>> No.8316334

No it doesn't, take away the multiplats there's very little to play on that system

>> No.8316349

N64 multiplats are much fewer and usually inferior. On the other hand, GCN has more multiplats and they're typically better than the PS2.

>> No.8316834

They all run better on the Xbox so there's no reason to get them. 64 has more worthwhile exclusives because multiplats we're less of a thing

>> No.8316934

No. It killed Nintendo for me. It had a lot of good games, but it killed Mario, Zelda, Wave Race and F-Zero for me.

>> No.8318117

There's a good number of games that weren't released on Xbox because Japan hates xbox.

>> No.8318231

>no one of the age of 8 cared

>> No.8318237

I consider it a modest failure.
Nintendo lost market share, but it didn't fail hard enough for them to go completely out of business like Sega.

>> No.8318241

You're the one who made claims about the Gamecube's profitability, retard.

>> No.8318247

That's not how burden of proof works.
Read a book you fucking nigger.

>> No.8319486

>They all run better on the Xbox
Unfortunately no
Most multi plats look best on PS2, but the resolution usually only is interlaced, which is why a CRT is necessary
Xbox versions usually have issues unfortunately and GC versions usually have lower quality textures and audio because of disc space

>> No.8319998

Which ones?

>> No.8320001

Nintendo aims low.

>> No.8320003

I understand full well what you are saying. That isn't the issue, and your assumption that it is also speaks to insanity.

>> No.8320010

Success, but not the mega seller that the PS2 was at the time. I believe the Virtual Boy was the only console Nintendo actually lost money on. Even the Wii U got enough to pass, though the company was supported with the much more successful DS and 3DS at the time.

>> No.8320760

>Xbox versions usually have issues unfortunately
Which? I can only think of MGS2 and Silent Hill which were PS2 exclusives to begin with.

>> No.8320924
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>> No.8320929

Usually to to with textures effects and shadows
You’ll often run into graphical glitches, nothing game breaking but annoyances nonetheless

>> No.8320939

Because you really overestimate the rate of adoption of DVD players and, importantly, giving someone their own DVD player seperate to the main one in the house that was also a games console.

>> No.8320950

I did.

>> No.8321050

really? was there a logic behind it? I had 2 childhood friends with 64s and they were the first to buy ps2s

>> No.8321061

The logic I remember was that it was mid range in price, but was powerful, that it had a lot of games that my siblings and I fancied and that it had good multiplayer support. We ended up getting all three consoles that gen over about four years (I picked up a PS2 when they were going cheap towards the end for rpgs, robot games, Ace Combat, etc and we got an Xbox two years after the Gamecube later which was also our TV DVD player for Halo basically). We had the PS1 if we wanted to play our old PS1 games, and while we did have an N64, we only ever got two games for it for some reason, Mario 64 and Pokemon Snap.

>> No.8321080

That you believe understanding what I'm saying is the same as understanding something you're wrong about is what speaks to insanity, my little projecting child.

>> No.8321182

Cuz they were born in 96-97 and call everyone 98 and up a "zoomer" because they insulted fisher price toys their parents bought them when they were 12. It was the same with the gamecube desu, Nintendo always gets them young and hooked for life.

>> No.8321759

tru, this year i got gba and then never used it again after i got gbc and gbp, all of them are modded with ips displays now,so i can actually see something on the screen comparing to original gb displays

>> No.8321812

30 years of denial that they should've been top dog after sega imploded but sony took their "spot" as numba wan.

>> No.8322245

software-wise i say they did alright
lotta good 1st party
lotta good 3rd party

hardware-wise it was obviously underpowered
that said, GC had the best controller of that gen
also, while the gay minidisks werent a great idea, i dont think it gets enough credit in terms of how those disks were able to handle reading speed. it had dramatically quicker load times compared to PS2 and xbox, and only beat out by a modded xbox/ps2 running backups from its HDD

commercially tho?
absolute abject fucking failure
like, nintendo executives committing sudoku out their office windows tier failure
im surprised no one got literally rubbed out like gunpei yokoi did for the virtual boy
shamefur dispray

>> No.8322287

>best version is the ps2 version

>> No.8322294

The PS2 was and is a monolith in video game history. You simply couldn't compete with it. Therefore the GC was a financial failure for Nintendo. From an objective point however it was a great console (the last one where Nintendo tried to compete in terms of specs) with one of the best controllers ever made.

>> No.8322330

Not him but
>one less shoulder button
>non-clickable sticks
>c-stick was a pain to use in any game where it was needed to move the camera/aim
Basically, any game that wasn't designed around the GC controller (1st party and exclusive 3rd party games) provided a more frustrating experience compared to the competition.

>> No.8322401
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If you make a profit on something, it is a success. IDGAF what these asshole gigantic corporations say otherwise.
>oooooh noooo! we didn't make our shareholders into billionaires with "product", that means it's a failure!
>we didn't outdo our competition but we still made bank, IT'ZA VAILURE!
Fuck off. They made dough. It was a success.

>> No.8322473

It’s just Sony fanboys shitposting, they do this shit every couple of weeks

>> No.8322643

a failure in terms of market share. But nintendo has an unusual business model for consoles in that they always sell their hardware at a profit, so it's not like they were reeling from it like microsoft was from the red ring fiasco

>> No.8322732

Gamecube sucks.
I don't care how innovative it is but all the games suck and you can't say resident evil 4 because its on PS2 and improved.
It has the most exclusive games but the crappiest ones, and they're almost all aimed at little children.
Go ahead, name any game. It's either from another system or it's not that good. And if it is good, well, you have one good game, every system does.

>> No.8322831

Could run Linux on it though and that's still pretty cool.

>> No.8322894

I'm talking about Nintendo too though. If they, as a company, do not believe the Cube was a success, they're wrong.
It was a success. It paid the bills, made profit, brought a lot of greatness to the table, and is a very beloved system by many.

>> No.8324264

Did Gamecube turn a profit? Nintendo's financials as a whole were in the black but the Game Boy and DS may have carried it.

>> No.8324268

Homebrewers did that. The PS2 had an official Linux kit on the other hand.

>> No.8324275

>you can't say resident evil 4 because its on PS2 and improved.

>> No.8324289

There's a lot of truth to that statement. Though it's an oversimplification. The PS2 was my only DVD player until my wife bought me a PS3 one Christmas. So, my PS2 was my DVD player for well over a decade.

>> No.8324308

In my circles it was a complete and utter failure. The gamers I knew had already hopped over to Sony by then and the first console I purchased for myself was the PS2. In hindsight, the GameCube is easily one of the greatest consoles in gaming history. You have many of the games so many people praised the PS2 for and also all of the great Nintendo exclusives of the time. Not to mention all the game collections on disc like the Mega Man series.

>> No.8324569

Look, I like Nintendo. It's just Gamecube sucks.
I liuved the NES, and N64, but after that they just blew it.
Perhaps revolution could've brought hope with its downloadable feature.

>> No.8325224
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>> No.8325225

what's it like having sex with your wife?

>> No.8325317

Mostly the same as other anons said:
Not nearly as profitable as Nintendo hoped, but I love the roster of games on the thing. Aesthetically, it's also one of the prettiest consoles I own. It and the psOne make me smile whenever I see the neat display for them.
I didn't grow up with the N64, so I might be biased, but I never knew why people thought its library was better. Mario 64 is fine, but Sunshine had such a nice summer vibe that kept me coming back. Didn't like collectathons in general (although early Spyro is an exception), so Banjo's out. Motion sickness made Goldeneye and Perfect Dark not as fun, although I still do love the latter for its wacky plot and neat levels. Mario Party 2 is probably the best Mario Party though, and Sin and Punishment is fucking amazing. Was never into 3D Zelda, especially not OoT, but MM and Wind Waker are nice exceptions. Wind Waker felt rushed near the end, but I can't deny that it's one of the few Zelda games that charmed me to actually finish it.

>> No.8325484

This was kind of the same thing with me. Everyone I knew had a PS2. The Gamecube was sort of the butt of our jokes, we all ripped on it. I think the same phenomenon was playing out in school yards across North America.

I only got into Gamecube completely by accident. My brother got a Wii and one of his friends brought over Wind Waker. I was totally captivated by the game, and I ended up buying it myself to play through (on the Wii). I ended up buying my Gamecube when GameStop dropped the price of their used units from $39.99 to $19.99. They were practically giving them away because nobody wanted one. Now it's praised as the hidden gem console.

>> No.8325575

That's between me, my wife, and my neighbors anon.

>> No.8326368

Last non-gay console by Nintendo, with no motion control gimmicks, dual screen bores, online trash and DLC greed.

>> No.8326454

It literally had a Zelda game that required 4 Gameboy advances and 4 link cables.

Is that not "DLC" or "dual screen" to you?

>> No.8326462

It's dual screen I guess but it's also one game that doesn't impact the rest of the library rather than a hardware decision every game is stuck with. Also I don't see how that's DLC.

>> No.8327895
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There is DLC on GC

>> No.8328765

Gamecubes were literally selling for 100 dollars it was a failure you copebaby

>> No.8328835

I heard in America it did well but I'm in Australia and the Gamecube was discounted to $100 au which is around what the PS one was selling for, it was actually on display at the same time in store demo units. I did actually read that people were buying the ps one over the gamecube despite them costing the same. I brought a 2nd Gamecube because they were just so cheap, I got the wavebird, gameboy player and a bunch of stuff incredibly cheap, this was probably around 2003 or 4. I knew from the prices of nes games at the time that the GCN was bound to increase in value. Later on Resident Evil 4 was released and that was sort of the start of Nintendo coming back but it was too late to save the GCN. The Nintendo name was just poisoned to normies for a while, so many gamers just wouldn't give any other system a chance. The Dreamcast wasn't dumped as bad as the Gamecube, DC was discounted but it was still considered a respectable system, NGC was treated like unwanted trash in retail. It lead to the wii so maybe it wasn't a failure.

I witnesses this. Showing vrally on ps one and that kangaroo game on Gamecube in a store, ps one seemed more appealing to me.

>> No.8328843

Shame they got pit against each other, since I rather loved both consoles, especially aesthetic-wise.