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File: 52 KB, 1000x600, Fighting-Commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8316214 No.8316214 [Reply] [Original]

This thing is dying on me. What's the best USB gamepad that also has dual joysticks, and bonus points if it has a single piece concave D-pad like pic related? Also, post favorites

>> No.8316223

Explain what part of it is dying. Because you can easily replace any rubber pads on this with a bit of patience and a hobby knife. You can re-solder the cord connections etc. It's too good of a pad to just throw away.

>> No.8316232

The buttons are going soft, and the wire is fucked up, disconnects from the CPU if I move it a certain way

>> No.8316246

my guess is one of the buttons is going to mush. I adore HORI's fighting commander but unfortunately the buttons tend to wear out. For this reason I prefer the POKKEN controller which has the same incredible dpad but with more resilient buttons (the POKKEN pad was designed for heavy use in arcades)
In my mind there is simply no better dpad than HORI's fighting game centric ones. Were I you OP I'd get two different controllers, one with dual sticks and one with only dpad
My favorite controllers with sticks are wii u pro controller and 8bitdo pro 2
For dpad I swear nothing is better than the POKKEN controller (unless you want 6 face buttons)
I'm personally pretty curious about HORI's wired HORIPAD Mini. If they have the same good dpad they seem like a good deal to me

>> No.8316354
File: 792 KB, 3817x2822, IMG_20211109_134407_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

logitech f310 controller
Cheap and durable.
Bought mine for $5 used (as it should be)

>> No.8316372

I'm the anon you're replying to, can confirm this logitch controller is BASED however make sure not to get the one with square gates (not sure if they even sell that model anymore)
not my favorite style of dpad but still a good one. The entire dpad floats very high above the conductive pads whereas the HORI fighting dpads sit relatively low (but not too low)

>> No.8316401

8bitdo SN30 Pro+

>> No.8316421

8bitdo SNES controllers are all junk in my experience. All of them suffer ghost inputs.
8bitdo Genesis controllers work fine for me, though.
The Hori controller in OP is MUCH better, though it has the same build issues as all third parties.

>> No.8316425

The SN30 Pro+ is a fantastic controller and is the only 8bitdo one I'd recommend.
But like you point out, don't get the SNES and Genesis ones.

>> No.8316614

my main controller, its usable and better than generic ones but its L2 R2 ergonomics sucks , also its cable is thick as fuck and gets in the way with its weight

Best one in its pricerange but there ar ebetter ones if you have money

>> No.8316630

>its L2 R2 ergonomics sucks
Care to explain?

>> No.8316639

check a photo of it taken from its side, its bumpy as fuck and it sucks for confrot

>> No.8316945

I love the pokken controller too but the face buttons on mine are starting to ignore inputs unless I press it really hard

>> No.8317532
File: 103 KB, 1364x1470, productimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While on the topic of pads, is there a really good USB Saturn pad that you can recommend that doesn't cost a fortune, isn't mushy as fuck and or only available through resellers.

>> No.8317701

DS4 works out of the box 100% on both Win10 and 5.x Linux kernels.

>> No.8317986
File: 27 KB, 645x450, Game_Handle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good + cheap. Different d-pad designs available
Dedicated dongle works well.
Logitech f310 also good but a bit small

>> No.8318695

The 8bitdo M30 has a better D-Pad than the Retrobit Saturn pad, the only downside is it's a bit too small.

>> No.8318976

I never trust controllers that look like this. Any time I bought them they were miscalibrated, and generally faulty in some way. Stick was moving while it was still, build quality was awful, from plastic to analog. And they always break too quick. Felt like shit to both hold and use. You get what you pay for, I guess.

I've had an F310 for a long time and it got the job done very well. RB broke a little and I bought an F710. It's way better than the F310 but more costly. Gotta buy rechargeable batteries and charger since it's wireless and doesn't come with either.

Either of those 2 or this one like anon said. Haven't laid my hands on it but it looks clean af. If the layout is good by you, go for it.

>> No.8319001

Literally one of the worst controllers I've ever used lmao.
You would be better of K+M'ing it rather than using this piece of shit

>> No.8319054

I gave up years ago and just imported an actual saturn controller from yahoo shopping.
The modern pads get described as mushy a bunch but they're actually tighter than a real saturn d pad. They don't roll as well.
Although this might be due to the controllers (the real ones) I have being like 25 years old.

>> No.8319069
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe people legitimately like that abomination of a controller. You HAVE to be memeing if you say you like it.
It's like if you took a brink and glued buttons on it: It's too damn bulky, the thumbsticks feel like ass to move around and why the fuck can't I rest my middle fingers comfortably behind the controller without the placement of the L2/R2 buttons being on the same elevation as the L1/R1 buttons!?

>> No.8319197

Why not just get an adaptor to use whatever pads you already have.

>> No.8319293

It has ergonomic problems, but great build quality.
And, as your own complaints imply, the ergonomic problems only relate to games from the end of the timeframe this board allows.

>> No.8319370

I don't own consoles

>> No.8319412
File: 32 KB, 1000x1000, 1623332556042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any impressions on this one (Gamesir T4 Pro)? It's on sale atm

>> No.8319547

I use the wireless version and think it’s fine. I don’t see why people so autistic about controllers for. It just works for me.

>> No.8319612
File: 16 KB, 435x435, 1271393202110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's trash.

>> No.8319619

its literally a cheap ps2 style controller with good build quality but cheap feel.
i have one and support it but its no competition against a good controller that cost 3x as much.

>> No.8319631
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, photo-nov-24-9-56-11-am-1607110286165_160w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the Hori Pro controller for Series X.
It has almost the exact same d-pad and is extremely comfortable and accurate in that aspect.
However, the controller feels rather small in the hand and I don't think the analog sticks are the best. They feel nice but I think the accuracy is not there. They'd be fine for playing something like a Souls game but not for FPS or racing.
The buttons are smaller and although highly tactile they are harder on your thumbs.
Overall a great controller but not that comfortable.

>> No.8319812

Is that right? I have the M30 BT plz no bulli, and it creaks and sometimes misses diagonals.

>> No.8320115
File: 51 KB, 1200x1200, xb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressions on this? Just got one today and the dpad seems nice enough.

>> No.8320309

Loud clicky trash d-pad.

>> No.8320362
File: 41 KB, 798x644, b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dpad isn't parallel to the face buttons
This is Retro Games, bro.

>> No.8320652

Thoughts on telescoping controllers for phones?

>> No.8320758

>what is the n64 controller
>what is the gamecube controller

>> No.8320849

Trash build quality for the price. Mine that came with the Series S is already drifting and dropping button inputs. Nice feeling dpad, just too loud

>> No.8321316
File: 41 KB, 719x959, off color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah those were kind of garbage too man.
I agree, it just feels so cheap and hollow, not sturdy at all.
Also despite hardly ever using it and keeping it in the box for storage the white on the back of mine still started to get off colored. Just feels and looks cheap all around.

>> No.8321384

hot garbage.

>> No.8321386

Anyone else notice hori stuff has really long button pushes? Ran through Ninja Gaiden the other day using the fighting commander just to keep up my skills and noticed that while the game itself controlled great and I generally had no issues that weren't player related, I had a ton of trouble mashing which I'm pretty sure is on the controller. Have no issue doing it with other pads.

>> No.8321392

N64 dpad is parallel to the face buttons dude.
Gamecube dpad, and controller in general, is really bad unless you have tiny hands.

>> No.8321398

does this shit have pressure-sensitive triggers?
I'm tired of playing racing games on cheap knockoff controllers without it