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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 114 KB, 800x560, mischief-makers-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8320274 No.8320274 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most annoyingly gimmicky retro game you've ever played?

>> No.8320281

Never played this game, qrd?

>> No.8320297

It's a really fun game where you grab, shake, and throw things. There's some super gimmicky levels like in the video below, but I don't find them annoying personally. For the most part the gimmicks are entertaining.

>> No.8320325

give it up anon, everyone's sick of your shit

>> No.8320354

i wish there was a way for it to not be so uglyl

>> No.8320365

spbp, OP is a massive faggot.

>> No.8320376

Shake shake shake shake

Average 2d platformer on 64. Possibly the ONLY 2d platformer on it.

>> No.8320383
File: 70 KB, 600x260, gamesack_mischiefmakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup joe redditfer

>> No.8320384
File: 66 KB, 640x480, goemoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be fine with gimmicks like this in a 3D platformer, but in a 2D platformer? Nah.
Goemon's Great Adventure

>> No.8320390

Sorry I don't play weeb import shit.

>> No.8320392

Which game is an import?

>> No.8320394


>> No.8320402

Goemon's Great Adventure came out in America too

>> No.8320413

Not that one, fucknut.

>> No.8320426

But not in Brazil.

>> No.8320432 [DELETED] 

>Possibly the ONLY 2d platformer on it
Sony fanboys like you are cringe as fuck. No shit you make blatantly claims about a console from "enemy rival game company", retarded and gay fanboy.

>> No.8320437

>Possibly the ONLY 2d platformer on it
Sony fanboys like you are cringe as fuck. No shit you make blatantly false claims about a console from your "enemy rival game company", retarded and gay fanboy.

>> No.8320445
File: 855 KB, 800x633, crack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most schizoid thread I've seen in a minute.

>> No.8320494

I don't care for all the junky platformer fillers from that generation especially the collect items for no reason 3d ones

>> No.8320497

You're a meth addict?

>> No.8320542

I owned Mischief makers and it was the only 2d platformer I knew of on the system. I also bought it on launch zoomer.
I doubt it came to my pal territory but my mistake. Thought it was pure weeb in full Japanese.

>> No.8320561

Maria was my first vidya waifu

>> No.8320563
File: 13 KB, 380x186, Screenshot_20211111-015620_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you live somewhere like Spain you didn't get it but let the record show the game was out in pal regions

>> No.8320841

Reminder that you failed to defend your stance about the definition of what "gimmick" means, oster.
>b-b-b-b-but muh trashure! muh nintendo hateboner! nooooo you can't like this game, please hate it!

>> No.8321352
File: 3.00 MB, 510x360, gimmick_makers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you denying mischief makers being a gimmick game?
>nooooo anyone who dislikes a treasure game is my australian boogeyman

>> No.8321369

He's wrong but he's not far off. As far as 2D platformers it's basically just mischief makers and yoshi's story. Kirby 64 and Goemon too if we're counting 2.5D-ish games

>> No.8321502
File: 861 KB, 2098x1538, 3643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about this classic. Arguing about the quantity and quality of the N64 library of 2d platformers goes past contrarianism into actual delusion.
Also this one is on Playstation, too.

>> No.8321505
File: 213 KB, 749x1037, B64E1DC8-F4EE-4256-968B-812B3AF7CD7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8321525
File: 150 KB, 600x600, 77195454_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Australians hate Treasure? Just wondering

>> No.8321540

The rubber band gimmick honestly could've been really cool had it been used properly. But instead the game feels like a half-baked tech demo because the level design is shit. No pitfalls, barely any enemies, you just aimlessly meander back and forth until eventually reaching the top of the bland empty levels.

I'd kill to see a romhack of this made by some genuine sanic autist who takes the time to overhaul the level design and make a solid game out of it.

>> No.8321703

Yoshi’s Story

>> No.8321712

Watch Running Shine's video about it, that would be better than any explanation in text.

>> No.8321819

It's a meme that retarded Americans created. Australians actually like Treasure games because most grew up with a Sega Megadrive. Hell, Alien Soldier was given a physical release over here, but not in America.

>> No.8321851

The legend goes there's an insane Nintendo-hating australian shitposter who likes to shit on treasure for "betraying" sega after the mega drive to develop games for "enemy" platforms like the N64 and has spent years bashing and falseflagging anything Treasure-related on /vr/.

>> No.8321902
File: 323 KB, 534x735, 1423219783716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, are they still active on here?

>> No.8321906
File: 4 KB, 512x480, Mr._Gimmick_NES_008[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8321923

Australia kun is just his nickname, he might be a bongistani, but who cares. Also he isn't a sega fan, just an anti nintendo guy.
Yep, he's the guy who shitposts against treasure, sega "shiturn", sega system and many other of his forced unfunny low iq meme attempts

>> No.8321936

I wonder if he's seen this thread yet?

>> No.8321937

>Australia kun is just his nickname, he might be a bongistani, but who cares.
He got the name because he was arguing that the correct way to pronounce Sega was with a long E way back in the day (which is only how Australians pronounce it) and that every other pronunciation of it was wrong, having one of his usual autistic meltdowns.

>> No.8322042

this is honestly one of the "worst games" of all time, surprised it doesn't get more attention. Pissed me off so much as a kid despite a singleplayer MK sounding great

>> No.8322049

I lucked out in not having either console. You better believe when I saw that MK was getting a 2d platformer I wanted to play it so bad.

>> No.8322303

Most likely he's the OP of this thread. He's obsessed with defaming Treasure, especially with games on Nintendo consoles.

>> No.8322385
File: 42 KB, 300x337, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I do hate the games developed by Treasure, how could you tell?

>> No.8322428

>australia-kun using dated memes
color me surprised.

>> No.8322503


Australia-kun fills the catalogue with so much shit. I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of the threads started here we're done so by him

>> No.8322898

That's a single level, plus it's good. Dilate, faggot.

>> No.8322901


>> No.8322905

The Australian faggot also posts "Sega System is the original name of Master System" and other related bullshit. You're clearly a newfag.

>> No.8322907

See >>8322905

>> No.8323080

Sounds pretty based to me, ngl.

>> No.8323098

If I see somebody I don't like on another board I tell them to come here and post that so they can get a global ban

>> No.8323228

Fun (albeit easy) platformer during a period where platformers were shunned even tho the hardware at the time was great for them.

>> No.8323243

Haha I get it

>> No.8323248

>15 year old YouTube video
Where does the time go.

>> No.8323414

Adventures of Lil' Ralph shits all over Misshit Makers and the rest of N64's overrated scotformers, for that matter.

>> No.8323434

it's over auster, you tried to turn /vr/ against Treasure but it happened what always happens to you: You become the meme, the lolcow.
You are the one who wakes up every morning (or afternoon, night or whenever you wake up) and gets Nintendo pop up in his head first thing.